HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-296, KC-16-302 & KC-16-308 - 4-day break - Subgrade Slabs @ West Lanes - 05-19-16I lJ WhiM Av2,uu0 NI", rilZig. U, Renton, WA 980-W4199 L9 Pllone: (206) 296-7709 Concrete Compression Test Report King Gounty Fax: (206):!96-0179 Concrete compression Test Report Project: City of Renton - Logan Ave N. Prvjcc;t Num5ur: 1126896 Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Placement Inspector: Shawn Shirey Cunurete Supplier: Miles Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Plant Lvuatiun: Sumner - 202 Mix Dusiyn Nam5ur. 0442A Placement Location: Roadway Base Lift Slab Q South Bound Loyan Ave in West Lafile- 1 vt 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slab Strength Specification: 4000psi at 28 days Slump: 51r" Air Cuntent: 5.3% Design w/(c+p) 00.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/19/16 Unit Wuiyht: 143.8pcf I cmpurature: 70°F Actual w/(c+p) 0.41 Time Cylinders Cast: 1:3tl Agyruyatu Svcirc;c(s): Coarse: B-329. Fine: B-329 14.5 I ype2 4 A5 t 101 W9: t Est mCtFiva tur comoressive Strenath ut cvlinarival concrete 5oer-imens Fracture Type Ag` at Iesring (Days) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder Dimensions Total Load (Lbs) unit Coad (psi) unit Coad (MPa) Lan th D;ametur Diamata,. A, OM Type 5 1 KC -16-295 5/20/16 5/20/16 8.02in 4.00in 4.00in 12.57inz 26,340 2100 14.5 I ype2 4 Rt.: -16-2V6 wz0/16 5/23/16 8.00in 4.01, 4.01 in 1z.60inz 44,420 3530 24.3 KC-16-zu/ 5/20/16 5/26/16 28 KC -16-298 5/20/16 6/16/16 28 KC -16-299 5/20/16 6/16/16 KC: -16-300 Ri5tvry vt Inaiviaual compressive Strenytfii t eats Fur t M5 Pruieut ana Mix ID Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Planning Average Individual StrengtH I est Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual etrenytn I emt Date of Test 6/16/zo16 ,Cylinder Stren th Avera a Strength Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31 M, C138, C143, C112, C231, and C 1064. Material Meets falls tv meet above spvvlficativns_ Approved 'or Tested and DiAnbut on By. Submitted By. Cry YzjreuI Materials Engineer care Inks -I Date i orm field Concrete Test Report Revised: 8/21/08 IJJ Mbnibc Avcituc N6, lilgb. U, Kcidvu, WA 980io-41`J`J L-9 Yl""'V: (lob) 295-1 /u9 Concrete Compression TeSL Report Kir County Fax: (206) 296-0179 Conactd comprcsAin Test Rcpon Project: City of Renton - Cogan Ave N. Concrete Placed By: HighmarK uunurete Cunurutu Supplier: milws Plant LuGatiun: Pacific - 203 Project DDmnr: 1126896 Plauumunt Inz.,pectur: Snawn Shirey Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Mix Design Dumber: 0442A Placement Location: Roadway Base Lift Slab (I South Bound Cogan Ave in west Lane - 2 ut 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slap StrungtH Spuuitivatlull: 4uuupsi at zis days blump: a Air Cuntent: 5.4% Dc�iyn w7(c+p) 0.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/19/16 unit wciyFit: 143.6pcf I cmpurature: 68°F Actual w/(cTp) u.4z Time Cylinders Cast: 9:u1 Aggregate Source(s): tmarua: B -3z9, Fire: B -3z9 ASTM C;j9: Twst Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Fracture Type Ag` at Testing (Days) Lab Number Date Received Date of I eat Cylinder Dime, isiotis fatal Eaiad- (CBs) unit loaO (psi) Onit Cvad (MPa) Len tFi Diameter Diameter x Area Type 5 1 KC -16-301 5/20/16 5/z0/16 8.0uin 4.uuin 4.01in 1L.60iW 25,320 2010 13.v I ype z 4 KC -16-30z 5/zu/1 n 5/z3/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.00in 12.57in2 42,000 3340 23.0 i KC -16-303 5/20/16 5/26/16 28 KC -16-304 5/20/16 6/16/16 "z8 KC.: -16-305 5/20/16 6/16/16 RC -16-306 History of Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID Seecnd Matt Recent Hrat moat Recent C;mtent In(liviaual 5trengtil Ranniny Averaye In'aivi'aual Strengtn I est Individual Strength Test Test of the Tnree Most Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of Test 6/16/zul ti ,Cylinder Stren th Avera a 5tten tPt Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Std. Specifications 6-02.3(4) & 6-Oz.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31M, C138; C143; C1 tz, Cz31, and C1064. Material meets fails to meet above specifications. Approved for i esieti anti Distribution By Submitted By: Cw st2312096 materials Engineer Date Initial Date Form: Fele Foncrew i est Repon Revised: a/c./Oft a 111 IDlinuOC AVCunG NL", 130g. U, KC,AOii. WA v8uJ5-4ivv -M r'none: (206)296-/709 Concrete Compression Test Report King County Fax: (206) 296-0179 Concrete Compression Test Repen Prujeut: City ut Rentun - Logan Ave Ia. Cun cretc rlac;ud By: Hiuhmark Concrete Concrete Supplier: Miles Nlant Lucatiun: Pacific - 203 Prujtiut Num5er: 1126896 Placement Inspector: Shawn Shirey Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Mix Design Number: 0442A Plauement Luuatiun: Roadway Base Citt Slab 9 SvutFi Bvuna Lvyan Ave in West Lane - 3 of 3 Cunurtitti uzsc: Roadway Base Slab Strui-igth Specification: 40uupsi at 28 days Slump: 5 Air Content: 5.1% Design w/(c+p) 0.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/19/16 Unit Weight: 144.6pCT Temperature: n -F Actual w/(c+p) 0.39 -1 ime Cylinders Cast: 1u:19 Aggregate buurue(s): Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 ASTM C39: Test Method for Cum ressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens Fracture T e Yp Age at T"tiny CaD MOMOer Date Received ❑ate C;T Test C:ylind'cr DinrerlsionS I oral CoaO Lbs ( ) Unit CoaO (psi) Unit Coad (MPa) Diameter uiameter,� Aroa Type 5 1 KC -16-30/ 5/20/ 16 5/20/16 8.03in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 23,710 1880 13.0 Type 2 4 KC -16-308 5/20/16 5/23/16 8.02in 4.00in 4.00in 12.57inz 42;440 3380 23.3 KC -16-309 5/zu/16 b/26/16 eu KC -16-310 5/20/16 6/1 b/1 b 28 1 KC -16-311 5/20/16 6/16/16 KC -16-312 History of Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength ROnnlny Av'crtiy'c Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual 5t2r iytCl I t?sts Dale C;T I cst 6/l6/zU16 LC linder Stran in Average Strength memarKS:c c cnk U: 1T - 6-uz.3(5). Tad -cams Ne'unned u :—W ..S; M - _ C;1313- - n_ .. 231. and 1064. meets Material fails to meet above specifications. npprove0 for Tested and Disrnmkon By suominen VY: Materials Engineer Dr to Form: Field Concrete Test Report Revised: 8/21/08