HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-297, KC-16-303, KC-16-309 - 8 day break -Subgrade Slabs @ West Lanes - Field Report 05-19-16I')') MMrC AvCuuc NL. Bigg. U, KCI.tih, WA 98UJ6-4199 LIM Yim"C: (LUb) L96-/ /199 Conc,c[C Compieaa;on Teat RCpo, t King County Fax: (206) 296-0179 Cenereie CemlareSSlea Twit Repoli Prujuut: city ut Rcntun - Luydn Ave N. Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Concrete Supplier: Miles Plant Luuatiun: Sumner - 202 Prujt:ut I9um6er: 1126896 Placement Inspcutur: Shawn Shirey Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Mix Desiyn Number: 0442A Placement Luuatiun: Rueaway Bloc Lift 5146 (w 5uutn Bound Logan Ave in west Lane- 1 of 3 Concrete Use: Roadway Base Slab Strcnyyth Spvcifivatiun: 4uuup5i at 28 aays Slump: 51/4', Air Content: 5.3% Design w/(c+p) u.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/19/16 Unit Weiynt: izimpcf Temperature: to -F Actual w/(c+p) u.41 Time Cylinders Cast: 1:39 Ayyruyatu Suurue(sy Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 ASTM WEI: Test Method for compressive Strength of Cylindrical concrete Specimens rraciure T e yP Age at Testing (Days) Lab Numo Date Received Date or Test C Gr,aar Dimenoion5 Y — I Dial C-vaa (er Lbs) Ur11t C'vaq (psi) Dnit LOaCI (�IPa) Len to uiameter Diamoto. A Area Type 5 1 KC -16-295 5/20/16 5/20/16 8.02in 4.00in 4.00in 12.5/in2 26,340 2100 14.5 Type 2 4 KC -16-296 5/20/16 5/23/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 44,420 3530 24.3 I ype z 8 KC -16 -Zai 5/20/16 5/21/16 8.u0in 4.00in 4.01in 1z.601n, 53.190 4z7u 29.4 Z8 KC- 16-za8 5/ZU/16 6/16/16 28 KC -16-299 5/20/16 6/16/16 KC -16-300 History of Individual compressive Strength Tests For This Projevt and Mix ID Remarks: Reference: wSDO i Sia. Specifications 6-uz.3(4) a. 6-uz.3(5). FieO tests performed using ASTM C31/C31m, C138, C143, C1 /z, Cz31, ant] C1064. Material meets fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tested and l5wriOtIlion By. sul!lmiaetl By Mater t l Engineer «'a, it norm: Field Concrete Test Report Revised: o/2.%ua Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Ranniny Averaye Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual StrengtR Tests Date of I est 6/16/201 ti C finder Siren th Avera a Stren gth Remarks: Reference: wSDO i Sia. Specifications 6-uz.3(4) a. 6-uz.3(5). FieO tests performed using ASTM C31/C31m, C138, C143, C1 /z, Cz31, ant] C1064. Material meets fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tested and l5wriOtIlion By. sul!lmiaetl By Mater t l Engineer «'a, it norm: Field Concrete Test Report Revised: o/2.%ua LIM IJJ Mumac Avenae NL, Ii10g. I9, KGIItVII, WA `9ZSU15-41`9`9 1'ttuue: (SU5)S95-//U9 COMM[e Cairrpie„iC,n Tc,,[ Repoil KingCouniy F:Ix:206 ( ) 296-u /J Concrete Compression Test Report Pruject: city ut Rentun - Cogan Ave 19. Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete Concrete supplier: Miles Plant location: Pacific - 203 Prujuut I9um6er: 1126896 Piavemcnt inspuutur: Shawn Shirey Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Plix Design Num5er: 0442A Piauement location: Roadway Base Citt SIa6 rm South Bound Logan Ave in west Cane - 2 of 3 Concrete Usu: Roadway Base Slab Strunyth 5peuitivatiun: 4uuuNsi at 2S aays Slump: 5 Air Content: 5.4°r Design w/(cep) 0.43 Date Cylinders Cast: 5/19/16 unit Weiynt: 143.6pcf I emperature: 68-F Actaal w/(c+p) u.4z Time Cylinders Cast: a:u1 Agyreyate Suaruu(sy Coarse: B-329, Fine: B-329 ASTIVI WEI: Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens rracture Type YP Aye at Testing (Days) Lab Numoer Date Received Date �,r Test Y iinaer Di...unziiono I otal Cosa ([os) unit Coag (psi) Unit Coad (I�Pa) I_an to uiameter uiamete,. Area Type 5 1 KC -16-301 5/20/16 5/20/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.01in 1z.nuinz Z5,szu Zu1u 13.tf Type 2 4 KC -16-302 5/20/16 5/23/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.00in 12.57in2 42,000 3340 23.0 I ype 2 8 KU -16-303 5/20/16 5/2i/16 8.Ozinj 4.00in 4.016, 12.60inv 52;110 4140 28.5 Z8 KC- l 6-304 5/Z0/1 b 6/16/16 28 1 KC -16-305 5/20/16 6/16/16 KC -16-306 History of Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Project and Mix ID Remarks. 1 Sia. Specifications 6 .3(4)b)- . ( ). Field tests performed using AS I M C31/C311M, 0138- C143. C1 /2. Ci'Z31- and Club -4. meets Material fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tested anu Dosuilluuon 9y sullminetl ey: C;w EW2712016 Materials Engineer Date Initial Dale Form: Field Concrete Test Report Revised: arz i/u-a Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test I tanning A verage of the 1 he rage Most Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of Test 6/16/2016 ,Cylinder Stren th Avera a Strength Remarks. 1 Sia. Specifications 6 .3(4)b)- . ( ). Field tests performed using AS I M C31/C311M, 0138- C143. C1 /2. Ci'Z31- and Club -4. meets Material fails to meet above specifications. Approved for Tested anu Dosuilluuon 9y sullminetl ey: C;w EW2712016 Materials Engineer Date Initial Dale Form: Field Concrete Test Report Revised: arz i/u-a ISS Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg. D, itenroii, wA 98056-4199 L9 Pltvtte: (206)2g6 -//0q Concrete Compression Test Report Kir y County (206) 296-0179 Prujcut: city of Renton - Logan Ave N. Cern-,rcte Pla-,ed By: Highmark LUnlirete Concrete Supplier: Miles Plant Lucatiun: Pacific - 203 Project Dumber: Plauement Inspeutur: 1126896 shown Shirev I gists ana c;ylinacrs 5y: cdaey warner Mix Design Number: 0442A Plaucmcnt Luuatiun: Roadway Base Lift SIO (9 South Bound Logan Ave in West Lane - 3 of 3 Cuneru-te use: Ruaaway Base SiaB StrenytM Speuitivatiun: 4000psi at 28 days Slump: 5 Air Cuntent: 5.1% 06siyn wf(u+N) 0.43 Date uylinacrs Uast: 5/19/10 Unit Weight: Temperature: 71-F Actual w/(cep) 0.39 Time CylindCrs Cast: 10:19 Ayyreyate 5uurue(s): Coarse: 6-3za, Fine: n-3za til[VIIRSb; [=TY19[-11At•I•cTor Com Isires yVL=iti71[aYI•UuI•]OU111[ali[•Y11yS4nL•ii=1(= S " Framom YP Type Age at Tasting �Days1 [ab IGamSer Date Received Date or I est Cylinder Dimensions Total Load ([bs) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (MPs) Len th Diameter Diameter(x) Area Type 5 1 KC-lq-30/ 5/zu/16 5/2U/16 8.03in 4.UUin 4.Ulin 12.60inz 23./90 1sau 13.0 Tvpe 2 4 KC -16-308 5/20/16 5/23/16 8.02in 4.00in 4.00in 1 z.57in- 4z,44u 333U 23.3 Type ` 8 KC -16-309 5/20/16 5/27/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 51,980 4130 28.5 8 RC: -16-310 5/LU/16 6/16/16 28 KC -16-311 5/zU/16 6/16/16 KC -16-312 History of Individual Compressive Strength Tests For This Projeci and Mix ID rercnCe: w5lou I bta. pcCITlcatlDna lb -W.3(4) & 6-U2.3(5). Fiera tests performed Oaing A51191 U31/i7311Vl_ 0135- U143, Ui /2: 0231; and C1064. Material meets fails to meet above specifications. Approved or i esteti anti Distritiudon By: Submitted By: Materials ErTineer Date Form: Field Concrete Test Report Reviseti: situ/Os Secona Most Recent First Plost Resent Garrent inaivi8aai 5tranytR Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test I est or Me TRree Most 6/16/2016 Recent indivianal Strength Tests Date ut 1 est i✓ iinaer 5tren tR Average Strength rercnCe: w5lou I bta. pcCITlcatlDna lb -W.3(4) & 6-U2.3(5). Fiera tests performed Oaing A51191 U31/i7311Vl_ 0135- U143, Ui /2: 0231; and C1064. Material meets fails to meet above specifications. Approved or i esteti anti Distritiudon By: Submitted By: Materials ErTineer Date Form: Field Concrete Test Report Reviseti: situ/Os