HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 02 May 2022 - Agenda - Pdf (1) CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - Committee of the Whole Meeting 6:00 PM - Monday, May 2, 2022 Videoconference 1. SUNSET AREA TRANSFORMATION UPDATE a) Presentation Currently, due to the spread of COVID-19, all regularly-scheduled committee meetings will be held as necessary via video-conference. City Hall is closed to the public. If you would like to attend this week's meeting remotely, you can do so by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86753290028?pwd=M2pOc09HWWNrY05uVnlIWnpGS1E4UT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 867 5329 0028, Passcode: 881839 You can call through Zoom at (253) 215-8782 and use the Meeting ID. Sunset Area Transformation Update Committee of the Whole 5/02/2022 Mark Santos-Johnson Community Development and Housing Manager Department of Equity, Housing, and Human Services 1 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Outline 2 Context Early Planning Work Revitalization Transformation Implementation Future Needs & Opportunity AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 3 Context AGENDA ITEM #1. a) The Sunset Area AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Early Planning (2005-2009)Task Force I Task Force II Revitalization (2009-2014) Community Investment Strategy Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement Community Revitalization Program Community Needs Assessment Transformation (2015-2016) Sunset Area Transformation Plan CNI Grant Submissions Implementation (2017-2022) AmeriCorps VISTA Project Sunset Transformation Plan Implementation Community Investment Strategy Implementation Sunset Area Timeline AGENDA ITEM #1. a) The Sunset Area Before Sunset Terrace AGENDA ITEM #1. a) The Sunset Area Before AGENDA ITEM #1. a) The Sunset Area Before AGENDA ITEM #1. a) The Sunset Area Before AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 10 2005-2009: Early Planning Efforts AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Early Planning Efforts 2005-2009 2005- 2009 Task Force I Task Force II AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Task Force 1 In 2006, the Highlands Task Force on Land Use and Zoning was convened to review a revised, proposed set of zoning amendments to stimulate redevelopment in the area. After citizen, environmental, and Council review processes were completed, the Task Force’s recommendations were adopted in May 2007. The land use and zoning changes were intended to stimulate revitalization of one of Renton’s older commercial and residential areas into a community with compact urban development featuring a mix of residential and commercial uses, a range of housing types, innovative design, transit orientation, pedestrian scale amenities and a community focal point. 2005-2009 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Task Force 2 The City of Renton formed a second Highlands Task Force in late 2007 to help the City identify, prioritize, and make recommendations about the next steps needed to implement the adopted vision for the Center Village in the Highlands area. Members of the Phase II Task Force explored ideas about how to implement the land use vision endorsed by the first task force and how to improve quality of life in the area. The Task Force produced a report with two dozen recommendations for City actions in the Highlands. These recommendations were presented to City Council in December 2008 and included everything from specific code changes to a number of big ideas. In early 2009, Council adopted this document by resolution and asked the administration to draw up a work program to begin implementing the work of the Phase II Task Force. 2005-2009 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 14 2009-2014: Revitalization AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Revitalization 2009-2014 2009- 2014 Community Investment Strategy Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement Community Revitalization Program Community Needs Assessment AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Investment Strategy Based on the Highlands Phase II Task Force recommendations, the City of Renton commissioned a Community Investment Strategy (CIS) study to prioritize additional public investment in the Sunset Area. The goal is to maximize the opportunities held in both current and future investments to leverage benefit for the broader community. The effort was a collaboration between City, Renton Housing Authority & Renton School District with input from community, property owners, developers, and stakeholders. The Community Investment Strategy was adopted by City Council in November 2009. 2009-2014 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Investment Strategy Community Investment Strategy 2009-2014 Community Investment Strategy Recommendation Status 1. Support Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  2. Pursue Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 3. Incorporate new Highlands Library into Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  4. Incorporate a public plaza as a community “third place” into Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  5. Creation of one or more Community Gardens  6. Design and construct pedestrian, landscaping improvements on Sunset Boulevard  7. Consider opportunities to make “green connections” by integrating stormwater conveyance systems in new and existing infrastructure that also serve as community amenities  8. Better utilization of recreation and park facilities  9. Explore development of a Family Village on North Highlands “Superblock”Δ AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Former Sunset Terrace Transformation AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Area Planned Action EIS An Planned Action Environment Impact Statement (EIS) addresses the probably significant environmental impacts associated with the location, type, and amount of development anticipated in the Planned Action area. The City of Renton issued a Draft EIS in December 2010 and a Final EIS in April 2011. A Reevaluation/Addendum was issued in December 2014 and in June 2016. The Planned Action EIS for the Sunset Area was adopted in August 2016 EIS identified potential capacity for an additional 2,300 new dwelling units and 1.25 million square feet of service/retail space in the 269-acre neighborhood over the next 20 years 2009-2014 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Revitalization Program Revitalization Elements •Mixed Use Catalyst Projects •Sunset Terrace Off-Site Replacement Housing •Transportation Projects •Water Facilities •Wastewater Facilities •Green Infrastructure 2009-2014 Created to leverage public investment to catalyze private property development and create opportunities for market-rate and affordable housing, plus retail investment.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Revitalization Program Need Statement “Revitalization is needed to improve housing, social, educational, employment, and health outcomes for the residents of this area.” Sunset Community Vision •The Sunset Area is a destination for the rest of the city and beyond •The neighbors and businesses here are engaged and involved in the community •Neighborhood places are interconnected and walkable •The neighborhood feels safe and secure •Neighborhood growth and development is managed in a way that preserves quality of life •The neighborhood is an attractive place to live and conduct business •The neighborhood is affordable to many incomes •The neighborhood celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity 2009-2014 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Needs Assessment 2009-2014 Community Needs Assessment for Human Services and Housing was conducted between July 2013 and June 2014. It was a requirement for the CNI grant. Various methods for data collection and analysis were used to create an understanding of the City’s human service and housing needs. The assessment covered the entire City of Renton with an addendum for the Sunset area. The City of Renton’s Community Needs Assessment for Human Services and Housing identified thirteen priority human services and housing needs. This addendum presented a closer look at these priority needs in the Sunset Area.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Needs Assessment 2009-2014 Priority Needs Economic Opportunity •Support for adults who face barriers to employment. •Access to living-wage jobs and career advancement. Basic Needs for Families •Improved access to food. •Day and night shelters for homeless families that offer a range of services. •Increased services to help prevent homelessness to help families stay in their homes. Health and Wellness •Better access to health and dental care for low-income residents. •Early childhood screenings and parenting support. •More mental health and substance abuse services. Available, Quality Housing •More rental units for very low income households •More safe, energy efficient, and healthy housing for low and moderate income households. Neighborhood Opportunity •Improved mobility and transportation options. •More high quality, out-of-school time opportunities for youth. •Increased access to affordable, quality, early childhood education. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 25 2015-2016: Transformation AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Transformation 2015-2016 2015- 2016 Sunset Area Transformation Plan HUD Choice Neighborhoods Grant AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Area Transformation Plan 2015-2016 The Sunset Area Transformation Plan is a guiding document for reinvestment and collaboration in the Sunset community. The plan aims to increase the affordable and market -rate housing in the neighborhood, catalyze critical community improvements and private investment, provide additional human services and educational support, build resident capacity, and provide more educational and employment opportunities for residents in the Sunset Area. Specific Housing, Neighborhood, and People strategies were created to respond to the high-priority needs and provide more opportunities for residents and businesses in the Sunset Area.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) HUD Choice Neighborhoods Grant 2015-2016 The Sunset Area Transformation Plan was created as part of two U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) applications (in 2015 and 2016) for a potential Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) grant and uses the Choice Neighborhoods model to redevelop the former Sunset Terrace public housing project and encourage community revitalization and transformation. Choice Neighborhoods is a federal program that supports locally driven strategies to address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. The program is designed to catalyze critical community improvements in housing, services, and schools. Choice Neighborhoods focuses on three core goals: Housing, People, Neighborhood: This model was used as the foundation for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan. Although the grant was not funded in 2016, the plan continues to guide investments and initiatives in the area. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Area Transformation Plan 2015-2016 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Area Transformation Plan 2015-2016 Housing Strategy The Sunset Area Transformation Plan’s Housing Strategy began with a vision of transforming the Sunset neighborhood by replacing the former distressed 100-unit Sunset Terrace public housing project with high-quality mixed income units. Principal Partner Renton Housing Authority Mission Improving Housing Opportunities Goal Increase opportunities for investment in the housing market and prioritize solutions to address unmet housing needs Vision Healthy, affordable housing available to current and new residents AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Area Transformation Plan 2015-2016 Neighborhood Strategy The Neighborhood Strategy includes projects that address the needs identified by Sunset Area residents and businesses. The Neighborhood strategy are made up of Critical Community Improvement (CCI) projects that target the Redevelopment Area, the Improvement Area, and the Business District. The strategy is made up of public safety initiatives that responds to needs that address priority needs identified by Sunset residents and business owners. Principal Partner City of Renton Mission Enhancing Neighborhood Assets Goal Develop public amenities, improve housing conditions, and facilitate connections between residents Vision A safe, livable neighborhood with local amenities AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Area Transformation Plan 2015-2016 People Strategy The People Strategy provides multilingual and culturally appropriate support to families and individuals of all ages to build on their assets and strengths to become self-sufficient and achieve their goals. The strategy targets five areas which include health, kindergarten readiness, continuous academic success, college and career readiness, and promoting self- sufficiency. Principal Partner Neighborhood House Mission Empowering Residents’ Lives Goal Create connections to services to meet residents’ health and development needs Vision Thriving people who have accessible services to support their growth AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Transformation Resource Council 2015-2016 Sunset Area Transformation Resource Council was established in early 2016 while working to reapply for a for a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant. The Transformation Resource Council was intended to engage stakeholders, giving them opportunities to provide feedback and help guide the Sunset Area Transformation Plan as it moves forward. The team meets quarterly and is facilitated by our lead entities. The members of the council includes representatives from Anchor Institutions, community partners, police, business, target housing residents, and neighborhood residents and organizations.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 34 2017-2022: Implementation AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Implementation 2017-2022 2017- 2022 AmeriCorps VISTA Project Sunset Transformation Plan Implementation Community Investment Strategy Implementation AGENDA ITEM #1. a) HUD Region X 2017-2022 HUD Region X covers WA, OR, ID, and AK. In early 2017, Sarah Lindsley, a HUD Senior Management Analyst with Office of Field Policy and Management was assigned as “Community Capacity Liaison” to assist with efforts to implement Sunset Area Transformation Plan This Community Capacity Liaison helped secure other partners and resources, including AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers. Work with HUD Region X evolved into work with Renton Innovation Zone Partnership & Skyway community to create the pop-up (drive-in) Skyway Resource Center in 2020 which was designated in October 2020 as the first HUD EnVision Center in Western Washington.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AmeriCorps VISTA 2017-2022 AmeriCorps VISTA is a national service program designed to alleviate poverty. President John F. Kennedy originated the idea for VISTA, which was founded as Volunteers in Service to America in 1965, and incorporated into the AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AmeriCorps VISTA 2017-2022 Renton VISTA program started in 2018 with four volunteers as a project of the ED Division of the CED Department with the four CNI principal partners –City of Renton, RHA, Renton School District, and Neighborhood House. Program expanded in 2019 to eight volunteers, adding two new partner organizations (Communities in Schools of Renton and Centro Rendu of St. Vincent de Paul) and expanding services areas to include Downtown and Benson Hill.AGENDA ITEM #1. a) AmeriCorps VISTA 2017-2022 City of Renton Hannah Bahnmiller (Year 1) Elena Rodriguez (Year 2) Camille Schuetze (Year 2) Judy Klyver (Year 2) Claire Wilkinson (Year 2, 3 & 4)* Hanna Dillingham (Year 3) Jordan Hoover (Year 3) Ashis Joshi (Year 3) Brooke Osmond (Year 4)* Vanessa Chin (Year 4)* William Collins (Year 4)* Sophie DeWitt (Year 4)* Victoria Kvitek (Year 4)* Renton Housing Authority Rachel Butler (Year 1) Faith Plazarin (Year 2) Josh Canaday (Year 3) Renton School District MyKa’La Alexander (Year 1) Bryana Samuel (Year 2 and 3) Megan Pate (Year 4)* Ricky Pope (Year 4)* Neighborhood House Stephanie Snyder (Year 1) Joanne Gonzalez (Year 2) Elly Trinh (Year 3) Communities in Schools of Renton Steve Huynh (Year 2) Sarah Blumenfeld (Year 3) St. Vincent de Paul / Centro Rendu Imelda Reimer (Year 2) Sarah Blucher (Year 3) St. Matthews / Sustainable Renton David Werner (Year 4)* * Current VISTA VolunteerAGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation Additional Community Partners • Pacific Development Concepts • Ally Community Development • JH Brawner & Company • BERK Consulting, Inc. • Schemata Workshop • HUD Region X • Renton Innovation Zone Partnership • Community Center for Education Results (CCER) • Verrenti Consulting LLC • Puget Sound Educational Service District • All for a Good Cause Consulting • Renton Municipal Art Commission • Valley Cities • Kindering • Sunset Community Church • Hazen High School • Business Government Community Connections • Renton History Museum • Sustainable Renton • St. Matthews Lutheran Church • Childhaven • Bezos Academy • Sound Generation/Hyde Shuttle • Food Lifeline • Catholic Community Services • Communities in Schools of Renton/Tukwila • School’s Out Washington • The Environmental Science Center • Snapology Additional Leverage Partners • U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) • Renton Regional Community Foundation • Corporation for National & Community Service –AmeriCorps VISTA • U.S. Department of the Interior • Edwards Mother Earth Foundation • Community Frameworks • Seattle Sounders FC • Rave Foundation • AARP 2017-2022 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Housing Strategy Principal Partner Renton Housing Authority Mission Improving Housing Opportunities Goal Increase opportunities for investment in the housing market and prioritize solutions to address unmet housing needs Vision Healthy, affordable housing available to current and new residents Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 Housing Strategy Status Sunset Court RHA Modernization Project Sunset Oaks AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 45 50 Units Affordable Rental Third replacement project for Sunset Terrace AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 46 643 units in 9 projects -five projects with 282 units in Sunset Area Golden Cedars completed in 2019 Renton Crest completed in 2020 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 47 60 Units Affordable Rental First project completed on new Sunset Neighborhood Park AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Neighborhood Strategy Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 Principal Partner City of Renton Mission Enhancing Neighborhood Assets Goal Develop public amenities, improve housing conditions, and facilitate connections between residents Vision A safe, livable neighborhood with local amenities AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 Neighborhood Strategy -Parks Status Sunset Neighborhood Park –Phase I and II  North Highlands Senior Exercise Area  Mini Futsal Court at Highlands Neighborhood Park  Neighborhood Strategy –Art & Placemaking Status Sunset Boulevard Fence  Sunset Neighborhood Park “The Color of Flight” Utility Box Art Wraps AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 50 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 51 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 Neighborhood Strategy –Green Connections Status Harrington Ave NE Green Connection Stormwater Improvement  Jefferson Ave NE and NE 16th St Green Connection Stormwater Improvement  Neighborhood Strategy –Residential Improvements Status WWII Duplex Improvement Pilot Project  Neighborhood Strategy -Facilities Status Sunset Neighborhood Center Renovation  Willowcrest Townhomes (Phase I)AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 53 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 54 Renovation of the former Renton Highlands Library building “LEED” certified community center AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 55 12 Units Affordable Homeownership Net-zero energy project completed by community land trust AGENDA ITEM #1. a) People Strategy Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 Principal Partner Neighborhood House Mission Empowering Residents’ Lives Goal Create connections to services to meet residents’ health and development needs Vision Thriving people who have accessible services to support their growth AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 People Strategy Status Sunset Neighborhood Center (previously Sunset Multi-Service Center) Neighborhood House Supportive Services for Elderly and Disabled Residents  Kindering Early Intervention Services for Children Kindering Best Starts for Kids Help Me Grow Partnership  Renton Innovation Zone Partnership  Sound Generation Hyde Shuttle Services  Catholic Community Services Support Services AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Sunset Transformation Implementation 2017-2022 People Strategy Status FoodLifeline Fresh and Emergency Food for RHA Residents  Sustainable Renton Free Drive-Thru Grocery Store at St. Matthew’s  Renton School District Right at School Before and After School Programs  STREAM Team After School Programming AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 59 Operating organizations are RHA, HealthPoint Centro Rendu, Neighborhood House, and Valley Cities AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 60 Established in 2017 with four elementary schools –Lakeridge, Campbell Hill, Bryn Mawr, and Highlands Focuses include Educational Success, Basic Needs and Partnerships AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Investment Strategy Implementation Community Investment Strategy 2009-2014 Community Investment Strategy Status 1. Support Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  2. Pursue Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 3. Incorporate new Highlands Library into Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  4. Incorporate a public plaza as a community “third place” into Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  5. Creation of one or more Community Gardens  6. Design and construct pedestrian, landscaping improvements on Sunset Boulevard  7. Consider opportunities to make “green connections” by integrating stormwater conveyance systems in new and existing infrastructure that also serve as community amenities  8. Better utilization of recreation and park facilities  9. Explore development of a Family Village on North Highlands “Superblock”Δ AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Investment Strategy Community Investment Strategy 2009-2014 Community Investment Strategy Status 1. Support Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  3. Incorporate new Highlands Library into Sunset Terrace Redevelopment  4. Incorporate a public plaza as a community “third place” into Sunset Terrace Redevelopment AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Add Sunset Terrace video clipped to 1:10.24 to 1:32.78 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Investment Strategy Community Investment Strategy 2009-2014 Community Investment Strategy Status 9. Explore development of a Family Village on North Highlands “Superblock”Δ AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Completed Projects 65 Construction of new early learning center by Renton School District and addition of new accessible playground AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 66 Future Needs & Opportunities AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Demographics 2014 Sunset Demographics •27% of households live in poverty •Average income is $17,000 less than the city as a whole •75% of the students in the neighborhood elementary school qualify for free or reduced lunch •Violent crime rate is 2.5 times higher than the city as a whole •35% of the students at the neighborhood elementary school had limited English proficiency •70% of neighborhood housing is substandard •Homeownership has dropped below 40%, compared to 55% in the City as a whole •Area identified by King County Public Health as high potential for indoor air hazards such as mold, lead based paints, and asbestos AGENDA ITEM #1. a) White Hispanic Asian Black/African American Two or More Races Pacific Islander American Indian Some Other Race 2013 –2017Community Demographics Race in Sunset 2013-2017 2015-2019 White 42%34% Hispanic 24%32% Asian 19%15% Black 8%12% Two or More Races 5%6% Pacific Islander 0.3%0.6% Native American 1.3%0.6% White Hispanic Asian Black/African American Two or More Races Pacific Islander American Indian Some Other Race 2015-2019 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Demographics 2015-2019: Race Sunset Renton White 34%40% Hispanic 32%15% Asian 15%26% Black 12%10% Two or More Races 6%7% Pacific Islander 0.6%0.8% Native American 0.6%0.4% White Hispanic Asian Black Two or More Races Pacific Islander Native American Some Other Race 2021 RACE IN SUNSET AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Demographics Households by Median Income in Sunset 2013-2017 2015-2019 Under $50,000 51%35% $50-$100K 28%33% $100K-$200k 16%26% Over $200K 6%7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Under $50,000 $50-$100K $100K-$200k Over $200K Households by Median Income in Sunset by Year 2013-2017 2015-2019 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Demographics Cost Burdened Households in Sunset 2013-2017 2015-2019 All Households 42%39% Owner Occupied 37%27% Renter Occupied 49%51% Households with Income < $35K 91%88% Owner Occupied 88%79% Renter Occupied 91%92% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% All Households Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Households with Income < $35K Owner Occupied Renter Occupied 2013-2018 2015-2019 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Community Demographics Poverty in Sunset 2013-2017 2015-2019 Population At or Below Poverty Level 19%11% Population At or Below 2x Poverty Level 45%27% <18 Population At or Below Poverty Level 17%15% 65< Population At or Below Poverty Level 16%8% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Population At or Below Poverty Level Population At or Below 2x Poverty Level Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP Benefits 2013-2015 2015-2019 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Future Needs & Opportunities 2022 and beyond • Complete the update to the Human Services Assessment & Plan to help us better address current community needs •Connect with residents and help low-income residents •Work with RHA to develop the remainder of the former Sunset Terrace public housing property •Work with RHA and other developers to create more affordable rental and homeownership housing •Explore opportunities to work with property owners of WWII- era homes to help make repairs or renovations to improve existing living conditions for residents •Work with residents and businesses to promote community events and neighborhood activities AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current Projects 74 590 Units Mixed-Use, mixed-income Redevelopment of Greater Hilands Shopping Center AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current Projects 75 76 Units Mixed-Use Affordable Redevelopment of RHA Headquarters AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Current Projects 76 Began as pop-up Skyway Resource Center Designated as the 1st HUD EnVision Center in Western WA Former US Bank building donated in 2021 For more information, see www.skywayresourcecenter.orgAGENDA ITEM #1. a) 77 The City, Renton Housing Authority, Renton School District, and our partners with funds secured from King County, the State of Washington, the federal government, philanthropic entities, banks, investors, and others have invested more than $150 million in completed Sunset Area projects over the past ten years. There is an additional $230 million of investments projected for current or planned projects to be completed by the City, Renton Housing Authority, and for-profit developers in the next several years in the Sunset Area. Community Investment AGENDA ITEM #1. a) 78 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Thank you to the City’s current and former elected officials, leadership, and staff for your collective and collaborative efforts and support for more than fifteen years in the Sunset Area Mayor’s Office, City Council, Executive Services, Community and Economic Development, Public Works, Community Services/Parks and Recreation, Equity, Housing, and Human Services, Renton Police Department, Finance, Human Resources and Risk Management, City Attorney, City Clerk, Communications, Information Technology, and Print Shop THANK YOU!!! 79 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Thank you to all the partners, funders, community organizations, residents, businesses, and supporters who helped make the Sunset Area Transformation a reality THANK YOU!!! 80 AGENDA ITEM #1. a) CONTACT Mark Santos-Johnson Community Development & Housing Manager Department of Equity, Housing, & Human Services Questions? msantosjohnson @rentonwa.gov sunsetrenton.com 81 AGENDA ITEM #1. a)