HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180398E003 Renton ES 16 2022-06-21 FR 025 Kirkland | Tacoma | Mount Vernon 425-827-7701| www.aesgeo.com Date Mailed: Principal / PM: Bruce Guenzler, L.G., L.E.G. This document is considered a DRAFT until signed or initialed by an AESI Principal or Project Manager Page 1 of 5 v.7.20 FIELD REPORT Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 06/21/2022 Renton Elementary School 16 20180398E003 025 Location Municipality AESI Project Manager AESI Field Rep 1075 Duvall Ave NE Renton Bruce Guenzler, L.E.G. Scott R. Hannah, L.G. Permit No. Client/Owner Attn Requested By B21004604 Renton School District No. 403 Ed Thomson Client Engineer/Architect General Contractor Grading Contractor Weather CPL / Hutteball + Oremus Cornerstone/Kyle Continental Dirt Contractors/ Jerry Jr. Sunny, 60 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: Rock Drainage Channel: Associated Earth Sciences Inc. (AESI) was on site 11:45am today to observe continued grading operations. At the time of our arrival, we observed that Continental Dirt Contractors (CDC) had placed 2 to 4 inch quarry rock (spalls) in a shallow trench approximately 1 foot deep and 15-18 feet wide. The spalls extended to approximately 5 feet past SE corner of the proposed Stormwater Facility #2. The excavation extended at least another 30 feet farther to the north. Dense, lodgment till was exposed in the bottom of the exposed excavation. A roll of 140N filter fabric was onsite in preparation for covering the spalls prior to placing fill soil. Approximately 5 feet of fill soil is needed to achieve design grade in the area of the rock drainage channel. The area of the rock drainage channel observed by us is shown on Figure 1, the composite plan sheet on page 2. AESI did not witness construction of the southern portion of the rock drainage channel. Grading North of School Building: While onsite today, we also observed that CDC had been stripping soft, wet soils on both sides of the rock drainage channel east of the toe of the large soil stockpile and north of the northern Fire Lane in preparation for fill placement. Except for 1-2 inches of surface mud in places, the exposed subgrade consisted of medium dense to dense, silty sand (lodgment till) that was in a firm and unyielding condition that probed only 1-2 inches with a ½ inch diameter, steel soil probe under full weight of the observer. CDC continued to import 2-1/2 inch minus crushed rock in which some was being placed and compacted in the northern fire lane and the central portion of the bus loop road. Road Fill Placement for Bus Loop: At the time of our site visit today, we observed CDC grading the northern half of the Bus Loop road. The eastern margin was cut and the western margin had 1 to 1-1/2 feet of fill. The fill had not been compacted yet. Dense, native, tan silty sand (lodgment till) was exposed in the cut area of the road and in stripped areas not filled yet in the western portion of the road. We observed the fill the compacted with a large, vibratory smooth drum roller. The compacted soils yielded easily under foot and probed the full depth of the fill. As requested, Jerry Jr. with CDC started to aerate. We discussed with Jerry that 1-2 feet of wet soil would take more than one day to dry via aeration if not at least a couple days. We said that a 6 inch layer of soil could probably be suitably aerated in one day with a combination of favorable temperatures, wind and turning it over several times. We also mentioned that it was our understanding that amending wet onsite soils with Portland cement to facilitate drying had been approved. Jerry said that he wanted to aerate, since he could at least start it immediately. Kyle was informed of the above. Over-excavation and Replacement of Soft/Organic Soil- Southern Portion of Bus Loop Road: Yesterday, we understood that CDC removed soft/organic soil from a portion of the southern part of the Bus Loop road and replaced it with crushed rock. AESI was not onsite to witness the work but was provided several contractor photos (one photo included below). Watermain/Fire Service Line Trench, Plumbing-Electrical Conduits: CDC had excavated a trench for placement of metal ductile iron pipe for future a fire line. The trench was being excavated under two large footings on the east side of the building (see photo on following pages). The contractor will plan to use controlled density fill (CDF) to backfill the portions of the trench under the footings. Plumbing pipe and electrical conduits were installed and backfilled with approximately 1 foot of native soil at the south end of the building. These will be checked tomorrow. We departed at approximately 12:45pm and will return again tomorrow for continued observations. 6 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 06/21/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 025 Page 2 of 5 FIELD REPORT Figure 1: Composite Plan Eastern soil stockpile Stormwater Facility #2 Rock Drainage Channel Subgrade suitably stripped (green) Wet, yielding road fill being aerated General location of road overx and replacement 6/20 Stripped subgrade, rock drainage channel and filter fabric. Looking N. 6 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 06/21/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 025 Page 3 of 5 FIELD REPORT Rock drainage channel 6 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 06/21/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 025 Page 4 of 5 FIELD REPORT Bus loop road fill. Aeration started after compaction 6 Date Project Name Project No. Report No. 06/21/2022 Renton ES 16 20180398E003 025 Page 5 of 5 FIELD REPORT Fire service line with ductile iron pipe. Trench backfill under footings to be CDF