HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtt05_Arborist Report November 2021 Revised on January 2022 City of Renton Arborist Report King County Metro Transit Department King County Metro Transit Department Janine Robison Consultant Team Tyson Goeppinger, PN7491-AU, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Prepared by i City of Renton Arborist Report Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................... iii Definitions ............................................................................... iv Executive Summary .................................................................. 1 1 Introduction ................................................................... 1-1 Project Description ................................................................ 1-1 Project Location ..................................................................... 1-1 Purpose ................................................................................. 1-1 2 Field Methods ................................................................. 2-1 3 Results ........................................................................... 3-1 Tree Inventory ....................................................................... 3-1 Tree Removal and Replacement Summary ............................. 3-1 3.2.1 Renton Right-of-Way .................................................... 3-2 3.2.2 WSDOT Right-of-Way ................................................... 3-3 3.2.3 Private Property .......................................................... 3-3 4 Tree Protection and Monitoring ...................................... 4-4 Tree Protection ...................................................................... 4-4 Tree Monitoring ..................................................................... 4-5 5 References ..................................................................... 5-1 ii City of Renton Arborist Report List of Figures Figure 1-1. Location Map ........................................................................... 1-2 List of Tables Table 2-1. Tree Condition Components ........................................................ 2-2 Table 3-1. Proposed Tree Removal/Replacement by Jurisdiction ....................... 3-2 List of Appendices A 60% Site Preparation Plans B Tree Inventory Table C Tree Protection Guidelines D Assumptions and Limitations iii City of Renton Arborist Report Acronyms and Abbreviations City City of Renton CTLA Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers DBH diameter at breast height Jacobs Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Metro King County Metro Transit MLOD minimum limit of disturbance Project I Line RapidRide Project TPZ tree protection zone WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation iv City of Renton Arborist Report Definitions Category 1 - Trees defined by WSDOT as having a DBH of 30.0 inches or larger. Category 2 - Trees defined by WSDOT as having a DBH between 4.0 and 29.9 inches. DBH - The diameter of a tree trunk at a standard height of 4.5 feet (or 54 inches) above natural grade level; if the tree has multiple stems, the single-stem equivalent is used for replacement calculations per the Guide for Plant Appraisal (Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers 2019). Drip line - The circular area around the base of a tree measured by the farthest lateral extent of foliage. International Society of Arboriculture - A professional organization with the mission to recognize the economic environmental and societal benefits and values of trees and their care at a cost that demonstrates the wise stewardship of resources. Landmark tree - A tree with a DBH of 30 inches or greater. MLOD - A distance of six times a tree’s DBH and the minimum distance from a trunk that a structural root can be cut to maintain tree stability. Project arborist - A certified arborist by the International Society of Arboriculture and qualified professional who is capable of evaluating trees and responsible for decisions related to vegetation on-site. Significant tree - A healthy evergreen or deciduous tree 6 inches in diameter or greater at 4.5 feet above existing grade or an alder or cottonwood tree with a diameter of at least 8 inches at 4.5 feet. Street tree - Any tree growing within the public right-of-way outside of private property. TPZ - The circular area around a tree at a distance to the dripline edge or calculated as 1.25 feet of radius for every inch of DBH (with a minimum of 6 feet), whichever is greater, that is required to be protected with a fenced enclosure. Tree Protection Fencing - Temporary fencing erected around a tree at the TPZ boundary to protect the tree and soil. 1 City of Renton Arborist Report Executive Summary King County Metro Transit is bringing RapidRide bus service to people along a 17.9- mile corridor through Renton, Kent, and Auburn. The RapidRide I Line Project will upgrade the current Route 160, formerly Routes 169 and 180, between Auburn Station and Renton. Project construction would include planned adjustments to streetscapes such as shifting lanes, widening roads, adding pedestrian safety infrastructure, and altering sidewalk placement. Additionally, some locations would receive required subterranean work installing or relocating utilities and installing new or replacing existing bus stop shelters. The Project is expected to include approximately 76 stations throughout the three jurisdictions. Planned work will impact adjacent trees; the contents of this report detail the overall impacts and mitigation plans and summarize protection measures to maximize tree retention within the city of Renton limits. Table ES1 summarizes planned significant tree removals and replacements by jurisdiction. Table ES1. Tree Removal and Retention Summary by Jurisdiction TREE CATEGORY TREE REMOVALS (QUANTITY) NUMBER OF TREES IMPACTED AND RETAINED (QUANTITY) Renton Right-of Way Significant Trees 52 23 Significant Alder & Cottonwood Trees 0 0 Non-Significant Trees 4 3 Landmark Trees 0 1 Washington Department of Transportation Right-of-Way Significant Trees Category 1 0 0 Significant Trees Category 2 0 4 Street Trees 0 0 Private Significant Trees 4 84 Significant Alder & Cottonwood Trees 0 0 Non-Significant Trees 0 19 TOTAL 60 134 2 City of Renton Arborist Report Trees not designated for removal will be protected during all construction activities until project completion. Typical measures would include installation of tree and soil protection fencing, signage, ground protection, mulching, supplemental irrigation, root pruning, and others as specified within this report. When access or work is needed within the tree protection zone, it will be carefully planned, coordinated, and carried out with the guidance of the Project arborist who is certified by the International Society of Arboriculture. 1-1 City of Renton Arborist Report 1 Introduction Project Description King County Metro Transit (Metro) proposes to provide new RapidRide bus rapid transit service connecting the cities of Renton, Kent, and Auburn in south King County. The RapidRide I Line Project (Project) spans north from the Metro hub in downtown Renton and travels south toward the city limits at SE 192nd Street and SE 200th Street where the Project continues into City of Kent jurisdiction. The Project travels primarily along existing arterial roadways in the urban setting. The urban forest along the corridor consists of street trees in the public right-of-way, privately owned and managed trees, and a few small-sized, unmanaged, naturally forested areas. Project construction would likely alter the streetscape through adjusting lanes and sidewalks, relocating and installing new and existing shelters, and adding pedestrian safety infrastructure along the corridor. Additionally, some locations would receive required subterranean work for installing new or relocating utilities. Planned work is expected to impact adjacent trees, and the contents of this report detail the overall impacts and mitigation plans for the City of Renton (City). Project Location The Project route would extend almost 17 miles from the northern terminus in Renton, the Renton Transit Center, to the southern terminus in Auburn, the Auburn Station (Figure 1-1). The project termini are: ▪ Northern terminus at Renton Transit Center. The proposed northern terminus is the existing Renton Transit Center, located at 257 Burnett Avenue South in Renton. ▪ Southern terminus at Auburn Station. The southern terminus of the proposed route is existing Auburn Station, located at 110 2nd Street SW in Auburn. Purpose The purpose of the inventory was to capture a complete understanding of the urban canopy and document impacts associated with the Project. 1-2 City of Renton Arborist Report Figure 1-1. Location Map 2-1 City of Renton Arborist Report 2 Field Methods Tree condition assessments were conducted by means of visual tree assessment and assigned a rating, as outlined by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers' (CTLA) Guide for Plant Appraisal (2019). Tree assessments were conducted by Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.'s (Jacobs) Project arborists and support staff over a period of several weeks, spanning April through August 2021 and additionally on December 22nd of 2021. The diameter at breast height (DBH) of each tree was measured at 54 inches above grade unless otherwise noted. If a tree had multiple stems, the six largest stems were measured and recorded separately, and a single-stem equivalent was determined using the method defined in the CTLA Guide (2019). If a tree could not be directly accessed, it was remotely assessed, which is noted with an "R" suffix on the tree tag number (e.g., 41R). Condition, as described in the CTLA Guide (2019), is a general term that is comprised of three components: health, structure, and form. Since the components are interrelated and the City chose to combine the components for their city-wide survey, Jacobs adopted this method and combined the components into a single tree condition rating. The components that contribute to aspects of a tree’s condition are below: 1. Tree health considers factors such as vigor, foliage size and color, leaf density, presence or absence of pests, amount of twig or branch dieback, and wound closure. 1. Tree structure considers a visual inspection for defects that would affect structural integrity, such as decay indicators, trunk cracks or seams, abnormal basal flare, loose or missing bark, root defects, crown defects (such as asymmetry), weak branch attachments, cankers, and stress-contributing site factors. 2. Tree form describes a trees habit—its silhouette or shape. A tree’s form is a product of its genetic makeup as well as its management history and environment. Considering this component is primarily focused on aesthetics and characteristics of specimen trees grown in a park-like setting, this component was viewed through a natural environmental lens for those areas which were naturally forested or managed as forested land when compared to a park-like or manicured garden setting. The values and categories assigned to each component were adapted from the CTLA Guide (2019). These values are general representations used to assist arborists in assigning ratings. Table 2-1 lists these value ranges and categories. 2-2 City of Renton Arborist Report Table 2-1. Tree Condition Components RATING CATEGORY CONDITION COMPONENTS PERCENT RATING HEALTH STRUCTURE FORM Excellent High vigor and nearly perfect health with little or no twig discoloration Nearly ideal and free of defects Nearly ideal for the species. Generally symmetric. Consistent with the intended use 81%–100% Good Vigor is normal for the species. No significant damage due to diseases or pests. Any twig dieback, defoliation, or discoloration is minor. Well-developed structure. Defects are minor and can be corrected. Minor asymmetries/ deviations from species norm. Mostly consistent with the intended use. Function and aesthetics are not compromised. 61%–80% Fair Reduced vigor. Damage due to insects or diseases may be significant and associated with defoliation but is not likely to be fatal. Twig dieback, defoliation, discoloration, and/or dead branches may comprise of up to 50% of the crown. A single defect of a significant nature or multiple moderate defects. Defects are not practical to correct or would require multiple treatments over several years. Major asymmetries/ deviations from species norm and/or intended use. Function and/or aesthetics are compromised. 41%–60% Poor Unhealthy and declining in appearance. Poor vigor. Low foliage density and poor foliage color are present. Potentially fatal pest infestation. Extensive twig and/or branch dieback. A single serious defect of multiple significant defects. Recent change in tree orientation. Observed structural problems cannot be corrected. Failure may occur at any time. Largely asymmetric/ abnormal. Detracts from intended use and/or aesthetics to a significant degree. 21%–40% Very Poor Poor vigor. Appears to be dying and in the last stages of life. Little live foliage. Single or multiple severe defects. Failure is probably or imminent. Visually unappealing. Provides little or no function in the landscape. 6%–20% Dead — — — 0%–5% Source: Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers 2019. 3-1 City of Renton Arborist Report 3 Results Tree Inventory All significant trees within Renton's Project limits or having canopies 10 feet outside the Project limits, as shown on the 60% site preparation plans (Appendix A), were assessed and inventoried. As of January 2022, 197 trees associated with the Renton Project impact area have been inventoried by Jacobs (Appendix B). The City’s Municipal Code (Chapter 4-11-200) defines a significant tree as a minimum of 6 inches in diameter or as an alder or cottonwood with a minimum of 8 inches in diameter at standard height. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT 2015) Roadside Policy Manual defines Category 1 trees as having a DBH of 30 inches or greater, and Category 2 trees as measuring between 4.0 and 29.9 inches in diameter but excludes early successional species such as alder and cottonwoods. The smallest threshold for a significant tree (4 inches in diameter) was the defined minimum for capturing tree data. WSDOT also defines Street Trees as “the first row of trees that parallel a road, trail or plaza to accentuate the pavement edge/provide user guidance, have an upright branching pattern to provide adequate vertical room for vehicles and bicyclists, provide canopy over the pavement, and typically have consistent spacing and setback along the pavement.” Tree Removal and Replacement Summary Proposed tree removals are based on the 60% design plans and have been separated by the jurisdictional boundaries of the City right-of-way, WSDOT right-of- way, and private property. The managing jurisdiction was assumed as being that upon project completion and this is a factor of right-of-way acquisition. The tree removal quantities are not expected to change now that the total removals have been updated based on the rerouted bus design; however, if subsequent design changes trigger additional tree removals,these changes will be reflected in the Final arborist report. Table 3-1 summarizes proposed tree removals and associated replacement trees per jurisdiction. 3-2 City of Renton Arborist Report Table 3-1. Proposed Tree Removal/Replacement by Jurisdiction 3.2.1 Renton Right-of-Way Any street trees removed from the City’s right-of-way should be replaced on a 1:1 ratio per Renton Municipal Code Title IX, Section 9-13-8, and would be planted in the Project area per the Project landscape plan as space allows. In lieu of planting replacement trees and at the sole discretion of the City arborist, the permittee may contribute to the City’s tree fund a dollar amount equal to the value of the replacement trees, including installation costs. The replacement trees were selected based off the City’s draft approved street tree list. In alignment with the City’s urban forestry mission, the newly planted trees will receive the necessary resources for establishing quality replacement trees as part of this Project: watering, proper mulch application, maintaining a weed-free environment and protection from vandalization and maintenance equipment (mowers and line trimmers). The trees will have two years of establishment under contract. TREE CATEGORY TREE REMOVALS (QUANTITY) DBH (INCHES) REQUIRED TREE REPLACEMENTS (QUANTITY) Renton Right-of-Way Significant Trees 52 — 52 Significant Alder & Cottonwood Trees 0 — 0 Non-Significant Trees 4 — 0 Landmark Trees 0 — 0 Washington State Department of Transportationa Significant Trees Category 1 0 0 0 Significant Trees Category 2 0 0 0 Private b Significant Trees 4 — 1 Significant Alder & Cottonwood Trees 0 — 0 TOTAL 60 — 53 Notes: DBH = diameter at breast height Table includes living trees and excludes trees that are dead, in very poor condition, or qualify as dangerous. Significant tree size for Alder and Cottonwood trees is eight inches or greater a Washington State Department of Transportation replacement quantities are expressed as 2-gallon containers. b Assume private tree density is being met based on aerial imagery estimation. 3-3 City of Renton Arborist Report 3.2.2 WSDOT Right-of-Way Intersecting streets to the state routes containing trees were assigned to the local jurisdiction and not WSDOT, unless they were on the WSDOT side of the intersecting right-of-way lines. Significant Category 2 trees to be removed would be replaced at a ratio of one 1-gallon replacement tree for each 1-inch of trunk diameter removed. If choosing to use larger container sizes, such as 2-gallon, then only half the number of plants would be required. There were no Category 1 trees inventoried as part of this Project; if there are additions in the future and they are slated for removal, they would need to be replaced on a ratio agreed upon by Metro and WSDOT's Headquarters Design Landscape Architect. Replacement trees would be located in the areas disturbed by the Project. Trees removed that meet WSDOT’s definition of Street Tree will be replaced at a 1:1 ratio using a 2-inch caliper tree. 3.2.3 Private Property Significant trees removed from private property are subject to the tree density requirements and would be replaced on-site if tree removal takes the parcel below the minimum density according to Renton Municipal Code Title IV, Section 4-4-130. This can be calculated as two significant trees for every 5,000 square feet of lot area (with critical areas' square footage subtracted) for detached single-family developments. For multifamily developments, it is four significant trees for every 5,000 square feet of area (with critical areas' square footage subtracted). In commercial or industrial developments at least 10 percent of the significant trees will be protected. Per Renton Municipal Code 4-4-070.F, all private parcels are also to maintain compliance with the 10-foot-wide street frontage landscaping with street trees. There are 2 removals planned from private property (tree tag numbers 2093 & 2148). One of these properties meets the 10-foot-wide street frontage requirements while the other does not, thus I have included 1 replacement tree. 4-4 City of Renton Arborist Report 4 Tree Protection and Monitoring Tree Protection Tree protection would be required throughout the Project for trees not scheduled for removal. Protection measures may include tree protection fencing, signage, ground protection, mulching, supplemental irrigation, root pruning, or others as specified and would be included in the Project specifications. Tree Protection during construction within Renton is outlined in the Renton Municipal Code under Section 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. These standards define the tree protection zone as the circular area defined by the extent of the dripline of a retained tree or at a distance calculated as a 1.25-foot radius for every 1 inch of DBH, whichever is greater, that is required to be protected with a 6-foot-tall, chain-link fenced enclosure. This protection requirement is incorporated into the tree inventory table in Appendix B (Tree Protection Zone column) and was used to locate the tree protection fencing within the construction limits in the site preparation plans (Appendix A). Tree tolerance to construction impact is dictated by many variables, including tree species, age, condition, site factors, and nature of impact. The impact from construction activities can be further reduced/mitigated by appropriate tree protection measures and construction methods. For these reasons, an additional column is provided in the tree inventory in Appendix B titled MLOD (minimum limit of disturbance) for protected trees. This was determined by multiplying the trunk diameter by a factor of six. If the TPZ distance cannot be met on all sides of the tree, the protection zone may be reduced to the distance equivalent to the minimum limit of allowable disturbance on one side of the tree on a case-by-case basis and would be coordinated with the Project arborist. If a construction activity does not pose a risk to the long-term health and stability of a given tree, the TPZ may be reduced further if effective and appropriate protection measures are in place and approved by the Project arborist. Appendix C outlines tree protection guidelines that, at a minimum, should be included in the contract requirements. 4-5 City of Renton Arborist Report Tree Monitoring Throughout the Project, an arborist will be consulted for guidance when construction work is proposed inside a TPZ. Work inside the TPZ of any tree will be conducted in accordance with current best management practices for tree retention during construction activities. Trees with significant impacts within the TPZ will be monitored throughout the life of the Project to determine the future success for retention of a healthy and stable tree. If a tree is determined to be beyond the threshold of healthy retention, then it will be added to the removal quantities and mitigated for accordingly. 5-1 City of Renton Arborist Report 5 References Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA). 2019 Guide for Plant Appraisal, 10th Edition. Atlanta, GA: International Society of Arboriculture. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). 2015. Roadside Policy Manual. M 3110.03. Engineering and Regional Operations, Development Division, Design Office. August. City of Renton Arborist Report Appendix A: 60% Site Preparation Plans PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 569600-0065 569600-0120 569600-0080 569600-0055 569600-0030724330-0000 569600-0200 10+0011+0010+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 //////////////////////////////////////2ND 10+32.61, 10.55' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.01PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:41:00pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0'S 2ND STRENTON TRANSIT CENTER(2ND-LINE)RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 2ND 11+00 TO LOG 14+50 1C4.01 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2 LANE LINE LOGAN AVE S (LOG-LINE) 90 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 569600-0030 784180-0025 172610-0000 784180-0005 000720-0060 784180-0015 000720-0060 11+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+00 10+00 11+00//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MOR 10+99.05, 0.00' T MOR 10+99.03, 30.02' LT MOR 10+57.33, 41.65' LT MOR 10+59.74, 30.00' LT MOR 10+99.04, 19.92' LT 2ND 13+50.97, 48.73' LT 2ND 13+51.02, 43.73' LT 2ND 13+57.40, 23.78' LT 2ND 13+57.18, 1.57' LT2ND 13+62.18, 1.59' LT 2ND 13+62.40, 23.82' LT 2ND 13+92.35, 43.58' LT MOR 10+60.20, 0.03' LT MOR 10+49.97, 35.31' RT MOR 10+49.92, 30.31' RT 9.0'9.0'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.02PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:43:58pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S 2ND ST MORRIS AVE S(2ND-LINE)(MOR-LINE)RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 2ND 16+00 TO 2ND 11+00 1C4.02 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2 CURB AND GUTTER 2 LANE LINE 2002 2004 2005 2LANE LINE 3 3 2CROSSWALK 3 91 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 784180-0085 16+0017+0018+0019+0020+00 21+00 ////////////////////////////////// ////// / /////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2ND 16+65.04, 60.09' LT 2ND 16+79.02, 60.00' LT 2ND 16+92.89, 105.15' LT 2ND 17+38.44, 60.00' LT 2ND 17+47.07, 59.99' LT 2ND 16+65.03, 49.01' LT 2ND 17+47.19, 48.99' LT 2ND 20+55.31, 46.64' LT 2ND 20+55.45, 49.59' LT 2ND 20+55.94, 59.16' LT 2ND 20+52.50, 59.37' LT 2ND 20+49.41, 62.51' LT 2ND 20+46.27, 97.00' LT 2ND 20+37.54, 96.11' LT 2ND 19+84.12, 61.05' LT 2ND 19+81.79, 44.86' LT 2ND 19+81.63, 49.86' LT 2ND 19+83.58, 74.11' LT 2ND 19+89.08, 81.47' LT 2ND 19+90.55, 81.53' LT 2ND 19+97.25, 98.48' LT 2ND 19+87.05, 2.53' LT 2ND 19+90.90, 24.76' LT 2ND 19+92.03, 2.82' LT 2ND 19+86.02, 24.58' LT 2ND 19+68.37, 23.80' RT 2ND 19+68.53, 33.56' RT 2ND 20+01.57, 33.16' RT 2.9'7.3'2.0'2ND 20+01.45, 23.29' RT 3.1'7.2'2.0'7.5'10.5'7.0'7.0'13.1'9.3' 7.6' 2ND 19+84.91, 37.53' LT 2ND 17+28.92, 103.78' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.03PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:46:58pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S 2ND ST SHATTUCKAVE SWHITWORTHAVE S(2ND-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 2ND 21+00 TO 2ND 16+00 1C4.03 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2 CURB AND GUTTER 2CURB AND GUTTER 2 CURB AND GUTTER 2CURB AND GUTTER 2 CURB AND GUTTER 3 1 FENCE 3 1FENCE 1 BUILDING AND SIGN 1 FENCE 3 1BUILDING 1 BUILDING AND AWNING 1 LANDSCAPE 2038 2034 2033 2030 2CROSSWALK 2 LANE LINE 3 92 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 722950-0072 0007200188 000720-0060 21+00 22+00 23+0024+0025+0026+00 2ND 20+55.31, 46.64' LT 2ND 20+55.45, 49.59' LT 2ND 20+55.94, 59.16' LT 2ND 20+52.50, 59.37' LT 2ND 20+49.41, 62.51' LT 2ND 20+46.27, 97.00' LT 2ND 20+37.54, 96.11' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.03APLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:50:05pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S 2ND ST (2ND-LINE)LAKE AVE S1 BUS SHELTER AND AMENITIES RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 2ND 26+00 TO TO 2ND 21+00 1C4.03A A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN  93 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000784180-0195 783980-0016 783980-0035 784180-0185 784180-0183 784080-0005 784080-0010 784180-0165 13+0014+0015+0012+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 15+56 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MOR 15+22.32, 0.63' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.04PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:53:06pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0'S 3RD STMORRIS AVE S (3RD-LINE)RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN MOR 11+30 TO MOR 15+56 1C4.04 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2024 2007 2008 2021 20222023 2014 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2 LANE LINE (MOR-LINE) 94 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 000720-0165 000720-0124 000720-0199 000720-0101 182305-9063 15+0016+0017+0025+0026+0027+0028+0029+0029+66 C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.04BPLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:56:09pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S 3RD ST (3RD-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 3RD 29+66 TO 3RD 25+00 1C4.04B A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   1BUS SHELTER AND AMENITIESRAIN IER AVE S (RA I -L INE ) 95 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 182305-9118 182305-9189 182305-9169 000720-0209 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.04CPLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:59:07pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' RAINIER AVE S (RAI-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN RAI 22+00 TO RAI 27+00 1C4.04C A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   1BUS SHELTER AND AMENITIES 1BUS SHELTER AND AMENITIES 96 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 192305-9101192305-9102 192305-9103 192305-9032 18+29 17+0 0 18+0010+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00///////////////////////////// / / / / / // // // // // // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LAK 17+12.57, 54.62' LT LAK 17+36.89, 14.37' LT LAK 16+75.44, 13.75' LT LAK 16+76.05, 19.29' LT LAK 16+76.66, 24.75' LT R9 6 . 0 0 GRA 14+43.87, 41.17' RT GRA 14+53.08, 54.69' RT GRA 14+43.93, 51.92' RT 5 . 0 ' LAK 16+97.41, 27.74' LT LAK 17+03.83, 30.83' LTR3 4 . 5 0 R24.50 GRA 10+21.88, 26.50' LT GRA 11+70.32, 26.50' LT GRA 10+37.38, 29.66' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.05PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:01:53pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S GRADY WAYLAKE AVE S(LAK-LINE) (GRA-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN GRA 10+00 TO GRA 14+00 1C4.05 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2CURB 2 CURB & GUTTER 1 TRANSMISSION POLE 2TRAFFIC ISLANDS 3 2043 2 LANE LINE 97 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 192305-9043 192305-9096 192305-9032 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // // // / / / / / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / // // // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / // // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / / // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GRA 15+20.24, 26.50' LT GRA 15+15.16, 83.77' LT GRA 15+03.51, 84.01' LT GRA 15+57.09, 26.50' LT GRA 15+60.16, 85.89' LT GRA 15+78.66, 85.40' LT GRA 15+81.81, 85.30' LT GRA 16+09.41, 59.50' LT GRA 17+84.01, 59.50' LT GRA 17+83.99, 67.00' LT GRA 18+30.59, 67.00' LT GRA 18+30.57, 59.50' LT GRA 14+43.87, 41.17' RT GRA 15+10.45, 27.29' RT GRA 15+00.69, 99.49' RT GRA 14+97.55, 78.63' RT GRA 14+83.12, 64.27' RT GRA 14+65.71, 54.74' RT GRA 14+53.08, 54.69' RT GRA 14+43.93, 51.92' RT GRA 15+51.68, 89.83' RT GRA 15+70.29, 65.53' RT GRA 15+83.83, 55.39' RT GRA 15+77.53, 64.50' RT GRA 15+85.84, 58.22' RT GRA 16+09.87, 54.66' RT GRA 16+19.26, 52.75' RT GRA 16+19.18, 41.09' RT GRA 15+57.60, 27.25' RT 5.0' 5.5' GRA 15+00.06, 75.74' LT GRA 14+69.15, 53.00' LT R3 1 . 5 0 3.0' 6.0' 11.5' 5.4' 2.5'3.0' 2.5' 3.0'13.5'5.0'6.0'12.7'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.06PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:04:53pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S GRADY WAY SHATTUCK AVE S(GRA-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN GRA 14+00 TO GRA 19+00 1C4.06 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2CURB & GUTTER 2 FENCE 2 CURB 2 CURB & GUTTER 2FENCE 2CURB 2 CURB 2TRAFFIC ISLANDS 2 CURB 2 TRAFFIC ISLANDS 2 CURB & GUTTER 2CURB & GUTTER 3 3 2039 2040 2044 2041 2042 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2052 2053 2051 2 CROSSWALK 2CROSSWALK 2 LANE LINE 2 LANE LINE 1 TRANSMISSION POLE 3 98 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 192305-9070 192305-9023 192305-9070 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 S G R A D Y ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// GRA 18+30.57, 59.50' LT GRA 19+53.45, 59.50' LT GRA 19+53.43, 67.00' LT GRA 20+05.12, 67.00' LT GRA 20+05.10, 59.50' LT GRA 21+98.77, 59.50' LT GRA 22+17.05, 62.91' LT GRA 22+81.85, 63.00' LT GRA 22+81.86, 58.29' LT GRA 23+31.04, 17.96' LT GRA 22+57.43, 41.18' RT13.2'6.1'GRA 22+49.90, 60.91' RT3.0'7.0'GRA 22+79.51, 26.50' LT GRA 22+61.18, 68.18' RT GRA 23+62.74 65.41' RT GRA 24+41.52, 60.75' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.07PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:07:55pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' S GRADY WAY (GRA-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN GRA 19+00 TO GRA 24+00 1C4.07 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2 FENCE 3 2 FENCE 2 CURB2CURB 2 CURB 2 CURB & GUTTER 5 SIGN 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2093 2090 2089 2088 2087 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2 LANE LINE 2 LANE LINE 2 CURB 2 CURB & GUTTER 4BUS SHELTER AND AMENITIES 99 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000915460-0005 915460-0010 192305-9 0 2 3 25+27 24+0025+0010+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// / // // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// ////////////////////////////////// GRA 24+80.08, 31.38' LT3.0'6.0'GRA 24+70.27, 91.12' LT GRA 24+80.16, 77.97' LT GRA 24+63.59, 91.00' LT GRA 24+57.23, 71.72' LT GRA 24+54.82, 22.77' LT GRA 25+04.54, 27.53' RT TAL-B 10+32.23, 75.76' LT 3.0'3.9' TAL-B 10+45.45, 76.19' LT TAL-B 10+70.21, 55.50' LT TAL-B 10+97.42, 61.34' LT TAL-B 10+31.78, 34.50' LT TAL-B 13+67.42, 68.50' LT TAL-B 13+58.02, 71.54' LT 4.8' 5.4' TAL-B 13+96.22, 68.24' LT TAL-B 13+91.08, 59.14' RT 5.0'TAL-B 14+03.08, 58.72' RT5.0'TAL-B 11+21.07, 75.79' RT TAL-B 11+71.25, 65.02' RT4.0'4.0' TAL-B 12+12.35, 48.10' RT11.9'R16.5 0 GRA 24+41.52, 60.75' LT TAL-B 12+64.29, 25.33' RT TAL-B 12+48.79, 49.56' RT TAL-B 12+59.55, 49.55' RT 6.3'6.0'TAL-B 14+47.32, 46.25' RT TAL-B 10+47.44, 23.12' RT TAL-B 10+47.31, 35.12' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.08PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:11:04pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0'S GRADY WAYTALBOT RD S (TAL-B-LINE)(GRA-LINE)RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN GRA 24+00 TO TAL-B 14+00 1C4.08 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2070 2069 2083 2085 2086 2084 2095 2098 5R 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2140 2139 2138 2137 20962CROSSWALK 2LANE LINE 2CURB 2TRAFFIC ISLANDS 2LANE LINE2LANE MARKING 2 LANE MARKING 2LANE MARKING 2LANE LINE 2 CURB & GUTTER 2CURB 2TRAFFIC ISLANDS 2 CURB & GUTTER 3 3 2 CURB 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2462 100 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 192305-9094 202305-9007 192305 - 9 0 2 3 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00///// / // / / // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAL-B 13+91.08, 59.14' RT5.0'TAL-B 14+03.08, 58.72' RT5.0 ' 5.7' 5.2' TAL-B 14+15.04, 78.53' LT TAL-B 14+31.09, 54.78' LT TAL-B 14+34.27, 59.50' LT TAL-B 17+01.57, 98.24' LT 5.5' 15.6' TAL-B 16+97.73, 27.97' LT TAL-B 15+39.92, 75.29' RT TAL-B 15+85.71, 79.73' RT TAL-B 16+74.39, 60.19' RT TAL-B 16+52.67, 60.20' RT TAL-B 17+78.22, 60.20' RT TAL-B 17+99.99, 60.20' RT TAL-B 15+27.56, 52.72' RT TAL-B 15+27.35, 28.50' RT TAL-B 16+53.45, 59.50' LT TAL-B 14+48.23, 15.20' LT TAL-B 14+58.01, 45.79' RT TAL-B 14+47.32, 46.25' RT6.0'6.0 ' TAL-B 16+86.55, 54.24' LT TAL-B 14+03.83, 88.24' LT TAL-B 15+43.08, 26.24' LT TAL-B 15+35.37, 26.39' LT4.0'4.0'TAL-B 17+21.14, 89.21' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.01.dwg | Layout: 1C4.09PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:14:05pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' TALBOT RD S (TAL-B-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-B 14+00 TO TAL-B 18+50 1C4.09 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2136 2135 2134 2133 2132 2131 2130 2129 2128 2097 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 6R 2105 2 CURB & GUTTER 2 LANE LINE 2 CURB 2 TRAFFIC ISLAND 2 CURB 2 CURB & GUTTER 6BUS SHELTER AND AMENITIES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2460 3 2461 3 32459 3 6 RELOCATE FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) 2099X 101 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 202305-9008 192305-9001 723160-0595 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // // // // // / / / /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAL-B 22+46.23, 33.39' RT TAL-B 22+53.61, 115.58' RT 3.0' 5.8'7.3' TAL-B 22+40.09, 116.61' RTR29.50TAL-B 22+33.97, 83.86' RTTAL-B 20+26.56, 58.20' RT TAL-B 19+87.11, 58.20' RT TAL-B 21+15.27, 20.57' RT TAL-B 21+48.58, 10.44' RT TAL-B 22+37.07, 108.39' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.10PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:35:47pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' TALBOT RD S I -405 SB OFF -RAMP (TAL-B-LINE)S RENTON VILLAGE PLRENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-B 18+50 TO TAL-B 23+50 1C4.10 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 17R 21112110 2114 21132112 2115 2116 2 CURB & GUTTER 2 CURB 2 TRAFFIC ISLAND 2LANE LINE 2 CROSSWALK 3 3 3 3 3 2117 3 2118 3 3 3 3 3 3 2106 2107 2108 2109 3 12RX 13RX 14R 3 102 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 722200-0250 722200-0010 722200-0245 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 TAL-B 34+86.48, 37.95' RT TAL-B 35+06.46, 37.04' RT 7.5'7.5'TAL-B 34+89.34, 45.33' RT TAL-B 35+04.30, 44.65' RT4.8'4.7'TAL-B 37+20.42, 30.31' LTTAL-B 37+00.42, 30.44' LT TAL-B 37+01.99, 43.45' LT TAL-B 37+20.48, 43.35' LT 5.0'5.1'8.0'8.0'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.11PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:38:19pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' BENSON DR S (SR 515)S PUGET DRS 15TH ST(TAL-B-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-B 33+00 TO TAL-B 38+00 1C4.11 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   22R 24R 7899 23R 7900 2141 2143 2142 2144 1 CURB & GUTTER 1 CURB & GUTTER 1BARRIER 3 33 103 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 72292 8- 0 1 0 0 72220 0- 0 1 6 3 85570 0- 0 1 4 0 855700-0010 85570 0- 0 0 2 0 30230 5- 9 0 7 3 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAL-21 25+56.44, 48.04' RT TAL-21 25+65.90, 43.39' RT TAL-21 25+76.67, 42.32' RT TAL-21 25+70.62, 30.00' RT TAL-21 25+86.32, 30.00' RT TAL-21 25+86.71, 17.75' RT9.3'4.9'6.8'TAL-21 25+36.57, 7.54' RT TAL-21 25+49.85, 9.86' LT TAL-21 25+34.97, 38.70' LT TAL-21 25+86.88, 8.40' RT TAL-21 26+10.72, 17.83' LT8.0'5.6'13.0'TAL-21 25+42.09, 42.37' LT TAL-21 25+58.57, 44.01' LT TAL-21 25+86.54, 33.82' LT R30.00TAL-21 26+04.62, 36.65' LT TAL-21 26+15.74, 36.79' LT TAL-21 28+29.99, 18.34' RT TAL-21 28+34.89, 18.87' RT TAL-21 28+34.89, 35.00' RTTAL-21 27+72.89, 35.58' RT TAL-21 27+76.11, 20.36' RT TAL-21 27+71.27, 21.40' RT 3.0'3.0'6.5'6.9'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.12PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:41:01pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' TALBOT RD S S 23RD ST (TAL-21-LINE)TALBOT CREST DR S RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-21 24+00 TO TAL-21 29+00 1C4.12 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   27R 26R 25R 2CROSSWALK 2CROSSWALK 2CURB & GUTTER 2CURB & GUTTER 2 FENCE 3 3 2 CURB & GUTTER 1 ROCK WALL 104 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 302305-9029 302305-9116302305-9114 302305-9115 302305-9030 302305-9019 948575-TRCT 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 ////////////////////////// TAL-21 57+36.25, 15.14' RT TAL-21 57+41.25, 15.53' RT TAL-21 57+41.36, 32.00' RTTAL-21 56+81.24, 32.00' RT TAL-21 56+81.02, 16.72' RT TAL-21 56+86.01, 16.14' RT TAL-21 56+23.11, 34.85' LT TAL-21 56+23.17, 24.79' LT TAL-21 56+28.20, 19.88' LT TAL-21 56+45.11, 34.97' LT TAL-21 56+45.17, 25.05' LT TAL-21 56+40.20, 19.94' LT TAL-21 56+98.95, 11.96' RT 3.5'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.13PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:43:47pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' TALBOT RD S (TAL-21-LINE)S 32ND STRENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-21 54+00 TO TAL-21 59+00 1C4.13 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   28R 29R 30R 3 3 3 2 CURB 1 CURB & GUTTER 105 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 855860-0035 855860-0040 302305-9040 302305-9044 855860-0125 855860-0130 855860-0135 302305-9109 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TAL-21 72+59.49, 72.05' LT TAL-21 72+47.50, 58.41' LT TAL-21 72+48.99, 46.30' LT TAL-21 72+80.12, 75.24' LT TAL-21 73+01.96, 55.39' LT TAL-21 73+15.38, 34.64' LT TAL-21 71+59.01, 23.48' LT TAL-21 71+59.01, 4.98' LT TAL-21 71+75.51, 4.98' LT TAL-21 71+75.51, 8.98' LT TAL-21 72+42.55, 8.98' LT TAL-21 72+42.56, 12.98' LT TAL-21 73+82.93, 12.98' LT TAL-21 73+82.93, 20.32' LT TAL-21 73+82.93, 30.00' LT TAL-21 71+66.73, 35.00' LT TAL-21 72+50.39, 35.00' LT TAL-21 73+59.94, 12.52' RT TAL-21 73+59.15, 49.01' RT TAL-21 73+66.15, 49.16' RT TAL-21 73+72.64, 49.30' RT TAL-21 73+73.00, 33.02' RT TAL-21 75+27.89, 36.16' RT TAL-21 74+53.65, 35.66' RT TAL-21 74+42.96, 33.03' RT TAL-21 75+35.02, 43.31' RT TAL-21 75+37.70, 52.87' RT TAL-21 75+43.93, 52.88' RT TAL-21 75+48.88, 52.89' RT TAL-21 75+54.45, 52.90' RT TAL-21 75+54.26, 12.54' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.14PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:46:37pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' TALBOT RD SS 37TH STS 37TH STS 38TH CTS 38TH CT(TAL-21-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-21 71+00 TO TAL-21 76+00 1C4.14 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   32R 31R 2145 2 CURB & GUTTER 3 1POLE 5 MAILBOX 2FENCE 1POLE 106 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 761680 - 0 0 3 0 761680 - 0 0 1 0 885767 - 0 0 2 0 312305 - 9 1 3 4 312305-9025 86+00 87+00 88+00 89+00 90+00 91+00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TAL-21 89+31.28, 7.00' LT TAL-21 89+31.28, 7.00' RT TAL-21 89+13.50, 22.12' RT TAL-21 88+87.28, 6.98' LT TAL-21 88+87.27, 14.99' RTTAL-21 88+28.24, 22.04' RT 15.0'7.0'TAL-21 89+30.30, 37.62' RT TAL-21 89+13.16, 39.99' RT4.0'8.0'TAL-21 88+23.24, 22.61' RT 4.9'12.5'TAL-21 88+23.25, 40.00' RT TAL-21 88+08.28, 21.92' LT 7.0'5.5'10.0'TAL-21 88+08.28, 37.42' LT TAL-21 88+91.28, 21.92' LT 7.0'7.5'TAL-21 88+96.30, 30.00' LT 7.5'17.0' TAL-21 88+79.28, 37.42' LT 17.8'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.15PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:49:34pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' TALBOT RD S (TAL-21-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN TAL-21 86+00 TO TAL-21 91+00 1C4.15 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2157 2156 2155 2154 2153 2 CROSSWALK 2 CROSSWALK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3333 2CURB & GUTTER 2 CURB & GUTTER 1 WALL 1 WALL 4 BUS SHELTER, AMENITIES, AND CURB PAINT 1 RRFB 1RRFB 4BUS SHELTER, AMENITIES, AND CURB PAINT 2RAILING & WALL 107 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 3 2 2 3 0 5 - 9 0 8 1 3 2 2 3 0 5 - 9 1 5 6 3 2 2 3 0 5 - 9 0 7 9 32230 5 - 9 0 7 9 32+ 0 0 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 CAR 33+53.10, 22.72' LT6.3'8.6'6.3'CAR 33+36.37, 22.72' LT CAR 33+64.21, 22.35' RT CAR 33+81.28, 22.43' RT 6.3'6.5'1.5'6.2'4.6'CAR 33+30.84, 37.63' LT CAR 33+54.42, 37.62' LT CAR 33+82.47, 34.95' RTCAR 33+66.91, 34.85' RT 8.6'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.16PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-12:52:23pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' SE CARR RDMILL AVE SWELLS AVE S(CAR-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN CAR 32+00 TO CAR 36+50 1C4.16 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2158 3 1 CURB & GUTTER 1 CURB & GUTTER 1 RAILING & STEM WALL 108 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 322305-9053 322305-9237 322305-9299 322305-9040 292305-9151 43+00 44+00 45+00 46+00 47+0010+0011+00////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // // / / / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAR 45+71.02, 33.22' LT CAR 43+83.83, 33.20' LT CAR 45+99.81, 10.98' LT CAR 44+72.17, 11.48' LT CAR 45+65.20, 22.20' LTCAR 44+72.19, 22.35' LT CAR 44+52.69, 1.30' LT CAR 43+97.18, 16.95' RT CAR 43+37.55, 21.87' RT CAR 45+85.94, 19.92' RT CAR 46+05.55, 22.88' RT12.0'3.0'7.0'3.0'9.0'6.0'12.0' 5.4'3.0'6.3'9.1'21.1' CAR 45+40.36, 83.96' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.17PLOTTED: Feb 02, 2022-01:41:22pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE FEBRUARY 2022P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' SE CARR RD 105TH PL SE(CAR-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN CAR 42+50 TO CAR 47+50 1C4.17 110 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN 2CURB & GUTTER 2 CURB 2 PAVEMENT MARKING 139R 3 138R 3 137R 3 136R 3 135R 3 134R 3 3 132R 3 131R 3 130R 3 1 PRIVATE SIGN 1 FH 1 POLE AND LUMINAIRE 1 SIGN 3 BOLLARD 2 PAVEMENT MARKING 2 CURB & GUTTER 2490 3 2489 3 2488 3 2160 3 2159 2487 3 2161 2162 3 2 TRAFFIC ISLAND (105TH-LINE)1 FH 1 PRIVATE SIGN 133R 2 PAVEMENT MARKING 2 CURB & GUTTER 2CURB 2PAVEMENT MARKING 292305-9198 322305-9193 322305-9120 322305-9063 322305-9063322305-9120 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.17APLOTTED: Feb 02, 2022-02:11:03pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE FEBRUARY 2022P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' 2BUS SHELTER, BENCH & TRASH CAN (BY METRO) BENSON DR S (SR 515) 108TH AVE SE (SR 515)SE PETROVITSKY RDSE CARR RDRENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN SE CARR RD & 108TH AVE SE 1C4.17A 111 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 322305-9299322305-9016 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9.0'12.0'5.4'21.1'105TH 11+91.13, 17.96' RT 105TH 11+35.71, 15.19' RT 105TH 12+21.455.6'105TH 11+91.07, 17.87' LT 8.0' 105TH 11+83.14, 14.98' RT 5.6'C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.18PLOTTED: Feb 02, 2022-02:38:09pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE FEBRUARY 2022P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 105TH 11+00 TO 105TH 15+00 1C4.18 112 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN (105TH-LINE) 105TH PL SE 2 PAVEMENT MARKING 2484 3 2485 3 2486 3 3 POLE AND LUMINAIRE 2 CURB AND GUTTER 2 PAVEMENT MARKING 2 CURB AND GUTTER PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 322305-9016 322305-9361 322305-9065 322305-9362 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////5.0' 105TH 26+52.71, 15.43' LT 105TH 26+84.21, 18.40' LT5.6'105TH 26+57.71, 39.50' LT 105TH 26+43.66 10.9' 105TH 26+32.74, 43.42' LT 14.5'17.5'5.5'105TH 26+14.17, 17.51' RT 105TH 26+63.61, 34.60' RT 3.0'5.5'105TH 27+28.17, 17.42' RT5.7'18.2'105TH 25+36.12, 18.18' LT 3.0'5.0' 105TH 27+28.38, 25.39' RT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.19PLOTTED: Feb 02, 2022-01:53:27pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE FEBRUARY 2022P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 105TH 23+00 TO 105TH 28+00 1C4.19 113 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN SE 180TH ST (105TH-LINE) 2477 3 2476 2475 2474 2 PAVEMENT MARKING 2 2 CROSSWALK 2 CURB AND GUTTER 2 FENCE 2 CURB AND GUTTER 2 CURB AND GUTTER 2 CURB 2471 3 2 RAILING 1 POLE AND LUMINAIRE RAILING 2CURB 074050-0005 074090-0110 322305-9361 322305-9020 074050-0045 074110-0010 322305-9364 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.10.dwg | Layout: 1C4.19APLOTTED: Feb 02, 2022-02:08:21pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE FEBRUARY 2022P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' 2 TRASH CAN (BY METRO)SE 181ST STSE 182ND ST108TH AVE SE (SR 515) (108TH-LINE) RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 108TH 16+00 TO 108TH 21+00 1C4.19A 114 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 322305-9070 322305-9082 911710-0160 322305-9135 322305-9111 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // / / / / / ///////////////////////3.0'108TH 29+61.11, 30.00' LT10.0'5.0'108TH 30+21.10, 45.02' LT 108TH 30+32.52, 41.03' LT 108TH 30+82.85, 29.57' LT3.0'108TH 31+07.85, 30.06' LT5.0'5.0'108TH 30+75.59, 40.00' LT 108TH 30+84.92, 40.00' LT 108TH 30+53.85, 29.54' RT 108TH 30+48.85, 38.04' RT 3.0'8.0'108TH 30+48.85, 30.03' RT 108TH 30+86.08, 38.04' RT 108TH 31+11.73, 46.04' RT 108TH 31+46.22, 46.05' RT 108TH 31+91.23, 91.48' RT 108TH 31+92.70, 138.45' RT 108TH 32+07.19, 137.99' RT 108TH 32+04.71, 58.51' RT 108TH 32+09.71, 58.35' RT 108TH 32+08.71, 26.54' RT 108TH 31+93.05, 59.51' RT 108TH 30+90.25, 65.85' RT 108TH 31+01.65, 66.73' RT9.0'108TH 29+66.11, 29.48' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.20.dwg | Layout: 1C4.22PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:11:37pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Kent.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' 108TH AVE SE (SR 515)SE 186TH STSE 184TH LN(108TH-LINE)SE 186TH STRENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 108TH 28+00 TO 108TH 33+00 1C4.22 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   43R 44R 45R 46R 2174 2181 2191 2182 2190 2183 2184 2185 2189 2186 2188 2187 2456 2455 2457 2458 2454 2453 2451 2452 2450 2CURB & GUTTER 1 FENCE 2 CURB & GUTTER 2 FENCE 2 CURB 2LANE LINE 1BUSINESS SIGN 4 BUS STOP & AMENITIES 3 2176 21772178 2175 1 FENCE & GATE 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1FENCE 1POLE 1 POLE ALL EXISTING TREES IN THIS AREA TO BE PRESERVED AND PROTECTED 114 PRESERVE AND PROTECT FEATURE AS NOTED REMOVE FEATURE AS NOTED PRESERVE AND PROTECT EXISTING TREE REMOVAL OF FEATURE BY OTHERS (METRO) REMOVE OR RELOCATE FEATURE AS NOTED BASED ON PROPERTY OWNER NEGOTIATIONS NOTES SITE PREP NOTES SITE PREP LEGEND 1 1.SEE SHEET 1C4.00 FOR SITE PREPARATION GENERAL NOTES. 2 3 4 5 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CLEARING AND GRUBBING SAW, FULL DEPTH REMOVAL ITEM RIGHT-OF-WAY (EXISTING) RIGHT-OF-WAY (PROPOSED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REMOVE TREE TREE PROTECTION ZONE (TPZ) TREE PROTECTION FENCE TREE TAG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER //////// 0000 322305-9035 662340-0101 662340-0107 662340-0170 662340-0183 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////108TH 53+33.59, 29.43' LT3.0'8.4'108TH 53+33.59, 43.43' LT 5.6'108TH 54+65.44, 26.43' LT 108TH 54+62.44, 64.86' LT 3.0'5.4' 108TH 54+41.50, 43.93' LT 108TH 54+54.94, 64.77' LT C:\pw_workdir\den003\jeg_limj\d0601389\1 C4.20.dwg | Layout: 1C4.23PLOTTED: Nov 05, 2021-01:14:40pm By LIMJXREFS: X-TOPO.dwg; X-SHEETCUTS_Overall.dwg; KCMTD-BORDER_2020.dwg; X-ALIGN.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Renton.dwg; 18229-SV-ROW.dwg; X-ROW_PROP.dwg; X-SITE-PREP_RENTON.dwg; X-LEGEND.dwg; 18229-SV-BS_Kent.dwg; X-ROW_RENTON.dwg; X-TREE-PROTECTION_RENTON.dwg; X-PARCEL-INFO.dwgIMAGES: No.REVISION DATEBYAPP'D DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: APPROVED: PROJECT NO: CONTRACT NO: METRO TRANSIT CAPITAL DIVISION DATE: DRAWING NO: SHEET NO: OF METRO RAPIDRIDE I LINE NOVEMBER 2021P. ENG E00566E18 CXXXXXXXX XXXX 60% SUBMITTAL METRO PROJECT ENGINEER 20'40' SCALE: 1" = 20' 0' 108TH AVE SE (SR 515)SE 192ND ST(108TH-LINE)CITY OF KENTSEE VOLUME 2 FOR CITY OF KENT IMPROVEMENTS RENTON SEGMENT SITE PREPARATION PLAN 108TH 52+00 TO 108TH 57+00 1C4.23 A. VILLAR C. WILCOX S. FORMAN   2CURB & GUTTER 4 BUS SHELTER, AMENITIES, AND CURB PAINT 1BUSINESS SIGN 1CURB 1BOLLARD CITY OF RENTON1POLE 115 City of Renton Arborist Report Appendix B: Tree Inventory Table City of Renton Arborist Report B-1 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 2002 TRE-01868 Northern red oak Quercus rubra 40.8 70 51 20 City of Renton Landmark Retain 2004 TRE-02119 English oak Quercus robur 19.7 50 25 10 City of Renton Significant Retain 2005 TRE-17507 Sugar maple Acer saccharum 8.2 60 10 4 City of Renton Significant Retain 2030 TRE-02061 English oak Quercus robur 16.1 60 25 8 City of Renton Significant Retain 2033 TRE-02065 English oak Quercus robur 15.3 50 19 8 City of Renton Significant Retain 2034 TRE-01870 Northern red oak Quercus rubra 40.6 70 51 20 City of Renton Significant Retain 2038 TRE-06974 English oak Quercus robur 21.9 70 27 11 City of Renton Significant Retain 2039 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 6.7 80 8 3 Private Significant Retain 2040 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 8.7 50 11 4 Private Significant Retain 2041 Hinoki cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 4.5 70 6 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2042 Hinoki cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 4.5 70 6 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2043 Mugo pine Pinus mugo 6.8 70 11 3 Private Significant Retain 2044 Red maple Acer rubrum 6.1 70 8 3 Private Significant Retain 2045 TRE-24239 Mountain hemlock Tsuga mertensiana 5.1 60 6 3 City of Renton Non-Significant Remove 2046 TRE-06066 Little-leaf linden Tilia cordata 14.6 40 18 7 City of Renton Significant Remove 2047 TRE-06067 Little-leaf linden Tilia cordata 11.1 70 14 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2048 TRE-01313 Little-leaf linden Tilia cordata 10.9 70 14 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2049 TRE-01314 Red maple Acer rubrum 19.4 40 24 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2050 TRE-01315 Red maple Acer rubrum 20.4 40 26 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2051 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 8 80 10 4 Private Significant Retain 2052 TRE-01316 Red maple Acer rubrum 23.8 40 30 12 City of Renton Significant Remove 2053 TRE-01317 Red maple Acer rubrum 20.7 30 26 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2054 TRE-01318 Red maple Acer rubrum 18.9 40 24 9 City of Renton Significant Remove 2055 TRE-01319 Red maple Acer rubrum 9.4 60 13 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2056 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 11 80 14 6 Private Significant Retain 2057 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara 9.9 80 14 5 Private Significant Retain 2058 TRE-06068 Red maple Acer rubrum 21.6 70 27 11 City of Renton Significant Remove 2059 TRE-06069 Red maple Acer rubrum 21.2 70 27 11 City of Renton Significant Remove 2060 TRE-06070 Red maple Acer rubrum 20.8 70 26 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2061 TRE-06071 Red maple Acer rubrum 19.4 40 24 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2062 TRE-06072 Red maple Acer rubrum 19.4 70 24 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2063 TRE-06073 Red maple Acer rubrum 20.7 70 26 10 City of Renton Significant Remove City of Renton Arborist Report B-2 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 2064 TRE-06074 Little-leaf linden Tilia cordata 11.2 50 14 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2065 Little-leaf linden Tilia cordata 10 20 13 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2066 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 17.3 50 22 9 City of Renton Significant Remove 2067 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 19.3 40 24 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2068 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 5.1 50 6 3 City of Renton Non-Significant Remove 2069 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 7.6 50 10 4 City of Renton Significant Remove 2070 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 8.8 50 11 4 City of Renton Significant Remove 2072 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 10.1 60 13 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2073 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 18.7 70 23 9 City of Renton Significant Remove 2074 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 17.9 70 22 9 City of Renton Significant Remove 2075 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 15.8 70 20 8 City of Renton Significant Remove 2076 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 7.6 10 10 4 City of Renton Non-Significant Remove 2077 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 11.4 30 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2078 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 17.8 30 22 9 City of Renton Significant Remove 2079 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 11.8 50 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2080 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 11.9 70 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2081 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 11.9 40 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2082 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 16.7 60 21 8 City of Renton Significant Remove 2083 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 17.3 70 22 9 City of Renton Significant Remove 2084 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 9.4 60 12 5 Private Significant Retain 2085 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 13.9 80 17 7 City of Renton Significant Remove 2086 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 15.4 70 19 8 City of Renton Significant Remove 2087 Shore pine Pinus contorta var. contorta 12.7 60 16 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2088 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 14.3 60 18 7 City of Renton Significant Remove 2089 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 12.2 60 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2090 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 9.5 70 12 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2093 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 11 70 14 6 Private Significant Remove 2095 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 4.6 70 6 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2096 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 8.2 70 10 4 Private Significant Retain 2097 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 11.8 40 15 6 Private Significant Retain 2098 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 8.7 70 11 4 Private Significant Retain 2099X Austrian pine Pinus nigra 17.5 10 N/A N/A Private N/A N/A City of Renton Arborist Report B-3 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 2100 Northern red oak Quercus rubra 8.7 30 14 4 Private Significant Retain 2101 Red maple Acer rubrum 8 60 15 4 Private Significant Retain 2102 Red maple Acer rubrum 10.4 40 17 5 Private Significant Retain 2103 Red maple Acer rubrum 6.7 70 12 3 Private Significant Retain 2104 Red maple Acer rubrum 4.8 70 12 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2105 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 17.8 50 22 9 City of Renton Significant Retain 2106 TRE-16605 Red maple Acer rubrum 13.3 70 17 7 City of Renton Significant Remove 2107 TRE-16604 Red maple Acer rubrum 10.3 60 17 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2108 TRE-16603 Red maple Acer rubrum 11.1 60 14 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2109 Hawthorne sp. Crataegus sp. 6.2 70 15 3 City of Renton Significant Retain 2110 TRE-24316 Hawthorne sp. Crataegus sp. 5.9 60 11 3 City of Renton Non-Significant Retain 2111 TRE-16602 Washington hawthorn Crataegus phaenopyrum 7.2 60 11 4 City of Renton Significant Retain 2112 TRE-16599 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 14 70 19 7 City of Renton Significant Retain 2113 TRE-16598 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 15.7 60 20 8 City of Renton Significant Retain 2114 TRE-16597 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 21.5 70 27 11 City of Renton Significant Retain 2115 TRE-16596 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 13.2 70 17 7 City of Renton Significant Retain 2116 TRE-16595 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 13.3 40 18 7 City of Renton Significant Retain 2117 TRE-16594 Austrian pine Pinus nigra 14 40 18 7 City of Renton Significant Retain 2118 TRE-16592 Red maple Acer rubrum 11 50 14 6 City of Renton Significant Retain 2128 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 15.2 60 19 8 City of Renton Significant Remove 2129 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 7.8 60 10 4 City of Renton Significant Remove 2130 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 12 70 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2131 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 11.2 70 14 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2132 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 7.8 70 10 4 City of Renton Significant Remove 2133 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 10.8 70 14 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2134 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 11.8 70 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2135 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 9.5 70 12 5 City of Renton Significant Remove 2136 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 6.7 70 8 3 Private Significant Retain 2137 Weeping higan cherry Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula' 4.5 70 6 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2138 Crabapple sp. Malus sp. 4.2 70 10 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2139 Weeping higan cherry Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula' 7.5 70 9 4 Private Significant Retain 2140 Weeping higan cherry Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula' 8.6 70 11 4 Private Significant Retain City of Renton Arborist Report B-4 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 2141 TRE-37158 Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia 16.7 60 26 8 WSDOT Significant - WSDOT Cat 2 Retain 2142 Red alder Alnus rubra 7.5 10 9 4 WSDOT Non-Significant Retain 2143 English holly Ilex aquifolium 5.8 60 7 3 WSDOT Significant - WSDOT Cat 2 Retain 2144 TRE-37148 Wild cherry Prunus avium 27.9 10 35 14 WSDOT Non-Significant Retain 2145 Oregon ash Fraxinus latifolia 38 40 48 19 Private Significant Retain 2146 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 9.4 60 17 5 Private Significant Retain 2147 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 8 60 14 4 Private Significant Retain 2148 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 6.2 70 10 3 Private Significant Remove 2149 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 11.7 60 15 6 Private Significant Retain 2150 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 11.4 60 14 6 Private Significant Retain 2151 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 11 70 14 6 Private Significant Retain 2152 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 13 70 16 7 Private Significant Retain 2153 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 6.9 80 9 3 City of Renton Significant Retain 2154 Japanese flowering cherry Prunus serrulata 11.3 70 15 6 Private Significant Retain 2155 Vine maple Acer circinatum 4.7 70 7 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 2156 Persian ironwood Parrotia persica 10 60 14 5 Private Significant Retain 2157 Lavalle hawthorn Crataegus x lavallei 10.8 70 14 5 Private Significant Retain 2158 TRE-09285 Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum 12.7 70 17 6 City of Renton Significant Retain 2159 TRE-08790 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 13 70 18 7 City of Renton Significant Remove 2160 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 9.5 70 13 5 Private Significant Retain 2161 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 11.7 60 17 6 Private Significant Remove 2162 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 9.1 70 13 5 Private Significant Retain 2174 Cherry laurel Prunus laurocerasus 9.8 70 22 5 Private Significant Retain 2175 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 17.6 70 22 9 Private Significant Retain 2176 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 17.9 70 22 9 Private Significant Retain 2177 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 8.6 70 13 4 Private Significant Retain 2178 Red maple Acer rubrum 8.5 40 15 4 Private Significant Retain 2181 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 16.9 70 24 8 Private Significant Retain 2182 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 16.9 70 24 8 Private Significant Retain 2183 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 11.3 70 24 6 Private Significant Retain 2184 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 15.6 70 24 8 Private Significant Retain City of Renton Arborist Report B-5 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 2185 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 9 70 24 5 Private Significant Retain 2186 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 18.2 70 24 9 Private Significant Retain 2187 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 13.9 70 24 7 Private Significant Retain 2188 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 14.4 70 18 7 Private Significant Retain 2189 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 15.3 70 19 8 Private Significant Retain 2190 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 16 70 20 8 Private Significant Retain 2191 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 10.6 70 13 5 Private Significant Retain 2450 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 21 70 26 11 Private Significant Retain 2451 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 21 70 26 11 Private Significant Retain 2452 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 16 70 20 8 Private Significant Retain 2453 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 17 70 21 9 Private Significant Retain 2454 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 14 70 18 7 Private Significant Retain 2455 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 15.4 70 19 8 Private Significant Retain 2456 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 13.8 70 17 7 Private Significant Retain 2457 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 6.2 60 14 3 Private Significant Retain 2458 Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 11.2 70 16 6 Private Significant Retain 2459 Shore pine Pinus contorta var. contorta 9 5 0 0 Private Non-Significant Retain 2460 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 11.5 40 14 6 Private Significant Retain 2461 Freeman maple Acer x freemanii 9.5 60 12 5 Private Significant Retain 2462 Red maple Acer rubrum 10.7 55 15 5 Private Significant Retain 2471 TRE-08307 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 14.6 70 18 7 City of Renton Significant Retain 2474 TRE-08284 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 20.9 30 26 10 City of Renton Significant Remove 2475 TRE-08285 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 11.7 60 15 6 City of Renton Significant Remove 2476 TRE-08286 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 14.1 55 18 7 City of Renton Significant Remove 2477 TRE-08287 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 11.3 70 16 6 City of Renton Significant Retain 2484 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 12.8 70 16 6 Private Significant Retain 2485 TRE-08305 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 12.2 65 15 6 City of Renton Significant Retain 2486 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 11.5 70 14 6 Private Significant Retain 2487 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 9.5 65 12 5 Private Significant Retain 2488 Katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 10.4 65 13 5 Private Significant Retain 2489 TRE-08789 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 14.5 20 18 7 City of Renton Significant Retain 2490 TRE-08788 Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 12.5 60 16 6 City of Renton Significant Retain City of Renton Arborist Report B-6 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 7899 English holly Ilex aquifolium 7.7 70 10 4 Private Significant Retain 7900 English holly Ilex aquifolium 5 70 7 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 5R Weeping higan cherry Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula' 5.4 30 7 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 6R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 22 50 28 11 Private Significant Retain 7R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 17.4 50 22 9 Private Significant Retain 8R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 12.3 80 15 6 Private Significant Retain 9R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 16.8 50 21 8 Private Significant Retain 10R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 14.9 60 19 7 Private Significant Retain 11R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 14.9 60 19 7 Private Significant Retain 12RX Austrian pine Pinus nigra 12.8 20 N/A N/A Private N/A N/A 13RX Austrian pine Pinus nigra 8.2 40 N/A N/A Private N/A N/A 14R Austrian pine Pinus nigra 16.7 50 21 8 Private Significant Retain 17R Hawthorne sp. Crataegus sp. 5.8 60 11 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 22R TRE-37070 Black cherry Prunus serotina 7 30 26 4 WSDOT Significant - WSDOT Cat 2 Retain 23R Wild cherry Prunus avium 17.5 70 40 9 Private Significant Retain 24R TRE-37178 Big leaf maple Acer macrophyllum 19.8 60 29 10 WSDOT Significant - WSDOT Cat 2 Retain 25R Spruce sp. Picea sp. 0 0 0 0 Private Non-Significant Retain 26R Raywood ash Fraxinus oxycarpa ‘Raywood’ 10 40 16 5 Private Significant Retain 27R Raywood ash Fraxinus oxycarpa ‘Raywood’ 11.4 60 15 6 Private Significant Retain 28R Colorado spruce Picea pungens 15.8 70 20 8 City of Renton Significant Retain 29R Boxelder Acer negundo 16.6 70 35 8 Private Significant Retain 30R Oregon ash Fraxinus latifolia 23.3 50 29 12 Private Significant Retain 31R European birch Betula pendula 10.5 10 13 5 City of Renton Non-Significant Remove 32R Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 12 60 15 6 Private Significant Retain 43R Japanese flowering cherry Prunus serrulata 7.7 50 12 4 Private Significant Retain 44R Common pear Pyrus communis 7.7 70 10 4 Private Significant Retain 45R Common pear Pyrus communis 7 50 9 4 Private Significant Retain 46R Purple leaf plum Prunus cerasifera 19 50 24 10 Private Significant Retain 130R Western red cedar Thuja plicata 6.7 70 8 3 Private Significant Retain 131R Western red cedar Thuja plicata 5 80 6 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 132R Red maple Acer rubrum 5.6 85 8 3 Private Non-Significant Retain City of Renton Arborist Report B-7 TREE TAG NUMBER RENTON ASSET ID SPECIES COMMON SPECIES SCIENTIFIC SINGLE-STEM EQUIVALENT DBH (INCHES) TREE CONDITION RATING TREE PROTECTION ZONE (FEET) MLOD (FEET) JURISDICTION SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION 133R Red maple Acer rubrum 5.8 70 9 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 134R Western red cedar Thuja plicata 5.7 70 7 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 135R Western red cedar Thuja plicata 5.8 70 7 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 136R Western red cedar Thuja plicata 4 65 5 2 Private Non-Significant Retain 137R Red maple Acer rubrum 7 65 10 4 Private Significant Retain 138R Red maple Acer rubrum 5.5 70 9 3 Private Non-Significant Retain 139R Red maple Acer rubrum 7.9 70 13 4 Private Significant Retain City of Renton Arborist Report Appendix C. Tree Protection Guidelines City of Renton Arborist Report C-1 Tree protection measures are based on best management practices, as outlined in International Society of Arboriculture’s Best Management Practices - Managing Trees During Construction.1 Below is a partial list of protection measures the design team will consider for implementation, depending on the nature of the construction impact and the proximity to the tree’s tree protection zone (TPZ). 1. Tree Protection Fencing: All trees designated for protection (including trees located on neighboring property that overhang the Project site) will be protected for the entire duration of construction. Tree protection fencing will consist of a 6-foot-high, chain-link fence with steel posts installed at 8 feet on center. Panels should be covered with fabric to prevent dirt and dust from entering the tree protection zone. 2. Signage: A warning sign will be prominently displayed on each fence. The sign will be a minimum of 11 by 17 inches, waterproof, spaced every 50 feet along the fence and clearly state: “KEEP OUT – TREE PROTECTION ZONE – ENTRY PROHIBITED.” 3. Soil Protection: Prohibit parking, foot traffic, material storage, or dumping within the tree protection zone. When access is required within the dripline, protect soil within the Tree Protection Zone with 3/4-inch plywood over 4 to 6 inches of wood chip mulch or steel plates. 4. Retention of Project Consulting, International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist: During the construction phase, the arborist should be on- site and approve of all work performed within the tree protection fencing. They should be present during excavation within this zone to oversee the pruning and treatment of all roots and limbs greater than 2 inches in diameter. Excavation: Prior to demolition activities, excavation work within the tree protection zone should be carefully planned to minimize disturbance. When feasible, use alternative methods such a pneumatic excavation to blow away soil from root system, directional drilling instead of trenching, or hand excavation to expose roots. When excavating by hand within the tree protection zone, it should be performed by slowly removing small amounts of soil at a time with one person on the ground spotting for roots. When roots 1 Fite, Kelby, and E. Thomas Smiley. 2016. Best Management Practices - Managing Trees During Construction, Second Edition. International Society of Arboriculture. City of Renton Arborist Report C-2 are encountered, excavation should stop and roots should be cleanly pruned as needed, so they are not ripped or torn. 5. Root Pruning: Root pruning should be overseen by a Project-certified arborist and in conjunction with the City arborist for public right-of-way roots over 2 inches in diameter. Severed roots will be cut cleanly with a sharp saw or pruning shears. Severed roots will be covered immediately after final pruning with moist soil, heavy burlap, or mulch. The material should be kept moist and secured in place until the roots are covered with soil to finish grade. All material and fastening material should be removed from the roots before covering. 6. Canopy Pruning: Removing dead, diseased, or dying branches before construction is recommended to reduce the risk of branch failures impacting people, structures, or equipment in the construction area. Any pruning of canopy limbs should be discussed with an International Society of Arboriculture-certified arborist using current industry standards. 7. Duff/Mulch: Retain and protect as much of the existing duff and understory as possible. Retained trees in areas where there are exposed soils will have 5 inches of wood chips applied to prevent water evaporation and compaction. Keep mulch 1 foot away from tree trunk. 8. Supplemental Irrigation: Retained trees would require supplemental watering and mulching during the dry months. Irrigation water should penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 to 18 inches of the original soil surface. City of Renton Arborist Report C-3 City of Renton Arborist Report Appendix D: Assumptions and Limitations City of Renton Arborist Report D-1 Assumptions and Limitations 1. Consultant assumes that the project site and its use do not violate and are in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or regulations. 2. The Consultant may provide report or recommendation based on published municipal regulations. The Consultant assumes that the municipal regulations published on the date of the report are current municipal regulations and assumes no obligation related to unpublished City regulation information. 3. Any report by the Consultant and any values expressed therein represent the opinion of the Consultant, and the Consultant’s fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specific value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, or upon any finding to be reported. 4. Unless otherwise agreed, (1) information contained in any report by the Consultant covers only the items examined and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection, and (2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, climbing, or coring. 5. These findings are based on the observations and opinions of the authoring arborist, and do not provide guarantees regarding the future performance, health, vigor, structural stability, or safety of the plants described or assessed. 6. Measurements are subject to typical margins of error, considering the oval or asymmetrical cross section of most trunks and canopies. 7. Our assessments are made in conformity with acceptable evaluation/diagnostic reporting techniques and procedures, as recommended by the International Society of Arboriculture.