HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-238 & KC-16-239 - 28 day break - P2 P4 Foundation S1 S3 Tops - 05-02-16155 Monroe Avenue NE, BRig. u, k,M Kriinj7 WA 98056-4199 r'nuiie: (306) '-196-7709Conuiete Compression Test Repari King County r.,,,: (206) z96-0 1 /9 CONCrelte C011@risSSigH TI;S[ Regon Prujuut:y e zo og Concrete Placed By: Amaya Electric Concrete Supplier: Miles Plant Cocatiun: Pacifies - 203 Pruject Num5er: Haccmunt Inspuutur: Tests and Cylinaurs 5y: 11268x6 Shawn Shirey Casey Wagner Mix Design Number: 04432F Plauument Lucatiun: Pole Base P-29 P-4 & Si nal Tops 1-2 Concrete Use: Pole Bases Strength Specirivatiun: Ouupsi at 28 days Slump: 7 3/4" Air Uontcnt: 1.6% Design w/(c+p) 0.44 Date uylinacrs t;ast: 5/z/16 Unit Weight: 15u.0pet Temperature: 76°F Actual w/(c+p) 0.39 Time Cylinders Cast: 12:19 Ayyrcyate Suurc u(s): uuarsc: B-3zy, Fine: B-329 ASTM C39: Test Methoa fur uomprCssive 5trengtfi of Cylindrical Concreze Specimens FractOre Type Aye al rezting (Days) Car i9umber Date Received Date of Test Cylinder DimenwOula Total Load Unit Load (psi) (psi) Unit Load (MPa) [en tri Diumator Dia���eter,� Area Type 2 t Rt;-I15-z3i 5/3/16 5/9/16 8.03in 4.00in 4.Olin lz.60inz 55.110 44zo 30.5 Type 2 28 KC -16-238 5/3/16 5/30/16 8.00in 4.01 in 4.01 in 12.63in2 So, 15-u 13azu 41.o l ype z 28 KC -16-239 5/3/16 5/30/1 6 8.uzi, 4.uuii 1 4.01111 12.60in2 84,030 6670 46.0 History of Individual Comprus5ive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID Remarks: Rcteience: vv500i Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-uz.3(5). Field tests peft,med osi,ig AS I M C31/C31M, C138 C143 C172 C231 and C1u84. X meets Material above Specifications. fails tom et Approved for 3 DisuiOudon By Ma -nal 1 ngineer Owe Tested au0mn y Form: Field Concrete Test Repon Ravmed: 8121108 5eccnd Must Recent First Most Recent Current indivOtiai 51enym Running Average Individual Strengtfl i est individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent individual Strength Tests Date .,t l est 5/5/2016 5/9/zu16 5/30/2016 C finder5ue� tFi 6810 si 6890 si 7820 si i/Ou si 68zu si 6610 si Average Strength I 685upsi 7790psi 6i50psi I 113upsi Remarks: Rcteience: vv500i Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-uz.3(5). Field tests peft,med osi,ig AS I M C31/C31M, C138 C143 C172 C231 and C1u84. X meets Material above Specifications. fails tom et Approved for 3 DisuiOudon By Ma -nal 1 ngineer Owe Tested au0mn y Form: Field Concrete Test Repon Ravmed: 8121108