HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-279, KC-16-285 & KC-16-291 - 7-day break Subgrade Slab @ East Lanes - 5-18-16L9 155 Monroe Avenue Nh, 131dp, 1), Retdott_ WA 98U.)6-4199 1,lin, tt,: (sub) 296- /lug Concrete Compression Test Repor[ King County F.,,,: (.!05).!q6 -0I /9 cunurute cumureaSiun TeSt Ruuurt Project: Cizy of Renzon - Logan Ave N. Project Dumber: 1126896 Concrete Placed By: Higfimark concrete Placement lnspectur: Shawn Snirey Cuncrete Supplier: Mile* i ests ana Cylinaers 'ny: caswy wagerer Plant Location: Sumner - zOz Mix Design Dumber: 0442A Placement Location: Roadway Base Lift Slab a South Bound Cogan Ave in East Cane -1 of 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slab Strenyth SNecitication: 4000Nsi at 28 days Slump: 41/2,, Air Content: 4.8% Design w/(c+p) 0.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/18/16 Unit Weight: 144.5pUT Temperature: r1'F Actual w/(c+p) u.43 Time Cylinders Cast: r:41 Ayyreyate Suurce(s): Coarse: B-3zy, Fine: B-3zy 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60inz 1 50,540 4010 ASTM C39: Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cvlindrical Concrete Sl3ecimens Fracture I ype Hye 11 Tasting (Days) Cet5 Mam6er Date Receive'a Date of I est C yiinder Dimensions I Owl [U-0 (Lbs) unit Caaa (psi) Unit CVaa (MPa) Cott th Diamatar Diamatur,, Aea Type 5 z KC -1 n -z / / 5h %ph io 5/zu/l n 8.0 I in 4.01 in 4.01 in 1 z.n3W 39,120 3150 21.1 Type 2 1 5 KC -16-278 5/19/16 5/23/16 1 8.01 in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60inz 1 50,540 4010 27.6 Type 2 7 KC -16-279 5/19/16 5/25/16 8.O0in 4.00in I 4.02itt 11.63in4 53.540 424U 19.1 z8 KC:-lti-zou 5/IV/lb 5/15/1 ti z8 I KC -16-z81 5/1 a/l n 6/ 15/16 KC -16-282 History of Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID a -ftp.bF-119'115-1lfalt.WIw—Y.1=Ffi112-- tt i.�i:ff�raKl�i:i:Il�raKf(.] ■rrai.�i=nye.�•ianaura:.n�iu•��ca�wrr�u�r�.iiw•�nz:wcnwvwata.r..uar �►•�•c� Material HpproveO for Dislribut!on By, meets fails to meet above specifications. M . ,r 1, ngneer D,:.0 --esteO anO aunminea BY: Cw 5rz5rzots Initial Date Form: Field Concrete'e n RF-porl Revised: 8/2,/08 Secon'a Plost Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Runniny Aver -aye Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual Strength I ests Uate GT I eat ti/15/zul b linger Siren tR ri✓ Avera a Stren th a -ftp.bF-119'115-1lfalt.WIw—Y.1=Ffi112-- tt i.�i:ff�raKl�i:i:Il�raKf(.] ■rrai.�i=nye.�•ianaura:.n�iu•��ca�wrr�u�r�.iiw•�nz:wcnwvwata.r..uar �►•�•c� Material HpproveO for Dislribut!on By, meets fails to meet above specifications. M . ,r 1, ngneer D,:.0 --esteO anO aunminea BY: Cw 5rz5rzots Initial Date Form: Field Concrete'e n RF-porl Revised: 8/2,/08 15-) moaroo Avenin NE, Bldg. D. Renton, WA 98056-4199 LIM Phone: (206)'96-7709 Concrete Con,pressio„ Test Report KinyGvunty F.,x: (206) 296 -ung Concrete Compression Test Repoli Prujcct: t;ity of Renton - Logan Aver N. t;uriurete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Concrete Supplier: Miles Project Number: 1126896 Placement Inspector: Shawn Shirey 1 ests and r;ylinders 5y: Casey wagner Plant Lucatiun: Pacitic - 203 Mix Dv5iyn Num5vr: 0442A Placement Lucation: Ruaaway Base Cin Slan cw South Bound Logan Ave in East Lane & Bus Pad - 2 of 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slab & Bus Pad Strength Specification: 4000psi at 28 days Slump: 4 I/z" Air Guntent: 5.2% Desiyn w/(C+p) 0.43 Date Lylii �ders Last: 5/18/16 Unit weiyHt: 143.9pcf Temperature: 72°F Actual w/(k,+p) 0.42 Time Cylinders Cast: 9:00 Ayyreyate Suur,,c(s): Coarse: B -3z9, Fine: B -3z9 AS inn c39: Test nnCtnva Thr c6rirnr�ssive Strength of Cvlindrical Concrete Snecimens Fracture Type Age at Testing (Ddyb) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder Dimensions Total Load (F -5o) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (nn Pa) Length Diameter Diameter(x) Area Type 2 2 KC -16-283 5/19/16 5/zO/16 S.uuin 4.uiin 4.01 in iz.ti3inz 3ti,8zu zyzu zu.I I Vpez 5 fig-1ti-284 5/1 V/1 ti 5/23/16 8.u1in 4.00in 4.01 in tz.nuinz wn,980 3730 25.t Type z i KC- i n -z85 5/1 a/ i n 5/25/16 8.00ini 4.01 in 4.01 in 12.63in2 48,850 3870 26.7 28 KC -16-286 5/19/16 6/15/16 28 1 KC -16-287 5/19/6 6/15/1ti RC- i ti -288 Ri5tury wT Inaividual Compressive Sirengih Tesis For This Project and Mix ID Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31 M, C138, C1437 C172, C231, and C1064. meets Material fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tested and Dismbuuon By: Submitted By: Cwa cuts mann I. ngineer vas Initia 'Daae F orm- i-iald Concrete Test Report Revises: ale 1/0e Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual StrenytR Running Average InaiviaOal SirenvtM I eat indlviauai Jirengtii I est I est OT Me I Rrse Float 6/15/2016 Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of Test ,Cylinder Stren th Average Stren gth Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31 M, C138, C1437 C172, C231, and C1064. meets Material fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tested and Dismbuuon By: Submitted By: Cwa cuts mann I. ngineer vas Initia 'Daae F orm- i-iald Concrete Test Report Revises: ale 1/0e a I.).) Mainoe Aveliw NE, 131db. D- 9 Rchtuii, WA 98W15-4199 I' mix: (tub) 2Js- / /UJ Loncrete uonlpression Test Report Ki�>,yCounty r.t.: Gm) 2!)6-ut /v Project: city of Rentun - Eugan Ave N. uunurutG Plauva By: HignmarR Gunurete Concrete Supplier: Miles Plant Location: Pacific - 203 Project Dumber: 1126896 Placement Inspectur: Shawn Shirey Tests and Cylindcrs by: Cazowy Waunwr Mix Design Dumber: 0442A Placement Luuatiun: Ruadway Base Litt SIO (9 5uuth Bound Cogan Ave in East Cane - 3 of 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slab Strenyth Specification: 4000Nsi at 28 days Slump: 4 1/2tt Air Content: 4.1°r Design w/(c+p) 0.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/18/16 Unit Weiyht: 144./pcf I emperature: /3-F Actual w/(c+p) 0.41 1 ime Cylinders Cast: 10:1 ir Agyreyate Suurcu(s): Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 ASTM c39: Test Method for compressive Strength of cylindrical concrete Specimens Fracture Type Age al Testing (Days) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder Dimensions I otai [oaa (Lbs) unit Evaa (psi) unit [Gad (MPa) Len 111 OialllOtUr 0iaMGt6r Area Type 2 2 KC -16-289 5/19/16 5/20/16 7.99in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 36,020 2860 19.7 Type 2 5 KC -16-290 5/19/16 5/23/16 8.03in 4.01 in 4.01 in 12.63inz 477170 3730 25.7 I ype 3 / KU-1ti-zV1 5/71y/115 5/25/1b 8.02in 4.uuin 4.02in 1Z.b3in, 4y_/5l1 3wria 2/.2 2a KC -1 b-zaz 5h a/1 b b/ 15/1 b 28 1 KC -16-293 5/19/16 6/15/16 KC -16-294 Histury ut Individual cumpressive Strengtn 1 ests Fur Tnis Project and Mix ID Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-u2.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31M, C138, C143, Cl /2, C231, and C1ub4. Material meets fails to meet above specifications= Approved for Tested and DistriOuuon Qy: suominetl BY: Cw wbowls Materials Engineer Date Initial Date Form: Fi old Concrete Test Report Revised: 8/21/08 Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Hanning Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual Strength 1 e�t� Date of Test b/15/zulb ,Cylinder Stren th Avera a Strength Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-u2.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31M, C138, C143, Cl /2, C231, and C1ub4. Material meets fails to meet above specifications= Approved for Tested and DistriOuuon Qy: suominetl BY: Cw wbowls Materials Engineer Date Initial Date Form: Fi old Concrete Test Report Revised: 8/21/08