HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-256 & KC-16-257 - 28 day break - Sidewalk at 3rd - 05-11-16a IJJ MomOr AvCuur NI', 131ag. U, Rt ituii, WA 980J6-4199 IM Condit{ CompiCaaivu TCn[ Rcpvrt King County F.In: (s06) GYU-UI /Y Concrete Compression Test Report Prujcut: city of Renton - Ligan Ave Iq. Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Concrete Supplier: Miles Plant Luuatiun: PlacCmCnt Luucttiun: Concrete Use: Slump: unit Weiy5t: Pauitiu - 203 Sidewalk Prujeut I9um6er: 1126896 Plaucmunt InsputAor: Shawn Shirey Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Mix Desiyn I9umber: 0442A SidewalK (Q1 North side vt 3rd Strun-yth Spudfivatiun: 4000p5i at 28 51/z" Air Content: 5.4°r Design w/(cTp) aayb 0.44 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/11/16 14z.3pcf I emperature: /6'F Actual w/(c+p) 9.3v Time Cylinders Cast: 11:31 Ayyruyctta SuurVa(s): Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 AS -I M c39: Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical concrete Specimens Fracture Type Ag` at Testing (Days) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder DimerWono I otal Coad ([os) Unit Coad (psi) Unit Coad (RIPzt) len th Diameter Diameter ,, Area Type 2 7 KC -16-255 5/12/16 5/18/16 8.03in 4.0 1 in 4.01 in 1 2.63inz 40,00 U40 zz.3 I ype z 28 KC -16-256 5/12/16 6/8/16 8.00in 4.01 in 4.01 in 12.63in2 54,130 4290 1 29.6 1 ype z Z8 KU -16-25/ 5n z/1 b 6/8/16 S.U2in 4.00in 4.02i� � 1 z.63inz 53;950 4270 29.4 History vt Individual compressive Strengths Tests For This Project and Mix ID Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the 1 nree Most Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of Test 5/3/21316 5/17J2U16 ti/8/LUIti ,Cylinder Stren th Ft55u si I 4tmu si 4//u si I 4510psi 4ZVO ai I 42/13 -d Avera a Strength 1 48 psi I 4790psi 4280psi I 40413 si Remarks: Reference: VVSuu I Sid. Specifications15-132.3(4) & 5-132.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C3i M, C135, 0143, C1 /z. Cz31. ana D1064. X meets Material falls to meet above specifications. Approved for Q / TesteO anu Disuibuuon By: auomiueO ny: Cw ereno16 Ma,enayEng n; er D. c, Initial Date Form- Field Concrete Test Report Revised: aic uOS