HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Specifications_2203XX_v1INVITATION FOR BID  SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT  IFB NO. RTA/CN 0188‐21  VOLUME 2 OF 4  CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS  MARCH 2022  Page 1 SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT  IFB NO. RTA/CN 0188‐21  VOLUME 2 – CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS  TABLE OF CONTENTS  DIVISION 01  GENERAL REQUIREMENTS  Section   Title  01 11 00  Summary of Work  01 20 00  Price and Payment Procedures  01 32 13.20  Scheduling of Work  01 32 33  Photographic Documentation  01 33 00  Submittal Procedure  01 35 29.30  Health, Safety, Security and Emergency Response  01 35 43  Hazardous and Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program  01 35 93  Archeological Finds  01 51 15  Temporary Electrical Power  01 55 00  Vehicular Access and Haul Routes  01 55 26  Traffic Control  01 57 00  Temporary Environmental Protections and Controls   01 57 15  Temporary Construction Noise and Vibration Control  01 71 30  Protection and Maintenance of Property and Work  01 74 00  Cleaning and Waste Management  01 78 39  As‐Built Documents  DIVISION 02  EXISTING CONDITIONS  Section  Title  02 61 13  Excavation and Handling of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste  02 65 00  Underground Storage Tank Removal  DIVISION 31  EARTHWORK  Section  Title  31 20 00  Earth Moving  31 23 19  Dewatering  31 40 00  Shoring and Underpinning  31 50 00  Excavation Support and Protection  SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 11 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 1 OF 5 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The Work of this Contract includes, but is not limited to, remediation of: 1. Soils containing contaminated substances. 2. The work shall include the supply of all labor, materials, services, insurance, taxes, special permits and equipment necessary to remove, handle, transport, and dispose of potentially hazardous materials, including materials containing asbestos, lead, mercury, and PCB’s in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Contractor is also responsible for testing of groundwater, which is removed in the dewatering of the excavations. 3. Temporary erosion and sediment control with installation of BMPs. 4. Temporary safety fencing at the perimeter of the pits is required until remediation and re-surfacing is completed. 5. As required to complete the remediation work the Contractor is responsible for the utility service disconnects, including but not limited to: fiber, electrical, water, gas, and sanitary sewer. 6. Restoration of the site after completion. 7. Except as required to complete this work scope, the existing slab on grade and foundations are to remain. 8. No underground storage tanks (UST) are known at the project site. However, if a previously unidentified UST is encountered during the project, Specification 02 65 00 Underground Storage Tanks has been provided. The scope of work will be treated as a change order. As part of the change order, the contractor will be responsible for appropriate UST removal and associated documentation. 1.02 PRE BID MEETING A prebid meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams, see section 00 11 16 Invitation for bids. 1.03 QUALIFICATIONS A. The Contractor and the Contractor’s sub-contractors entering the site must be Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) certified. B. The Contractor shall have 10 years documented experience in hazardous soil remediation. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 11 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 2 OF 5 C. Contractor’s Superintendent shall have a minimum of 10 years documented experience in the supervision of soil remediation. D. The Construction Site Environmental Management Supervisor (CSEMS) shall have a minimum of 5 years documented experience in the supervision of soil remediation and must be HAZWOPER Certified. E. Contractor is to submit company, Construction Site Environmental Management Supervisor (CSEMS) and Superintendent’s qualifications within 5 working days after the Notice of Intent Award. 1.04 GENERAL A. Generated material that will require disposal offsite will not be classified as Dangerous Waste. B. Prior to the start of work, Contractor is to conduct a survey to confirm which utilities are known to exist in the planned areas of excavation. C. Prior to the start of work, Contractor is to survey the perimeter of each planned excavation, establishing grade points every 10ft. These grade points are to be re-surveyed weekly, to monitor for settlement associated with dewatering or excavation. D. At the completion of the project, the Contractor is to provide record drawings, documenting the size and depth of all remediations. E. Under Bid Item 6, Provisional Sum for Existing Well Decommissioning, the Contractor will be directed by the Resident Engineer (RE) to decommission up to 11 existing wells. The work is to be completed by a licensed well driller by placing bentonite chips in the well casing. No grouting or over-drilling is allowed. Monuments are to be removed. One well in the Area One excavation is to be removed to the bottom of the required excavation. F. Under Bid Item 7, Provisional Sum for Test Pit Excavation, Testing, and Backfill, the Contractor will be directed by the RE to excavate, test, and backfill 4ea, 10ft x 10ft test pits. Contractor should allow two days duration, and plan for the excavations to be up to 12ft in depth. Work requirements will follow Section 1.06 items A through F. G. The most stringent specification takes precedence. 1.05 DEWATERING A. Contractor is to dewater each of the excavation Areas 1, 3, 4 and 5 as necessary to allow removal of material and backfill with suitable soils to the specified depths. The dewatering systems must be designed to treat the water onsite. 1.06 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Existing ground surface within the building footprints consists of reinforced concrete. Existing ground cover outside of the building footprints consists of asphalt pavement. Contractor is to remove as necessary to complete the requirements of this work. B. Based on field observations, excavated soil will be segregated into suspected non- contaminated/geotechnically suitable soil, and suspected non-contaminated /not suitable soil. These observations will be made by the Resident Engineer, or a Sound Transit 3rd party consultant. The Sound Transit 3rd party consultant will test the suspected non- contaminated soil stockpiles to confirm soil can be re-used. It is estimated 25 percent of the soil removed from the remedial excavations will be suitable for reuse as backfill. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 11 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 3 OF 5 Contractor is to protect the stockpile(s) of non-contaminated soil until the material is used for backfill. C. Dewater as necessary to complete excavation activities. D. The remaining approximately 75 percent of the soil removed from the remedial excavations will be transported off-site and disposed of at a Subtitle D Facility. E. Confirmation soil samples from excavations will be collected by the RE to confirm limits of the excavation to test for suitable soils. F. All backfill and compaction is to be done in accordance with Specification 02 61 13 Earth Moving. G. Sequence of work: Area 2 – In-Situ Remediation must be completed last. H. Following the excavation and backfill of Areas 1, 3, 4, 5, the surface is to be restored with 2 inches of compacted asphalt. For Area 2 – Instu Remediation, two inches of asphalt is to be placed over any foundation which was removed. I. Area 1 1. This area of remediation is to be 65ft X 60ft in size at the bottom of an excavation 12 feet deep. Contractor is to shore or slope as required to maintain a safe excavation. The Area does not need to be fully excavated before backfill begins, provided Contractor’s methods assure the complete removal of this volume. 2. Remediation is to be in accordance with Section 1.06 Items A through F. 3. Dewater as required for excavation of the soils and backfill with suitable fill material. 4. Contractor is to anticipate encountering utilities such as electrical, sanitary sewer, and fiber optic lines as shown in the plans. Cut & Cap or removal of these lines is to be included in the excavation process. 5. During backfill and compaction, the bottom 4ft of soil is to first be mixed with biostimulation material (Regenesis PersulfOx, or equal). Contractor is to plan on mixing 20,277lb of material in this 60ft x 65ft x 4ft area. J. Area 2 – In-Situ Remediation 1. The injection area is to be 60 by 60 feet. 2. Remove the existing slab foundation or surfacing as required for injection points. 3. Regensis PetroFix is to be mixed with water and the slurry injected into the subsurface via 65 well points in an approximate 5ft x 12ft grid. Contractor is to assume 80lb of biostimulation material is to be mixed with 221 gallons of water for each injection well. Slurry is to be injected uniformly in each hole between 11ft and 20ft below the ground surface. 4. Contractor is to anticipate potholing to establish the alignment of a waterline in this area. The grid of well points will be adjusted to avoid this waterline. 5. After completion, the well points are to be surfaced with 2 inches of asphalt. K. Area 3 SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 11 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 4 OF 5 1. Is to be 20ft X 20ft in size at the bottom of excavation 8ft deep. Contractor is to shore or slope as required to maintain a safe excavation. 2. Dewater as required for excavation of the soils and backfill with suitable fill material. 3. Remediation is to be in accordance with Section 1.06 Items A through F. L. Area 4 1. Is to be 20ft X 20ft in size at the bottom of excavation 8ft deep. Contractor is to shore or slope as required to maintain a safe excavation. 2. Dewater as required for excavation of the soils and backfill with suitable fill material. 3. Remediation is to be in accordance with Section 1.06 Items A through F. M. Area 5 1. Is to be 20ft X 12ft in size at the bottom of excavation 8ft deep. Contractor is to shore or slope as required to maintain a safe excavation. 2. Dewater as required for excavation of the soils and backfill with suitable fill material. 3. Remediation is to be in accordance with Section 1.06 Items A through F. 1.07 SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE A. Contract Specifications are written mostly in imperative and streamlined form. Unless indicated otherwise, this imperative language is directed to the Contractor. Additionally, the words "shall be" shall be included by inference where a colon (:) is used within sentences or phrases. 1. Examples: a. Aggregate: ASTM C33. b. Adhesive: Spread with notched trowel. B. Whenever there is wording stating that an item is “as specified,” “as indicated,” or “as shown,” the reference is to all Contract Specifications and all Contract Drawings in the Contract Documents. Stating “as specified,” “as indicated,” or “as shown” does not refer necessarily to a Contract Drawing or Contract Specification, but refers to either. C. Furnish, Provide and Supply: Furnish means to supply and deliver to the Project Site, ready for installation. Provide means to furnish, install, and incorporate into the Work, including all labor, materials, supplies and equipment, including testing and commissioning necessary to do so, complete and ready for intended use. Supply means to acquire, deliver, and transfer the item to Sound Transit as specified. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 11 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 5 OF 5 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES PAGE 1 OF 4 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 20 00 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY This Section includes requirements for measurement and payment as they apply to the Work, including provisions applicable to lump sum, provisional sum and unit price items. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Formats: 1. Hard Copy: 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches in size 2. Electronic Copy: Microsoft Excel and .PDF formats B. Schedule of Values (SOV): 1. Draft Schedule of Values: Within 30 days of the effective date of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) 2. Final Schedule of Values: Within 60 days of the effective date of the NTP 3. Revised Schedule of Values: As required C. Conform re-submittals to the same requirements as the originals submittals. 1.03 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Develop and use the Schedule of Values to provide an allocation of the Work for measurement and payment to an appropriate level of detail to ensure accurate payment for the Work accomplished. B. Obtain the agreement of the Resident Engineer on the Schedule of Values. No payment will be made prior to an agreed upon Schedule of Values. C. Include an updated version of the Schedule of Values with each progress payment request. Update the Schedule of Values to include: 1. Dollars earned and percent complete for the current progress payment period 2. Dollars earned and percent complete to-date, excluding the current progress payment period 3. Total dollars earned and percent complete to-date 4. Total dollars remaining 5. Changes resulting from Change Orders D. The total value of the line items in the Schedule of Values plus any approved Change Orders shall be equal to the current contract price. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES PAGE 2 OF 4 E. The value of stored material shall be identified in the Schedule of Values with both a material-purchase activity and a separate corresponding installation activity in the Construction Schedule(s). F. If required by the Resident Engineer, present documentation substantiating the cost allocations for line items within the Schedule of Values. G. On the 25th of each month or next business day, if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, meet with the Resident Engineer to discuss the monthly progress payment. 1.04 LUMP-SUM MEASUREMENT Lump-sum measurement will be for the entire item, unit of Work, structure, or combination thereof, as specified and as indicated in the Contract Price Schedule. A. If the Contractor requests progress payments for lump-sum items or amounts in the Contract Price Schedule, such progress payments will be made in accordance with a well-balanced, detailed schedule of values for payment-apportioning, prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Resident Engineer for approval. B. Each applicable lump-sum item shall show fixed, definable and measurable quantities where possible and unit prices as developed and assigned by the Contractor to the different features of the Work and major subdivisions thereof. The summation of 1) extensions of quantities and unit prices and 2) other related lump sum costs shall equal the lump sum price of the item as shown in the Contract Price Schedule. C. Following the Resident Engineer’s approval, this price breakdown shall be incorporated into the Schedule of Values, from which progress payments will reflect the progress expressed in earned value that occurred during the payment period as approved by the Resident Engineer. 1.05 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES FOR UNIT PRICES A. Measurement Standards: 1.All Work to be paid for at a contract price per unit measurement, as indicated in the Contract Price Schedule, will be measured by the Resident Engineer in accordance with United States Standard Measures. 2.A ton shall consist of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois. B. Measurement by Weight: 1.Reinforcing steel, steel shapes, castings, miscellaneous metal, metal fabrications, and similar items to be paid for by weight shall be measured by scale or by handbook weights for the type and quantity of material actually furnished and incorporated into the Work. 2.Unless shipped by rail, material to be measured and paid for by weight shall be weighed on sealed scales regularly inspected by the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Weights and Measures Section or its designated representative, furnished by and at the expense of the Contractor. All weighing, measuring, and metering devices shall be suitable for the purpose intended and shall conform to the tolerances and specifications as outlined in Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Division 1, General Requirements, Article 1-09.2, Weighing Equipment. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES PAGE 3 OF 4 3.Provide or utilize platform scales of sufficient size and capacity to permit the entire vehicle or combination of vehicles to rest on the scale platform while being weighed. Combination vehicles may be weighed as separate units provided they are disconnected while being weighed. Scales shall be inspected and certified as often as the Resident Engineer may deem necessary to ascertain accuracy. Costs incurred as a result of regulating, adjusting, testing, inspecting, and certifying scales shall be borne by the Contractor. 4.A licensed weighmaster shall weigh all Contractor-furnished materials. The Resident Engineer may be present to witness the weighing and to check and compile the daily record of such scale weights. However, in any case, the Resident Engineer will require that the Contractor furnish weight slips and daily summary weigh sheets. In such cases, furnish a duplicate weight slip or a load slip for each vehicle weighed, and deliver the slip to the Resident Engineer at the point of delivery of the material. 5.If the material is shipped by rail, the certified car weights will be accepted, provided only actual weight of material will be paid for and not minimum car weights used for assessing freight tariff. Car weights will not be acceptable for material to be passed through mixing plants. Material to be measured by weight shall be weighed separately for each bid item under which it is to be paid. 6.Trucks used to haul material being paid for by weight shall be weighed empty daily and at such additional times as the Resident Engineer may require. Each truck shall bear a plainly legible identification mark. The Resident Engineer may require the weight of the material verified by weighing empty and loaded trucks on such other scales as the Resident Engineer may designate. C. Measurement by Volume:  1.Measurement by volume will be by the cubic dimension indicated in the Contract Price Schedule. Method of volume measurement will be by the unit volume in place or removed as shown on the Contract Drawings or as specified. 2.When material is to be measured and paid for on a volume basis and it is impractical to determine the volume by the specified method of measurement, or when requested by the Contractor in writing and accepted by the Resident Engineer in writing, the material may be weighed in accordance with the requirements specified for weight measurement. Such weights will be converted to volume measurement for payment purposes. Factors for conversion from weight measurement to volume measurement will be determined by the Resident Engineer and shall be agreed to by the Contractor before such method of measurement of pay quantities will be accepted. D. Measurement by Area: Measurement by area will be by the square dimension shown on the Contract Drawings or as specified. Method of square measurement will be as specified. E. Linear Measurement: Linear measurement will be by the linear dimension listed or indicated in the Contract Price Schedule. Unless otherwise indicated, items, components, or Work to be measured on a linear basis will be measured at the centerline of the item in place. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES PAGE 4 OF 4 F. Field Measurement for Payment: 1.The Contractor shall take all measurements by providing equipment, workers, and survey crews as required to measure quantities in accordance with the provisions for measurement specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, all quantities shall be calculated using dimensions shown on the Contract Drawings. No allowance will be made for specified tolerances. 2.The Resident Engineer will verify all quantities of Work performed by the Contractor on a unit-price basis, for progress payment purposes. 1.07 ITEM MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The items listed on the Contract Price Schedule will be measured and paid for as described in Appendix A to this Specification Section. Payment will only be made for work that has been satisfactorily completed. Items not listed in the Contract Price Schedule but considered necessary to complete the Work, will be considered incidental to the Work, and no separate measurement and payment will be made. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES APPENDIX A PAGE 1 OF 3 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 20 00 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES APPENDIX A – CONTRACT PAY ITEM - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS Item No. 01: Area 1: All Work required for Remediation a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes all work required by the Contract Documents. b. Measurement: This item will be measured as a lump sum unit. c. Payment: The Contractor shall submit the pay application and required back up material in support of the pay application. The Resident Engineer will review and approve. This item will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price. Item No. 02: Area 2: All Work required for In-Situ Remediation a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes all work required by the Contract Documents. b. Measurement: This item will be measured as a lump sum unit. c. Payment: The Contractor shall submit the pay application and required back up material in support of the pay application. The Resident Engineer will review and approve. This item will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price. Item No. 03: Area 3: All Work required for Remediation a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes all work required by the Contract Documents. b. Measurement: This item will be measured as a lump sum unit. c. Payment: The Contractor shall submit the pay application and required back up material in support of the pay application. The Resident Engineer will review and approve. This item will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price.. Item No. 04: Area 4: All Work required for Remediation a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes all work required by the Contract Documents. b. Measurement: This item will be measured as a lump sum unit. c. Payment: The Contractor shall submit the pay application and required back up material in support of the pay application. The Resident Engineer will review and approve. This item will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price. Item No. 05: Area 5: All Work required for Remediation a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes all work required by the Contract Documents. b. Measurement: This item will be measured as a lump sum unit. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES APPENDIX A PAGE 2 OF 3 c. Payment: The Contractor shall submit the pay application and required back up material in support of the pay application. The Resident Engineer will review and approve. This item will be paid for at the Contract lump sum price. Item No. 06: Provisional Sum for Existing Well Decommissioning a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes the requirements to decommission up to eleven (11) existing wells, as directed by the Resident Engineer. The work is to be completed by a licensed well driller by placing bentonite chips in the well casing. No grouting or over-drilling is allowed. Monuments are to be removed. One well in the Area One excavation is to be removed to the bottom of the required excavation. b. Measurement: No separate measurement will be made for this item. c. Payment: This item will be paid for in accordance with the General Conditions for Payment on Lump Sum Basis or Time and Material Basis, at the discretion of the Resident Engineer for work satisfactorily completed and approved by the Resident Engineer. Item No. 07: Provisional Sum for Test Pit Excavation, Testing, and Backfill a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes the excavation, testing, and backfilling of up to four (4), 10ft x 10ft test pits, up to 12-ft in depth, as directed by the Resident Engineer. b. Measurement: No separate measurement will be made for this item. c. Payment: This item will be paid for in accordance with the General Conditions for Payment on Lump Sum Basis or Time and Material Basis, at the discretion of the Resident Engineer for work satisfactorily completed and approved by the Resident Engineer. Item No. 08: Provisional Sum for Unidentified Utility Conflicts d. Item Description: The Work of this item includes the requirements to resolve unidentified utility conflicts as directed by the Resident Engineer. e. Measurement: No separate measurement will be made for this item. f. Payment: This item will be paid for in accordance with the General Conditions for Payment on Lump Sum Basis or Time and Material Basis, at the discretion of the Resident Engineer for work satisfactorily completed and approved by the Resident Engineer. Item No. 09: Provisional Sum for Unknown Hazardous & Contaminated Substances a. Item Description: The Work of this item includes removal, disposal and backfill, if necessary, of unknown hazardous and contaminated substances encountered during construction as directed by the Resident Engineer. . b. Measurement: No separate measurement will be made for this item. c. Payment: This item will be paid for in accordance with the General Conditions for Payment on Lump Sum Basis or Time and Material Basis, at the discretion of the Resident Engineer for work satisfactorily completed and approved by the Resident Engineer. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES APPENDIX A PAGE 3 OF 3 Item Nos. 10 through No.16: Schedule B Unit Price Items for Additional Work a. The Work of these items are for added scope that may be required outside of the existing limits defined in the Contract for Areas 1 thru 5. b. This Work includes removing, furnishing and installing suitable materials, Biostimulation Mix, Treatment Media for In-Situ Remediation as shown on the Contract Documents, referenced in the Bid Tab or as approved or directed by the Resident Engineer. The unit price provided by the Contractor in its bid shall fully compensate Contractor for all of its costs of the work, including labor, material, equipment, escalation, material, supervision, overhead, profit /markup and any other direct or indirect impact or expense related to performing the Work. c. If Work under these Items is required, the Resident Engineer will issue direction in accordance with the Contract. d. Measurement: This item will be measured per each Bank Cubic Yard (BCY), Ton, and Pound as identified in the Bid Tab that has been satisfactorily installed and approved by the Resident Engineer. e. Payment: Payments for unit price items will be based on the actual quantities performed or provided under such unit price items. For Work performed or provided under such unit price items, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment beyond those unit prices, except as may be provided elsewhere herein. The Contractor shall provide a detailed cost breakdown supporting its requested compensation and any additional cost documentation included but not limited to dates, quantities, unit prices, amounts and discounts and Ship/Trip/weight tickets as requested by the Resident Engineer. f. The quantities as shown on the bid form for these Items are an estimate only to establish pricing and are not subject to the 25 percent variation in the quantity defined by Article 4.09, Changes in Quantities, of the General Conditions. No compensation shall be made in any case for loss of anticipatory profits. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 1 OF 9 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 32 13.20 SCHEDULING OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY This Section includes requirements for the preparation, revision and submittal of a cost-loaded Contract Critical Path Method (CPM) Schedule and an Earned Value Management System (EVMS). 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Scheduler: The individual or entity assigned by Contractor with the responsibility for the development, preparation and management of all required CPM schedules, the EVMS Plan and submittals. B. Recovery Schedule: A schedule showing a Work Plan to complete the Work within the required Contract Milestones. 1.03 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS A. Use Primavera Project Management P6 Release 8.2 or later version by Oracle or Microsoft Project 2010 or later version scheduling software. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Preliminary Baseline CPM Schedule: Submit within 5 days after Notice to Proceed (or Limited NTP). B. Contract Baseline CPM Schedule and EVMS Plan: Submit within 20 days after Notice to Proceed or Limited NTP, if a Limited NTP is issued. C. Monthly Update CPM Schedule: Submit no later than the 5th of each month. D. Three-Week Look-Ahead Schedule: Provide at progress meetings or transmit by the Wednesday of weeks without progress meetings. E. Monthly Update Progress Report and Earned Value (EV) Report: Submit no later than the 5th of each month 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: Designate Scheduler who will be responsible for the development, preparation and management of all required CPM schedules and EV Systems. The designated Scheduler(s) shall have at least 5 years of experience developing, creating, managing and reporting on schedules of similar size and complexity to this Contract and experience in the designated scheduling software system. 1.06 GENERAL A. Submittal Formats 1. Hard Copy Formats: One paper copy of each. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 2 OF 9 a) Preliminary and Contract Baseline CPM Schedules and Monthly Update CPM Schedule: Gantt chart; clearly indicating critical activities; sheets are to be no smaller than 11 inches by 17 inches using landscape orientation and type font no smaller than 8.5 pt. b) Three-Week Look-Ahead Schedule: Sheets no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches and no smaller than 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches using landscape orientation and type font no smaller than 8.5 pt. c) Monthly Update Progress Report: Sheets 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches in size. Charts for reports may be submitted in on sheets up to 11 inches by 17 inches in size. 2. Electronic Copy: a) Preliminary and Contract Baseline CPM Schedule: Electronic backup file in its native form (.XER, .MPP) and in .PDF format. b) Contract Earned Value Management System: Electronic backup file in its native form .XLS and in .PDF format. c) Monthly Update CPM Schedule: Electronic backup file in its native form (.XER, .MPP) and in .PDF format. d) Monthly Update Progress Report: Electronic file in its native form (.doc) and in .PDF format. e) Monthly Earned Value Report: Electronic backup file in its native form .XLS and in .PDF format. B. Within 14 days after NTP (or LNTP, if one is issued), the Contractor shall schedule with the Resident Engineer and attend a pre-scheduling and EVM conference with Sound Transit to review and discuss the Preliminary Baseline CPM schedule, the EVMS Plan and the requirements of this Section. The Contractor shall be prepared to discuss methodology for the schedule development, sequence of operations and the cost loading methodology that will provide early and late cash flow curves. .. C. Schedules shall represent a practical and logical plan to complete the Work within the Contract Milestones and to convey the plan for execution of the Work. D. The submittal of schedules shall be understood to be the Contractor’s representation that the schedule meets the requirements of the Contract Documents and that the Work will be executed in the sequence and duration indicated in the schedule. E. Failure to include any element of Work required for performance of the Contract or failure to properly sequence the Work shall not excuse completing all Work with the Contract Milestones. F. All schedule submittals, excluding monthly progress reports, are subject to Sound Transit acceptance. Sound Transit retains the right to withhold appropriate monies (up to the full value of the progress payment) from each progress payment until submittal of the schedule(s) required in accordance with these provisions. G. The Contract Baseline CPM Schedule will not be accepted prior to acceptance of the Schedule of Values. H. Use the “Retained Logic” of Primavera P6 or comparable preference for scheduling activities. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 3 OF 9 I. Develop all schedules utilizing industry standard ‘best practices’ including, but not limited to: 1. All Activities shall have at least one predecessor and one successor, except Project start and finish milestones. 2. All Activities must have a finish successor (FF) or (FS) 3. All Activities must have a start predecessor (SS) or (FS) 4. Maintain a majority of Finish to Start Relationships 5. One discipline per activity 6. No use of constraints other than those defined in the Contract Documents without the prior acceptance by Sound Transit. 7. Leads or lags shall not be used. 8. Use a “Finish on or Before” constraint for all Contract milestones unless agreed to by Sound Transit. J. Ensure that all individual construction activities do not exceed 14 days in duration without prior approval of Sound Transit. Subdivide activities exceeding 14 days in duration to an appropriate level of detail. K. Subdivide all major concrete activities, as a minimum, into formwork, reinforcement bar placement, placing of embedments, concrete placement and finish, and curing periods, unless agreed to by the Resident Engineer. L. Sufficiently describe schedule activities to include that which is to be accomplished in each Work area. Express activity durations in whole days. Clearly identify Work that is to be performed by Subcontractors. M. Create all schedules in conformance with the work-hours, constraints and Activity Code Structure as set forth in the Contract. N. Project Calendars 1. Work calendars shall adhere to Contract Specifications. 2. Each activity in the schedule shall adhere to a calendar appropriate for the Work type. O. WBS Structure: Project WBS Structure shall provide at a minimum the following: 1. Design a. Design Milestones b. Initial Reports c. Utilities d. Demolition e. Substructure 1) 50% SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 4 OF 9 2) 100% 3) IFC f. Structure g. Systems 2. Construction a. Milestones b. Submittals/Preliminary Activities c. Mobilization d. Site work e. Excavation f. Retaining Walls g. Aerial Structures h. Stations i. Parking Garages j. Track work k. Finishes l. Landscaping/Flatwork m. Testing and Commissioning n. Demobilization 3. Provisional Sums 4. Change Orders 5. Deleted Activities P. Cost Loading: 1. All schedules, with the exception of the Preliminary Baseline CPM Schedule and Three-Week Look-Ahead Schedules shall be cost-loaded. 2. Submit and receive acceptance of the Schedule of Values allocating the total Contract Price, prior to Sound Transit acceptance of the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule. The accepted Schedule of Values will be used as the basis for progress payments. Payment for Work will be made only for and in accordance with those items included in the Schedule of Values 3. Each item in the schedule of values shall be represented by one or more activity in the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule. The sum of all activities shall equal the sum of the item on the Schedule of Values. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 5 OF 9 4. Change Orders and Provisional Sums shall be added as separate items to the Schedule of Values and to the Monthly CPM Schedule as they are accepted by Sound Transit. 5. Update cost-loading monthly with modifications made to the cost-loading taking into account actual payment requests, additions, deletions or revisions to activities in the Monthly Update CPM Schedule. 6. No single schedule activity may be assigned a value greater than $250,000 without prior justification and approval from Sound Transit 1.07 PRELIMINARY BASELINE CPM SCHEDULE A. CPM Schedule: Covering the complete Contract Work. 1. The purpose of the Preliminary Baseline CPM schedule is to depict the detailed Work activities for the first 90 days following Notice to Proceed (NTP) (or Limited NTP (LNTP)). Subsequent activities can be in more summary-level detail. The schedule will assist and serve as the basis of payment between NTP (LNTP) and the acceptance of the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule. 2. Include with the Submittal a written narrative that describes the schedule in detail and the approach to the Work. 3. Include all Submittals for design, and submittals, fabrication and construction activities required to supply or progress the Work for the first 90 days following Notice to Proceed (NTP) (or Limited NTP (LNTP)). 4. Indicate on the schedule diagram a clearly defined Critical Path. 5. If, in the opinion of the Resident Engineer, the schedule is determined to be impractical or not in compliance with the Contract Documents, revise the schedule and resubmit within 7 days. 6. Include detailed design and permitting activities including but not limited to the following: a. Identification of individual design packages b. Design submissions c. Design reviews and conferences d. Permit submissions e. Required government submissions f. Long lead item acquisitions prior to design completion 1.08 CONTRACT BASELINE CPM SCHEDULE AND EVMS PLAN A. Contract Baseline CPM Schedule: Covering all Work of the Contract through Acceptance. B. Prior to submitting the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule, the Contractor will schedule with the Resident Engineer and attend a scheduling conference with Sound Transit to present the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule and discuss its contents including schedule assumptions, schedule risk, cost loading methodology, production rates, project calendars, shift assumptions, equipment constraints, material procurement concerns, long-lead materials and equipment, risk assumptions EVMS Plan and Critical Path(s). SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 6 OF 9 C. If, in the opinion of the Resident Engineer, the schedule or EVMS Plan is determined to be impractical or not in compliance with the Contract Documents, revise the schedule and resubmit within 7 days. D. Show clearly on the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule the sequence and interdependence of activities and list specifically: 1. Detailed design and permitting activities including but not limited to the following: a. Identification of individual design packages b. Design submissions c. Design reviews and conferences d. Permit submissions e. Required government submissions f. Long lead item acquisitions prior to design completion 2. Construction: a. All constraints identified in the Contract Documents b. All Milestones identified in the Contract Documents. Ensure that they are logically linked with physical activities and are progress driven. c. Include all submittal, fabrication and construction activities required to supply and / or progress the Work for the duration of the Contract d. Selection, ordering, manufacturing, factory testing and delivery of all long-lead equipment and materials. e. Delivery of Sound Transit-furnished equipment and / or materials, if any f. Inspection of the Work activities for Substantial Completion and Acceptance g. Work to be performed by other agencies or utilities that affect the schedule shall include at a minimum activity durations and completion milestones for utility’s or other agency’s work, and shall show when the utility’s or other agency’s work must be complete to avoid impact to Contractor’s work. h. Acquisition of construction permits E. Indicate on the schedule diagram a clearly defined Critical Path. F. Certify in writing that the Contract Baseline CPM schedules have been discussed in detail with all Subcontractors and major Suppliers as it relates to their respective Work. Include signatures from the major Subcontractors acknowledging that such discussions were conducted with them.Transmit a copy of the certificate with Subcontractor acknowledgements to Sound Transit. G. Include with the Contract Baseline CPM Schedule submittal a detailed written narrative describing the approach and methods for completion of the Work. Include all schedule assumptions used in the development of the schedule including but not limited to the following: shift assumptions, crew size, project calendars, duration development, Critical Path(s), production rates, long lead material and equipment procurement and specific SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 7 OF 9 identified schedule risks. Use understandable narrative language to convey this schedule information to Sound Transit. H. A Contract Baseline CPM Schedule showing the Work completed in less than the Contract Milestones, which is found practical by Sound Transit, shall be considered to have Float (in addition to any required Sound Transit-controlled Float). Impractical early-completion schedules will not be accepted by Sound Transit. I. The Contract Baseline CPM Schedule shall be submitted without progress updates to schedule dates and costs. J. EVMS Plan: Covering the contract Work through Acceptance 1. Submit a Contract Earned Value Management System Plan covering the Contract Work through Acceptance which includes a documented plan for implementing, updating and reporting using the EVMS including how to process approved changes to the scope, schedule and budget. 1.09 MONTHLY UPDATE CPM SCHEDULE A. Submit a cost-loaded Monthly Update CPM Schedule with each application for payment B. Include in the Monthly Update CPM Schedule a data date (status) as of the first day of the following month (for example: for schedules submitted at the end of January 20xx, the data date shall be 01 February 20xx). C. Incorporate into the Monthly Update CPM Schedule all progress to date, changes to the planned sequence including logic revisions, changes to activity durations, and changes to the cost-loading as required. Sum all the remaining activities to be completed to the remaining cost of the Work. D. Incorporate accurate, actual progress, start dates, completion dates and costs so that the Monthly CPM Schedule will act as the Contract’s As-Built schedule. 1. If requested, provide documentation to substantiate as-built information. 2. No actual start or finish dates shall be changed or corrected without a narrative explaining the reason for the change, and without Sound Transit’s acceptance. E. Address all changes and revisions made in the Monthly Update CPM Schedule in a detailed narrative accompanying the submittal. F. Incorporate Change Orders and Change Notice-Work Directives (CN-WDs) into the Monthly Update CPM Schedule as additional schedule activities, when required. G. If in the opinion of the Resident Engineer, the schedule is determined to be impractical or not in compliance with the Contract Documents, revise the schedule and resubmit within 7 days. H. Submit a Recovery Schedule prior to the next progress payment if, according to the current updated Monthly Update CPM Schedule , the Work is more than 14 days behind a Contract Milestone, considering all granted or agreed to time extensions. Include with the submittal a detailed narrative describing the means and methods proposed to complete the Work in the prescribed period. Sound Transit may withhold approximate progress payments until a revised schedule, acceptable to Sound Transit, is submitted.. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 8 OF 9 1.10 THREE-WEEK LOOK-AHEAD SCHEDULE A. Transmit the Three-Week Look-Ahead Schedule, in a Gantt chart format, showing the intended Work activities for the upcoming 3-week period plus one retrospective week. B. All design and construction activities in the Three-Week Look-Ahead Schedule must correlate to an activity in the current Monthly Update CPM Schedule either as a one-to-one match or as a subset of activities whose cumulative duration correlates to an activity in the Monthly Update CPM Schedule. C. Note and explain in writing all deviations from the most current Preliminary Baseline CPM Schedule, Contract Baseline CPM Schedule or Monthly Update CPM Schedule. Deviations include, but are not limited to, sequences of Work, timing and durations of activities.. D. Portray all activities clearly and legibly on the schedule and include activity numbers from the current approved Preliminary, Contract or Monthly Update CPM Schedule. 1.11 MONTHLY UPDATE PROGRESS REPORT AND EARNED VALUE REPORT A. Include with the Monthly Update CPM Schedule a written narrative describing the approach and methods for completion of the Work. Use understandable narrative language that conveys schedule information to Sound Transit. B. Include with the Monthly Update CPM Schedule submittal a written narrative describing: 1. Executive Summary 2. Contract Status (percent complete based on cost and percent of contract time ellapsed) 3. Schedule Status (baseline versus current forecast) for each Milestone 4. Work activities accomplished in the reporting period 5. Intended Work activities for upcoming reporting period 6. Community Relations Activities, accomplished in the reporting period and intended in the upcoming reporting period. 7. All changes, additions or deletions that have been made to the schedule since the prior month and with the exception of adding actual durations, a reason for each of the changes. 8. A listing of all activities that were planned on being completed or worked on during the reporting period, but were not and the reason for the lack of activity or inability to complete as scheduled. Discuss the actions taken or to be taken that have addressed adverse impacts to the Contract. 9. Discussion and identification of changes, RFIs, CN-WDs or other events that affect the Contract schedule. 10. Describe and discuss the Critical Path(s) 11. Maintain and provide a computer-generated Earned Value Report (EVR). The template will be provided by Sound Transit. Submit a Monthly EVR with each application for payment or Monthly Update Progress Report a. Earned Value Reporting will include: 1) Identification of cost and schedule variance. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 13.20 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SCHEDULING OF WORK PAGE 9 OF 9 2) Discussion of performance trends through analysis of SPI (Schedule Performance Index), CPI (Cost Performance Index), SV (Schedule Variance, CV (Cost Variance) and ETC (Estimate to Completion. 3) Identification of variances exceeding 10% (SPI or CPI less than 0.90 or greater than 1.10) with a description of the root cause, impact on the project and recommended or implemented corrective action. 4) Identification of potential problem areas that need further explanation or action. 5) Analsyis of Contract EAC (Estimate at Completion) C. Include in all narratives all assumptions that have been made in developing and updating the schedule. D. Include in all narratives all major risk items that could potentially have an adverse impact to the schedule and how these risks are to be addressed and mitigated 1.12 REVIEW, UPDATE AND REVISIONS A. Conform re-submittals to the same requirements as the original submittals. B. Allow for Sound Transit review with comments according to the following schedule from the date of receipt: 1. Preliminary Baseline CPM Schedule: 7 days 2. Contract Baseline CPM Schedule and Contract EVMS Plan: 14 days 3. Monthly Update CPM Schedule, Monthly Earned Value Report and Recovery Schedule: 10 days 4. Three-Week Look-Ahead Schedule: 2 days C. Make all corrections to the schedule requested by Sound Transit and resubmit the schedule for acceptance. If the Contractor disagrees with Sound Transit's comments, provide a written notice of disagreement within 7 days from the receipt of Sound Transit's comments on the schedule. Disagreement with Sound Transit’s comments to the schedule shall be resolved in a meeting held for that purpose, if necessary. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 33 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1 OF 5 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 32 33 PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes procedural requirements for digital photographic documentation including images, video recordings and web-based photographic documentation. 1.04 SUBMITTALS / TRANSMITTALS A. Submittals 1. Key Plan: Submit initial plan with Pre-Construction photographs. Submit updates with each photographic documentation submittal. 2. Digital Still Pre-Construction Photographs: a. Image of each photograph on CD or DVD within 30 days of NTP and prior to beginning on-site activity including mobilization. b. A colored thumbnail index of photographs with electronic file name of each photo. 3. Digital Web-Based Photographic Documentation (if used) a. Web-based photo service provider's name and background b. Make and model of camera, resolution and other attributes c. Sketches showing detailed location and coverage of each camera. B. Transmittals 1. Digital Still Photographs (Still Photos): Transmit digital image of each photograph on CD or DVD. Transmit a colored thumbnail index of photographs with electronic file name of each photo. Provide the following types of still photos: a. Construction Photographs: Transmit at least every 30 days. b. Subject-specific Construction Photographs: Transmit within 3 days after photos are taken. c. Substantial Completion Construction Photographs: Transmit within 7 days after the photographs are taken. 2. Digital Video Recordings (Video): Transmit electronic digital recordings on DVD within 7 days of recording date. 3. Digital Web-Based Photographic Documentation (if used) a. Web-based photo service provider's name and background SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 33 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PAGE 2 OF 5 b. Web-Based Image Access: Provide administer password-protected access for project team. c. Public Viewer: Provide method and information to access the most recent project camera image and time-lapse display of all images to date. d. High-resolution DVDs, separately for each camera, of all recordings since last submission. Transmit recordings at a minimum of every 30 days. 4. Usage Rights Documentation: Obtain and transfer copyright usage rights from photographer to Sound Transit for unlimited reproduction of photographic documentation. 5. Photographer and Videographer Information: Transmit a complete list of photographer names, initials and contact information within 30 days after NTP. Provide updated list within 3 days of each change. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 KEY PLAN A. Show the Project Site on the plan and note the location(s) from which the photo/video recording was taken and direction in which the camera was directed. B. Include type and model of still and video camera(s). 2.02 STILL PHOTOS A. Still Photo Camera Specifications: 1. Minimum sensor resolution: 8 megapixels 2. Set to produce a digital stamp of the current date and time on each image. Cameras that do not have this capability will not be used to fulfill the obligations of this specification. 3. Images in JPG format B. Identification: 1. Identify each image in accordance with the Photo Naming Conventions for Contractor digital photos as specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 2. Identify each CD or DVD with the following: a. Contract Name and Contract Number b. Name of Contractor c. Transmittal date, transmittal number and description 2.03 VIDEO A. Video Camera Specifications SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 33 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PAGE 3 OF 5 1. Color Digital Video Images: Capable of producing National Television System Committee (NTSC) or agreed upon format with at least 1920x1080 lines / 60 fields of color digital video images 2. Resolution: The Y channel must contain a minimum of 500 TV lines at center, utilizing no less than three charge-coupled-device (CCD) chips, with a minimum of 5 megapixels. 3. Set to produce a digital stamp of current date and time (containing the month, day and year, hours, minutes and seconds) on each recording. B. Identification: Identify each digital image in accordance with the Photo Naming Convention for Contractor digital photos as specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Provide the information listed in 1 through 8 below on each CD / DVD in order to uniquely identify each. Provide the information listed in 1 through 7 below on each Transmittal: 1. Contract Name and Contract Number 2. Name of Contractor 3. Transmittal date, transmittal number and description 4. Name of photographer 5. Date on which video recording was made 6. Site location where recording was made 7. Numbers of CDs or DVDs in Transmittal 8. Serial number of CD or DVD in Transmittal 2.04 WEB-BASED PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION A. If Web-Based Photographic Documentation is to be used on the Site, the requirements will be specified in Appendix A to this Specification PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Capture all photographic documentation digitally. Submit images exactly as originally recorded in the digital camera without alteration, manipulation, editing or modifications. B. All non-fixed camera photography/recording shall be done with sufficient lighting to clearly show the subject matter. No photography/recording shall be done during periods of visible precipitation or when more than 10 percent of the ground area is covered with snow unless it is for the purpose of subject-specific construction photographs or unless otherwise authorized or required by the Resident Engineer. 3.02 STILL PHOTO REQUIREMENTS A. Take exposures of interior and exterior locations. B. Preconstruction Photographs 1. Take pre-construction photos within 30 days of NTP and prior to beginning on-site activity including mobilization. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 32 33 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PAGE 4 OF 5 2. Provide additional pre-construction still photos prior to commencement of work at each Site if initial pre-construction photos were taken more than 3 months prior to commencement of work at a specific Site. 3. Take sufficient overlapping still photos to show existing conditions of Site and adjacent properties before starting the Work. 4. No construction shall begin prior to Resident Engineer’s review and approval of the pre-construction photographs. 5. Take still photos at locations to be disturbed or likely to be affected by construction and at locations designated by the Resident Engineer. C. Construction Photographs: Take still photos of construction during the progress of the Work. Take a minimum of 20 still construction photos at each Site at a minimum of every 30 days to document the conditions of and the Work at the Site, unless otherwise directed by the Resident Engineer. Commence construction photograph documentation no later than 30 days after the pre-construction digital survey at each Site and continue until Acceptance is achieved. D. Subject-specific Construction Photographs 1. If there are any evident issues such as, but not limited to, Differing Site Condition, a potential change, a non-conformance condition and/or damage to property or the Work, take sufficient photographs from appropriate locations and distances to effectively document the conditions. Take no less than ten still photos of each occurrence. 2. Incorporate into the photograph a scale, such as a measuring tape, to document the size and condition of the subject of the photograph. E. Substantial Completion Construction Photographs Take sufficient still photos to adequately document the conditions of the Work at each Site at Substantial Completion. Take no less than twenty photographs per site. 3.03 VIDEO RECORDING REQUIREMENTS A. Audio: 1. Begin each recording with the current date, Contract Name, Contract Number, videographer’s name, site location, viewing objective and viewing orientation. 2. End recording with date and time. 3. Narrative: Describe scenes on video recording by audio narration. Include description of items being viewed, recent events and planned activities. At each change in location describe the vantage point, location, direction (by compass point) and elevation or story of construction. B. Video: Set to continuously record transparent digital information (date and time of recording). C. Preconstruction Video Recordings: 1. Document the entire Contract Site. Include all surface features located within at least 300 feet of the Site and accompany with appropriate audio description. Include all existing curbs, sidewalks, driveways, ditches, paved areas, landscaping, trees, culverts, headwalls, retaining walls and buildings SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION PAGE 5 OF 5 2. Duration: approximately 120 minutes. 3. Include time stamp and narrative giving location of the items being shown. D. Monthly Construction Video Recordings: Make video recordings at intervals not to exceed 30 days. Select appropriate vantage points to show status of construction and progress of the Work since last video recordings were made. Minimum recording time shall be 30 minutes. E. Transmit a record of the contents of each DVD with an index that includes the following: identification of each segment by recording location, time of day, street name, subject being recorded, viewing direction, direction of travel, and starting and ending points. F. Identification: Provide the information listed in 1 through 8 below on each DVD in order to uniquely identify each. Provide the information listed in 1 through 7 below on each Transmittal: 1. Contract Name and Contract Number 2. Name of Contractor 3. Transmittal date, transmittal number and description 4. Name of photographer 5. Date(s) and time(s) video recording was recorded 6. Site location where recording was made 7. Numbers of DVDs in Transmittal 8. Serial number of DVD in Transmittal 3.04 WEB-BASED PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS A. If Web-Based Photographic Documentation is to be used on the Site, the requirements will be specified and submitted for approval.: END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 33 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PAGE 1 OF 6 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY This Section specifies the general requirements and procedures for preparing and providing construction information including shop drawings, product data, certifications, factory inspection testing, samples, etc. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Submittal: A Submittal is a document or sample required by the Contract that requires review and response by Sound Transit. B. Transmittal: A Transmittal is a document that is required by the Contract to document contract compliance and is provided for information only. Transmittals do not normally require a response by Sound Transit unless Sound Transit identifies a problem with the document or information being transmitted. Transmittals include, but are not limited to: certified payrolls, product certifications, material certifications, welder certification, installer certifications, SBE/DBE utilization reports, pothole or drilling logs, test reports, etc. 1.03 SUBMITTAL ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Prepare and submit each Submittal and Transmittal via the Selected Software as specified elsewhere in the Contract. One hard copy is required for Submittals. One hard copy is required for Transmittals when a wet signature or seal has been applied to the transmittal or its contents B. The Contractor shall schedule the submission of Submittals. All submittals shall allow Sound Transit and other review agencies a minimum of 21 calendar days for review and comment, unless otherwise indicated in the specification requiring the submittal. C. The Contractor shall assure it has received acceptance of all Submittals required for an activity from the Resident Engineer in advance of starting the activity. Acceptance means the submittal has received a classification of “No Exceptions Noted” or “Exceptions as Noted – Resubmittal Not Required.” D. Prepare separate Submittals for each item in a specification Section. E. Submittal Naming and Numbering requirements are specified elsewhere in the Contract. F. Provide Submittals of related parts of the Work concurrently such that processing will not be delayed for coordination. The Resident Engineer may withhold action on a Submittal requiring coordination until all related Submittals are received. G. Place a permanent label or title block on each Submittal item for identification. 1. Include the Contract name and number; the date of submission/re-submission; reference to the applicable Specification Section and paragraph, and / or drawing number; subject matter or drawing detail to which the Submittal applies; and the revision number and date, if applicable. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 33 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PAGE 2 OF 6 2. Include the name of firm or entity that prepared each Submittal. 3. Provide a space approximately 2.5 by 2.5 inches on label or beside title block to record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Resident Engineer. H. Include on each Submittal and Transmittal, whether from the Contractor or a Subcontractor, an approval stamp signed by the Contractor, indicating that the Submittal/Transmittal has been reviewed and approved by the Contractor, and that the Submittal/Transmittal meets the Contract requirements. I. All Submittals/Transmittals shall be submitted with a transmittal form containing the following information: 1. Contract name and number, the date of submission, the name of the Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier and/or manufacturer, as appropriate, and the document number. The numbering requirements are specified elsewhere in the Contract 2. Submittal/Transmittal description 3. Reference to the applicable specification section and paragraph and/or drawing number and title as applicable 4. Location(s) where product is to be installed, as appropriate 5. Identification and documentation of any approved deviations from the Contract Drawings and Contract Specifications. Requests for deviations from the Contract Documents must be approved prior to submitting the corresponding Submittal. Requests for Substitution or deviation shall be submitted as specified elsewhere in the Contract and not under the technical specification section containing the originally specified item. Upon Sound Transit’s approval of the substitution request, submit product data under the technical specification section of the originally specified item. 6. Notation that the Submittal is for a Safety Critical Item, if identified on the Sound Transit Specification Conformance Checklist (SCC). The SCC will be provided by Sound Transit. J. All Submittals/Transmittals will be provided to Sound Transit directly from the Contractor. The Resident Engineer will discard Submittals received from sources other than the Contractor. 1.04 SUBMITTAL/TRANSMITTAL LOG A. An electronic version of the a submittal log template will be provided by the Resident Engineer after NTP. B. Provide a completed submittal log to the RE within 14 days after the effective date of NTP. C. Coordinate Submittals with the construction schedule. The log shall reflect the time required for Submittal review, ordering, manufacturing, fabricating and delivery. Include additional time necessary for re-submittals. D. The log shall be arranged in a tabular format by Specification Section. The log shall be created and maintained in Microsoft Excel. E. The log shall include: SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 33 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PAGE 3 OF 6 1. Scheduled date for initial item Submittal, review period and “need” date for acceptance in order to fabricate, deliver and install within its corresponding construction schedule activity 2. Specification Section number, paragraph number and title 3. Name of Subcontractor and / or Supplier 4. Type of Submittal (shop drawings, Product Data, Samples or other), description of the item, name of manufacturer, trade name and model number 5. Intended submission date 6. For a Safety Critical Item based on Sound Transit’s Specification Conformance Checklist (SCC), include the “Item” number and “Section” (paragraph) number, as shown on the Sound Transit SCC. F. Highlight Submittals that are on the critical path and that require expedited review to meet the schedule. Indicate lead time from Submittal approval to the date of fabrication and installation. G. Update and transmit the Submittal/Transmittal log to the Resident Engineer on a monthly basis. Updates will include revisions or additions to Submittals/Transmittals on the log as well as the actual dates. 1.05 SHOP DRAWINGS A. General: 1. If specified, shop drawings and calculations as submitted shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington or where the Work will be performed. The shop drawing shall indicate all pertinent features of the products and the method of fabrication, connection, erection or assembly with respect to the Work. Calculations associated with shop drawing design shall also be submitted. 2. The drawing format of the first drawings submitted by Contractor, Subcontractor or vendor will be reviewed for conformance with this Section. Once accepted by Sound Transit, use as the standard for subsequent drawings. 3. Conform to the following standard sizes (in inches). WIDTH (Vertical) by LENGTH (Horizontal) 8.5 11.0 11.0 8.5 11.0 17.0 17.0 22.0 22.0 Maximum 34.0 Maximum B. Dimensioning: Follow applicable dimensioning and tolerance practices as specified in ANSI/ASME Y14.5. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 33 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PAGE 4 OF 6 1. Prepare Contract-specific information, drawn accurately to scale. Do not base shop drawings on reproductions of the Contract Documents or standard printed data. 2. Provide sufficient dimensions on drawings so that size, shape and location may be determined without calculation. 3. Show each dimension clearly so that only one interpretation is possible. Show each dimension for a feature only once. 4. Show dimensions between points, lines or surfaces having a necessary and specific relationship to each other or which control the location of mating parts or components. 5. Select dimensions and arrange to avoid the accumulation of tolerances that might ultimately permit more than one interpretation resulting in unsatisfactory mating of parts and / or failure in use. 6. When possible, dimension each feature in the view where it appears in profile or the one depicting its true profile. 7. Include on the shop drawings details necessary for the installation, maintenance and repair of all equipment provided. C. Electronic data for portions of the Contract drawings may be available for use as bases for preparation of shop drawings or planning the work. The Contractor should request the electronic media by submitting an executed copy of the "Electronic Media Release Form” (EMR) form found at Appendix A. Fully describe requirements and use for each request. The Contractor is responsible for distribution to subcontractors and suppliers and assuring compliance with the restrictions on use. 1.06 PRODUCT DATA A. If information must be specially prepared for Submittal because standard published data are not suitable for use, submit as Shop Drawings, not as Product Data. B. Mark up manufacturers' standard drawings, catalog cuts, brochures, diagrams, schedules, performance charts, illustrations, calculations, printed installation, erection, application, placing instructions and other descriptive data to highlight information that is applicable to the Contract. Indicate dimensions, clearances, performance characteristics, capacities, wiring and piping diagrams and controls. Supplement standard information with additional information applicable to this Contract. C. Submit Product Data before or concurrent with related amples. 1.07 SAMPLES A. Submit Samples for review of kind, color, pattern and texture for a check of these characteristics with other elements and for a comparison of these characteristics between Submittal and actual component as delivered and installed. B. Maintain sets of accepted Samples at Site, available for quality-control comparisons throughout the course of construction activity. Sample sets may be used to determine the acceptability of construction associated with each set. Samples that may be incorporated into the Work are indicated in individual Specification Sections. Samples, not incorporated into the Work or otherwise designated as Sound Transit's property, are the property of and will be returned to Contractor. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 33 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PAGE 5 OF 6 C. Samples for Verification: Submit full-size units or Samples of size indicated, physically identical with material or product proposed for use. 1. Samples include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components b. Small cuts or containers of materials c. Complete units of repetitively used materials d. Swatches showing color, texture and pattern e. Color range sets f. Components used for independent testing and inspection. 2. Number of Samples: a. Submit a single Sample where assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation and other similar characteristics are to be demonstrated. b. If variation in color, pattern, texture or other characteristic is inherent in material or product represented by a Sample, the Contractor shall submit at least three (3) comparison sets of Samples that show the approximate range limits of the variation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Review each Submittal and Transmittal, including all those provided by Subcontractors and Suppliers of any tier, to check for conflicts and coordination with other Work of the Contract and for compliance with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field dimensions. B. Review approval methods and requirements of the various designated approving authorities (i.e. AHJ, permitting agency, etc.). Determine typical review time periods of these approving authorities. Include sufficient time in the Schedule for these reviews and approvals. Obtain their approvals in a timely manner in order to avoid adverse impacts to the Contract Milestones. C. Attend meetings requested by the Resident Engineer to address issues related to the condition, review and approval of Submittals 3.02 RESIDENT ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Resident Engineer receives, reviews and takes other appropriate action on all Submittals and Transmittals that are received from the Contractor. 1. Shop drawings, Samples and other submission reviews by the Resident Engineer will not include checking of dimensions or openings for potential conflict. 2. The Resident Engineer’s acceptance of a specific item will not indicate acceptance of an assembly of which the item is a component. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 33 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUED FOR BID IFB SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PAGE 6 OF 6 3. Submittals not required by the Contract Documents may be returned by the Resident Engineer without action. 4. Incomplete Submittal packages will be returned without review. 5. Approval of a Submittal is not approval for substitution for a specified item. B. For each Submittal reviewed and requiring response by the Resident Engineer, the Resident Engineer will issue a Submittal review document with one of the following statements: 1. NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN: Denotes the Submittal conforms to the requirements of the Contract Documents and that fabrication and installation may proceed without a resubmittal. 2. EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED - RESUBMISSION NOT REQUIRED: Denotes that the Submittal conforms to the Contract Documents with the reviewer's corrections incorporated. Resubmittal, prior to proceeding, is not required unless the Contractor takes exception to the reviewer's comments. 3. EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED - RESUBMISSION REQUIRED: Denotes the Submittal conforms to the Contract Documents with the reviewer’s corrections incorporated. The Submittal must be revised to incorporate the corrections and resubmitted to the Resident Engineer for verification and approval, prior to proceeding with fabrication and installation. 4. REJECTED: Denotes the Submittal is deficient to the degree that the review cannot be completed and that the Submittal must be revised and resubmitted. C. Transmittals will be reviewed by the Resident Engineer for conformance with the Contract requirements. The Resident Engineer will not respond to a Transmittal unless there is a defect in the Transmittal document or the Transmittal indicates non-compliance with the Contract. In the case of a defect the Resident Engineer will return the Transmittal with the classification of “Exceptions as Noted – Resubmission Required” or “Rejected” or a non- compliance report will be issued as appropriate. Transmittals found to be acceptable will be so noted in the tracking software program and retained in the Contract Records by the Resident Engineer. 3.03 RESUBMISSIONS, DISTRIBUTION AND USE A. Make resubmissions in same form and number of copies as initial Submittal. Note the date and content of previous Submittal. Clearly indicate extent of revision. B. Furnish copies of final Submittals to manufacturers, Subcontractors, Suppliers, fabricators, installers, AHJ and others as necessary for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. C. Retain complete copies of final Submittals on Site. Use only final Submittals that are marked with “NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN” or “EXCEPTIONS AS NOTED – RESUBMISSION NOT REQUIRED” notation from Resident Engineer’s action stamp. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 1 OF 10 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 35 29.30 HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A. Sound Transit does not develop or manage the safety and health programs or environmental management programs of the Contractor, its Subcontractors, or suppliers, or in any way assume the responsibility for the safety and health of their employees or their protection of the environment. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for the health, safety, security and personal protective equipment for the Contractor’s employees, Subcontractors, vendors and other individuals on the Work Site or the general public that may be impacted or in proximity to the Work. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the environment that may be impacted by or in proximity to the Work. C. Sound Transit may stop work for observed non-compliance with safety and environmental codes, standards, rules or contract requirements. Contractor shall bear all costs associated with any Stop Work order. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit to the Resident Engineer for review and approval a complete Site Safety and Security Plan (SSSP - Exhibit A) that meets the intent and requirements of a project- specific safety plan and a corporate Accident Prevention Plan (APP) within seven (7) days after the effective date of Notice to Proceed (NTP). The completed SSSP shall include project specific hazard plans as necessary (i.e. confined space, fall protection). B. All Contractor employees and Subcontractors shall have all adequate site and task- specific training as documented on the project-specific SSSP. Sound Transit (ST) is not responsible for content of submitted plans. However, ST reserves the right to comment on and require changes to the submitted plans. C. When applicable, all track access permits, ST required training records, activity hazard analyses, all other required and approved documentation, and worker awareness and coordination shall be completed and be readily available for review onsite. All work within or near rail right of way must be coordinated with the Resident Engineer prior to any on-site work to assure proper permits, training and procedures. 1.03 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS A. Work on or near (distance dependent on operating line) any light rail or commuter rail tracks requires training of all workers and supervisors prior to conduct of the work. Work on or near rail tracks must be coordinated sufficiently in advance to assure Work Permits and Track Access Permits can be obtained. All workers performing work on or near the Right of Way must carry current and valid Right of Way training certification cards and produce them for verification upon request. B. Sound Transit considers all confined spaces on Sound Transit property to be permit required confined spaces. Alternate entry procedures are not allowed. Contractor must submit permits and rescue plan to Sound Transit. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 2 OF 10 C. Contractor Safety Plan must address the following related to COVID-19 compliance: 1. COVID-19 risk-based activity hazard assessment per the following categories: a) Category 1 – low risk Work which can be performed meeting social distancing requirements. b) Category 2 – activities which require one or more employees to work intermittently within six (6) feet of one another. c) Category 3 – Work that requires continuous close contact among two (2) or more people in close quarters. 2. Phasing of worker and subcontractor staff performing Work on the project including training. 3. Any revisions to shifts to reduce potential for large assemblies of people and mitigate hazards. 4. Office staff policies for COVID-19 as applicable. 5. Coordination/interface required with other contractors and suppliers. 6. Procedure for daily self-monitoring/health screening for each employee. 7. Stock and distribution of sanitation facilities. 8. Job cleaning practices. 9. PPE and other hazard mitigation measures required for Category 1, 2, and 3 activities and stock on-hand. 10. COVID-19 Training Plan updates. 11. Training documentation D. Contractor must submit a complete list of chemical products to be utilized on the project along with a Material Safety Data Sheet for each product. Sound Transit is not responsible for review of submitted chemicals or MSDSs. However ST reserves the right to comment on or deny the use of certain chemicals . Chemicals that are low hazard and sustainable are preferred. E. Chemical products that will be utilized on Sounder platforms or within 25 feet of BNSF owned tracks must be approved by BNSF prior to use. F. To prevent accidental or uncontrolled release of chemicals to the environment, secondary containment must be provided while they are in use or stored on Sound Transit property. Store chemicals indoors, when practical. G. When work is performed in an operating public facility, during hours of operation and when members of the public are present, controls must be in place to protect the public from exposure, including perceived exposures, to chemicals, dust, noise or operating equipment. The Resident Engineer may request additional controls be established if complaints are received. H. Contractors must utilize fall protection/prevention when walking /working surfaces exceed heights 4 feet. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 3 OF 10 I. Contractors must develop a job specific fall protection work plan for work performed at heights greater than 10 feet, if fall protection other than standard guard rails are used. When developing the job specific fall protection work plan, the Contractor must meet with and receive approval from the Resident Engineer to ensure that anchor points and horizontal life lines are sufficient for its purpose. J. Contractor performing electrical work must comply with NFPA 70E and other applicable requirements. K. Work zones must be demarcated when mobile equipment or powered tools are used in areas open to the public. Demarcation must be sufficient that members of the public, including disabled persons and children, cannot inadvertently or intentionally enter into the work area. L. Equipment operators must be trained and certified (as applicable) on the equipment they will be using and have documentation available on-site for review upon request. M. When work is performed in an operating public facility, during hours of operation and when members of the public are present, controls must be in place to ensure that accessible paths as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act are maintained and that sufficient work boundaries are established to prevent members of the public who have visual impairments from entering the work area. 1.04 ACCIDENTS A. Provide trained personnel, equipment and facilities in order to provide immediate first aid assistance to any who may be injured in the case of accident during the progress of the work. Have a standing, updated emergency procedure with hospital route map, emergency numbers and location of phones clearly posted to immediately assist any person who may be injured or may become ill, or who is rendering assistance to an injured or ill person. B. Report immediately to the Resident Engineer and ST’s Construction Safety Manager every injury or accident to persons or damage to property; and furnish a report in writing. An accident, injury or illness is any occurrence that results in medical care or treatment beyond first aid. The report shall include full information and details for any and all accidents including contributing factors and corrective actions to be implemented to avoid future occurrence. C. Report immediately to the Resident Engineer all COVID-19 incidents. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PERSONNEL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT AND SAFETY DEVICES A. 100% eye protection (glasses with side shields) compliant with ANSI z.87.1 B. 100% head protection (hard hat) compliant with ANSI z89 C. 100% foot protection (boots) compliant with ANSI z41.1 D. 100% hi-visibility (safety vest) compliant with ANSI/ISEA 107-2010 Class II E. 100% hand protection (gloves appropriate for task) SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 4 OF 10 F. All other PPE shall be approved by applicable safety standards and authorities PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXHIBITS: A. Sound Transit Contractor SSSP. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 5 OF 10 SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A PART 1 - SOUND TRANSIT CONTRACTOR SITE, SAFETY, AND SECURITY PLAN Date Form Completed I. GENERAL INFORMATION Your Name Company Name Company Address Company City Company State Company Zip Contact Number Please Detail the Proposed Scope of Work: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Location of Project Work _______________________________________________________________________ Anticipated timeframe of Project, from ______ (date) to ___________________________ On Site Supervision (print ______________________ Phone: ___________________ On-Site Safety and Security Rep (print) _____________ Phone: ___________________ Sound Transit Resident Engineer (print) _____________ Phone: ____________________ SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 6 OF 10 II. Project Specific Safety Hazards List the minimum required PPPE Scaffold Safety Crane Rigging □ Crane Rigging □ Crane Rigging □ Excavation □ Utility Clearance and Overhead Hazards □ ROW Training □ Fall Protection/ Bridge Worker Safety □ Confined Space □ Lockout/Tag Out □ Hazardous Waste □ Hearing Conversation □ Respiratory Protection □ Hazard Communications □ Fire Protection / Prevention □ Powered Industrial Trucks and Forklifts □ Blood Pathogen Other: ____________________________________________________________________________ Other: ____________________________________________________________________________ List measures or controls the Contractor is implementing to mitigate these hazards and safety concerns __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 7 OF 10 III. JOB SAFETY BRIEFINGS The below statements must be checked and implemented within your project safety plan; by checking these statements you affirm that they will be accomplished. This SSSP will not be accepted unless these are checked □ Job Safety Briefings will be completed at the start of the work shift and as needed during the course of the day; e.g., personnel changes, weather changes, or changes in assignments □ Job Safety Briefing s will be include Emergency Response Information and summarizes the location and emergency contact numbers. IV. EMPLOYEE TRAINING The below statements must be checked if they apply, and implemented within your safety plan; by checking these statements you affirm that they will be accomplished. This SSSP will not be accepted unless these are checked. □ All employees working on a Sound Transit site have completed a job specific Worker Safety Orientation Program. □ All employees working on Central Link, who will be working within10’ of track, have completed a Sound Transit Roadway Worker Protection/n Track Safety Training or who are working within 25’ of BNSF or Sound Transit commuter rail track have completed both the BNSF Contractor Orientation and Roadway Worker Protection classes. □ All work activities within 4’ of Tacoma Link rail. 10’ of Link rail or within 25; of BNSF or Sound Transit commuter rail track require a completed and approved Track Access/Work Permit. List below, other required safety training conducted by/through the contractor company in which your employees, who will be working on Sound Transit property. Copies of training programs do not need to be provided. Safety Training needs to be conducted by/through the contractor company. □Identify the project competent person for those tasks, equipment, or machinery that requires related training. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ V. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Written Emergency Preparedness information needs to be at the job-site with work groups. For projects in fixed work, locations complete the following. For work groups that will be on the move during the course of a project this information needs to be updated as necessary and maintained with each work group. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 8 OF 10 Central Link Control Center Phone Number is: (206) 205-8177 Sound Transit 24-hour Emergency Phone Number is: (206) 398-5268 BNSF ROCC Phone Number is: (800) 832-5452 The below statements must be checked and implemented within you safety plan; by checking these statements you affirm that they have been accomplished. This SSSP will not be accepted unless these are checked. □ Job Safety Briefings will include emergency preparedness information. □ Copies if required, of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for hazard materials will be provided to the Sound Transit Resident Engineer and be maintained on site. Address and street intersections adjacent to the job-site: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ For Medical Fire or police Call 911. Inform all employees of the site address and major adjacent intersections. Attach a hospital route map to this SSSP Verify project communications: □ Landline □ Radio □ Cellular telephone and The below statements must be checked and implemented within your safety plan; by checking these statements you affirm that they will be accomplished. This SSSP will not be accepted unless these are checked. □ First Aid and CPR trained employees will be job-site (s) and identified during job safety briefings. □ A First Aid Kit and fire extinguisher will be available at the job site. Note: Identify and assign where an employee will meet emergency response personnel, i.e. at an intersection, gate/fence, and other location □ The Sound Transit Resident Engineer will be notified immediately after any injury requiring time loss, and within 24 hours for any DOSH recordable injury. All injury or property loss incidents will be investigated using root cause analysis. Investigation reports will be submitted to Sound Transit within seven (7) days and will include root causes and corrective actions. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 9 OF 10 □ The Sound Transit Resident Engineer will be notified immediately after any spill to soil, storm water systems or a water body, or large enough that it cannot be contained by one on-site person, and within 24 hours for any spill greater than 5 gallons that was contained onsite. All spill incidents will be investigated using root cause analysis. Spill reports will be submitted to Sound Transit within seven (7) days and will include root causes and corrective actions. VI. FIRE PREVENTION Hot work activities will be performed? □ Yes □ No The below statements must be checked and implemented within your safety plan; by checking these statements you affirm that they will be accomplished. This SSSP will not be accepted unless these are checked. □ Hazard Assessment activities and Pre-task safety briefing will identify procedures and equipment available for fire prevention and suppression, as well as, locations where equipment will be staged. □ In Right-of-Way areas, Sound Transit operations contacted to confirm approval for hot work and document restrictions. Ensure location is known for emergency assistance. VII. SAFETY AUDITING Formal safety audits/surveillance of on-site work activities will be conducted at the following frequency (e.g. twice/week, weekly): ____________________________________________________ The below statements must be checked and implemented within your safety plan; by checking these statements you affirm that they will be accomplished. This SSSP will not be accepted unless these are checked. □ Assessments will include a full list of work activities, safety procedures, hazard mitigation, site controls as well as the identification of physical hazards. □ Reports of audit findings will be documented and submitted for review by Sound Transit Constructions safety. Identify which contractor personnel who will conduct and review Safety Audits with the ST safety representative: Name (print): ___________________________________ Phone: ______________________ SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 29.30 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE 10 OF 10 VIII. SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN In addition to Job Safety Briefings, briefly describe the daily pre-task briefing for safety-related information and a list of all site personnel that participated in the daily site briefing. Briefing Topic: _______________________________________________________________ List All Meeting Attendees (print): IX. ROADWAY WORKER PROTECTION/ ON-TRACK SAFETY INFORMATION For contractors working near track or on station platforms, mark what applies to your work group and verify that the following items are in place before starting work: Completed applicable roadway worker protection plan/on-track safety programs □ Tacoma Link □ Central Link □ Sound/BNSF □ Amtrack □ Will require and have been assigned a safety watch, flagger or platform lookout □ Track Access Work Permit approved and activated □ Will utilize or required on-track equipment with trained and certified operators THIS COMPLETED SSSP SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE Sound Transit RESIDENT ENGINEER, ADDITIONALLY PRINT A COPY OF THIS SSSP KEEP A COPY AT ALL WORK SITE AND GIVE ONE TO EACH OF YOUR ON SITE WORK GROUPS FOR CONTRACTOR WORK GROUPS WORKING WITHIN OR NEAR A RIGHT OF WAY, A COPY OF YOUR ROADWAYS WORKER PROTECTION – TRACK SAFETY PROGRAM MUST BE MAINTAINED WITH EACH WORKGROUP. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 14 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 35 43 HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY This Section includes requirements for the preparation and implementation of health and safety procedures for dealing with known Hazardous and Contaminated Substances and unknown, unexpectedly encountered Hazardous and Contaminated Substances. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents. 1. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) a. 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards b. 29 CFR 1926 OSHA Construction Standards 2. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a. SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods 3. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) a. WAC 173-303 Dangerous Waste Regulations b. WAC 173-340 Model Toxics Control Act - Cleanup c. WAC 296-843 Hazardous Waste Operations 4. Washington State Department of Ecology a. Publication 94-49 Guidance on Sampling and Data Analyses Methods b. Publication 97-602 Analytical Methods for Petroleum Hydrocarbons c. Publication 10-09-057 Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites 5. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) a. RCW Chapter 70.105D Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH): A trained specialist with at least 5 years of experience in Hazardous and Contaminated Substance handling and working knowledge of selection and use of PPE, air monitoring, regulation, and other health and safety issues, and who is currently certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 14 B. Contaminated Groundwater: Groundwater containing levels of contaminants in excess of applicable clean up levels such as MTCA Method A if no other cleanup levels are specified in a site contamination report. C. Contaminated Material: Another term for Contaminated Substance D. Contamination Reduction Zone: Designated area that provides a physical separation between the Exclusion and Support Zones to decontaminate personnel, equipment and vehicles prior to entering the Support Zone from the Exclusion Zone. This area must be clearly identified and designated as a “Caution” zone, and can be entered only by employees with Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) certification and who have signed the HCS-HASP. E. Contaminated Soil: Soil containing levels of contaminants in excess of applicable clean up levels such as MTCA Method A Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Use, or other relevant cleanup levels established by state, local or federal regulation, law or permit condition, if no Method A level has been developed.. F. Dangerous Waste: Solid wastes which are dangerous to public health and environment, as defined in WAC 173-303. G. Exclusion Zone: Area of exposed contamination designated for Hazardous or Contaminated Substance storage, excavation or removal. All work performed within the Exclusion Zone must be covered in the HCS-HASP by workers who are appropriately HAZWOPER certified as specified in this Section. The exclusion zone must be clearly marked and designated as a “Danger” zone. Methods must be in place to keep non- designated people out, and to only allow entrance of those employees with HAZWOPER certification and who have signed the HCS-HASP. H. Hazardous or Contaminated Substance: As defined in the General Conditions. I. Hazardous Air Contaminant: Any air contaminant considered by regulatory agencies to cause or contribute to an identifiable and significant increase in mortality or to an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness and for which no ambient air standard exists. J. Hazardous and Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Plan (HCS-HASP): A supplemental plan to the Contract requirements which establishes in detail the protocols necessary for protecting workers, on-site personnel, visitors, potential off-site personnel and the public from potential hazards that may be encountered during excavation, stockpiling, handling, sampling, transportating and disposing of contaminated soils, water and other environmental material. This plan must meet the requirements of a Health and Safety Plan as specified in WAC 296-843-120. K. Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Screening and Handling Plan (HCS-SHP): A work plan covering activities, excacavtion, staging, transport, sampling, emergency release and disposal of identified hazardous contaminated or impacted substances in soil, groundwater or other environmental media. This is a separate plan from the HCS- HASP L. Hazardous Material – Another term for Hazardous Substance. M. HAZWOPER: Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response N. Impacted Soil: Soil containing detectable levels of contaminants less than applicable cleanup levels such as MTCA Method A Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Use or other relevant cleanup levels established by state, local or federal regulation, law or permit condition if no Method A level has been developed. Impacted material is not SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 14 considered contaminated but may be subject to regulatory or location- specific requirements for end use at off-site locations or facilities. O. MTCA: Washington State Model Toxics Control Act, Chapter 70.105D, RCW P. Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL): Maximum amount or concentration in air for each contaminant that a worker may be exposed to under Washington State Department of Safety & Health (DOSH) and OSHA regulations. Q. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All clothing and other work accessories designed to create a barrier against workplace hazards. Examples include safety goggles, blast shields, hard hats, hearing protectors, gloves, respirators, aprons and work boots. R. Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO): A trained specialist in health and safety with a minimum of 3 years’ experience and working knowledge of use of PPE, regulations and hazard identification. S. Suspect Areas: Areas where soil or groundwater contamination was previously detected, and where soil or groundwater contamination is suspected based on historical information. T. Support Zone: Area designated to provide an entry and exit for personnel, materials and equipment through the Contamination Reduction Zone to the Exclusion Zone, as an area for support facilities and storage of clean work equipment. Workers may rest, eat and drink in this area U. Suspected Contaminated Substance – Soil, groundwater or other debris that has not been tested yet for verification of contamination levels and: 1. Are in contact or close proximity to known Contaminated Groundwater, Soil or other media, 2. Have visual or odor evidence of contamination or 3. Are located in an area identified as potentially contaminated based on- site history. V. Unknown Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Screening and Handling Plan (UHCS-SHP): A plan detailing how new discoveries of unknown but suspected contaminated are to be screened and segregated and how regulatory notifications are to be made. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. HCS-HASP: Within 30 days after Notice to Proceed (NTP). B. HCS-SHP: Within 30 days after NTP. C. UHCS-SHP: Within 30 days after NTP. D. Updated HCS-HASP(s): Within 3 days following discovery of new contamination. E. Lead Workplan: If lead contamination is known, submit within 30 days after the effective date of the NTP and prior to start of work in the contaminated area. If unanticipated lead contamination is encountered, stop work and submit a new or updated workplan prior to re-start of work in the contaminated area. F. CIH Qualifications and Certifications: Within 30 days after NTP. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 14 G. SSHO Qualifications and Certifications: Within 30 days after NTP H. Air monitoring instrument calibration and data sheets I. Reports 1. Security and training logs and worker compliance agreements 2. Safety inspection logs, daily and weekly health and safety reports, and a closeout health and safety report 3. Emergency and accident report(s) within 24 hours following each occurrence 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications 1. CIH: a. Minimum of 5 years of experience in managing employee health and safety when working in Hazardous Materials, Contaminated Soils, groundwater or other contaminated environmental media b. Current certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) c. Demonstrable experience in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) selection and use, health hazard analysis of Hazardous and Contaminated Substance, decontamination processes, air monitoring techniques and site control measures d. Working knowledge of local, state and federal health and safety regulations e. Completion of required OSHA Training in accordance with CFR 1926.120 and WAC 296-843, including completion of 40-hour HAZWOPER training and completion of 3 days on-site training by a fully qualified instructor or mentor, and 8-hour annual update HAZWOPER refresher training f. Current certification with the American Board of Industrial Hygiene 2. SSHO: a. Minimum of 3 years of experience in supporting employee health and safety protection programs when working with Hazardous Materials, Contaminated Soils, groundwater or other contaminated environmental media b. Current certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) c. Working knowledge of local, state and federal health and safety regulations d. Completion of required OSHA Training in accordance with CFR 1926.120 and WAC 296-843, including completion of 40-hour supervisory training and completion of 3 days on-site training by a SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 14 fully qualified instructor or mentor, and 8-hour annual update HAZWOPER refresher training B. Responsibilities 1. CIH: a. Responsible for certifying the HCS-HASP, all task-specific HCS-HASPs, selecting PPE, and all additions and modifications thereto. b. Required to be accessible to the SSHO as necessary, to assist in the identification and evaluation of potential hazards and the development of appropriate procedures for addressing known or suspected conditions or activities that may pose routine occupational hazards or immediate danger to life or health of work site personnel, Sound Transit personnel, utility crews working in the construction area, personnel related to third party stakeholders or the public. c. Evaluate health and safety hazards when changes in conditions occur or are identified. d. Review results of environmental sampling of suspected contaminated soils, groundwater or other substances e. Specify personal exposure monitoring protocols and procedures. 2. SSHO: a. Required to be on site and present during Hazardous and Contaminated Substance work to be completed as part of the Contract. Such work includes, but is not limited to: air monitoring, hazardous materials removal, removal of contaminated soil and groundwater, removal of Underground Storage Tanks (UST), and work related to the presence or potential for unknown contaminated materials. b. Responsible for the development, implementation, enforcement and monitoring of the HCS-HASP for the project c. Responsible for conducting the pre-construction indoctrination, Pre-Entry Briefings and other periodic training of on-Site personnel with regard to contents of the HCS-HASP and other safety requirements to be observed during construction d. Responsible for performing air monitoring as required by the HCS-HASP C. The CIH and the SSHO have the authority to: 1. Suspend field activities if health and safety of work site personnel, Sound Transit personnel, other crews working in the Project Site or the public is endangered. 2. Suspend individuals from field activities due to infractions of the HCS-HASP. 3. Suspend field activities if unknown contamination is identified during field activities until the Hazardous or Contaminated Substance is characterized, the HCS-HASP is updated and field personnel have been trained on the HCS- HASP updates. D. Laboratories: Use laboratories for analytical analyses which follow procedures that are consistent with the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) guidelines for selection of SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 14 appropriate analytical procedures (WAC 173-340-830), The Washington State Department of Ecology’s Guidance on Sampling and Data Analyses Methods (Ecology Publication number 94-49) and Analytical Methods for Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Ecology Publication number 97-602), and USEPA's "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods", SW-846. Personal air samples must be analyzed by an AIHA certified laboratory.. E. Instruments used for air monitoring must be maintained and calibrated as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions and user manuals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Selected by the CIH which are appropriate for the hazards likely to be encountered, required tasks, duration, and site requirements and limitations. 2.02 AIR MONITORING EQUIPMENT Instruments required by the CIH and specified in the UCS-HASP, CS-SHP and CS-HASP. Instruments shall be suitable for providing continuous readings and capable of detecting the contaminants of concern. 2.03 FIELD SCREENING EQUIPMENT Selected by the CIH: A. Photoionization detector (PID) or flame ionization detector (FID) able to perform headspace analysis and able to detect contaminants of concern B. Organic vapor analyzer (OVA) to perform screening for Hazardous and Contaminated Substances PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Perform work required by the Contract in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner. Provide for the safety of site personnel, Sound Transit personnel, personnel representing third party stakeholders and the public for the duration of the Contract. B. Maintain a current HCS-HASP conforming to applicable federal, state and local statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances, in effect at the time the Work is performed. C. Maintain a UHCS-HASP detailing procedures to follow in the event that suspected contamination is identified during the course of work to ensure that all applicable federal, state and local statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances in effect at the time the Work is performed are met for work in areas of contamination. D. Ensure that personnel working with Hazardous & Comtaminated Materials (Soil, groundwater or other environmental media) have current HAZWOPER training and are thoroughly briefed on the anticipated hazards, safety equipment to be employed, safety practices to be followed, and emergency procedures and communications, and have reviewed and signed the HCS-HASP. The signed HCS-HASP must be kept on the job site and be made available for inspection. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 14 E. Develop and maintain on site industrial hygiene information including right-to- know information, such as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). F. An HAZWOPER certified SSHO must be on Site and available to respond to employees if potential contamination is encountered. G. If an emergency condition arises during the Contract: 1. Immediately suspend work activities associated with this Contract in the vicinity of the area of the emergency. 2. Notify the Resident Engineer. 3. Secure the area as needed to restrict and protect Work Site personnel and the public from exposure to the emergency condition. H. Meetings: The SSHO shall conducted daily and weekly health and safety meetings with the workers throughout the duration of all Hazardous and Contaminated Substance work. The SSHO shall discuss each day’s activities and associated health and safety issues with the workers and address concerns and issues that the workers may have. Hold the weekly meeting at the beginning of the workweek. 3.02 HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (HCS-HASP) A. Prepare and implement a HCS-HASP in accordance with the requirements of applicable local, state and federal requirements and this specification section for work in areas of documented contamination and for work performed once new discoveries of contamination are found. Include, as a minimum, the following Site-specific information: 1. Site Description and Evaluation 2. Comprehensive work plan 3. Site Map including demarcation of zones 4. Names of key personnel and alternates responsible for site safety and health (responsible party) lines of communication and chain of command, including site safety and health officer. Include the responsibilities of each 5. Emergency contact names and telephone numbers 6. Map to nearest emergency medical services 7. Site specific safety and health hazard assessment and risk analysis based on contaminants known or expected to be present. 8. Training requirements 9. Personnel Protective Equipment 10. Medical Surveillance 11. Air Monitoring Program 12. Site Control Measures (Work Zones, Communications and Security) 13. Personnel Hygiene and Decontamination 14. Equipment Decontamination SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 14 15. Sanitation 16. Logs, Reports and Record Keeping 17. Noise, Heat and Cold Stress, and other physical hazard Monitoring 18. Emergency Response including evacuation routes and procedures 19. Spill containment plans 20. Procedures to follow if unexpected contamination is found, including reporting and analysis, and a requirement to stop work until the HCS-HASP can be updated with a revised hazard assessment 21. Drug handling protocols 22. Site Specific Hazard Communication 23. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 24. Accident Prevention Plan 25. Specific requirements for asbestos abatement work, if asbestos has been identified on the site. Reference may be made to the Asbestos Work Plan as required elsewhere in the Contract. 26. Reference list of the environmental reports reviewed in the preparation of the HCS-HASP B. If identified materials contain lead, a Lead Management Plan must be developed and submitted. This may be included as an appendix to the HCS-HASP for contamination in soils and groundwater, or submitted as a separate lead management plan as required elsewhere in the Contract. 3.03 UNKNOWN HAZARDOUS OR CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCE SCREENING AND HANDLING PLAN (UHCS-SHP) A. Prepare and implement a UHCS-SHP that documents how discoveries of suspect or potential contamination are to be handled when found in areas outside of known documented contamination. Include the following 1. Signs that would indicate that soils, groundwater or other environmental media may be contaminated 2. Immediate suspension of work activities associated with this Contract in the vicinity of the area of the potential or suspect Hazardous or Contaminated Substances. 3. Notification of the Resident Engineer 4. Securement of the area as needed to restrict and protect work site personnel and the public from exposure to the emergency condition. Set up and designate Exclusion Zone and Contamination Reduction Zones using “Danger” tape to identify the Exclusion Zone and “Warning” tape to designate the Contamination Reduction Zone. 5. Reference to the Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Screening and Handling Plan (HCS-SHP) for handling of contaminated soils and groundwater, including obtaining quantitative data to determine if the suspected Hazardous and Contaminated Substances are in fact contaminated. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 14 6. Procedures to update the HCS-HASP for work performed under the UHCS-SHP. 7. If positive contamination is established, update the HCS-HASP in accordance with the Contract and the results obtained by following the HCS-SHP. Train all workers on the HCS-HASP and comply with specifications outlined therein. B. Distribute the HCS-HASP and UHCS-SHP to employees (contractor, subcontractor, construction management consultants and Sound Transit) who are likely to encounter hazardous or contaminated substances. Require employees to read the plan, sign the plan and abide by its provisions. Display or make the plan available at the Site to employees, Sound Transit representatives and regulatory inspectors. C. Any review, acceptance or approval of the Contractor’s HCS-HASP and UHCS-SHP by the Resident Engineer shall be construed merely to mean that Sound Transit is unaware of any reasons at the time to object thereto. Review by the Resident Engineer of the plan shall not impose any liability upon Sound Transit nor shall any such review relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities under the Contract. D. The HCS-HASP must be regularly updated and reviewed as work progresses and more information about the Site becomes known, including discovery of additional Hazardous or Contaminated Substances. 3.04 HAZARDOUS OR CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCE SCREENING AND HANDLING PLAN (HCS-SHP) A. Prepare a HCS-SHP for potential or suspect Hazardous or Contaminated Substances encountered during construction. At a minimum, include the following items in the plan: 1. Schedule of activities 2. Sampling and testing plan 3. Plan for analysis of sampling and test results 4. Notifications to regulatory agencies B. If test results indicate cleanup activities must take place, then the HCS-SHP must include: 1. Methods and procedures of excavation and equipment to be used 2. Shoring or side-wall slopes proposed 3. Staging and storage methods, procedures and locations 4. Borrow sources and haul routes 5. Methods and procedures for the transportation, disposal and treatment facilities, and use of certified, licensed transporters 6. Decontamination procedures 7. Sampling, screening and analysis plan and responsibilities 8. Spill contingency plan 9. Spill prevention plan 10. Water Management plan SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 14 11. Procedures for documenting and reporting encounters with and releases of Hazardous and Contaminated Substances C. Coordinate with other applicable requirements of the Contract. D. Obtain all required permits and provide notifications for removal, excavation, dewatering, storage, transportation and disposal of Hazardous or Contaminated Substances. In furtherance of this requirement, the Resident Engineer will provide sampling results and other information developed by Sound Transit, if any. Obtain permits at no additional cost to Sound Transit. 3.05 SITE CONTROL MEASURES A. For excavation around suspected underground storage tank locations and for Hazardous or Contaminated Substances encountered elsewhere, furnish and install Site fencing, warning tapes or other barricades to physically separate the work zones on sites based on the HCS-HASP. Establish the following work zones: 1. Exclusion Zone: Perform work involving Hazardous or Contaminated Substances inside the Exclusion Zone. 2. Contamination Reduction Zone 3. Support Zone B. Be responsible for costs associated with cleanup of all Hazardous or Contaminated Substances that may be tracked outside of the exclusion zone. 3.06 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT A. Provide appropriate PPE and ensure that it is kept clean and well maintained. PPE must be selected by the CIH and be appropriate for the hazards likely to be encountered, required tasks, duration, and Site requirements and limitations. B. Decontaminate and/or properly dispose of personal protective equipment worn on Site. Decontaminate and inspect PPE for integrity before being reissued. Unless agreed otherwise by Sound Transit, handle used PPE and disposable equipment in accordance with the requirements for the contaminated waste. 3.07 PERSONAL HYGIENE AND DECONTAMINATION A. Define personnel decontamination protocols in the HCS-HASP to be followed by workers performing or supervising work within designated areas or exposed to contaminated materials. The HCS-HASP must include a map or diagram of the steps to be followed during decontamination. B. Perform decontamination procedures inside the Contamination Reduction Zone. 3.08 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION A. Decontaminate vehicles and equipment used during the handling of Hazardous or Contaminated Substances inside the Contamination Reduction Zone before leaving the Site. Collect, treat or dispose of decontamination rinse water at an approved off- site facility. B. Keep roads inside the Contamination Reduction Zone free of contamination. Carefully load to avoid contamination of exterior truck surfaces. 3.09 NEW DISCOVERIES SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 14 A. Upon discovery of an abnormal condition or potential indicator of a Hazardous or Contaminated Substance: 1. Immediately suspend work activities associated with this Contract in the vicinity of the area of concern. 2. Notify the Resident Engineer immediately after discovery of such abnormal condition or potential indicator. 3. Secure the area as needed to restrict and protect Contractor personnel, Sound Transit personnel, other project Site workers and the public from exposure to potential Hazardous and Contaminated Substances. 4. Delineate and establish site control measures for: a. Perform treatment, disposal and recycling of materials in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and conditions specified herein. Include all necessary personnel, labor, transportation, packaging, equipment and reports for this Work. b. Contaminated Soil can be treated or landfilled. c. If landfilled, dispose of Contaminated Soils in a licensed landfill in accordance with applicable requirements. d. Documentation of Treatment or Disposal: 1) Transfer the materials to a treatment, storage or disposal facility which has EPA or appropriate state permits, hazardous or special waste identification numbers and complies with the provisions of the disposal regulations. 2) Furnish the original return copy of the hazardous waste manifest, signed by the owner or operator of a facility legally permitted to treat or dispose of those materials furnished to the Resident Engineer not later than 5 days following the delivery of those materials to the facility. 3) Furnish a statement of agreement from the proposed treatment, storage or disposal facility and certified transporters to accept hazardous or special wastes in the HCS-SHP. 4) If a different facility from that identified in the HCS-SHP is proposed, provide documentation for approval to certify that the facility is authorized, and meets the standards specified in 40 CFR 264 and applicable state and local regulations. 3.10 LOGS, REPORTS AND RECORDKEEPING A. Maintain logs and reports covering the implementation of the HCS-HASP including the Air Monitoring Program. Include daily logs, weekly reports, audits and a close out report. B. Include in Daily Safety Logs, at a minimum, the following: 1. Date 2. Area (site specific) checked 3. Employees in particular area SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 14 4. Equipment being utilized by employees 5. Protective clothing being worn by employees 6. Protective devices being used by: a. Contractor’s personnel b. Visitors c. Designated local, state and federal representatives 7. Air Monitoring Equipment and Data 8. Work activities for the day and associated health and safety issues discussed during the daily Health and Safety meeting. 9. SSHO signature and date C. Include pertinent information from the daily logs in the weekly log. This report shall be a summary of the daily reports filed during that workweek. D. Conduct health and safety audits of the Work area and procedure monthly. Prepare an audit report/check list and attach to the current weekly report. E. Prepare and submit a health and safety closeout report at the completion of the project. The report shall summarize the health and safety issues and associated procedures and resolution for the project. F. Comply with federal and state laws that require the retention of chemical exposure records and medical records for 30 years after the termination of the job. MSDSs are considered exposure records under these regulations. 3.11 SCREENING, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS A. Perform required sampling and chemical analyses relating to generation, use, release and disposal of Hazardous or Contaminated Substances in the course of operations, in accordance with the HCS-SHP. B. Perform required sampling and chemical analyses relating to existing potentially Hazardous or Contaminated Substances unless otherwise provided herein or in the Contract Documents. Include characterization sampling and the sampling necessary to determine disposal methods in this sampling. Do not dispose of material until directed to do so by the Resident Engineer. C. After suspected Hazardous or Contaminated Substance is removed, confirmation samples will be collected and analyzed by the Sound Transit. Based on test results, proceed with additional removal that may be required to remove material that is above action levels, as directed by the Resident Engineer. Mark locations of samples in the field and document on the surveys and the as-built drawings. D. Action levels: Establish Site-specific action levels for this Contract, dependent on the specific suite of contaminants expected at the Contract Site. 3.12 AIR MONITORING SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 13 OF 14 A. The CIH shall design, develop and implement an Air Monitoring Program to detect and quantify airborne contaminants present during the Workin order to evaluate the inhalation exposure for workers. Submit the details of this program as part of the HCS-HASP. B. Monitor air for Hazardous Air Contaminants in breathing zones when work is being conducted in Suspect Areas C. Information gathered during the Air Monitoring Program shall be used by the CIH to determine appropriate safety and personnel protective measures and medical monitoring to be implemented during excavation, stockpiling, handling, sampling, transporting and disposing of contaminated and potentially contaminated soils, groundwater debris, and Hazardous or Contaminated Substances. D. Assess off-site migration of contaminants released during work activities. E. Calibrate and maintain air monitoring instruments in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations F. Monitor air: 1. For potential explosive hazards: a. During excavation and handling of contaminated environmental media. b. During handling of materials suspected of containing Hazardous Materials. c. In confined space areas. d. Where explosive gases were previously detected. 2. During excavation, use an instrument to evaluate levels of Hazardous Air Contaminants. a. The use of this instrument is intended to provide warning and evaluate appropriate action to be taken to minimize exposure to Contaminated Materials. b. Conduct continuous air monitoring in the areas of possible contamination to evaluate the presence of organic compound vapors. 3. During demolition, quantitatively evaluate levels of particulate lead and asbestos. a. Asbestos-containing materials may be present in some buildings as indicated on the Contract Drawings. b. Lead-based or lead-containing paint is expected to be present in all buildings. G. Action Levels 1. The CIH shall develop appropriate action levels to minimize exposure by Contractor personnel, Sound Transit personnel, personnel representing third party stakeholders and the public. Include action levels in the HCS-HASP. Action Levels must be below the PEL. 2. Ensure that action levels are appropriate for the contaminants of concern. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 43 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB HAZARDOUS AND CONTAMINATD SUBSTANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM PAGE 14 OF 14 3. If concentrations of contaminants exceed the action levels established by the CIH, cease all work in the area until potential risks can be evaluated further, and immediately notify the Resident Engineer. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 93 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB ARECHEOLOGICAL FINDS PAGE 1 OF 4 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 35 93 ARECHEOLOGICAL FINDS GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies requirements and procedures established to facilitate the investigation and protection of cultural resources and providing archaeological monitoring during construction. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents. 1. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) a. Chapter 27.44 RCW Indian Graves and Records b. Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources 2. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) a. 36 CFR Part 800 – Protection of Historic Properties b. 43 CFR Part 10 – Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Regulations 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Project Archaeologist: Archaeologist who has a separate contract with Sound Transit, monitors Work on Site, and evaluates and documents resources that are inadvertently discovered. They make recommendations to start Work, in the event of “stop work” orders. 1.04 IMPLEMENTATION A. Insert these implementation provisions in Subcontracts for which Work on-Site is likely to disturb land. B. Sound Transit has contracted with a Project Archaeologist, who will work with Sound Transit and the Contractor to implement these provisions. The roles and responsibilities are generally as described herein. 1.05 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION A. Sound Transit will plan and schedule a Pre-Construction Orientation prior to the commencement of land disturbing construction activities. Participants shall include the Construction Management Lead, Resident Engineer, Contractor’s Project Manager, Project Superintendent, and other personnel responsible for overseeing land disturbing field operations. This orientation will serve to: SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 93 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB ARECHEOLOGICAL FINDS PAGE 2 OF 4 1. Provide introductions of the Sound Transit representatives, the Project archaeologists and the personnel who will be working together on a daily basis. 2. Describe the role of field archaeologists in the construction process. 3. Review construction plans, schedules and areas that archaeologists will monitor. 4. Establish a chain of command for communication and decision-making among Sound Transit, Project Archaeologist and Contractor personnel. 5. Clarify all questions about schedules, construction locations, construction techniques or notification procedures. B. Require all of its personnel who perform Work on-Site that is likely to disturb land, to attend an on-Site orientation briefing (approximately 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the probability of discovering archaeological resources) about procedures established to investigate and protect cultural resources if encountered during construction. Schedule subsequent orientation briefings and training programs, as required, to accommodate new personnel arriving on-Site. Do not allow any employee to participate in land-disturbing construction without first having attended the orientation briefing. 1.06 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Undiscovered archaeological materials may exist on the Site. Be watchful for changes in soil color and the presence of ash, shell layers, bones, structures, or artifacts that might indicate the presence of unidentified cultural materials. B. If ground-disturbing activities encounter any archaeological materials, direct the crew to immediately stop Work adjacent to the discovery. Temporarily suspend Work within 20 feet of discovery and protect the discovery, including any spoils in dump trucks or on Site. Work may continue elsewhere. C. Vehicles, equipment and unauthorized personnel will not be permitted to traverse the discover area. Spoils piles or vehicles with the potential to contact cultural resources will not be disturbed or removed from the location of discovery, until authorized by Sound Transit. D. Immediately notify the Resident Engineer, Project Archaeologist and Sound Transit Environmental Lead about the discovery. E. Construction activity shall recommence only at the written direction of the Resident Engineer upon the recommendation from the Project Archaeologist. 1.07 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES IF CULTURAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED A. The Project Archaeologist may request the use of Contractor’s equipment to provide a better vertical exposure or to remove fill or slump that may obscure deposits. The Project Archaeologist may enter the trench and make an assessment of stratigraphy, matrix, characteristics, evidence of previous disturbance, resource type and the spatial extent of the resource. The assessment will determine if the find is classified as significant. B. If cultural resources are discovered, cooperate with the Project Archaeologist to enable the Project Archaeologist to monitor the Work. Examples of cooperation may include moving equipment to provide access for observation, placing excavated material for examination, accessing trench or foundation excavations, excavating in thin lifts or otherwise reasonably modifying construction excavation procedures to provide exposures of subsurface stratigraphy. Generally, the Project Archaeologist will make any requests for such cooperation through the Resident Engineer. However, there may be SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 93 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB ARECHEOLOGICAL FINDS PAGE 3 OF 4 times when it is necessary for the Project Archaeologist to communicate directly with Contractor’s equipment operators. The Contractor shall direct the operators to cooperate with any such requests made by the Project Archaeologist. If doing so would create an unreasonable safety risk or hazard, refrain from complying with the request and notify the Resident Engineer. C. If cultural resources are suspected or discovered, Project Archaeologists will want to observe the equipment working and the soil removal from multiple perspectives around the equipment. . Archaeologists may want to clean trench walls, obtain matrix samples or quickly record the stratigraphy. Archaeologists will observe construction excavation in areas where native soil may be encountered or fill areas with historic artifacts, which may assist in developing a chronology of fill placement and/or filling techniques. At times, close, direct examination of excavation sidewalls may be necessary to identify native soils or possible cultural deposits, requiring an archaeologist to enter an excavation zone. Excavated material may be examined in concert with monitoring of the excavation. These activities may require close communication by the Archaeologist with Contractor’s supervisors and equipment operators. D. In the event that cultural resources are found during construction, the Project Archaeologist will be responsible for the following: 1. Determining the significance of any such cultural resources 2. Determining whether any such cultural resources require mitigation by archaeological investigation and, if so, what mitigation measures are required E. Non-significant finds will be recorded and collected. Provenance information will be recorded, such as the rail segment, construction station, depth below surface, stratum, date and name of person finding the material. F. Construction activity shall re-commence only at the written direction of the Resident Engineer with the Project Archaeologist’s consent. G. Sound Transit directed written Work stoppages of less than a cumulative duration of 24 work hours shall be considered incidental to the performance of the Contract. The cost of Sound Transit directed Work stoppages in excess of the cumulative 24 work hours will be reimbursed on a Time and Materials Basis in accordance with the General Conditions under the Provisional Sum item in the Contract Price Schedule or by Change Order, should there not be a Provisional Sum item. 1.08 DISCOVERY OF HUMAN REMAINS OR BURIAL SITES A. If the Project Archaeologist or the Contractor identifies anything that remotely appears to be human remains, immediately halt construction Work in the area of discovery and secure the area 50 feet in all directions. Notify the Resident Engineer if the Project Archaeologist is not monitoring the excavation at the time of the discovery. B. If human graves and associated cultural items are discovered during construction, the applicable federal and state laws require the Contractor and Sound Transit to cease activity in the area of discovery (activities may continue elsewhere in the Project Site. Sound Transit will immediately contact the County Medical Examiner, Federal Transit Administration, affected Indian Tribes and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). C. Do not remove or handle human remains. Prohibit photographs by anyone except Sound Transit’s Archaeologist. Flag the area of discovery and prevent construction equipment and personnel from entering the area. Assumptions must not be made concerning the origin of the human remains. Public disclosure of the find shall be SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 35 93 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB ARECHEOLOGICAL FINDS PAGE 4 OF 4 avoided. The Resident Engineer or Project Archaeologist will ask the County Medical Examiner to examine the remains in their location of discovery. Under no circumstances shall the remains be removed from the Site before notification of DAHP and the affected Indian Tribes, and approval by Sound Transit. D. If Native American burials are encountered during construction-related activity, the Washington Indian Graves Act (Chapter 27.44 RCW) and applicable sections of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA, Public Law 101- 601, 104 Stat. 3048, USC 3001-13, 43 CFR Part 10) require specific procedures that shall be followed, as appropriate. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 1 - EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 51 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 1 OF 2 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 51 15 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL POWER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for providing temporary electrical power for construction. 1.02 COORDINATION A. During the time period when 0700 and 1700 operations do not overlap in the construction area, grant the Remediation Contractor access to the Puget Sound Energy construction power. 1.03 COORDINATION WITH PUGET SOUND ENERGY (PSE) A. Coordinate Work affecting Puget Sound Energy source power throughout the duration of the Contract with PSE through the Resident Engineer. B. Coordinate with Puget Sound Energy for the temporary power supplies needed for construction. C. Completely analyze the temporary construction loads and power needs based upon the temporary power needed for all electrical loads at the Site such as but not limited to temporary Site lighting, power to construction trailers, tunnel lighting, and sump pumps. D. Be responsible for preparing necessary documentation as required by PSE for service to ensure that there will not be any power quality problems for the power grid. E. Acquire all approvals from PSE for equipment to be used. F. Coordinate with PSE for scheduling and termination of the power cables. 1. Coordinate through the Resident Engineer for the low voltage 480Y/227 V power supply needs for station construction work and later interfacing with PSE to reroute [26 kV] feeders for permanent power. Attend meetings called by the Resident Engineer to schedule and plan coordination activities with [Puget Sound Energy. 1.04 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents: 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a. NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC) b. NFPA 70E - Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 51 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 2 OF 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ELECTRICAL DEMAND A. Coordinate with the PSE for construction power as required. B. Coordinate with the PSE for metered power. 3.02 CONTRACTOR INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TEMPORARY POWER A. Perform electrical work in compliance with NFPA 70F. B. Comply with applicable provisions of the NEC, especially Article 230-Services, and Article 590-Temporary Installations. C. Temporary power will be installed as shown in the Contract Drawings to the construction Site. D. Provide temporary power as required for construction activities. 3.03 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. Contractor shall coordinate with follow-on contractor to verify if these power sources may be a continuation of entire temporary service or only a part of Puget Sound Energy temporary power. B. Temporary power service shall be kept energized throughout the handover process. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID FB VEHICULAR ACCESS AND HAUL ROUTES PAGE 1 OF 4 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 55 00 VEHICULAR ACCESS AND HAUL ROUTES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for construction Site access and haul routes. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents: 1. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) a. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2. United States Access Board a. Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Access and Haul Plans, Locations, and Certifications: 1. Initial plan, submitted per Contractor’s approved Submittal Log so as to allow review and approval prior to commencement of hauling activities 2. Updates to reflect modifications and alternative plans B. Haul Summary Reports: Submit weekly or as directed by the Resident Engineer. 1.04 ACCESS AND HAUL PLANS A. Written plan with drawings, which include the following: 1. Detailed narrative describing access and haul plan for the Work, including: a. Truck routes, number, frequency of trucks, and times of operation b. Load areas and access into and out of the construction staging areas c. An alternate location necessary to stage trucks during times of Site congestion d. On-Site roads required to transport materials e. Identify locations where on-street parking should be removed or traffic lanes closed to allow adequate truck access and turning movements f. Schedule for parking and removal and/or traffic lane closures required to provide safe construction activities, including truck turning movements SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID FB VEHICULAR ACCESS AND HAUL ROUTES PAGE 2 OF 4 2. A copy of all necessary street use permits in connection with operations and activities. 3. Survey and documentation of pre-existing roadway conditions along proposed haul routes 4. Copies of truck drivers’ driver licenses and certifications kept on record or file and made available upon request. 5. Submit updates to reflect modifications and alternative plans B. Truck Haul Route Plan: Reflect all constraints and requirements of the Contract Documents and this Section. C. Disposal Locations: 1. List all disposal sites for all types and classification of material to be removed from the Site. a. If disposal sites are to be added or location of material haul is changed, submit new disposal sites and types and classification of material. 2. Certifications that all disposal sites are legally permitted for the type and content of the material to be disposed. a. Submit new certifications if the disposal sites are changed or if the type or content of the materials being disposed varies from that previously approved. 1.05 HAUL SUMMARY REPORTS A. Weekly reports to include the following daily information for each Site: 1. Material type 2. Material weight 3. Identity of each truck by hauler and truck number 4. Total number of trucks per day entering the Site 5. Origin of material brought on Site 6. Location of material removed from the Site 7. Disposal location B. Format as approved by the Resident Engineer. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID FB VEHICULAR ACCESS AND HAUL ROUTES PAGE 3 OF 4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ACCESS AND HAULING A. For activities that require continuous work and hauling for which the interruption or halting of truck traffic would compromise the quality of the finished work, such as continuous concrete pours, obtain the written approval of the Resident Engineer for hauling outside the hours specified herein a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the scheduled start of the activity. B. Trim and cover loads when hauling is done over highways or city streets. Clean vehicle shelf areas after each loading and comply with local ordinances and traffic regulations. C. Station flaggers at vehicle access points into and out of construction staging areas or work zones to ensure safety of vehicles and pedestrians while vehicle access gates are open. 3.02 MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, RESTORATION A. Maintain all haul route roadways related to construction activities in safe, good condition and repair as necessary or as directed by the Resident Engineer, at no additional cost to Sound Transit. Share haul routes with businesses, residential, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and maintain in good condition. B. Provide required oversight for approved truck route requirements to ensure compliance with traffic routing requirements. Trucks are prohibited on local/neighborhood streets and must avoid all cut-through routes. Provide lighted or reflective truck route identification and truck prohibition signs as directed by the Resident Engineer. If Contractor fails to abide to the approved haul routes, Resident Engineer will, if deemed to be in the public’s interest, direct the Contractor to assign off-duty police officers for enforcement of haul route restrictions at the expense of the Contractor, and at no additional cost to Sound Transit. C. Maintain haul routes in a condition that is smooth, level, clean, and free of debris. Route condition must be suitable for the public to drive passenger cars on without damage to vehicles and allow for the safe travel for pedestrians and cyclists at all haul route crossings. Maintain all crosswalks and sidewalks along the haul route for pedestrians to cross safely. Maintain signs, lights, and pavement markings along haul routes. D. Maintain full access to all businesses, alleyways, driveways, walkways, and delivery/loading zones. If access agreement(s) are required, secure the agreements at no additional cost to Sound Transit and provide executed access agreements signed by property owner(s). E. If pavement, curb, sidewalk, or landscaping damage results, including but not limited to potholes or loose chunks of pavement due to Contractor’s work, remove damaged asphalt/concrete/curb/sidewalk and repair as directed by the Resident Engineer within 48 hours, in accordance with standard plans and specifications of the local authority having jurisdiction. F. Restore signs, pavement markings, and all other traffic control or calming devices removed or modified for the truck haul route to their pre-existing configuration or as directed by the Resident Engineer. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID FB VEHICULAR ACCESS AND HAUL ROUTES PAGE 4 OF 4 END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 26 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TRAFFIC CONTROL PAGE 1 OF 4 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 55 26 TRAFFIC CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies temporary traffic control. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents: 1. Authority Having Jurisdiction a. City of Renton Traffic Control Manual for In-Street Work b. City of Renton Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction c. City of Renton Standard Plans for Municipal Construction 2. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) a. WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction b. WSDOT Standard Plans, M21-01 c. WSDOT Design Manual, M22-01 d. WSDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Guidelines, M55-44 3. U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) a. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) b. FHWA Final Rule on 23 CFR 630 Subpart J, 2004 4. United States Access Board a. Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) b. ADA Accessibility Guideline (ADAAG) 5. American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) a. ATSSA Quality Guidelines for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Traffic Control Plan: In accordance with these documents, WSDOT Standard Specifications, or the authorities having jurisdictions (AHJ)’s Standard Specifications SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 26 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TRAFFIC CONTROL PAGE 2 OF 4 1. The Traffic Control Plan shall provide description of all devices and management to be used during working and non-working periods. Include durations (days and times) of control plans. Plans shall be submitted for approval per Contractor’s approved Submittal Log, so as to allow review and approval by Sound Transit and the Authorities Having Jurisdiction prior to the implementation of the plans. B. Qualifications for Traffic Control Manager (TCM) and Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications for the Traffic Control Manager: As specified in WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 1-10.2(1)A. B. Qualifications for the Traffic Control Supervisor: As specified in WSDOT Standard Specifications Section 1-10.2(1)B. C. The TCS and the TCM shall have valid certificates as “Traffic Control Supervisors” as issued by the Evergreen Safety Council, The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust, The American Traffic Safety Services Association, or approved equal. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES A. Provide or construct all traffic control devices, including temporary concrete barriers and temporary construction fencing, in conformance with applicable jurisdiction specifications and requirements. Include descriptions of traffic control devices in the Traffic Control Plan. The condition of signs and traffic control devices shall be new or “acceptable” as defined in the ATSSA Quality Guidelines for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, and will be accepted based on a visual inspection by the Traffic Control Supervisor. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION A. For temporary traffic control of streets, roadways, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities that are to be owned or maintained by the AHJ, perform work described in this Section in conformance with the applicable requirements of that jurisdiction. B. Work with the Resident Engineer and the responsible jurisdiction to coordinate all necessary signal changes if required by the traffic control plan. Traffic signals shall only be countermanded by a uniformed police officer. C. Identify the use of flaggers and Police staff for traffic control in the Traffic Control Plan and obtain prior approval from the Resident Engineer. Employ flaggers whenever trucks enter onto a city street, including at all vehicle access gates to the construction work Site, to prevent conflicts with vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Minimize roadway, lane, and sidewalk closures. Limit lane and roadway closures to non-peak traffic flow hours or other hours as determined by the AHJ. Travel lanes, parking lanes, and sidewalks outside of the construction wall shall be reopened when no construction activities are occurring. D. When sidewalks or bike paths are closed temporarily, provide alternate detour paths complying with ADA accessibility. In the case of temporarily closed bike lanes or paths, provide signing next to the lane or path and ahead of the work alerting bicyclists to the change. Parking lanes may be used for this purpose if a transition between the existing top of curb and the roadway is accessible. Include proposed design, including pedestrian SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 26 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TRAFFIC CONTROL PAGE 3 OF 4 and bicycle detour and wayfinding signage, and business access signs and devices with the Traffic Control Plan. If the temporary walkway is to remain in place during non- working hours, clearly describe, in a separate section/chapter of the Traffic Control Plan, the traffic control devices to be in place during this period. Obtain all applicable permits for parking lane use and sidewalk closures. E. Maintain open access for all businesses at all times during construction, including large delivery vehicles. Sound Transit will work with property owners and businesses to understand access requirements. F. Do not close sidewalks on opposite sides of the roadway at the same time. G. Coordinate work activities with affected transit agencies, including temporary relocation or closure of bus stops and posting of informative signs (by others). See Special Conditions. H. Coordinate street closures, lane closures, and other in-street work activities including haul routes with Fire Departments and other emergency responders, post offices, major private delivery services, school districts, and solid waste collection operators. I. Obtain prior approval from local jurisdictions, or WSDOT, and transit agencies for closing or partial closing of all streets, sidewalks, or bike routes, as applicable. Give the required advance notice of all full and partial street closures after approval of the traffic control plan to all agencies providing emergency services, including without limitation, police, fire, and ambulance services. Include, at the least, the dates and times of commencement and completion of work, names of streets or location of sidewalks and alleys to be closed or partially closed, and schedule of operations and routes of detours where applicable. J. Ensure that reliable emergency access is maintained to avoid delays in response times. K. When the Work involves use of public ways, follow standard construction safety measures, which include but are not limited to, installing advance warning signs and high visibility construction barriers, providing necessary flaggers as required by the local authorities, and installing and maintaining means of reasonable access to all fire hydrants, parking garages, and other property. L. During nighttime work hours, use lighted or reflective signage to direct drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists through work zones, and direct truck drivers to truck haul routes. Cover all conflicting signage. M. Obtain approvals from all jurisdictions if detours pass through multiple jurisdictions. N. Obtain all permits required for short-term and long-term, on-street parking displacements. 3.02 TRAFFIC CONTROL MANAGEMENT A. Before beginning work on the project, designate individual(s) to perform the duties of TCM and TCS, as described in Article 1.04 herein. B. Identify an alternate TCM and TCS that can assume the duties of the assigned or primary TCM and TCS in case of that person’s inability to perform. Alternates will be adequately trained and certified to the same degree as the primary TCM and TCS. C. Maintain 24-hour telephone numbers at which the TCM and TCS can be contacted and be available at the Resident Engineer’s request at other than normal working hours. Supply the TCM and TCS with appropriate personnel, equipment, and materials to correct any deficiency in the traffic control system at any time. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 55 26 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TRAFFIC CONTROL PAGE 4 OF 4 D. Patrol the traffic control area daily and reset all disturbed signs and traffic control devices. E. Remove or cover signs and other traffic control devices during periods when they are not necessary. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 1 OF 36 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 57 00 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section contains the requirements and performance specifications for mitigating construction impacts to the environment including air, land and all federal and state regulated waters, through best management practices, and controls. B. The Contractor is wholly responsible for control of water, including ground water, entering onto and exiting the construction site or staging areas. C. The Contractor is responsible for coordination with Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) associated with this Contract. This includes: defining, confirming, verifying and complying with current requirements for construction stormwater permitting, operations and mitigation. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents. 1. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) a. 40 CFR Part 136, Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants b. 40 CFR 261.21, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, Characteristic of Ignitability c. 40 CFR Part 112 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulation d. 40 CFR 230.3(s) Waters of the United States 2. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) a. RCW 77.08.010: Definitions b. RCW 77.135: Invasive Species 3. Environmental Protection Agency a. Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permit Program 4. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) a. Chapter 16-750 WAC – State Noxious Weed List and Schedule of Monetary Penalties b. Chapter 173-200 WAC - Water Quality Standards for Ground Waters of the State of Washington SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 2 OF 36 c. Chapter 173-201A WAC - Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington 5. Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) a. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SMMWW) b. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) 6. Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office a. Washington Invasive Species Council: 50 Priority Species 7. Municipality a. Applicable Municipality Noxious Weed List b. Applicable Municipality Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance c. Applicable Municipality Fire Code and amendments d. Applicable Municipality standard specifications for road, bridge and municipal Construction e. Applicable Municipality standard plans B. Definitions 1. Administrative Order (A.O.): Issued by Ecology to implement more stringent sampling and discharge requirements that may take precedence over the Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP). 2. AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction): Agency(ies) that have multi-municipality / multi-county jurisdiction or a Municipality 3. BMPs (Best Management Practices): The activities, practices, maintenance procedures and other physical, structural and/or managerial actions used during construction to prevent or reduce the pollution of Groundwater and Surface Waters of the State. BMP types are specified by number in the current version of the Ecology Western Washington Stormwater Manual. 4. Bulk Fuels: Fuels in quantities greater than 250 gallons including, but is not limited to motor oil, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, hydraulic oil and other products derived from the refining of crude oil that are contained in drums or tanks (above ground or buried). 5. CESCL: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead. 6. CESF: Certified Enhanced Sand and Filtration system operator. 7. CPESC: Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control 8. CSEMS: Construction Site Environmental Management Supervisor. 9. CSWGP: Construction Stormwater General Permit. 10. Dewatering Water: Groundwater extracted and pumped away from an active construction site by a dewatering system. 11. Dry season: May 1 through September 30. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 3 OF 36 12. ECAR: Environmental Corrective Action Report is issued when a violation of a permit or contract requirement occurred. 13. Ecology: Washington State Department of Ecology. 14. Groundwater: Water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the land surface or a surface of water. 15. Leachate: Water that has become contaminated by contact with material within the soil profile. 16. Monitoring Results of Discharges to Sanitary Sewer / Combined Sewer: Daily quantity and quality reports for each Sanitary Sewer / Combined Sewer discharge location. 17. Monitoring Results of Discharges to Surface Water: Daily quantity and quality reports for each Surface Water discharge location. 18. Municipality: local political entity(ies), city(ies), and / or county(ies) in which the Work of this Contract occurs. 19. NOI: The Notice of Intent to Discharge is the application for coverage under Ecology’s Construction Stormwater General Permit. 20. Non-Compliance Event (or Events): Occurrence where Surface Water, Groundwater or sanitary sewer water discharge to Groundwater exceeds allowable discharge limits. 21. NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System): The national program for issuing, modifying, revoking, reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing pretreatment requirements under Sections 307, 318, 402 and 405 of the Clean Water Act for discharge of pollutants to surface waters. 22. POD: Point of Discharge 23. Process Water: Discharges includes, but is not limited to: a. Truck and wheel wash water, equipment wash water, petroleum and / or chemically contaminated water, non-contact cooling water and chlorinated water. b. All water which, during manufacturing or construction process, comes into direct contact with or results from the process or use of a raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct or waste product. c. Water used for sawcutting d. Decant water, originating as either Groundwater or added potable water, from excavated spoils that contain additives, conditioners including bentonite, cementitious materials or pollutants. e. Water in bottom of tunnels and / or underground excavations f. Water entering the excavation from or through excavation support system walls or invert including any working slab areas. g. Water discharge from slurry mixing and treatment plant, jet grouting operation or other similar operations SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 4 OF 36 h. Site Water in contact with and chemically affected by site conditions which cannot be treated on site to meet Surface Water discharge criteria. 24. Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS): A wetland biologist certified by the Society of Wetland Scientist (SWS) who meets both educational and experience requirements identified by the SWS 25. Sensitive Areas: Areas including wetlands, streams, buffers or other areas designated as sensitive or protected which are shown on the Contract Drawings or have been so designated by local ordinances or laws. 26. Site Water: All water on the Work Site that requires discharge from the Site. Classified as either: Stormwater, Dewatering Water, Sanitary Sewage or Process Water 27. SMMWW (Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington): The technical manual published by Ecology, for use by local governments, that contains the description of and design criteria for BMPs to prevent, control or treat pollutants in stormwater. 28. SPCC Plan: Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan 29. Stormwater: Water originating as precipitation that does not infiltrate into the ground or evaporate, as more specifically defined in the CSWGP. 30. Surface Water: a. Federal Waters and Surface Waters of the State b. Wetlands, jurisdictional ditches and open drainage channels c. Municipality’s Stormwater system 31. Surface Waters of the State: Lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, salt waters and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the State of Washington. 32. SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan): A documented plan to implement measures to identify, prevent and control the contamination of point sources discharges of stormwater. 33. TESC (Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control): Planning, managing, controlling, mitigating, recording and reporting discharge of stormwater from construction sites. 34. Turbidity: The clarity of water expressed as nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and measured with a calibrated turbidimeter. 35. Waters of the State: defined by the Washington State Department of Ecology in RCW 90.48.020 and RCW 90.58.030. 36. Waters of the United States: Waters of the U.S. as defined by for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 33 CFR Part 328 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR 230.3(s). 37. Wet season: October 1 through April 30. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 5 OF 36 1.03 ADMINISTRATION A. Coordinate with property owners having jurisdiction over Work Sites. B. A TESC Pre-Construction Meeting including a Site inspection with the AHJs and Sound Transit is required before ground disturbance begins. 1.04 SUBMITTALS AND TRANSMITTALS A. Submit the following: 1. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 2. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan 3. Air Pollution Control Plan 4. Discharge to Surface Water Plan: 5. Discharge to Sanitary Sewer / Combined Sewer Plan: 6. Soil Management Plan 7. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan 8. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan 9. Trucking Plan B. Transmit the following: 1. Industrial Waste Discharge Permit Application 2. Permits obtained by the Contractor 3. Chemical Usage Documentation: Provide the daily chemical usage logs on a monthly basis, no later than the third day of each month. 4. Spill Report Form: Within 24 hours of a reported spill. 5. Citations issued in conjunction with this Contract: Within 24 hours of issuance 6. Monitoring Results of Discharges to Sanitary Sewer / Combined Sewer: Provide monthly 7. Monitoring Results of Discharges to Surface Water a. Provide monthly reports to Sound Transit and WA Department of Ecology whether or not discharge of stormwater has occurred. b. Submit report electronically to Ecology’s WebDMR database: https://secureaccess.wa.gov/ecy/wqwebportal/. 8. TESC BMP Inspection Log: Transmit copies weekly for the previous week’s inspections. 9. Manufacturer Data and Test Results for all Erosion Control products 10. Qualifications of the CESCL SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 6 OF 36 11. Qualifications of the CSEMS 12. Qualifications of the BMP/Site Inspection Lead 13. Qualifications for operator of a Chitosan Enhanced Sand Filtration systems (CESF) 14. Qualifications of Accredited Independent Testing Laboratory: Only if chemical analysis is required by an Administrative Order to the Construction Stormwater General Permit. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington, to prepare the Discharge to Stormwater Plan and the Discharge to Sanitary Sewer / Combined Sewer Plan, and a person who meets the qualifications of a CSEMS to prepare the SWPPP and TESC Plan. B. Certifications of Qualified Personnel: 1. CSEMS a. CESCL. b. Knowledge and understanding of the SMMWW, CSWGP, SWPPP, TESC and Discharge to Surface Water and Sanitary and Combined Sewer Plans, and their intent. c. Reside locally and available on-call 24 hours per day through Acceptance. d. Previous demonstrated experience managing TESC on civil projects 2. CESCL a. A person who has current certificate proving attendance in an approved erosion and sediment control (ESC) training course that meets the minimum training and certification requirements established by Ecology. See BMP C160 in the SMMWW. 3. CESF Operator a. Trained by an Ecology-approved trainer and is on Ecology’s list of Certified Operators. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Materials used for Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs shall be in accordance with the materials specified in the SMMWW Volume II, Chapter 4. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Conduct operations in a manner to minimize pollution of the environment surrounding the area of work by every means practicable. B. Maintain the site in a neat and orderly manner to avoid environmental degradation. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 7 OF 36 C. Initial Site Construction Activities include: 1. Mobilization of equipment and materials 2. Temporary security fence installation 3. Sediment Control BMP’s (sediment ponds, storage tanks, traps, filters, silt fences, stabilized construction entrances, wheel wash, etc.) constructed as one of the first steps in grading. 4. Start-up of treatment systems 5. Major grading not allowed except as needed for BMP construction. D. CSEMS 1. Responsible for construction site erosion and sediment control regulatory requirements, BMPs, TESC Plan development and stormwater monitoring. 2. Assigned to the project until Acceptance. 3. More than one person may be necessary to provide services required for the CSEMS, however, only one person will be responsible for all activities. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMITS A. A CSWGP has been obtained by Sound Transit. Contractor is responsible to file a transfer of coverage with Ecology under the CSWGP and for obtaining coverage prior to any disturbance of soils or demolition activities at the Site. The Contractor shall assume responsibility as Sole Permitee under the Washington State CSWGP, for the entire site of Work. Upon transfer of the CSWGP, Contractor is responsible for paying all Permit fees, for complying with and paying for all requirements of the Permit and for filing for termination of the Permit at the appropriate time. B. Ecology may issue an Administrative Order (A.O.) because known soil and/or groundwater contamination exists within the project site. If issued, the Contractor and the current permittee shall comply with the requirements of the A.O. 3.03 PLAN REQUIREMENTS A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 1. Include a copy of the qualifications of the individual preparing the SWPPP with the SWPPP. 2. The SWPPP shall comply with all requirements of the SMMWW, Volume II, Chapter 3. Required Elements of a SWPPP can be found in the CSWGP, SMMWW and Ecology SWPPP template. 3. All subsequent plans in this section may be incorporated into the SWPPP. All drawing requirements may be incorporated into the TESC drawing if legible. B. Air Pollution Control Plan 1. Describe the approach the project will take for Air Pollution Control 2. Describe the Best management practices that will be used so that no emissions are visible beyond the Site boundaries. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 8 OF 36 3. Include the requirement for the prevention of odors that interfere with the public, including limiting use of chemical products and keeping construction equipment in good mechanical condition to minimize exhaust emissions. 4. Include requirement that the application of any chemical dust suppressants must be approved by the Resident Engineer prior to use. 5. Provide Point of Contact for Non-Compliance C. TESC Plan 1. TESC Plans are required for the successful preparation and implementation of the SWPPP. The drainage report prepared as part of the Project development is available as a design resource. 2. Include a copy of the qualifications of the individual preparing the TESC Plan with the TESC Plan. 3. Generally, the TESC Plans shall: a. Visually present and describe in narrative form all construction activities with the potential for producing construction stormwater discharge. b. Provide sufficient detail and clarity to allow field personnel to adequately implement TESC. c. Be updated throughout the project as construction activities, conditions and BMPs are adjusted. d. Be prepared by CSEMS or Professional Engineer 4. Format: Follow Sound Transit CAD Standards, as referenced in the current version of the ST CAD/Drafting Standards Manual (a.k.a. Design Technology Manual). a. The initial TESC Plans shall be prepared using the version of AutoCAD currently being used by Sound Transit. 1) Sound Transit will provide AutoCAD base files for Contractor use. b. Plan sheet size shall be as required by the permitting AHJ. c. Details of the BMP proposed for use in TESC design can either be placed on plan sheets or the TESC plans shall reference standard details. 1) If Standard Details are referenced, a copy of each detail shall be included in the TESC Project Binder and provided to the field personnel installing and maintaining the TESC elements. d. Notes and Legend 1) TESC Plans shall include: a) General or standard notes as required by the permitting AHJ. b) 24-hour contact information for the CSEMS. c) Vicinity map with Project location and key map showing work areas. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 9 OF 36 2) Each TESC Plan sheet shall include a legend that depicts information on that sheet related to clearing, grading and TESC. Examples include: a) Delineated elements b) Existing and proposed contours c) Existing, temporary and proposed storm catch basins and piping d) Walls e) Stabilization f) Blocks indicating BMP elements e. TESC Plan updates occurring during the construction process may be handwritten by the CSEMS or others under CSEMS supervision. Updates must be clear and legible and in blue, black or red ink. 5. The TESC plans shall include, as a minimum, the following specific information: a. Construction details of all chemical handling and storage areas, vehicle/equipment storage areas, wheel washes, stabilized construction entrances, perimeter control BMPs, silt fences, collection sump-pumps, conveyance pipes, ditches, berms, culvert pipes, storage ponds, storage tanks, filters and basin outfalls. b. Locations, types and quantities of all seeding, slope coverings and ditch liners. c. Proposed reroutes of existing surface water and underground drainage within site to erosion control facilities prior to release to the offsite storm drain or sanitary sewer system. d. Location of all facilities that are designed to treat sediment-laden runoff prior to the runoff being discharged to the existing drainage system. In lieu of providing onsite treatment of the runoff, the runoff may be collected and hauled off site for treatment using an approved method. e. Location of outlets of subsurface drainage systems. f. Approximate slopes, contours and the direction of stormwater flow before and after major grading activities. g. Locations where water (stormwater and / or non-stormwater) discharges off-site and / or to a surface water body, including wetlands. h. Location of water quality sampling station(s), if sampling is required by state or permitting AHJs. Include latitude and longitude of POD and name of receiving water. i. Contract limits. j. Clearing and grading limits. k. Work area / limits of Work. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 10 OF 36 l. Initial BMP’s, chosen for specific risks, to be installed at the start of construction. m. Top and toe line for slopes and walls. n. Excavation cut and fill. o. Permanent drainage both existing and proposed. p. Sensitive areas. q. High-visibility fence. r. Silt fence. s. Stockpile / laydown areas. t. Construction personnel parking areas. u. Construction access. v. Low impact development facilities including bioretention areas and infiltration areas. D. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan 1. Developed in accordance with 40 CFR 112. 2. Provide a table quantifying the volume of petroleum products on site that will be in storage tanks, fuel cans greater than 55-gallons and any non-motive equipment. If the total volume in this table exceeds 1320 gallons, the plan must be a certified SPCC Plan and meet the requirements of the 40 CFR 112. 3. Include the following: a. Person(s) responsible for implementing the plan if a spill of a dangerous or hazardous waste should occur. b. Training protocol that is to be conducted and documented on a monthly basis and that includes a discussion on the requirements of the spill prevention plan and the current locations of the on Site spill kits. c. Drawing(s) for each Site showing the locations of staging, storage for hazardous and non-hazardous materials, maintenance and refueling, and their relationship to drainage pathways, waterways and other sensitive areas. Include on the drawings the locations of the spill kits. d. Spill prevention and containment methods to be used at each Site. e. Site security measures, inspection procedures and personnel training procedures as they relate to spill prevention, containment, response, cleanup and management. f. Equipment maintenance, refueling and cleaning activities g. Frequency of inspections of Spill Kits to ensure that adequate spill response, containment and cleanup materials are available, and the method to be used to document the inspection results. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 11 OF 36 h. Frequency of inspection of fuel hoses, lubrication equipment, hydraulically-operated equipment, oil drums and other equipment and facilities for drips, leaks or signs of damage, and for their proper maintenance and storage in order to prevent spills, and the method to be used to document the inspection results. i. Security to be implemented to discourage vandalism. j. With respect to the reporting of spills: specify the minimum quantity of spill that requires that the spill be reported, when that report is to be made and to whom the report is to be made. E. Discharge to Surface Water Plan shall include: 1. A narrative describing the approach to collecting, conveying, storing, treating, discharging and monitoring any project site water being discharged to any surface water. 2. Evaluation and design of each proposed treatment system including the following: a. Determine the location of the Point of Discharge (POD) for treatment system(s), AHJ catch basin identification information, the name for POD in accordance with the established naming convention that will be used on DMRs, the latitude and longitude of the POD, and the receiving water body. b. Delineation of subbasins and a determination of the area draining to each Point of Discharge. c. The location of sumps, pumps, conveyance lines, water storage facilities (tanks or ponds) and any filter systems. d. Determine volume of water storage necessary based on treatment system design, treatment rate and detention time requirements. e. For the runoff generated by design storm, determine the storage volume necessary for batch treatment, and the testing that may be required by an Administrative Order to the project’s CSWGP. 3. Drawings at a legible scale that include all the elements of the Discharge to Surface Water Plan. The Contractor may use the TESC drawing as the base drawing, if the drawing is legible after inclusion of each of the element of the Plan. 4. Solids management procedures including an operations and maintenance procedure explaining how solids / sludge accumulation in wastewater ponds and tanks as the result of wastewater / stormwater collection and treatment will be managed during construction (i.e. the storage, characterization, transportation and final disposal of the solids including all associated documentation). 5. Contingency procedures describing the actions to be taken for Site Water management in case of treatment system failure, a spill of hazardous substances or a directive from the AHJ to discontinue discharge. F. Discharge to Sanitary Sewer/Combined Sewer Plan shall include: 1. A narrative describing the approach to collecting, conveying, storing, treating, discharging and monitoring any discharges to the Sanitary Sewer/Combined Sewer for the project. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 12 OF 36 2. Treatment system design information required for each of the proposed treatment systems. 3. Solids management procedures including an operations and maintenance procedure explaining how solids / sludge accumulation in wastewater ponds and tanks as the result of wastewater / stormwater collection and treatment will be managed during construction (i.e. the storage, characterization, transportation and final disposal of the solids including all associated documentation). 4. Contingency procedures describing the actions to be taken for Site Water management in case of treatment system failure, a spill of hazardous substances or a directive from the AHJ to discontinue discharge. G. Trucking Plan 1. Required for all trucking of water not disposed of in the sanitary/combined sewer or discharged to surface waters. 2. Provide: a. Name, address and telephone number of firm responsible for trucking. b. Receiving facility permit profiles for treating, handling, recycling or disposing of waste materials. 3. Describe training provided to truck operators in discharge procedures and spill response. 3.04 TEMPORARY SITE WATER DISCHARGE A. The Contractor shall: 1. Prior to start of Initial Construction Activities, obtain approvals from AHJs for all Discharge to Surface Water and Discharge to Sanitary Sewer/Combined Sewer submittals. 2. Install sediment control BMP’s and water treatment systems (sediment ponds, storage tanks, traps, filters, silt fences, stabilized construction entrances, wheel wash, etc.) as one of the first steps in grading. These BMP’s shall be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. 3. Provide treatment methods, such as sedimentation systems, sand filtration or other means, as necessary, to meet the discharge requirements. 4. Meet the discharge requirements. B. Discharge of stormwater 1. All stormwater that can be adequately treated for discharge to surface waters under the CSWGP permit, using water treatment techniques from the SMMWW, (i.e. BMPs C241Temporary Sediment Pond , C250 Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment, C251Construction Stormwater Filtration , C252 High pH Neutralization Using CO2 and C253 pH Control for High pH Water) shall be discharged to surface waters unless expressly allowed to be discharge to the Sanitary and Combined Sewer by the AHJ under the applicable Industrial Waste Permit for discharge to the Sanitary and Combined Sewers. 2. Discharge of stormwater to the sanitary or combined sewer for relief purposes not be allowable under the conditions of the Industrial Waste Permit from the AHJ. The SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 13 OF 36 relief option must not be used to compensate for an inadequate treatment system, inability to segregate process water from uncontaminated stormwater or the lack of an appropriate operation and maintenance program. C. Field Quality Control 1. Site Tests a. CSWGP Monitoring 1) Collect water samples for all point of discharge locations at the minimum frequencies indicated and in accordance with the CSWGP and / or the A.O. if issued by Ecology 2) Increase monitoring frequency whenever required by monitoring results (i.e. if a sample exceeds 249 NTU, sample daily until below 25 NTU or until the discharge is stopped. 3) All testing requirements shall be in accordance with the CSWGP and / or A.O. b. Non-compliance Event 1) When not in compliance with discharge limits specified herein, take immediate action to stop the violation and notify the Resident Engineer and/or AHJ if required to do so by the permit. 2) Collect a discharge sample and submit new data within 1 day of becoming aware of non-compliance. 3) When discharge pH is in non-compliance, take immediate steps to bring the discharge into compliance. If it is not possible to be in compliance, stop the discharge. 4) In the event of a concentrated solution spill, notify the Resident Engineer immediately, stop the discharge and implement the contingency procedures. 5) Conduct monitoring twice daily after a violation is documented until 3 consecutive days of samples show the discharge(s) is (are) in compliance. c. Quantity Limitations 1) Implement the Contingency Plan if: a) Discharge rates require a reduction from the maximum allowable or b) Discharges must be discontinued immediately upon notification by Resident Engineer. d. Solids Management 1) Solids accumulation in the treatment pond and tank used for solids settling shall not exceed 25 percent of the tank's hydraulic capacity. For the stormwater treatment ponds and tanks the 25 percent criterion shall apply at all discrete locations throughout the ponds and tanks, and shall be based on the height of solids in SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 14 OF 36 relation to the depth of the lowest static water level in the wastewater pond. 2) The Contractor shall use an instrument capable of displaying the water column in order to conduct inspections of solids accumulation on each day that discharge to the sewer occurs at the following locations a) Stormwater pond pumping chamber. b) Within the pond at a minimum of four probing locations, strategically located to gauge overall solids accumulation within the pond. c) Each chamber of the final wastewater settling tank. 3) Observations and measurements made during these inspections must be recorded. These records must be maintained on site and available for Resident Engineer and regulators review at all times. 2. Inspection a. Resident Engineer, AHJs agencies and representatives from Ecology have the rights of access to: 1) Enter the Site where a discharge is located or where all submittals and monitoring logs are kept. 2) View and copy submittals and monitoring logs 3) Inspect all facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, methods or operations regulated or required. 4) Collect monitoring samples in addition to those required and test for constituents both listed and additional constituents. The Contractor shall provide access to allow such sampling to occur. If results from the sampling taken by the Resident Engineer indicate a Non-compliance Event, the Resident Engineer will notify the Contractor and Ecology. 3.05 SPILL PREVENTION, CONTROL AND COUNTERMEASURES A. Chemical storage and containment: 1. Store solid chemicals, chemical solutions, paints, petroleum products, solvents, acids, caustic solutions and waste materials, including used batteries, in a manner that prevents the inadvertent entry of these materials into Surface Waters and / or Groundwater. 2. Store materials in a manner that prevents spills due to tipping or rupture. 3. Store all chemical products on durable impervious surfaces. 4. Store liquid chemical products within bermed containment areas capable of retaining 110 percent of the volume of all the containers in the storage area. 5. Store liquid chemical products under cover, such as tarpaulins or roofed structures. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 15 OF 36 6. Cover, containment and protection from vandalism shall be provided for all materials that have the potential to pose a threat to human health or the environment. 7. Maintain a complete inventory of chemicals and their associated safety data sheets documents within the immediate storage area 8. Provide at all storage areas fire extinguishing equipment that is appropriate for the materials being stored. 9. Clearly designate all waste storage areas (i.e. waste oil, hazardous waste or other waste) using clearly visible signage. Keep waste storage areas segregated from new product storage areas. 10. Segregate non-compatible chemicals and securely store in separate containment areas to prevent mixing of incompatible or reactive materials. 11. Plug barrel openings and store all empty barrels that have not been cleaned, in an upright position. 12. Identify and implement reasonable steps to prevent releases of liquid products as a result of malicious tampering or vandalism. B. Fuel Storage: Portable fuel storage tanks, over 6 gallons capacity: 1. Shall be: a. Specifically engineered to meet or exceed all national environmental and hazardous waste regulations, b. Underwriters Laboratory (UL)-certified and National Fire Code compliant, c. Durable, all steel, double-wall construction, d. Coated with a weather and corrosion-resistant exterior, e. Provided with an interstitial space check port to help identify any possible fluid release, f. Accompanied by a spill kit and fire extinguisher staged within 15 feet, 2. Shall have a: a. Secondary shell providing containment of at least 110 percent of the primary (internal) tank volume, or a b. Secondary containment of at least 110 percent of the volume of all the containers, without secondary shells, that are in the storage area. 3. Capacity: a. Up to 250 gallons does not need Sound Transit approval. b. Over 250 gallons and up to a maximum capacity of 500 gallons requires Sound Transit approval. c. Over 500 gallons will not be permitted on Site. C. Fuel Storage: Portable fuel storage less than 6 gallons. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 16 OF 36 1. Must be specifically designed to be petroleum storage containers. 2. Shall be placed and stored, unless being actively used to fill equipment, in secondary containment area with a minimum capacity equivalent to 110 percent of all containers within the containment. 3. Shall be refilled in a secondary containment area. D. Conduct fueling in designated controlled locations or in other locations with the appropriate use of BMPs to contain and absorb potential spills. E. Control use of all chemicals, lubricating oils, hydraulic fluids, greases and other such products to prevent spills and migration from the Site. Comply with storage and containment requirements for these materials in accordance with applicable regulations and codes. F. Promptly and properly handle all spills of pollutants and dispose of them in a manner that does not cause contamination of Surface Water and / or Groundwater. G. Spill Response Procedures 1. Stop the spill at the source and install protective covers over storm drain grates. 2. If the spill is flammable, call 911 and dispose of the materials as directed by the local Fire Marshal 3. Ensure employees who respond to spills are trained to a level of competence as defined in the SPCC Plan. 4. Promptly clean up and properly dispose of materials contaminated by spillage or leakage of products. 5. If suspect materials are encountered, control and contain the material until appropriate measures can be taken. 6. Material impacted by the spill shall be stored at a location approved or directed by the Resident Engineer and treated as if it is a contaminated material until determined otherwise. 7. Report all spills that are greater than 1 quart onto land and any spills into Surface Waters and / or Groundwater to the Resident Engineer. a. Use the Spill Report Form (Exhibit C) provided herein. b. Modifications to the form must be approved by the Resident Engineer. c. Retain a copy of the Spill Report Form on Site and available for review upon request of the Resident Engineer and AHJs. 8. If the spill of a hazardous substance could reach Surface Waters or Groundwater, the following agencies must be notified: National Response Center at 1-800-424- 8802 or WWW.NRC.USG.MIL/INDEX.HTM and the regional Ecology office. 9. Maintain a log of all spills (Exhibit B). H. Provide and maintain adequately stocked spill kits in the immediate area of any fueling activities or chemical storage facility. I. Concrete Disposal and Cleanup SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 17 OF 36 1. Washout concrete truck chutes, pumps and barrels into Eco-pans. 2. Wash off hand tools into Eco-pans. 3. Return unused concrete to the originating batch plant for recycling. 4. Only if no eco-pans are available, contain wash water and waste concrete within a liquid-tight container lined with 30 mil plastic liner or lined with six (6) inches of concrete or asphalt. Contain and dispose of concrete waste and wash-water in a manner which does not violate water quality standards or solid waste regulations. J. Leachate 1. Do not allow leachate from solid waste material to enter Surface Water and / or Groundwater without providing all known, available and reasonable methods of treatment, nor allow such leachate to cause violations of surface water quality standards (Chapter 173-201A WAC) or groundwater quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC). 3.06 TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. Required Personnel 1. Construction Site Environmental Management Supervisor (CSEMS) a. The Contractor shall designate a CSEMS who shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Contractor and shall have the following responsibilities and authority related to TESC and SWPP: 1) Shall accompany the Resident Engineer and Ecology during weekly inspections of all BMPs at a time designated by the Resident Engineer 2) Review and approve TESC drawings and TESC updates 3) Review and approve SWPPP drawings and SWPPP updates. 4) Identify and correct potential stormwater discharge risks. 5) Direct field personnel to correct issues and / or stop work. 6) Perform or oversee sampling, monitoring and reporting of stormwater discharge including contacting Ecology within 24 hours after a high turbidity discharge 7) Maintain the Environmental Compliance Manual. 2. BMP/Site Inspection Lead a. The Contractor shall designate one or more individuals responsible for supervising installation, inspection and maintenance of BMPs. These individuals shall report to the CSEMS. Alternatively, this role can be filled by the CSEMS. b. The CSEMS or a designated individual shall be onsite during any work activity. 3. Operator for Chitosan Enhanced Sand Filtration systems (CESF) SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 18 OF 36 B. Responsibilities 1. The Contractor is fully responsible for: a. TESC and SWPPP performance and compliance with Ecology’s CSWGP and AHJ requirements. b. All damages, fines, levies or judgments incurred as a result of Contractor, Subcontractor, Consultant or Supplier failure to comply with the requirements of the Contract and all State and local permits required for TESC and SWPPP. Any damages, fines, levies or judgments will be deducted from payments due to the Contractor. c. Schedule impacts resulting from Contractor, Subcontractor, Consultant or Supplier failure to comply with the Contract including all State and local codes / CSWGP permit. This includes the time necessary to obtain approval of TESC Plans, SWPPPs and other permit application requirements, as well as time associated with stop work orders. d. Correction of all failures, solely at the Contractor’s expense. e. Preventing waste or eroded materials from entering natural or man-made waters or sewage removal systems. 2. The Contractor shall comply with the conditions of the Construction Stormwater General Permit, including implementing and maintaining the SWPPP, TESC Plans and any local TESC requirements, until Acceptance. 3. TESC Plans and SWPPPs are living documents. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining current versions of the documents showing locations of TESC features, BMPs and areas of potential TESC risks. 4. The CSEMS shall, at a minimum, conduct environmental coordination meetings on a weekly basis until Acceptance. a. Attendance at these meetings is mandatory for the individual or individuals responsible for implementation of TESC on behalf of the Contractor. b. These meetings: 1) Will be at a consistent location and on a consistent day and time. 2) Will be open to representatives of Sound Transit and permitting agencies. 3) Will discuss the details of the work to be performed during the upcoming week, the TESC features to be implemented, any required discharge monitoring and other specific work with potential TESC risks. 4) Will discuss the issues and lessons learned from the previous week. 5) Shall include a site inspection of areas of active work or environmental concern. c. The CSEMS shall keep accurate minutes to be included in the project binder. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 19 OF 36 5. At a minimum, the contractor shall train its staff, during regularly scheduled meetings, on environmental protection measures related to the execution of this Contract. This training may be added to existing weekly meetings (such as safety meetings). Emphasize issues such as sensitive receptors, spill prevention, chemical handling and storage, emergency response, stormwater control facilities inspections, proper dewatering techniques and concrete handling. C. Sequencing and Scheduling 1. Obtain CSWGP coverage as Sole Permitee. 2. Within 21 days of the effective date of the Notice to Proceed, hold a meeting with the CSEMS and the Resident Engineer to review and discuss in detail all the environmental requirements of the Contract, how to meet them and to prepare a draft schedule for related submittals. 3. Prior to land disturbing activities, obtain applicable permits and approval of stormwater discharge treatment methods and BMPs, and have necessary materials and equipment in place. 4. Include on the 3-week look-ahead schedule activities related to TESC design, permitting, implementation, operation, maintenance, monitoring and reporting requirements. 5. Sequence the work to reduce erosion and sediment risk. a. Install applicable TESC BMPs prior to commencing work within associated work areas. b. Limit exposed or unstabilized areas to locations being actively worked. c. Provide permanent stabilization following completion of work in a given area. 6. The following sequence shall be followed prior to any work occurring adjacent to or within a designated sensitive area: a. All sensitive areas shall be re-surveyed by a professional surveyor. The sensitive area boundaries shall be verified and / or updated by Sound Transit. b. Prior to installing the BMPs for perimeter controls (such as silt fence) the construction limits shall be laid out by the Contractor and verified by Sound Transit to ensure they are consistent with the permitted impact areas according the permits. c. If the impact areas are not consistent with the permitted impact areas, the Resident Engineer shall provide guidance to the Contractor. d. Once the perimeter controls have been approved and in place, work may commence. 7. Seasonal Requirements a. Wet Season: October 1st through April 30th 1) No soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than two (2) days without stabilization. Immediately stabilize with the SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 20 OF 36 approved BMP methods (such as seeding, mulching and plastic covering). b. Dry Season: May 1st through September 30th 1) No soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than seven (7) days without stabilization. Immediately stabilize with the approved BMP methods (such as seeding, mulching and plastic covering). c. Holidays and Weekends 1) Soils shall be stabilized per CSEMS direction. D. Preparation 1. Post sign at all Sites with name and phone number of the Construction Site Environmental Management Supervisor. 2. Clearly flag the boundaries of the clearing / construction limits as indicated on the Plan or as designated by the Resident Engineer by using a continuous length of fencing or screening wall prior to construction. a. During the construction period of each site, no disturbance beyond the clear / construction limits is permitted without prior authorization from the Resident Engineer. b. Maintain the clearing / construction limits delineation materials for the duration of construction. 3. Temporary Soil Piles a. Cover the piles after two (2) days of inactivity during the wet period and seven (7) days of inactivity during the dry period. b. Place all excavated material not hauled directly from the construction site in a temporary spoil pile surrounded by ecology blocks or equivalent. c. Control water seepage and runoff and direct to water treatment system. Treatment of seepage and runoff from temporary spoil piles is required prior to discharge from site. 4. Stockpile on-site sufficient BMP materials and supplies as may be necessary to protect the site. 5. Protect catch basin inlets to the permanent storm drainage system from sediment influx by use of filter fabric, catch basin insert or similar filtering materials and methods per SMMWW. 6. Clean and remove silt from any permanent storm drainage system elements that were used to convey or hold construction stormwater before introducing clean stormwater to those elements. 7. Clearly mark locations of water quality sampling stations. E. Installation 1. Installation practices for Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs shall be in accordance with the SMMWW, Volume II and manufacturer’s instructions. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 21 OF 36 2. Provide necessary ditches, swales and dikes to direct all potentially sediment- laden water towards and into sediment traps/basins or other approved treatment BMPs or devices. 3. Grass seeding: a. Revisit all disturbed areas prior to the beginning of the wet season to identify which ones need to be seeded / reseeded in preparation for the wet season. b. Install surface runoff control measures such as gradient terraces, interceptor dikes or swales, level spreaders and sediment traps/basins prior to seeding. c. Cultivate all areas to be seeded to meet the Ecology requirements. Cultivation may be accomplished by disking, raking, harrowing or other acceptable means. Perform all cultivating at right angles to the slope. d. Hydroseed all disturbed areas following completion of construction or sooner as may be directed by the CSEMS. e. Hydroseed shall be applied with Bonded Fiber Matrix on slopes exceeding 3:1. f. Seeding may be accomplished by approved hand methods when it is impractical to do by hydroseeding. g. Seed disturbed areas within one (1) week of the beginning of the wet season. h. Optimum seeding windows: April 1 to June 30 and September 1 to September 30 i. Fertilize all areas that are seeded. j. Mulch in accordance with BMP C121. F. Maintenance 1. Maintain TESC items until areas are permanently stabilized. 2. General maintenance activities: a. Repair or replace damaged or missing items immediately in order to meet requirements of the SMMWW and/or CSWGP. b. Repair all TESC items as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. c. Maintain seeded surfaces throughout construction. 1) Avoid tracking on newly seeded area. 3. Operate and maintain BMPs in accordance with SMMWW Volume II and the following: a. Prevent sediments from being flushed to the downstream system during cleaning. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 22 OF 36 b. Remove sediment, trash and debris from catch basin grate surfaces when blocking more than 20 percent of the grate surface. c. Perform inspection of systems using catch basin inserts. Clear or replace clogged fabric. Clean or replace inlet and catch basin filter socks when sediment fills one third of the available storage or the fill limits recommended by the manufacturer have been met. d. Immediately remove all sediment accidentally introduced into a catch basin. e. Clean interceptor ditches of sediment and vegetation when accumulation exceeds 3 inches in depth or when free movement of water through ditch is restricted. 4. If erosion is occurring, the CSEMS / CESCL shall determine the appropriate BMP items to use and immediately make modifications to the erosion control system to mitigate the erosion and its effects. 5. Address all areas needing BMP measures that do not require immediate attention within seven (7) days of Contractor’s awareness of such need or notification from the Resident Engineer or CSEMS. 6. Handle and dispose of cleaning waste material and demolition debris in a manner that does not cause contamination of water. If the area is swept with a pick-up sweeper, the material shall be hauled out of the area to an appropriate disposal site. 7. Maintaining flow of sewers and drains: a. Provide for and maintain, at Contractor’s expense, the flow of all sewers, drains, building or inlet connections, and all watercourses that may be encountered during progress of the Work. b. Do not allow the contents of sewer, drain or inlet connection to flow into trenches. c. Maintenance of sewers and drains may require, at the Contractor’s expense, the use of temporary pump stations with backup generators. 8. Mud control: a. Take proper measures to prevent tracking of soil, aggregate, mud or other debris onto public and private streets, drives, parking lots and sidewalks. Measures include, but are not limited to, covering on-Site haul roads and muddy areas with clean, dry sand, gravel and / or trap rock. Maintain clean haul routes on paved surfaces. b. Street Sweeping 1) Provide street sweeping on streets, sidewalks, driveways and parking areas within one block of the construction sites using the following schedule: a) A minimum of once per day during construction work b) The Resident Engineer (RE) may require additional cleaning if in the RE’s opinion excessive mud or other debris is present. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 23 OF 36 2) Promptly clean up spills of transported material on public and private roads and parking lots by sweeping. 3) Immediately remove mud or other debris tracked onto streets, sidewalks or driveways, and clean the affected area. 4) Mechanical Street Sweeper shall: a) Have available a combination of mechanical brushes, water spray and vacuum system capable of trapping and preventing fugitive dust emissions, and remove of sediment present on the roadway as a result of Contractor activities. b) Be licensed for use on public streets. c. Wheel/Truck Wash 1) Required where construction vehicles leave a site and enter paved public streets, maintain a stabilized construction entrance, BMP C105 and a suitable truck wheel-washing facility. 2) Before any trucks or other vehicles leaving the Site, clean mud and dirt from the vehicle, including the exterior body surfaces. 3) Construct the approach to the wheel wash of clean quarry spalls or pavement. Keep the approach free of any accumulated sediments by sweeping, washing or refreshing of quarry spalls. 4) The exit shall be graded to allow overspray and any water falling off washed vehicles to return to a collection sump, typically near the spray deck, where it can be returned to the reservoir by low volume sump pump. 5) Inspect the wheel wash system at the start of each workday for any damage and maintain as necessary. 6) Inspect and top off the level of wash water in reservoir as required. 7) Include water spray nozzles aimed at tires and undercarriage. Inspect the jets to see that they are properly aimed and free of any blockage. 8) Ensure water pressure and volume rates are sufficient to clean the vehicles. 9) Periodically inspect the wheel wash during operations to see that the system is continuing to function properly, the vehicles are attaining a satisfactory level of cleaning and the water level is at a satisfactory level. 10) Include other methods, such as laborers with hoses, when needed to meet requirements to prevent mud and debris being transported off Site. 11) Use a closed-loop recirculating design that is separate from a wastewater treatment facility. 12) Do not discharge wash water to storm drain system. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 24 OF 36 13) Include BMPs for the wheel wash discharge water to meet applicable city, state and federal permits and requirements for containment, treatment and disposal. 14) The Resident Engineer may impose additional wheel wash requirements, if it is determined that the wheel wash is not functioning or being maintained properly. d. Equipment Wash 1) Do not discharge thinners or solvents into the sanitary or storm sewer systems when used to clean machinery and/or parts. 2) Use alternative methods for cleaning equipment and/or parts such as high pressure, high temperature water washes or steam cleaning. 3) Do not discharge process water from equipment cleaning to the storm drainage system. 9. Sawcutting: Collect, treat and disposal of water, slurry and cuttings used for and / or produced by the sawcutting operation: a. Continually vacuum slurry and cuttings during cutting and surfacing operations. b. Do not leave slurry and cuttings on permanent concrete or asphalt pavement overnight. c. Do not allow slurry and cuttings to drain to any natural or constructed conveyance system. d. Dispose of collected slurry and cuttings in a manner that does not violate groundwater or surface water quality standards. e. Continually monitor operations to determine whether slurry, cuttings or process water could enter Surface Waters or Groundwaters. If inspections show that a violation of water quality standards could occur, stop operations and immediately implement preventive measures such as berms, barriers, secondary containment and vacuum trucks. G. Inspection, Sampling Requirements and Discharge Limits 1. Site Inspections a. CSEMS or designated CESCL shall conduct inspections of all BMPs and stormwater discharge locations within all construction areas, including at inactive sites: 1) On a daily basis 2) After any significant rain event (0.25 inch or greater) b. In accordance with any additional inspection requirements in the Special Conditions of the CSWGP. c. Record the results of the inspections daily in the TESC BMP Inspection Logs. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 25 OF 36 1) Use Ecology template or approved format. 2) Keep a copy on Site. 2. Turbidity a. Discharges must be sampled for turbidity, as described in the CSWGP, prior to leaving the construction site and entering conveyance systems. b. See Special Conditions of the CSWGP for sampling requirements, discharge limits and notification requirements. 3. pH a. pH sampling of stormwater discharge is required for construction activities that disturb one (1) acre or more and that involve significant concrete work (a combined 1,000 cubic yards or more of poured and/or recycled concrete used over the life of the project). b. See Special Conditions of the CSWGP for sampling requirements, discharge limits and notification requirements. 4. Compliance with an Administrative Order (A.O.) a. An A.O. may be issued for the CSWGP for this project. This order may provide a list of potential contaminants that have the potential to be present in the site discharge based on previous environmental investigations. Sampling and analysis of the site discharge for these parameters is typically required by the Administrative order. Follow all additional requirements for sampling and analysis identified in the A.O. for the CSWGP for this project. 5. Flow Rates a. Flow control shall be provided when construction activities within a given work area disturb one (1) acre or more through the life of the project. b. Construction sites that must implement flow control for the developed site condition must also control release rates during construction. 1) The construction site discharge shall not exceed the discharge rates of the pre-developed condition as defined in the SMMWW. 2) The pre-developed condition shall be the land cover immediately prior to start of construction. H. Use of Experimental BMPs 1. Prior to implementation, obtain approval for all experimental BMP’s from Resident Engineer for treatment of water that is to be discharged to surface water. a. Approval request is to include a description of: 1) The experimental BMP 2) Why the experimental BMP is being requested. 3) Why the BMPs in the SMMWW are not adequate. 4) Applicable construction techniques. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 26 OF 36 5) The characteristics of the site or sites where the experimental BMP is proposed. 6) Design criteria for the experimental BMP and the expected results. 7) Maintenance procedures. 8) Monitoring procedures and duration. 9) If chemical treatment is proposed, include: a) Bench test data which cites the optimum polymer dosage rate to achieve colloidal capture at a range of anticipated turbidities and the aquatic toxicity of treated stormwater on Daphnia and on Salmonid fishes. Determine effectiveness by bench testing using soils and water from the Site. Determine effluent toxicity using Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Methods 8-10B and 8-04B, except temperature is ambient. b) Engineering description of the chemical feed systems. 10) An Ecology approved BMP that could be used if the experimental BMP fails. I. System Compliance 1. The Resident Engineer, CSEMS and regulatory agencies will determine the effectiveness of the erosion and sediment control system (a.k.a. “system”). If the Contractor’s system is found to be not conforming to specifications, laws, permit conditions or BMPs, the Contractor and/or the Resident Engineer will issue an Environmental Corrective Action Request (ECAR). See Exhibit D. 2. Upon issuance of an ECAR the contractor shall investigate and describe the root cause of the non-compliance and provide remedial correction for the non- conforming item(s). Immediately correct damaged, inadequate and / or ineffective TESC BMPs. Record all ECARs in an ECAR log (See Exhibit E). 3. If the system is determined to be ineffective by the Resident Engineer or regulatory agencies, the Contractor shall upgrade and / or modify the system until it is effective, as determined by the Resident Engineer and regulatory agencies. 4. Refusal to modify and upgrade the system as required within five (5) days of notice from the Resident Engineer, may result in the issuance of a Stop Work Order until the required modifications / upgrades have been completed either by the Contractor or by a third party, if it is determined necessary by Sound Transit. If completed by a third party, the cost of the work shall be deducted from the Contractor’s Progress Payment. 5. Continued non-compliance with the erosion and sediment control requirements and water quality requirements may result in the issuance of a Stop Work Order and monetary fines. 6. In the event that Ecology or other AHJs issues a Notice of Violation, Notice of Non- Compliance, Corrections Required or other Enforcement Action, the Resident Engineer may issue a Stop Work Order for all construction activities until it has been determined to the satisfaction of the Resident Engineer, and Ecology or the other AHJs that the project is in compliance. The Resident Engineer may require SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 27 OF 36 the Contractor to send additional staff to successfully complete the Stormwater Construction BMPs field training as provided by the Associated General Contractors (AGC) or other Sound Transit approved training before construction activities can resume. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional time or compensation arising from any measures required or taken under this clause. The Contractor shall be responsible for and pay all costs associated with work stoppages, mitigation of the triggering event(s) and/or training. J. Completion of Construction 1. Remove all TESC measures within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. 2. Remove and dispose of trapped sediment in an approved site or stabilize the trapped sediment on site. 3. Permanently stabilize disturbed soil areas resulting from such removals 4. Terminate the GSWGP with Ecology once the following items have been completed by the Contractor: a. Final stabilization of all soils with permanent vegetative cover and / or final surfacing. b. Elimination of construction-related stormwater discharges. c. Removal of all temporary BMPs 1) Contractor shall provide Sound Transit with verification that all temporary BMPs (catch basin inserts, silt fence, check dams, etc.) have been removed. 3.07 AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS A. Take precautions to minimize fugitive dust emissions from operations involving demolition, excavation, grading, clearing of land and disposal of solid waste. B. Do not cause or allow emissions of fugitive dust from transport, handling, construction or storage activities to remain visible in atmosphere beyond the boundary of the Site. 1. Use water sprinkling on construction sites, temporary enclosures and other methods, as necessary, to minimize dust and dirt migration. 2. Use water to suppress dust during handling of soil or debris, or during demolition of brick or concrete buildings 3. Provide sufficient equipment for dust control to effectively prevent dust nuisance on and about the jobsite. 4. When weather conditions warrant, have water sprinkler equipment on hand at all times, including weekends and holidays, for immediate use for dust control. 5. Apply the water sprinkling so that water does not accumulate or run across Site. 6. Do not allow runoff of water that is used for dust control to enter Surface Water and / or Groundwater. 7. The application of any chemical dust suppressants must be approved by the Resident Engineer prior to use. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 28 OF 36 8. If portions of the Site are temporarily inactive or abandoned for whatever reason, provide dust control and abatement, as necessary, during periods of inactivity. C. Take precautions to prevent visible particulate matter from being deposited upon public roadways, sidewalks or adjacent building facades as a direct result of transportation operations. Precautions and remediation include: 1. Load all trucks, coming to the jobsite or leaving the jobsite, in a manner that prevents dropping of materials or debris on streets. 2. Remove particulate matter from equipment before movement to paved streets. 3. Cover and secure all loads of materials, debris and soil transported to and from construction sites. 4. As appropriate, wet materials in trucks to reduce fugitive dust and prevent deposition of particulates during transportation 5. Immediately remove from public roadways, sidewalks or adjacent buildings facades spillage or other materials deposited as a direct result of transportation operations. 6. Establish regular cycles and locations for cleaning trucks that haul soil from the Site. D. Cover loads of hot asphalt to minimize odors. E. Use construction equipment designed and equipped to prevent or control air pollution. 1. Maintain evidence of such equipment and make available for inspection by the Resident Engineer. 2. Establish and maintain records for routine maintenance program for all hauling trucks used for the Work. Keep records available for inspection by the Resident Engineer. 3. Do not allow internal combustion engines to idle on City streets and State and Federal highways. 4. Do not cause or allow emissions of internal combustion engines from transport, handling, construction or storage activities to remain detectable in atmosphere beyond property line of the emission source. 5. Use electrically-powered equipment where needed to meet requirements. F. Report all complaints from the public to the Resident Engineer. G. Use appropriate environmental sampling techniques, as determined by a CIH, for airborne emissions, if necessary to verify compliance with fugitive dust control measures. 3.08 EXHIBITS A. Exhibit A: Temporary Site Water Discharge Flow Chart B. Exhibit B: Spill Report Log C. Exhibit C: Spill Report Form D. Exhibit D: Environmental Corrective Action Request (ECAR) Form SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AND CONTROLS PAGE 29 OF 36 E. Exhibit E: Environmental Corrective Action Report (ECAR) Log END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 – EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY SITE WATER DISCHARGE FLOW CHART PAGE 30 OF 36 SECTION 01 57 00 – EXHIBIT A TEMPORARY SITE WATER DISCHARGE FLOW CHART SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 – EXHIBIT B RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SPILL REPORT LOG PAGE 31 OF 36 SECTION 01 57 00 – EXHIBIT B SPILL REPORT LOG SPILL REPORT LOG PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETAIN ON FILE. DATE LOCATION TYPE OF MATERIAL & QUANTITY SOURCE CAUSE CORRECTIVE AND/OR PREVENTIVE ACTION(S) TAKEN RECORDER’S INITIALS SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 – EXHIBIT C RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SPILL REPORT FORM PAGE 32 OF 36 SECTION 01 57 00 – EXHIBIT C SPILL REPORT FORM Please complete this form and retain on file. Page ____ of ____ Person reporting spill: Telephone number: Date of spill: Time of spill: Time / Date spill was cleaned up: Source of Spill – Equipment: Material type: Material quantity: Weather conditions: Spill reported to: Police/Fire Dept. (911) National Response Center 800-424-8802 Ecology – (425) 649-7000 Spill Response Subcontractor Sound Transit – Resident Engineer Other:_________________________ Cause(s) and effect(s) of spill: Spill containment and clean up procedures initiated: Description of spill location and surroundings: Corrective actions taken to prevent future incident: Agency(s) on the scene: Report completed by: Printed Name: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________ Title: Date: SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 - EXHIBIT D RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST (ECAR) FORM PAGE 33 OF 36 SECTION 01 57 00 - EXHIBIT D ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST (ECAR) FORM ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST (ECAR) 3. Department: 4. Responsible Individual/Organization: 5. Originator: 6. Response Due: 7. Reviewed By: 8. Location and /or Contract No.: 9. Item Location: 10. Requirement Reference and Description of Condition*: 11. Root Cause: 12. Corrective Action Taken to Prevent Recurrence: 13. Response Prepared by: 14. Response Date: 15. C/A Implementation Date: 16. Completion Signature: 17. Date: 18. Verification of Corrective Action: 19. Date: 20. Corrective Action Implementation: Accept Reject 21. Reviewed by Originator’s Manager or Supervisor: Date: *Attach photos of condition(s) as applicable. 1. ECAR No: 2. Date SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 00 - EXHIBIT D RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST (ECAR) FORM PAGE 34 OF 36 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUEST (ECAR) PART 1 - BLOCKS 1 THROUGH 10 WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE INDIVIDUAL ISSUING THE ECAR 1. Enter ECAR number 2. Enter date ECAR was generated 3. Enter Department 4. Enter name (internal/external) or responsible individual/organization 5. Enter name and telephone number of individual issuing Environmental Corrective Action Request 6. Enter date the reply is due back to the originator (normally ten (10) working days after the date of issue) 7. Signature of originator’s manager/supervisor and date 8. Enter project location and/or contract number 9. Location of incident, material, hardware, etc. 10. Reference the requirement and describe the existing condition PART 2 - BLOCKS 11 THROUGH 17 WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR RESPONDING TO THE ECAR 11. Describe the probable root cause 12. Describe the corrective action/action to prevent recurrence/action to correct the immediate problem 13. Signature of the individual preparing the response to this ECAR 14. Enter date 15. Enter effectivity/implementation date 16. Signature of individual dispositioning the item 17. Date of signature on line #18 PART 3 - BLOCKS 18 THROUGH 21 WILL BE COMPLETED BY ORGANIZATION ISSUING THE ECAR 18. Signature of Environmental Compliance Representative that verified Corrective Action 19. Date Corrective Action was verified 20. Enter either accept or reject Corrective Action implementation 21. Signature of Originator’s Manager/Supervisor and date SECTION 01 57 00 - EXHIBIT E REV. 06/29/2018 ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT (ECAR) LOG (EXAMPLE) PAGE 35 OF 36 SECTION 01 57 00 - EXHIBIT E ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT (ECAR) LOG (EXAMPLE) ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT (ECAR) LOG Page ___ of ___Department: Contract Name: Contract Number: E-CAR No: Description: Originator Resp. Org. Issue Date REC Date Verified by Date Close Date END OF EXHIBITS SECTION 01 57 00 - EXHIBIT E REV. 06/29/2018 ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT (ECAR) LOG (EXAMPLE) PAGE 36 OF 36 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 1 OF 14 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 57 15 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies requirements for complying with applicable noise regulations, and noise and vibration limits. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Acoustical Society of America (ASA) a. ANSI/ASA S1.4 American National Standard Specification for Sound Level Meters b. ANSI/ASA S2.4 American National Standard Method for Specifying the Characteristics of Auxiliary Analog Equipment for Shock and Vibration Measurements 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Construction Site: For purpose of noise and vibration control requirements, the Construction Work Area limits. This includes Right-of-Way, property, and construction easements, used expressly for construction. B. Noise Level Measurements: A-weighted and "slow" response readings from instruments complying with TYPE 1 or TYPE 2 requirements of the ANSI/ASA S1.4. C. A-Weighted Noise Levels: Decibels (referenced to 20 micro-Pascal) as measured with A-weighting network of standard sound level meter, abbreviated dBA. D. Vibration Measurements: The use of a vibration transducer, amplifier, peak detector, and frequency band filters complying with ANSI/ASA S2.4. E. Vibration: Velocity in microinches per second. Vibration levels are expressed as velocity levels in Decibels referenced to one microinch per second, abbreviated VdB. F. Noise Sensitive Locations: Residential areas, institutions, hospitals, parks, and other locations so named herein. G. Maximum Sound Level Lmax: The maximum recorded root mean square (RMS) A- weighted sound level for a given time interval or event. H. Equivalent Sound Level Leq: The A-weighted level of a constant sound having the same energy content as the actual time-varying level during a specified interval. The Leq is used to characterize complex, fluctuating sound levels with a single number. Typical intervals for Leq are hourly, daily and annually. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 2 OF 14 I. Vibration Monitoring: Monitoring used to determine if the equipment and methods used to complete the work cause vibrations that equal or exceed threshold values. The data gathered provide onsite feedback of the effects of specific operations and procedures. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Noise and Vibration Control Plan: 1. Within 45 days of Notice to Proceed (NTP), prior to commencing work on the site, or as specified herein. 2. Update and re-submit upon all major change in work schedule, construction methods, or equipment operations not included in the most recent Plan. 3. Monitoring Plan: a. Prepare and submit a scaled plan indicating noise and vibration measurement monitoring locations on a scaled plan. b. Certificates of calibration for monitoring instruments, including updated certificates after repairs to instruments. B. Noise and Vibration Measurement Reports: Submit weekly. Include measurements taken during the previous week. C. Shop and Working Drawings, computations, material data and other criteria, for all noise abatement measures identified in the Noise and Vibration Control Plan. D. Qualifications of the Acoustic Specialist: 1. Membership in at least one of the following recognized acoustical organizations: a. Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE): INCE Member. INCE Associate Membership is insufficient. b. Acoustical Society of America (ASA): Member. Student and Associate Memberships are insufficient. c. National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC): Employee of a NCAC Member Firm. 2. Minimum 10 years of experience performing similar work. 1.05 RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTOR A. Perform Work within the permissible noise and vibration levels, work schedule limitations, and procedures provided for in this Section; the approved Noise Variance listed in Contract Documents; and applicable federal, state, county and local codes, regulations, and standards. B. Use equipment with effective noise-suppression devices and employ other noise control measures such as barriers and curtains necessary to protect the public. C. Schedule and conduct operations in a manner minimizes, to the greatest extent feasible, the disturbance to the public in areas adjacent to the construction activities and to occupants of buildings in the vicinity of the construction activities. D. Compliance with the requirements of this Section may require the use of equipment with special exhaust silencers or enclosures, and construction of temporary enclosures or noise barriers around activities. Use haul routes and staging areas as shown on the SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 3 OF 14 Contract Drawings or if not shown as approved by the Resident Engineer, to minimize noise at residential and other sensitive receptor sites. Noise produced by elevated equipment, including crane pulleys and hoses, must be minimized. 1.06 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PLAN A. Prepared and certified by the Acoustic Specialist. B. Include the following requirements for construction activities that may occur at the construction site: 1.Site Drawing - Prepare a scaled drawing of the construction site indicating the following: a.Contract name and number b.Contractor's name c.Date and hours of work operation d.Scale e.Direction of North f.Identify noise and vibration sensitive locations near the construction site g.Construction equipment locations used, designated by the code letter used in Column (a) in Part A of the Noise Control Plan Form, Exhibit A. h.Locations of the noise levels calculated for the nearest residential, commercial, and industrial areas as specified herein. i.Locations and types of noise abatement measures that may be required to meet codes and regulations as indicated by the calculations. 2.Equipment Inventory - Prepare an inventory of equipment used by providing the following information in the indicated columns of Noise Control Plan Form, Exhibit A. a.Column (a) - Code letter in sketch to indicate position of equipment on site b.Column (b) – Category or type of equipment c.Column (c) - Equipment manufacturer and model, if known at the time of the Plan's preparation d.Column (d) - Unique identifier (ID), such as registration number, if known at the time of the Plans preparation. e.Column (e) - Equipment horsepower f.Column (f) - Estimated noise level at 50 feet, obtained from either the manufacturer or from approved field noise measurements of same equipment g.Column (g) - Estimated date of first use on site h.Column (h) Estimated date of last use on site SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 4 OF 14 i. Noise Calculations - Prepare calculations of Lmax noise levels expected at the nearest residential and commercial property lines and identified noise-sensitive locations near the construction site, based on the equipment noise levels given in Part A of the Noise Control Plan Form. Determine the nearest property lines from the noise-sensitive locations. Make the calculations for locations where noise emitted by applicable equipment causes the greatest noise level for each type of land use, if necessary. Provide the results on Part B of the Noise Control Plan Form, Exhibit B, with calculations included below the results, and with the locations for the calculations indicated on the site sketch. 3. Summary of Required Abatement Measures, as necessary. a. Noise Abatement Measures - If the results of the noise calculations indicate that noise level limits are exceeded, identify proposed noise abatement measures, their anticipated effects (dBA reductions), and a schedule for their implementation. Re-calculate the noise levels at the nearest sensitive receptor location property lines that include the anticipated noise reduction effects and submit the results on Part B of the Noise Control Plan Form. Include, as backup documentation to Part B of the Noise Control Plan, drawings, sketches, and suitable calculations that demonstrate anticipated noise reduction benefits and that proposed structures or facilities comply with applicable building code requirements. b. Noise Reduction Methods - To the extent required to meet the noise limits specified, indicate noise reduction measures to minimize construction noise emission levels. c. Vibration Control – Provide measures that can be used to reduce vibrations in the event that level limits are exceeded. The measures include changes in construction techniques. C. Monitoring Plan 1. Requirements a. In the event that the measured noise levels exceed the allowable limits as specified by the local jurisdiction, immediately notify the Resident Engineer and immediately implement additional specified Noise Abatement Measures. Where necessary terminate the construction activity responsible for the noise limits exceedance until the specified Abatement Measures can be implemented and compliance with the approved noise variance is achieved. b. In the event that the measured vibration levels exceed the allowable limits as specified by the local jurisdiction, immediately notify the Resident Engineer and immediately implement changes in construction techniques as specified in the Noise and Vibration Control Plan. 2. Monitoring Locations a. The noise and vibration monitoring locations are shown on the Contract Documents. The measurement sites shown represent the closest points to noise and vibration sensitive land uses to the construction equipment being operated. These locations may change during the Contract and the Resident Engineer will provide updates as required. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 5 OF 14 b. Noise measurement to be taken at construction site boundaries and at nearby residential and commercial property lines as defined above. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 NOISE CONTROL MATERIALS A. Noise control materials may be new or used. Used materials must be sound and free of damage and defects and are of a quality and condition to perform their designed function for the duration of construction of this Contract. 2.02 NOISE MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT A. Perform noise measurements using installed sound monitoring stations approved by the local jurisdiction which are equipped with the following measurement and documentation devices: 1. Sound level analyzer with the following capabilities: a. Capable of measuring on both the A-Weighted and C-Weighted scales required by regulatory criteria and Noise Level Limits. b. Complies with the criteria for a TYPE 1 (Precision) or TYPE 2 (General Purpose) Sound Level Meter as defined in the ANSI/ASA S1.4. c. Continuous broadband logging on 1-second LAeq, LAmax and LAmin. d. Continuous spectral logging of 1-second LAeq, LAmax and LAmin. e. Sound recording and external equipment trigger capabilities in the event of a variance exceedance. f. Sufficient internal memory for one (1) week of logged data and sound recordings. 2. Free-field microphone housed in an environmental shroud providing protection from rain and wind conditions. The environmental shroud is capable of outdoor measurements for at least one (1) year without service or replacement. B. Calibrate sound level analyzer, microphones, and calibrators for certified laboratory conformance at least once during the Contract. Submit a current certificate of conformance to the Resident Engineer before using the sound level meter and submit updated certificates following subsequent calibrations upon the completion of repairs to the instrument. 2.03 VIBRATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT A. Provide portable seismographs for monitoring the velocities of ground vibrations resulting from construction activities. The seismograph has the following minimum features: 1. Seismic Velocity range: 0.005 to 10 inches per second with an accuracy of within 3 percent of the measured peak particle velocity or better at frequencies between 1 Hertz and 250 Hertz, and with a resolution of 0.005 inch per second or less. 2. Frequency response (within 3 dBA points): 1 to 250 Hertz. 3. Multi channel for vibration monitoring. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 6 OF 14 4.Two power sources: internal rechargeable battery and charger and 115 volts AC. Battery must be capable of supplying power to monitor vibration continuously for up to 30 days. 5.Capable of internal dynamic calibration. 6.Direct writing to printer and capability to transfer data from memory to a laptop computer or compact disc (CD). Instruments must be capable of producing strip chart recordings of readings on site within one (1) hour of obtaining the readings. Provide computer software to perform analysis, produce reports of continuous monitoring, and to perform zero-crossing frequency analyses of waveform data. Ensure that all reports and analyses are capable of output to a laptop computer or CD. 7.Self-triggering wave form capture mode that provides the following information: plot of wave forms, peak particle velocities, frequencies of peaks. 8.Continuous monitoring mode must be capable of recording single-component peak particle velocities, and frequency of peaks with an interval of 1 minute or less. B. Provide all recommended ancillary equipment as recommended by the manufacturer for a complete and functional system. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 NOISE LEVEL LIMITS A. Do not operate noise generating construction equipment at the construction site prior to final approval of the Noise and Vibration Control Plan or formal noise variance activation by the local jurisdiction.. B. Do not exceed the maximum permissible sound levels as authorized by the local jurisdiction’s noise code for nighttime construction hours. C. Sound created by impact types of construction equipment, including but not limited to pavement breakers, jackhammers, sandblasting tools, or other types of equipment or devices that create impulse noise or impact noise or are used as impact equipment, as measured at the nearest property line or monitoring point, may exceed the maximum permissible sound levels as approved by the local jurisdiction. D. For operation of construction equipment that could exceed allowable noise limits during nighttime hours established by the local jurisdiction, the Contractor must obtain the appropriate noise variance from the local jurisdiction having authority. During these hours, meet the performance criteria as approved by Sound Transit and the local jurisdiction. E. The noise limits in 3.01A through 3.01C are for equipment on construction sites, including but not limited to crawlers, tractors, dozers, rotary drills, loaders, power shovels, cranes, derricks, graders, off-highway trucks, ditchers, trenchers, compactors, compressors, and pneumatic-powered equipment F. The noise levels should be measured at the nearest reasonable sensitive noise receptor. 3.02 VIBRATION LEVEL LIMITS A. Measures applied to limit noise levels may in some cases limit vibration levels also. Measures specified above for noise levels are applicable. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 7 OF 14 B. For all areas, conduct construction activities so that vibration levels at the nearest affected building monitoring points do not exceed root-mean-square (rms) unweighted vibration velocity levels in vertical direction over a frequency range of one to 100 Hertz as listed in Table 3. C. Vibration levels at buildings affected by construction operations refer to vertical direction vibration on ground surface or building floor. D. Installation of Vibration Monitors: 1. For monitoring in the vicinity of nearby structures or utilities, locate vibration sensors on the ground surface near the structures or utilities. Install geophones level and firmly mount on the surface slab of concrete or asphalt, or firmly anchor in undisturbed soil. Orient geophones towards the construction activity. 2. For monitoring on structures, install wall mount kit to attach geophones to structure face or columns. Mount geophones level and orient towards the construction activity. 3. See Section 31 09 00, Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring of Earthwork, for other installation, monitoring, and reporting requirements. E. Conduct daily measurements of vibration during peak vibration generating construction activities. Any activities that may produce vibration levels above values shown in Table 3 whenever a structure is located near the construction activity are subject to vibration monitoring. Peak vibration generating construction activities are limited in the design. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION METHODS - EQUIPMENT A. Where possible, use concrete crushers or pavement saws rather than hoe rams for tasks such as concrete deck removal and retaining wall demolition. B. Ensure that pneumatic impact tools and equipment used at the construction site have intake and exhaust mufflers recommended by the manufacturers thereof, to meet relevant noise ordinance limitations. C. Construction equipment, both stationary and mobile, should be of recent manufacture and incorporate effective noise-suppression design, including features such as shrouds, baffles, and mufflers or as recommended by the manufacturer. Locate stationary equipment that generates noise away from sensitive receptors and shield with a noise- attenuating barrier or shroud. D. Line or cover storage bins and chutes with sound-deadening material. Ensure all vehicles engaged in loading on-site have lined truck beds. E. Provide mufflers or shield paneling for equipment, including internal combustion engines, recommended by manufacturers thereof. F. Blasting, impact pile driving, vibratory hammers for pile casing installation, vibratory sheet installation and vibratory rollers are prohibited from use during those hours established by the local jurisdiction. G. As required to meet the noise limits specified in this Section, use alternative procedures of construction and selection of proper combination of techniques that generate least overall noise and vibration. Such alternative procedures include the following: 1. Use electric welders powered from utility main lines instead of internal combustion powered generators/welders. 2. Mix concrete off-site instead of on-site. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 8 OF 14 3. Employ prefabricated structures instead of assembling on-site. 4. Drilled pile installation methods. H. Use construction equipment manufactured or modified to dampen noise and vibration emissions, such as: 1. Electric instead of diesel-powered equipment 2. Hydraulic tools instead of pneumatic impact tools 3. Electric instead of air- or gasoline-driven saws 3.04 CONSTRUCTION METHODS - OPERATIONS A. Operate equipment and in particular slurry wall installation equipment and cranes so as to minimize banging, clattering, buzzing, and other annoying types of noises, especially near residential areas. B. To the extent feasible, configure the construction site in a manner that keeps noisier equipment and activities as far as possible from noise sensitive locations and nearby buildings. C. In no case are above restrictions limiting the responsibility for compliance with applicable federal, state and local safety ordinances and regulations and other Sections of these Contract Specifications. D. Maximize physical separation, as far as practicable, between noise generators and noise receptors. Separation includes following measures: 1. Provide enclosures for stationary items of equipment and barriers around particularly noisy areas on site. 2. Locate stationary equipment to minimize noise and vibration impact on community, subject to verification by the Resident Engineer. E. Minimize noise-intrusive impacts during most noise sensitive hours. 1. Plan noisier operations during times of highest ambient noise levels. 2. Keep noise levels relatively uniform; avoid excessive and impulse noises. The following paragraph, prohibiting equipment and vehicle idling, is a Sound Transit Design Criteria Manual sustainability requirement, and must not be deleted from the final version of this specification 3. Turn off idling equipment and vehicles. 4. Phase in start-up and shut-down of site equipment. 5. Avoid simultaneous activities that both generate high noise levels. 6. Conduct truck loading, unloading and hauling operations so noise and vibration are kept to a minimum. 7. Whenever feasible, do not operate trucks on streets that pass by schools during school hours. 8. Limit the time that steel decking or plates for street decking or covering excavated areas are in use. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 9 OF 14 9. Grade surface irregularities on construction sites to minimize the generation of impact noise and ground vibrations by passing vehicles. F. Use warning broadband backup alarms on all equipment in operation at the site, at all times. G. Limit the use of annunciators or public address systems, except for emergency notifications. 3.05 CONSTRUCTION METHODS – NOISE ABATEMENT MEASURES A. Install noise abatement measures in locations specified in the Noise Control Plan adjacent to equipment as required to meet the noise limits specified. 3.06 NOISE AND VIBRATION MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES A. Noise Measurement Procedure 1. Field calibrate the sound level analyzer using an acoustic calibrator, according to the manufacturer’s specifications, before each measurement. 2. Except as otherwise indicated, perform measurements using the A-weighting network and the SLOW response of the sound level meter. 3. Measure impulsive or impact noises using the C-Weighting network and the FAST response of the sound level meter. 4. Fit the measurement microphone with an appropriate windscreen at the location of the sensitive receptor at least four to six feet away from the nearest reflective surface. 5. Take noise measurements at the nearest property line and agreed noise sensitive locations at least once each week and after a change in construction activity or construction location. Determine the duration of noise measurements based on the type of construction activity, the length of the activity, and whether it is continuous or intermittent. Measurement periods: a minimum of 20 minutes. 6. Ensure that construction noise measurements coincide with periods of maximum noise-generating construction activity, and take measurements during the construction phase or activity that has the greatest potential to create annoyance or to exceed applicable noise regulations and restrictions. 7. If, in the estimation of the person performing the measurements, outside noise sources contribute significantly to the measured noise level, repeat the measurements with the same outside source contributions when construction is inactive to determine the background noise level. 8. Submit noise data to the Resident Engineer on a weekly basis using the Noise Measurements Report Form provided in Exhibit C. Note the type of measurement (for example, baseline, on-going construction) on the form. 9. Clearly identify proposed monitoring locations that must be approved by the local jurisdiction and sketch on the back of the Noise Measurements Report Form, Exhibit C, along with the locations of and distances from any agreed sensitive noise receptor or location. 10. Identify construction equipment operating and characterize the sound being generated during the monitoring period and the locations sketched on the back of the Noise Measurements Report Form, along with the locations and distances to any agreed noise sensitive location. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL PAGE 10 OF 14 B. Vibration Measurement Procedures 1. Field calibrate the vibration monitoring equipment, according to the manufacturer’s specifications, before each measurement. 2. Take vibration measurements at sensitive locations as indicated herein and on the Contract Drawings at least once each week and after a change in construction activity or construction location. Measurement periods: a minimum of 20 minutes. 3. Submit vibration data to the Resident Engineer on a weekly basis using a Contractor-generated form. Note the type of measurement (for example baseline, on-going construction) on the form. 4. Clearly identify monitoring locations and sketch on the back of the vibration report form. 5. Identify construction equipment operating during the monitoring period and the locations sketched on the back of the vibration report form. TABLE 1 - CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION LIMITS Vibration Type (Permissible Duration) Peak Particle Velocity (in/sec) Sustained (1 hr/day) 0.04 Transient (<1 hr/day) 0.12 Transient (<10 min/day) 0.4 3.07 EXHIBITS A. Exhibit A: Quarterly Noise Control Plan – Part A B. Exhibit B: Quarterly Noise Control Plan – Part B C. Exhibit C: Noise Measurements Report Form END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB QUARTERLY NOISE CONTROL PLAN – PART A PAGE 11 OF 14 SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT A QUARTERLY NOISE CONTROL PLAN – PART A CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AT EACH CONSTRUCTION SITE (DUPLICATE AS NEEDED) Contract No.: Contract Name: Contractor: _ Site: Date: Resubmit every three months (ATTACH SITE SKETCH) PART A: EQUIPMENT INVENTORY Equipment Noise Level Date Date Code (a) Categor y (b) Model (c) ID No. (d) HP (e) At 50 Feet (f) Begin (g) End (h) SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT B RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB QUARTERLY NOISE CONTROL PLAN FORM - PART B PAGE 12 OF 14 SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT B QUARTERLY NOISE CONTROL PLAN FORM - PART B (DUPLICATE AS NEEDED) Contract No.: Contract Name: Contractor: Site: Date: Land Use: Resubmit every three months. PART B: CALCULATED CONSTRUCTION NOISE LEVELS AT NEAREST RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL RECEIVERS FOR EACH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Nearest Noise Sensitive Receivers Calculated Sound Pressure Level (dBA)* * EQUIPMENT USED FOR EACH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIY IS TAKEN FROM PART A OF THE NOISE CONTROL PLAN NOISE ABATEMENT MEASURES ANTICIPATED EFFECTS CALCULATIONS - attach additional sheet(s) as needed. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT C RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB NOISE MEASUREMENTS REPORT FORM PAGE 13 OF 14 SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT C NOISE MEASUREMENTS REPORT FORM Contract No(s): Date: Time: Measured By: Of: (Company) Monitoring Address: (Provide Sketch on Back) Location No: Wind Speed: Km/Hr Direction: (MPH x 1.6) Location of Sound Level Meter: (No closer than 15 meters from equipment and 3 meters from building) Monitoring was Conducted: Meters from Equipment ( ) (Type(s): Leave Blank for Baseline) Land Use:  Residential/Institutional  Business/Recreational  Industrial Sound Level Meter: Make and Model:  A - Weighted Sound Level (Slow) Duration of Measurement: (20 minutes to 1 hour) Calibration Level Leq L25 L08 L02 Lmax Allowable Noise Limit Field Notes; Check one of the following:  Ongoing Construction  Post-Construction:  Baseline Conditions (Contract) (Complete all that apply below) Active Contract(s): (List all contracts that contribute to measured noise) Complaint Response: _____________________________________________________ (Describe: Include Log-In Number) Abatement Follow-Up: (Describe) SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 57 15 – EXHIBIT C RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB NOISE MEASUREMENTS REPORT FORM PAGE 14 OF 14 END OF EXHIBITS SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER SECTION 01 71 30 RTA/CN 0188-21 REMEDIATION PROJECT PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE ISSUE FOR BID PAGE 1 OF 3 IFB CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 71 30 PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY AND WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY This Section specifies protection and maintenance of underground and aboveground utilities, structures, fences, parking strips, sidewalks, driveways, streets and other improvements, which may be affected by the Work. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Conflict: An existing Major Underground Utility is considered to be in Conflict if: 1. It crosses or projects into the specified excavation at an elevation between the top and bottom of the proposed Facility 2. When parallel to a proposed Facility within the zone-of-influence (1:1) If the proposed Facility does not meet the above listed requirements, then no Conflict exists. B. Facility: A real property entity consisting of one or more of the following: an underground or aboveground utility system or structure, pavement or other improvement. C. Major Utility: A transmission, collection or distribution line that is not considered a Minor Utility. D. Minor Utility: Any Service Line regardless of size or type, water lines of 4-inch diameter and less, sanitary sewer lines of 6-inch diameter and less, natural gas lines of 2-inch diameter and less, and any irrigation line, including all appurtenances. E. Service Line: 1. A utility line, the function of which is to directly connect the improvements on an individual property (e.g., residential, industrial or commercial) to a larger utility system line, located off said property or in an easement / right of way on said property, to which other utility lines also connect. 2. Any cable or conduit that supplies an active feed from a utility Owner’s facilities to activate or energize any federal, state or local governmental entity’s local lighting and electrical systems, traffic control systems, street lights, communication systems or irrigation systems. 3. Service lines which are encountered and which may need relocation or other changes to achieve the Work shall not be considered as the basis of any Claim or Change Order, or for payment under the Provisional Sum Item for Unidentified Utility Conflicts 1.03 SUBMITTALS / TRANSMITTALS A. Listing and schedule of all potholing B. Listing of utilities/facilities to be physically protected and relocated SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 71 30 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY AND WORK PAGE 2 OF 3 C. Listing of utilities/facilities to be physically protected and supported in place D. Qualifications for independent third party pre- and post-construction inspectors E. Pre- and post-construction inspections and surveys of utilities and buildings F. WSDOT Pavement Survey Work Plan 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Independent, third-party inspectors shall have a minimum of 5 years performing work of similar nature. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. Coordinate efforts to locate existing underground utilities. A minimum of 15 days prior to work in the location of a utility, review with the Resident Engineer the locations of existing utilities in relation to the Work and evaluate areas of conflict and potential conflict. B. Excavate (pothole) and expose existing Major and Minor Underground Utilities prior to the work to determine utility dimensions and elevations. C. Sound Transit will not be liable for utility protection,. D. Remove, plug or fill abandoned pipelines in accordance with the local jurisdiction’s requirements. E. Storm and sanitary sewers: 1. Existing live sewers shall remain in service, unless otherwise indicated. 2. If interruption of sewers is required, provision shall be made for disposal of existing flows. 3. Immediately repair, to a condition equal to or better than that existing prior to the damage, construction damage caused to the existing sewer system and manholes. F. Aboveground electrical cable and communication facilities: 1. Support poles that are at risk of being undermined by the Work. 2. Shore up, brace, underpin and protect, as necessary, the foundations and other parts of existing structures adjoining the Site of the Work that may be affected by the Work. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 71 30 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY AND WORK PAGE 3 OF 3 3.02 PRE- AND POST-CONSTRUCTION BUILDING, BRIDGE, UTILITY TUNNEL, PARKING GARAGE, SURFACE FEATURE SURVEYS A. Do not access private property unless a right-of-entry permit has been obtained through Sound Transit or a temporary construction easement is granted to the Contractor through the terms of the Contract. Maintain a log of the rights of entry and permitted access for each property and the dates of entry on which the surveys of the current conditions were performed. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 1 OF 16 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 74 00 CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. In all cases, follow the specific permits for this project. If permits do not address the following provisions, these provisions apply: B. Section includes requirements for the following: 1. Cleanup activities 2. Salvaging nonhazardous construction and demolition (C&D) debris as required 3. Recycling nonhazardous construction and demolition debris 4. Disposing of nonhazardous construction and demolition debris 5. Special project procedures for transients – homeless and illegal encampments 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Bio-sweep: A process of inspecting the Site to identify and remove transients, removal, storage, and return of personal property, Site cleanup, which addresses all biological and associated physical hazards present, evictions and periodic Site maintenance. B. Commingled C&D Recycling: A method of recovery where recyclable construction and demolition debris are mixed together at the Work Site and brought to a recycling facility for sorting. C. Construction and Demolition Debris: Construction, Demolition and Land Clearing Debris (CDL). All non-hazardous solid waste and building materials resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, repair, demolition, selective demolition, and land-clearing operations. Consists of, but is not limited to, wood waste, concrete, brick, asphalt, other aggregates, gypsum wallboard, glass, scrap metal, roofing, siding, wire, insulation, packaging materials, intact building materials and fixtures, and land-clearing debris such as soils, brush, shrubs, plants, limbs and trees. D. Deconstruction: The systematic disassembly of a structure in order to maximize the salvage of reusable building materials first and to recycle materials second. E. Disposal: Off-site removal of construction and demolition debris and subsequent final deposit in landfill or incinerator. F. Recycling: Recovery of Construction and Demolition Debris for subsequent processing (sorting, cleaning, treating, reconstituting) in preparation for use in the manufacture of a new product. G. Reuse: Recovery of Construction and Demolition Debris and subsequent use of the material in its same or similar form. Materials can be reused on Site or in other Work. Examples include, but are not limited to, grinding concrete for use as subbase material; chipping land-clearing debris for use as mulch. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 2 OF 16 H. Salvage: Recovery of Construction and Demolition Debris for subsequent sale. Reuse in another facility, or donation to a third party. I. Source-Separated C&D Recycling: The process of separating recyclable Construction and Demolition Debris in separate containers as they are generated at the Work Site. The separated materials are hauled directly to a Recycling facility. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Site-specific Waste Management Plan B. Waste Management Progress Reports: Concurrent with each Application for Payment and no less frequently than monthly, submit report (Exhibit A for construction Work and for demolition Work). Include the following information and any additional requirements (not listed below): 1. Generation point of waste (including project address) 2. Total quantity of waste generated in tons 3. Quantity and type of waste reused 4. Quantity and type of waste salvaged 5. Quantity and type of waste recycled a. Specify collection method (source-separated or commingled). For commingled materials, include verification of the recycling rate for commingled loads at the facility (or provide King County certified facility diversion rates). 6. Total quantity and types of waste recovered (reused plus salvaged plus recycled) in tons 7. Total quantity of waste recovered (reused plus salvaged plus recycled) as a percentage of total waste generated 8. Statement of discovery of hazardous materials. Report abatement, remediation, disposal methods and provide final report from certified hazardous material vendor 9. Statement of current regulatory compliance for all facilities receiving waste 10. If directed by Sound Transit, the Contractor shall use King County waste reporting requirements in lieu of the form in Exhibit A. 11. Final Progress Report, summarizing all efforts and totaling waste recovered, to be submitted upon Substantial Completion. C. Qualification Data: For waste management coordinator and recycling facility (certification) D. Waste Management Calculations: Prior to Substantial Completion, submit calculated end- of-Contract rates for Reuse, Salvage, Recycling, and Disposal as a percentage of total waste generated by the Work. E. Records of Donations: Indicate receipt and acceptance of reusable or salvageable waste donated to individuals and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax exempt. F. Records of Sales: Indicate receipt and acceptance of reusable or salvageable waste sold to individuals and organizations. Indicate whether organization is tax exempt. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 3 OF 16 G. Recycling and Processing Facility Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of recyclable waste by recycling and processing facilities permitted or certified to accept them. Include manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices. H. Landfill, Incinerator, and Intermodal Facility Disposal Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of waste by landfills, incinerator, and intermodal facilities permitted to accept them. Include facility diversion reports, manifests, weight tickets, receipts, and invoices. I. Prepare a written plan for Work Site cleanup or bio-sweep in accordance to requirements specified in Article 1.06 herein. The plan can be incorporated into or follow the requirements of the Contaminated Material Health and Safety Plan (CMHSP) as specified in Section 01 35 43, Hazardous and Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program. Submit the plan to the Resident Engineer prior to commencing cleanup Work. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Construction and demolition waste management activities in compliance with all applicable regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Waste Management Coordinator: Engage a waste management coordinator to be responsible for implementing, monitoring, and reporting status of Waste Management Work Plan. C. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: Certified by EPA-approved certification program if applicable. D. Waste Management Pre-Construction Meeting: Review methods and procedures related to waste management including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Review and discuss waste management plan including responsibilities of waste management coordinator. 2. Review requirements for documenting quantities of each material type and their disposition. 3. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation and verify adequate availability of containers and bins. 4. Review procedures for periodic material collection and transportation to Recycling and Disposal facilities. E. Training: Provide mandatory on-site instruction on appropriate separating, handling, recycling, recovering, and compost methods to be used by all parties at the appropriate stages of the Work at the Site. Distribute waste management plan to entities when they first begin work on Site and review at regular job and safety meetings. F. Signage: Provide consistent recycling and composting signage throughout the jobsite offices and jobsite at points of creation/collection (lunchrooms, kitchens). Graphics shall be consistent in color, image, and message, while be located on every collection container and areas where waste is generated. G. Include discussion of waste management and Recycling in regular quarterly job meeting and job safety meetings conducted during the course of work at the Site. Include report out of landfill diversion rates, items recently salvaged or reused, and discuss improvement opportunities (recyclables spoiled through mis-sorting). SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 4 OF 16 1.05 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Develop a waste management plan consisting of waste identification and Waste Management Work Plan. Include separate sections in Plan for Demolition and construction waste. Indicate types and quantities by weight. B. Waste Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of demolition, land clearing and construction waste generated by the Work, as listed in Exhibit A. Include estimated quantities and assumptions for estimates. 1. Confirm through an Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Inspection Report and other survey reports for hazardous materials that the Project Site does not contain hazardous materials such as asbestos or lead-based paint. A report statement indicating the Project Site has been remediated or does not contain hazardous materials is required to be provided to the Waste Management Coordinator and distributed to all haulers and receiving Salvage and Recycling facilities, in accordance with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction, such as the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency and Washington Department of Labor and Industries. C. List each type of waste and whether it will be reused, salvaged, recycled, or disposed of in landfill or incinerator. Include points of waste generation, total quantity of each type of waste, quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and transportation procedures. 1. Salvaged Materials for Reuse: For materials that will be salvaged and reused in this Project or other Work, describe methods for preparing salvaged materials before incorporation into the Work. 2. Salvaged Materials for Sale: For materials that will be sold to individuals and organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. List individuals or organizations responsible for removing materials from Project Site (names, addresses, telephone numbers, and current insurance certificates). 3. Salvaged Materials for Donation: For materials that will be donated to individuals and organizations, include list of their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. List individuals or organizations responsible for removing materials from Project Site (names, addresses, telephone numbers, and current insurance certificates). 4. Recycled Materials: Include list of anticipated certified C&D receivers and processors and type of recycled materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, certification, and telephone numbers. 5. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where materials will be disposed. Include name, address, and telephone number of each facility, transfer station, landfill and incinerator facility. 6. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Include methods that will be used for separating recyclable waste, including sizes of containers, container labeling, and designated location(s) where materials separation will be performed, and source- separated or commingled collection. 7. Provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of hauling contractor(s), as applicable. D. Statement of Refrigerant Recovery: Signed by refrigerant recovery technician responsible for recovering refrigerant, stating that all refrigerant that was present was recovered and that recovery was performed according to EPA regulations. Include name and address of technician and date refrigerant was recovered. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 5 OF 16 E. Training: Indicate the procedures for mandatory on-site instruction on appropriate separation, handling, recycling, recovery, and compost methods to be used by all parties at the appropriate stages of the work at the Site. Distribute waste management plan to subcontractors when they first begin work on-site and review at regular job and safety meetings. F. Signage: Indicate the program for consistent signage at all collection containers and areas waste is generated. G. Reporting: Indicate reporting procedures for this project. 1.06 BIO-SWEEP HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A. Plan Requirements 1. Prepare under the supervision of a certified industrial hygienist and incorporate all required County, State, and Federal health and safety provisions. 2. Include requirements of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), all amendments, and all other applicable health regulations. 3. Include an initial Site assessment by the industrial hygienist prior to preparation of the plan. 4. Break the initial cleanup of the project into identifiable construction areas. B. At least one copy of the plan shall be posted at the Work Site while cleanup Work is in progress. C. The industrial hygienist shall perform one or more follow-up Site assessments as needed to approve the Site following completion of the initial Site cleanup. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Achieve end-of-Contract rates for Reuse/Salvage/Recycling of 80 percent minimum by weight of total non-hazardous solid waste generated by the Work. Practice efficient waste management in the use of materials during the Work. Use all reasonable means to divert deconstruction, construction and demolition debris from landfills and incinerators by one or a combination of the following activities in order of priority. 1. Reuse 2. Salvage 3. Source-Separated C&D Recycling 4. Commingled C&D Recycling B. Materials for which Reuse, Salvage, or Recycling is Required: In conformance with requirements promulgated by authorities having jurisdictions, and industry best practices, 100 percent of the following materials must be separated for Reuse, Salvage, or Recycling, regardless of Reuse/Salvage/Recycling goal indicated in Article 2.01A herein: 1. Asphalt paving 2. Asphalt roofing shingles SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 6 OF 16 3. Brick 4. Cardboard 5. Carpet 6. Concrete 7. Gypsum Scrap (new construction only) 8. Metals 9. Plastic sheet and film 10. Wood (readily recyclable – unpainted and untreated) C. Materials for which Reuse, Salvage, or Recycling are Practicable: material shall be Reused, Salvaged, or Recycled whenever practicable. Construction and Demolition Debris that can be Reused, Salvaged, or Recycled include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Uncontaminated Packaging materials: a. Paper b. Polystyrene packaging c. Wood crates 2. Division 03 – Concrete a. Concrete reinforcing steel b. Concrete masonry units 3. Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites a. Vertical timbers b. Glu-lam beams c. Wood studs/joists d. Plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) e. Wood paneling f. Wood trim g. Wood decking h. Casework 4. Division 07 – Thermal and Moisture Protection a. Insulation 5. Division 08 - Openings a. Doors and frames b. Exterior wood windows SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 7 OF 16 c. Stained glass windows d. Vinyl windows e. Door hardware f. Glazing 6. Division 09 – Finishes a. Metal studs b. Acoustical tile and panels c. Carpet pad 7. Division 10 – Specialties a. Demountable partitions 8. Division 11 - Equipment a. Elevator equipment 9. Division 12 – Furnishings a. Cabinets 10. Division 21 – Fire Suppression a. Sprinklers 11. Division 22 – Plumbing a. Plumbing fixtures b. Piping – (see Division 5 Metals) c. Supports and hangers - (see Division 5 Metals) d. Valves 12. Division 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) a. Mechanical equipment – (see Division 5 Metals) b. Refrigerants 13. Division 26 – Electrical a. Electrical conduit 1) Copper – (see Division 5 Metals) b. Copper wiring – (see Division 5 Metals) c. Lighting fixtures d. Lamps e. Ballasts f. Electrical devices g. Switchgear and panelboards SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 8 OF 16 h. Transformers i. Uninterrupted Power Source and Generators j. Conduit – (see Division 5 Metals) 14. Division 32 – Exterior Improvements a. Landscape/hardscape materials – plants, pavers, rockeries, etc. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Take precautions and perform any necessary Work required to provide and maintain a safe and healthful jobsite for all workers and the public for the duration of the project in accord- ance with all applicable laws and contract requirements. B. Ensure that the public, including persons who may be non-English speaking or those who may not be able to recognize potential safety and health hazards within the project area, are not harmed by the Contractors activities. 3.02 CLEANUP DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Keep the entire Site in a neat and orderly condition at all times during construction. 1. Conduct a general cleanup of the Site daily as a part of the Work. 2. Provide general daily cleanup and disposal service for removal of waste and rubbish from the jobsite. B. Provide daily litter pickup and general cleanup within designated work limits. Clean up both construction and non-construction material, and perform bio-sweep. Provide trash receptacles for workers’ lunches, cigarette butts, and other miscellaneous garbage. 1. Dispose or recycle waste, compost, trash, and debris in a safe, acceptable manner in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances. 2. Bury no waste material and debris on the Site. 3. Burning of trash and debris on the Site is prohibited. C. Remove graffiti from walls, fences, trailers, and equipment within 24 hours. D. Remove materials and equipment from the Site when no longer necessary. E. Maintain planted landscape areas on the construction Site and as specified. Mow and weed areas as needed. 3.03 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES FOR TRANSIENTS – HOMELESS AND ILLEGAL ENCAMPMENTS A. The Work Site may include materials and wastes that pose physical or biological safety and health hazards. These may include, but not be limited to, food, garbage, contaminated clothing and bedding, broken glass, human, bird, and animal excrement, drug paraphernalia including hypodermic needles, birds, bats, rodents, and other hazards. Personal property items, which are not considered a safety or a health hazard, shall not be disposed of without appropriate owner notification, as indicated in Article 3.03.C herein. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 9 OF 16 B. The Work Site may be occupied by homeless and otherwise transient persons who may attempt to seek shelter in or near construction zones or services in the area during the day and at night. Transients may seek shelter in or under dumpsters, equipment, blankets, construction materials, or other spaces hidden from plain view. Transients may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and it should not be assumed that loud construction noise would wake them. Prior to the removal of transient’s personal property within the Project limits, the Contractor shall provide a minimum 72 hour public notification in accordance with Article 3.03.C. The Contractor’s Health and Safety Plan shall include requirements for thorough daily Work area checks for unauthorized people prior to the start of Work. C. Public Notification 1. Furnish and install “No Trespassing” signage as part of initial Site posting and fencing activities. 2. Provide written notification of the following to the Resident Engineer and to the chief law enforcement officer of the local governmental entity where the Work will occur at the same time the “No Trespassing” signs are posted: a. The precise location of each area that is posted “No Trespassing” b. The date and time that each Site was posted “No Trespassing” c. The date, time, description and duration of the Work to be performed at each Site 3. Post a notification at each encampment area at least 72 hours prior to performing Work in areas containing encampments (such as tents, makeshift dwellings, sleeping sites, or accumulations of personal property that are not refuse). Each notice shall: a. Be weather resistant, and written in both English and Spanish b. Be affixed to each dwelling or post mounted within 10 feet of each encampment c. State the Prime Contractor’s business name as the entity performing the work as required by the Sound Transit d. Provide the date that the notice is posted e. Provide the date(s) and time(s) that cleanup will occur f. Provide the telephone number, business hours and physical address of the location where stored personal property may be claimed. g. State that personal property will be stored for 70-days from the date of removal, and if unclaimed within that time, will be disposed of. 4. At the same time that notifications are posted at encampment areas, provide written notification of the schedule to perform Site cleanup to the Resident Engineer and to the affected homeless advocacy groups as identified by Sound Transit. 5. Acceptance of signs and notifications will be based on visual inspection that the sign and notifications meet their requirements. 6. Maintain no-trespassing signs near the construction Site or locations of the construction activity for the duration of construction. D. Site Cleanup of Biological and Physical Hazards SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 10 OF 16 1. Provide necessary training of personnel, on and offsite preparations, and safety equipment to complete initial cleanup and disposal of the biological and associated physical hazards. Perform the Work using trained personnel. 2. Proceed with initial Site cleanup and clearing of the Site, once the 72-hour public notification period has passed. If aggressive or violent individuals are encountered, notify the local law enforcement agency to assist in clearing people from the area when necessary. Responsible for all enumerated activities therein in relation to this Project, unless otherwise directed by the Resident Engineer. 3. Perform an initial cleanup of the Project area, which includes all preparatory work required to make the Project area sanitary and safe in accordance with applicable laws, and to address all biological and physical hazards present 4. Refuse generated by the Site cleanup shall become the property of the Contactor and removed from the project. Personal property shall be handled as required by this Specification and applicable laws. E. Removal, Storage, and Return of Personal Property 1. Personal Property: a. May include radios, audio and video equipment, sleeping bags, tents, stoves and cooking utensils, lanterns, flashlights, bed rolls, tarps, foam, canvas, mats, blankets, pillows, medication, personal papers, photographs, books and other reading materials, luggage, backpacks or other storage containers, clothing, towels, shoes, toiletries and cosmetics, clocks and watches, and eye glasses. b. Does not include building materials such as wood products, metal, or rigid plastic. 2. Personal property items that are not refuse, contaminated, illegal or hazardous shall be removed from the Work area and stored at a location near the Project Site for return to the property owner. a. Items shall be placed in large transparent plastic bags and stored in a manner that protects them from adverse weather and theft. b. Reasonable efforts shall be made to place all items from each encampment into a separate bag. Each bag shall be labeled with an inventory to include a brief description of the contents, a description of the location that it was removed from, and the date that it was removed from the Work area. c. The Contractor shall not open closed items of personal property unless, in its determination, it is necessary to do so to protect public safety. 3. The Contractor shall retain the property for 70 days. 4. If the name and contact information of the owner of a personal property item is identified on that item, then for a period of not less than 10-days after removing the property from the Work area, the Contractor shall attempt to notify the apparent owner of the property and make arrangements for the owner to claim the property. 5. The Contractor shall release the property to any individual who claims ownership provided they are able to establish ownership by identifying the property and its approximate location. The Contractor shall maintain a record of all property that is claimed. The record shall include a description of the property, the date claimed, and the name of the claimant. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 11 OF 16 6. If personal property is not claimed within 70-days of removal from the encampment, then the property shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project. F. Site Preservation 1. On a daily basis and prior to performing any Work in areas where pedestrians or encampments may be present, the Contractor shall verify that the Work area is cleared of all persons not associated with the project. 2. If the Work Site becomes unsanitary or unsafe due to new encampments or new biological and associated physical hazards after initial cleanup is completed, then the Contractor shall perform additional Site assessment, additional notification and additional cleanup. 3. The Resident Engineer may authorize additional Site preservation measures. The nature and frequency of these measures will be as agreed to by the Resident Engineer. Additional Site preservation measures may include the use of fencing, lighting, or security, provided it is approved in advance by the Resident Engineer. Work performed without Resident Engineer authorization will not be eligible for payment. 3.04 FINAL SITE CLEANUP A. Prior to final inspection, clean the entire Site. Remove from the entire Site all construction equipment and facilities, construction waste and unused materials, loose rock and stones, excess earth, and debris of all description resulting from the Work. B. Wash, scrub clean, and use a street sweeper where necessary for all pavement and paved walks. C. Remove mortar droppings from concrete work and pavement where they occur. Wash and scrub clean all exposed vertical surfaces of concrete. D. Clear and clean all manholes and drainage systems. 3.05 WASTE MANAGEMENT - PLAN IMPLEMENTATION A. General: Identify materials and provide methods for material separation, handling, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and other items as required to implement waste management. B. Designate and label specific areas on Project Site necessary for separating materials that are to be salvaged, recycled, reused, donated, and sold. 3.06 RECYCLING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION WASTE A. Recycling and Salvaging Incentives: Revenues, savings, rebates, tax credits, and other incentives received for recycling waste materials shall accrue to Contractor. B. Preparation of Waste: Prepare and maintain reusable, salvage, or recyclable materials according to recycling or reuse facility requirements. Maintain materials free of dirt, adhesives, solvents, petroleum contamination, and other substances deleterious to the recycling process. C. Procedures: Separate reusable, salvageable, and recyclable waste from other waste materials, trash, and debris. Separate recyclable waste by type at Project Site to the maximum extent practicable according to approved waste management plan. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 12 OF 16 1.Provide appropriately marked containers or bins for controlling recyclable materials until removed from Project Site. Include list of acceptable and unacceptable materials at each container and bin. Inspect and remove contaminated materials if found. 2.Provide separate containers for non-recyclable materials (debris destined for disposal), clearly labeled as “Garbage.” 3.Stockpile processed materials on Site without intermixing with other materials. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. 4.Do not store materials within drip line or critical root zone of remaining trees. 5.Remove recyclable materials from Sound Transit’s property and transport to certified recycling receiver or processor within 30 days unless otherwise approved by the Resident Engineer. 3.07 RECYCLING DEMOLITION MATERIALS A. Concrete: Transport concrete to concrete recycling facility. B. Concrete Masonry: Transport masonry to masonry recycling facility. C. Brick Masonry: Transport masonry to masonry recycling facility. D. Metals: Separate metals into “metal only” containers if sufficient space exists. E. Wood Materials: Separate unpainted lumber, engineered wood products and panel products into “wood only” container if sufficient space exists. Transport to wood recycling facility. Dispose of painted and treated wood materials. F. Asphalt Shingle Roofing: Separate asphalt shingles into separate container for recycling at appropriate recycling facility. G. Mixed Materials: Collect remaining materials after separation of the above materials in commingled recycling containers for processing by a certified / permitted C&D recycling facility. H. Asphalt Paving: Transport paving to asphalt-recycling facility. 3.08 RECYCLING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS A. Packaging: 1.Cardboard and Boxes: Separate and recycle per local regulations. 2.Polystyrene Packaging: Separate, and recycle per local regulations. 3.Pallets: As much as possible, require deliveries using pallets to remove pallets from Project Site. For pallets that remain on Site, Reuse as appropriate or break down pallets into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. 4.Crates: Break down crates into component wood pieces and comply with requirements for recycling wood. B. Wood Materials: 1.Clean Cut-Offs of Lumber: Separate into “wood only” container if sufficient space exists. . SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 13 OF 16 C. Separate the materials below into material specific container, if space at Project Site allows, or sort into commingled container for mixed C&D debris: 1.Metals 2.Concrete 3.Masonry 4.Carpet 5.Acoustical Ceiling Tile 6.Glazing 7.Styrofoam (white EPS) 3.09 DISPOSAL OF WASTE A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused, remove waste materials from Project Site and legally dispose of them in a landfill or incinerator. Do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of accumulate on Site. B. Burning: Do not burn waste materials on Site. 3.10 EXHIBITS A. Exhibit A: Example Waste Management Progress Report END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECTSECTION 01 74 00 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21ISSUE FOR BID IFB CLEANING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGE 14 OF 16 SECTION 01 74 00 - EXHIBIT A EXAMPLE WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRESS REPORT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 74 00 - EXHIBIT A RTA/CN 0188-21ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXAMPLE WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRESS REPORT (CONTINUED) PAGE 15 OF 16 SECTION 01 74 00 - EXHIBIT A EXAMPLE WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRESS REPORT (CONTINUED) END OF EXHIBIT RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 78 39 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS PAGE 1 OF 4 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 01 78 39 AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for the preparation, maintenance, completion, and submission of as-built documents (drawings, specifications, and related documentation). 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Final Submissions: Submit within the time frame specified in the General Conditions. B. Qualification Documentation 1.03 FINAL SUBMISSON A. General 1.Record and resubmit changes subsequent to Substantial Completion of the Work. When no further changes to the as-built conditions are anticipated and in preparation for Acceptance of Work, submit: B. Electronic Files 1.PDF files of as-built documents, including drawings, specifications, sketches, shop drawings, and related documentation, in the same size, scale, and color as the original, with a density of 300 dpi, for review and approval. a.Submit as-built documents in multi-sheet PDF files, with the documents in the same order as provided in the contract document set. Include drawing/sketch numbers as bookmarks in the respective PDF file. b.Bookmarks: Include bookmarks for each As-Built Drawing. For example: Drawings = 071_L10_SX101. Sketches = FSK-0001. c. File Name: Include the Contract # or CUD # (if available), Contract Name, the word “Contractor” and type of document (e.g. drawings, specifications, sketch, etc.) in the respective PDF file name. e.g. “E340_Bel- Red_Contractor_Drawings” 2.Excel or CSV-format files of coordinates obtained from field surveys in Point number, Northing, Easting, Elevation, and Description (PNEZD-format). 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: An individual with the following: 1.Competency in reading, interpreting, and drafting A/E design and construction drawings 2.An understanding of construction and design terminology 3.One year experience working with construction drawings and specifications RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 78 39 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS PAGE 2 OF 4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Utilize a ST-provided, full-sized electronic (PDF) set of Contract Drawings and a full set of Contract Specifications. All content on the As-Built Drawings (including annotations, line work) must be fully visible for viewing and printing. B. Recording - General: 1.Record changes concurrently with construction progress. All changes shall be incorporated within 30 days. 2.No Work shall be covered or concealed until the as-built information is obtained and documented. 3.Record actual arrangement and routing of embedded objects relative to visible structural items. Dimension objects off of walls, columns, or other similar features. 4.Markups shall be recorded with a consistent method throughout the Contract Time, regardless of changes in staffing. C. Drawings: Mark with color, using the following conventions: 1.Red: Information to add. 2.Green: Information to delete. 3.Blue: Communications, instructions, or reference information used to clarify changes (blue annotations will not be transcribed). This may include dimensions and references to other documents. D. Specifications: Annotate using red marking. E. At the request of the Resident Engineer, make available for verification that the as-built documents are being maintained with current information, that the information is being recorded in a legible and neat manner, and that the information is accurate and complete. 3.02 AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS A. Drawings 1.Update to show: a.Dimensions and details of field changes made by Contractor b.Changes made by Change Order, approved Substitution request, or approved deviation request c.Clarifications to details identified by Field Clarification or Request for Information (RFI) d.Dimensional location of all embedded, buried and concealed features, including those, which are found or placed by Contractor, or caused to be placed by the Contractor, including mechanical pipe, electrical conduit, RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 78 39 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS PAGE 3 OF 4 utility ductbank, structural embedments, and other items not located or shown on the original Contract Drawings. e.Dimensional location of differing site conditions of existing utilities, structures, and objects exposed, but not placed, during construction f.Temporary work that remains in-place after project completion or to be provided to a follow-on contractor or Sound Transit: Items include, but are not limited to, temporary power, dewatering systems, water supply, fire water and temporary standpipe systems, construction lighting, wheel wash sites, temporary erosion and sedimentation control systems, process water systems, construction management offices, personnel accesses, temporary work bridges, and geotechnical instrumentation defined elsewhere in the Contract Documents. g.Include survey data on the As-Built Drawings. 2.As-Built Drawings shall include: a.The cross-referenced sketch identification number b.Change documentation number, if requested by the Resident Engineer (e.g., RFI number, Field Clarification number) B. Sketches 1.Recording Standards: a.Include a sketch to convey the change information if the As-Built Drawings are not of sufficient size, scale, or the detail/level-of-change is too complex to incorporate directly on the drawings. b.PDFs are to be in the same size, scale, and color as the original, with a density of 300 dpi, and filed separately from the As-Built Drawings in a neat and organized manner. c.Submit as part of the entire set of As-Built Drawings. 2.Sketches can originate from: a.Change Documentation: Provided in response to an RFI, through a Field Clarification, or other similar document. b.Contractor-Generated: If no sketch from the change documentation exists, provide one. 3. Sketches shall include: a.Sufficient details and dimensions to accurately locate all objects within the As-Built Drawings b.The cross-referenced As-Built Drawing number in blue c.Sketch number in blue. If none exists, create a sketch identification number and note directly on the sketch and the related As-Built Drawing (e.g., FSK-0001, FSK-0002). C. Specifications RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 01 78 39 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB AS-BUILT DOCUMENTS PAGE 4 OF 4 1.Update to reflect: Specification-related Change Order information D. Change Orders: 1.Incorporate Change Order documents into the as-built set. Transfer all as-built information and sketch references onto the most current version of the Contract Drawing. 2.Remove previous versions of the Contract Drawings from the as-built set. 3.Documents deleted in their entirety by Change Order shall be marked “Deleted” and kept with the as-built set to reflect the status. E. The following are prohibited: 1.Referencing change documentation without supporting graphical information 2.Providing information that is irrelevant to changes in the drawings 3.Information related to Change Notice – Request for Proposals 4.Attaching any documentation, tape, or staples to the drawings END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION AND HANDLING OF CONTAMINATED PAGE 1 OF 17 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02 61 13 EXCAVATION AND HANDLING OF CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies screening, excavation, dewatering, handling, stockpiling, temporarily storing, and disposing of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste, including soils, groundwater, and/or water, that are known or that may be encountered during the Work. B. Other aspects of the Work include dewatering, potential shoring, in-situ bioremediation, monitoring well decommissioning, evaluating excavated soil for reuse as onsite backfill, excavation of test pits to support soil characterization by the Resident Engineer, protection of existing utilities, and site restoration. C. Resident Engineer (RE) will determine the extents of excavations beyond the contracted amount. Resident Engineer’s decision will be based on field observations and soil sample analytical result. The RE will determine when excavations can be backfilled. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revision of the following documents: 1. American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) a. ASTM D 5434 Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock 2. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) a. 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards b. 40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste c. 40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities d. 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions e. 40 CFR 280 Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 2 OF 17 Storage Tanks (UST) 3. Revised Code of Washington (RCW) a. RCW Chapter 70A.305 Hazardous Waste Cleanup – Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) b.Chapter 18.104 Water Well Construction 4.Washington Administrative Code (WAC) a. WAC 173-160 Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells b. WAC 173-162 Regulation and Licensing of Well Contractors and Operators c.WAC 173-303 Dangerous Waste Regulations d. WAC 173-340 Model Toxics Control Act – Cleanup e. WAC 296-62 General Occupational Health Standards f. WAC 296-843 Hazardous Waste Operations g. WAC 173-360A Underground Storage Tank Regulations 5. Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) a. Publication 94-49 Guidance on Sampling and Data Analysis Methods b.Publication 97-602 Analytical Methods for Petroleum Hydrocarbons c.Publication 10-09-057 Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites d. Publication No. 16-09-057 Model Remedies for Sites with Petroleum Impacts to Groundwater e. Publication No. 15-09-043 Model Remedies for Sites with Petroleum Contaminated Soils f. Publication No. 09-09-047 DRAFT: Guidance for Evaluating Soil Vapor Intrusion in Washington State: Investigation and Remedial Action 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Section 01 35 43, Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program for definitions of the following terms: 1. Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) 2.Contaminated Groundwater 3.Contaminated Soil 4.Contaminated Substance SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 3 OF 17 5.Contaminated Water 6.Dangerous Waste 7.Exclusion Zone 8. Hazardous or Contaminated Substances 9. Hazardous or Contaminated Substances – Health and Safety Plan (HCS- HASP) 10.Hazardous Waste 11. Solid Waste 12.Site Safety Health Officer (SSHO) 13. Unknown Hazardous or Contaminated Substances 14. UHCS Screening and Handling Plan (UHCS-SHP) B. Contaminated Substance Subject Matter Expert (SME): SME with knowledge of and experience in management and remedial actions for Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste and associated regulatory requirements. C. Contaminated Substance Handling Plan (CSHP): A work plan covering activities, excavation, staging, transport, sampling, emergency release and disposal of identified Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste in soil, groundwater or other environmental media. This is a separate plan from the HCS-HASP. D. Dewatering: Process of capturing, extracting, collecting and containing groundwater encountered during construction excavation activities; dewatering water may also include trench seepage and/or infiltration which could comingle with saturated zone groundwater. E. Photoionization Detector (PID): A field screening device to detect volatile contaminated substances, utilizing an ultraviolet light to detect ions from volatile organic compounds emitted from a sample. F. Suspected Contaminated Substance – Soil, groundwater, debris or other environmental media that has not yet been tested for verification of contamination levels and: 1.Is in contact or proximity to known Contaminated Groundwater, Soil or other contaminated media, 2.Has field evidence of contamination, or 3.Is located in an area where Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste may be present based on site historical information or uses. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 4 OF 17 G. Dewatering: Refer to Section 31 23 19, Dewatering. H. Water Discharge: Refer to Section 01 57 00, Temporary Environmental Controls.. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. General 1. Contractor shall not proceed with site work until plans have been approved by the Resident Engineer. 2. Contractor shall modify plans required by this specification when project conditions change. Contractor shall revise plans and re-submit to the Resident Engineer for review and acceptance prior to implementing any changes. B. CSHP: 21 days after Notice to Proceed C. Contaminated Material Screening Plan: 21 days after Notice to Proceed D. Biostimulation Compound Application Work Plan: 28 days after Notice to Proceed E. Well Decommissioning Work Plan F. Qualifications: 21 days after Notice to Proceed and prior to initiating site work G. Certifications: 21 days after Notice to Proceed and prior to initiating site work H. Daily field logs during removal of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste: one week from date of activity. I. Surveys, including cross-sections of areas of excavation J. Analytical testing results within 24 hours of receipt, including field screening results. K. Closeout Documents at the completion of the task, including: 1.Chains-of-custody 2. Analytical laboratory test results 3.Surveys 4.Logs 5.Waste manifests 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 5 OF 17 1. CIH and SSHO: In accordance with Section 01 35 43, Hazardous and Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program. 2. Contaminated Substance SME: Washington State Professional Engineer, Licensed Geologist, Licensed Hydrogeologist, or a minimum of 12 years of experience in the management of Hazardous or Contaminated Substance. 3. Site Supervisor: a. Trained and experienced in Contaminated Substance and/ or Dangerous Waste handling b. Completed OSHA training requirements for working with hazardous substances including the 8-hour supervisory course c. Minimum of three (3) years of experience in managing contaminated substances and dangerous waste projects 4. Site personnel working with Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste: a. Completion of site-specific training b. Minimum three (3) years of experience with similar work c.For above Level D protection: a. Completed appropriate safety training in compliance with 29 CFR 1910.120, 29 CFR 1910.134, and WAC 296-843-100 b. Minimum of 40 hours health and safety training c. Minimum 24 hours of “on the job” training d. Eight (8) hours annual refresher training e. Annual medical monitoring by an occupational physician 5.Well Driller: Licensed in the State of Washington in accordance with WAC 173-162. B. Certification 1. CIH and SSHO: See Section 01 35 43, Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 6 OF 17 2. Workers entering the Exclusion Zone have appropriate training for anticipated conditions and are medically cleared to work on contaminated substance sites. 3. Personnel have received medical examinations and are certified for respirator use (if necessary), within the last 12 months. 4. Disposal sites are in accordance with all regulations for proper disposal and/or treatment. 5. Transporter of Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste is state-licensed. C. Laboratories: See requirements of Section 01 35 43, Hazardous or Contaminated Substances Health and Safety Program. 1.06 SITE CONDITIONS A. Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste in soil, groundwater and/or water are anticipated to be encountered during the Work. These conditions will require the screening, excavation, handling, stockpiling, temporary storing, transportation, and disposal of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. B. Potential contaminants that may be encountered include Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), diesel-, and oil-range; and carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). C. Groundwater has been measured ranging from 5.7 to 8.3 feet below ground surface (bgs) in July 2021. D. Reference documents: 1. Shannon & Wilson, 2017, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Sound Transit Right-of-Way #RTN001-RTN004, Sound Ford Property, 750 Rainier Avenue S and 200 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, December 8. 2. Shannon & Wilson, 2018, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Sound Transit Right-of-Way #RTN001-RTN004, Sound Ford Property, 750 Rainier Avenue S and 200 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, March 9 3. Shannon & Wilson, 2019, Supplemental Environmental Site Assessment, Sound Ford Renton (Sound Transit ROW Nos. RTN001-RTN004) Renton, Washington, June 28 SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 7 OF 17 1. Shannon & Wilson, 2021, Environmental Letter Report, South Renton Transit Center (SRTC), 750 Rainier Avenue S and 200 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington, December 9. 1.07 CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCE HANDLING PLAN (CSHP) A. The CIH or a Contaminated Substance SME shall prepare a project-wide CSHP Plan. At a minimum, the following shall be included in the CSHP: : 1. Summary of location, extent and analytical data for known and suspected Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. 2. Summary of planned construction activities in area of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. 3. Schedule of activities. 4. Summary of plan for supplemental sampling to classify and characterize Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste for disposal and/or reuse. Summary should include sampling approach and analytical methods. 5.Summary of plan to characterize excavated soil for onsite reuse as backfill. Summary should include screening and segregation approach, sampling approach, and analytical methods. 6. Sampling and analysis plan(s) including identification of chemical analytical methods, chemical analytical laboratories, analyte target reporting limits, field and laboratory QC samples and frequency, sample containers and preservation methods and planned sample locations. 7. Methods and procedures of excavation and equipment to be used. Include methods to prevent the spread of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. 8. Methods for documenting/surveying locations of samples. 9. Methods for field screening during excavation and dewatering in areas of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. 10. Methods for shoring or sidewall slopes. Include methods to prevent noncontaminated soil excavated during sloping sidewalls from mixing with contaminated soil. 11. Staging and storage methods, procedures, and locations for liquid and solid Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. Describe temporary staging and stockpiling of soil during remedial excavation, biostimulation application, and soil reuse evaluation. 12. Backfill material sources including chemical analytical data or plan to obtain chemical analytical data prior to use of material for backfill. 13. Methods and procedures for the transportation, disposal, and off-site treatment of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste, in SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 8 OF 17 compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including the identification of disposal and treatment facilities, and the use of certified, licensed transporters. 14. Equipment decontamination procedures to prevent cross contamination. 15. Relevant additions to project-wide Spill Prevention, Control, Contingency, and Countermeasures (SPCCC) Plans. 16.Methods for water management including groundwater, stormwater runoff, and surface water, including treatment and/or disposal. 17. Procedures for documenting and reporting encounters with and/or releases of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. B. Obtain all required permits and notifications for removal, excavation, dewatering, storage, transportation, and disposal of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. Obtain permits at no additional cost to Sound Transit. C. Coordinate with requirements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), as specified in Section 01 57 19, Temporary Environmental Control, and Section 01 57 24, Temporary Site Water Discharge. D. Coordinate with requirements of Section 31 23 19, Dewatering. 1.08 CONTAMINATED MATERIAL SCREENING PLAN A. Implement a Contaminated Material Screening Plan, prepared by the CIH, to ensure that soils and other materials potentially contaminated are properly handled, transported, and disposed of in accordance with applicable environmental regulations. B. Plan may be submitted as part of the site Hazardous and Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Plan (HCSHSP) as described in Section 01 35 43, Hazardous and Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program. C. Calibrate the PID screening devices as specified in instrument user manuals. Utilize the appropriate lamp for the known or expected contaminants. 1.09 BIOSTIMULATION COMPOUND APPLICATION PLAN A. The Contractor shall prepare a Biostimulation Compound Application Plan. At a minimum, it shall include: B. 1.Schedule of activities. 2. Placement, mixing, and injection plan detailing personnel and equipment. 3. Application plan detailing compound to be used, mixing procedures, quantities to be used, staging, and application methods. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 9 OF 17 1.10 MONITORING WELL DECOMMISSIONING PLAN A. The Contractor shall prepare a Monitoring Well Decommisioning Plan. At a minimum, it shall include: 1.Schedule of activities. 2. Methods, procedures of decommissioning, and equipment to be used. 3 Waste management procedures and contact information for anticipated disposal facility. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Backfill Material: See Section 31 20 00, Earth Moving. B. Spill Response Materials: 1.As required and described in the CSHP 2.Containers, adsorbents, shovels, and personnel protective equipment 3.Available at all times in which hazardous or contaminated substances are being handled or transported 4.Compatible with the type of materials and contaminants being handled C. Staging Material: 1.Plastic liner or material cover: a.Chemical resistant b. Minimum thickness of 6 mils D. Biostimulation Materials 1. Regenesis PersulfOx® 2. Regenesis Petrofix™ E. Well Decommissioning Materials 1. Potable water 2. Bentonite 2.02 EQUIPMENT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 10 OF 17 A. Utilize a PID to perform screening for contaminated substance and/or dangerous wastes. Use a PID that is able to perform headspace analysis and is able to detect the contaminants of concern. B. Colorimetric Field Screening Kit: A field testing kit (such as a “Hanby kit” or RemediAid kit”) may be used in addition to the PID to screen for aromatic compounds, including BTEX, gasoline, and diesel. This screening method includes the extraction of aromatic compounds from the sample and provides a colorimetric indication of the concentration and type of contaminants present. C. Immunoassay Test Kit: An immunoassay test kit may be used in addition to the PID to screen petroleum compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and PAHs. This screening method depends on the ability of antibodies (analytes) to specifically bind to an antigen (compound); test results are measured visually or by a special instrument. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR’S ASSISTANCE A. Assist the Resident Engineer in the performance of duties during general excavation and site remediation activities. Such assistance includes providing access for the Resident Engineer to document site activities and to collect soil and water samples. Such assistance may also include collecting soil samples with a backhoe at the direction of the Resident Engineer. B. Anticipate a delay of up to five (5) days between the collection of confirmation samples and the completion of chemical laboratory analyses and secure and maintain excavation areas during that time. C. Notify the Resident Engineer immediately if contaminated substances are discovered which had not been previously identified, or if other discrepancies between data provided and actual field conditions are discovered. 3.02 TEST PITS A. Concurrent with site remediation, the Resident Engineer will identify areas of the site that will require site characterization. Contractor shall provide equipment and personnel to complete test pits (up to 12 feet deep and up to two days duration) for soil sample collection. Contractor shall backfill test pits with excavated material at the direction of the Resident Engineer. B. If Suspected Contaminated Substances are observed in the test pits, the Resident Engineer may require offsite disposal of excavated material and/or import of backfill. 3.03 SITE PREPARATION AND DEMOLITION A. Several site buildings will be demolished to their foundations prior to executing this Work. To accomplish remediation activities, demolish foundations and SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 11 OF 17 remove surface pavement (asphalt and/or concrete pavement). Limit demolition to only what is required to complete remediation, or as directed by the Resident Engineer. 3.04 MONITORING WELL DECOMMISSIONING A. Wells located within the remediation work area shall be decommissioned (up to 11 wells). Protect remaining wells during construction. Do not decommission wells without approved by the Resident Engineer. B. Complete work in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. C. Notify Ecology with Notice of Intent to Decommission Well Form. D. A licensed well driller must decommission the wells. 3.05 CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCE AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE REMOVAL A. Four areas have been identified for excavation, as shown on Drawings REM-01. The initial estimated extent of the base of each excavation is shown. Additional excavation may be required if confirmation sampling results indicate contaminants of concern exceed cleanup criteria. Less excavation may be completed based on field observations and analytical testing. The extents of excavations may be reduced by the Resident Engineer. Unit Pricing for additional excavation will apply. 1. Callout Area 1 is approximately 65 by 60 feet in size. 2. Callout Areas 3 and 4 are approximately 20 by 20 feet in size. 3. Callout Area 5 is approximately 20 by 12 feet in size. B. Contractor may be required to shore excavations to reach target depths. If required, shoring shall be per Sections 31 40 00 Shoring and Underpinning and/or 31 50 00 Excavation Support and Protection. C. Give notification at least seven (7) days prior to the start of excavation of known Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste. D. Strip and stockpile soil separately from Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste, for areas that are considered to be below action levels based on field screening as specified herein, or as directed by the Resident Engineer. Be responsible for protecting this material from becoming contaminated. This may include covering the soil with plastic sheeting. Dispose of such soil that becomes contaminated as a result of work activities at own expense. E. Excavate areas of contamination, as shown on the Contract Drawings, in compliance with the CSHP, or as directed by the Resident Engineer. Limit the potential for Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste to be mixed with uncontaminated material during excavation. F. Maintain a log of the materials and visible signs of contamination encountered during excavation for each area of excavation. Prepare SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 12 OF 17 excavation logs in accordance with ASTM D 5434. G. Install sheeting, bracing, or shoring in the absence of adequate side slopes if there is a need for workers to enter the excavated area, in accordance with WAC 296-62. H. Divert surface water to prevent entry into the excavation. Limit dewatering to that necessary to ensure adequate access, a safe excavation, and to ensure that compaction requirements can be met. I. Perform field surveys immediately prior to and after excavations of contaminated substance and/or dangerous waste to determine the volume of contaminated material removed. Provide cross-sections on 10-foot intervals and at obvious break points for excavated areas. Survey confirmation sample locations. Perform surveys using tape and compass methods. J. Contain contaminated water and store on site in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local disposal regulations until analytical results are obtained. K. Provide approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards and manifests, and associated disposal notices and notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the Work. L. Protect existing utilities. 3.06 CONTAMINATED SUBSTANCE AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE STAGING A. Manage soil per the approved CHSP. B. For suspected Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste, place material in a staging unit immediately after excavation while awaiting test results. Use staging units that are in good condition and constructed of materials that are compatible with the material or liquid to be staged. If multiple staging units are required, clearly label each unit with an identification number and keep a written log to track the source of Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste in each staging unit. C Isolate known and/or suspected contaminated soil from the environment. D For known or suspected contaminated groundwater, temporarily store water collected from excavations and stockpiles in 55-gallon, water-tight barrels or water- tight, portable tanks. E Water-tight roll-off units lined with 6 mils thick plastic sheeting may be used to stage the Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste. Place an impermeable cover over the units to prevent precipitation from contacting the stored material. Remove and store liquid that collects inside the units. 3.07 BACKFILL A. Backfill excavations only after Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 13 OF 17 removal is complete, biostimulation is placed where required, and at the direction of the Resident Engineer. B. Consider contaminated soil removal to be complete after the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation is determined to have soil contamination levels below applicable State cleanup standards and at the direction of the Resident Engineer. C. Backfill shall consist of imported material or excavated material found to conform to the requirements of clean fill in accordance with Section 31 20 00, Earth Moving. D. Place and compact backfill in accordance with Section 31 20 00, Earth Moving. 3.08 OFF-SITE DISPOSAL A. Dispose of Contaminated Substance and/or Dangerous Waste in accordance with contract documents and local, state, and federal requirements, including but not limited to WAC 173-303 and WAC 173-350. B. Transmit to Resident Engineer documentation of off-site disposal facilities’ acceptance criteria and associated soil sample chemical analytical data for soil to be disposed that meet acceptance criteria prior to transport of soil to facility. C. Sound Transit’s Environmental Compliance Manager or an individual delegated with such authority by Sound Transit shall sign the waste profile as the generator. The Contractor is responsible for coordinating with Sound Transit and providing sufficient chemical analytical data and information for Sound Transit to verify waste characterization. Anticipate up to three (3) days to obtain Sound Transit signature(s). D. For disposal of Dangerous Waste, with the exception of those wastes resulting from the release of Hazardous or Contaminated Substances negligently disturbed, removed, or handled by Contractor, its employees, agents, officers, or Subcontractors, or any other persons for whom the Contractor may be contractually or legally responsible, ensure that the Generator’s Certification portion of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest is signed only by Sound Transit’s Environmental Compliance Manager or by an individual delegated with such authority by Sound Transit. E. Contractor shall not transport material offsite until proposed accepting facilities are approved by the Resident Engineer. F. Dispose of water from the work in 01 57 24, Temporary Site Water Discharge. Water generated from the Work may require treatment prior to discharge. 3.09 LOGS, REPORTS AND RECORDKEEPING A. Maintain field reports covering the implementation of the CSHP. B. Include in Daily Field Report when working in areas of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste, at a minimum, the following: SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 14 OF 17 1.Date and time of day during which work was performed 2.Weather conditions (temperature, precipitation) 3.Area (site specific) were work occurred 4.Employees in particular area and regulators observing the work 5.Equipment and monitoring instruments utilized in the course of the work 6.Any substantive deviations from the specifications, plans or submittals as it relates to the daily work performed 7.Activities completed including, but not limited to: a.Text and visual summary of activities including but not limited to drilling, excavation, backfill, dewatering, soil types encountered, groundwater conditions encountered, subsurface features encountered if any b.Field screened sample locations and results c.Map with locations, coordinates and identification of samples collected d.Copies of chains of custody e.Estimated quantities of soil or groundwater excavated and/or contained or disposed f.Summary of disposal activities include quantity disposed and disposal locations g.Mapped location and surveyed volume of stockpiles generated h.Representative photographs of daily work performed C. Prepare and submit closeout document related to the removal of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. The closeout documentation shall include sufficient information for the Resident Engineer to develop the Cleanup Action Report. 1.Summary of excavation and backfill activities, sampling (if completed), disposal. 2.Surveys of sample locations and excavation area(s) including cross- sections of areas of excavation. 3.Analytical laboratory test results and chains-of-custody for imported backfill and other samples collected. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 15 OF 17 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Sampling, Screening, and Analysis 1. Sampling a.Have the independent testing agency and laboratory employed by the Contractor perform required sampling and chemical analyses relating to generation, use, release, and disposal of contaminated substances in the course of Contractor operations, including but not limited to spills and releases in accordance with the CSHP. b.Complete screening of all excavated material per the CSHP. Submit results of all screening testing to the Resident Engineer. For screening of material adjacent to the public right-of-way or private property, submit an extra copy of test results for submittal to the authority having jurisdiction. c.Have the independent testing agency employed by the Contractor perform required characterization sampling and associated chemical analysis as necessary to determine disposal methods relating to known Contaminated Substances unless otherwise provided herein or in the Contract Documents. Do not dispose of material until directed to do so by the Resident Engineer. d.Have the independent testing agency employed by the Contractor perform required sampling and associated analysis (soil index testing and chemical) as necessary to evaluate onsite reuse of excavated material. Do not reuse or offsite dispose of material until directed to do so by the Resident Engineer. e.The Resident Engineer will collect samples for chemical analysis if Unknown Hazardous or Contaminated Substances are encountered during excavation activities. f.The Resident Engineer will inspect the removal of known Contaminated Substances and Dangerous Waste. Notify the Resident Engineer at least 7 days prior to start of excavation and when sampling and analysis will be required. After known Contaminated Substances is removed, confirmation samples from the excavation will be collected and analyzed by the Resident Engineer. Based on test results, proceed with additional excavation that may be required to remove material that is contaminated above Cleanup Levels, as directed by the Resident Engineer. Mark locations of all samples in the field and document on the surveys. 2.Screening Procedures for Contaminated Substances a.Visually inspect all excavated soil for staining, debris, slag, or sheen. Note unusual odors to evaluate the presence of contamination. Notify Resident Engineer immediately per the UHCS-SHP if suspected Contaminated Substances are SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 16 OF 17 encountered. b.Screen samples collected from the material excavated in the areas of suspected Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste per the approved Contaminated Material Screening Plan. 3.Action Levels a.Site-specific Cleanup Levels have been established for this project as documented in the Contract Documents. b.The Contractor will set Health and Safety Action Levels as required to be established in the HCS-HASP c.If, significant staining, sheen, odor, debris, or other evidence of Hazardous or Contaminated Substances is observed in areas where Hazardous or Contaminated Substances were not anticipated, cease all work in the area. Do not continue work in the area until potential risks are evaluated and as directed by the Resident Engineer. 3.11 IN-SITU BIO-REMEDIATION A. Provide Resident Engineer 10 days notice prior to conducting these activities. B. Callout Area 1 as shown on project drawings 1. To treat elevated concentrations of petroleum in soil, place biostimulation material at base of excavation. Do not place material until the final excavation limits have been determined, or as directed by the Resident Engineer. 2. Distribute biostimulation material in the base of excavation per the manufacturers’ recommendations. Vendor application instructions are enclosed in this work plan. a.10,139 pounds of Regenesis PersulfOx® (or 1 pound per 390 square foot of excavation base). The Contractor shall confirm the necessary quantity from the manufacturer prior to purchase. b.Mix the material with soil at the base of the excavation and with backfill that will be placed in the bottom 4 feet of the excavation (estimated between 8 and 12 feet below ground surface). C. Callout Area 2 as shown on project drawings 1. To treat elevated concentrations of petroleum in groundwater, the Contractor shall inject biostimulation compound in the one 60- by 60-foot area area shown in the Drawings. 2. Inject biostimulation material in 50 well points points located approximately 5-foot on-center (east to west) and 12 feet on-center (north to south). SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 61 13 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SUBSTANCES AND/OR DANGEROUS WASTE PAGE 17 OF 17 a.4,800 pounds of Regenesis Petrofix®. The Contractor shall confirm the necessary quantity from the manufacturer prior to purchase. b.For each location, mix approximately 80 pounds of biostimulation material with 221 gallons of water, injecting the slurry between 11 to 20 feet below ground surface. 3. The Contractor’s shall submit daily inspection reports which shall include, but are not limited to: a.Injection and biostimulation material application work completed, b.Quantities of biostimulation material used, c. Photographs, d. Field notes. 3.07 SITE RESTORATION A. Restore the site per the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 1 OF 11 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02 65 00 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes specifications for the removal, decontamination, and disposal of underground storage tanks (USTs), associated piping and ancillary equipment whether use for petroleum storage or storage of other Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revision of the following documents: 1.American Petroleum Institute (API) a.API Recommended Practice 1604 Closure of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks b.API Standard 2015 Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks, Planning and Managing Tank Entry From Decommissioning Through Recommissioning c.API Recommended Practice 2016, Guidelines and Procedures fo Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks 2.National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) a.Standard 326, Standard for the Safeguarding of Tanks and Containers for Entry, Cleaning, or Repair 3.National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a.Publication 80-106, Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Working in Confined Spaces. 4.Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) a.Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 5.Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) a.Publication 21-09-050 Site Assessment Guidance for Underground Storage Tank Systems b.Publication 94-49 Guidance on Sampling and Data Analysis Methods c.Publication 97-602 Analytical Methods for Petroleum Hydrocarbons SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 2 OF 11 d.Publication 10-09-057 Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites e.Publication No. 16-09-057 Model Remedies for Sites with Petroleum Impacts to Groundwater f.Publication No. 15-09-043 Model Remedies for Sites with Petroleum Contaminated Soils a.Publication No. 09-09-047 DRAFT: Guidance for Evaluating Soil Vapor Intrusion in Washington State: Investigation and Remedial Action 2.Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) a.29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards b.40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste c.40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste d.40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities e.40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions f.40 CFR 279 Standards for the Management of Used Oil g.40 CFR 280 Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks (UST) 3.Washington Administrative Code (WAC) a.WAC 173-303 Dangerous Waste Regulations b.WAC 173-340 Model Toxics Control Act – Cleanup c.WAC 296-62 General Occupational Health Standards d.WAC 296-843 Hazardous Waste Operations e.WAC 173-360A Underground Storage Tank Regulations 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Refer to Section 01 35 43 Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program for definitions of the following terms: 1.Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) 2.Contaminated Groundwater 3.Contaminated Soil 4.Contaminated Substance 5.Contaminated Water SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 3 OF 11 6.Dangerous Waste 7.Exclusion Zone 8.Hazardous or Contaminated Substances 9.Hazardous or Contaminated Substances – Health and Safety Plan (HCS- HASP) 10.Hazardous Waste 11.Solid Waste 12.Site Safety Health Officer (SSHO) 13.Unknown Hazardous or Contaminated Substances 14.UHCS Screening and Handling Plan (UHCS-SHP) B. Refer to Section 02 61 13 Excavation or Handling of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste for definitions of the following terms: 1.Contaminated Substance Subject Matter Expert (SME) 2.Contaminated Substance Handling Plan (CSHP) 3.Photoionization Detector (PID) 4.Suspected Contaminated Substance C. UST: Any one or a combination of tanks, including underground pipes, fill ports, and dispensers connected thereto, that contained or contains an accumulation of hazardous materials, the volume of which, including the volume of underground pipes connected thereto, is ten percent or more beneath the surface of the ground except for the following: any tank that forms an integral part of an industrial or commercial process (flow-through process tank) through which there is a steady or uninterrupted flow of materials during the operation of the process, and subject to proper spill and management practices; any on-site sewage disposal system or holding tank that serves exclusively as a method of storage, conveyance, treatment, or disposal of sewage, any surface impoundment, pit, pond, or lagoon. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General 1.Contractor shall modify plans required by this specification when project conditions change. Contractor shall revise plans and re-submit to the Resident Engineer for review and acceptance prior to implementing any changes. B. UST Removal Work Plan: 21 days after Notice to Proceed and prior to initiating site work C. Qualifications: 21 days after Notice to Proceed and prior to initiating site work 1.UST Decommissioner 2.Disposal facility for UST and piping SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 4 OF 11 3.Disposal facility for Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste in UST 4.UST cleaning and transporting contractor 5.Contaminated Substance SME 6.Certifications: 21 days after Notice to Proceed 7.UST Closeout information: Within 4 weeks of completion of each UST removal 1.04 Reports A. Local permits and Ecology “30-day Notice for UST Systems”: Provide within 1 week before removal. B. Analytical testing results within 24 hours of receipt, including field screening results. C. Daily field logs during removal of USTs: one week from date of activity. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General 1.Qualifications and certifications for working with and around Hazardous or Contaminated Substances as defined in Section 01 35 43 Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program and 02 61 13 Excavation or Handling of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. B. Qualifications: 1.Certified UST Decommissioner: Minimum of two (2) years of UST removal experience and be certified by the International Code Council (ICC) for UST Decommissioning, include license number in submittal. 2.Employees who are involved with UST removal shall have HAZWOPER training and certification. 3.Disposal or recycling facility for USTs and piping: Permitted UST disposal or recycling facility. 4.Disposal facility for Hazardous or Contaminated Substances inside UST: Licensed disposal facility based on chemical analytical results of substance inside the UST 5.Contaminated Substance SME: See 02 61 13. 6.Contractor performing UST cleaning and transporting: Washington state- licensed transporter. C. Certifications: 1.UST Decommissioner: ICC Certification D. Obtain permits as required by the local fire, planning and health departments. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 5 OF 11 1.06 SITE CONDITIONS A. USTs may be encountered during the Work. These conditions will require decommissioning, screening, excavation, handling, stockpiling, temporary storing, transportation and off-site disposal of USTs, and Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. B. Known and suspected USTs, Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste that may be encountered are included in the Contract Documents. 1.07 UST REMOVAL WORK PLAN A. At a minimum, include the following: 1.Summary of location, size, regulated/exempt status, and product for known USTs. 2.Summary of location, size, regulated/exempt status, and product for suspected USTs. 3.Summary of plan for supplemental sampling to classify and characterize Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste within and around each UST for disposal and/or reuse. Summary should include sampling approach and analytical methods. 4.Sampling and analysis plan(s) including identification of chemical analytical methods, chemical analytical laboratories, analyte target reporting limits, field and laboratory QC samples and frequency, sample containers and preservation methods and planned sample locations. 6.Discussion of removal approaches, UST cleaning, inerting, purging and UST cutting procedures. 7.Equipment decontamination procedures to prevent cross contamination. 8.Methods to be employed for product, sludge, vapor, and pumpable liquid removal and storage. 9.Methods proposed to control surface water. 10.Identification of waste, UST and contaminated soil transporters, and means of transportation. 11.Treatment, disposal, and alternate facilities, and means of treatment, disposal. 12.Transporter information. 13.Receiving facilities information. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 6 OF 11 A. Sorbent: Hydrophobic and capable of absorbing petroleum products. 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Monitoring Equipment: Conform to requirements set forth by federal and state regulations, and refer to Section 01 35 43, Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program. B. Utilize a PID to perform screening for Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste. Use a PID that is able to perform headspace analysis and is able to detect the contaminants of concern. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Implement environmental controls in accordance with Contract Documents prior to the start of excavation. B. Conduct UST closure and decommissioning. Potential contaminants are presented on the Contract Drawings. Perform an independent evaluation of site data provided. Notify the Resident Engineer immediately if Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste is discovered which has not been previously identified, or if other discrepancies between data provided and actual field conditions are discovered. C. Notify the Owner at least 14 days prior to tank removal. D. Notify Ecology, the local fire department, and other agencies in accordance with applicable reporting requirements. E. Obtain local, state, or federal permits and licenses that are required to perform the Work prior to commencing removal operations. F. Provide reasonable assistance to the Resident Engineer during UST removal. Assistance includes providing access to collect soil and water samples, if determined to be necessary, and otherwise document site activities. G. Coordinate the work in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 35 43, Hazardous or Contaminated Substance Health and Safety Program and 02 61 13 Excavation and Handling or Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste H. Comply with 29 CFR 1910 and WAC 296-62. I. Use of explosives or burning debris is not allowed. J. Install sheeting, bracing, or shoring in the absence of adequate side slopes if there is a need for workers to enter the excavated area in accordance with Contract Documents. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 7 OF 11 3.02 UST CONTENTS VERIFICATION A. Prior to removing the UST contents, characterize the contents by collecting a sample of each phase (product, water, solids) for chemical analysis of hydrocarbon identification by NWTPH-HCID, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA method 8260, total RCRA metals by EPA method 6000/7000 series and TCLP as necessary for disposal. If heavy oil petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., motor/lube) are detected during the NWTPH-HCID analysis the sample shall also be analyzed for PCBs by EPA method 8082. B. Determine if the UST contents must be disposed of as a Dangerous Waste based on state and federal regulations. Perform waste classification in accordance with 40 CFR 261, 40 CFR 279, and applicable state regulations. C. Be responsible for any additional requirements identified by the disposal facility. 3.03 PREPARATION FOR UST REMOVAL A. Drain product piping back to the UST and remove all material from the UST; and purge and vent the tank in accordance with API RP 1604. B. Contain UST contents, pumpable liquids and sludge, store and label on-site prior to disposal, or directly place in an appropriate tanker truck in accordance with local, state, federal regulations. C. Remove and dispose of UST contents, pumpable liquids and sludge. Temporary storage on Sound Transit facilities will be allowed once testing and manifests (if necessary) are complete, and transportation is arranged. D. Obtain required permits and notifications. E. Provide approved containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards, and manifests and associated Dangerous or Hazardous Waste notices and notifications, necessary to accomplish the work, including materials necessary for cleaning up spills that could occur from UST removal operations. 3.04 EXCAVATION A. Mark, flag, and/or barricade excavation areas, as well as work near roadways, as necessary to maintain site safety. Complete utility locates of UST work location as specified in the Contract Documents prior to the start of excavation. B. Implement environmental controls in accordance with Contract Documents prior to the start of excavation. C. Excavate exploratory trenches as necessary to determine the UST location, limits, and the locations of ancillary equipment. D. Perform excavation to limit the amount of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste that becomes mixed with noncontaminated soil. E. Strip and stockpile noncontaminated soil separately from Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste, for areas that are considered to be below Cleanup Levels based on field screening or chemical analytical data as specified herein. Be responsible for staging and protecting this material from becoming contaminated. Dispose of such soil that becomes contaminated as a result of work activities at Contractor’s own expense. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 8 OF 11 F. Maintain around the UST an excavation of sufficient size to allow workers ample room to complete the work, but also protect the workers from sliding or cave-ins. G. Maintain a log of the materials and visible indications of contamination encountered during excavation for each area of excavation. Prepare excavation logs in accordance with ASTM D 5434. H. Extend excavation as necessary to remove UST piping and ancillary equipment, as well as any areas of Suspected Contaminated Soil. I. Secure open excavations and stockpile areas while awaiting site assessment test results. J. Perform field surveys immediately prior to and after excavations of USTs. Develop cross-sections on 30-foot intervals and at obvious break points for excavated areas. Survey all sample locations. Perform field surveys of stockpiled soil in order to estimate the volume of the stockpile if tonnage cannot be verified through weight tickets. K. Backfill the excavation in accordance with Contract Documents at the direction of the Resident Engineer. L. Manage Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste per 02 61 13. 3.05 REMOVAL OF PIPING, ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT AND UST A. Complete screening of all excavated material. Transmit results of all screening testing to the Resident Engineer. B. Disconnect piping and ancillary equipment from the UST. 1.Remove the piping completely (including piping to the burner/boiler). 2.Cap UST ancillary equipment and piping connections, except those connections necessary to inert the UST. 3.Clean the piping exterior and ancillary equipment to remove soil and inspect for signs of corrosion and leakage. C. Remove the UST from the excavation and clean the exterior to remove soil and inspect for signs of corrosion, structural damage, or leakage. For materials coming into contact with the UST, or in the vicinity of the excavation such as shovels, slings, and tools, use non-sparking type. D. After removal from the excavation, place the UST on a level surface adjacent to the UST excavation and secure with wood blocks to prevent movement. 3.06 UST CLEANING A. Continuously monitor the UST atmosphere for combustible vapors if the UST is purged, or continuously monitor for oxygen if the UST is inerted in accordance Ecology Guidance, and in accordance with API Standard 2015 SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 9 OF 11 A. Clean the UST interior under the supervision of a registered UST decommissioner, and in accordance with Ecology Guidance manuals, and API Standard 2015. B. Collect contaminated water resulting from cleaning operations and transfer offsite by a certified hauler in accordance with applicable DOT and disposal regulations. 3.07 SOIL EXAMINATION, TESTING, AND ANALYSIS A. After soil excavation is complete, sample the stockpiled soils with procedures, number, location, and methodology in accordance with Ecology guidance and Contract Documents. Ensure sample preservation and analytical procedures conform to method requirements. B. Assist the Resident Engineer in the performance of duties during UST Site Assessment, general excavation and site remediation activities. Such assistance includes providing access for the Resident Engineer to document site activities and to collect soil and water samples. Such assistance may also include collecting soil samples with a backhoe at the direction of the Resident Engineer. C. After Suspect Contaminated Substances are removed, confirmation samples from the excavation will be collected and analyzed by the Resident Engineer D. Anticipate a delay of up to five (5) days between the collection of confirmation samples and the completion of chemical laboratory analyses and secure and maintain excavation areas during that time. E. Based on chemical analytical results, proceed with additional excavation that may be required to remove Contaminated Substances above action levels in accordance with Contract Documents at the direction of the Resident Engineer. Mark locations of samples in the field and document on the surveys and the as- built drawings 3.08 BACKFILLING A. Backfill excavations only after Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste removal is complete. B. Consider Contaminated Soil removal to be complete after the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation are determined to have contaminant levels below than applicable Cleanup Levels, as specified in Contract Documents, or at the direction of the Resident Engineer. C. If geotechnically suitable, excavated soil shall be stockpiled, sampled and tested prior to reuse as backfill. D. The testing for backfill shall conform to the requirements of Reuse Criteria in accordance with Contract Documents. E. Transmit soil chemical analytical results for material used as backfill to the Resident Engineer for review and acceptance prior to placement of backfill. Contractor shall not backfill until directed by the Resident Engineer. F. Place and compact backfill in accordance with Contract Documents. 3.09 DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 10 OF 11 A. Dispose of Contaminated Substances and/or Dangerous Waste in accordance with 02 61 13, Contract Documents, and local, state, and federal requirements including but not limited to WAC 173-303 and WAC 173-350. B. Dispose of the UST and piping sections in a licensed recycling or disposal facility. Do not sell the UST intact. C. Do not allow a UST to leave the site until it is labeled and cut or crushed to render it unusable. D. Manifest each UST disposed of in this manner to document delivery and acceptance at the disposal facility. E. Provide transportation in accordance with the State and/or Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Material Regulations and federal, state, and local transportation requirements, including obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and approvals. 3.10 LOGS, REPORTS AND RECORDKEEPING A. Maintain field reports covering the implementation of the CSHP. B. Prepare Daily Field Reports per 02 61 13. C. Closeout Documentation 1.Provide the following information to allow the Resident Engineer to prepare a UST Closure Report. a.Summary of excavation and backfill activities, sampling (if completed) and disposal. b.Documentation prepared for Ecology, local fire, planning or health department, including permits, notices, and closure checklists c.A letter signed by a responsible company official certifying that decommissioning services were performed in accordance with the applicable regulations and the terms and conditions of these Specifications. d.UST removal checklist, sample chains of custody, analytical test results, and other relevant documentation e.UST Disposal Certifications: UST disposal certificates signed by the responsible disposal facility official f.Information on who transported and accepted wastes encountered, including copies of manifests, waste profile sheets, land disposal restriction, notification and certification forms, disposal ticket and receipts, certificates of disposal, and other pertinent documentation signed by the responsible disposal facility official. g.Scaled one-line drawings showing tank locations, limits of excavation, limits of contamination, and underground utilities within 50 feet SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 02 65 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL PAGE 11 OF 11 h.Salvage Rights: Record of the disposition of salvaged materials. 3.11 SPILLS A. Take immediate containment actions as necessary to minimize the effects of spills or leaks. Cleanup is in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and Contract Documents. Undertake and complete cleanup of hazardous substances released through negligent actions at no additional cost to Sound Transit. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 1 OF 7 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 31 20 00 EARTH MOVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies excavation, subsurface extraction, subgrade preparation, backfill placement, and finish grading. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents: 1.American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) a.ASTM C131 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine b.ASTM C136 Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates c.ASTM C535 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine d.ASTM D1557 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3) e.ASTM D2216 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass f.ASTM D2487 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) g.ASTM D6938 Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) h.ASTM D2974 Standard Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils i.ASTM D3017 Standard Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) j.ASTM D4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils 2.Washington Administrative Code (WAC) a.WAC 296-155 Part N, Safety Standards for Construction Work, Excavation, Trenching and Shoring SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 2 OF 7 3.Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (WSDOT) 4.Standard plans and specifications of Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) B. Definitions 1.Excavation: Work involves earth moving and grading for the construction of buildings, bridges, landscaped areas, trackways, roadways, walkways, and other facilities. 2.Subsurface Extraction: Work involves removal of abandoned utilities, tanks, walls, foundations, and other below grade obstructions that interfere with the new construction. Work may also include the cleaning of such structures, if they are indicated on the Contract Drawings to be salvaged. 3.Structure Backfill: Work includes furnishing, placing, and compacting structural fill material around structures to the lines and grades indicated. Structural fill material includes borrow excavation and material. 4.Raising Grade Fill: Work includes furnishing, placing, and compacting of structural fill material on a subgrade to its new elevation indicated. Structural fill material includes borrow excavation and material. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Materials sources, test results, such as moisture content and compactness, and certifications shall be submitted for approval and compliance with specifications. B. If on-site material is proposed for use as any of the materials specified in construction, test results certifying suitability of the on-site material shall be submitted. Sampling and tests of the on-site material suitability shall be performed at a minimum of every 200 cubic yards of the material. 1.04 QUANITY ASSURANCE A. Quality Control and Quality Plan shall be provided. B. Services of an approved independent soils testing laboratory shall be engaged to perform tests. C. Tolerances: 1.Construct finished surfaces to plus or minus 1/2 inch of the elevations indicated in the Contract Documents. 2.Maintain the moisture content of fill material as it is being placed, within 2 percent of its recommended moisture content. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Material used (imported or native) for filling and backfilling construction shall meet the Contract Documents’ requirements. B. Inert, inorganic soil, free of deleterious substances, shall be used for fill and backfill. (Inorganic soil is soil containing less than three percent by dry weight of organic material SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 3 OF 7 when tested in accordance with ASTM D2974.) Fill and backfill shall be compact thoroughly without voids when watered and rolled. C. Excavated on-site material may be considered suitable for fill, backfill, and embankment construction, if the material is free from organic matter and other deleterious substances and conforming to the requirements specified herein. Material shall be conditioned for reuse and properly stockpiled. Conditioning includes spreading material in layers less than or equal to 8 inches, and raking free of debris and rubble. Deleterious material and rocks exceeding 6 inches in largest dimension shall be removed from the site and disposed in accordance with Disposal of Surplus Material. D. Materials for Trenching, Bedding, and Backfilling of utilities shall be in accordance with Section 31 23 33, Trenching and Backfilling for Utilities. E. Material containing peat, muck, swampland, buried logs, stumps, or other contamination is deemed unsuitable for structural fill. F. Material containing wood, organic waste, coal, charcoal, or other contamination is deemed unsuitable for non-structural fill. G. For fill materials not specified on the Contract Drawings or Documents, Gravel Borrow conforming to WSDOT Standard Specifications, Section 9-03.14 shall be used. H. Aggregates for crushed surfacing and roadway ballast shall comply with WSDOT Standard Specifications, Section 9- 03.9. I. The 3-way topsoil shall have a composition by volume as follows: 45-50 percent sandy loam, 35-40 percent organic amendment, and 10-15 percent peat with 100 percent passing through a 1/2 inch screen. 2.02 SOURCE QUALITIY CONTROL A. Fill and backfill materials proposed to be used for construction shall be verified and tested by approved Independent Testing Laboratory, for compliance with WSDOT Standard Specification, Section 9-03.20 and as follows: 1.Moisture-Density Relationship: ASTM D1557 2.Moisture Content: ASTM D2216 3. Liquid Limit: ASTM D4318 4.Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index: ASTM D4318 5.Percentage of Wear: ASTM C131 or C535 as applicable 6.Sieve Analysis: ASTM C136 B. Where classification of soils is necessary to meet specified requirements, laboratory tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D2487. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Establish bench marks, grading stakes, and other markers as required. B. Existing Utilities SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 4 OF 7 1.Verify on site the location and depth (elevation) of existing utilities and services, before performing earth moving work. Perform work by hand, when excavating within 3 feet of an active utility line. Protect active utilities from potential damage created by operation. Refer to Section 33 01 01, Maintenance of Existing Utilities, for additional requirements. 2.Remove abandoned utilities and plug ends, when encountered in during earth moving. 3.Report immediately the discovery of active utility lines, which are not indicated on the Contract Drawings, to the Resident Engineer and utility owners involved. Provide the Resident Engineer and utility owners free access to determine the measures deemed necessary to repair, relocate, or remove the utility. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide erosion protection. B. Clear and grub areas as indicated on the Contract Drawings. C. Perform demolition as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION A. General Requirements 1.Provide dust control. 2.Provide erosion protection. 3. Regulate construction traffic by dispersing travel paths of construction equipment over the entire width of compacted surface, in order to achieve a uniform loading. Protect exposed soil layers with high moisture content from excessive wheel loads. 4.Do not excavate or remove from the project site or right-of-way any material, which is not within the designated excavation as indicated on the Contract Drawings, without written authorization from the Resident Engineer. 5.Excavate and remove materials outside the limits of the excavation, only if they are unstable and may potentially slide during operation. Maintain slopes and embankments until substantial completion and acceptance of the work. 6.Promptly repair slides, slipouts, washouts, settlements, and subsidence that occur for any reason, and refinish the slope or embankment to the indicated lines and grades. 7.Excavate and stockpile separately suitable fill and backfill material. Stockpile locations shall not create hazardous conditions for workers and the public. 8.Excess or unsuitable materials and debris shall become the Contractor's property. Remove and dispose such materials from the site in accordance with AHJ requirements. The Contractor is responsible for locating an approved disposal sites and haul routes. B. Dewatering 1.Prevent surface and subsurface water from flowing into excavations and from flooding project site and its surrounding areas. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 5 OF 7 2. Provide and maintain pumps, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components required to convey water away from excavations. 3. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions to convey water away from excavations. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage ditches. C. Moisture Control 1. Provide stormwater runoff control to intercept and convey stormwater away from the site. Eliminate standing water. 2. Apply uniformly water to surface, where subgrade or soil layer is to be moisture conditioned before compaction. 3. Remove and replace or air dry soil material that is too wet to compact to specified density. Soil material may be stockpiled or spread to dry. D. Excavation 1. Perform excavation as indicated and required for footings, foundations, slab on grade, retaining walls, paving, and site grading. Work shall be done in compliance with requirements of WAC 296-155 Part N. 2. Trench and Excavate for utilities as indicated on Contract Drawings. 3. Excavate to the lines and grades as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Clear and level bottom of excavation; remove loose material, debris, and foreign matter. 4. Preserve material below and beyond the lines of excavations; where an excavation is carried beyond its limit, backfill with structural fill to the indicated grades. 5. Support and maintain stability of excavations by providing structural support, such as shoring, bracing, underpinning, and cribbing. Excavations may be maintained by sloping cut faces where space permits, and provided that the supporting calculations are sealed and signed by a civil engineer currently registered in the State of Washington. Calculations shall consider existing conditions, including adjacent traffic, construction loading, and other local effects. 6. Keep trenching widths to a minimum, allowing for space to install forms and as required by safety systems. 7. Place excavated material at least 3 feet away from excavation edge, to prevent cave-ins or bank slides. 8. Payment shall not be given for over-excavation caused by the Contractor’s negligence or convenience. E. Subsurface Extraction 1. Remove subsurface facilities and obstructions to the extent indicated. 2. When subsurface facilities or obstructions are encountered unexpectedly and they are interfering with new construction, notify the Resident Engineer promptly for corrective determination. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 6 OF 7 F. Subgrade Preparation 1. Prepare subgrade in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specification, Section 2-06. Work may include for subgrade stabilization and protection. G. Backfilling 1. Re-use material removed from excavations, if such material meets requirements. 2. Place backfill in layers no more than 8 inches of loose material, when heavy equipment is used for compaction. Place backfill in layers no more than 4 inches of loose material, when hand-operated tampers are used for compaction. 3. Place and compact backfill material in ways that the unbalanced horizontal loads will not be applied to the newly-placed structure or utility. 4. Backfill for utility trenches in accordance with Section 31 23 33, Trenching and Backfilling. H. Compaction 1 Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide the optimum moisture content. 2. Compact each layer of fill, backfill, and embankment to specified compaction density. Compactions are defined as Class I and Class II. a. Class I Compaction: 90 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM D1557. b. Class II Compaction: 95 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM D1557. 3. Compact fill, backfill, and embankment where the finished surface will be a bearing foundation, to achieve Class II Compaction for full depth. However, where the embankment construction exceeds 5 feet in depth, provide minimum Class I Compaction below the top 2.5 feet. 4. Compact fill below pavements to achieve Class II for full depth. However, where the fill exceeds 3 feet in depth, provide minimum Class I Compaction below the top 3 feet. 5. Compact the top 12 inches of backfill around structures to achieve Class II Compaction, and material underneath to achieve Class I Compaction. 6. Compact the top 12 inches of cut-and-cover backfill to achieve Class II Compaction. Compact the 36 inches of backfill material above utility to achieve Class I Compaction. 7. Except for original ground, cut subgrade, or fill that is less than 1 foot thick,scarify the surface and compact the top 8 inches of material to achieve Class II Compaction, as well as meeting the following requirements: a. For original ground located within 2.5 feet of finished pavement, compact original ground to achieve Class II Compaction, for full width of pavement plus 3 feet on each side thereof. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 20 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EARTH MOVING PAGE 7 OF 7 b.For original ground upon which embankment is to be constructed, compact the top 6 inches of material to achieve Class II Compaction. 8.Where not indicated on the Contract Drawings and structures are not involved, compact material to achieve Class I Compaction. I. Finish Grading 1.Finish grading areas to elevations and slopes as indicated on Contract Drawings, within the specified tolerance. 2.In landscape areas, grade to depth required (below finished grade) to allow placement of topsoil or mulch as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform density tests on compacted fill, backfill, and embankment in accordance with ASTM D6938. Tests shall be frequently performed, not less than the following: 1.Perform an initial test whenever material or source changes. 2.For expansive horizontal areas, perform one test per 100 cubic yards maximum of fill or backfill placement. 3.For confined areas and embankments, perform one test per every second lift of fill, backfill, or embankment placement. B. Perform compaction tests on compacted fill, backfill, and embankment in accordance with ASTM D1557, Method D and ASTM D6938. C. Perform moisture content tests on compacted fill, backfill, and embankment in accordance with ASTM D3017. D. Maintain a clean and orderly work site. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 1 OF 7 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 31 23 19 DEWATERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes requirements for dewatering to control groundwater flow and reduce water levels and hydrostatic pressures during all construction activities. This Section includes designing, furnishing, installing, maintaining, operating and removing temporary dewatering systems and controls as required to control water levels and hydrostatic pressures during construction. It includes constructing, maintaining, and, except where indicated or required to remain in place, removing equipment and instrumentation when no longer needed. B. Dewatering includes intercepting seepage into open excavations, increasing the stability of and preventing loss of material from bottoms of excavations, disposing of pumped water, monitoring of water quality and the proper treatment and disposal of contaminated water. C. Monitoring measures shall also be implemented to ensure no damage to nearby structures and utilities, including: (1) the building located approximately 100 feet to the north of Area 1, and (2) Rainier Avenue South located approximately 200 feet to the west of Area 1. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to installation of dewatering system, submit Dewatering Plan that includes working drawings and design data, indicating the following: 1. The proposed type of dewatering system including technical information for equipment and materials for dewatering and monitoring. Technical information will include, but not be limited to: a. Filter Pack: documentation in support of grain size determination. b. Documentation in support of well, wellpoint or educator screen design. c. Manufacturer’s pump performance curves. 2. Dewatering plan drawings and schematics that include: a. Arrangement, location and depths of system components, including, but not limited to number, location, and depth of pumped wells, vacuum wellpoints, eductors, sumps, trenches, observation wells and vibrating wire piezometers. b. Locations and workings of primary and backup power supply. 3. Complete description of equipment and instrumentation to be used with installation means, methods and materials, and operation and maintenance procedures. 4. Installation schedule, phasing and sequencing, dewatering operations schedule, maintenance schedule, and removal and abandonment schedule. 5. Monitoring system and equipment for dewatering flow rates and volumes. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 2 OF 7 6. Types, sizes and locations of filters. 7. Information and design calculations supporting dewatering system capability and capacity to support sump pumping volumes. 8. Design calculations demonstrating adequacy of the proposed systems and equipment, including calculations showing that groundwater levels will meet Specifications beneath the planned Area 1 excavation. 9. Monitoring program and predicted groundwater levels at select wells and piezometers. . 10. Estimated drawdown at distances of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 feet from excavations. 11. Estimated discharge rates of dewatering systems after 1, 7, 14, and 30 days of pumping. 12. Uplift calculations. 13. Startup and operating procedures for dewatering systems including discharge rate and volume at each location of discharge. 14. Methods of disposal of pumped water including locations of discharge to the storm or sanitary sewer system. B. Qualifications of dewatering system designer, dewatering system contractor, driller and operator. C. Monitoring Program and Response Plan. The plan shall require Contractor to describe the program including proposed monitoring methods, action levels, and mitigation measures. D. Monitoring data, daily and within 24 hours of measurement. E. Copies of the special permits required for performing the work of this Section. F. Logs of well installations shall be reviewed and signed by the dewatering systems designer and shall include: 1. Drilling method, location, unique well designation, soil descriptions, groundwater conditions, borehole depth 2. Well completion information: a. Well material and diameter b. Total depth c. Well screen material, slot size, length, and interval depth d. Filter Pack material and interval depth e. Seal material and interval depth 3. Well development records 4. Drilling Notice of Intents and Ecology Well Tags G. Quality Plan covering all dewatering operations and the field quality control to be performed. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 3 OF 7 H. Contingency Plan: Prior to installation. 1. Describe how disruptions to the operation of the dewatering system(s) will be detected and how project personnel and the Resident Engineer will be notified in such an event. Include 24-hour contact information for Contractor’s Dewatering Specialist. Notification of any interruption to dewatering system operation shall be provided to the Resident Engineer within one hour of detection. Include a description of how hazardous materials (i.e., contaminated groundwater) will be handled during dewatering activities. 2. Provide schedule to implement repairs, restore power and/or perform necessary maintenance to resolve disruption. 3. List standby pumps, tools, equipment, power and all other materials necessary for a complete and functional system. 4. Describe measures that will be used to protect excavations sidewalls and subgrades and prevent soil losses if a disruption to the operation of the dewatering system(s) occurs. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Employ a professional civil engineer or certified hydrogeologist, registered in the State of Washington and specialized in hydrogeology or geotechnical engineering, to design and direct operation of dewatering system as the project Dewatering Specialist. The Dewatering Specialist shall have at least 5 years’ experience in the design, operation and maintenance of similar dewatering systems in similar subsurface conditions. B. Have available, at all times, competent workers and spare equipment for the continuous and successful operation of the dewatering systems, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. C. Provide water quality and quantity monitoring and maintain records as required by the applicable permits. D. Groundwater discharge, conveyance and transmission shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.04 DEWATERING COORDINATION AND DATA REVIEW MEETINGS A. Attend a Dewatering Coordination and Data Review meeting every week with the Resident Engineer. The dewatering specialist shall attend every meeting during installation of the groundwater monitoring instrumentation and dewatering wells, every meeting from the time pumping begins until target dewatering levels have been achieved then every fourth meeting at a minimum. Attendance of the dewatering specialist may be increased at the discretion of the Resident Engineer depending on the performance of the dewatering systems. B. At a minimum, the meetings shall cover: 1. Upcoming construction activities and associated dewatering monitoring requirements. 2. Dewatering data including a summary of dewatering drawdowns in pumping wells and monitoring wells, water quality test results and dewatering discharge flows. 3. Remedial actions and third-party notifications to be implemented for water quality results that have exceeded permitting requirements and associated compliance plans. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 4 OF 7 4. Current dewatering issues including a summary of malfunctioning or damaged dewatering and monitoring wells and associated replacement plans. 5. Monitoring results. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements 1. The Contractor is responsible for the design and adequacy of the methods and systems to accomplish the following: a. Within plan limits of excavation, lower the groundwater level at least 3 feet below the base of the excavation. b. Develop a substantially dry and stable subgrade for execution of construction operations. c. Provide two options to prevent damage to adjacent buildings, structures, utilities and other work that may result from settlement or other groundwater-related effects. Once approved by Sound Transit a change order will be issued to the Contractor to proceed with the work. 2. Methods of dewatering may include sump pumps, single or multiple stage well point systems, ejector type systems (eductors), deep wells and combinations thereof. 3. Locate dewatering systems where they will not interfere with utilities and construction work to be performed by others. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Furnish all materials, tools, equipment, facilities and services as required to provide a complete and functional dewatering system. B. Provide standby power, pumps and other equipment in good working order and of adequate capacity to continue dewatering operations if the dewatering system experiences failure. C. Provide instrumentation for monitoring groundwater levels and flow rates as specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 5 OF 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Contractor shall not install the dewatering system until the Dewatering Plan is approved by the Resident Engineer. B. Contractor shall not initiate dewatering until the Monitoring Program and Response Plan is approved by the Resident Engineer. 3.02 CONSTRUCTION A. Dewatering System 1. Install, operate and maintain dewatering in accordance with Dewatering Plan, working drawings and design data. Notify the Resident Engineer of any changes made to accommodate field conditions and, on completion of the dewatering system installation, revise and resubmit working drawings to indicate the installed configuration. 2. Dispose of pumped water from excavations, well points or other dewatering installations, and drainage from areas used or occupied for construction and other purposes. Construct pipelines, including underground portions in streets, as necessary. Flush storm sewer and drains prior to the start of dewatering. If using water from the City of Renton water system, obtain and pay for a fire hydrant use permit as needed. A backflow prevention device will be required and will be inspected by City of Renton Utilities Department at time of permit purchase. Arrange discharge line to facilitate taking of samples. 3. Organize dewatering operations to maintain the groundwater level below excavations, as required, for execution of the work and to provide a stable, dry excavation and subgrade for the execution of construction operations. 4. Maintain water levels outside of excavations as necessary to protect buildings and infrastructure. 5. Locate dewatering pumps away from sensitive receptors and shield with noise- attenuating barriers or shrouds. 6. Provide backup power generator and automatic power transfer system that will activate, in the event that the primary power supply fails, to ensure continuous operation of the dewatering system. 7. Meet quantity and quality discharge permit requirements as specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents for pumped water before discharging to approved points of connection to the storm or sanitary sewer. 8. Dewatering System Removal and Decommissioning a. Upon written authorization of the Resident Engineer, remove all dewatering system facilities, and decommission all eductors, wellpoints, and pumped and observation wells using a Washington State-licensed water well Contractor b. Submit written documentation of decommissioning of all eductors, wellpoints, wells or other penetrations below the excavation subgrade including unique identification number, location coordinates, date and time of decommissioning, the names of the Contractor’s personnel performing SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 6 OF 7 the decommissioning and the Resident Engineer’s representative observing the decommissioning. c. Notify the Resident Engineer 24 hours prior to decommissioning any wells, sumps, gravel drains or other penetrations below the excavation subgrade. d. Decommissioning of any eductors, wellpoints, wells or other penetrations below the excavation subgrade not observed by the Resident Engineer shall be over drilled to the original depth of the installation and re- decommissioned at the Contractor’s expense. B. Monitoring 1. Contractor shall conduct survey settlement and/or depth to water monitoring when existing surface features (i.e. structures, curb, gutter, pavement, etc.) are located in the area of influence of the dewatering operations, creating a potential for settlement at the locations specified herein. a. Elevation surveys of the selected locations prior to start of dewatering; b. Daily elevation surveys during initial dewatering until flow rates and drawdown have stabilized, then weekly thereafter; c. Collect at least three sets of initial baseline measurements and readings on all settlement monitoring stations. Contractor shall measure all elevations to 0.01-foot precision. d. Elevation surveys at completion of dewatering. e. That if one or more of the settlement monitoring stations settle by 0.04 foot or more, or some other agreed upon monitoring criteria are exceeded, the Contractor shall notify the Resident Engineer immediately. Contractor shall recommend and submit a Settlement Mitigation Plan. 2. Restoration of property damaged due to dewatering or settlement caused by the dewatering system shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. 3.03 MAINTENANCE A. Dewatering System 1. Maintain dewatering systems in accordance with working drawings, design requirements and equipment manufacturers’ recommendations. 2. Immediately replace materials, equipment or facilities that are damaged or cease to operate properly. Notify the Resident Engineer of replacements made to the dewatering system. 3. Contractor shall provide and construct observation wells to monitor groundwater levels during construction and gauge the performance of the Dewatering System(s). Existing monitoring wells exist on site may be used for this purpose. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Records 1. Observe and record information required in the Contractor Dewatering Plan. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 23 19 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB DEWATERING PAGE 7 OF 7 2. Observe and record the flow rate and time of operation of each pump used in the dewatering system. Where necessary, provide flow meters for measuring the flow rates. Submit flow-rate data daily during the period that the dewatering system is in operation on forms and in format as approved by Sound Transit. 3. Measure and record the elevation of the groundwater during the period that the dewatering system is in operation at existing and contractor-installed piezometers (including vibrating wire piezometers) as identified in the Specifications and on the Contract Drawings. Obtain measurements and process and present data through the datalogger \ IDMS system described elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Records shall be submitted weekly. 4. On a minimum once-weekly basis, compare recorded groundwater elevations to predicted groundwater elevations at all piezometers and wells identified in the Contract Documents and in the Contractor’s dewatering design submittal. Submit results weekly. 5. For drilled wells, observe and record soil conditions, collect split spoon drive samples at minimum 5-foot vertical intervals and prepare field logs of well installations. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 40 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SHORING AND UNDERPINNING PAGE 1 OF 2 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 31 40 00 SHORING AND UNDERPINNING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes specifications for providing temporary shoring and underpinning to safeguard adjacent structures, roadway and property from settlement and damage. 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revision of the following documents. 1. Washington Administrative Code: a. Chapter 296-155 WAC Safety Standards for Construction Work, Part N, Excavation, Trenching and Shoring 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Sheet Pile: The folded or bent steel plate members of a shoring system that retain the earth and are structurally interlocked to adjacent members. B. Temporary Sheet Pile Support system: A structure constructed of sheet pile that supports an excavation and provides a visual shield and debris containment wall. C. Underpinning: A vertical element supporting the vertical and horizontal load of a structure, part of a structure, or utility. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Procedures: Section 01 33 00, Submittal Procedures B. Working Drawings: Submit working drawings, indicating method, staging, and necessary details for construction for the temporary sheet pile shoring, or underpinning and support. Supply working drawings and calculations prepared, sealed, and signed by a professional civil or structural engineer currently licensed in the State of Washington. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporary shoring may need to be adjusted based on actual locations of the pile structure and utilities that are encountered. B. Temporary Partitions: Where indicated or required, build closed temporary partitions of suitable materials to isolate the work site from the portions of the structure not occupied by the Contractor. C. Maintenance of Services: Locate, protect, support, and maintain, uninterrupted, all utilities, equipment, services, and owner's and tenant's chattels within the limits of the underpinning work, or relocate same as indicated or required. Submit a plan for review and approval, describing methods proposed to maintain utilities and service. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 40 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB SHORING AND UNDERPINNING PAGE 2 OF 2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Requirements: Furnish all materials, tools, equipment, facilities, and services as required for providing the necessary temporary shoring, and underpinning work B. Temporary shoring for utility trenching may utilize trench boxes or other commercially available shoring systems as long as they are designed for the loads imposed by the soil and work conditions. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 TEMPORARY SHORING A. Existing footings, foundations, pile caps, grade beams, retaining walls, or pavement which may be affected by excavation operations shall be shored or underpinned adequately or otherwise protected against settlement and shall be protected against lateral movement. B. Excavation work must meet the requirements of Chapter 296-155 WAC Safety Standards for Construction Work. END OF SECTION SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 1 OF 10 CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 31 50 00 EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes specifications for designing, furnishing, installing, monitoring, and removing temporary excavation support systems. No permanent excavation support systems shall be installed. B. This section applies to Contractor-designed excavation support systems (Working Drawings). 1.02 REFERENCES A. This Section incorporates by reference the latest revisions of the following documents. 1. American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM): a. ASTM A36/36M Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel b. ASTM A53/A53M Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot- Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless c. ASTM A328/A328M Specification for Steel Sheet Piling d. ASTM A500/A500M Standard Specifications for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes e. ASTM A572/A572M Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel f. ASTM A992/A992M Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes g. ASTM C33/C33M Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates h. ASTM D1785 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120 2. American Wood Protection Association (AWPA): a. AWPA U1 Use Category System: User Specification for Treated Wood. 3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) a. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 6th Edition 4. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) a. Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Design Load: The calculated load. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 2 OF 10 B. Drainage Mat: A manufactured material available in sheets or rolls used behind lagging to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressure. C. Existing Construction: Adjacent structures, facilities, equipment, conveyances, and utilities present at the beginning of excavation. D. Lagging: A horizontal element restraining the lateral movement of a cut soil face and supported by soldier piles or wales. Lagging is typically timber, precast concrete, or shotcrete. E. Parcel: An area of ground as indicated, including all existing construction upon or connected to it. F. Raker: A sloping strut, typically supported on grade. G. Restore: To return to pre-excavation condition by repair or replacement of portions damaged, altered, or removed by excavation activities. H. Sheet: A vertical element restraining the horizontal movement of a cut soil face and supported by soldier piles or wales. Sheets are typically flat steel plates and do not provide water cutoff. I. Sheet Pile: A vertical element restraining the horizontal movement of a cut soil face and supported by wales. Sheet piles are typically interlocking profiled steel plate shapes and provide water cutoff. J. Shore: A horizontal, inclined, or vertical element positioned against or beneath a structure, part of a structure, or utility to restrain movement. K. Shoring: An excavation support system designed and installed to protect the public and property from potential impact due to excavation activities by limiting the horizontal and vertical movement of soil and adjacent construction. Shoring may be temporary or permanent. L. Soldier Pile: A vertical element supporting lagging and supported by embedment into grade and tieback anchors, wales, struts, or rakers. Soldier piles are typically rolled steel W-, S- or H-shapes M. Strut: A horizontal element keeping two other elements a fixed distance apart, usually soldier piles or wales. Struts carry axial compression and are typically rolled steel pipe, tube or W-, S-, or H-shapes. N. Tangent Pile: A vertical element restraining the horizontal movement of a cut soil face and supported by embedment into grade and tieback anchors, wales, struts, or rakers. Tangent piles are typically drilled concrete piles set with no space between adjacent piles and reinforced with deformed bars or rolled steel W-, S-, or H-shapes. O. Tremie: A pipe used to place concrete under water or slurry, displacing the water or slurry during placement. P. Tremie Concrete: Concrete placed under water or slurry using a tremie. Q. Underpinning: A vertical element supporting the vertical and horizontal load of a structure, part of a structure, or utility. R. Wale: A horizontal element supporting lagging, sheets, sheet piling, or soldier piles, and supported by anchor tiebacks or struts. S. Working Drawings: Drawings describing the excavation support system for Contractor- designed systems. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 3 OF 10 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Refer to Section 01 33 00, Submittal Procedures. B. Driller’s Qualifications C. Structural engineer’s Qualifications: For Contractor-designed excavation support systems. D. Geotechnical Engineer’s Qualifications: For Contractor-designed excavation support systems. E. Surveyor’s Qualifications F. Welder Certifications G. Construction Work Plan: Submit a written program. Include descriptions of the following: 1. Installation procedures 2. Drilling equipment 3. Excavation sequence and schedule 4. Shaft excavation methods, including drilling methods, methods for cleanout of shafts, and disposal plan for excavated material and drilling slurry (if applicable). 5. Methods to be used to ensure shaft stability, such as temporary casing or slurry 6. Interface details for existing construction 7. Protection measures for existing construction 8. Instrumentation and monitoring procedures 9. Removal procedures and sequence 10. Contingency plans for excessive shoring movements as discussed under Excavation Support System Performance Criteria in Article 2.02, herein 11. Field quality control measures H. Working Drawings: For excavation support system designed by the Contractor, submit Working Drawings signed and sealed by a structural engineer. Include the following: 1. Element sizes and locations 2. Element assembly and connection details 3. Interface details for existing construction 4. Interface details for permanent elements I. Calculations: For excavation support elements designed by the Contractor, submit calculations to support design shown on the Working Drawings, signed and sealed by a Structural Engineer. J. Soldier Pile Logs: Include for each pile: 1. Pile number, location, size, and location of splices, if present. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 4 OF 10 2. Date and time of start and completion of pile shaft excavation 3. Elevation of water table during excavation 4. Soil conditions encountered during drilling 5. Pre-bored hole diameter, and any variations in diameter with depth 6. Concrete mix data including design mix number, volume placed, and method of placement. 7. Date and time of installation of concrete encasement 8. Pile plumbness 9. Final top and bottom elevations of pile and concrete encasement 10. Final horizontal location of pile axis, and variation from design location 11. Other documentation as may be dictated by construction conditions including problems encountered, and delays K. Mix Designs: Submit mix designs for all concretes and grouts. L. Monitoring Program Readings and Results 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Driller: Select drillers having a minimum of five (5) years of experience in preboring holes for soldier piles or work of similar character. B. Structural Engineer: For Contractor-designed excavation support systems or components, select a licensed civil or structural professional engineer currently registered in the State of Washington, with a minimum of five (5) years of experience in the design and construction of excavation support systems. C. Geotechnical Engineer: For excavation support systems or components designed by the Contractor, select a licensed civil professional engineer currently registered in the State of Washington, with a minimum of five (5) years of experience in the design and construction of excavation support systems. D. Professional Land Surveyor: Select a licensed professional land surveyor currently registered in the State of Washington, with a minimum of five (5) years of experience in work of a similar character. E. Welders: Welders shall be certified in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 EXCAVATION SUPPORT DESIGN CRITERIA A. Excavation support systems and components designed by the Contractor shall meet the following criteria: 1. Sound Transit Design Criteria Manual (DCM) SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 5 OF 10 2. LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 6th Edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Load and Resistance Factor Design Methodology 3. Support earth pressures indicated on Contract Drawings, including surcharge loads due to existing construction, equipment, traffic, and construction activities. 4. Driving of soldier piles or sheet piles with vibratory or impact hammers is not allowed. 5. Allow the required free excavated space for workers and groundwater control systems. 6. Conform to excavation and backfill sequences as indicated in the Construction Work Plan. 7. Maximum lateral deflection of any system within 40 feet of City right-of-way is limited to 1 inch. 8. Compatible with conditions described in the Geotechnical Baseline Report. 9. Remain stable during excavation of adjacent slurry wall panels. 2.02 CONTINGENCY REQUIREMENTS A. Contingency Plan: Contractor shall have means, methods, materials and equipment readily available on site to implement mitigating measures to arrest potential excavation support movement greater than 1 inch. Contingency plan shall be approved by the Resident Engineer. B. If the 1 inch deflection criterion is exceeded: 1. Notify the Resident Engineer immediately. 2. Increase frequency of readings and/or furnish and install additional instrumentation and monitoring points as determined by the Resident Engineer. 3. Implement mitigating measures if directed by the Resident Engineer and be prepared to terminate construction activities in the area. 2.03 MATERIALS A. General: Materials for temporary excavation support systems may be new or used, provided they are sound and free from strength-impairing defects. B. Concrete: Concrete materials shall comply with American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards. C. Metals: All metal materials other than steel sheet piling shall comply with American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) standards. Permanent steel piles and attachments shall be shop painted after fabrication with one coat of inorganic zinc primer. D. Tiebacks: Tieback materials shall comply with American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) standards. E. Timber: 1. Grade: As specified on the Contract Drawings or approved Working Drawings. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 6 OF 10 2. Lagging: Lagging shall be rough-sawn. Lagging need not be new, but shall be in serviceable condition. 3. Temporary lagging elements shall be designed by the contractor in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Section 6-16.3(6)B. The contractor shall confirm the Soil Type based on field conditions confirmed by the contractor-selected Geotechnical Engineer. 4. Preservative Treatment: Pressure treat timber lagging members left in place with preservative material in accordance with AWPA U1, Use Category 4A, Commodity Specification A. Treat cut ends of timber lagging with brush-applied preservative. F. Wall Drainage Network: 1. Geocomposite Drain Strips: a. Preformed grid of embossed plastic or a system of plastic pillars and interconnections forming a semi-rigid mat. b. Manufactured with a drainage core not less than 0.25 inches thick or more than 0.50 inches thick. c. Drainage core with a minimum compressive strength of 15,000 pounds per square foot (psf) covered with filter fabric capable of maintaining drainage void. d. Maintain full flow through drain strip splices. 2. PVC Connector and Drain Pipes a. Pipe: ASTM D1785 Schedule 40 PVC, solid and perforated wall, cell classification 12454-B or 12354-C, wall thickness SDR 35. b. Drain Backfill: ASTM C33 No. 67 with no more than 2 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. G. Do not use combustible waste or similar material for packing or soil retention in excavations. When and where lagging is not in full contact with the soil being retained, backfill the void with CDF. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Construct excavation support systems in accordance with approved Working Drawings and in a manner that will ensure that excavations will be fully stabilized and excavation bases will be stable at all stages during and after excavation. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Monitoring Program: Monitor the excavation support during and after installation to ensure the system is stable and safe. B. Excavation Support System Installation: Retain the services of a geotechnical engineer to observe the installation. C. Concrete and Grout Testing: Test concretes and grouts in accordance American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) standards. SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 7 OF 10 D. Utility Locations: 1. Utilities in close proximity to soldier piles shall have their locations and depths verified by potholing prior to the start of soldier pile drilling. Refer to the shoring plan for the minimum utilities that need to be potholed, although the Contractor shall pothole any utilities that appear to be in potential conflict with the shoring. Representatives of the utility owner will need to be present at the time of potholing, so notify them at least 10 days prior to potholing. 2. Proceed with caution in areas of utility facilities and structures. Expose existing utilities by hand-excavation or by other method acceptable to the utility owner. 3. If existing utility facilities and structures interfere with proposed method of excavation support, modify or relocate such facilities in accordance with the utility owner's recommendations or modify the excavation support systems. 3.03 SOLDIER PILES A. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING 1. Sequence pile installation such that no pile is excavated within a clear distance of 12 feet from concrete encasement less than 12 hours old. 2. Schedule work so that encasement is placed within twelve hours after excavation of pile. 3. Place soldier pile and concrete encasement immediately after excavation bottom is inspected and accepted. B. EXCAVATION FOR SOLDIER PILES 1. Drilling: Observe the drilling rate and resistance as the boring of each hole is advanced. Record the relative drilling rate. 2. Temporary Casing a. Pre-bored holes may require casing through soil to prevent collapse of overburden and control seepage water. The cost of any casing shall be incidental to the excavation support system. b. Install temporary casing if required, sufficient to withstand handling stresses, concrete pressure, and surrounding earth and water pressures. c. Leave the casing in place through the cleaning and inspection operations of the pre-bored holes. Withdraw casing as the concrete is placed. d. Begin extraction of casing only after sufficient concrete has been placed in the shaft to achieve a minimum height differential between the bottom of the casing and the top of concrete of 5 feet. Maintain the differential until the concrete achieves finish elevation. 3. Groundwater Control a. In the event that groundwater is encountered during excavation operations, pumping of water from the pile excavation will be permitted during construction, provided that the groundwater does not flow into the excavation rapidly enough to carry particles of soil or result in caving of excavation walls, bottom heaving, or ground settlement. 4. Cleaning and Inspecting Pre-bored Holes SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 8 OF 10 a. After the holes have been bored to the proper depth, remove loose earth or debris, including water, from the bottom and sides of the hole. Leave bottom surfaces flat and level. 5. Do not allow vibration or excessive wheel loads within the immediate vicinity of any pile. Maintain drill hole excavation stability at all times. C. INSTALLATION OF SOLDIER PILES 1. Place the steel soldier piles and maintain in the center of the pre-bored hole using centering devices. Align the flange of the pile parallel to the future excavation line. 2. Cutting Off Steel Soldier Piles a. For pile installation where a longer pile than required was furnished, cut off the pile to the length required. b. Make the cut at the location necessary to maintain the tieback openings at the levels shown on the Contract Drawings or approved Working Drawings. c. Make all cuts perpendicular to the axis of the pile. d. Remove cut off sections of steel soldier piles from the site and suitably dispose of. 3. Rebuilding or Extending Steel Soldier Piles a. Extend the soldier pile installations where the depth of the pre-bored holes must be extended beyond the depth shown on the Contract Drawings or approved Working Drawings to obtain a non-yielding foundation for the pile, and where the length of the furnished pile is inadequate for the deepened hole. b. Provide the length of extension necessary to extend the soldier pile to the bottom of the pre-bored hole, while maintaining the tieback openings at the levels shown on the Contract Drawings or approved Working Drawings. c. Provide extensions of the same section size and weight as the soldier pile to which it is spliced. d. Submit splicing details to the Resident Engineer. D. PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 1. Place concrete encasement in accordance with the following requirements: a. Place concrete in dry excavations whenever practicable. Use all practicable means to obtain a dry excavation before and during concreting. b. Place concrete for dry excavations by free fall methods. Place concrete equally around the steel soldier pile. Place concrete in each pile continuously to the top elevation. c. If water accumulates in the pre-bored holes after cleaning and inspection prior to concrete encasement remove water by approved methods, or place the concrete below the accumulated water using tremie methods SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 9 OF 10 1) When the groundwater infiltration rate is greater than 1/4-inch vertical rise in hole per minute, consider soldier pile excavations "wet" and place concrete using the tremie method. 2) Except when concreting by the tremie method, do not allow the total height of water in the bottom of the excavation to exceed 2 inches at the time of concrete placement. 2. Remove the temporary casing, if present. During extraction of the casing, prevent upward movement of the steel soldier pile. 3. Vibrate only the top 5 feet of concrete after the casing has been withdrawn. 3.04 LAGGING A. Install lagging as excavation progresses. B. Do not allow more than four feet of exposed cut soil face. C. Backfill lagging with free-draining material as lagging is installed. Backfill lagging prior to excavating subsequent lift. D. Take immediate steps to prevent piping of soils through lagging if observed. 3.05 SUPPORT SYSTEMS WITH INTERNAL BRACING A. General: Provide wales, struts, and rakers as necessary to support excavation faces retained by soldier piles and lagging, by tangent-piles, or by sheet piling. B. Bracing: 1. Provide wales where required, at each level of bracing. As excavation proceeds, place wales on open face of support system wall. Wedge, dry pack, and otherwise provide tight bearing between wales and support system wall, with ample bearing areas to provide uniform transfer of loads. 2. Include web stiffeners, plates, angles, or bracing as needed to prevent rotation, crippling, or buckling of connections and points of bearing between structural members. Allow for eccentricities caused by field fabrication and assembly. 3. Design bracing support members for maximum loads which may occur during excavation and removal stages. 3.06 PILE BRACING A. Steel bracing may be required during tieback stressing and testing to restrain the soldier pile from twisting. The locations and configuration of the bracing will be determined in the field at the time of construction. The cost to furnish the bracing will be considered incidental. 3.07 EXCAVATION BELOW TIEBACKS AND BRACING A. Tieback, wale, strut and raker installation testing and stressing shall be completed prior to excavating more than 2 feet below centerline of tieback or bracing level. 3.08 TOLERANCES A. Soldier Piles: SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER REMEDIATION PROJECT SECTION 31 50 00 RTA/CN 0188-21 ISSUE FOR BID IFB EXCAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION PAGE 10 OF 10 1.Install tops of soldier piles within 3 inches, plus or minus, horizontally of the locations shown on the approved Working Drawings. 2.Install tops of soldier piles within 6 inches, plus or minus, vertically of the locations shown on the approved Working Drawings. 3.Install steel soldier piles within 1.5 percent of plumb. 3.09 WALL DRAINAGE NETWORK INSTALLATION A. Prior to any permanent fascia panel installation, attach Geocomposite Drain Strips to lagging in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Drain strips shall be installed full height of the concrete fascia panel, centered between soldier pile flanges. B. Splicing of the drain mat shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Contractor shall ensure that splices create a hydraulic connection between spliced mats, and that water flow is not impeded. Tape all joints in drain mats to prevent concrete intrusion. C. Install drain grates and connecting pipes to drain mat in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Secure drain pipes such that movement does not occur during concrete placement of fascia. 3.10 REMOVAL OF EXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEMS A. Excavation support systems shall be removed prior to Substantial Completion. Perform excavation support removal in a manner that will not disturb or damage adjacent structures, construction, or utilities. Fill voids immediately with lean concrete or with approved backfill compacted to the relative compaction for the location as specified in Section 31 20 00, Earth Moving. B. Leave excavation support systems in place until the concrete and structures to receive the transferred loading from the removed support system have reached the specified 28-day compressive strength. Demonstrate by methods acceptable to Resident Engineer that the concrete has reached the specified strength before load transfer from the support system to the concrete structure may be performed. Do not remove bracing supporting pile caps or base slabs for a minimum seven (7) days after last concrete has been placed. C. Remove from the Site all elements of excavation support systems. D. Repair damage to new or existing structures resulting from removal of excavation support systems. END OF SECTION