HomeMy WebLinkAbout21_Arborist Report Evaluation of Trees AT 1601 Lind Avenue Renton, WA 98057 April 22, 2015 PREPARED FOR: Tina Gilbert C/o Unico Properties 1215 4th Avenue Suite 600 Seattle, WA 98161 PREPARED BY: GILLES CONSULTING Brian K. Gilles, Consulting Arborist ISA Certified Arborist # PN-0260A ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist # RCA-418 ISA TRAQ Qualified ISA TRAQ Certified Instructor Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 2 of 39 CONTENTS ASSIGNMENT .................................................................................................................. 3 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 4 OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................................. 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... 6 Tree Protection Measures ............................................................................................... 6 WAIVER OF LIABILITY ............................................................................................... 6 ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................. 8 Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 3 of 39 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A total of 230 trees were evaluated and documented. They can be summarized as follows: ASSIGNMENT Tina Gilbert of Unico Properties, contracted with Gilles Consulting to evaluate the trees at 1601 Lind Avenue SW in Renton, Washington. The property is being considered for redevelopment and the City of Renton requires an analysis of the trees as part of the permit process. This report provides the analysis. The information in this report can be utilized to create a Tree Retention/Preservation Plan as required by Renton Code. Deodara Cedar 36 15.7% Flowering Cherry 14 6.1% Full Moom Maple 1 0.4% Hawthorn 6 2.6% Leyland Cypress 23 10.0% London Plane 3 1.3% Norway Maple 8 3.5% Pin Oak 30 13.0% Ponderosa Pine 20 8.7% Sweet Gum 73 31.7% Thundercloud Plum 4 1.7% Tulip Tree 11 4.8% Unknown 1 0.4% Total 230 100.0% Species of Trees Very Good 90 39.1% Good 94 40.9% Fair 25 10.9% Poor 18 7.8% Dying 3 1.3% Total 230 100.0% Health of Trees Potential to Retain 209 91% Remove and Replace 21 9% Total 230 100% Recommendation of Trees Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 4 of 39 METHODOLOGY To evaluate the trees for risk, as well as to prepare this report, I drew upon my 30+ years of experience in the field of arboriculture and my formal education in natural resources management, dendrology, forest ecology, plant identification, and plant physiology. I followed the protocol of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) for tree risk assessment. Published in 2011, the Best Management Practices, Tree Risk Assessment, ANSNI A300 Part 9 was developed to aid in the interpretation of professional standards and guide work practices based upon current science and technology. Using this process, now called the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, or TRAQ for short, I performed a Level Two assessment which included looking at the overall health of the tree as well as the site conditions. This is a scientifically based process to look at the entire site, surrounding land and soil, as well as a complete look at the tree itself. In examining each tree, I looked at such factors as: size, vigor, canopy and foliage condition, density of needles, injury, insect activity, root damage and root collar health, crown health, evidence of disease-causing bacteria, fungi or virus, dead wood and hanging limbs. Tree Tags The trees were tagged and numbered 604 through 833. The tags are made of shiny aluminum approximately one inch by three inches in size and are attached to the tree with staples and a one foot strip of brightly colored survey tape. The tags were placed as high as possible to minimize their removal and were generally placed on the backsides of the trees as inconspicuously as possible. Please refer to Attachment 1, Site Plan for an orientation to the site and the approximate location of the trees. OBSERVATIONS The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Lind Avenue Southwest and Southwest 16th Street. The property extends west all the way to Raymond Avenue SW which has become the only entry onto the subject property. The subject property is somewhat horseshoe shaped with a small rectangle of property on SW 16th Street owned by Puget Sound Energy where they operate an electrical sub-station. Tag numbers were begun just west of the northwest corner of the Puget Sound Energy substation property along SW 16th Street. The numbers then circle the outer edge of the property in a counter clockwise fashion going south along Raymond Avenue SE, then down the south property line to Lind Avenue to the southeast property corner, then on to the northeast corner of the property, then wind around the buildings and parking lots to end near the southeast corner of the main building. Please refer to Attachment 1 Site Plan with Tree Numbers for the flow of the tag numbers. Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 5 of 39 In an effort to present the information and conclusions for each tree in a manner that is clear and easy to understand, as well as to save paper, I have included a detailed spreadsheet, Attachment 2, Tree Inventory/Condition Spreadsheet. All the same information from the ISA Tree Hazard Form is included in this spreadsheet and the attached glossary. The descriptions on the spreadsheet were left brief in order to include as much pertinent information as possible and to make the report manageable. The attached glossary provides a detailed description of the terms used in the spreadsheet and in this report. It can be found in Attachment 3, Glossary. A brief review of these terms and descriptions will enable the reader to rapidly move through the spreadsheet and better understand the information. Photo # 1: A Google Earth Image of the property The PSE Sub-station SE 16th Street Lind Ave SE Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 6 of 39 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A total of 230 trees were evaluated and documented. There are no right-of-way trees impacted by the proposed expansion/redevelopment work. We were not able to accurately ascertain whether or not all of the trees are on the subject property. It is possible that some of the trees between numbers 732 to 759 may be on the PSE property. That said, any trees on adjacent properties are not impacted by the proposed redevelopment. Tree Protection Measures In order for trees to survive the stresses placed upon them in the construction process, tree protection must be planned in advance of equipment arrival on site. If tree protection is not planned integral with the design and layout of the project, the trees will suffer needlessly and possibly die. With proper preparation, often costing little or nothing extra to the project budget, trees can survive and thrive after construction. This is critical for tree survival because damage prevention is the single most effective treatment for trees on construction sites. Once trees are damaged, the treatment options available are limited. The minimum Tree Protection Measures in Attachment 4, Tree Protection Measures are on three separate sheets that can be copied and introduced into all relevant documents such as site plans, permit applications and conditions of approval, and bid documents so that everyone involved is aware of the requirements. These Tree Protection Measures are intended to be generic in nature. They will need to be adjusted to the specific circumstances of your site that takes into account the location of improvements and the locations of the trees. WAIVER OF LIABILITY There are many conditions affecting a tree’s health and stability, which may be present and cannot be ascertained, such as, root rot, previous or unexposed construction damage, internal cracks, stem rot and more which may be hidden. Changes in circumstances and conditions can also cause a rapid deterioration of a tree’s health and stability. Adverse weather conditions can dramatically affect the health and safety of a tree in a very short amount of time. While I have used every reasonable means to examine these trees, this evaluation represents my opinion of the tree health at this point in time. These findings do not guarantee future safety nor are they predictions of future events. The tree evaluation consists of an external visual inspection of an individual tree’s root flare, trunk, and canopy from the ground only unless otherwise specified. The inspection may also consist of taking trunk or root soundings for sound comparisons to aid the evaluator in determining the possible extent of decay within a tree. Soundings are only Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 7 of 39 an aid to the evaluation process and do not replace the use of other more sophisticated diagnostic tools for determining the extent of decay within a tree. As conditions change, it is the responsibility of the property owners to schedule additional site visits by the necessary professionals to ensure that the long-term success of the project is ensured. It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain all required permits from city, county, state, or federal agencies. It is the responsibility of the property owner to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and permit conditions. If there is a homeowners association, it is the responsibility of the property owner to comply with all Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that apply to tree pruning and tree removal. This tree evaluation is to be used to inform and guide the client in the management of their trees. This in no way implies that the evaluator is responsible for performing recommended actions or using other methods or tools to further determine the extent of internal tree problems without written authorization from the client. Furthermore, the evaluator in no way holds that the opinions and recommendations are the only actions required to insure that the tree will not fail. A second opinion is recommended. The client shall hold the evaluator harmless for any and all injuries or damages incurred if the evaluator’s recommendations are not followed or for acts of nature beyond the evaluator’s reasonable expectations, such as severe winds, excessive rains, heavy snow loads, etc. This report and all attachments, enclosures, and references, are confidential and are for the use of the client concerned. They may not be reproduced, used in any way, or disseminated in any form without the prior consent of the client concerned and Gilles Consulting. Thank you for calling Gilles Consulting for your arboricultural needs. Sincerely, Brian K. Gilles, Consulting Arborist ISA Certified Arborist # PN-0260A ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist # RCA-418 ISA TRAQ Qualified ISA TRAQ Certified Instructor Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 8 of 39 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 - SITE PLAN ....................................................................................... 9 ATTACHMENT 2 - TREE INVENTORY/CONDITIONS SPREADSHEET ................ 10 ATTACHMENT 3 - GLOSSARY.................................................................................... 30 ATTACHMENT 4 - TREE PROTECTION MEASURES .............................................. 35 ATTACHMENT 5 - REFERENCES................................................................................ 39 Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 9 of 39 ATTACHMENT 1 - SITE PLAN Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 10 of 39 ATTACHMENT 2 - TREE INVENTORY/CONDITIONS SPREADSHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 604 PO/Qp 14.0" 22' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Utility Pruned Forked at 6.5' NAD Restricted Growing in a planter bed that is 20 feet wide. Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 605 PO/Qp 16. 5" 22' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 16' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a planter bed that is 20 feet wide. Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 606 PO/Qp 17. 3" 26' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 16' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a planter bed that is 20 feet wide. Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 607 PO/Qp 17.0" 24' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 16' & 20' NAD Restricted Growing in a planter bed that is 20 feet wide. Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures #1 #5 #2 #6 #3 #7 #4 allowable site disturbance as determined by a qualified professional. DC/Cd #8 FlCh/Psp #9 FmM/Aj #10 H/Csp #11 LC/Cl #12 LP/Pxa #13 NM/Ap #14 PO/Qp #15 PP/Pp #16 SG/Ls #17 TcP/Pc TT/Lt Unk. it is worth consideration of retention. ABBREVIATED LEGEND--SEE GLOSSARY IN REPORT ATTACHMENTS FOR GREATER DETAIL Unknown Species DBH: Trunk diameter @ 4.5' above average ground level. Drip Line: The radius, the distance from the trunk to the furthest branch tips. Limits of Disturbance: The boundary between the area of minimum protection around a tree and the LCR: Live Crown Ratio - the amount of live canopy expressed as a % of the entire tree height Symmetry: General shape of canopy and weight distribution of the tree around the trunk. Foliage: General description of foliage density that indicates tree health and vigor. Crown Condition: The most important external indication of tree health and vigor. Trunk: Description of trunk condition or abnormalities if any. Root Collar: The base of the tree where the trunk flares into the roots--deformities or problems are noted here. Roots: Root problems are noted here. Comments: Additional observations about the tree's condition. Current Health Rating: A description of health ranging from dead, dying, poor, fair, good, very good, to excellent. Recommendation: This is an estimate of whether or not the tree is of sufficient health, vigor, and structure that Pin Oak, Quercus palustris Ponderosa Pine, Pinus ponderosa Sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua Thundercloud Plum, Prunus cerasifera Tulip Tree, Liriodendron tulipifera Property: Whether the tree is on or off the Subject Property, or a Right-of-Way tree. Tree Location: Relative placement of the tree. Tree #: The unique tag number of each tree. Species: Deodar Cedar, Cedrus deodara Flowering Cherry, Prunus sp. Full Moon Maple, Acer japonicum Hawthorn, Crataegus speciosa Lawson Cypress (Port Orford Cedar), Chamaecyparis lawsoniana London Plane, Platanus x acerifolia Norway Maple, Acer platanoides Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 11 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 608 DC/Cd 10.8" 14' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Slightly Serpentin e NAD Restricted Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 609 DC/Cd 17.0" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Major asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 610 DC/Cd 16. 4" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Major asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 611 DC/Cd 19. 2" 24' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 612 PO/Qp 19.2" 28' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Kinked at 16' NAD Restricted Growing in a planter bed that is 20 feet wide. Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to sidewalk on 16th St 613 PO/Qp 18.4" 28' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Kinked at 20' NAD Restricted Growing in a planter bed that is 20 feet wide. Side pruned for overhead utility clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 614 PO/Qp 18.8" 24' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 8' NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 615 PO/Qp 16. 2" 26' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 12' & 14' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 616 PO/Qp 13. 4" 28' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Serpentin e NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 617 DC/Cd 12. 5" 14' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 618 DC/Cd 15.1" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 12 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Next to street 619 DC/Cd 12. 5" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 620 DC/Cd 12.5" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 621 DC/Cd 15.0" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 622 DC/Cd 9.9" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry Average Healthy Slightly Serpentin e NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 623 PO/Qp 14.3" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 22' NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 624 PO/Qp 15. 2" 24' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 20' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 625 PO/Qp 13. 4" 28' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Kinked at 18' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 626 PO/Qp 15. 5" 28' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Kinked at 18' & 20' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 627 PO/Qp 13. 6" 28' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Kinked at 22' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 628 DC/Cd 17. 7" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 629 DC/Cd 14.2" 28' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 630 DC/Cd 18.7" 22' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 631 DC/Cd 13.9" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Slightly Serpentin e NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 13 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Next to street 632 PO/Qp 12. 8" 24' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 18' NAD Restrict ed Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 633 PO/Qp 16.2" 26' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 18' NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Next to street 634 PO/Qp 15.7" 28' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Kinked at 17' NAD Restricted Growing in a 12 foot wide planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 635 SG/Ls 10.8" 22' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 636 SG/Ls 7.1" 13' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 85% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 637 SG/Ls 12. 9" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 638 SG/Ls 11. 9" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 639 SG/Ls 6.0" 10' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 75% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 640 SG/Ls 6.8" 13' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 85% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Open wound on the west side from the base up 2.5 feet with decay. Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 641 SG/Ls 8.6" 13' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 642 TT/Lt 9.4" 12' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Forked at 5' NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 643 TT/Lt 7.5" 12' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 644 TT/Lt 12. 4" 14' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 94% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Kinked at 6' NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 14 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property South property line 645 TT/Lt 8.4" 12' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Average Healthy Serpentin e NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 646 TT/Lt 7.4" 12' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 647 TT/Lt 7.6" 14' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al Average Average Serpentine NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Dead branches in canopy. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 648 TT/Lt 8.4" 8' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al Average Average Slight lean east NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 649 TT/Lt 8.8" 8' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Average Average Typical NAD Restricted Growing in the south property line planter bed. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 650 TT/Lt 6.4" 10' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical Average Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Growing in the south property line planter bed. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 651 TT/Lt 5.2" 5' NA NA NA NA 35% Generally symmetrical Average Average Center rot Base rot Rot Growing in the south property line planter bed. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property South property line 652 PO/Qp 10. 1" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Serpentin e NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property South property line 653 TT/Lt 9.4" 12' NA NA NA NA 45% Minor asymmetry PBS/PSE Weak Typical NAD Restrict ed Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property South property line 654 Unk. 7.2" 19' NA NA NA NA 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East property line 655 SG/Ls 9.4" 14' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 656 PO/Qp 15. 6" 28' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Forked at 16' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 657 DC/Cd 15.2" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 15 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property East property line 658 DC/Cd 11.7, 9.3 & 6.8" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Forked at 3' NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 659 DC/Cd 10. 2" 12' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Minor asymmetry Average Average Straight NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 660 DC/Cd 17. 8" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 661 PO/Qp 11.5" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 662 PO/Qp 13.2" 24' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 663 PO/Qp 9.6" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 664 PO/Qp 15.1" 28' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 665 FlCh/Psp 9.8" 9' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 65% Minor asymmetry PBS/PSE Average Grafted Grafted Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 666 FlCh/Psp 5.3" 6' NA NA NA NA 65% Minor asymmetry Average Average Grafted, center rot Grafte d, base rot Restricted, rot Carpenter ant infestation. Woodpecker activity. Fungal fruiting bodies. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East property line 667 FlCh/Ps p 9.1" 13' NA NA NA NA 50% Major asymmetry Thin Weak Grafted, center rot Grafte d, base rot Restrict ed, rot Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East property line 668 PO/Qp 17. 4" 26' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Forked at 20' NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 669 PO/Qp 15. 1" 24' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 670 PO/Qp 15. 3" 24' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 85% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Healthy Forked at 18' NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 16 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property East property line 671 PO/Qp 15. 2" 28' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 672 PO/Qp 13.1" 22' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Forked at 18' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 673 PO/Qp 13.4" 26' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 97% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Serpentine NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 674 PO/Qp 16.7" 30' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 675 DC/Cd 20.1" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Average Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 676 DC/Cd 17. 4" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Slight lean west NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 677 DC/Cd 14. 9" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Major asymmetry Average Average Straight NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East property line 678 DC/Cd 16. 0" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Minor asymmetry Average Average Slight lean west NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North property line 679 DC/Cd 19. 4" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight Bowed Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North property line 680 DC/Cd 18. 3" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Minor asymmetry Average Average Straight NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North property line 681 DC/Cd 16.8" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 98% Major asymmetry Average Average Bowed NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North property line 682 DC/Cd 23.8" 24' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Leans south NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North property line 683 DC/Cd 24.9" 24' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Bowed NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 17 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property North property line 684 DC/Cd 20. 0" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North property line 685 DC/Cd 20.6" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 686 SG/Ls 10.8" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 687 SG/Ls 6.5" 10' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 75% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 688 NM/Ap 6.6" 12' Curb Curb 12' 12' 80% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 689 NM/Ap 6.9" 13' Curb Curb 13' 13' 75% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 690 NM/Ap 6.1" 12' Curb Curb 12' Curb 85% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 691 NM/Ap 9.3" 16' Curb Curb 16' 16' 85% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 692 NM/Ap 10.1" 18' Curb Curb 18' 18' 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed, surface Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 693 NM/Ap 5.3" 14' Curb Curb 14' 14' 85% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 694 NM/Ap 7.0" 16' Curb Curb 16' 16' 90% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 695 NM/Ap 8.3" 16' Curb Curb 16' 16' 90% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 696 SG/Ls 13. 6" 18' Curb Curb Curb 18' 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Average Slightly Serpentine NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 18 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property North parking lot 697 SG/Ls 10. 8" 16' 18' Curb Curb Curb 90% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Average Slight lean north NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 698 SG/Ls 10.7" 18' Curb Curb 18' 18' 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Regenerat ing Average Forked at 18' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 699 SG/Ls 10.0" 20' Curb 20' Curb Curb 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 700 SG/Ls 9.5" 18' 18' Curb Curb Curb 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 701 SG/Ls 10.2" 14' 14' 14' Curb Curb 85% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 702 SG/Ls 10. 3" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 703 FlCh/Ps p 6.4" 10' NA NA NA NA 40% Generally symmetrical Thin Weak Grafted NAD Restrict ed Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 704 FlCh/Psp 7.8" 9' NA NA NA NA 40% Major asymmetry Thin Weak Grafted, center rot NAD Restricted One of three scaffold branches is dead. Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 705 FlCh/Ps p 8.6" 9' NA NA NA NA 55% Major asymmetry Thin Dying Grafted NAD Restrict ed Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 706 FlCh/Ps p 6.7" 7' NA NA NA NA 65% Major asymmetry Sparse Dying Grafted, center rot Base rot Restrict ed, rot Carpenter ant infestation. Dead branches in canopy. Dying Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 707 FlCh/Ps p 6.3" 12' NA NA NA NA 40% Major asymmetry Thin Weak Grafted NAD Restrict ed Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 708 FlCh/Ps p 6.5" 6' NA NA NA NA 55% Major asymmetry Thin Dying Grafted, center rot Base rot Restrict ed, rot Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Dead branches in canopy. Dying Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 709 FlCh/Ps p 7.9" 10' NA NA NA NA 45% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Weak Grafted NAD Restrict ed Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 19 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property East parking lot 710 SG/Ls 5.5" 7' NA NA NA NA 35% Major asymmetry Thin Dying Grafted, center rot NAD Restricted Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 711 SG/Ls 10.4" 20' 20' 20' Curb Curb 94% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 712 SG/Ls 10.8" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 94% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 713 SG/Ls 9.8" 18' Curb 18' Curb Curb 95% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Regenerat ing Average Forked at 16' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 714 SG/Ls 9.7" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Regenerat ing Average Forked at 20' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 715 SG/Ls 8.4" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 95% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 716 SG/Ls 9.9" 18' Curb Curb Curb 18' 80% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 717 SG/Ls 10. 0" 18' 18' Curb Curb Curb 85% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 718 SG/Ls 8.7" 14' Curb Curb 14' Curb 90% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Side prune for camera. Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 719 SG/Ls 6.6" 14' 14' Curb Curb Curb 85% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 720 SG/Ls 7.2" 9' Curb 9' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 721 SG/Ls 8.0" 9' Curb 9' 9' 9' 85% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed, surface Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 722 FlCh/Ps p 5.1" 4' NA NA NA NA 40% Minor asymmetry Thin Weak Grafted NAD Restrict ed Poor past pruning practices. Poor Remove and replace Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 20 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property East parking lot 723 FlCh/Psp 4.8" 6' NA NA NA NA 40% Minor asymmetry Thin Weak Grafted NAD Restricted Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 724 FlCh/Ps p 5.8" 8' NA NA NA NA 20% Minor asymmetry Sparse Dead Grafted NAD Restrict ed Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 725 FlCh/Psp 5.4" 6' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 25% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Pruned off Grafted NAD Restricted Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 726 SG/Ls 11.6" 18' Curb Curb Curb Curb 90% Generally symmetric al GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North parking lot 727 H/Csp 9.0" 12' Curb 12' 12' 12' 85% Major asymmetry GBS/GSE Regenerat ing Average Leans northwest NAD Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 728 H/Csp 7.4" 14' 14' 14' 14' 14' 95% Minor asymmetry GBS/GSE Healthy Leans west NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 729 H/Csp 10.0" 18' Curb 18' 18' 18' 90% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 730 H/Csp 10. 3" 20' Curb 20' Curb Curb 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Sap sucker activity. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 731 H/Csp 10. 1" 14' Curb 14' Curb Curb 85% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 732 LP/Pxa 18. 2" 24' 24' 24' Curb Curb 85% Major asymmetry Average Utility Pruned Leans northeast NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 733 LP/Pxa 19. 0" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry Average Utility Pruned Typical NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 734 DC/Cd 13. 3" 16' 16' 16' Curb Curb 98% Generally symmetrical Average Healthy Slightly Serpentine NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 735 DC/Cd 16.7" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 21 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property East parking lot 736 DC/Cd 16.2 & 14. 9" 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Forked at 1' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 737 DC/Cd 14.9" 16' 16' 16' 16' 16' 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 738 DC/Cd 13.0" 24' 24' 24' 24' 24' 65% Major asymmetry Average Average Typical NAD Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 739 PP/Pp 12.1" 16' 16' 16' Curb 16' 90% Minor asymmetry Average Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 740 PP/Pp 11.2" 16' 16' 16' Curb 16' 90% Minor asymmetry Average Average Slight bow NAD Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 741 PP/Pp 17. 5" 22' 22' 22' 22' 22' 98% Generally symmetrical Average Regenerating Average Forked at 34' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 742 PP/Pp 9.3" 14' Curb Curb Curb Curb 85% Major asymmetry Average Average Serpentin e NAD Restrict ed Growing in a concrete box. Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 743 H/Csp 11. 4" 20' 20' Curb Curb 20' 95% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 744 PP/Pp 14. 4" 14' Curb 14' Curb Curb 90% Minor asymmetry Dense Average Forked at 9' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 745 PP/Pp 15. 0" 16' 16' 16' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Forked at 9' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 746 PP/Pp 12.9" 16' 16' 16' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Slightly Serpentine NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 747 PP/Pp 13.9" 16' 16' 16' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Forked at 8' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 748 PP/Pp 14.4" 18' 18' 18' Curb Curb 85% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Bowed NAD Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 22 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property East parking lot 749 PP/Pp 14. 1" 16' 16' 16' Curb Curb 85% Minor asymmetry Average Average Slightly Serpentin e NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 750 PP/Pp 9.2" 12' 12' Curb Curb Curb 85% Generally symmetric al Average Average Forked at 18' NAD Restricted Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 751 PP/Pp 16.5" 16' 16' Curb Curb Curb 90% Major asymmetry Dense Healthy Forked at 16' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 752 TcP/Pc 3.7" 7' NA NA NA NA 55% Major asymmetry Thin Weak Center rot Base rot Restricted, rot Rot pockets in branch collar wounds. Dead branches in canopy. Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 753 TcP/Pc 3.6" 10' NA NA NA NA 65% Generally symmetric al Necrotic Weak Typical NAD Restricted Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 754 TcP/Pc 3.4" 12' NA NA NA NA 60% Major asymmetry Necrotic Weak Typical NAD Restricted Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 755 TcP/Pc 5.3" 10' NA NA NA NA 60% Minor asymmetry Necrotic Weak Typical NAD Restricted Poor Remove and replace Subject Property East parking lot 756 FmM/Aj c/ 7 12' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 85% Generally symmetric al Dense Average Typical NAD Restricted Growing in a concrete box. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 757 DC/Cd 16.3" 18' 18' 18' 18' Fence 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Serpentine NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 758 DC/Cd 20.1" 18' 18' 18' 18' Fence 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property East parking lot 759 LP/Pxa 10. 3" 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 85% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Serpentin e NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 760 LC/Cl 26.3" 20' 20' To sidew alk 20' 20' 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Growing in a planter bed just north of the sidewalk. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 761 LC/Cl 27. 1" 14' 14' To sidewalk 14' 14' 98% Major asymmetry Chlorotic Healthy Straight NAD Restricted, surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 23 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property North side of west parking lot 762 LC/Cl 23.3" 14' 14' To sidew alk 14' 14' 98% Minor asymmetry Average Healthy Straight NAD Restricted South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 763 LC/Cl 23.9" 18' 18' To sidew alk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 764 LC/Cl 20. 9" 18' 18' To sidewalk 18' 18' 98% Minor asymmetry Average Average Straight NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 765 LC/Cl 22. 4" 18' 18' To sidewalk 18' 18' 98% Minor asymmetry Average Average Straight NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 766 LC/Cl 20.0" 18' 18' To sidew alk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 767 LC/Cl 19.9" 18' 18' To sidew alk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 768 LC/Cl 19. 7" 18' 18' To sidewalk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 769 LC/Cl 26. 5" 18' 18' To sidewalk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property North side of west parking lot 770 LC/Cl 26.9" 18' 18' To sidew alk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 24 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property North side of west parking lot 771 LC/Cl 21.3" 18' 18' To sidew alk 18' 18' 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Surface South side is pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 772 LC/Cl 18. 0" 15' 15' 15' NA To sidewalk 98% Minor asymmetry Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 773 LC/Cl 20. 7" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidewalk 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 774 LC/Cl 20.3" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidewalk 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 775 LC/Cl 18.7" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidew alk 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 776 LC/Cl 15.6, 12. 3 & 7.3" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidew alk 98% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Forked at 3' NAD Restrict ed Pruned for light and camera clearance. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 777 LC/Cl 22. 9" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidewalk 98% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Pruned for light and camera clearance. Girdling root on the west side that is 25%. Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 778 LC/Cl 22.5" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidewalk 198% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 779 LC/Cl 24.3" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidew alk 298% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 780 LC/Cl 24.9" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidew alk 398% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 781 LC/Cl 28.4" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidew alk 498% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property West side of PSE Building 782 LC/Cl 30.6" 18' 18' 18' NA To sidew alk 598% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 25 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 783 SG/Ls 8.2" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 698% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 784 SG/Ls 8.1" 14' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 785 SG/Ls 9.0" 12' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 786 SG/Ls 6.8" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 787 SG/Ls 9.0" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 788 SG/Ls 7.9" 14' 14' 14' 14' 14' 90% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 789 SG/Ls 7.0" 16' 16' 16' 16' 16' 90% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Parking lot, east of the child center 790 SG/Ls 6.6" 14' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 90% Minor asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Leans north NAD Restrict ed Fair Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Planter bed 791 SG/Ls 9.0" 16' NA NA NA NA 90% Major asymmetry PBS/PSE Dead Center rot Base rot Rot Dead branches in canopy. Dying Remove and replace Subject Property Center planter island, north 792 SG/Ls 5.0" 12' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 26 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Center planter island, north 793 SG/Ls 11. 5" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 794 SG/Ls 5.7" 14' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 795 SG/Ls 10.3" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 796 SG/Ls 9.5" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 797 SG/Ls 9.8" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Girdling root on the northeast side 20% of circumference. Next to the utility vault. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 798 SG/Ls 14. 2" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 799 SG/Ls 14. 2" 22' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 800 SG/Ls 14. 2" 26' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 801 SG/Ls 12. 8" 26' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 802 SG/Ls 14. 3" 22' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical GBS/GSE Healthy Typical NAD Restrict ed Very good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 803 SG/Ls 12.8" 18' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 804 SG/Ls 10.2" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Major asymmetry ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, north 805 SG/Ls 9.1" 14' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 27 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Center planter island, center 806 SG/Ls 8.8" 14' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 807 SG/Ls 9.3" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 808 SG/Ls 11.0" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 809 SG/Ls 10.9" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 810 SG/Ls 10.6" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 811 SG/Ls 9.9" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 812 SG/Ls 9.4" 14' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 813 SG/Ls 11. 8" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 814 SG/Ls 11. 7" 20' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 815 SG/Ls 11. 5" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 816 SG/Ls 11.8" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 817 SG/Ls 10.6" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 818 SG/Ls 9.7" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 28 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Center planter island, center 819 SG/Ls 11. 8" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 820 SG/Ls 11.3" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 821 SG/Ls 9.8" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 822 SG/Ls 12.2" 20' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Calloused wound on the north side from the base up 3 feet. It appears compartmentalized. Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 823 SG/Ls 11.4" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 824 SG/Ls 10. 5" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 825 SG/Ls 7.6" 14' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 95% Generally symmetrical ABS/ASE Average Typical NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 826 PP/Pp 20. 0" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 96% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Forked at 12' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 827 PP/Pp 13. 0" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 96% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 828 PP/Pp 19. 2" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 96% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Forked at 5.5' NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 829 PP/Pp 12.4" 16' Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces Hard Surfaces 96% Generally symmetrical Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 830 PP/Pp 13.9" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 96% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Forked at 10' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 831 PP/Pp 14.2" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 96% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 29 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PROPERTY TREE LOCATION TREE # SPECIES DBH DRIP LINE North South East West LCR SYMMETRY FOLIAGE CROWN CONDITION TRUNK ROOT COLLAR ROOTS COMMENTS CURRENT HEALTH RATING RECOMMENDATION Subject Property Center planter island, center 832 PP/Pp 12. 2" 16' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Straight NAD Restrict ed Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Subject Property Center planter island, center 833 PP/Pp 13.7" 18' Hard Surfac es Hard Surfac es Hard Surfa ces Hard Surfa ces 95% Generally symmetric al Dense Healthy Forked at 11' NAD Restricted Good Potential to retain with tree protection measures Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 30 of 39 ATTACHMENT 3 - GLOSSARY Terms Used in This Report, on the Tree Condition / Inventory Spreadsheet, and Their Significance In an effort to clearly present the information for each tree in a manner that facilitates the reader’s ability to understand the conclusions I have drawn for each tree, I have collected the information in a spreadsheet format. This spreadsheet was developed by Gilles Consulting based upon the Tree Risk Assessment in Urban Areas and the Urban/Rural Interface course manual and the Tree Risk Assessment Form, both sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture, and the Hazard Tree Evaluation Form from the book, The Evaluation of Hazard Trees in Urban Areas, by Matheny and Clarke. The descriptions were left brief on the spreadsheet in an effort to include as much pertinent information as possible, to make the report manageable, and to avoid boring the reader with infinite levels of detail. However, a review of these terms and descriptions will allow the reader to rapidly move through the report and understand the information. 1) PROPERTY—Whether the tree is on or off the Subject Property, or a Right-of-Way tree. 2) TREE LOCATION—Relative placement of the tree. 3) TREE #—the unique tag number of each tree. 4) SPECIES—this describes the species of each tree with both most readily accepted common name and the officially accepted scientific name. 5) DBH—Diameter Breast Height. This is the standard measurement of trees taken at 4.5 feet above the average ground level of the tree base. i) Occasionally it is not practical to measure a tree at 4.5 feet above the ground. The most representative area of the trunk near 4.5 feet is then measured and noted on the spreadsheet. For instance, a tree that forks at 4.5 feet can have an unusually large swelling at that point. The measurement is taken below the swelling and noted, e.g. ‘28.4” at 36”’. ii) Trees with multiple stems are listed as a “clump of x,” with x being the number of trunks in the clump. Measurements may be given as an average of all the trunks, or individual measurements for each trunk may be listed. (1) Every effort is made to distinguish between a single tree with multiple stems and several trees growing close together at the bases. 6) DRIP LINE—the radius, the distance from the trunk to the furthest branch tips. 7) % LCR—Percentage of Live Crown Ratio. The relative proportion of green crown to overall tree height. This is an important indication of a tree’s health. If a tree has a high percentage of Live Crown Ratio, it is likely producing enough photosynthetic activity to support the tree. If a tree has less than 30% to 40% LCR, it can create a shortage of needed energy and can indicate poor health and vigor. 8) SYMMETRY—is the description of the form of the canopy, i.e., the balance or overall shape of the canopy and crown. This is the place I list any major defects in Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 31 of 39 the canopy shape, e.g. does the tree have all its foliage on one side or in one unusual area? Symmetry can be important if there are additional defects in the tree such as rot pockets, cracks, loose roots, weak crown, etc. Symmetry is generally categorized as Generally Symmetrical, Minor Asymmetry or Major Asymmetry: i) Gen. Sym.—Generally Symmetrical. The canopy/foliage is generally even on all sides with spacing of scaffold branches typical for the species, both vertically and radially. ii) Min. Asym.—Minor Asymmetry. The canopy/foliage has a slightly irregular shape with more weight on one side, but appears to be no problem for the tree. iii) Maj. Asym.—Major Asymmetry. The canopy/foliage has a highly irregular shape for the species with the majority of the weight on one side of the tree. This can have a significant impact on the tree’s stability, health and hazard potential—especially if other defects are noted such as cracks, rot, or root defects. 9) FOLIAGE/BRANCH—describes the foliage of the tree in relation to a perfect specimen of that particular species. First the branch growth and foliage density is described, and then any signs or symptoms of stress and/or disease are noted. The condition of the foliage, or the branches and buds for deciduous trees in the dormant season, are important indications of a tree’s health and vigor. i) For Deciduous trees in the dormant season: (1) The structure of the deciduous tree is visible. (2) The quantity and quality of buds indicates health, and is described as good bud set, average bud set, or poor bud set. These are abbreviated in the spreadsheet as: gbs, abs, or pbs. (3) The amount of annual shoot elongation is visible and is another major indication of tree health and vigor. This is described as: a) Excellent, Good, Average, or Short Shoot Elongation. These are abbreviated in the spreadsheet as ESE, GSE, ASE, or SSE. ii) For evergreen trees year round and deciduous trees in leaf, the color and density of the foliage indicates if the tree is healthy or stressed, or if an insect infestation, a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection is present. Foliage is categorized on a scale from: (1) Dense—extremely thick foliage, an indication of healthy vigorous growth, (2) Good—thick foliage, thicker than average for the species, (3) Normal/Average—thick foliage, average for the species, an indication of healthy growth, (4) Thin or Thinning—needles and leaves becoming less dense so that sunlight readily passes through; an indication that the tree is under serious stress that could impact the long-term survivability and safety of the tree, (5) Sparse—few leaves or needles on the twigs, an indication that the tree is under extreme stress and could indicate the future death of the tree, Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 32 of 39 (6) Necrosis—the presence of dead twigs and branchlets. This is another significant indication of tree health. A few dead twigs and branches are reasonably typical in most trees of size. However, if there are dead twigs and branchlets all over a certain portion of the tree, or all over the tree, these are indications of stress or attack that can have an impact on the tree’s long-term health. (7) Hangers—a term to describe a large branch or limb that has broken off but is still hanging up in the tree. These can be particularly dangerous in adverse weather conditions. 10) CROWN CONDITION—the crown is uppermost portion of the tree, generally considered the top 10 to 20% of the canopy or that part of the canopy above the main trunk in deciduous trees and above the secondary bark in evergreen trees. i) The condition of the tree’s crown is a reflection of the overall health and vigor of the entire tree. The crown is one of the first places a tree will demonstrate stress and pathogenic attack such as root rot. ii) If the Crown Condition is healthy and strong, this is a good sign. If the crown condition is weak, broken out, or shows other signs of decline, it is an indication that the tree is under stress. It is such an important indication of health and vigor that this is the first place a trained forester or arborist looks to begin the evaluation of a tree. Current research reveals that, by the time trees with root rot show significant signs of decline in the crown, fully 50% or more of the roots have already rotted away. Crown Condition can be described as: (1) Healthy Crown—exceptional growth for the species. (2) Average Crown—typical for the species. (3) Weak Crown—thin spindly growth with thin or sparse needles. (4) Flagging Crown—describes a tree crown that is weak and unable to grow straight up. (5) Dying Crown—describes obvious decline that is nearing death. (6) Dead Crown—the crown has died due to pathological or physical injury. The tree is considered to have significant stress and/or weakness if the crown is dead. (7) Broken out—a formerly weak crown condition that has been broken off by adverse weather conditions or other mechanical means. (8) Regenerated or Regenerating—formerly broken out crowns that are now growing back. Regenerating crowns may appear healthy, average, or weak and indicate current health of the tree. (9) Suppressed—a term used to describe poor condition of an entire tree or just the crown. Suppressed crowns are those that are entirely below the general level of the canopy of surrounding trees which receive no direct sunlight. They are generally in poor health and vigor. Suppressed trees are generally trees that are smaller and growing in the shade of larger trees around them. They generally have thin or sparse needles, weak or missing crowns, and are prone to insect attack as well as bacterial and fungal infections. Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 33 of 39 11) TRUNK—this is the area to note any defects that can have an impact on the tree’s stability or hazard potential. Typical things noted are: i) FORKED—bifurcation of branches or trunks that often occur at a narrow angle. ii) INCLUDED BARK—a pattern of development at branch or trunk junctions where bark is turned inward rather than pushed out. This can be a serious structural defect in a tree that can and often does lead to failure of one or more of the branches or trunks, especially during severe, adverse weather conditions. iii) EPICORMIC GROWTH—this is generally seen as dense thick growth near the trunk of a tree. Although this looks like a healthy condition, it is, in fact the opposite. Trees with Epicormic Growth have used their reserve stores of energy in a last ditch effort to produce enough additional photosynthetic surface area to produce more sugars, starches and carbohydrates to support the continued growth of the tree. Generally speaking, when conifers in the Pacific Northwest exhibit heavy amounts of Epicormic Growth, they are not producing enough food to support their current mass and are already in serious decline. iv) INTERNAL STRUCTURAL WEAKNESS—a physical characteristic of the tree trunk, such as a kink, crack, rot pocket, or rot column that predisposes the tree trunk to failure at the point of greatest weakness. v) BOWED—a gradual curve of the trunk. This can indicate an Internal Structural Weakness or an overall weak tree. It can also indicate slow movement of soils or historic damage of the tree that has been corrected by the curved growth. vi) KINKED—a sharp angle in the tree trunk that indicates that the normal growth pattern is disrupted. Generally this means that the internal fibers and annual rings are weaker than straight trunks and prone to failure, especially in adverse weather conditions. vii) GROUND FLOWER—an area of deformed bark near the base of a tree trunk that indicates long-term root rot. 12) ROOT COLLAR—this is the area where the trunk enters the soil and the buttress roots flare out away from the trunk into the soil. It is here that signs of rot, decay, insect infestation, or fungal or bacterial infection are noted. NAD stands for No Apparent Defects. 13) ROOTS—any abnormalities such as girdling roots, roots that wrap around the tree itself that strangle the cambium layer and kill the tree, are noted here. 14) COMMENTS—this is the area to note any additional information that would not fit in the previous boxes or attributes about the tree that have bearing on the health and structure of the tree. 15) CURRENT HEALTH RATING—A description of the tree’s general health ranging from dead, dying, poor, senescent, suppressed, fair, good, very good, to excellent. 16) RECOMMENDATION— this is an estimate of whether or not the tree is of sufficient health, vigor, and structure that it is worth retaining. Specific Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 34 of 39 recommendations for each tree are included in this column. They may include anything from pruning dead wood, mulching, aerating, injecting tree-based fertilizer into the root system, shortening into a habitat tree or wildlife snag, or to completely removing the tree. i) Monitor: “Monitor” is a specific recommendation that the tree be re- evaluated on a routine basis to determine if there are any significant changes in health or structural stability. “Monitor annually” (or bi-annually, tri- annually, etc.)” means the tree should be looked at once every year (or every 2 or 3 years, etc.) This yearly monitoring can be a quick look at the trees to see if there are any significant changes. Significant changes such as storm damage, loss of crown, partial failure of one or more roots, etc. require that a full evaluation be done of the tree at that time. ii) Potential to retain with tree protection measures: means that the tree appears to have the internal resources, the health and vigor, structural stability, and the wind firmness to be able to withstand the stresses of construction if development requirements and construction requirements allow. iii) Habitat or Remove: means that the tree has a high potential to fail and cause either personal injury or property damage—in other words the tree has been declared a hazard tree and should be dealt with prior to the next large storm. If it is at all possible the recommendation is to leave some of the trunk standing for wildlife habitat and some of the trunk on the ground as a nurse log. The height of the standing habitat tree depends upon the size of the tree, the condition of the tree, and the distance to a probable target. It should be short enough so that when it does fail years in the future it will not cause personal injury or property damage. Nurse logs can be laid horizontally across the slope to aid with erosion control and to provide microenvironments for new plantings. The nurse logs meaning to be steak to prevent their movement and potential harm to people. If for some reason this is not possible that should be removed for safety. NOTE: TREES WITH THE SAME DESCRIPTION AND DIFFERENT RATINGS: Two trees may have the same descriptions in the matrix boxes, one may be marked “Significant,” while another may be marked “Non-Significant.” The difference is in the degree of the description, i.e., “early necrosis” versus “advanced necrosis” for instance. Another example is “center rot” or ‘base rot”. In a Western Red Cedar tree, the presence of low or even moderate rot is not significant and does not diminish the strength of the tree. However, low levels of rot in the base of a Douglas Fir tree, in an area known to have virulent pathogens present, is highly significant and predisposes that tree to windthrow. Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 35 of 39 ATTACHMENT 4 - TREE PROTECTION MEASURES In order for trees to survive the stresses placed upon them in the construction process, tree protection must be planned in advance of equipment arrival on site. If tree protection is not planned integral with the design and layout of the project, the trees will suffer needlessly and will possibly die. With proper preparation, often costing little, or nothing extra to the project budget, trees can survive and thrive after construction. This is critical for tree survival because damage prevention is the single most effective treatment for trees on construction sites. Once trees are damaged, the treatment options available are limited. The following minimum Tree Protection Measures are included on three separate sheets so that they can be copied and introduced into all relevant documents such as site plans, permit applications and conditions of approval, and bid documents so that everyone involved is aware of the requirements. These Tree Protection Measures are intended to be generic in nature. They will need to be adjusted to the specific circumstances of your site that takes into account the location of improvements and the locations of the trees. Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 36 of 39 TREE PROTECTION MEASURES: 1. Tree Protection Fences will need to be placed around each tree or group of trees to be retained. a. Tree Protection Fences are to be placed according to the attached drawing at a distance of not less than 5 feet outside the dripline of the tree or group of trees to be saved. b. Tree Protection Fences must be inspected prior to the beginning of any demolition or construction work activities. c. Nothing must be parked or stored within the Tree Protection Fences—no equipment, vehicles, soil, debris, or construction supplies of any sorts. 2. Cement trucks must not be allowed to deposit waste or wash out materials from their trucks within the Tree Protection Fences. 3. The Tree Protection Fences need to be clearly marked with the following or similar text in four inch or larger letters: “TREE PROTECTION FENCE DO NOT ENTER THIS AREA DO NOT PARK OR STORE MATERIALS WITHIN THE PROTECTION AREA Any questions, call City of Renton, Development Services-Code Compliance at (425)430-7373. 4. The area within the Tree Protection Fencing must be covered with wood chips, hog fuel, or similar materials to a depth of 8 to 10 inches. The materials should be placed prior to beginning construction and remain until the Tree Protection Fencing is taken down. 5. When excavation occurs near trees that are scheduled for retention, the following procedure must be followed to protect the long term survivability of the tree: a. An International Society of Arboriculture, (ISA) Certified Arborist must be working with all equipment operators. i. The Certified Arborist should be outfitted with a shovel, hand pruners, a pair of loppers, a handsaw, and a power saw (a “sawsall” is recommended). b. The hoe must be placed to “comb” the material directly away from the trunk as opposed to cutting across the roots. i. Combing is the gradual excavation of the ground cover plants and soil in depths that only extend as deep as the tines of the hoe. Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 37 of 39 c. When any roots of one inch diameter or greater, of the tree to be retained, is struck by the equipment, the Certified Arborist should stop the equipment operator. d. The Certified Arborist should then excavate around the tree root by hand/shovel and cleanly cut the tree root. i. The Certified Arborist should then instruct the equipment operator to continue. 6. Putting Utilities Under the Root Zone: a. Boring under the root systems of trees (and other vegetation) shall be done under the supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist. This is to be accomplished by excavating a limited trench or pit on each side of the critical root zone of the tree and then hand digging or pushing the pipe through the soil under the tree. The closest pit walls shall be a minimum of 7 feet from the center of the tree and shall be sufficient depth to lay the pipe at the grade as shown on the plan and profile. b. Tunneling under the roots of trees shall be done under the supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist in an open trench by carefully excavating and hand digging around areas where large roots are exposed. No roots 1 inch in diameter or larger shall be cut. c. The contractor shall verify the vertical and horizontal location of existing utilities to avoid conflicts and maintain minimum clearances; adjustment shall be made to the grade of the new utility as required. 7. Watering: a. The trees will require significant watering throughout the summer and early fall in order to survive long-term. An easy and economical watering can be done using soaker hoses placed three feet from the trunk of the tree and spiraled around the tree. One 75-foot soaker hose per tree is adequate. It is best to place the soakers using landscape staples, (available from HD Fowler in Bellevue for pennies apiece) then cover the area with two to three inches composed materials. The composted material will act as a mulch to minimize evaporation and will also stimulate the microbial activity of the soil which is another benefit to the health of the tree. b. Water the tree to a depth of 18 to 20 inches. I recommended leaving the water on the soaker hoses for six to eight hours and then digging down to determine how deep your water is penetrating. Then adjust accordingly. It may take a good two days of watering to reach the proper depth. c. Once the water reaches the proper depth, turn off the hoses for four weeks and then water again. Water more often when temperatures increase— every three weeks when temperatures exceed 80 degrees and every two weeks when temperatures exceed 90 degrees. This drying out of the soil in between watering is important to prevent soil pathogens from attacking the trees. Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 38 of 39 Evaluation of Trees at 1601 Lind Avenue, Renton, WA 98057 Gilles Consulting April 22, 2015 Page 39 of 39 ATTACHMENT 5 - REFERENCES 1. Brockman, C. Frank, Trees of North America, A Guide to Field Identification. New York: Golden Press, 1979. 2. Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, and Uses. Champaign: Stipes Publishing Company, 1990. 3. Harris, Richard W, James Clark, and Nelda Matheny. Arboriculture, Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. 4. Johnson, Warren T. and Lyon, Howard H. Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs. Ithaca: Comstock Publishing Associates, 1991. 5. Matheny, Nelda P. and Clark, James R. Trees & Development, A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During Land Development. Savoy: The International Society of Arboriculture Press, 1998. 6. Pacific Northwest Chapter-ISA. Tree Risk Assessment in Urban Areas and the Urban/Rural Interface. Course Manual. Release 1.5. PNW-ISA: Silverton, Oregon, 2011. 7. Petrides, George A. and Wehr, Janet. A Field Guide to Eastern Trees, Eastern United States and Canada including the Midwest. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 8. Sinclair, Wayne A., Lyon, Howard H., and Johnson, Warren T. Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1987. 9. Smiley, E. Thomas, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly, Tree Risk Assessment Best Management Practices, ANSI A300 Part 9: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management—Standard Practices (Tree Risk Assessment a. Tree Structure Assessment). The International Society of Arboriculture Press. Champaign. IL. 2011. 10. Watson, Gary W., and Neely, Dan, eds. Trees & Building Sites. Savoy: The International Society of Arboriculture Press, 1995.