HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_LUA22-000159_220621_v1DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-10 ZONE EVALUATION FORM & DECISION An “X” is shown in the applicable residential design requirement box. When an alternative is employed that requires a modification, the staff evaluation is written on the lines below. The decision to approve or deny the requested modification can be found at the conclusion of this form. PROJECT NAME: PR22-000114 Kaiwi SFR Addition LAND USE FILE NUMBER: LUA22-000159, MOD PROJECT MANAGER: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner APPLICANT: Alika and Jennifer Kaiwi, 4114 NE 2nd St, Renton, WA 98059 ZONING DESIGNATION: Residential-10 Zone (R-10) PROJECT LOCATION: 4114 NE 2nd St (Parcel Number 1079350030) SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicants propose a 484-square foot single story expansion located at the rear of the existing residence located at 4114 NE 2nd St (parcel number 1079350030) within the R-10 zone. The expansion exceeds a value of $50,000 and requires the entirety of the structure comply with the standards of RMC 4-2-115, Residential Design and Open Space Standards. The applicants are requesting a Modification of the Residential Design Standards; they request to substitute the design and architectural elements of the existing detached dwelling for requirements of “Architectural Detailing”, “Garage”, “Windows and Doors” and “Primary Entry” found in RMC 4-2-115. 1. Primary Entry Both of the following are required: The entry shall take access from and face a street, park, common green, pocket park, pedestrian easement, or open space, and The entry shall include a porch or stoop with a minimum depth of five feet (5’) and minimum height twelve inches (12”) above grade. Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) The existing entry faces NE 2nd St. The applicants are proposing to retain the existing entry (Exhibit 1). The existing entry has an approximately four-foot deep by five and a half-foot wide (4’x5.5’) uncovered step in front of the door. (Exhibit 2) The step has a height of seven and a half inches (7.5”) that is functionally flush with the bottom of the existing front door. (Exhibit 3) A red tile walkway leads to the red tile front step with an approximately three-foot (3’) in height brick wall separating the walking path and step from the remainder of the front yard. (Exhibit 4) DocuSign Envelope ID: 19DE6AE4-A83F-42B1-BC71-C778C185DF98 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Modification of Residential Design Requirements Kaiwi SFR Addition LUA22-000159, MOD Permit Date: June 21, 2022 Page 2 of 5 As shown in Exhibit 4, the front door faces the street. The brick wall and red tile walkway begin between the garage and the street leading from the driveway to the front door. The brick wall separates the front walkway from the remainder of the front yard and not only draws the eye towards but also directs pedestrians to the front door. The front step by being raised and functionally level with the front door acts as a space for social interaction separate from the walkway. The brick wall and walkway extending from the front door provides a focal point and is visually prominent fE.3rom the street and therefore the existing improvements meet the primary entry guidelines of the Residential Design element set forth in RMC 4-2-115E.3. 2. Windows and Doors All of the following are required: Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically, rather than horizontally; and Vertical windows may be combined together to create a larger window area; and All doors shall be made of wood, fiberglass, metal or glass and trimmed with three and one- half inches (3 ½”) minimum head and jamb trim around the door; and Screen door are permitted; and Primary entry doors shall face a street, park, common green, pocket park, or pedestrian easement and shall be paneled or have inset windows; and Sliding glass doors are not permitted along a frontage elevation or an elevation facing a pedestrian easement. Alternative that meets guideline (Explain) The applicants propose to retain the existing windows and front door trim. The front elevation contains a large bay window and sidelight abutting the front door. Additional windows are located above the garage doors on the second story. The existing windows on the street facing façade and trim around the front door are an integral part of the architectural character of the home and contribute to the overall balance and integration of the building form and therefore these existing improvements meet the windows and doors guidelines of the Residential Design element set forth in RMC 4-2-115E.3. As provided in the submitted photos (Exhibit 4), the front door contains trim, however, elevation drawings do not indicate the new door head and jamb trim is at least three and one-half inches (3 ½”). To ensure the existing front door trim is retained or if replaced it is with code compliant trim and to ensure new doors contain code compliant trim, Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicants submit revised drawings with the building permit application that provide door head and jamb trim a minimum of three and one-half inches (3 ½”) in width for the new door and front door should the applicant propose to replace existing trim. The revised submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. 3. Architectural Detailing All of the following are required: DocuSign Envelope ID: 19DE6AE4-A83F-42B1-BC71-C778C185DF98 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Modification of Residential Design Requirements Kaiwi SFR Addition LUA22-000159, MOD Permit Date: June 21, 2022 Page 3 of 5 Three and one-half inches (3 ½”) minimum trim surrounds all windows and details all doors; and At least one of the following architectural details shall be provided on each home: shutters, knee braces, flower boxes, or columns; and Where siding is used, metal corner clips or corner boards shall be used and shall be at a minimum two and one-half inches (2 ½”) in width and painted. If shutters are used they shall be proportioned to the window size to simulate the ability to cover them; and If columns are used, they shall be round, fluted or strongly related to the home’s architectural style. Six inches by six inches (6” x 6”) posts may be allowed if chamfered and/or banded. Exposed four inches by four inches (4” x 4”) and six inches by six inches (6” x 6”) posts are prohibited. Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) The applicants state that the existing improvements meet trim requirements, siding requirements, and that the brick wall acts as an architectural detail that is appropriate to the architectural character of the home. The elevation drawings do not indicate existing and proposed trim is meeting the requirements. See FOF 2, Windows and Doors for information regarding trim around doors. The elevation drawings also don’t show corner boards or metal corner clips associated with the siding, however, provided photos of the existing dwelling do show corner boards. Retaining the existing trim and corner boards and providing three and one-half inches (3 ½”) wide window trim and corner boards on the addition would include details that are appropriate to the architectural character of the home, therefore these existing improvements and improvement noted in the condition below meet the architectural detailing guidelines of the Residential Design element set forth in RMC 4-2-115E.3. To ensure the existing and proposed trim and siding corners are compliant with the guidelines noted above, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicants submit revised drawings with the building permit application showing corner boards and trim that surrounds all windows. New trim and details of new doors on the addition shall be a minimum of three and one-half inches (3 ½”) in width. New corner boards on the addition shall be a minimum of two and one-half inches (2 ½”) in width and painted. The revised submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. 4. Garages Garages may be attached or detached. Shared garages area is also allowed, provided the regulations of RMC 4-4-080 are met. Carports are not allowed. One of the following is required. The front porch projects in front of the garage a minimum of five feet (5’) and is a minimum of twelve feet (12’) wide, or The garage is detached and set back from the front of the house and/or porch at least six feet (6’). DocuSign Envelope ID: 19DE6AE4-A83F-42B1-BC71-C778C185DF98 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Modification of Residential Design Requirements Kaiwi SFR Addition LUA22-000159, MOD Permit Date: June 21, 2022 Page 4 of 5 Additionally, all of the following are required: Garage design shall be of similar design to the homes, and If sides of the garage visible from streets, sidewalks, pathways, trails or other homes, architectural details shall be incorporated in the design. Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) The applicants state that it would be unreasonable due to cost to have a porch that projects five feet (5’) in front of the garage and is 12 feet (12’) wide as is building a detached garage that is set back from the front of the house six feet (6’). They request that the brick wall be considered the front of home emphasis. As previously referenced in FOF 2, Windows and Doors, the home was built in 1994 and is representative of the style and architecture of the time. As referenced in FOF 1, Primary Entry the brick wall and red tile walkway leading to the front door draws the eye and directs pedestrians to the front entrance which helps to bring attention away from the garage and directs it to the front door. Additionally, the garage is not alone in projecting beyond the front door. The second floor of the residence is located above the garage. The two (2) levels are flush with one another, and both make up the façade closest to the street. By having the second story living space façade contiguous with the garage façade it minimizes the impact of having a garage extend beyond the front door façade. Therefore, the existing improvements meet the garages guidelines of the Site Design element set forth in RMC 4-2-115E.3. RMC 4-2-115A2, CRITERIA FOR MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS: Renton Municipal Code, section 4-2-115, lists elements that are required to be included in all residential development in the zones stated in subsection B of this Section. Each element includes both standards and guidelines. Standards are provided for predictability. These standards specify a prescriptive manner in which the requirement can be met. Guidelines for each element are provided for flexibility. These guidelines provide direction for those who seek to meet the required element in a manner that is different from the standards. a. The determination as to the satisfaction of the requirement through the use of the guidelines is to be made by the Community and Economic Development Administrator when no other permit or approval requires Hearing Examiner review. b. When it has been determined that the proposed manner of meeting the design requirement through guidelines is sufficient, the applicant shall have satisfied that design requirement. DECISION The proposal satisfies the criteria listed in RMC 4-2-115A2 for approval of residential design modifications. Other design elements or representations, provided within the submitted application materials, are excluded from this approval and would be subject to the Renton Municipal Code in effect at the time of DocuSign Envelope ID: 19DE6AE4-A83F-42B1-BC71-C778C185DF98 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Modification of Residential Design Requirements Kaiwi SFR Addition LUA22-000159, MOD Permit Date: June 21, 2022 Page 5 of 5 building permit application. Therefore, the Kaiwi SFR Addition, LUA22-000159, MOD is Approved with Conditions* and subject to the following conditions: *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicants shall submit revised drawings with the building permit application that provide door head and jamb trim a minimum of three and one-half inches (3 ½”) in width for the new door and front door should the applicant propose to replace existing trim. The revised submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. 2. The applicants shall submit revised drawings with the building permit application showing corner boards and trim that surrounds all windows. New trim and details of new doors on the addition shall be a minimum of three and one-half inches (3 ½”) in width. New corner boards on the addition shall be a minimum of two and one-half inches (2 ½”) in width and painted. The revised submittal shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on July 5, 2022. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11- 680). Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20-28.14 (and as amended), the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. Exhibits: 1) Modification Evaluation Form, 2) Site Plan, 3) Elevations, 4) Site Photos cc: DocuSign Envelope ID: 19DE6AE4-A83F-42B1-BC71-C778C185DF98 6/21/2022 | 10:19 AM PDT