HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-165 & KC-16-166 - 28-day break - Driveway & Sidewalk - 04-01-16I)) Plonroe Avenue NE: 1310. I]. Kemal,, WA 980-)6-4199 LIMPl(206) 196. / /UJ Con ri-mc Coi,,pru";u,, Tilt RCpom r Kir M..: (.!06).!q6 -9j /J Concrete Compression Test Report Prvjc�t: Oty ut Renton - Cogan Ave N. Concrete Placed By: Hiyhmark Concrete Cuncrete Supplier: Miles Plant Luuatiuw Pacitic - 202 Pruject Dumber: 1126896 Plaucmcnt Inspeutur: Shawn shirey Tests and Cylinders ay: maser tsrown Mix Design Dumber: 0442A Pla,,cment Lu,,ation: Driveways, Sidewalk Concrete Use: Driveways, Sidervalks Strunyth Speuifivatiun: 4000p5i at 28 days Slamp: 5 uz" Air Content: 5.6% Design w/(c+p) 0.44 Date Lylinaurs oast: 4/1/16 unit Weiyht: 144.3pcf I emperature: 65°F Actual w/(c+p) u.35 Time Cylinders Cast: 10:10 Ayyrcyatc 5uurce(s): Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 ASTM c39: Test Metfiod for Compressive Strengtfii of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Fracture Type Age at Testing (Days) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder Dimensions Total Load (Lbs) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (MPa) Length Diameter Biameter x Area Type 2 7 KC -16-164 4 416 4/8/16 7.99in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 45,870 3640 25.1 Type 2 28 KC -16-165 4/2/16 4/29/16 8.62in 4.60in 4.61 in 12.60in2 58,640 4650 32.1 Type 2 28 KC -16-166 4/2/16 4/29/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.66in 12.57in2 57,666 4580 31.6 History ut Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-0z.3(4) & 6-Uz.3(5). Field tests Rerformed usin ASTM C31/C31m, C135, C143. Ci iz. UZ31, and Ul054. Material X meets above specifications. f�:� to eet Approved for Distribution By., Matenats Engineer Date Tesmett anti suom,netf By -W 472erm16 Inaba! Date ARIA'I L1 Form Field Concrete Test Report Revised, wzIMS Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of Test 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/29/2016 ,Cylinder Strength 5020psi 5050psi 4070psi 4120 si 4650psi 4580psi Avera a Strength I 5040psi 1 1 4100psi 4620psi t 4590psi Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-0z.3(4) & 6-Uz.3(5). Field tests Rerformed usin ASTM C31/C31m, C135, C143. Ci iz. UZ31, and Ul054. Material X meets above specifications. f�:� to eet Approved for Distribution By., Matenats Engineer Date Tesmett anti suom,netf By -W 472erm16 Inaba! Date ARIA'I L1 Form Field Concrete Test Report Revised, wzIMS