HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Public_Comment_Email_BMCO_Long_220530_v61 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Monday, May 30, 2022 6:39 PM To:Clark Close Cc:dawn.lower@vismanagement.com; peter grimes; Martha Dawson; ELLEN KAUFFMAN; Dinesh Keskar Subject:Re: City of Renton-LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD: Kennydale Gateway Off Hold Notice Attachments:FollowUp re Site Visit Today.pdf Clark - I would like to request your help/guidance for a path forward regarding the NGPA grounds along the May Creek Delta, Tract A. To recap, Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) has a requirement to “Manage and protect the vegetation within this tract” and that “alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited” as documented in our plat map. In reviewing the Kennydale Gateway SEPA Environmental Checklist it was noted: · Land and Shoreline Use: The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties. · Critical Areas Report: No mitigation is being proposed. Both of these items Barbee Mill Community Organiztion expressed disagreement. In response to the BMCO comments, HLR Architects are proposing a signage on the development to remind residents to be mindful and compliant. The proposed signage is assessed to be inadequate to address the noted issues. This assessment is based on actual experience on the tract. The attached photo exhibits that we have had instances of people (and dogs) trespassing onto the NGPA grounds to which residents have personally confronted, and/or sought the aide of the Renton Police, in an effort to protect and prohibit disturbance of the grounds. With the increased population associated with a 385 unit dwelling across from this property, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it can be reasonably expected that there will be substantially increased instances of disturbance of the NGPA grounds such as illustrated in the attached photo. It should also be noted that there is existing signage at the head and end of the trail. I have met with Cyndie Morris of the Renton Police Department to discuss actions that could be taken to protect the NGPA area. She re-affirmed my understanding that the police would not be able to address trespassing of the NGPA grounds. She suggested three options that might address the trespassing on the NGPA grounds (see attached): 1. Installation of a barrier; either natural or fencing. 2. Installation of a gate at the head of the peninsula/NGPA property. 3. A variance to close this section of property to the public. It is unreasonable to expect Barbee Mill residents to protect this NGPA area against visiting trespassers who alter or disturb the grounds as we do not have tools/process to enforce no trespassing. With the size of Kennydale Gateway CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 2 development, we can reasonably predict that the trespassing onto the grounds will substantially increase. As the trespassing continues to increase, it is reasonable to foresee increasing damage to the vegetation. Barbee Mill is vulnerable to a Violation issued by the City for the damaged vegetation by others. Barbee Mill has already addressed a Warning of Violation, issued in 2016, due to unauthorized tree cutting by a BMCO homeowner. This has resulted in the BMCO appropriately bearing the cost of implementing mitigation effort along with a three year monitoring and reporting plan. It would seem inappropriate for BMCO to bear the risk/burden of on-going violations, and associated cost, due to a situation which is not in the control of BMCO. I therefore would like to request that the City of Renton consider a variance to close off this property to the public. This seems the best path forward to ensure compliance with the Washington State Shoreline Management Act. Geary Long Barbee Mill President On May 16, 2022, at 7:45 AM, Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> wrote: Geary, Please see HLR Architects On Hold Responses for LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD: Kennydale Gateway here. Thanks, CLARK CLOSE, Senior Planner City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections (425) 430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov 3 From: Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 5:03 PM To: Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov>; Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: dawn.lower@vismanagement.com; jill Servais <jillservais@gmail.com>; JIM@THORPPROPERTIES.NET; AliciaS@vulcan.com Subject: Re: City of Renton-LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD: Kennydale Gateway Off Hold Notice Clark/Margarette I do not recall seeing a response to comments I had provided for Barbee Mill. As I recall the Hold Notice, there was a requirement to address these comments. I would like the responses to our comments to be provided for our review. Thank You Geary Long Barbee Mill HOA President On May 10, 2022, at 9:00 AM, Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Hello, Please see linked (also attached) Off Hold Notice for LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD: Kennydale Gateway here. Thank you. Margarette MARGARETTE BRAVO, Administrative Secretary 1 City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections (206) 856-9173 | Mbravo@rentonwa.gov <C_Off_Hold_Letter_220510_v1.pdf> CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:Cyndie Morris CMorris@Rentonwa.gov Subject:Follow-Up re: Site Visit Today Date:February 21, 2022 at 1:49 PM To:Geary Long presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com Good Afternoon Geary – thanks for meeting me out a Barbee Mill today to discuss the Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) and discussing your concerns.    As you surmised before our meeting, providing (what would amount to) security services for this area would not be an appropriate use of police services.  Having a ‘soft walking trail’, surrounded by private property, with both public and private right-of-way, will be almost impossible to secure.  The Barbee Mill HOA would be better served by working with the City to provide reasonable alternatives to protect and preserve this space.  The following are some suggestions:   1. Installation of natural barriers that could deter unwanted foot traffic from crossing over into private and protected spaces.  This could come in the form of thorny, spiky, dense bushes or hedging that can create an effective barrier to deter intruders without compromising the aesthetics of the area.  Many ornamental shrubs have thorns or spiny foliage that, with careful placement, could add a layer of security without resorting to unattractive or expensive fencing.  This type of defensible space planning is associated with the CPTED principal:  Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design; a multi-disciplinary approach to crime prevention that uses urban and architectural design and the management of built and natural environments.  2. You could request the installation of a gate at the trailhead off of N 40th that could be locked at sundown.  Although Barbee Mill may be required to provide this space for public use, I can think of no positive activity that would be drawn to this area during the hours of darkness. 3. You may want to research if obtaining a variance to close this small section to public use is an option (which, if approved, would most likely necessitate the installation of a gate at the trailhead).  In my opinion, the provision that dictates this area of protected marshland be accessible to the public, conflicts with the desire to maintain the integrity of the protected lands it lies within.  It’s unrealistic to expect anybody to ‘police’ this area 24/7.   I agree with you, in regards to the uptick in foot traffic that will probably be introduced to the area once the multi-use/multi-housing project is completed just north/northeast of the Barbee Mill property.  I suspect some of that population will bleed over onto this trail, which in turn could cause more damage to the protected marshland – hence supporting the desire to close it to public access.   I hope this information was helpful to you; please let me know if you have any questions,     Cyndie Morris, PIO Renton Police Department Communications and Engagement Coord. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 cmorris@rentonwa.gov   Advisory:  Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records.  As such, the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.