HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractBE INNINOF FILE CNG ... . 1 a- -1 -j MEMEBID M ■ ■ CONTRACT & SPECIFICATIONS Houser Terrace Fencing r- M Date of Award; Gate of Contract: ikCity CAG#: - cContractAmount;Awarded Yo: 1�N_ c'_ko!� re=1�14^jO-C. of Penton Address: ' V„, JL) Cornmun4 Services Department . Phone.t�cr r, Tri"Cl� r t�, ,Mtn 235-2568 V �M J $V, y" LtsEy A.} ak, fit � M1 Y! i SECTION ; �w TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF RENTON HOUSER TERRACE FENCING LEGAL AND 1111) DOCUMENTS Cali for Bids Scope of Work Summar` of Fair Practices hi J J Instruciion to Bidders '+ a Nom -collusion Affidavit/Antitrust Affidavit/Minimum Wage Affidavit Hid Bond Form — 0 Form of Proposal a City of Renton Insurance Information Mind to the City of Renton (performance Bond) Contract Dorm Standard Monthly Employment Utilization Report (Sample) NOTfi: Documents marked with • above must be executed and ^ i a.i signed by Bidder, CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 442W General and Supplementary 04254 Special Conditions 44600 V Bonds and Insurance ., TECHNICAL SPECIMCATIONS ,� �}efnKrcx r .r .r. it _ ..._...^..-..,,,,...�....�. hi J J Ei CITY OF RENTON HOUSER TERRACE FENCING CALL FOR BIDS Bid Date: October 8, 1993 i Sealed bids will be received for the Heuser Terrace Fencing I Project until 2130 p.m. on October 8, 1993 at the City Clarke office (first floor of the Renton Municipal Building) and will be opened and publicly read in the first floor conference room, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton H Washington 98055. The work to ba performed within 30 calendar days from the date of contract commencement shall include: Labor and materials to install approximately 510 lineal feet of 8 foot wire mesh fencing. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, and to - w,,.ive informalities. A; proved plans, specifications and contract forme may be obtained at the Renton Parks Administration Office, 1101 Bronson Way N., Renton. The mailing address is 200 Mill Avenue So., Renton, WA. 9r'055. Documents will be mailed on receipt of a non-refundable $5.00 mailing charge. Q'jestions regarding this call for bids should be addressed to Rnndy Berg, telephone 235-2568 (FAX 277-5523). A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE PERCENT (5k) ' OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. .� The City's Fair Practices and Non -Discrimination Policies shall .- apply. v _ Mar ynP terson, .- City Clnru_, 7 Publishads September 23, 1993 �+ September 30, 1993 Daily JOL,.nal of Commerce .r Ei y _ ` 7 ar., Or AINTON SUMMAR: Cr rAIA PRACTICES POLI" j ADOPT" IY ALSOLurrom N0. i3;a . i L- h J the City f Ad, {s to promote and afford squat ° color: The policy of rags: Ores,; :o at: persons regard U re"as a non-lob-rstased trsacmens and service to alt a{cirsns and •o assure steel employ - he M opportun{:y re:; •he prerenoe of est Opp y; national. origin: ar mar{:ateTtious. or msncat hand{nap: age: Mens physical, esnroryr rinuiptse of equal forth {n otioy shall be based an the P uidrl{nss ae lot sthi City of ®pportun{cy and aff'irmatiue action g el .It. of federal, scats and taaat taus• Atl0gu%,slinger Asn can shall adhere to th■ fetlou{n P to emp[oy- .-r• - All activities rria•ion, termi"Ot{on (:) eNP:O',Mr;:' PRA:', :,snt, ss:4et{on, PrOm°: men. sualf 3r regrJ..• disor:minatory cnd :raining •halt be ooneuated in a nan- +sannrr. and in aaaordanae prrsIs, .�ieQcrsions quiremrntaDr ba h:daQn ind{viduaa perfor'+anae, stn,. C:v{: Srrtice Caue and -he q:1 'S.a*s v{:1l. �;cvrrn:nq J of Re.s:an and the bs:•rsrn -he • sf_ gmp[ayete. Caunt.t ^' _.nn -ys -he City ar a ORCA�r::A':on:saaon■ and (2) ^ C?r°a :,y .,arise ui:n i:. o7ry: :ass and stun[ ren:on U3,. .7 CC, r°ma.e eamm4.ns ar G^.Jed to p appor:...:y in .�,:ayment. r pen ::n Af',"(rma:£ve y �nG;fA. 'he C?:y+of :ita:s rquitab:e ;31 Arr'��A' %'r iC- J Be n. iy,d yi rwe�and :0 assue ' 2-L,- " :"C'"n n :he City °r 'a It chat: be the.s ser e`+. ,cum.n: :ppor:gin`-V :aCisy offnaicarreaL{vsgoyes rte�cns{wi:tity cnd d,:y 9 -. to ior-! ! out :hs policies: putidetinsr a forth by .his 'ro" ". Carreotayo an ,s Ta, be er:abtishsd by the yayor mecsurss ar ret ssrP men: progr , cn Asfirmative Aotion Ccmmtttee for mmenda:i°n:n1uhi:h a protected glare of employes the�reea arsmente -hose deg to under-reprersn:ed. eubaon:sae:ors and racCon:with- , Of Renton n- Business with .hs Ci :y ass and No" - to a"e roncucs: y shat. a" rm end subscribe t� the by lauramd•in the O{sari.�+inc:ton po.:ciss +s, forth by Aff{rea:ius Action Program, employees.. shalt be dietribu:rd to of thetcity, inoludinq Copier of this gat{0yQQ ro riots City rhatl appjdandnrall 1;srprominenttyudisptoyed {n apP P bid aalts, fasititisr.Ranson, lashington, COACU)jALO 1N by the City Cauna{: of the City of thin Setae 7110, 2nd_ day of RENTOR C: :7 COUNCIL; CITY OF RENTCAt Uw�r� Mayor Attest: ,47Cetk al_ -1 —� Council President Issuedt July 10, 19T2 yisadt robru+rY 9, 1176 Stsvl.sedI June 2, 1960 M1 J r CORRECTIONS) REFILMED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY T - 7 J J r CITY OF RENTON MOUSER TERRACE FENCING CALL FOR BIDS Bid Date: October 8, 1993 Sealed bide will be received for the Mouser Terrace Fencing Project until 2:30 p.m. on October 8, 1993 at the City Clerks office (first floor of the Renton Municipal Building) and will be opened and publicly read in the first floor conference room, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Hill Avenue South, Renton Washington 98055. The work to be performed within 30 calendar days from the date of contract commencement shall includes Labor and materials to install approximately 51.0 lineal feet of S foot wire mesh fencing. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bide, and to waive informalities. Approved plans, specifications and contract forms may be obtained - at the Renton Parks Administration office, 1101 Bronson Way N., Renton. The mailing address is 200 Mill Avenue So., Renton, WA. 98055. Documents will be mailed on receipt of a non-refundable $5.00 mailing charge. Questions regarding this call for bids should be addressed to Randy Berg, telephone 235-2550 (FAR 277-5523). A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE PERCENT (51) OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. The city's Fair Practices and Non -Discrimination Policies shall -� apply. iW Marilyn .r P terson, City Clerks-` Published: September 23, 1993 September 30, 1993 Daily Journal of Commerce N -1 J A- A. CITY OF qENTON HOUSER TERRACE FENCING SCOPE OF WORK Work under this contract shrill includo but not be limited to: labor and materials to Install approximately 510 lineal feet Of 8 foot high w1ro meah fencing. L L1ISISI: "11" C:T: Or ANCON SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY AA'OPrf:' 9! .4ES0LJTICR 'To' 13&0 - The policy of the City of Ren.on is :a promote and afford fauat trraxmrnx and Service to a:: oti:isens and to as sure fqual omptoy- wont opportunity :a at: persons regardires of raoe; arced; calor; rthniaity; national origin; See; :he pretence of a non-Job-rflated physiaal, sensory, or nfntal handicap; age; or Marital Statue. This policy Shall be brated iveoaetiann the pqu{dei{nesils easeSrt forth in op parsun{ty and a„ the City of 11 Rentonlshal:state adhereltoathelawn. 'allowingdguidstin*s:mts of fJ! EMP!.0vvr,v- PRAC':CSS - All activ{tieS relating to orloy- mien: seen as rrarut men:, SeLaction, promat{an, t*rmtna:tan and training Shall be conducted in a non-disorimina"ry manner. Personnel decisions ui:: be based an individual perfor�cncr, sta,',jig rfauirfstents, and in accordance with governing Civ Servier ;aue and the agreement between :he City Renton and the Washington State ,June:: o! C:un:r snd Ci:i Employees. r:l ;Corsa- ;r; :hf City Of .'9 4l accpera:e ;u,.y v:en .:, organmSatians and acnnrirti:nr mrgcniaed to promo:* ,_.r praa:ides and equa: aFpor:uni:i in emp:aymen:. J1 AFr:FaA� - :hr City of .4entan Affir*d-iVd rein:lined '0 eact:ita-i ea4itab:r fpreiln:aclan ui:ni+ the City work ,'ares and to esehfe ro.c: .�";aynsn: opPCmimi:y :a at:. !: Shalt be rsSponri5i:icy and duty of a:: City effiata:r and emp:Oyeer carrre:ivr to carry out :he pa:ieies, guides{nes and measures as as: forth by this Program, Carrfctive r rn,p'oyRsn: pogr_-s *av be rs:abtushfd by the .+layor on the rrcommfnda:ion c; 4,'irmative Action C'. so for f those departments :n ua " a pratreefd class of emptoyf*s is under-reprssAm-ld- f11 Con:rae:ors, Subeon:rac:arf and supp�:erS aencucc:ng ousinees with :he Citi of Renton Shat: ajfir+ and eubsari3e to she Fair Practices and Non- 9isarimina:ion po:kids se: ;orth by law and in the AffirIM--Lue Aa:ton Program. Copies aj this policy shall be distributed to al: City employers, shalt appear in alt a srationa: doaumrntatian of the roirtatenCit�{ng bid dolt*, and Shalt be prominently displayed in app p facilities. CONCURRED !V by the City Council of the City of Renton, Vaehingtan, this Lad day c'f June 1980. CITY OF R:N^ON: RYRTOR C::'Y COUNCIw: L 0 _J 7 J Council President Mayor Atteect 2ssuedt July 10, 197: vsedt i*hewer; 9, 1916 Revieedt Jun• 1, 1980 Ito ty C elk L 0 _J 7 J CITY OF RENTON HOUSER TERRACE FENCING INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Sealed bids for the Houser Terrace Fencing Project will b-) received by 0 r 6 1$ 110 7 410 the City of Renton at the office of the City Clerk until 2;30 p.m. on October 8, 1993. At that time the bids will be publicly opened ano read, after which the bids will be considered and the award of the contract will be - made as early as practicable. No proposal may be changed or withdrawn after the time set for receiving bids. Proposals shall be submitted on the forms attached hereto. 2. The work to be done is described in these instruction to bid'ers and the specifications The City reserves the right to add or eliminate portions of the work as doomed necessary 3 Specifications and bid packages may be examined and copies obtained at the Parks and Recreation Adminisiration Office, Liberty Park Community .- Building, 1101 Bronson Way North, Renton Washington, 98055. The mailing address is 200 mill Avenue South, Renton, WA. 98055 (phone 206-235.2568) '- A Questions about the protect or request for copies should be addressed to Randy Borg at the Renton Parks Department, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton Washington, 98055 (phone 206.235-2568) 5 All workmen, laborers and mechanics employed in the performance of any part of this contract shall be paid no less than the "prevailing rata of , wage" as determined by the industrial statistician of the State of ` Washington, Department of Labor and Industry. The schedule of the prevailing wage rates for the locality of this contract is by reference made .. part of this contract as though fully set forth herein. 6 Trades involved which are covered by State or Federal prevailing wage requirements, the following restrictions shall apply during the performance of the contract for this work A No payment shall be released to the successful low bidder until all applicable "Notices of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" have been received by the owner B. Retainage release shall require receipt by the owner of all applicable "Affidavits of Wages Paid" wr 0 r 6 1$ 110 7 410 ■ City of Renton liouser Tcrracc Fencing Instructions To Bidders Pale 2 � 7 The bid price for any item must include the performance of all work necessary for the completion of that item as described in the specificallon and form of the proposal, 6. The selection of the contractor will be based on the lowest complete bid proposal, The City reserves to right to reject any and/or all bids, and to waive Informalities or Irrepularilles if it Is deemed advantageous to the City to do so. 9. All bids must be self explanatory. Particular points. No Opportunity fered f explanations except as the City may request furterlll informbe ation am oral 10. The bidder shallupon request, furnish information to the City as to t W bidder's financini and practical ability to contract satisfactorily execute the he -. The successful bidder shall be required to have or obtain a City of Renton Business license before entering into a contract with the City. 12 Payment for the work shall be in the form of cash warrants A single tum sum payment will be made at the completion of the work A 5% relainage shall be with hold from the payment and held in escrow against liens and laxes Thirty (30) working days after the final acceptance of the work and w after receipt of Stale Department of Revenue's Certificalion of Taxes Paid and the City's satisfaction that all claims and Gans have been paid, the remaining retainage shall be paid to the contractor. 13, All bid proposals shall include Washington Stale Sales Tax. 14• The successful bidder shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security the faithful performance of the Contractor, including the payment of afor l personnel and firms performing labor on the project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract; said bonds) to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specified. The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed as a surety in the Sale of Washington 15. A certified check or bid bond made payable without reservation to the wDirector of Finance of the City of Renton in an amount not less than 5% of ill be umned to ount Of utnsuccessful biddy s mmediat@ id Sall accompany each bid proposal Checks y following award of I F 18. The successful bidder shall provide Certif,cale(s) of Insurance per coverage stipulated in Section 600 BONDS & INSURANCE The cancellation clause on such Certificates shall state that "the issuing •- company shall marl 30 days written notice to the cerlificato holder.. " The City of Renton shall be named as "additional insured" on each policy. A copy of the policy endorsement covering this "additional insured" shall also be furnished to the City 19. The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than ten (10) calendar days after the final City of Renton jr i` Houser Terrace Fencing Instructions `I'o Bidders I Page 3 the contract. The check of the successful bidder will be returned proviried ' he/she enters into a contract and furnishes a satisfactory Performance bond covering the full amount of the work. Should he fail or refuse to do so, the check shall be forfoited 10 the City of Renton as damages for such failure. 16 Each bidder shall fill out and sign the Form of Proposal; the combined' Non -Collusion Affidavit/Assignment of Anti -Trust Claims to Purchasnr/Minimum Wage Affidavit form; Insurance Information Form; and Bid tic id Form. . 18. The successful bidder shall provide Certif,cale(s) of Insurance per coverage stipulated in Section 600 BONDS & INSURANCE The cancellation clause on such Certificates shall state that "the issuing •- company shall marl 30 days written notice to the cerlificato holder.. " The City of Renton shall be named as "additional insured" on each policy. A copy of the policy endorsement covering this "additional insured" shall also be furnished to the City 19. The Contractor shall commence performance of the Contract no later than ten (10) calendar days after the final execution of the Contract, and shall jr complete the full performance of the contract no later than 30 calendar days from the date of commencement 20. Neither the final cerlificaie of payment, nor any provision in the Corilract, nor partial or entire use of the equipment provided by this Contract, shall ' relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibilities for faulty m4terials or workmanship. The Contractus shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damages to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within the period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the work, per Technical Specifi..atrons The City will give notice of observed defects as heretofore specified with reasonable promptness after discovery thereof, and the Contractor shall be obligated to take immediate steps 10 correct . and remedy any such defects, fault or breach at the solo cost and expense of the Contractor 21. Work of this contract shall be completed within 30 calendar days of Itio commencement of work 22. The Owner will obtain all required permits i.. L J 101 F— C11'"FRLIMN "'Mh-rod hrnd.rd o d 1.4WIL Wlm hasn: Nun."huwN 15hU•rM1. W 1.4tr,unwn w@C, tH•FW AW) NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ►iclreg duly sworn, deposes � says, that he is the Identical su;,h bid ie gcreuine and not ahem s. chat he i t Idenode in the Person who submittod the fan going P sal or 6i Rtrther, that the deponent has not directly+:rent or on bcletdf of an d, and that in A sham bid, or an}' other induced of solicit any other Bidder on the fo Y Person not therein namod, and by collusion to secure:Ot Other Person �Y��a �o of a n od m bidding.�°� not ar equipment to put arid that deponent has not in any manna sought AND y vantage over other Bidder or Bidden. CERTIFICATION RE; ASSIGNMENT OF AN77-TRUST CLAIMS 1'0 PURCHASER '- Vendor and Purchasergre that in usually borne by tPurerehascr Therefordor omit practice avert hcrebv barges gns to Purch. resulting from anti•tnast violations are in fact to goads and materials purchased in connection with this order n except as to claims or such aver-chargcs as trust %aoladons commencing alter the date of the bid quotation, or contract. [n addition, vendor w Other event establishingthe as resulting t from artor such claims tau Q� and represents that such of Iris suppliers and subcontractors shm!rice ! sir this order or p rcha, er, subject to the aforcincntioned cxecption. 8n any and all AND Af"MUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT FORA1 1, the undersigned, having been duly swam. deposed, of this project, I will pay each classification aflabor�a orkrny and anrtom r in connection +.vith the performance of tlec work not Ices darn the prevailing rate of wage or not less than the minimum ed if temployed clys in the .., that I have performance of such work; read 44n above and foregoing bog statement and certifivate, know the contents thereof and the substance as sit forth themin is ttuo to my knowledge and belief. principal contract: FOR: NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT, ASSIGNMENT OF J MINIMUM WAGE AFFIDAVIT ANTI-TRUST CLAIMS TO PURCHASER AND i10USF1i 71•�IItACI: FFIYCINC .., Name of Project _. I ANC1K)R F'FW Gghfl',tM' a of Bid ys Firm, Signature of Authorized 11esentativeofBidderTtContract no Subscribed Subscribed and sworn to before me on this i day of i Notary Pu I 1i the S , f ington ')`3,xrrn Residing at -1 r� j 233 MAIN STREET . P O. BOX 2350 NEW BRITAIN, CT 0605o.2350 (2047) 224-2000 BID BOND No. B-22268 (KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we mIinchor PenceCn, as Principal, herelnsher called the Principal. and ACSTAR INSURAN_ CE COMPANY, 233 Main Street, P.O. Orx 2350, New Britain, CT 08050.2350, a corporallon duly organized under the laws of the Stale al lltinola ss Surely, hereinafter called the Surely, ate held and firmly bound unto Bfr, of finance - City of Rontnn 200 Hill Ave., sn. Renton, WA 411055 as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obliges, in the sum of _5X of bid pr Irrr --- - f}ollors ti I for the payment of which sum well and truly to be mado, the Bald Principal and the said d , bind ourselves, our hobs, executors, administrators successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for Cf ty of Renton BOuRer Terrace fencing NOW, THEREFORE, it the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter Into it Contract with the Obllgee In accordance with The terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified In the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surely for the faithful performance Of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished In the prosucutlon !hereof, or In the event of the failure of the Principal to enter much Contract and give such bond or bonds, it the principal shall pay to the Obllgoe the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount spocl!ied In said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then INA obligation shall be null and void, No lull may be br ugh( afler one year from dale. Signed and sealed this _-. 7r 11 day of ___9ctc�ar 1Q g j ATTEST: ATTEST: r ✓ M, n- [ ir e2 v ArfMOR F MM COMPANY PHnCi�ltl , - f6ealt By rVeme j-to-rcji- Twe ACSTARINSURANCE COMPANY -� ISOM) By Ha ; y W. Nor.ko, Jr, ---� Tilly I'ri rt i slrtt [ .��,.....,_ r....-.-a.�.amw +wrnean...s r✓....wa....�.......-._.-,�-�,.,.,...,,. I 11 J ■I J CITY OF RENTON FORM OF PROPOSAL HOUSER TERRACE FENCING TO THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON The undersigned hereby certifies that,1Nc7t<1K f fNC1: t_tfatN1 _ has examined the site of the proposed work entitled "Houser Terrace Fencing" and has reed and thoroughly understands the instruction to bidders, drawings and specifications, and contract governing the work embraced in these improvements, and the method by which payment will be made for said work, or as much thereof as can be completed with the funds available for the following prrposal. A. BASE BID (Lump Sum): The total bid for labor, malarial, and sales tax to install the fence as shown in the drawings, and described in the specifications. `QZ1 LDollars 1. The undersigned understands that: a. The Total Base Bid includes contractors overhead and profit. b. The Base Bid includes 8.2°% Washington Stale Sales Tax on materials, supplies, and equipment only. No sales tax will be required on the contractor's labor. C The Work is to be completed within 30 calendar days of commencement. a E B. UNIT COSTS. r The following unit costs shall be used to add or deduct work from the contract The costs shown as unit costs shall include all contractor's overhead and profit, but shall not include _ Washington Stale Sales Tax Additional Fencing Stale the proposed amount for additional fencing per lineal fool: 'i�i_,Ive dollars mxl 33 100 Dollars ($ 12,33) D. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum # N Addendum NAME (T FIRM Cltr)!i YWCE I' SIGNATURE SIGNED BY 'lluxmi; Austin T11 LE Cbtntract Representative - ADDRESS_ P,Q, Ijus 417b_(11202 N.E. 177t), 1'1ncc) .. Wucullnyille, WaslhlnRtarl 98072 TELEPHONE (206) 483-95M STATE CONTRACTOR LICENSE # AN1mrclol(r l 0 CITY OF RENTON INSURANCE INFORMATION JDwc 10/0 Psoducw.. C. iAward Minn in=== Carnes: SEDGWIGi JMtFS QJ1' 7I:iAS, INC. A. MEXICAN INI"I. SIILCIAMY LINTS 3811 711rLIC Creek 131W., I.Ii1 It. NATIONAL UNION FIRE. INS. CO. Grsun:d: III,liall, - 4411) Pl'+1 INIXIS1RIFS, INC. ANCIRA F'FNCE ('(IFIPAW „ PLLuE DESCRAIE ANY QuALIFICAroN! ON ANY OF T11E COvERAuLs usTED AUGVz,,w)YI; -Vt-,11 A nA.L DISCUSSION Of ANY TAIL COVERAUF,ASSOCtATCDWaftC UMSMADEfOLJCIEl. bl CERTIFICATE CANCE11ATION C9r►USE WORDING SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: MOULD ANY Of TIm kDOW, OFSCRIDED POLICIES IIS CANCEUM BEFORE THE 00KATION DATE TnEALOF. TIM ISSUING COMPANY IVILL,MAII. sn DAYS WRJTTEN N(MCE TO TIIE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TIM LEFT' el PROVIDEA.M.DFSTALFn%44UMEJUCRATINO. A. A'f't' XV H. A++ \'V D CON TRAIT A W ARD INSTItUCTIONS; 'r If r -W 6" n aim" to pwfwm On eewk dmmbw in Thu' -we c_ r"" aLc lu worse lupe M11 need to he Ia"uwn u3 IN R emnn ,':h I -taws 08" M luw'ME MI1.4M uJer IM h.d e..ud. tk..eelae ebe.A umtrel.ee rwtevr,nrnrt m,r he .hrrnM in the Pm. ,l rinnrnrrre .1 :-j 5.:J-6 CONTRACT DE5CR,TPT W COMPAW REPRESENTATIVE; . I InstnlInt ton of chain II,: C. IdwrlltdDuma 'nw rmu.nd hmua rc thu rwowy en 11.0 m,Iha11.. rail npr �4 ,.a.e14e. PRONE N I dirt M' II (214) 651-4(x.K) klanwse,+lncsvt:-fwDOC h COVERAGE TYPE P" wy P()LI(7( DATES POLIL'Y LIMI'T'S i CIt"M Mmm t me"M I1row" t o"uml Pn uC Y TY PE Naltlbw 7enwll liewwr - Relettllan A. n 1703242RA )5/01/II .)eMrel.Ll�e�lle 2 lxx1�(xxr ''I/Irl/44 14atwu • `:.+rmlk ,te; (?Of) (xxi $250,000.00 i`mMuo,ldr,nll� 1 (}f)(r NIA WA SOP CAP I NCI n)E°n a ,iemep 1 Airy Une, 1 U0 O+ X I Icv.,21i AM I PWMt fMissa Al Lwahtg•. I �crm,wn $250,000.00I NIA E :Inw (,.cm Iaa4.1,1r. _ I Helmum I NIA I I LA,n tkr•"m1e i I 11tpr�ile AWO LNAli.11.' - J{ /y y� �ryyry - - HetlelnM I I,VI.A../, �.R.o I1. i .:.urminN i.un,1 i 3250,000.00 NIA X 1188155RA )0/1)1/9.05/01/()4 tleu'IrinluryihlFowl ;J.-IIII,M� lwv1MAcc"I"I I tXhW RryuuertCevelep: Rrle"I"M _ F.a,ileieessvrr„e+ � i 1 egrt" „ PLLuE DESCRAIE ANY QuALIFICAroN! ON ANY OF T11E COvERAuLs usTED AUGVz,,w)YI; -Vt-,11 A nA.L DISCUSSION Of ANY TAIL COVERAUF,ASSOCtATCDWaftC UMSMADEfOLJCIEl. bl CERTIFICATE CANCE11ATION C9r►USE WORDING SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: MOULD ANY Of TIm kDOW, OFSCRIDED POLICIES IIS CANCEUM BEFORE THE 00KATION DATE TnEALOF. TIM ISSUING COMPANY IVILL,MAII. sn DAYS WRJTTEN N(MCE TO TIIE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TIM LEFT' el PROVIDEA.M.DFSTALFn%44UMEJUCRATINO. A. A'f't' XV H. A++ \'V D CON TRAIT A W ARD INSTItUCTIONS; 'r If r -W 6" n aim" to pwfwm On eewk dmmbw in Thu' -we c_ r"" aLc lu worse lupe M11 need to he Ia"uwn u3 IN R emnn ,':h I -taws 08" M luw'ME MI1.4M uJer IM h.d e..ud. tk..eelae ebe.A umtrel.ee rwtevr,nrnrt m,r he .hrrnM in the Pm. ,l rinnrnrrre .1 :-j 5.:J-6 CONTRACT DE5CR,TPT W COMPAW REPRESENTATIVE; . I InstnlInt ton of chain II,: C. IdwrlltdDuma 'nw rmu.nd hmua rc thu rwowy en 11.0 m,Iha11.. rail npr �4 ,.a.e14e. PRONE N I dirt M' II (214) 651-4(x.K) klanwse,+lncsvt:-fwDOC h r 0.11101 IIAROITY ANY All I tdctioU1stl OY L11Mn114 A I IKMI Ittlrtlr 11+AN tiMnn(+lA r(Ir1u -• 111,00110111 M COAMI NSA Tx1N ANG Ii11MOT1A1 HA1KItT Tft I•n[1mi wA „,#Ct PAnIMNSI ICCU110 .. 0111CINAAP 111:1 r oiiieil _ #EXCEPT: 10 DAYS FOR NON-PAYMENT OF PREMIUM. A �'11.I''ylr NA ACC'Ir w' 1 •'II ry Ivey Alliry 1 a,, • I ., A r 1 . 1 i �0110414"WNo, OPI4AtK:W11/�CAfgNl YrlsCl111Pf (.4A1 nl M•I _ CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (I/ ADDITIONAL, INSURED REGARDING OL: tfll24193 2"9/93 Mronu11 A Q wick Sed Wick James of Tx, Inc 10415 CERiIF1CATE 19 13§UED As A MAFTEII OFINIONMATION i 3811 Turtle Crook Blvd. ONLY ANO CONFERS NO nKiHT5 UPON THE CURTIfICATE 1111KA1KM DAII tMA101 lilt 1(1rii"O CIMMANI MMI �Erffl11FT1W YYl 6000Y1 MT11114NO110 IC lift (4,1nt1(.A1l Phone: (214)631-4000 HOWER THIS CrATIFICATE nOE3 NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVCAAOE AFFORDTD BY THE POLICIES FIELOW, RENTON, WA 98095 Dallas, TK 75219-4414 COMPANIFSAFFonDII16COVEnAOt BEST RATINGS A++XV 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1003 American Int'% Specialty Lines ,11sun1n PPA Industries, Inc. It. NATIONAL UNION FIRE INS, CO. ANCHOR FENCE COMPANY P.O. Dow 476 c Woodinville WA 98072 D THIS 16 TO CEn1II'Y THAT 104E POLrCIfa (II INSUPIAM 1.. t I ,TI'D IPI t c1W 10AW III I PI VI !O H FI 11.1 tilt INhulll U NAIAI R Altll�'I I OH t HF Pill rrv L,1 1 (9) INMAtf D. k(if WPINSTANflPNO ANY HL OUlPf Ut NT 11 HM Oil CONVI f K V4 (10 ANY I,OF4111A(_ T 011 f it Hf 11 1 x K UN1 ?41 %Vi Ili PPI 1,1'1.4:1 1(1 w'"it 't 9 C£nIWCATE MAY OE ISSUED On MAY PERIAtN. t1Q: nlSurtAl4TY. AP P O(it)f n ifY toll. PVA 1' 11 rr )I "r _Mjlj 1) HI Iq IN 1'. "IAI.A Ct 1(I Al l 1'.1 I I nl,(5 EXCL.UWAS ANO CONDIT01®OP StWH POLICIES LiW N 5010WN MAY lUY1. 01.1 N111 W K.1011V flAlll ct AIM% r1�11 TM of I U AMCr /1MrcYNIAMtn MIKKTt04iC11Yt MOl N.Tt119AAt" IIY11ri pA��IllIt l(.ryY 11C YpTl�i� f1-AATri�yiY7rM ROYYI I 39 �I{ -_.. .._-- 1�•4tMAAl,1A.11117 -._ _ - 77�.aRia A l �^�.- }I - r7-lcii a3'- 3/Vi i9�14-An A06,11 f �ooOaOO i X Ct1YyI 11cIA, (nMr1IU IIA99'lY M �'Mk. it'. r' 1000000 i 0AN19YAM x UI,(1Ni WWI" •.. 1 n I 100000 9 TMN4noi"ir 1v tA:l,'. 1000000 X WA STOP IAP IAI, I „'• 100000 �•AV? 0YMrl _.It ..-. _..... .. y u11=1,� r. •. I- I, 50000 X ANrAWO i+A/Neltl'14+MN11xAt 1000000 A l 1]WMI 11 AU101 III KIN r 11; pl, M,InrAILIDAU1CI111 :pM t+-'•-. , I x /IKyh Antod •. I I X OKAOWNT 0 AU115Pp I•: rr' `• ' / , I°aNKIIII, IWA, rI f 0.11101 IIAROITY ANY All I tdctioU1stl OY L11Mn114 A I IKMI Ittlrtlr 11+AN tiMnn(+lA r(Ir1u -• 111,00110111 M COAMI NSA Tx1N ANG Ii11MOT1A1 HA1KItT Tft I•n[1mi wA „,#Ct PAnIMNSI ICCU110 .. 0111CINAAP 111:1 r oiiieil _ #EXCEPT: 10 DAYS FOR NON-PAYMENT OF PREMIUM. A �'11.I''ylr NA ACC'Ir w' 1 •'II ry Ivey Alliry 1 a,, • I ., A r 1 . 1 i �0110414"WNo, OPI4AtK:W11/�CAfgNl YrlsCl111Pf (.4A1 nl M•I PROJECT: HOUSER TERRACE FENCING PROJECT. ADDITIONAL, INSURED REGARDING OL: CITY OF RENTON. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION OW"D A041 w 1111 AKnYt rMs�nmin Pix X'1t1 or rA11CPI111i 11rOnl tin CITY OF RENTON 1111KA1KM DAII tMA101 lilt 1(1rii"O CIMMANI MMI �Erffl11FT1W YYl 6000Y1 MT11114NO110 IC lift (4,1nt1(.A1l 700 MILL AVENUE SOUTH W1i1H111,1Y14 IDTNl tilt. fRKattecxxtiM+F'rx�I NlNrnrlex!t1Mx�lnRt RENTON, WA 98095 ,wwftLx AU 10 N1 NtAyv'f�j l ACORD 26.511103} 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1003 L I fr '- INBUAEDr PPA INIOTRIRB. INC.1 ANCHOR IRNCS Co, POLICY 07703749RA 5-1-93/94 THIS RNDOROKKINT Cf"ORB TRIP POLICY. pLEABR RZA11 IT CARBtULLY. r "e ADDITIONAL INSURED OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) f Thin onrlornemi.rw rrodl f ion Inaulari i, f,1 ovided undor tiro following, COOMCIAL OiOfBI" LIABILITY COVMag pA1lT. SCUNDMA Name of Peroon or Organization CITY OF RENTON 200 MlLL AVENUE SOUTIi RF.NTON, WA 98055 PROJECT: HOUSER TERRACE FENCING PROJCCI' Cit no entry appeatu nixevo, Information MQuirod to r_omploto dila on1016enlont will be Shown in tho DQUInrntlonn nn npplicable to thin endornement.i. Wltd 18 AN 114001MD Wection 111 In amonded to Include an an inaurml U10Pornon or organization shown in th(Jf1chadule, but only with reapert to liability driving out Of 'your work' for that inaurtxd by of for you. AUiTHORIM) A(*24T/11140XU.11 DATN_10-�9-'���. lY7 JO 111 11 e5 COpXRItiIIT, Ii18SIR11NCR IRRVICUS gFp'ICEB, INC. i9ed I ..r a Vj .z a �AaiK,aeKr.s+t..>W�atl+7�t•�A'I"4_r`.,�•:'rlty,:,rq!!y�x?P!Se".R'Krlrrf>t«ar,..,:,. Nl POWER OF ATTORNEY A�� I:O tl Know all mein by these presents. that ACSIAn Intuiance Cantpeoy a corfrralion of 1ho Stale of 111n0lt. having int pnnclpAtofhu++ntheGdynlNawnrlAmn CunnrclMut(MaesuanitnlhelouowrrlgnesohAinn whK.h*Oil adopted bythe RoardOfNOClors0lthesAid Company of July ? IWM to wit nIM)tVt'tf Thallhrfrrsnw,lgfluretshallgnrernrtnpop, illmnlot lMrC/wnpanrmltion t undela$rq$ riKrpmursncn [in+lrsdaaMolnele/AinpanP,e net Ineroot Ill ThalthoCharman,lhePrMMmIOWWKePre1+derrisMOaneeAYll',oMrrla•ol"Altornayr,IAMP,ayesecufliImAndontamhan *line coortpanSmAny artdsn boil u"dorl&%"% m ilirmraM.el rtMhlrla and ofM/r1AMpa mine nNun fneimN the same lobs alumina whannscNNryby M&CsporNstM[rsisry.M any Atsntanl r:mpr/ala SrrrMlary. ane 1M Gael of Irw CaMgny ane- IM ttMiralo. ane Intl ILMI f.Muman to PAesmd"I may Apf ant and auMnhre any What (iKKw fine Ml int nCnmmtMlnyrl rinnpan .sod Annow"mFoci to Mereculed a11N11n the srecWKM,of at tach whlmpt on hanall ofiha Company aMld nail ItoAhY I,ah goirre"Koledm a+.t+r dancewlh areae flutes shall tar Al ti^l-tj apoh the Ctrheany,n any a ane at thMIM+{,Ione by in* Nimad"I and allaatsd to be 17a CA t raate Iiireraly 1% TM sisnahPe, A the Chaart+an m the lhrl,itool of It* Company marc no anaed Of t A $,mild M any fhw to WP trniy ryrented pwluanl volt" llowulrMr and it. t�enalure YA a ferlityPe tafirw ail mP aeal pi IM co-riany mar IW $rl,rM t,y A far lim,M In any ferlil►ei any uKh IMrwe/ and any such pel17/ or tena'Caw Ma -4 %uc h 4, w.,M $rpnalu+e Aral len Moa M 091.1 Aral Mwlrq M 00 (1r+mpa,ir til %.let, athet()'rKml at the Ciimpany and AlhdRyt +n IatI than haM a+AIMNrtr to t rrl'ly 1,100y/ noaPnr this nelutulrnn Ito Ry{ and of the Company Ind Ani d11.14, I a r".all 't tow Com„lny oft rasa', to mP dwl,arpr M lhe.r duo+t dcsa hereby aorninale, mnatttute and apWml Henry W. Norko, Sr„ Henry W. Norko, Jr„ Robert H, Fraaor, David A. Price, William J. Dykes, Bryan H. Marsh each mdmvaduaBly It fflere her moa than one narumid Attotnt+y ar-f art lomafn nmc4lte.smalfind dobv ran itsta,had and ''nsdiaclAnllltendanyandRafemds t ndartaMmgs rm-.nyrarances connartsand nfllrl *ill w9i in the nmurn Ihatanl /n penalties not elcemrting I IV( Mft t ION DOLL ANS ISS.000,0W 00I eachinJ tha erecuhon at Inch *ramal in pursuant nal Ihrltn pretenfa, etch he As btndrnq upon said Company. at Fully and amply, As It they had boon duly PrMo1Pd and ACkiatwlrrlllPll by the rrr{IulAlly Will Imt ofhr emt 011be Coregmany M ds prul/.1141 mine INWil NESS WHEIII.Or,Henry W Nortn t;r .Chnrmanlr+dNnn+yW Nurut Jr prirsidenl havehmeonlotubsClitardtheir names And Alhted the cntporale trial o1 tiro ACSTAR INSURANCE COMPANY pus tat day of Apnl l!Mfrl ACIi1AR Immsorence Comppny by Me1W 11 s, Chauman IWAa /yy ... ----.. fMnry W 4ihry Jr, President S1 ATE OF CONNECTICUT I I is NFW IIf111AIN COUNT Y OF IfARTFOnD I OnlhmtlsldayafApnlAD 199il botirimm, it Notary I'm flAr of I he SIAN, of Cn"Wi4cut came. Henry IN Nci Sr ChattinnnarldHoinq W Norko...It..Pins,denlofthe ACeYARInsurance Company .InmepnrtonAllyfnnwnfOtKrihpmdrndnefsandofhcnrswhoelaeurrtdlhnprecedmg insliumenl, and thmy acknnWlmtged that lboy etrculeil 1hP AAmP, And the seal Aaiepd In the preceding instnrrnent Is the corporate seat of as Mt Company, that nil„ TAW cnrpniale seat And thea signatures *PrP duly afhaed by the adthordy and direction of the said coilooratton, and the nafduhun S1yiAAlgttlAl4jf�n Email of Doti of AAid Crenpany hrtetied tat m the prscmlmng snkrrument, is flow in farce MI/1raylMON* l ror Iliable heimminsetmyhandand affnPdmyolhcutsealatthe City ptNow nrdmmnthe clay end year fastabove tk NuUry 1uWrc •clan# f. Eyent PU1300 1 1.1 drgnAd mleerrtp?yo ttlslanlSPCrelAryiitACeTARlntunnuCompany lnhernhycerhrylharmntvigmdflOWEROrATTOFINEYnI which R419 rA. IM and Correct copy. is in limit Force and affect In tri1ness }w}horeot, 1 hire hereunto subscrj*d my name as SPcreliry, at Auslanl Secrntery and ANired the corpmele seal of the Corporation, this --1U dayol tt t Marital 11 1 rarel —��--- secretary OR .,�-`• .__--'--..r.aminesrrAr{/rAt9�'.w`""•-'....�_..- Marpunl5 McKmbbr Aril 6acratary Mind Noll. 4144 bt]ND TO TEE CrM AP RENON KNOW) 4J„ j- ASEN LY TfMr..k PRES2-rTS: Tsar we, she undCnjVe4 Aiill 1 , t:u. , tile. Aa rind d, 1Dd �1f:RTAR Iltr+llr+lnt•r r„tnl:lnv •.••..•`.'�—� F p corporudon orrutLted Aad &XstLAj undo the laws of the Sure of =11„ l .. _ as `surety corporation, And gwlIflad tinder the laws of cbe "tits of Wal to ;xeotne outcry upas bonds of cortrsctors with municipal eapomClon&, u surery are jointly Lad aev"Iy heli ,red tlrraly bound to the Cry of Ramon in the penal sum of S 'r°_ t l,' In for the pAytnant od whrdr st1: on demand we bind ourselves &nd out rucceuon, heih, ►1tlolstr1ton or person rep,reaentadves, ss the cuo tray be. This obl!gatlatt is sa red Into la punuanca of'bc stsrutm of the State of WiLshingwn, the Ordinaoca of the City of kroten. 1)sted if �. Wash ICswn, this t 1, day of (New lit !ijIit, it1 Nnverthdcse, the coudltlons of the above oUlation us such thst: %y7lEkEAS, Vi Jer and pu;auulr to Public works Causuvtdort Contrac, CAG- providing for CjA3M tion of _ Ilnu•, 1 'Torrtte,, Fennlns p0wal 0040) the principal Is raquirisd to furnish a Gond for the faithful performance of the contract; and 1 .� WWHE EAS, 1119 princlpll has scctpccd, or Is shout to scclpt, the contrAn, Ltd tlnderl to perform the .j work thaala provided for in the rnaanu Aad within the time sat forth; NOW. 'MEMME, if this prig l sbA11 fill parfnr,a &11 of the provlsiow of old cantrsct in the mom And withta the time therein set forth, or w fin such sxtensloas of time u may b -e wanted ceder uld coaxact, and Iball pay All Ishoran, ma:k&nlu, subcontrar,on and mall idmen, and All persons who shall supply said principal or subcaatmetort with provisions and suppilal for the car=yia` on of said work, and t,hsll hold said Ury of Roamn harnl9u from any toil or d=sge occasioned to Any pisrsaa or property by rL=n of any carelaunaas or nn9111tmc9 on the put of raid principal, or any aubcoatractar la the perfrmaAc oa'said work, Aad shall lcdemrify and hold the City of Penton harmless tom any da ujo or cprWt by reason of failure of pufotmanu as spWfed is the ulotxAn or from defects appearing or -, Ceve!oplog in the Mal or workma:ublp provided or performed under the ccl within a palati of ooe year aftn its a:ceptar;ce thettof by the Cly of P=ton, then end in that event this obligation &ball be void; but othrswko l: shall be &nil remain in dill force and effect. 4 Anchor t� or Few GMIMIly W ill, torah e r„l hieelpal Surety Signature Il SLoich Sis#,sture Hrhry W. N,,:l,,, To rtlll:lr;ur' 1':, I'll -lit 1 rru,�0w+.0 a/5trn•aoc,lali ►+1 M,ol trr Lol W"ll Vt4LM . 711 MAIN Still IT. T. PO floe low N1whmlAthocI01ol a )w POWER OF ATTORNEY E w IM117N:4100 Know all men by these presents: I hat AC!;TAIL Inttitanco Company a cofparalrOn of the Slain of iii nets, haying its To ny.fpniullrf a In Ihp City dI NV v fitda-rl tiurwrm Oil III purtuanl Inlrw tuTiawing riCsohihom which was adapted by the noardal O•aechxtof the ultd Company an July 1 191111 to will Iii -AXW p Thai Ihr h041rrnd nuNl thAuglrre.n Tr.� r.rK.. u1Kr+lia the Comping of hew+lls urrdsrl&tnes +atotgmranr Ott Clrlhaat awl o1Mt rnotnga hied nahom sM,00 off 14"a11MCharm110.1MPIMKIe tIhtVmPIMMdenlsod rleniialCawlwfrwanyAnMnafiam fact may rtacuiAtoo al/dnrib&Mdo1TrAcmepanyrAny arodon bolds Imaerisin.go fel rignilAntM Contost 11 and other rnitnils mThe nAlurl instant, Its lama to to ollaated-moo na[Murytry its Cotpooto risctalafy fw Any Allitsmi Cnrprnlfe Lor mplary. AM ted seal nr IM Crwrputny aa�rM IMriio. and mal lte CflAurmAn d MnwlMlmey aryP6"mt and aurrlafoa any fdher OMKN taNct W at oppomtM l of iheCtwnpany, and A111rneys n I bit hY W ylKula at anett la ohs auscuhoe of an Ruch ofelmon on rshHlol ria Company and loafha the woo tit OM Ctwnpany threala lyi Ari gich vorlps rfrrurrd in accflrMeaM►with 114oeih.,lss%naahit as h.ndnp turwm iM Cryhpanyin Anrtow Al though sigheA by ontoPrssidonl And anHlyd to 1. Ir+► Cawplwalo, %0( tmAfy 111 Too l,enalurnt llw.C'h.—An lw ter Plea~ O IIIM f'awnpa r fw,01t.04 by rommrrom any lKmointof anonity Cramps puttuAnl To Into nowutwn and Ifo 4en41ofe ill At 0,101" ,11K'et am low teal o The Crwwr. 111-104 by a lorl—le Ie any Centra its of any such IwfrrM And any ouch rimier or redia-. Ate iw.anng trwh 14(ii—Or 44rylute Ahd s"I ►hal tw . . 1.,Q lar 114 Cfrnpany IAf rtiKhlrllN"7 tinKH;x1114 Crrmpanr snitANoreyt ln-ratllr-I I rrhlylw vrnh,IVP"al ul thillti"ftftiilNwn,. uAllytaasol lila Cempony, and Any An.dawm rw fn MIT rA fhrl iawnpanr rw"rwttAtt to IM d+te r' � 61616 hereby nominate, aonsinule and appolnl Henry W. Norko, Sr., Henry W. Nezko, Jr„ Floban H. Frazer, David A- Price, William J. Qykas, Bryan H. Marsh eACh IndrvrduAily of Ibltnbe more Than one narrnA d utInn,endtavrlulAnnlnny on Fac.l.toml.p e "ude %Vat Anderhheh vrfonpitalf,andatllsacrAnddroidAnyandonbonds.undrmalings rrrogn'iAnces. ronNRcts and nihr,r, wnhngs in Trip nAlnro Ihnrmtf of fwnall nt not a acepdng FIVE MIL LION EnOLL An5I IA OW W000) each and the etre utalin ill sueh wtil mgt in purl4ar+rr ill Ihntn pip;pills such twat htndtng upon said Compnny. at fully And Imply sa II thny had Ewan duly rrPi: tied and AcMonto lr%%jVd by Ihn IPgIit40IV r.lrifrht oIfir rrt IT 1Im Coff"my at ,It For inc.pa I oIIK>II IN WITNESS WHEn1.01 /+rlwyW Nurin,St ChallnunandHencyW Nothoit Prrudenl have herpunlosutiscnbedtheir names end alloyed thncotrwratewool of the ACBTAR INSURANCE COMPANY this fall day of April IM ACITAN Insurance Company fly � I Farr W N IT5r i:irarrnian by A..jA. ^r fl, W rYl Jl. 1"I46irlenl ,STATE OF CONNICTICIIT 1 I fit Ni.W FTIIITAIN COIINTVOF IIA14TF IIID I Onlhnlortayol ApntA b IM, Im1prmmo. a NolAfy Public of lhe9t11e of Connocl+cul came. Henry No0o Er, Chaurnamond Henry W Norio o. Jr , Prraident ul the ACBTAR IMararlC$ Company FIT me personally M nown lobe The individuals and officers Irho e.eculed Sha preceding instnlmenl and troy AC►ndwledgnd That Ihny rrpculyd the same, and the goal tltiired Ito the preceding instrument is the corporate 6041 of wil Company, that the "A calporale &CIAO and thMt ugnatoees warp dilly alhaed by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and the netafut+nnLU pllatrd o1 Dlroclnrs of &Aid Company, iornried to in IM prKed.ng mttlllmenl. it now In Ione "VrESTIMON EOy Ibay* hrreuntoSol myhand and allsoadmyolhcoil snAlatthe City ofNow n dam The day and Vast tntIIWnvo who n( I%() TA 0 �'t Notary Public Fnnt L Event I,l gnodd r ya suslamlieeialuy6lACITANInserAnceCen+pang. dahereby comity Thai 1rwarrgonatP0lMEnOF.fTTOANEY61 which ta+yl tEr,3� of, and COOIKl COPY, is 1n lull force and effect In witness w will ! I horn rwrluntd au abed m rinaa�y At Secretary, or /!It ortanl Eeerelary and arrived the cotpofate 1#11 of the Corporation, Ih1t .�. day al._..- �5...L��_,191.1 n 116be4H iffier v_ e aecrelary on AUrgarol BMetiibbyi -- KnE aecrMary Pull I}till �J f CAO -093-101 " CITY OF RENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS OTHER THAN FEDERAL AID FHWA MODIFIED �_J THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this clay of 19YA, by anti between the CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, a municipal corporation or the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to ns "CITY" and AnchoHFence. Coruaitnv _, hereinnfter referred to as "CONTRACTOR". WITNC SETtit 1) The Contractor shall within the time stipulated, (to -wit: within fit? _ calendar from date of commencement hervor as rrquirecl by the Contract, of which this agreement is n component part) perforin all the work and services required to be performed, and provide and furnish all of the labor, mriterinis, appliances, mnchines, tools, equipment, utility, and trimsportation services necessary to perform the Contract, and shall complete the construction and installation work in a workmanlike manner, in connection with the City's Project Identified as CAGN _93-101 for improvement of _user Terrace Fencing All the foregoing shall be timely performed, furnished, constructed, Installed, and completed in strict conformity with the plans and specifications, including any and all addenda issued by the City and all other documents hereinnfter enumerated, and in dill compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations of the City or Renton and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover. It Is further agreed and stipulated that all of said labor, materials, appliances, machines, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and the construction Instnlintion performed and completed to the satisraction and the approval of the City's Parks and Recreation Director as Page I of G '� cndmoa r L _I 71, M being in such conformity with the pians, specifications, and all requirements of i or arising under the Contract. , I I 2) The aforesaid Contract, entered into by the acceptance of the Contractor's bid unci signing of this ngrccment, consists of the following documents, till or which are component parts of said contract and as fully a Fart thereof as if i herein set out in full, and if not nttnched, as if hereto attached. �+ a) This Agreement b) Instruction to Bidders �. c) Bid Proposal LJ d) Specifications c) !Naps and Plnns, if any I) Bid g) Advertisement for Bids Ill Special Provisions, if tiny I) Technical Specifications, if any 31 If the Contractor refuses or fans to prosecute the work or any part thereof, with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specified in this Contract, or any extension in writing thereof, or fails to complete said work within such time, or If the Contractor shall be adjudged a bankrupt, or if lie J should make n genernl assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if n receiver shall be appointed on account of the Contractor's insolvency, or If he .. or any of his subcontractors should violate any of the provisions of this .. Contract, the City may then serve written notice upon trim and his surety of Its ., intention to terminate the. Conirnrt, and unless within ten (101 days after the serving of such notice., such violation or non-compliance of any provision of the Page 2 of 6 �I smntnrDd L _I 71, Contract shall cense and satisfactory arrangement for the correction thereof be made, this Contract shall, upon the expiration of said ten (10) tiny period, cease and terminate in every respect. In the event of any such termination, the City shall immediately serve written notice thereof upon the surety and the Contractor and the surety shall have the right to take over and perform the Contract, provided however, that If the surety Within flftemf 151 tiny s after the serving upon it of :such notice of termination d!2c5 not perfarm the Cgntracto mons not rginmcn r ncrfnrmnngC thereof within thirty (301 Clays from the date of serving such notice, the City itself may take over the work under the Contract and prosecute the same to completion by Contract or by any other method It may dean advisable, for the account and at the expense of the Contractor, and his surety shall be liable to the City for any excess cost or other damages occasioned the City thereby. In such event, the City if It so elects, may without linbility for so doing, take possession of and utilize in completing said Contract such materials, machinery, appliances, equipment, plants and other properties belonging to the Contractor as may he on site of the project and useful therein. I 4) The foregoing provisions are in addition to and not In limitation of any other rights or remedies available to the City. s P 51 Contractor agrees and covenants to hold and save the City, Its officer, agents, representatives, and employees harmless and to promptly indemnify same from and against any and nil cl arms, actions, damages, liability of every type and nature including all costs and legal expenses incurred by reason of any work arising under or in connection with the Contract to be performed hereunder, including loss of life, personal injury and/or darnnge to property arising form or Page 3 of G CWrMW 9 r i, on, or about the premises Fact. This hold harmless and indemnification provision shall likewise apply for or on account of any patented or unpatented invention, process, nrticic or appliance mnnufnctured for use in the performance of the Contract, including Its use by the City, unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Contract. In the event the City shall, without fault on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against Contractor, then Contractor shall proceed and hold the City harmless and he shall pny all costs, in connection with such litigation. Furthermore, Contractor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees that may be Incurred or paid by City in the enforcement of tiny of the covenants, provisions, and agreements hereunder. far Any notice from one party to the other party under the Contract shall be In writing and shnil lie dated and signed by the party giving such notice or by its duly authorized representntive of such party. Any such notice as heretofore specifled shall be given by personal delivery thereof or by depositing same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail. 71 The Contractor shnll commence performance of the Contract no Inter than ten (10) calendar days after Contract's final execution, and shall complete the full performance of the Contract not later than 0 calendar Clays from the date of commencement. For each and every calendar tiny of delay after the established day of Final Completion, It is hereby stlp11110ed and agreed that the damages to the City occasioned by said delay will be the sum of $64.00 per calendar dav, ns liquidated damages (nnd not as a penalty) for each such clay, which shall be paid by the Cantrnctor to the City, Page 4 of 6 l M by Neither the riinni certificate of payment, nor tiny provision in the Contract, nor partial or entire use of any installation provided for by this Contract, shall relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall be under the duty to remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within the period of one III year from the date of final acceptance of the work, unless n longer period is specified. The City will give notice of observed defects as heretofore specified with reasonable promptness after discovery thereof, and Contractor shnll be obligated to take immediate steps to correct and remedy any such detect, fnult or breach at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. �+ g) The Contractor and ench subcontractor, if any, shall submit to the City such schedules of quantities and costs, progress schedules, payroils, reports, estimates, records, and misrcllnneous data pertaining to the Contract as may be requested by titre City from time to time, 101 The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for the faithful performance or the Contract, including the payment of nil personnel and firms performing labor on the construction project under this Contract or furnishing materials in connection with this Contract, said bond(s) to be in the full amount of the Contract price as specificd In Paragraph 11, plus Sales Tax. The surety or sureties on such bond or bonds must be duly licensed ns a surety In the State of Washington. Page 5 of 6 L Ell r 11) The total amount of this Contract is the sum of S Six including Washington State Sales Tax, Payments will be made to Contractor as specifled In the "Instructions to Bidder/Spcciiications" section or this contract, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the City has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor � and attested by its City Clerk anti the Contractor has hereunder set his hand and seal the day and year first above -written, i� CONTRACTOR CITY OF RENTON .w J PRE /PARTNER/ OWNER Jahn ,toich, Manager Mayor i !i ATTEST -- % err ccret City Cler 17 d/b/a/ Ai+01OR MXj--. affpANy FIrm Name Individual Partnership.,,_ 7" 6.1 Corporatlon2�_ A belewnre Corporation State of Incorporation Attention: If business is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full anti � both President and Secretary roust sign and contract, OR Ifone signature ispermitted and made aypart oforationr the con rant document f the by -taws shall be furnished to the City If business Is n PARTNERSHIP, roll name of each partner should be listed, followed by "! d/b/a {doing business as) and firm or trade name; any one, partner may sign the contract, If business is an INDIVIDUAL. PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear followed by d/b/a and name of the company. Page G or G eontamod r- SECTION 200 CONDI1IONS OF THE CONTRACT GENERAL CONDITIONS. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS The AIA Document A201, 1987 Edition are hereby made part of this .� contract. These SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS shall modify, change, delete from, or add to the "GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION" AIA DOCUMENT A201, Fourteenth Edition, 1987 Edition (herein after referred to as General Conditions specifically Identified for modification, change deletions or additions shall be affected; all other portions of the General Conditions shall be left unaltered.) ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Paragraph 1.1- Basic Definitions Paragraph 1.1.1: At the end of the first sentence add "and signed documents listed in the legal and bid document section of the table of contents. ARTICLE 4. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT General: Where ever the term "ARCHITECT" appears in this document substitute "OWNER OR OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE". Paragraph 4.1- Architect Delete Paragraphs 4.1.1., 4,1.3, and 4.1A Paragraph 4.5- Arbitration Delete Paragraphs 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4,5.4,,, 4.5.5, 4.5.8, and 4.5.7. In place of these paragraphs add the following: "Administration of Arbitration Mediation Clause: a If a dispute arises out of or relates to this contract, or the breach thereof, and if said dispute cannot be settled through direct discussions, the parties agree to first endeavor to settle the dispute in an amicable manner by mediation under the Construction Industry Mediatlon Rules of the American Arbitration Association, before having recourse to arbitration or a judicial forum, Arbitration shall be administered through the American Arbitration t Association (AAA) using the following arbitration methods: 1. The current version of the Northwest Region Expedited Commercial Arbitration Rules shall be used for clr,,ns with an amount less than 025,000. J x x J Swim 200 Condmom of the Cnntrrci 2. The current vorsion of the Expedited procedures of the Construction Industry Arbltration rules shall be used for claims with an amount equal to or greater than 625,000 and less then $50,000. 3. The current version of the standard procedures of the Construction Industry Arbitration rules shall be used for clalms with an amount equal to or greater then 450,000 and less than 4100,000. The procedures shall also be used when claims with an amount equal to or granter than 4100,000 are to be arbitrated by mutual agreement. The Contracting Agency and the Contractor mutually agree the venue of any arbitration hearing shall be within the State of Washington, King County and that any such hearing shall be conducted within the State of Washington, King County, The Contracting Agency and the Contrector mutually agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator, and Judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator, may be entered in the Superior Court of King County where the work was performed. ilia decision of the arbitrator and the specific basis for the decision shall be in writing. The arbitrator shall use the contract as a basis for decisions. PROCEDURES TO PURSUE ARBITRATION If the dispute cannot be resolved through administrative procedures and any spacial provision provided in the contract for resolution of disputes, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer, in writing, that mandatory and binding arbitration Is desired. A demand for arbitration shall be filed by the Contractor, In accordance with the AAA rules, with the Contracting Agency, and with the AAA. Selection of the arbitrator and the administration of the arbitration shall proceed in accordance with AAA rules using arbitrators from the list developed by the AAA, except that for claims under 625,000 using the Northwest Regional Expedited Commercial Industry Arbitration Rules. Arbitration shall proceed utilizing the appropriate rules of the AAA 35 determined by the dollar amount of the claim as provided above Unresolved disputes which do not Involve delay or impacts to unchanged work may be brought to arbitration during the course of the project, provided that, the administrative procedures have been exhausted and the dispute has been pursued to the claim status. Unless the Contracting Agency and the Contractor agree otherwise, all other unresolved claims (disputes which have been pursued to the claim status) which arise from a contract must be brought in a single arbitration hearing and only aftei completion of the contract. The total of those unresolved claims must be less than 6100,000 to be eligible for arbitration, except by mutual agreement of the Contracting Agency and contractor. In addition, the contractor agrees arbitration proceedings must commence, by filing of the aforementioned demand for arbitration, within 180 calendar hiicrcnc -1 r �I Section 200 conditiont of the Contact i i days of final acceptance of the contract, the some as any other claim or causes of action. i • The scope and extent of discovery shall be determined by the arbitrator in 1 accordance with AAA rules. In addition, each party for claims greater then $25,000 shall serve upon the other party a "statement of proof." The statement of proof shall be served, with a copy to the AAA, no less than 20 calendar days prior to the arbitration hearing and shall include: 1. The Identity, current business address, and residential address of each witness who will testify at the hearing. 2. The Identify of a witness as an expert if an expert witness Is to be called, a statement as to the subject matter and the substance of the ,i facts and opinions on the grounds for each opinion, and a resume of the expert's qualifications, and 3. A list of each document that the part intends to offer In evidence at the arbitration hearing. Either party may request from the other party a copy of any document listed. If such n request is made, a copy of the document shall be provided within five calendar days from the date the request is received. The arbitrator may permit a party to call a witness or offer a document not shown or included in the statement of proof only upon a showing of good cause. The findings and decision of the board of arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties, unless the aggrieved party, within 10 days, challenges the findings and decision by serving and tiling a petition for review by the superior court of King County, Washington. The grounds f 1 the petition for review are limited to showing that the findings and decisic 1. Are not responsive to the questions submitted: 2. Is contrary to the terms of the contract or any component thereof; -,� 3, Is arbitrary and/or is based upon the applicable facts and the law controlling the issues submitted to arbitration. the board of arbitrators shall support its decision by setting further in writing thr findings and conclusions based on the evidence adduced at any su hearing. The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the statutes of the JState of Washington and court decision governing such procedure. The costs of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the city and the contractor unless It is the board's majority opinion that the contractor's filing of the protest or action is capricious or without reasonable foundatfi In the Fetter case, all costs shall be borne by the contractor," ARTICLE 7. CHANGES TO THE WORK Paragraph 7.3,- Construction Charge Directives Paragraph 7.3,6: Add the following at the and of the first sentence; "nc to exceed 150". '1 bhcrcoc L -1 . +A4^W�?+IRMe ^v�bsne:krtinwmv._.«,-.,.._...,_...,�a..n1^MY'�44RYWYn�M111�CR"+v�.wnY:•++f +1 :T�t Section 20e Condition of the C0111r0d ARTICLE 9. PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION General. It is understood that payment for this work will be in the form of one lump sum payment with withheld retainage, upon substantial completion of the work of this contract. Para raph9.2 Application for Payment Paragraph 9.3.1 In the first section delete "each progress payment" and replace it with ""final lump sum payment". ARTICLE I I -INSURANCE AND BONDS General• insurance and bonding requirements as described In Section 0600 "Insurance and Bonds" shall take ptecedencs over requirements of this Article. END OF SECTION u "w J J 5 0 a SECTION 00250 SPECIAL CONDITIONS • II A. fAht Jjpur Law and Earnent for LiL-or The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 49.28 RCW providing that no laborer, worker, or mechanic in the employ of the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or any put of the work contemplated by this Contract, shaA be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day, provided that, In eases of extraordinary emergency, such as danger to life or property, the hours of work may be extended, but in such uses the rate of pay for time employed in excess of eight (8) hours of each calendar day shall not be less than one and one-half times the rate allowed for this same amount of time during eight 181 hours' service. Any work necessary to be performed after regular working hours, or Sunday or legal holidays shall be performed without additional expense to the Owner. CONTRACTOR further agrees that said Contract is terminable in case the CON-MACTOR shall violate the provisions of such act. D. Comnllance With Waite Ratc3_and Filing, pi 'Intent to CsXJ�;vaillnY Waees" (hereafter called "Cnirnt'1 and 'ANida+u- 4yaees Pard" The CONTRACTOR and 5ubcontractors shall comply with 39,12 RC and amendments *Prevailing WAges on Public Works', 1. The prevailing rate of wages to be paid to all workers, laborers, or mechanics employed in the performance of any part of this Contract shall be in accordance with the provrstons of Chapter 39.12 RCW, as amended. The rules and regulations of the Washington Stare Department of labor and Industries and the Schedule of Prevailing Wage Rates detenruned by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Libor and Industnes, arc 6v reference nude L-ValtoLthil Its thourth fully set fonh heirin. 2. In case any wage dispute Inset as 10 what are the prevailing rates of wages for work of a similar nature, and such dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties In interest, including labor and management representatives, the matter shall be referred for dtrpuie resolution to the Department of Labor and Industries. The findings shall be final and conclusive and binding on all parties involved in the dispute as provided for by RCW 39.12.660 as amended. Current prevailing wage data will be furnished by the Industnal Statistician upon request. Requests shall be nude to the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. Ib Contractor is responsible for_va)ini: the aPproonatr waes rates. 3. The CONTRACTOR, and all Subcontractors, on or before the date of -+� commencement of work, shall file a statement under oath with the OWNER and with the Director of Labor and Industries certifying the rate of hourly 7 wages paid to each classification of laborers, workers, or mechanics employed to perforin work under this Contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages dmu etened by the Washington State Labor and y Industries, Such statement and any supplemental statements which stay be necessary shall be filed in accordance with the practices and proerdures required by the Department of Labor and Industries. I J Page 1 J L J SECnON 00250 SPEUAL CCN DMoNs - ii 4, Prior to commencing work. the COIv"TRACTOR and each and every Subcontractor shall file a sworn statement of 'Intent Pay i s� to the Prevalling Wages', including fringe benefits for each job classification to be utilized. S. Copies 'Intents* of ail shall be on file with the CONTRACTOR, the *�I Industrial Statutician, the Owner, the Architect, and potted at the job site. 6, &d-Ar2ltc#NanNan fowl submitted by CONTRACTOR MJ the or a Subcontractor for payment on s project estimrte shall state that prevailing wages have been Paid in accordance with the pre -filed statement of 'Intent to Pay Prevafling Wages* on file with the Department of Libor and Industries, the Ar0utect, and the CONTRACTOR. Payments shalt not be truide by the City for work accomplished by the Contractor "1 or a subcontractor until an `Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages' has been received, 7. fr� vupon completion of projecl, the CONTRACTOR shall fully totecute and file 'Affidavit of Wages Paid' with the Washington P4 State Dgmrtment of Labor and Industries and any other agencies required by taw. Copies shall be proAded to the Owner pnor to Final Completion, Final payment and release of Retainage. Each affidavit of wages paid must be certified by the Industrial Statistician of the Departmenl of Labor and Industries before it "'t is submitted. 8. All costs and fees for and associated with the 'Talent to Pay Prevailing Wages' and 'Affidavits of Wages Paid- are to be paid by th€ COIv'7RACTOR. r'+ C. Offshore Items 1. The CO'N'TRACTOR agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 139 sessions laws of 196'. In compliance with Chapter 139, COav`MCTORS ^! are required at the completion of a contract to furnish OWNER a certified statement setting forth the nature and source of Offshore items to excess of S2,500.00 which have been Milted in the performance of the Contract. 'Offshore 04 2. items' air those items procured from sources beyond the ternlonal boundaries of the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. 3. This certified statement is mandatory and must be n received before Final Completion and Final Payment on the Contract can be made. +J D. SW Ltc j n> iAw ,y The CO1'TRAC-TOR agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 16-11" RCW. The CONTRACTOR agrees and covenants to turnish unto the Owner proper evidence that the CONTRACTOR has fully complied with the State Licensing Law of the State of Washington, Chapter 18.27 RCA', and a ,y CONTRACTOR't Certificate of Registration shall be in full force and effect throughout the work project hereinabove enumerated E. Psrformancr kn I nd i+fajcrials Pa,y The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 39.08 RCW. The CONTRAMR shall secure and for a Performance .. pay Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond issued by a bonding company, licensed to + { transact business in the locality of the project. on s bond Form executed in rr pursuance to Chapter 39.06 Revised Code of Washington and Any amendments thereto. The Mond Form must comply with all requirements the Owner's r l attorney, of !i P rate 2 u J L J 0 SECTION 0D750 SPECIAL CONDMOM -1I The surety bond shall be in the following penal %urns: .. Performance Bond 100% of agreement sum, plus WAshin,ton State Sales Tax Labor and Material 100% of agreement sum, plus Payment l Washington Stale Sales Tax Four (f) copies of the Bond Certificates are required, t The Contract Bond or An equivalent Maintenance Bond shall continue In force for a period of one 11) year after Final Camplertart acceptance of the Work by the Owner. The CONTRACTOR guarantees the excellence of both quality of work and material, and the payment of all obligations Incurred until the Work is finally complete and for one (1) year thtreaher, and until the provisions of the Contract Documents are fulfilled. f F. RETA2V 1. The Owner shall retain a rum equal to five percent 45%) of the amount earned by the CONTRACTOR, at a trust fund for the protection and payment of any person or persons, mechanics, subcontractor, or material suppliers who shall perform any labor upon Iitis Contract, and all persons •r who shall supply such person or persons of Subcontractor, write provisions and supplies tot carrying on of such work and the Stale of Washington +i1 with respect to vexes imposed pursuant to RC%V Title 82 which may be due from $Arne CONTRACTOR, 2. In accordance with the pravutons of Chapter 60.28 RCW, Above trust fund shall be retained for a rrtuumum period of thurry (30) days following Final Completion and when the requirements of the Contract and requirements In Section 01700 • PROJECT' ADMINISTRATION AND CLOSEOUT have been fulfilled, In the event these requirements are not met, thr Owner may pay a percentage of the reuinage, holding back that quantinr of money reasonable to complete the unhrushed nems. Retainage held may rover costs including, but shall not be limited to the following: material suppliers and laborer's Liens, tax (lens, cost and Attorneys feet to defray the cost of farrrclosing All of the lleru, costs, And Architect's fees to defnv cost of additional Construction Adrrunutration services. Refer to Specifiatsona Section 01700, PROFECT ADMINISTRATION AND CLOSEOUT, for additioru) provisions on this subject" After the Award of a Contract for public improvements or work for which retained percentages are required to be reserved under the provisions of Chapter 38, Laws of 1970, Eatraordlrury Session (RCW 60.28.010), the Owner shall require the CONTRACTOR to exercise in writing, one of the options listed below; A. Retiunet: percentages will be retained in a fund by the public body until tlurty (30) days following the Final Completion acceptance of said work is completed: or Page 3 a SPECIAL CONDMOSEc-nONNS 11 b. Placed in escrow with ■ bank or trust Cocom fallowing the Finpany until thirty 1301 days�1 aCompletion acceprance of said work is Completed, initial selection will be accomplished on form provided by the Owner. When the Co.V ACTOR elects to place amounts reserved in escrow' the CON'TRACTOR and the Owner PM ` shall jointly c211M s bank company the Escrow Agent. or triter The Orwnane-, the COMUCTOR, and the Escrow Agent shall then Escrow ARrerment. A copy of the completed Escrow Agree Agreement shall be „a R i provided the Owner, the COACTOR, anal the Escrow Agent. NTR The CONTRACTOR shall pay the crisis of A4 escrow fees C. 5 l� The CONTRACTOR agrees 10 comply Civil Rights Act of 1964. the VietnaEra tleadlh all ru�streM An of TiVe 7ection of the 1°notional 1 of 1976, s503 Rehabilitation Act of 1974, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967 as amended, and Presidential Executive order 11246, as amended b)'Executive Order 11375, the Waslungton State Lai, against dlscrirrtination, Chapter 49.60 RCW, and by Cubernsionai Executive Order 95-09, among other laws and regulations asmmiration shall include but oat be hrtuted to the tight d Obtain and hold employment to without discrimination ..� li. QED Al\'n PHYCTP at i v . • ^: •— - The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter 70.92 RCN' relating to provisions for ivf the aged and physically handicapped. Thr following 1161 represents thoic federal, state and local statutes, ordinances,, regulations and orders dealing with reserve r Prevention of enwronmonlal pollution currently knotionof P•n to the Owner and thaublic natural resources t MAY effect or are eflecied by the proposed work, 'Bidders shall review such matenals prior to iubmunal of sealed bids. 1.s.' Fedrrat' Tide 42, Section 4321, et. seq., of the Bolted States Code, N'airr Pollution Act, Chapter 9058 RCN' Stale Environmental Policy Ad of 1971, Chapter 43,21 C RCN' and WAC Chapter 197.11. y Title 38 RCW and Chapter 60.29 RCW, 3. Reads f and 11• Puget Sound Air Pollution Control 4. Agency, Applicable dry ordinance and regulations, u The s+Jccessfut Bidder shall amply with applicable portioru, of the listed statutes, ordinances, regulations, conditions, and such other reguJ doling with the prevention of environmental •tory Preservation public natural resources. pollution and ilii drrsrrvtinn off I � Page 4 4 cl F 1C.i i 1 F � ■ SECIiON 00350 SPECIAL CONDMONS - l) kttiMf3'� M N AL 011=57 201- PLAN APPLICATION, UZO NE A_M 5li BT PLAT The City of Renton has completed the proms for the Environmental CheWlst, Site Plan Application, Rezone, and Short Plat for the project slte. The detrrminstion of the Environmental Checklist was 'Non-Signiffunt' with 'Mitigating Ideaiures'. A copy of the Miv fisting Measures are enclosed heretn. END OF SEC" i0N Page 3 J 7 J r L. SECTION 00600 BONDS AND INSURANCE PART I - GENERAL 1.01 BONDS A. In accordance with the General Conditions, furnish the following bonds issued by a local bonding company licensed to transact business in Washington Stale and approved by the Owner and in a form acceptable to the Owner. B. Bid Bonds: Accompany each bid with certified check, bank cashier's check or bid bond In form Included in an amount not less than 5°% of the amount of the Basic Bid. Make guarantee payable to the Owner. C. Performance, Labor and Material Payment Bonds 1, The Contractor to whom this Work is awarded will be required to furnish a surely company bond executed by a surety company in a form acceptable to the Owner. Said surety to be held firmly bound to said Owner guaranteeing the faithful performance of the Contract and each and every obligation, covenant or undertaking of the Contractor under SEA Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. 2. Said bond shall further indemnify and save harmless the Owner from any defect or defects in any of the workmanship or materials entering into any part of the Worl� of the Contractor, as defined In the General Conditions, which shill develop or be discovered within one year after the acceptance of such Work. 3. The surely bond shall be in the following penal sum: Performance clause 100°% of agreement sum Payment clause 100% of agreement sum 4. The premiums for Performance Bond and Labor and Malarial Payment Bond shalt be paid by the Contractor. 1.04 INSURANCE A. In accordance with the General Conditions, furnish certificates Issued by an insurance company licensed to transact business In Washington State, acceptable to the Owner verifying coverages to the specified limits of liability. Name of Owner as an additional named insured on all policies, insurance companies A M. Best Rating must be A-7 c- bolter, and must be printed on the certificate of insurance ; inciude in each certificate of insurance provision that no coverages specified hereinafter may be canceled or materially changed without at least 30 days prior written notice delivered by certified mail to the Owner and will remain in force until the Project is completed and accepted by the Owner. The standard cancellation clause shalt be amended to road as follows: Should any of J f■ Sedian OD600 Honda and Insurance j rage 2 the above described policies be canceled before the expiration date thereof, the Issuing company will mail 30 days written notice to the certificate holder named to the left. Obtain at[ policies from a company acceptable to the Owner prior to purchasing specified coverages Include f in each certificate of liability a provision that the insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, -. whether or not the claim or suit Is made or brought by one named Insured against another named Insured. D. Propert Insurance. Furnish insurance in accordance with Paragraph 11,3.1 amended in the Supplementary Conditions 00500 covorinp .�I propenl i e Tho Contract shall effect and maintain fire, extended eover� d va alicious mischief, and earthquake insurance on the buildings, eqund materials which are Incorporated, or are to be Incorporated in the the Owner's land or immediately adjacent (hereto and costs of Archileft&V Inspection services required for $placement of some for the benefit. Owner, the Contractor and subcontractors as their respective into sip appear to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance gshallo r any tools owned by mechanics, any tools, equipment, sla in s gg� ewers, and forms owner or rented by the Contractor subcanlract cols of any of them, the capital value of which is not Included in I !�(Vork. The Contractor shall also effect and maintain a Builders "Risk F ri( with a Hold Harmless Agreement which the Contractor shall sign. C. Workmen's Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this Contract Workmen's Compensation Insurance as required by applicable State law for all of his employees to be engaged in work at the site of the project under Ihis Contract and, In case of any such work sublet, the Contractor shall require the ^� subcontractor similarly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for j all of the latler's employees to be engaged in such unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor's .� Workmen's Compensation Insurance. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work on the project undor this Contract is not -1 0. Contractual Insurance Furnish insurance in accordance with Paragraph 11,1 of the General Conditions and as amended in Section 00500, covering contractual obligations o! the Contractor to the Owner, C. Liability Insurencp: Furnish insurance as required by Paragraph 11,1 of the General Conditions or as amended in Section 00900, In the Corm of Comprehensive General Liability with minimum coverages as follows: premises and operations liability, protection liability, completed operations and products liability, contractual liability as noted hereinbefore, and automobile liability, and claims arising out of blasting, underground damage caused by excavation, collapse of structures duo to excavation, and removal of shoring or support. Include minimum limit for bodily injury, automobile or other causes, in amount of $250,000 for each person, $250,000 for each occurrence If the Contractor elects, a single limit general and bodily injury policy with a minimum coverage of $500,000 may be provided in lieu o the coverages specified hereinbofore D. Propert Insurance. Furnish insurance in accordance with Paragraph 11,3.1 amended in the Supplementary Conditions 00500 covorinp .�I propenl i e Tho Contract shall effect and maintain fire, extended eover� d va alicious mischief, and earthquake insurance on the buildings, eqund materials which are Incorporated, or are to be Incorporated in the the Owner's land or immediately adjacent (hereto and costs of Archileft&V Inspection services required for $placement of some for the benefit. Owner, the Contractor and subcontractors as their respective into sip appear to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance gshallo r any tools owned by mechanics, any tools, equipment, sla in s gg� ewers, and forms owner or rented by the Contractor subcanlract cols of any of them, the capital value of which is not Included in I !�(Vork. The Contractor shall also effect and maintain a Builders "Risk F ri( with a Hold Harmless Agreement which the Contractor shall sign. C. Workmen's Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this Contract Workmen's Compensation Insurance as required by applicable State law for all of his employees to be engaged in work at the site of the project under Ihis Contract and, In case of any such work sublet, the Contractor shall require the ^� subcontractor similarly to provide Workmen's Compensation Insurance for j all of the latler's employees to be engaged in such unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor's .� Workmen's Compensation Insurance. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work on the project undor this Contract is not -1 0 5aAwn (K.MW punts and Insurance Page ] Protected under the Workmen's Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide and shall cause each subcontractor to provide adequate employer's liability insurance for the protection of each of his employees as are not otherwise protected. F. Subcontractor's Insurance, Subconlractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance and Vehicle Liability Insurance. The Conlractor shall either (1) require each of his subcontractors to procure and maintain during the life of his subcontrecl, Subcontractor's Public Liabilily and Proporty Damage Insurance and Vehicle Liability Insurance of the type and in the amount specified in Paragraph 1.02C or (2) insure the activities of his subcontractors in his policy specified in Paragraph 1 02C G. Scope of Insurance and Special Hazards; The insurancerequired under subpparagraphs 1.02C and F above shall provide for the Contractor and his/her subcontractors, respectively against the damage claims which ma arise from operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by the insured or by any one directly or indirectly employed by him/her and also against any of the special hazards which may be encountered in the performance of this Contract END OF SECTNN 0 r J ;3 3 .; 3 3 13 3 3 1� TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS qp SPECIFICATIONS FOR NEW FENCING HOUSER TERRACE SENIOR HOUSING GENERAL A. The installer shall be experienced In fence installation, and shall notify the owner of any Improper conditions of the work or material. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment needed for the complete fencing system bs described in the drawings and these specifications. C. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable building and zoning codes and regulutions. D. The Contractor shall repair any surface Improvements damaged during construction. E. The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship for one 11) year from the date of final acceptance of work, and make all needed repairs during the guarantee period at no cost to the owner. MATERIALS A. Fabric; 1. Woven Wire Fabric; a. Woven wire fabric shall be 9 gouge galvanized, 2 inch mash chain link. b. Fabric shall have knuckled top and bottom selvage. B. Posts and Rails, 1. All posts and rails shall be round galvanized pipes conforming to schedule 40 for grade, weight and galvanizing. 2. Top and bottom r•^als shall be 1.5/8 Inch outside diameter. 3. Lino of intermediate posts shall be 2 inch outside diameter. 4. Gate posts shall be 2.1/2 Inch outside diamater. 5. Corner and terminal posts shall be 2-1/2 inch outside diameter. All cornor or terminal posts shall be braced with 1.5/8 inch galvanized brace rail. C. Coupling, Hardware and Ties: 1. Install outside sleeve typo coupling, approximately 20 feet on renter on all falls. 2. Ono coupling in five shall contain a heavy spring to take expansion and contraction of rails. 3. All fittings to be hot dipped galvanized, malleable cast iron or pressed stool. 4. Fabric shall be fastonod to posts andrally by moans of matching 9 gauge galvanized ties, spaced at 12 Inches at posts, and 24 Inches at rails. D. Gatos: 1. The gate shall have two 12) 6 foot sections, hinged from both sides to provide a 12 foot clear opening. 2. Gate If imas shall be 2 Inch outside diameter schedule 40 galvanized pipes with all joints welded to form rigid frame. Frame to be galvanized after welding. 3. Gate to receive woven wife fabric as specified above. 4. Provide diagonal cross bracing consisting of 3/8 Inch adjustable length truss rods to provide frame rigidity without sag 7 fNEW FENCING SPECIFICATIONS FOR HOUSER TERRACE SENIOR HOUSING Papa 2 5. Hinges to be pressed stool to suit gate size, non -lift type; offset to allow 1110 degree opening. Provide one (1) pair of hinges for each loaf. 6. Latch shall be forked type to permit operation from either side. Provide padlock eye as integral part of gate. Ill. EXECUTION A. Install gate and fence per manufacturer's specifications, at locations and in the mannor described in the drawings and these specifications. H. Fence and gate, when completed, shall be true in lino and posts shall be vertical. 1. Lino posts shall be spaced no more than 10 feet on center. Each run of line posts between corners shall have equal spacing of posts throughout that run. 2. All posts shall be set in concrete footings of size, and to depth shown in drawings. Concrete shall have time to develop sufficient strength to adequately socuro posts from movement prior to installation of fabric. Concrete footings shall be crowned to drain water away from posts. 3. Actual placement of the fence shall be datorminad in the field by the owner. V CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda ate adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appeal: Imperial's Bingo City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Conditional Use Permit, conditional use permit for imperial's Bingo location, appeal filed on 1/18194 CU -93-139 by Greg D. Murray, File No, CU -93-139. Refer to PlaRningand DevelopmentCom im Itee. CAG: 93-101 Hauler Community Services Department submitted CAO -93-101, Houser Terrace Terrsca f�ng Fencing project, and requested approval of the project, authorization rot final pay estimate, commencement of 30 -day Nen period, and release of retained amount of $296.31 to Anchor Fence Company, contractor, If all required releases have been received. Council concur. Parks: Mitigation Fees Community Services Department requested approval of proposed parka mitigation fees. Refer to COMM ynity Sreview Committee. CAG: 93-062, Maplewood Community Services Department submitted CAG -93-062, Maplewood Golf Golf Course Phase 11 City Count: pate 41 January 24, 199.4 Realon Councilwoman Nelson emphasized the Importance of communication to achieve a goal, She felt that an agreement could be reached which would improve the neighborhood and allow the City and area residents to be proud of Bryant Motors. Transportation: Boeing MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL PERMANENTLY TABLE ACTION ON THIS ISSUE, ROLL CALL: FOUR Master Street Use Permii AYES (STREDICKE, CORMAN, TANNER, SCIILITZER), THREE NAYS (KEOLKER-WHEELER, NELSON, EDWARDS). MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Molort Bob Sterbank, Suite 212, Bank of California Building, Seattle, WA, 98164, lepal counsel representing the Vaupels and the North Renton/Kennydale Sterbank - Bryant Parking Violations Neighborhood Defense Fund, questioned whether Council would have a legal balls for rezoning properties coned residential not many months ago without demonstration of changed circumstances, which are required by State law. Citiren Comment: Denny Lensegrav, representative of the Renton Chamber or Commerce, 300 98035, suggested that Bryant Motors zoning could be Lensegrav -llryant Motors Parking Violations Rainier Ave. N„ Renton, changed If adjacent property owners were mutually Interested. Mr. Lensegrav urged Council to pursue R flexible and innovative process that would resolve this situation, appease area properly owners, and benefit the city at large. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda ate adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appeal: Imperial's Bingo City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Conditional Use Permit, conditional use permit for imperial's Bingo location, appeal filed on 1/18194 CU -93-139 by Greg D. Murray, File No, CU -93-139. Refer to PlaRningand DevelopmentCom im Itee. CAG: 93-101 Hauler Community Services Department submitted CAO -93-101, Houser Terrace Terrsca f�ng Fencing project, and requested approval of the project, authorization rot final pay estimate, commencement of 30 -day Nen period, and release of retained amount of $296.31 to Anchor Fence Company, contractor, If all required releases have been received. Council concur. Parks: Mitigation Fees Community Services Department requested approval of proposed parka mitigation fees. Refer to COMM ynity Sreview Committee. CAG: 93-062, Maplewood Community Services Department submitted CAG -93-062, Maplewood Golf Golf Course Phase 11 Course Phase It construction, and requested approval of the project, construction authorization for final pay estimate in the amnant of 139,577.08, commencement or 30 -day lien period, and release of retained amount of $19,128.10 to Evans-Ilall. Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Transportation: Boeing Development Services Division requested that Council approve the renewal of Master Street Use Permii the Boeing Airplane Company Master Street Use Permit with conditions. Refer to Transportation (Aviuiolli CR �mtL i�tee• Utility: PACCAR Request Wastewater Utility submitted a request from PACCAR for it $3,226.86 refund for Sewer Refund on its sewer utility bill as water had been lost to a leak over a four-month period and consequently was not released into the sewer system. Refer to 11 tifitics committee. L_ � CITY OF R,ENTON COUNCIL AGENDA SILL SAM 1111114 MAI Deptioln/loerd.. Comm. Svc./Parks Stiff Contxt.. Randy Sorg nnnu: Final acceptance of CAG 93.101 Houser Terrace Fencing Project tllnunslFlnal pay estimate AI IN 104 AGENDA Dti January 44, 1994 ACENDA slAtUlt co,n,"I.... ..... XV, "Ill: MearTnq.. Corre,pond"ve.. Ordlname....... AHO I Yt Ion...... Old Iuetnt SA.... Nov Mus "ns.... Study session... Other........... RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPOOVAtsl Council concurrence teRAT Dept.,.... rinaret Dept.... Other. ISFat IMPACT: A teperdlture Aequlred... $6,16630 it rnr ter/AsyrldMllr.. AAYolent sw9,ted.. $6,16630 Ir—nut Generated.. n ,w� SUMMARY UM AC110111 Park Department staff recommends final acceptance and approval of the Houser Terrace fencing project, authorization for final payment, commencement of 30 -day lion period and rebase of retained amount of $296.31 to Anchor Fence Company if all required releases have been received. NOTE: This work Is funded as part of the Senior Housing Bond Issue Project, Engineers Estimate for this work was $7,000.00 the original and final contract amount Is S6,166,30 Including Washington State Sales Tax -1 CITY OF RE'sNTON CITY CURKIS OFI.ECE,, MEMORANDUM DATH: December 14.1993 O: handy Berg PROM: Lisa Stephens SElll,lECP: CAG -93-101 The Attached original tlocurnent has been fully execulcxl and is being returnmi to you, ,',case transtuit the original 10 the contractor and retain a copy for your file. An original document is also retained by the City Clerk. 'Thank you. finclosumm (2) J �XRILY�N-.Cr1G+s/ RSE , CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Frilsvold 11/01/93 N vtmlLti LL1�d� i7eitr]t --Council Minutes 1 construction staging and pipe storage for a sewer project, as to do otherwise would be impractical. Streets: hazardous Condition ■t Sunset/Union Referred 10/4/93 - Council inquiry regarding two -Inch depression from utilities cover near construction site on north Sunset side of Boulevard west of Union Ave. NE. Memorandum from Jim Ilanson. Development Services Division Director, and Neil Walt%, pian Review Supervisor, stated that the depression has been repaired. Utility: Condition of Pump Station ..1 NE Referred 10/11/93 - John Egan totter regarding concern over alleged mossy site conditions at Well SA pump station, located at NE 241h Street and Jones .'41h/Jones Avenue NE, Memorandum from Ms. Guttmann stated that the pump columns will Iv cleaned and replaced, and maintenance stiff have been asked to resume care Of the pump stalion's landscaped area, Annexation: Marshall/Galusha Referred 10/11/93 - Council request that the adminisirnlion pursue, if appropriate, the request to annex from a property owner to the south of the Marshall/Galusha nnnexation for inclusion in 60% annexation petition requsl. Memorandum from Ms. Gulimann explained that staff "ill analyre the area soulh of the proposed annexation for determining the annr►ation boundary to he recommended 10 Council at the 60% petition public hraring, expected to take place in December 1993 or January 1994, CAG: 43-001 flower Terrace fencing Project Referred 10/11/43 - Council inquiry as to why an 11 -foam fence 11 being required by the City for the Ilouser Terrace Fencing project, and whether this height is allowed by City Code. Memorandum from T.anetta fonles. Assistant City Attorney, slated that, for all intents and purtxnel, application for height a restriction for this fence was made to the Zoning Department, which issued an administrative determination. EXFCIUTIVF SESSION MOVED) DY TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-Wilt LLER. COUNCII, CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SCSSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS AND LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:09 p.m. Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members present, ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MATIIEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL. ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:45 p.m. �XRILY�N-.Cr1G+s/ RSE , CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Frilsvold 11/01/93 I'i CITY OF RENTON COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM To: Mayer Clymer FROM: Sara Chamain, Admirtistralor C ommunily Services i�-c— SUB111(7: Rercrrni #216-93 IWIT, Mtoher 26, 1993 1 have atinched a memorandum addressed to tho t'ity Council from 4111ctla follies + which should clarify any questions regarding, 11r Homer "Terrace fence project and applicable codes. If you have nny fatr1110 1100',114n1S. 111c,1se r;-vl free to contact Vince Ixe at X2566. { i f P I I i i s I'i F- 7 E r` CITY (r*T RENTON Office of the City Attorney Evart Ciymcr, Mayor - - -- V LwArrncr,t. Warren MEMORANDUM TO: Menton City Council I -ROM: 74nctla L. Fontes Assistant I':ily Attorncy DATE: October 25, 1993 RE: Houser Terrace Fencing Project Last week, Councilman Stredicke referred Ni 0w. office an inquiry regarding item 7ldl on that Consent Agenda 77te IIousrrTcrrace I-ennry; Projccl (('A(i 10.101) proposed an R, high wiw mesh fence at Houser Terrace, 17te parcel on which this leuce will fie placed in coned W I. '171e City Crile provisions that refer la fences appear in the Code at 4.31-15(C). That section provides Ihat those regulations arc, "intended to regulate the material and height of fences and hedges, ptnlicudarly in front yards and in yards nbutting public rights of way in order In promote traffic and public safety anti to maintain aesthetically pleasing neighbothood%." It also prctvide:s Ili -it, "Jai properly owner wishing 10 vary the height restrictions or placement of a fence or hedge on a Int may make written application to Ilse Building and 7arning Dcpanment for an administrative review of the situation. The Depatlinenl's staff shall review Ilse application and prepare a written determination based upon criteria listed in those regulations.' There is an exception to the general language of 4-31-15(C). The exception is: *The provisions and conditions of this S( tion regulating height are not applicable to fences or harriers required by State law or by the inning provisions of this Code to surround and enclose public safety installations, ... " Generally, the maximum height allowed for fences is 72". 77rerc are other maximums for certain uses. However, suffice it to say that the Code provides that 72' is the niastimurn height allowed for fences. I note that fences with barbed wire would have the harired wire on lop of a fence tial is at least G' high. Therefore, the top of the barbed wire would be something greater than 72'. Post Office Box 626 - I(ln S god Strut - IRenion Wa0inpfon 4RNI . On/l)?SS.Rf,7R 71 i would also note that our Code 4-.11-I5(C)(4) provides for the special review process, However, it does not indicate whit procedure nuts lo be followed in the event that a properly owner wants to exceed the 72" limitation. If appears only to Address fences exceeding 48" in front yard setbacks, as well as solid fences anti electric fences, I have two observAlions regarding fife proposed R' fence, as it relates Io compliance with our Code, i. Our ('rile Allows flint a properly owner who wishes to vary a licighl restriction may make applienlion to life 7aning Depariment. 'I`lre boring Departmcnt then would make an administrative determination, icor all intents and puriwisec, that has ixen ([one in this case regarding the Mouser TenAce fencing; Nojecl. Our Code provides that these sections regulating height do not apply to requirements of State law. I am nwarc that King County does. have n surface water design manual which requires 11,31 in certain situations, detention pends among them, the City must crest a fence that is at Iasi 72". Therefore, file surface water design manual allows that a fence may lie greater than 61 in height. If is not M UliMd by State law 11131 the fence exceed 72 In reading; through the City Cordo regarding fences, it is rather clear that the purpose for regulations on the height of fences is to maintain sight distances for tine safety of people using the public rights of way. lAxiking at life map, identifying tine location for these detention ponds anti fife proposed fence, it does not appear that fire site abuts any roadway, Rather, it appears that file site is contiguous 10 residential lots. The nature of the fence proposed is a wire mesh fencing. As this is not a solid fence, it would still allow for site distances, etc,, in fife event that a thoroughfare is Inter installed along, fife border of tiro subjea t parcel, The City fluff Itas reviewed the p104ecl of children playing in these detention pxinds. It is an attractive nuisance. Therefore, City staff thinks it is a safer proposal to have a fence higher than G'. We should take necessary steps to reduce fire risk that children playing in those residential yards will he less likely to scale the fence, cc: Mayor Vince I.ee rn weiumrxttr� nm F -1 C21 1\1;. K_ Aboley creel< 7, --ad Not S'71 e,,�Trmy ar &UAC2 AVE. WEAni- - -141 N�WPOflt AVE. NIE'll :z 1 F5 1= INJit B. 4910 4-31.14 �4716 A) 2. Artartal streets within the Central net mon than two bat (7I. Accessory Business Dlstnct bounded by the Cedar River, PAI 405 freeway„South 4th Surat, Shattuck buildings when sreced so That the end» Avenue South, South Second andIn an building Is within a distance of thirty feet Avon g (301 limen the roar lot line may also occupy us South shall be exempt Phan the setback requirement specified abave. the side yard of an inside lot line. (Ord, 1905, H•)5.ti1) D. As ■ pelt of the ofEnte street improvements, C. Pence* and HadNes; landscape planting shat) be lnstallod and maintained by the property owner between the sidewalk and the Iandscape setback 1.1'urpoae: specified in the public Reactsubsettian A Above, (Ord. 3613, 6.{•91) a. These regulations are Intended to regulate the material and height of fences and hedgm rticularl In front Ards and In ,�+arda abuts pT,]ie nahts oniy,=iir otgor to Promote trafl9e and public safety and to maintain Aesthetically pleasing nriahborhoods. to rolloff trgVlelions ere dtitendsd its provide and maintain Adequate situ dlslance Tn'jt public nihts of wAy at intenr,tions and Ya`rncou�r ia gala a q ae And #grosa_jhuu ividu,sT mr_nt ei. Thea tvgulations also sncaiirage the rivling of spaciousness along neighborhood street■ and minimits the closed city stmoephero which tall fonces along public ntthts or way can treat*. 4.11.1!,_ i'lttiti"P_�II71F: AYI) IiI:.kFI Y.t A. Front Yard: ft -re any front yard is rsquind, no building shall be hereafter erected or opened so that Any portion thereof shell be nearer the front property line than the distance, indleatd by the depth or the twlUired front yard. I. Exceptions: Eaves, cornices, steps, terraced, Platforms and porches having no roar coveting, 4nd ging not over forty two inches (42') high may be built within a pont yard, When forty percent (40%) or more, on front foot basis, of 0111 Property on nn* side of a street between two (2) Intersecting streets at the time of the PsiaAge of this Code had boon built up with buildings having a minimum front yard of mon or lose depth than be, established by the Code, and provided, that the majority of such hunt yards do not very mon than all foot (61 in depth, no building shall he built within or shall any portion, save AN above excepted, project into ouch minimum hunt yard; provided. further, that no now buildings bo rrquired to set back mon than thirty five feet (351 from the sheat line In the R-2 or R.3 Residentiat Mallets. nor mora than two feet (21 farther than any building on an adjoining )at and that this taguladon shalt not be so lnterprsted v to reduce a required hent yard to loss than ten fast (101 (a depth. (Ord. 1472, 2.16.63) Bide Yang When any specified Aids yard Is rartulnd no building shall be, henaher erected or allaead so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the rids lot Une than the distance Indicated by the width of the tryulrad aide y■nl. 1. Eaceptlons: Eaves and cornices may ettond over the rsquirsd side yard for it distAatce ,)f b. A P19Perty owner wishing to vary the height restnetiona or placement of a ranee or hedge on A lot MAY make wnttan application to the Building and ?ening Department for an administrative review of the situation. no D*partment's staff 1hA11 review the application and prepare a written doterminstlon based upon criteria listed In these regulations. c. The Provisions and conditions of this Section ro�uletin�iieight"an not a[+��jcab s by -TT.oi�a.rriart urrsd�y fitat,tlawEE the to�_l Amvtslona o this to aurreund an on 094 public s at Ins"�ationti ds bile aygrounda. ptiva pr sw m ngPOOIA and similar laq!llwtlono` d 'T propnovemen�fa. 2. Dalinitions: CLEAR VISION AREA; The In, baund.d by the attest property lines of corner Iota and ■ Uno joining points along sold street lines twenty feet (2(y) from their point of Intersection. CORNER LOT: A lot that generally abuts two (2) or mon Itr+ata etnpt it may abut one Moat if such street changes its stiff more F ,....... .... ,..,. r ,.,,,,,,,ruin uuNn can fro toduced to I loot of e=u valion Inln the Illy i o The berm or, nkment eliall be constrtrdad on compac"""'Slsol (85% minimum dry donsky, etandr proctor math" per ASTM DI55n placed In it IMts, with ,..e following sol chamctaristics per the United States department of Agrk;idlure"s Textural Triangle: a minimum of 3896 clay, a maximum c 130% sand, a maximum of 13896 all, wflh nominal gravel and cable contort (Note, In general, excavated glacial III will to wall•sullod for term embankment material), o Anll-soepage collars must be placed on outflow pipes In berm embankments impounding water greater than fi Punt In depth at the design water surface. e Exposed oarth on the pond bottom and side sfopos shall he sodded or seeded with appropriate send mtxurro (see Section 6.5.4•, Chaptor 6). Establishment of protective vegetative cover shall be ensured with juto mash or other protection and rosoodod as rwessary (son Section 5.5.2, Chapter 5). rill A chain link fence Is required to be constructed at Ilia maximum water sur}are elevation, or r, he an a pard slope Is a wall or M the siege exceeds 3H: tV. oTie lance shall be a minimum of 6 feet In height Exception: Thu fence may bo a minimum of 4 foot in holghl d ilio depth of the Impoundment (measured from file lowest elevation In the bottom of the Impoundmont, diroclly adjacent to the bottom of live lanced slope. up to the marrmum water surface) Is 4 foot or foss Access road gates shall be 18 loci In width consisting of two swinging sections 0 foot In width. 4,4,4-3 1/9 KING COUNTY, WASIIINGTON, SURVACP. WATER DESIGN MANUAL. n Pedestrian access gates (11 ttm?cl+)dy alsall be 4 foot In width. o Fence maler4il shall be Nn. I I gauge galvanized sled latxic with bonded vinyl coating. Vinyl coating Ouill be green In open areas and black In wooded areas. o Fence posts shalt be galvanized sled , with lop caps, arnd set a ml,tilmum of 2 fool deep In concrete Mod post hole. Gomer and pato posts shall be soli a minimum of 9 foot deep In concrete Cross bars shall connect adjacent fence posts. o AM posts, cross bar, and gales sluill be painted or coalrxi the same color as the vinyl clad lance fabric. u,gtmg4: All pomnanent H/D ponds, Inl>timilon ponds and wetponds, shall have signs placed so that at least one Is cloarty visiNe and leglUn from all adjacent streets, sidewalks of patina. o The slgns shall mita the design and Initallallan roquiramanis Illustrated In Figure 4.4.403, Details Standard details era show ,a In Figures 4 4 4n through G. Go nirol structure dutcNs are shown In Section 4.4.7. -1 W S)s*1 ber It, 1993 _ Renton_City Council Minules Peat 461 CAG: 93.094, Cope Council President Edwards presented a Committee or the Whole report Construction. Municipal recommending Mar the contract rot ilia renovation of the Renton Municipal Building Renovation, building Phase I (base bid and alternates 2,,3 and 5 in ilia amount of Phase 1 $1,004,725.00, including Washington State tales tax) be awarded to the low bidder, Cope Construction, and that rho Mlvilr Ix authorized to sign a contract will% Cope Construction for performance or the work. The Cornmillee fnrtller recommended that additional contract costs fnr Phase I he paid from the 1774 allocation of thr 1/4% real estate acCk! tax identified for the Municipal Iluilding Renovation, MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TIIE COMM17TFE JUTORT. CARRIED. Police: '08% DWI Policy Couoc&A4)1nntr Mathews noted that at its September 271h meeting, Council refetred ilia issue of lowering the level or intoxication determining drunk driving front .10% to .08% blood-alcohol content to the Administralion, MOVED BY MATlIE.WS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER 1'IIIS ISSUE TO TIM )'LIJiWC SAFETY COMNIIIIEL, CARRIED. community Se"I.Kel Referred 10/04/93 - Community Services Committee Vice Chair Nelson CO MM111" presented a report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Appointment; Planning Denise Coria to the Planning Commission for a thtee-year term expiring Commission January 31, 1996. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STRIAACKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RETORT. CARRIED. Planning: Renton School District Properly Zoning Building: Code provisions regulating fence heights, Houser Terrace Councilwoman Keolkm Wheeler inquired whether the City has responded to questions from rhe Renton School District regarding Public Use (11-1) toning on its properties. Councilman Slredicke questinned why the City is requiring that an 3 -fool fence be constructed for the Mouser Terrace Fencing Project, and whether this height is allowed under current Code regulations. Council; Opposition to MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL GO ON Iniliatives 601 and 602 RECORD AS OPPOSING THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT INITIATIVES KNOWN AS 601 AND 602. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: MATHEWS, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER, STREDICKE, 3 NAYS: EDWARDS, SCHLITZER, 'TANNER. MOTION CARRIED, Council President Edwards commented that while he opposes Initiative 602, he supports 601. Councilman Tanner noted his support for 602 and his opposition to 601. Parks: Commendation, Councilman Slredicke commended Terry Iligtuhiyama, Parks Department Coulon Park Food Recreation Manager, for her efforts and response to Issues concerning the Concession Coulon peach Park Food Concession. ORDINANCES AND RESOLI,''IONS The following ordinance was presented rot second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4421 An ordinance smending. the interim zoning map and changing Che zoning Coalpreltensive Plan' classification of property located north of parcel at 110 Lake Avenue S. within Errata. Hsue/Wilson(wE- the City of Renton from Public Zone (P-1) to Arterial Commercial (CA) 15) (Kwil-Shuns 11sue/Wilson, #E-15). 7 r NnN Athu._i}99 _ -Renton riry Council Minutes Paot 491 INFORMATION ITEM Finance and Information Services Department submitted a report responding Finance: Analysis of to las. year's Council request that staff examine the feasibility of adding a Adding Permanent permanent purchasing officer. The report concludes that It would not be Purchasing Officer feasible to add a new position In the 1994 Budget, however, staff will examine the opportunities for implementation of an overall City purchasing strategy in the 1995-1996 Budget. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Frank Tibbils and Grace M. Maresh, 1409 Citizen Comment: Maine Ave, NE, Renton, 98056, requesting t. 15-20 mile Per hour speed limit Tibbils/Maresh - Speeding on Blaine Ave NI:. on Plaine Ave NE Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Sharon and Alan Miller, UI 1 Jefferson Ave Miller/Russo - Noise NG, Renton, 99056, and front Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Russo, 1217 Jefferson Complaints re: Tony On's Ave NE, Renton, 99056, complaining of excessive noise emanating from Tony Go% restaurant/lounge on NE 12th and Kirkland Avenue NE. Citizen Comment: I'inz - Correspondence was read from Raymond 11. Piny, :000 Dayton Ave NE, Sewer Linc Assessment Renton, 99056, objecting to an assessment placed on his property by the City in connection with a sewrr line Installed along 20th Street NI. in 1982. MOVED Bt' TANNER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WIlLUI :R, COUNCIL REFER ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THC Al2bdi(_VISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Noting this issue will be discussed at the next meeting of the Planning and Comprehensive Plan: Development Committee, Councilman Stredicke reiterated his request for an General. Setbacks between officiat staff position on his recommendations regnrding setbacks between Commercial and commercial and residential zones. Residential Zones Referred 10/26/93 - Community Services Committee Chair Keolker-wheeler Planning: Bryant Motors Councilman Stredicke reiterated his request, originally made September 27, for Parking information on possible parking violations occurring at Bryant Motors. lie specifically wanted to know whether the use complies with City requirements for proper drainage, paving and access. Community Senlces Referred 10/26/93 - Community Services Committee Chair Keolker-wheeler committe presented a report recommending concurrence In the staff recommendation to Franchise: Adoption of enact an ordinance adopting Federal Communications Commission regulations FCC Cable Regulations regarding cable franchises. The ordinance is the enabling legislation that will project provide the City of Renton with federal certification as the rate regulation authority for basic cable rates in Renton. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading, MOVED BY KEOLKI:R-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (Sea page 498 for ordinance.) I Referred 10/19/93 - Community Services Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler CAG: 93-00L Houser Terrace Fencing project presented a report recommending approval of the low bid for the Houser CAG: 93-002, Flouser Terrace Expanded Parking project, submitted by GMT, Inc. in the amount of Terrace Expanded Parking $11,232.00. project The Committee also recommended approval of the low bid for the Houser Terrace Fencing project, submitted by Anchor Fence in the amount of $6,166.30. ND_VMftL.LJ993 The Committee further recommended that the Mayo jly_C1U1 be authorized to execute the above-noted contracts. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WIIEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, Folin-CsDnmlllu Finance: Charge Card Referred 3/3/93 - Finance Committee Chair Mathews presented a report recommending continuation of the charge card Program program currently In place at the Community Center, finance Department, Municipal Court and the Police Department. MOVED BY MATIIEWS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED). ' cx Finance: Utility 1,Ax on all Referred 10/23/93 - Utilities Committee Chale Schlitrer presented a report recommending adoption of an ordinance Implementing Solid Waste Facilities I a utility tax on solid waste facilities located within the City limit% of Renton. The 6 percent tax. assessed on all tonnage, rs estimated 10 increase revenues by 3175,000 In 1994. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regardinp this matter be presented for first reading, MOVED BY SCIILITZER, SECONDED) BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, (See page 481 for ordinance.) Utility: Possible Water Leak, 17600 Talbot Rd S Referred 9/20/93 - Utilities Committee Chair Schlitcer presented a report recommending concurrence in staff's recommendation that the informational letter prepared by staff regarding possible water leaks be sent to the tenant at 17600 Talbot Road South, and that this item be stricken from the committee referral list. MOVED BY SCIILITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED), Budget: 1993 Mid-Year Adjustments, Utility Referred 10/11/93 - Utilities Committee Chair 5chlHry rcr Presented a report recommendingconcurrence in staffs recommendation that Council approve pprnve the proposed 1993 mid-year budget adjustments relating to the Utilities Deparlment. MOVED BY SCIILITZER, SI.LONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL. CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, CAG; 93-117, Long- Range Water Reuse Plan, Referred 10/25/93 - Ulili:ies Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending concurrence in stairs recommendation METRO/Seattle that Council approve the interlocal agreement with METRO and the City of Seattle for Phase 1 of the Long-Range Water Reuse Plan, Markel At Demand Study, and authorize the Msvor te. rrwr7 and to execute the interlocal agreement, Renlon's cost share in Phase I or the plan will be $4,000, to come from the Water Ulilily's Water Resource Planning Fund, The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption, MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WIDEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 419 for resolution.) a in W COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER 1, 1993 HOUSER TERRACE CONTRACTS FOR EXPANDED PARKING AND FENCING Referred 10/18/93) _ The Community Services Committee recommends approval of the low bid for Expanded Parking submitted by GMT. Inc, in the amount of S1 11,232.00. The Committee also recommends approval of the lova bid for Fencing submitted by Anchor Fencing in the amount of S6,166.30. The Committee further recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the above noted contracts. Oat6ayKolker-Wheeler, Chair Toni nelson, Vice -Chair _ _ .. Ti oth4y J. �k tzar, Membc cc: S. Chastain R. Berg 93-448 ff J 7 J 2 r -�}'3 ■ �► ftff ce of Ihr Cil y Attorney &IFM0itAh11)1)M TO: Renton Cily Council FROM: 7anelta 1., Ponies Assistant City Attorney l)ATI?: October 25, 1993 RR., llouscr `f .rAce Fencing Project I aisl week, Councilman S(redicke referred to this office an inquiry regarding itent 7(d) on that Consent Agenda, The llouser Terrnce I-encing Project CA( (3-93-IOf)lirt)Nsed nti II' high wire mesh fence at Houser Terrace. 'file parcel on which i us cuce will be placed in zoned R• I . The City Code provisions that refer to fences appear in the Code at 4-31-15(C). That section provides that those regulations are, "intended to regulate the material and height of fences and hedges, particularly in front yards an,l in yards allotting public rights of wiry in order to promote traffic and public safety and to maintain aesthetically plcatiint! neighborhoods." It also provides that, "Int property owner wishing io vary the height resit iclions or placement of a fence or hedge on a lot may make written application to the 1ltidding and Zoning Department for all administrative review of the situation The Department's staff shall review (lie application and prepare a written determination based upon criteria listed in those regulations." There is an exception to the general language of 4.31-15(C), The exception is: "The provisions anti conditions of this Section regulating height are not applicable to fences or barriers required by State law or by (fie coning provisions of this Cale to surround and enclose public safely irutallations, ... " Generally, the maxontirn height allowed for fences Is 72", 'There are olher ninxinuooc for certain mc, However, suffice it to say that Ilse Cade provides that 72" is the ntaxitnurn hril;h! allowed 111i fences. I note that fence with harbed wire would have the hartted wire on top of R fence that is al least fi' high. Therefore, (lie top of the harbed wire would he %omcthing greater than 72", Post Office Bos bah - Intl 5 2nd Strcci ; I eritirri, %Vrishingioil i)80.57 (2116)255.8678 J f would nisr► "Ole 111-11 our Cale 4-3'1-N%c)(4) provides far (tic "put lill Icvirw process, Ifnwcvcr, it tli►es not indicate what procedure needs to 1►r folli)tikcll In the (vent tll;It a property owner xanlw to rxcce(I the 72' limitation It appears only u) a,Idr, ww fences exceeding AN" in front w•II,I ~whacks, as well its solid fences and electric fence.%, I have too ohscrvalions regarding the proposed $' fence, as it relates !o cornplt;ttxre %kill, ,1111 Code. i. 0111 Code ;tllo%%% That r1 prolx•rty �+�wurr ,tl�,� �tir,hr, r+nv a hell;it rrwttriliion play make app lIk'IliLm to (ill.7i,r11ny� loelL:uum nt Ili, l.,ming I cpartrncnt thrn would snake an a,lrnrnnt+ahtir ,1, Irrnunarr,nl 1.411 all Intents and pulpswi . that has heen ,tont, rn U11s case rcy,i d ny, the l looser Telrace he114-11ir 11ft'le, i 2. Ont, C41tic provides lltal these Salons regulating height (to (1411 apply 141 requirements of State law, I stn aware that King County does have a sutfcice water design manual which requires that in certain situations, detention Ixnds among thcnt, the City must creel it fence 111;11 is a! least 72" Therefore, the surface water design manual allows til®I a fence may he greater (Iran G' Irl tictgltt. 11 is not LCQUiU 1 toy State law that the fence exceed 72', 111 reading ttlfongh the City Coolie regarding fences, It IS ralher clear that tine purpose for rcpulntiorts an (hc licit;lit of fences is to maintain sight distances for file safety of people using the public rights of way, 1 Ioloing lit the rnap, idenlifyirll; the location for these dctention Ix,nds and tic proposed fence, it does not appear that the site ttbtlts any roadway. itathler it a t ars `hal the site Is contiguous to residential lots. 1`hc nature of tie fence proposed is aIwire mesh fencing. As this is not a solid fence, it would still allow for site distances, etc„ in tine event plat a thoroughfare is later installed 810119 the border of the sultject parcel, `I'hc City St;r1f has reviewed the prospect of children playing in these detention ponds, It is an attractive nuisance. 71terefore, City .Staff lhinks it is a safer propoosal to have a fence higher `hon G' • We should lake itecmary steps to reduce the risk (flat children playing to those residential yards will Ix less likely to scale lite fence. cc: Mayor Vince Vee UN 4LSUWOUSFP IYN 2 F�X�a J 01 0 Oe -"-M +I'M9W--E rM;H c-1-&" �;i CON'T'RACT CIIECKI.IS"T STAFF NAMii. & EXTENSION NUMBER: UIVISIONIDI:PARTMI:NT: � _L'f�1�IMUNI'i�r' CONTRACT NUMBER*l:�4t'� � 13 _'-1 A 1- TASK ORDER NUMIIl?R (if applicable): CONTRACTOR: J89CIA92K M6g7 r�J. PURPOSP OF CONTRACT: IZOUPD 4'1 gM1 f M ✓l. LEGAL REVIEW: (Attach letter from my swirney.) ii vi' RISK MANAGisMLN'T REVIEW FOR INSURANCE: (Attach Irltev) ;(, ENPONSE TO I.I--G L ( RIS A (;AIT CONCI'RNS: (Iisplain m wtillnp how concerns have born mel.) H CW F%► 17 V4, `> SSU el? moi` INSURANCE �ER II-ICATE ANDIOR POLICY: (Attacb orit:ina11 5. PROOI: OF CITY BUSINESS LICENSIi: (Altach copy.) r ATI'ACHEI) CONTRACTS ARE SIGNED BY CONTRACTOR: (If not, protide eaplanalium) 7. FISCAL IMPA('7': PU1404, -jM -rAk79 f"R�'l f�[M+1�ull.Ir �Nl A. AMOUNT BUDGETED (LINE ITENI) (Sm 7.b)• 711e� � ria��hl t(!, NNI? 154,1E fvMµc5, B. EXPENDI TUR1i REQUIRIiu: Ig" 8. COUNCIL. APPROVAL. REQUIRED (Prepare Agenda Bill,): N/A— A. CONTRACT OR TASK ORD[ -.R IS S50,000 OR OVER: (Refer to Council commiltee for initial contract approval; place anhaem)uenl task orders on Council agenda for cmurrence.) B. •FUND TRANSFER RQllll(I D IF CONTRACT EXPI N'OITURE- EXCEEDS AMOUNT nUDI ETED. (Refer to Cimmil committee.) C. SOLE SOURCH CONTRACTS. (Refer to Council committee,) 9. DATE OF COUNCIL. APPROVAL: DV. 10. RESOLUTION NUMBER (ifapplicable): 11. KEY WORDS FOR CITY CLERK'S 1NUIi.X: A. cs_EX Ame-I eg, ElEEWe-g- LIP. C. I.nMatatw �,ayAs L _l a r r r .. CITY OF RENTON • PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: November 12, 1993 TO: Vince Lee community Services i FROM: Beverly lode personn rtment SUBJ: Houser Terrace Fencing Project CAG -93-141 ! The insurance coverage for the subject project appears adequate. If you have any 'additional questions or concerns please give me a call at 2558. TEMP *"OWN dac d i i i I—W11. +�}��yy 11� pw..... i.Pt'�i�� �IY:�?Y`r'�+nW.`tl!^ilfi.,5titi �..,w?'.'�.' .Y�Sj"!� i CITY OF REN•TON I Office of the city Attorney Earl Clymer, Mayor [Awrence J. Wanvn MEMORANDUM Tn: 'Vince Lee, Senior Dousing Project Manager From: Lawrence) Warren. City Attorney Dole: November 22, 1993 Subject: Contract for Houser Terrace Fencing project - CAO.93.101 Anchor Fence Company I have reviewed the above -referenced document and the sante is approved as to legal form except that the Performance Bond does not satisfy state law as it establishes limitations elates difference I than those of the law. Use of the City form would remove this problem Lawrence J. amen UW:as. Encl, cc: Mayor Earl Clymer ` AS,102 09, f i w I �Q3 Post Office Dox 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206)255.8678 n�� rum ar+rru�n � wacYn rn runiwa. �w kir t�rMuuka +w+ --+s=...-... �._-,.pw,n-rnR.. ewlw.i6ir' � Ht#WR+raw.r... _._....., e.,. �,.,.:..._--,___•__..-�_.-.-�_...._..__._. - i� J M7 WORKSTATION 2 - USER FN3 nVivian Griggs II , 11107130 am Friday December 10, 1993 r♦rrfirtrfarartaaarlarllffafarriraar•aaaraaaaalr.af•.#rr arttiA*rf*fffarrlrlrr«raaaitf«fi*• 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4444 ••'• 12345678901114567890123456789012348676901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 •*•• ♦fiirarlafrrr« Nf*w#iriararrarrwarlrara rfraaaaalaara.l aar•ata H #sr.a.araaaaf iararrrlr H aa• • • a r • 1• .... Buninesn Licensea •••• • 1• • 2* Licenne Number 9154 Inoue Date 12 49 93 Previoue Bal •*+•+•+•++*+• * 2* 0 3• We State URI No 600395730 Inoue Cade + License Fee •••••*613.75• * 3• * 40 We 8t Contr No ANCIIOFC101QN Innue YEAR 93 Penalty YTD irwia*afarrrr t 4r * 56 Qtra Paid + + + 4 Adjuntments ••*•+•••••••• ■ 50 * 66 Due Name AIICIIOR•F&NCRaraaaaa.raaaaaafar Peen YTD •##*... 13.75• * 6a * 7* Sue Loc 13202*NE*177TI111PLr#*rr.•#*a•a# No of Rmployeee •*••••••1+ • 7• * 8• riwrrrarrrrrlrarrrarrrrrrr•+ra L 6 I Mourn QTD +•+•*•.rw ar r 82 + 9• WOODINVILLI•#*#arta**** WA L i I Mourn YTD atltrrrrrrra r 96 610• 98072•***• Phone 206 4839500 ......•.. Undernements ...•....• *10* 1+ Mail Addr PO•8O%•476•*•*a66aaaa006r•rrf* Code No Amt Paid Date Expirea * 1* • 2. r##rrr•rarrararararrrararrau a o*r *aa ar#raa►r.a rr to ►w w 2e • 1! WOODINVILL80* ra***rar** WA **r *r♦ itraaarrr• to to to a 3• r 4• 4H0720a•*r too rar fiaaraaart *« r. •• * 4* * 5* Owner PPA*INDUSTRIAL•INC**6*666'6•-• *rr too «rarrrrra• to rr as r 5* • 6* 8222*DOUGLAB*AV*N660*r*•.••..r rrr ♦t* r#raaaaaf# to .► r. w 6f • 7• rrrtu a trrrtrtarlraraa....... •ra •t# «rrrrrrlrr to a ar r 7• r g. DALLAS**************#r* TX SIC Code 176•• r 8i r g+ rrw«rarrra Phone •4. 6i6*6•• L 4 I Code A Within City 2 • 9* 0204 Emergency arrrraari•ra#.0000##*...•..rrr Retail Y Activity Cd 0 *20+ r It r*r atraa.r Pending Cd 0 New/Renewal 2 • 1• + 2• RON•MC6BRIDR*#***#*+**••*#0*•* Laat Payment Date 11 *5 93 • 2• + 3* 206 6240326 Bueinees Opened 61 *1 86 • 3• + 46 (RNPSR)Update Record 13)Next C9111istary 115)RCP 0 6)8kit * 4• + + a r tttrarrrrtrratrrsaatr+ar#.rrr..w•aw•rrarrr.rrrrrrraairltartaaa a rrrlrirrrafar#rrrraa**a.«« •+++ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 *rrr i rear 12345676901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 fa«r f*ta*aftrlf*ffrrarrf rlrrrraru tatarrf aaaraa•rrr##r•aa*fa*rw«*frar«rifrirra• a NfN taaataar L Af4CHOk FENCE COMPANY • IFommrtyMelkdaFenco) LETTER OF TRA►NSMI� NCI 13202 N E l?nH PLACE � L r�IrIC� PO DO%176 WOODINVILLE, WA 00072 1�4t[ j% /�// r°0r� PHONE. 483 950011 364 0121 / '✓�_ _. __ . jjj111 Ai n Wh04 FAX (M) 485 $276 'n lT1rI� %c o WE AAE 1AANSMITTING 6arowiih U Under separate covor via the following Ifem(s): i n Contract, asocuted 13 Literature C1 pond 0 SnhlpNe 0 Spoo icalionsA'lans D and rolatod items 0 Change order 1 surance Info. 0 Submmtale 0 Conil od Payrothu I3 Shop drawings 13 Ouolatbn / [] � _4 Monthly Uld. Repoli f ❑ Invoice COPIEB BATE NO. DESC1i ItON THESE AAE TRANSMITTED as chocked below: C1 For review ❑ NO exceptions taken >eras requested U For your use CI Exceptions as noted 13 Returned for corrections 11 For review and comments O REMARKS ff}t �j n Sin rely, COPY TO ( LL T1 � I C} 51C�N[n: "Mol �. p 0wWaswnsmrorsrnowl noabwuw" ANCHORFENCf: MPANY r/ .�J i ::.. :CERTIFICATE OFCOVERAGE : 'Your Unified Business ldcnlihtr is lite only number }rou rived when canductinpbusiness with the 11'ashington state depaitmenteof Revenue, Licensing, Employment Securit�.lsbor and Industries and the Office of the Secretary of Mate,. ern 4rl amt) Ilei t J W EMPLOYER: This is your official certificrte of industrial insurance col.-erage, You are required by lour to past both thiscertificate and copies listed below. Call Labor Industries loll -fret at the posters and WASHINGTON 1.800.547.8367 to request copies of the ltosters. 1.800-547-8367 IN-A91ANC I STATE •Jab Safety and Health Protection (available in Spanish) • aRights as a !t'ar'ter FUND F Carly Carrlh'latcrniry • Family • Notice to Employres aeraantrart ow ro�roa441Le rrarrass WORKER: The employer named below is an insured policyholder 40 ia�siaeoa�ir;s with the Washington State Industrial Insurance Truitt Fund. Aoc 395 730 Location 07I(,) it t: Atoctiok rrist; (b I'D box ala ;nt io er M3UUI�Y1lL1 ►"R it,G77 I' t' f l A i11t S T 1i 11 1W 4711 TPA(Y A':[+tot rrkCf co III htlt 1.70. kC0I,lI.% IIAL i.'t: 90!7l 'Your Unified Business ldcnlihtr is lite only number }rou rived when canductinpbusiness with the 11'ashington state depaitmenteof Revenue, Licensing, Employment Securit�.lsbor and Industries and the Office of the Secretary of Mate,. ern 4rl amt) Ilei t J W i r6 .,' .. .;ji `�1'PL'M.Rfhrra ... ,.wM .,a ;•*,w n'< .. ... .... -. ,.. .`i_ �_ Drp,rtn=na t r f..l.,t ✓4 1r1,1uua,tt ,--.. N(). OF F , 1ntluauial fntrtruur itrrninn " //_ / + t y Conttaeant t'unaplmict Unit l� O NTR A C T A�l`f A R 1) � i'. gtlS 14um Sa =� Oly'natna WA 995414401 t/wlr II/Olp,I le+a tfr 1'„4�IC�i1,rnCr C'muud aural rr a„1,+m mint- n1 prnlrr I CAC��M'4�Ittl II,w1,..�r "torra,�r Pemcltrl,, (aau•,+I A-•ar,! ►Jan,r aeut ad,trra. nl prame ,„oleo u,r 1101 793 Ant lit) t' I'rni r C, o. w III Nca?: 416, W4mdIsivI 11r, WA 98072 I'uun'y In atm 11 wok -111 t r l,etf vnird isi,i dur der Dollw :mi mm of 1'nnuut Fan r f:nrmt r l(}li1Nl9 f $ f,.166. JO 1kf..aii+3anu nl tlar 1'rnFecl ? C Labor and matrrlaIn to fnntull apprnxfmaatel}' `rIU Ifnral fart (118font Lffrr mushfctaainli e 1 Irlrptlnnr rn,rnt»•r tJarnr of txrann suhnunrnX ilua fnrna l {2Q(,) S`•..SQJ Mat'ilyn .1. Pot+w,'ta. t7U', t ttv Clrtl, 1114 003dK10 nnttficatn,n of cnnttact .avid 1 90 cv. Margie Drwh,an Contract 1`11e ,m.sr+"`_. '-.»,...+.-++w-Mm�s�:a�,"��iw�+':P.:s: '�l;v�a.z�w.�w>r..-,. ,-._.•�.-«...... ...... ..... _,.... ..u_.-.._.. F T r � ; I.. 5 mkicF {r �T it k; i W t�* � "9 Earrl Clymer, Mayot November 2, 1903 /1 t'H' r OF TIE r ON City Clerk Marnpt J. Prrrr.%rn Tom Austin Anchor Fence Co PC] [lox Alb Woodinvill W, WA 98072 RE I hnusct l'ClTaCC 1'Ctrcing inroject Dear fair. Austin At its regular coming 1m November I, 1993, the Renton City Council accepted your low hid fur the above-refemiced llroie,t in Iltc amoom ofSr;,IC36.30, including 8,2% sates tax. Please contact Randy Berg, Project Manager, for submission of rcrjuired documents to complete the contract. Them may include 1000f of City and Sinte business licenses, undated perfknrrnance bond, and insurance certificates Sincerely, Brenda Fritsvold Deputy City Cletk AW CC handy Itcrg - Project Manager 2181 Mill Avcnuc South - Renton, Washington 9NO55 - (21(1)235-2501 iNli rArI N 11w11AIK% M 111+141111 NAii R1Al_ 10%H.M n1Msl wl r J r\iowillbur 2. 199 ( OF RENTON City Clerk J. Prier men i Jerry � laic? GMT' _tic. PO Ih- s $2002 Kenmore, WA 98028 RF: 11ouser Terrace Fencing project Dear Mr. Suarez A: its re War rncrlirip. usl NmcniI)ej t, Ig!)3, the Healon ('ity ('culled accepted ille dirt SubnoltCed by AfIcIlpf Pence Cl lir? Me ahovc•rc}i�rrncerl lrrcrje{ t, in tflc amrruni of !,().,6630. . including R 2110 : Ales lax Thsrnk you far your inirrest and tilnst laid Sincerely, Brenda Fritsvold Oepuly City Clerk cc: 1(411cly 11erg - 11r0ject Manages 2(R) Mill Avenue South - Item?)?,, Wssslsittgt(art 118()55 • 100)235. 1.911 not F VI H tilKi �lY{ 1t� PI'i Yi, r Ili 441L'WIAI. I[h n+r'r � iltituul X O L_ J Nk ~'iirF T ysi _ I 1--.. "A �J�.•�'� j it i 1L I � . r 1� t '. � r L � }I�� `'I s$'4 ,rj �, tl G � s a c'$ ' CIT't OF RENTON A , City Clerk/1 - Liirl Clymer Mayor Hlarllyn 1. Pelerarn rj s ar au:. a: u hlovembet 7, 109.1 Daviel Kelly Kell yy Fencing 110 EIox 931 Maple Valley, WA 98038 kI: I louscr "Terrace I-*encing project Dear Mr Kelly. At its regular meeting on November 1, 1993, the Ilcnlon City Council accepted the bid submitted by Anchor fence Co lift the shove -referenced project, In the arnou it of S6,166,30, including 8.24% sales tax Thank you rot your interest and your bid Sincerely, i Brenda 1•ritsvold Dclittly City Clerk cc: Bandy Berg - Project Manager N 200 Mill Avenuc S0a11t11 - Renton, 1 mlfington 58055 - (206)235.2501 X1111 PA},r-g1TTWAI-1 YA k1I III 111., 11'MIAI_ IP INKY jl WFUl1.N. 011' RENTO liarl Clymcf, klaynr + it Cferk -�—� 11 Well Well Consinrction 975 First Ave. NI: Issaquah, WA 98027 RE Houser `terrace Fencing project Dear Mr Moen. At its regular meeting on Novernbcr I, 19931 the Itenton City Council accepted 111c bid submitted by Anchor Fence Co, for the above•tefcrcnced project, in the amount of $6.166.30, including 8.2% sales tax 'thank you for vour interest and your bid Sincerely, Brenda Fritsvold Deputy City Clerk cc: Randy Berg - i'toject Manager 2(X) Mill Avenue South - li a ntun. 14';r,hinlltlur 1aH{155 - {2f}Ci)235-25{}1 71111 fA�l N , �..; l dINY \�1 lil. h r 111> 11111 MI41 I ih Y+M'1 I IYN111\If M 5 ncemly, Brenda Fritsvold Depnly City CIA I cc Randy Herg - Project Manager i 200 Mill Avenue South - Identon, Washington 9055 - (20(j)235.25111 Ills f�t�ei"'It N111 1- ar. w. IIIt 1AAM JIIAI, Iry J •fi , r r sSa *'E'. 1 1 � L��i�I�1MMlJt�►, - t ' ' ,p • r y S"My CITY " + OF I NTON Brrl Ctymrt, Mayor y t City Clerk j --- -- fllurllp J. F'rtrrrrn i November 2, 1993 Mike Ilecre Seattle Fence 0) I -1615 Sunny Slope ltd SW .L Port Orchard, WA 96.166 RE I lou ser Tcrrace F encing project Dear Mr Deere At its r%flar rnceting on November 1, 1993, the Renton City Council accrpled the bid Kubmilld by Anchor fence Co ror the nbove-rcrerencccl project, in [lie amount or $6,166.30, including 8.2% sales tnx, Thank you ror your interest and your bid 1 5 ncemly, Brenda Fritsvold Depnly City CIA I cc Randy Herg - Project Manager i 200 Mill Avenue South - Identon, Washington 9055 - (20(j)235.25111 Ills f�t�ei"'It N111 1- ar. w. IIIt 1AAM JIIAI, Iry J ,. ('{'I' ItI1Nei'UN �y city [Tern hlRrttyn 1.1'etenert tiRrt Llymer, Mayor Novcrnber 2, 1993 Itotler1 1 {olntgr ell SeaWcst Construction, Itic I%j9 S. Central Ave , Suite. 84 Kcujt. WA 9902 Itli. 1 rouser 'terrace Fencing project Dear Mr. Ilolutguen: I City Council accepted the trill At its regular mceting on Noveuuber 1, 1993. the Itentot submitted by Anchor IQcnceX"for tltc allovc•rcrerenccli pfaject, in the atoum or n 56,166 30, including 82/e salc` 'drank you for your interest and your bid. Sincerely, y�" 1lrcnda Fritsvold t)cpuly City Clcrk cc- Itandy Berg - Project h1nnagcr ("(1)2.35 2591 2tit1 Mill AvCri t ts P VI*C A(M%ior Rf■�tl�wuan�au6. tollNWT (IN PUTA F -1 12Gip�CL,�11�1993 _ Renton City Council Minutes P,pae 460 CAG; 93-102, Houser City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/08/93 for the Hauser Terrace Terrace Expanded Parking Expanded Parking Project (CAG -93.102); S bids; engineer's estimate $15,400. Refer to Community Services Camduce. CACP: 93-1014 Mouser City Clark reported hid open;ng on 10/08/93 for the Houser Terrace Fencing Terrace Fencing Project (CAG-93-I0I); 6 bids; engineer's estimate $8,000. Refer to Franchise: Federal rinance and Information Services Division requested approval of an ordinance Administration and Rate amending the City Code to incorporate Federal regulations regarding the Regulations for Cable administration and rate regulation of cable franchises, Refer to Cpmyynjly Franchises saxica mIllllll;.C, Plat; Preliminary, lloney hearing Examiner submitted Preliminary Plat for honey Creek Ridge; Creek lodge, R-031-90 Lakeridge Development, Inc.; site located between SE 961h PI on north, Sr. 1041h St 0n south, lloney Creek on west and 1261h Ave Sr on east; 99 Ints; Ilia R-033-90, PP; and requested appinval with conditions (rerone request withdrawn). Council concur. Transportation: Till grant Transportation Division requested that the Mayor oohs city clerk he authorized for design of SR -900 10 execute an agreement will, the Transportation Impro,iement hoard (1111) to IIOV/Ifouser way receive a $302,300 grant to assist in the design of the Sit -900 IiOV and Interchange Northbound Ilauser Way Interchange project. Refer to I1$n,4i" Ct211HnAlcc• CAG: 93-060, Gary Merlino Conslruclinn, Wastewater Utility submitted the Ilona Creek Sewer Line Access Road Interim Repair Pr0jec1 (CAG -93-060) and requested approval lloney Creek Sewer Line of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $40,883.71, Access Road Interim commencement of 30 -day lien period, and release of retained amount of Repair $8,647.67 to Gary Merlino Construclinn Co., contractor, if all required releases are received. Council concur. MOVED BY EDWAROS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVI: THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED, INFORMATION ITEM Surface Water Utility announced three public meetings to solicit input on the Utility: Welland Mitigation Dank Plan Public hirelings Welland Mitigation flank Plan, to he held 10/20/93 at the Senior Center, 10/21/93 at The Community Center, and 11/17/93 at the Senior Center. OLI) DUSINESS Council President Edwards presented a Committee of the Whole report y 4I1Fmltlee yf the Whnlr EI Policy: Audience recommending Shat the current audience comment format in place lie continued until further notice. The formal provides for an initial comment t Comment Formal, Council period in which Ipeakets muni sign up prior to the meeting and limit their Meetings comments to five minutes. The entire comment period will he limited to one hair -hour. A second audience comment period is allowed at the end of the business portion of the meeting and There are no time limitations. Audience members are allowed to speak during the public meeting or public hearing portion of the agenda, provided they have signed up to speak prior to the Council meeting. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCI#LFFZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, ) i i a a CIT" — REV T -0 1U mixItrrwo DAW nept/Dlwsoard.. Cxtutive,ICity Clerk star} Csntett... Marilyn Petersen SWAM Bid opening 10/08/93 1louser Tcrrace Fencing Project (CACI.93.141) ERRfsllae Bid Tabulation Shce t (6 bids) Staff Reconimcrida lion RECOMIENDED AC110M1 Refer to Community Services Committee At 11t -1 . d 004 A6trDA ON 1011A19� AWNIA R1Atufr rUM4,11......... X Irw11C Near4q.. :orresponftme.. urdlnsnle....... resalutton...... Md " ness.... Uw Iuxlroas.... study lisslat.. nher .. ........ 11.'1'RL AL17 I tepst Dept...... Finance Dept.... at9;er, ►tstA► 1111'Ac1i Expenditure Required... S lrsns4aryA.erenl.. Aanunt ludgelod........ $ Rewe» Owwrated... Engineer's Estimate: SA,C" ()0 STAIT RECOMMENDATION: The proposal is for approximately 510 lincal reel of A foot wire mesh fencing at f louscr Tcrrace, Bid opening was an 10108/9.3, 6 bids were received. The Parks Deppartment recommends referral to the Community Services Committee for evaluation and reconinicntlation. J 2 CITY OF RENTON BID TABULATION SHEET a PROJECT: Ilouscr Terrace fencing DATE: 94)a-93 HIDDIrR Anclmr Fence Co. i'O Dox 476 Woodinitillc, WA 98072 Gwr. Inc. M Ilox A2(1i12 Kenmore. WA 98018 i Kelly Fencing 1'0 no. 931 Ma,PIc Vellcy, WA 98018 Mocn Conslnxrion 973 rinl Asr. NE issaquah, WA 98027 Semitic Fence Co. 4611 Sunny Sloltc Rd. SW Port Orchard. WA 99,166 SemWKI Cortanxilon, 111c, 1019 S. Cenral Ave, Suite R4 Kent, WA 98032 + ENGINEER'S ESTIIIIATF I •Prt"l unsigned LIRO: D: r— 110 1wlknl 1T 1Y4:!tF'c FORNIS HID BH I 1 In to 1n a r R.In t.+ A \ Cashier's 0WI, 5189. �2 X Cashier's Check $1114.79 X 56,16(r.tit x 57,2150) 57,79,40• \ $7,022.10 \ 58,095.76 S6,Braw TOTAL! Kim x) +•Yatw�a���lt3W4St4it'".rr+rn�ai+.aw:c�a+�^.-..__._ - ..___—...e,+,.e.,�row.�x rfrr r Oct b__ e� r_tg. 1993 �_- Renton City Council Minji CACI; 93-094, Cope Council (resident Edwrrrds presented a Committee of the Whole report Construction, Municipal recommending that the contract for the renovation or the Renton Municipal Building Renovation, Building Phase I (base bid and alternates 2,.3 and S in the amount of 1'haze I $1,004,723.00, including Washington State sales tax) he awarded to the low bidder, Cope Construction, and that the bj= be suihorited to sign a contract with Cope Construction rot performance or the work, The Committee further recommended that additional contract costs for Phase I be paid from the 1994 allocation of the 1/4% real estate excise tax Identified rot the Municipal Building Renovation, MOVED BY 1 DWARDS, SECONDED BY ST'REDICK r, COUNCIL CJNCUR IN TIIE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, Police: .08% DWI Policy Councilwoman Mathews noted that at Its September 27th meeting, Council refeired the issue of lowering the level or intoxication determining drunk driving from .10% to .08% blood-alcohol content to the Administration. MOVED III' MATIiEWS, SI.CONDED BY SCIILIT?.I:R, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO TIIE CARRIED. Commiluill Stt Im Referred 10/04/93 - Community Services Committee Vice Chair Nelson S: m1nilltt presented a report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appoinimeni of Appoinlment'. Planning Denise Coda to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring Commission January 11, 1996. MOVI?D n5' NLIAON, SI:CONDI-'D BY STRFDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTLE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Renton School Cnuncilwomnn Keolker-Whecier inquired whether the City has responded to Districl Property Zoning questions from the Renton School District regarding Public Use (P-1) zoning on its properties. Building: Code ptn0sions Councilman Siredicke questioned why the City is requiring that an 9 -font regulating fence heights, fence tare constructed fat the Homer 'letrace Fencing Project, and whether This Houser Terrace height is allowed under current Code regulations. Council: Opposition 10 MOVED BY S7REDICKE, SE.COND1:1) BY MATHEWS. COUNCIL GOON Inilialives 601 and 60. RECORD AS OPPOSINO TIIE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT INTI IATIVI.S KNOWN AS 601 AND 602, 90I.1. CALL: 4 AYES: MAI'llEWS, NLLSON, Kl:U1.KrR-WHI.I:LI:R, STRI:DICKE. 3 NAYS: EDWARDS, SCIILITZrR, TANNLR. MOTION CARRIED, Council President Edwards commented that while he opposes Initiative 602, he supports 601. Councilman Tanner poled his supporl for 602 and his opposition to 601. Parks: Commendation, Councilman Stredicke commeu,led Terry Iligashiyams, Parks Department Coulon Park food Recreation Manager, for her erforts and response so issues concerning the Concession Coulon Beach Park Food Concession. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: OrdinitOsLe►442I An ordinance amending the Interim zoning map and changing the caning Comprehensive Plan: classification of properly located north of parcel at 110 Lake Avenue S. within Errata, llsue/Wilson(tt1:- the City of Renton from Public Zone (P-1) to Atlerial Commercial (CA) 13) (Kwai-Shung lisue/Wilson, or; -13). L_ 4 D ZE 11� Earl Clymer, Maynr October 26, 1993 IA 4 CIT 01P RENTON City Clerk Marilyn J, petrrren Mike Deere Seattle fence C`o 4615 Sunny Slope Rd. SW Porl Orchard, WA 98366 RL Ilouser Terrace fencinil Project Dear Mr, Deere The apparent low bidder for the above-retsrenced project is Anchor fencing of Woodinville, Washington, who %obmitted a hid in the arnounl of $6,160.30, including 8.2% sales tax. A check in the amount of $404 7r) is enclosed to refund the cash deposit submitted by your couipnny for the above project. Please sign below to confirm receipt of the refund of your deposit, and tenlnt to the Oty Clerk in the enclosed envelope Sincerely, Ilrenda 1'rrlsvold Deputy City Oer1, enc. cc: Randy Berg- Project Slnnager Sfgnglure Dale "%idkth �ftill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (2(Ni)2,15.2SOl nin ►�trs+awtsurt +� xr�vnn� w�nuuu�. ire etre trwauwr� r 0 1 city or Renton Finance tarrf`"ent Request for paints or Treasurer's Check nate or Request Dare Required Requesting Department I Authnriaed SiRnalurc REASON FOR CIIECK Deposit RefunF71 Orher - -7 Name (finance Receipt No I (Receipt hate I Describe Circumstances Requiring Issuance of Check: f'1KCK PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS Amount s , Charge to Accounl(s) Payable To Address - - L(0)'Ih k to Payee Dept: Soc Sec or IRS ID No CIIFCK AUT110RIZATION - Finance Department Use Only Appto�cd Uate Q Claims a Treasurer's Check No: NN tol i/61 ►�- CITY04OF RENTON � City Clerk Alatilyn J. Prtmen call Clymer, Maya[ ()ctober 26. 1993 David Kelly Kelly Fencing I'O flux 911 Maple Valley, WA 98038 Itl:, I louser'I'errncc I-'cneing 1'n►iect Dear Kir. Kelly loject is Woodiof nville, Washinglon�r fm %vh:, sulilnincd a rbidrenced in the nrn+nunt or $C 11GG 10. including 8.2% sales tax A check in the nnunttn of $189.52 is enclosed to refund the cash deposit submitted by your company fog the nb0vc project. I'lcase sign belO%V to confunt receipt of lite rclund of your deposit, anti return t0 the City Clerk in the enclosed cnvc'hrpc Sincerely, 4UAP '` 4T Brenda I'rilsvuld 1 Deputy City Clerk �ene 1 cc; handy Ilerg - Project Mnnngcr Date e:rblaNbtddra Mill Avenue South - Menton, Wacltingtryn 98055 - (2[)1:)2.15.2501 I 11N� Arkrin„wrAi- It. uAtlauY.rKnrnran+cuurM ..,. City of Renton Finance l)cj?4)meftI Request for �%ims or Treasurer's Check Date of Request Date Required lRequesting I)cpatimcnil Authorized Signature REASON FOR CHECK Deposit Refund F ther Name Amount Finance Receipt Nn Receipt Date Describe Circumsianm Requiting Issuance or Check: J CHECK PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS AmountI Charge to Account(s) I — Payable Payable To Address See or IRS ID No CIIECK AUTHORIZATION - Finance Department Use Only lApprovcd__ Date 1 a Claims Treasurer's Check No: FIN 101 7/0? a Mail Check to Payee a Return to Dept: Other: 0% 0% City of Renton Community Services Parke Aclnrinisiratimi MEMORANDUM DALE: October 14, 1993 TO: Brenda Fritzvoid, Deputy City Clerk FROM Randy BeriP Coordinntor SUBJECT: Release of Bid Securities on CAG #93.101, Houser Terrace Fencing I have had discussions with Tom Austin of Anchor Fencing, the low bidder on Ihis project. I anticipate no problem entering into a contract with his firm, Therefore I am authorizing release of the 5% bid securities to all other bidders on this project. We will of course hold Anchor Fencing's bid bond until we have a signed contract Attached is a list of all the bidders Thank you for your help on Ihis project Attachments cc Mince Lee -1 J J Ir I F- f CITY OF RENTON � 13117 TABULATION SHEET PROJECT: Houser Terrace Fencing DATE: 84M.93 FORT+:s UIDDER EEO P on I TF I 044 ; 41 RID Imiudm r :'a Ui o Tal Anchor Fencing � 30 PO Box 476 Woodinville. WA `)111172 CONTACT. Tom Munn OkIT, Inc.PO N 7 IBJ . po Box ARN02 Kettmore, WA 98028 CONTACT. Jerry Suarez Kelly Fencing PO Box 911 + 7 710 Maple Valley. WA 198038 CONTACT David Kelly Slocn Constriction 975 First Ave. NE ��ZZ . Issaquah, WA 98027 CONTACT: H. hincn Suttle Fence Co.' 1615 sunny Slope Rai, SW Port Orchatd. WA 98366 CONTACT. mika Deere SraWem Construction, inc, 1819 S. Central Avc., Suite 84 gev ' Kent. WA 98032 CONTACT: LNG INEFR"S ESTIMATE. + e, WO. 0 (L U M V -!W M) TOTAL: 1110ENt1: fmw ££O Fquat ihpmtutury an 1141%mW Tr Tro is r, m � _l i I c K ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE CITY OF RENTON DID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT: Itouset Tcrruea Fencing DATEt N -W-93 BIDDER CONTACT'; ScaWcsl FORMS FF:O n" TF BID Im6los 2%I4k%I Anctuar Fencing PO Dox 476 Woodimillc, WA 99072 CONFACT: Torn Austin OMT, Inc. PO flax N2tNl2 Kenmore. WA 99028 CONTACT: Jerry Suaret Kelly Fcncing PO 110% 911 Maple Vmllcy, WA 99038 CONTACT: Dmid Kelly Itocn Constnlcllon 073 Firm Ave. NE? uuaquah. WA 981127 :01WACT: li. Moen ;cattle ponce Co. 1613 Sunny Slope Rd. SW " Orchard„ WA 99366 Mike Deere Construction, [tic A19 5. Ccntrnl Apt.. Suite 94 cnl. WA 98032 DNPACT: i IFAFNII. Yana CID rqu.l(h.rlundy Jill Ikdlknd il' 7rrydtl.nn . d6 hnr.. TOTAL: ` J CITY OF RENTON Old Document Distribution Sheet Houser Terrace Feneina p}3" J w. CITY OF RENTON ell, Bid Document distribution Sheet ( Houser Terrace Fencing f Pa e 3 V A m Name / neral Su Contact F Mau Qdress .3Pick State ZIP. A u O I Phone FAX - d Mau a Pick. 17 Firm Name General O Sub O Contact Mail Address Pick. City, State Zi u u Phone FAX J Ir r'1 Cil;' F11' Itc�111F1u itevemit./Check Docu nt'll(ltiml I I)111c IFIf l: /'�7 i i AnImm. - Slay. 52 Accoism Codds7.an.3n.nonnnn Ucsrlif�liva� Hill deposnls `--- -� Kelly Funcinµ-. 110 Box 931, Haple Vall(Iy, WA IWO38 lluuner Terrace, Fencing CAC 93-101 zr.•a. aaaseen.r,aoa•e.n•rr... e.rter.na.n.n €itY nF REHiON fly WASIRCP RE.t;iF[f 1 i 112-IiJ4 .1 I0-12-1993 CASFIIER FCr s I gsgq aM Ga.rarru�..�p a...aa.. er•ra... r. ra u® 4300) tII1'CEL.LTVl4cOu5 Rt: 1;gq,g2 81111 F1FSWAI KELLY FE11(1TI6 h114,11.MLI,I,p).23 },:)fl, f1MJ.F}I)lie;11J0 ------------- II)TAI. wx 4389.52 RF€FIUEo FRot1s fX. I F Y 'II FFA 1389.15? It IAl EnDEF'FTi - 438A.' i11NGF. vuf Wood r..•.,r:•.......... ...sn..rr.......... r. J PO !J W 0(y of RuIlloll I�e�a'rrll�'1('Ir!<c•Ic I)1u•Ilnra;�ll�,rliurl Dale: i Antt om,9404. 74 Accnunl Cntla: 1'TT4 1TOU.o17.277.Oq.g0.g00000 I)l`SCII rlitnt bid drryatu(i 11 SO"t t 10 l i nrr, 4615 Sttttny slttpr Ni! ;W, Pnrt. Ocbnrd, WA 99366 �._� __ _-. lknia r'r T't•t'r isr h-11" Int, i`At; +) 1- 101 � 11f + �rll �REIITON B hrcrniln Frltnvold, CIIy Clvik'tt office, 1fil iiIA!IARrk ME'6rPOI r it : �ti:,+ 10-(2-!993 EA,SEIIEk Ur r 1 9t49 aw 8rtt)tl 11lSCEk.EANF.Ull9 RE {i 4,?Y BID I)T1•EE41T SEAT#EI' rCH(E it11. i1J1J. t'l�T.? 37. i)1, ih1. t70i1i1�lt) TMAI. gIIE KrtlluEn TkOnt 'AATTI.E IME NE:dk 1+uti,;v IdlAE, IEMDEPUD +~ - tti0ti.77 ULAN it !}tlE tR�l..�.�..11Yi l.,..I.MR■t.�RJi\Ill.m.�v --rrw r— STATE OF WASHINGTON • KING COUNTY N%0 111111',1 I, II Irl r. �"I., Affidavit of Publication 11©uf erTerraoe Fencing old Dow Oct. a 1114' uodrl%ignrd, al, 41,1111 'hili% 114111 Mr I% all CALLFORBIIS uulhuli/ed rrlttcecnlatitr al I lie I)ail) Ill 4rnill nl ('ollitilerce, a H"Ied bids will be Lwalvold ,I.uII nce%%p.11't•l. %tlllilt nrNtpapcl i% 44 leg;ll ncu%paprr of general [� the Ilsuser Terrace Yen in set until Qa0 ft M. onxWa cirnllation ail.1 4t it nnN al}ll hal+ lire,, fur Illorc Ih.11, %j% Rlolllh% bar 8, 19991 at the CRty Clerk's III lilt lit Ilic dale IC put,lir.11lnn Iletcowflrl rcfct dlo, p111111%hed ill faint limn oft •fie�tan Maniclpel toddle�If and will be the I nl•Ilth I,Irtl114pe'tlnllnuo,u,l} a% a daily newspaper in Sr:utle, o�w,ened and publicly read ."I aha Kulp t uunl+, Na+]unpll+ll, .uul Ili+ nuw tin(] during all of said time R4et floor rnnfarenn rrwm, lien• ton Municipal Pu Idlef, 200 Na% prilurd in all ollltC nlalnlairled at the aforrliaid plate of Mdl h Avenua South, Rnntan. aslnptmpuhll%alloll of Ilrr+ nr,+%l+,Ilnr, the i)aill loottlal (if ('41n1n1elre Wl 9ROW The work to hs r!1•rn►ed Na+ oIn liar 12111 'lily 'If hoar, lydl, ilpprlut�l ac 4'1 legal nrN%pntl%rr the data of contract Commanre• rlhln tie calender days hum by thR supern,r ( hurt tri Mill nwnt shall Include: Labor and materials In In- stall a t mafinetaly Mla ]instil 'Thr n„lire in the c%ual luno .Innc%ed. ua% pul+li+hctt In Icp;ul:u facI It, runt wire mesh fenc. i+turti cif Tlrr I).tily' .14011111.11 1,1 C Ilrntncric. +tlnrh N;lt tcful(ul) Xtea City reserves the tight to di%tlilttlied lu itr %Irh+.tlhrl+ Jnnlac the hrl.1,+ %tdtrd proud. 111r ryect any and/or ell Mds. anis in allnc%ed n4nice. a welvo Inftxmalitles. Appreved plans, spec1fleatlons and Contract lames may tie niti It 'I III If 4• t I: 1 1 tie I fl lamed at the Benton Parks Ad. prnllnlstrotion OfTlce, 11111 Pronoun Way N., Renton. The marlins address Is 200 Mill Avis. Nat. pultll%hcd tin nue so Ronan WA 4111 M1,, fbcunmta will 6 mailed nn n»t:•• t 1.4 t n•I: ter",'t tuaipt of a nsn•rerundable �M,t1t1 maillnx ehartv tjusatiane rei ardinthis call for bide should to atl4 tubed to Randy lierp lelRphnnn 2:15•261A (PAX 277. N23). ' A pCRRTIYIK CI! X OR I h. aultn,nl of Ihr lir char} rd lot Ihr hnry tool p+lhli.auun I+ OF Ir[�PE I� A`8%) W 77[R TOTAL B�U MllPf1AC• 1144 "Ilei 1,1 S uIlkh I relit I Ila% hcel4 geld In full. COMPANY BAC I IIIA. t t The City's Pair Praritree and � ?;U/t'�__ _. No uiscrimina,Ilon Policies sha l "WO tiuh..crlhed and u+nsn to heroic nn• lel AtGII.td J. 1'kTFRAIiN, City Clark. 1 l Diaiees of publicationIn the Be, rla Daily mumalom r to m . • erre September er 2;1 and :Ill,— ti11a11 I"uldk 1.11 Ihr ♦Itur III H naowr, 10tdlny Ill `]'Ault } a ,1lhd,t%iI til 1'uhliratrt,n k i e� J F- �N�VOICE �all Daily GJourn f Commerce i pt)X 11050 .GLAlIIp WA 0t311 6 a00•ru^z•n2t2.!'Ax n.Oaa0Arn 1lriUN0 pA1' 1r3TA1 AMOUNt CM1C.. ~ PAYS lif y',Yr ICity Of ►irllton rtnrub r1u»,� UFFiee of City Clerk U9/3U i.i !J/y ACCfklNtlro - - i tirar lracxu ' 200 Mi k I NVP . 5. — --_ Renton WA 98OSS .JU27 1 i 1 A j: RItUM INS POOT" WINI YQUn PAYMINt t _ lair "Fra"CE��` I)rscnsrt o,, p1hlrlf310N5 TIMtg OrLI[b '" �21/9.i aylor IVC HOUSER FENCING lxg4.00 2 1.450 j 196.00 HUUbLH IERRACE I NU #NARKS .r•.iflln Dnity Jeurnnl el Commence �VOOMe: 83 Cefumbm St. 5est11e — — I fM() . SP,11110 WA 108111 . {2f16 0??_0272 . FAX(2M)G22-0416 Tho City of Ronten 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Phone: 235.2501 F,Ax; 1235-25M i FAX TNA TAL i i Date: SEPTI.2411t.R 21. 1991 _------- TO: __ ._. lIA1 LY .lOttRNAL t►F C[1NM1i1lCF: — AF f. ! i From: CITY CLEWS OFFICE, LISA 57'!:PIIFNS (2]5-2501) SubfoCt: rHOUSER TERRACE FENCING t Nutnber of pages excluding cover sheet: CuurlRMlrlc 1140, i 1111 t llJCi Itil-NIfr1%11ON 1'IrY;fsif rrYRdt 3 !''r h 111rrs i is Club c b !j 00 11111111111011 Il fy,ablo In; City 01 H[rnlorY tI i cl0 CiiyClofk , 10,00 nut of sCiao jaddili011111) I 200 hUt Avranuo Scii Ph nftfYlon1 Washington W1055 Tan Iaf+U[r IirnA � 1 e !Il •i�w.�..._�. _. .; .. _.«-..�..,... w+rwr�s�t��aaio».:.�m.�r�.yner.r.«rc�.w„�...�w.<.. .. ... --- • �-.��,r.-,.«.mow.. CITY OF RENTON MOUSER TERRACE FENCING CALL FOR BIDS Bid Dat01 October 6, 1993 �_- -- Sealed bide Will be received for the Houser Torrsce Fencing Project until 2130 p.m. On October a, 1993 at the City Clarkn Office (first floor of the Renton Municipal Building) ana will be opened and publicly read in the first floor conference room, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton Washington 9ao55. The work to be performed within 30 calendar days from the data of contract commencement shall .include: Labor and materials to install approximately 510 lineal feat of a foot wire mash fencing, The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, and to Waive informalities. Approved plans, specifications and contract forms may be obtained at the Renton Parks Administration office, 1101 Bronson way N., Renton. The mailing address is 200 Mill Avarua So., Renton, ., 95.00 Documents will be mailed on receipt of a non-refunclable $5.oO mailing charge, Questions regarding this call for bids should be addressed to Randy Berg, telephone 235-2558 (FAX 277-5523). A CERTIFIED CIIECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE PERCENT (5t) OF THE TOTAL IIID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. The City's Fair Practices and Non -Discrimination Policies shall apply. Marlyn- §.p o.rsen, City Cler Publishadt 5aptember 23, 1993 September 30, 1993 Daily Journal Of Commerce 117