HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 4Executive Services Department Memorandum DATE:May 17, 2022 TO:Kristi Rowland, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (DCAO) CC:Young Yoon, Information Technology Director FROM:David Lemenager, Application Support Manager SUBJECT:Tyler Technologies New World System Upgrade Please approve the purchase of professional services to upgrade Tyler Technologies New World Systems environment in the amount of $17,351.76 ($15,760 before Sales Tax). The Police Department use this software as their primary Records Management System and we have not upgraded the platform since 2018. The original Contract (CAG-98-022)can be found in Laserfiche. Attached are the following documents: 1. Professional Services Quote “services”: $15,760 2.Exhibit A:REN0775 – 0427 Approved by: ________________________________ Kristi Rowland, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Date: ________________________________              CAG-98-022, Adden #2-22 2022-320363-G5W1D8 Page 1 INVESTMENT SUMMARY Tyler Software $ 0 Services $ 15,760 Third-Party Products $ 0 Travel $ 0 Total One-Time Cost $ 15,760 Annual Recurring Fees/SaaS $ 0 Tyler Software Maintenance $ 0           2022-320363-G5W1D8 Page 2 Quoted By: Terri Minter Quote Expiration: 10/24/22 Quote Name: services Sales Quotation For: ŝƚLJŽĨZĞŶƚŽŶ 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 Phone: +1 (425) 430-7500 Services͗EĞǁtŽƌůĚWƵďůŝĐ^ĂĨĞƚLJ^ŽůƵƚŝŽŶhƉŐƌĂĚĞƚŽsĞƌƐŝŽŶϮϬϮϮ͘ϭ^WdžĂŶĚ^Z/ϭϬ͘ϴĂƐĚĞĨŝŶĞĚŝŶdžŚŝďŝƚ͘ Description Quantity Unit Price Discount Total Maintenance Enterprise Public Safety 1 $ 4,160 $ 0 $ 4,160 $ 0Project Management Standard Server Migration (Non-Enterprise)1 $ 11,600 $ 0 $ 11,600 $ 0 TOTAL $ 15,760 $ 0 Summary One Time Fees Recurring Fees Total Tyler Software $ 0 $ 0 Total Annual $ 0 $ 0 Total Tyler Services $ 15,760 $ 0 Total Third-Party Hardware, Software, Services $ 0 $ 0 Summary Total $ 15,760 $ 0           2022-320363-G5W1D8 Page 3 Contract Total $ 15,760 Customer Approval: Date: Print Name: P.O.#: The Software, Maintenance, Services and Third-Party Products, as applicable, that are itemized above, are hereby added to your existing agreement with Tyler. Fees for Software, if applicable, will be invoiced to you in full upon receipt of your signed quote. Unless otherwise stated in the Assumptions, associated maintenance and support fees shall be invoiced on a prorated basis through the end of your current term, and thereafter in a lump sum amount together with your then-current maintenance and support fees for previously licensed software. Fees for Services, Third-Party Products and/or travel, as applicable, will be invoiced as rendered or delivered. The terms and conditions of your agreement will otherwise control. Assumptions The amount of converted data entering the new system can drastically impact storage utilization. Additional drive space may be required on the production and test SQL and file storage servers to accommodate the converted data based on the quantity of source data. During the conversion process, additional drive space on the production and test SQL servers will also be required temporarily. Does not apply to Data Archive Travel expenses will be billed as incurred according to Tyler's standard business travel policy. /dͺEt^ϮϬϮϮϬϱϮϯ               2022-320363-G5W1D8 Page 4 Comprehensive Public Safety Software Solution Single/Multi-Jurisdictional Dispatch Software CAD Mapping Call Entry Call Control Panel Unit Recommendations Unit Status/Control Panel Call Stacking CAD Messaging Call Scheduling Dispatch Questionnaire Fire Equipment Search GIS/Geo-File Verification Hazard and Location Alerts Hazmat Search Hydrant Inventory Note Pads Proximity Dispatch Rip-N-Run Printing Run Cards/Response Plans Rapid SOS Additional Modules BOLOS CAD Auto Routing CAD AVL Service Vehicle Rotation Unit Management Web CAD Monitor Available Interfaces Alarm CAD to CAD CAD Paging E-911 NG911 CAD NCIC Pictometry ASAP Pre-Arrival Questionnaire Encoder CAD CFS Export ePCR Fire Records Out-of-Band AVL Telestaff PulsePoint Twitter PEMA Knowledge Center Radio Location Records Management Software for Single/Multi-Jurisdictional Law Enforcement Arrests Buildings Businesses Case Management Case Processing Citations Dynamic Reporting Field Interviews IBR/Clery Reporting Impounded Vehicles Incidents Investigations Order of Protection Personnel Property and Evidence Records Request Registered Offenders Standard Reporting Training Wants and Warrant Additional Modules Alarms Bookings Briefing Notes Crash Stop Data Equipment and Inventory Gangs Hazardous Materials Narcotics Pawn Shops Permits (Guns) Scheduling Content Manager Use of Force Available Interfaces Livescan Ticket Writer Citizen Reporting COPLINK Accurint Crime Analysis LINX Evidence SECTOR MiDEx LACRIS NCIC Records Management for Fire Departments Activity Reporting and Scheduling Investigations Business Registry Hazardous Materials Hydrant Inventory and Inspections Incident Tracking Personnel/Education Pre-Plans Station Activity Log BLS/ALS NFIRS/NEMSIS 5.0 Reporting Additional Modules Data Analysis/Management Equipment Tracking Fire Permits Inventory LOSAP Tracking and Reporting Vehicle Tracking and Maintenance Corrections Management Software Tyler Corrections eSignatures Mugshots NorthPoint Classification Mobility – Inmate Tracking Jail Data Export Biometric Identification Biometric Hyperpliance Available Interfaces Livescan VINE TDEx Jail Manager Integration Toolkit Enterprise Custom Reports Mobile Computing Dispatch/Messaging/ State/NCIC Fire Dispatch/Messaging DL Swipe Mugshot Download In-Car Mapping/AVL In-Car Routing Stop Data Use of Force LE Field Reporting LE Accident Field Reporting Field Investigations Ticket Writer Mobility Software Law Enforcement Field Mobile Fire Field Mobile Data Collect Mobile Analytics Data Marts Public Safety Analytics Agency Intelligence           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 1 Renton, WA džŚŝďŝƚ͗Activity Plan, Infrastructure Requirements and Design Document for New World Public Safety Solution Upgrade to Version 2022.1 SPx and esri® 10.8 Goal: The goal of the technical activities defined by this implementation planning document is to complete a server deployment to support the client’s New World public safety solution on a new set of Microsoft® Windows® servers utilizing Microsoft Windows 2019 Server and SQL Server® 2019. The technical portion of this implementation will be successfully completed once a new set of servers are deployed utilizing a 2022.1 SPx release of the New World public safety solution, updated Microsoft software and esri 10.8 components. Client Responsibilities – Deployment x Build out virtual environment including the installation of all supporting hardware components, host servers and all defined virtual servers. The host operating system should be the Windows 2019 version for Hyper-V installations or ESXi 6.x version for VMware installations. x Install Windows 2019 Server along with all service packs and critical updates for each virtual server. x The following are Tyler’s best planning recommendations for virtual server hardware requirements. Please refer to the version specific pre-requisite guide for specific requirements: Infrastructure Requirements and Design Document Production Environment Application Server / File Storage Server (TEPSAPPPRD) x 4 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 500GB Virtual Disk (Estimate - File Storage) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition x Microsoft Office (Excel and Word) (Tyler to install) Mobile Server (TEPSMMSPRD) x 4 vCPUs x 16GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 200 GB Virtual Disk (File Storage) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 2 Interface Server (TEPSINTPRD) x 4 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 100GB Virtual Disk (file Storage) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition Enterprise Security Server (TEPSESSPRD) x 2 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition Database Server (TEPSDBPRD) – SQL Cluster provided by client will supersede these server specifications. x 4 vCPUs x 48GB Memory (8 GB for OS, 32 GB for Prod. Instance. 8 for Test) x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 250GB Virtual Disk (SQL Data Drive) - estimate x 200GB Virtual Disk (Back-up drive) x 100GB Virtual Disk (SQL Server Log Drive) x 50GB Virtual Disk (TempDB Drive) x Windows SQL Server 2019 - Standard Edition (Tyler to install) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition Shared Servers GIS Server (TEPSGIS) x 4 vCPUs x 32GB Memory x 500GB Virtual Disk (OS) (Not Including Aerial Imagery) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 3 Test Environment Application & File Storage Test Server (TEPSAPPTST) x 2 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 500GB Virtual Disk (File Storage – estimate) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition x Microsoft Office (Excel and Word) (Tyler to install) Mobile Test Server (TEPSMMSTST) (Host ESS) x 2 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 200GB Virtual Disk (File Storage) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition Interface Server (TEPSINTTST) x 2 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150 GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 100 GB Virtual Disk (file Storage) x Windows Server 2019 – Standard Edition Database Server (TEPSDBTST) – SQL Cluster provided by client will supersede these server specifications. x 4 vCPUs x 32GB Memory (8 GB for OS, 24 GB for Test Instance.) x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x 250GB Virtual Disk (SQL Data Drive) - estimate x 200GB Virtual Disk (Back-up drive) x 100GB Virtual Disk (SQL Server Log Drive) x 50GB Virtual Disk (TempDB Drive) x Windows SQL Server 2019 - Developer Edition (Tyler to install) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition Enterprise Security Server (TEPSESSTST) x 2 vCPUs x 8GB Memory x 150GB Virtual Disk (OS) x Windows Server 2019 - Standard Edition           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 4 x Provide licensed copies of SQL Server and Microsoft Office (or Word and Excel) for deployment. x ArcGIS Desktop Editor® 9.3.1 installed and accessible on a client to support version 10 of the New World public safety solution. (Required, if New World public safety software in production is at a 10.2 version) x ArcGIS Desktop Standard® (version 10.8 or higher) installed and accessible on a client to support version 2022.1 SPx of the New World public safety solution. x Provide Tyler with remote access to all servers for configuration, installation, deployment and go-live support services. x Provide a SSL Wildcard certificate for esri server communication configuration. x Provide IT/networking staff to assist Tyler staff assigned to this project. x Implement and test all virus protection and back-up strategies for host and virtual servers. x Meet or exceed Tyler storage area network (SAN) requirements for the proposed environment (if any are defined). x Provide a Lantronix device for serial cable connection to a virtual server (E911, Tone Encoder, etc.). x Static IP addressing is required for each server. All IP addresses must be unique and cannot be utilized in the current environment. x Servers must be deployed with a unique name and that name cannot be utilized in the current environment. Server names must be 14 characters or less. x Inform Tyler project manager if the current New World public safety solution includes: o Custom geo rules for address verification o Civil module o Permits module x Identify if test environment is to be built using production databases and File Storage directory or existing test databases and File Storage directory. x Provide appropriate licensed Microsoft and other third-party components for deployment. x Download all required New World public safety solution installation files to a local network location prior to the start of the server migration and upgrade work. x Provide end user communications regarding project timelines, execution and performance. x Prior to production system upgrade, client should provide adequate staffing and management guidance to test New World public safety solution for performance and functionality. x Provide staff with appropriate training on the use of new features and functionality within the updated version of the New World public safety solution. Tyler Responsibilities - Deployment 1. Refine and update esri data components. 2. Confirm hardware components and operating system installations are appropriately configured for installation of the New World public Safety solution.           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 5 3. Install SQL Server. 4. Install New World public safety solution server components. 5. Migrate database components. 6. Configure servers to operate with esri and database components. 7. Implementation of required interfaces 8. Build duplicate environment as test system. 9. Provide appropriate technical services to migrate system to new production system (server support, esri and interfaces) 10. Commitment to follow Tyler’s best practices for the implementation. Documentation Responsibilities Tyler will provide a standard set of pre-activity and post-activity documentation for this project. The purpose of this documentation is to document the following: x Planned activities for on-premises or remote installation services as detailed in pre-activity report. x Overall project activities completed as detailed in post-activity report. x Server configuration information as detailed in post-activity report. At the conclusion of the server deployment agency staff will be provided with an overview of administrative and operation processes. As a collaborative effort, documentation for administration and operation of the servers hosting the New World public safety solution will be generated during this overview. Deployment Notes x Tyler will complete an application upgrade to a New World public safety solution 2022.1 SP1.x release of the software as part of the overall server migration activities. This upgrade will be in the new environment and the current production environment will not be upgraded past a New World public safety solution the currently installed major release. The current system must be on a 10.2 version of the Tyler New World public safety software. x Server builds are completed as remote activity. If Tyler is contracted to install the infrastructure that activity will occur on-site. x The client will need to have technical resources available throughout Tyler’s engagement on this project. These resources will not have to be directly involved with every activity performed by Tyler but, at times, their assistance will be required to continue to execute project activities. x This project assumes there will be no significant changes to the client’s current network architecture. x Client staff will be required to participate in all administrative overview and training sessions for knowledge transfer regarding the technical implementation. During these sessions,           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 6 administrative and operational procedures for server management should be documented by client team in collaboration with Tyler staff. x Time sensitive events will require coordination of efforts between all parties to maintain the project schedule with minimal impact to users. Tentative Plan of Schedule Activity The tentative order of events for this project includes: System Build Activities 1. Technical planning\review meeting for New World public safety version 2022.1 SPx upgrade project (Tyler and client) 2. Virtual systems build (Client) x Host server i. Install host OS ii. Deploy required virtual servers 3. GIS data preparation (Tyler) x New World public safety solution 4. Installation of core servers required for New World public safety solution (Tyler) x Installation of GIS server x Installation of GIS data x Installation of SQL Server x Copy of data x Installation of New World public safety solution servers (test and production) x Review system configuration with client 5. Installation of mobile servers (Tyler) x Production x Test x Review system configuration with client 6. esri data management overview (Tyler and client) 7. Interface migration (Tyler) x Test x Production 8. Mock Migration (Tyler)           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 7 System Go-live Activities 1. Go-live data migration preparation (Tyler) x Initial File Storage move 2. Go-live (Tyler and client) – Downtime associated with this event is two to four hours. Unique client situations may vary. x Data Migration o Move database o Final File Storage move x New World public safety client upgrade to version 2022.1 SPx (Client) x Final Interface configuration x Final esri configuration x Final Mobile configuration 3. Post go-live support (Tyler and client) NOTES: x Additional information regarding the general deployment of the New World public safety solution can be found in the Technical Services Implementation Reference Guide. x Additional information regarding release specific technical information can be found in a version specific Hardware and Software Prerequisite guide. x Estimates for File Storage and SQL Server database drives are provided for planning purposes. Customers actual requirements may be higher or lower depending on current data set, converted data requirements and usage. x If Elastic Search Servers are to be installed in a High Availability structure there need to be an odd number of Elastic Search servers (1,3,5, …) deployed in the configuration. x A large configuration is recommended for clients that meet one of the following conditions: a. Over 100 Power Users b. A city population exceeding 110,000 c. A county population exceeding 220,000 d. Calls For Service exceeds 250,000 per year x Support of newer versions of Operating Systems and SQL Server are being considered for future releases of Tyler’s New World Public Safety Software. After contract signing a project planning call will provide an opportunity to review release pre-requisites for the version of Tyler software to be deployed.           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 8 Client Project Notes x Client’s desire is to emulate test and production configuration of system. x Client will be utilizing a SQL server Cluster foe both test and production. The SQL configuration will be provided by the client and a SQL Instance will be available for production and test. SQL Server will be 2019. This is similar to the current configuration in use today. x Client utilizes VMware for their hyper-visor and will use Tyler provided templates for all servers except SQL Servers. x Client uses a Tiburon CAD Solution and connection is made through an interface. x Client would prefer the 2022 OS for the guest servers. x Client is currently on the 2020.1 version of the Tyler Enterprise Public Safety software and plan for their next upgrade to be done as part of the server migration. x Test side needs to be configured for interface use and testing o Test side interface configuration must be identified and schedule as part of project plan development ƒ Brazos (From a file drop location to ticket Writer interface) ƒ Tiburon (From a file drop location to ticket Writer interface) ƒ Sector (Submission to state test system - Full process) ƒ Others as applicable x Client is on a Virtual Message Switch o The message switch should be configured to connect to state test side from the new test side during the Mobile/Message Switch implementation. x Specific software function questions that need to be evaluated as part of the planning for this project o Active Directory integration – Can be deployed at any time nd is not connected to a version release. o Reporting requiring direct server access (In lieu of DNS alias) – was a software issue in a prior release and should be validated during software testing. x Managed Service Accounts – Currently not supported. Last conversation regarding this in the second half of 2021 has it on the road map but it is not slated for a particular release at this time. x Client only wants a small selection of File Storage copied for the test system. They do not want the full File Storage Directory copied over to reduce the content to comply with data management. x Client would prefer that all possible components for Tyler software be installed on a dedicated application drive. o Drive will need to be added to the configuration of all servers post import of templates o There are some components of the Tyler software that are hardcoded to install to the C drive           Document #: REN0775 – 0427 9 x Updates to the NWS Automatic Updater would have to be pushed to the clients via a solution such as SCCM.