HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/2022 - MinutesMinutes of R.H.S. Monthly Meeting April 26, 2022 Page 1 of 2 [Type here] RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MONTHLY MEETING April 26, 2022 Attending: Laura Clawson, Daryl Delaurenti, Maryann DiPasquale, Amy Elizabeth Gorton, Jessica Kelly, Lynne King, Colleen Lenahansen, Mike Lennox, and Elizabeth Stewart. Absent: Rhea Kimble Guests: Mayor Armando Pavone, Kacee French, Dan Clawson Call to Order, Introductions, and Guest Speaker President Jessica Kelly called the hybrid Zoom/in person meeting to order at 5:42 PM and introduced the first spe aker, Mayor Pavone. He talked about the role of the museum in maintaining a historical perspective at a time of major growth. He supports growth that has a connection to the past. Renton’s favorable, central location is a magnet to all kinds of businesses, both favorable and unfavorable. Equity, Housing & Human Services department also builds community. News, Updates, Correspondence Information Museum Director Elizabeth Stewart reported on museum operations & facility. The carpet will soon be installed. IT met with Liz and will hopefully install equipment to allow hybrid meetings in June. Liz also reported that the search for the Public Engagement Coordinator launched 2 weeks ago. She also reported on the roles of the museum manager, including supervising staff, reporting to the city and being a liaison to city government with the board. Laura Clawson gave a brief history of the city’s relationship with the board. Review and approval of minutes Action Item President Jessica Kelly reviewed the minutes of the March meeting. • MOTION: Laura Clawson moved to approve the minutes; Daryl Delaurenti seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. President Jessica Kelly reviewed the minutes of the Annual meeting. • MOTION: Laura Clawson moved to approve the minutes; Daryl Delaurenti seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Other Laura Clawson will serve as Secretary Pro Tem until June 30th. The newly designated Primary Administrator for the Renton Historical Society's Intuit (Quickboo ks) Account is Brandy Bradford, our bookkeeper. Work session Action Items Committee Reports (Colleen): Committee chairs reported out: a. Executive Committee- no update. Will meet prospective facilitator for MMA project. Minutes of R.H.S. Monthly Meeting April 26, 2022 Page 2 of 2 [Type here] b. Board development - Kacee French, a board applicant, will be interviewed by Laura Clawson, Jessica Kelly and Dan Clawson. Laura will send a Doodle. c. Outreach committee - will meet next month. Colleen Lenahansen attended the Renton Downtown Partnership event to insure we have a role there. d. Events committee - reported that the fundraiser date (September 10) and venue (Community Center) are confirmed. Barn Dance theme. Rockin’ Horse Dance Barn will provide entertainment and a dance lesson. Rain City catering appetizers using the $1,000 deposit from 2020. Silent auction only. The procurement letter is done. Trustees asked to all participate in procurement and to update the list on ASANA to avoid vendors getting multiple calls. Planning session is May 5th, all invited. Colleen displayed Amy’s dashboard that will be used to track ticket sales for the event. e. Human Resources – no report. f. Collections committee - Daryl DeLaurenti reported they will look at rental storage in Tukwilla. Dan Clawson reported his research results on ownership of the Model A and recommended getting a legal opinion. • MOTION: Lynne King moved to allocate up to $1,000 for legal consultation on the inheritability of the Model A. Maryann DiPasquale seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. g. By-laws committee – no report. h. MMA (Museum Management Agreement) committee - members are Liz Stewart, Jessica Kelly, Colleen Lenahansen and Dan Clawson, They will meet soon. i. Finance report - written report with nothing unusual for first quarter. j. Fundraising. - Trustees are to all participate in procurement and to update the list on ASANA to avoid vendors getting multiple calls. Planning session is May 5th, all invited. Colleen Lenahansen shared Amy Gorton’s cool dashboard to be used to track progress in meeting fundraising goal. Mission Moment: Articles of Incorporation. ________________________________________________________________________________ The Articles of Incorporation were included in the board packet. Jessica drew our attention to the important sections in the first two pages. Adjournment ________________________________________________________________________________ Colleen Lenahansen moved to adjourn, Jessica Kelly seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm. _____________________________ Laura Clawson (Secretary pro tem) Renton Historical Society Next meeting: Tues., May 31, 5:30 – 7 pm, Hybrid Meeting (In person location: TBD)