HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Critical_Area_Exemption_Cover_Letter_220408_v1 Date: April 8, 2022 To: Jonathan Chavez, Civil Engineer III, City of Renton From: Jennifer Ash, King County Metro Cc: Janine Robinson, King County Metro; Stephanie Forman (PE), Forman & Associates; John McKenzie (PE), Maya Hunnewell, Erika Shook, and Jennifer Thomas, Jacobs Subject: City of Renton RapidRide I Line Project Master Land Use Application for Critical Areas Exemption King County Metro (Metro) is providing these materials in support of a Master Land Use Application for Critical Areas Exemption for the RapidRide I Line Project (Project) in Renton. The Project is not limited to one site, rather most improvements are in discrete locations along the 17-mile corridor, comprised mostly of arterial streets between Renton, Kent, and Auburn. The civil construction plans for this Project have been submitted under permit no. C21001128. Since the Project will impact critical areas, this Master Land Use Application is for review of the proposed Critical Areas Exemption application for the Project. The Project includes new passenger facility and transportation system improvements along the extent of the corridor that will:  Permanently be located within wetland and/or stream buffers  Temporarily impact wetland and/or stream buffers during construction  Permanently be located within critical aquifer recharge areas, geologic hazard areas, wildlife conservation areas  Permanently be located within flood hazard areas To allow for review of this proposal, the Master Land Use Application for Critical Areas Exemption is attached. Proposed construction activities that intersect critical areas include minor grading, existing concrete removal, and vegetation removal. Project construction will not occur in wetlands or streams. Construction activities in buffers will temporarily clear vegetation for construction equipment access. Vegetation will be replaced with new pavement or bus station structures. Proposed Project elements permanently located within critical areas include 2 new concrete bus pads, paving, sidewalks, bus stations, and other amenities such as shelters, benches, litter receptacles, and bicycle racks. A breakdown of impacts and proposed mitigation is shown in Table 1. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio for wetland and stream buffers. Table 1: Wetland and Stream Buffer Impacts and Proposed Mitigation BUFFER TYPE ID TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA (SQUARE FEET) PERMANENT IMPACT AREA (SQUARE FEET) PROPOSED MITIGATION AREA (SQUARE FEET) Wetland and Streamb WRN-04-D and SRN-03/Rolling Hills Creeka 384 269 269 Streamb SRN-11 429 178 178 TOTAL — 813 447 447 a Stream SRN-03/Rolling Hills Creek buffer is entirely within Wetland WRN-04-D buffer. Impacts have been calculated for a combined wetland/stream buffer to avoid double-counting buffer impact. b Stream ordinary high water marks have been approximated and have not been delineated. Delineation of these boundaries may affect buffer impact calculations. We request that the City of Renton (City) review and confirm the following:  A drainage report was submitted along with civil construction plans under permit no. C21001128. This application references that submittal and documentation. Please confirm that the City does not expect resubmittal of the drainage report as part of this application.  Metro has proposed a 1:1 mitigation replacement ratio to offset unavoidable stream and wetland buffer impacts. Please confirm that this mitigation strategy is acceptable to the City.  Metro is requesting a waiver of the following submittals: - Separate drainage report from the civil construction submittal - Detailed grading plan submittal We appreciate the time that the City has taken to discuss this Project with us to date. Please let us know your anticipated review time frame for the attached application and materials. We look forward to continuing our work with you to complete this Project and provide improved transportation services in collaboration with the City of Renton. Attachments