HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/24/2022 - MinutesCITY OF RENTON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS & FIREFIGHTERS DISABILITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 24, 2022 – 9:00 a.m. Video Conference (Zoom meeting) In Attendance: Jim Matthew, Jim Phelan, Carolyn Kraft, Valerie O’Halloran, Ed Prince, and Erika Eddins Not in Attendance: Russ Olson, Alex Tuttle CALL TO ORDER Jim Phelan moved to call the meeting to order at 09:02 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES James Matthew moved to approve the April 26, 2022 meeting minutes and Valerie O’Halloran seconded. Motion approved. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS #5640 – Request to Board for review of in-home care. Erika stated this is in line with similar requests for in home care services received from other retirees last year and a letter of medical necessity was provided by a doctor. The range of care services and the cost is within the average cost for like services within the region. Request is for assistance with activities of daily living for partial days at 4 hours per day, 4 days per week, at a maximum rate of $36.00 per hour. Valerie O’Halloran moved to approve the request for in-home care. James Matthew seconds. Motion carried. #1018 – Request to Board for review of in-home services received outside of U.S. in Mexico. Erika stated the retiree resides in Mexico part of the year and became ill and received treatment from a doctor at home. HMA does not cover medical services received by non-U.S. providers except for emergency medical care. The documentation received from the retiree did not indicate emergency care but did demonstrate medical necessity. Jim Mathew moved to approve the reimbursement of in-home services. Ed Prince seconds. Motion carried. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Erika wanted the board to be aware of a recent issue with a hearing aid claim. A provider was unhappy with the contracted rate that insurance paid for hearing aids and reached out to the LEOFF 1 retiree, members of this board, and other agencies. It is not appropriate for providers to reach out to retirees or LEOFF Board members if they are unhappy with the contracted amount HMA paid them. If this type of situation occurs again, Erika’s contact information can be given to the provider. HMA is currently working directly with this provider and reviewing to ensure everything was processed correctly. The retiree received their hearing aids and does not owe any balance. ADJOURNMENT James Matthew moved to adjourn, and Valerie O’Halloran seconds. Motion carried. Jim Phelan closed the meeting at 09:19 a.m. LEOFF Board Jim Phelan Member at Large (Chair) Ed Prince Council Member Valerie O’Halloran Council Member James Matthew Fire and Emergency Services Russ Olson Police