HomeMy WebLinkAbout06B_Transportation Impact Fee Mod RequestTECH Project Subjec Date: Author This mem Office Ex Report for 1. T The City o space is $ the FAA R Institute o fee rate fo fee for the determine mitigation If, in t City’s impac calcu those Based on impact fee ITE PM P Hour Tri 1.49 trips / 1 However, ÷ $14.82 = for the ex Observed Hour Tri 1.015 trips / 1 Heffro2 Hende HNICA t: Fede ct: Tran April : Tod morandum pre xpansion proje r Federal Avi Transporta of Renton 20 3.69 per squa Renton Office of Transportat or office space e proposed FA ed for the site n fee calculati the judgment s Fee Schedul cts of a new d lations and th calculations. data presente e rate for the Peak ip Rate 1,000 sf , the adopted = 24.9%). If t isting FAA R d PM Peak ip Rate / 1,000 sf on Transportati erson Young & 6544 N AL MEM eral Aviati nsportation 1, 2015 S. McBry esents a reque ect. It relies o iation Admini ation Impa 15 Developm are foot. How e building gen tion Engineer e. Therefore, AA Renton O . Renton Mun ion as stated i of the Admin le published a development o he Administra ed in Table 8 Office land-u × % New Trips 90% fee rate for of this same met Renton Office × % New Trips 90% ion, Inc., Marc & Company, Au E 61st Street, S MORAN on Admin n Impact F an, P.E. – st to modify t on information istration (FAA act Fee M ent Fees indi wever, as prese nerates less P rs’ (ITE’s) Tr it is reasonab Office Expansi nicipal Code ( in RMC 4-1-1 nistrator, none and on file wi on public faci ator may impo of the City of use category i × Trip L Fac 1. ffice space in thodology is a building, the × Trip L Fac 1. ch 23, 2015. ugust 26, 2011 eattle, WA 9811 NDUM nistration ( Fee Modif – Principa the Transport n and analysis A) Renton Off Modificatio cate the trans ented in the re PM peak hour rip Generation ble to prepare ion project ba (RMC) allow 190.H.1: e of the fee ca ith the City Cl lities, the Dep ose alternativ f Renton’s Ra is calculated a Length ctor = 47 n 2015 is roug applied to the e fee rate wou Length ctor = 47 . 15 Phone: (20 (FAA) Re fication R al tation Impact s presented in ffice Expansio n Reques sportation mit eferenced Tra r traffic than w n Manual, wh an independe ased on the ac ws for an indep ategories or fe lerk accurate partment may ve fees on a sp ate Study for I as follows: Net New Trips 1.97 per 1,000 ghly 25% of th e observed trip uld be calculat Net New Trips 1.34 per 1,000 06) 523-3939 Fa nton Offic Request Fee for the p n the Transpo on 1 st tigation fee fo ansportation would be estim hich was the b ent transporta ctual trip gene pendent trans fee amounts se ely describes o y conduct ind pecific develo Impact Fees2 Rate Per on $7,51 sf $14 he total calcu p generation ted as follow Rate Per on $7,51 sf $10 ax: (206) 523-49 ce Expans proposed FAA ortation Techn or general off Technical Rep mated using t basis for the C ation mitigatio eration rate sportation et forth in the or captures th dependent fee opment based the transport r Unit Based 17.08 per trip 4.82 per sf ulated rate – ($ rate determin s: r Unit Based 17.08 per trip 0.09 per sf 949 sion A Renton nical fice eport, the City’s on e he d on tation d p $3.69 ned d p Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Renton Office Expansion Transportation Impact Fee Modification Request - 2 - April 1, 2015 The calculated fee rate for the FAA Renton Office Expansion project in 2015 would then be $2.51 per square foot (24.9% × $10.09). Based on this independent fee rate, the proposed FAA Renton Office Expansion of 91,850 square feet (sf) would result in a transportation impact fee of $230,544 ($2.51/sf × 91,850 sf). Although the project would remove the existing daycare from the site, no credit for its removal was included in this fee calculation, since the daycare is effectively operating as a part of the FAA facility and did not appear to generate its own traffic. 2. Modification Approval Criteria The requested modification to the transportation impact fee would meet the City’s criteria for the following reasons. a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; As intended by Policy T-86 of the City’s Comprehensive Plan – Transportation Element,3 the project would support economic development and growth related traffic improvements would be funded by the impact fees charged to this new development. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; The requested modification would not affect the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection, or maintainability intended by the Code. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The requested modification will not be injurious to other properties. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; As outlined above, the requested modification is consistent with RMC section 4-1-190.H.1. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and As outlined above, the requested modification was shown to be justified for the use and situation intended f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The requested modification will not affect or create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. 3 City of Renton, Amended 09/19/2011.