HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractCAG-22-291
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'THM AGREEMENT, dated for reference purposes ofAy as September 1, 2022, is by and between
the City of Renton (the "City"), a Washington municipa� corporation, and Linda
Mounts ("Consuftant"), a so6e prop bettor, 'The City and the Consuftant are referred to
coHectivOy if) this Agreement as the "Parties," Once fully executed by the Parties, this
Agreement is effective as of the �ast date signed by both parties.
1. 5�oatof Work:, Consuftant agrees to provide fitness classes for the community invOving
forty five to sixty minutes of circuit training including hands-on insti°uction and
demonstration of fitness equipment and excercises as specified if) Exhibit A, which is
attached and incorporated herein and may hereinafter be referred to as the "Work!'
2. ChpME in Sc21aq 9! Wq[k� 'The City, without linvaUdtting this Agreement, may order
changes to the Work consisting of additions, d0etions or modifications. Any such changes
to the Work shaH be ordered by the City if) writing and the Compensation shaH be
equitaWy adjusted consistent with the rates set forth if) Exhibit A or s otherwise mutuafly
agreed by the Part�es.
I 'Time of Performance: Consuftant shaH commence performance of the Agreement
pursuant to the schedWe(s) set forth if) Exhibit A, AH Work shaH be performed by no �ater
than September 1, 2023,
4. Cgnilnn�p�lom,
AArnount, ToW cornpensation to Consuftant for Work provided pursuant to this
Agreernent shaH not exceed $11,000.00, pWs any appkaWe state and NocaN salves
taxes, Cornpensation shaH be paid as a flat ratf..-,, surn based upon Work actuafly
perform ed according to the rate(s) or amounts specified if) Exhibrt A. 'The Consuftant
agrees that any houfly or flat rate charged by it for its Work shaH remain Nocked at the
negotiated rate(s) uMess otherwise agreed to if) writing or provided if) Exhibit A,
Except as specificaUy provided herein, the Consuftant shaH be soWy responsiWe for
payrnent c)f any taxes imposed as a fresuft of the perforrnance and payrnent of this
B, Method '.!..P.alment, Of) a rnontWy or no wess than quartefly basis during any quarter
if) which Work is perforrned, the Consuftant shaH subrnit a voucher or 4)voice if) a forrn
specified by the City, incWding a description of what Work has beef) perforrned, the
narne of the personnei perforiming such Work, and any houdy labor charge rate for
such personneL The Consuftant shaii aiso submit as finai Wit upon compietion of all
Woric Payment shall be made by the Oty for Work perforimed within thirty (30)
caiendar days after receipt and approvai by ffie appropriate City representatnve of ffie
voucher or nnvoke. ff the Consukant's perforimance does not rna, et. the reopAreirnents
of this Agreement, the Consuftant Mili correct or irnodify its perforimance to coirnpy
with the Agreement,"The Oty may withhold payment for work that does no Irneet the
reopArements of this Agreeirnent-
Cr Effect of Play!jjt!jPayment for any part of the Work shalli not constRute as waiver by
the City of any reirnedies R irnay have against the Consuitant for faiiure of the
Consultant to perforim the Work or for any breach of this Agreeirnent. by the
I), Nln-.w2E212,r I at ion of Funds, if sufficWent funds are not appropriated or ailiocated for
payrnent under tHs Agreement for any future 4'is41 period, ffie Oty shaH not be
obhgated to rnaire payrnents for Work or airnounts Hncurred after the end of ffie
current fiscaH period, and Ns Agreeirnent wfli terrnnate upon the coirnpietion of aH
reirnaining Work for which funds are aHlocated. No penaRy or expense shaH accrue to
the City in the event this provision apphes
A The City reserves the right to teriminate this Agreement at any tirne, with or without
cause by giving ten (10) cailendar daysnotice to the Consuitant in wrfthg, in the event
of such termination or suspension, ail finished or unfinished docUfflents, data, studies,
worirsheets, irnodeis and reports, or other materiai prepared by the Consuitant
pursuant to this Agreeirnent shaii be subirrOtted to the City, if any are re(pAred as part
of the Work,
B. �n the event this Agreeirnent is teriminated by the City, the Consukant shaH be entited
to payrnent for aH hours worked to the effecfive date of terimination, Hess afli payments
previousiy made,, If the Agreeirnent is terminated by the Oty after partW perforimance
of Work for which the agreed coirnpensaboin is as fixed fee, the City shall pay the
Consuftant an equitatfle share of the fixed fee. "I'Ms proviMon shaiil not prevent ffie
City frorn seeiring any legail reirnedws R irnay have for the 0oilation or nonperforimance
of any of the provisions of tNs Agreeirnent. and such charges due to the City shaH be
deducted froirn the finai payment due the Consuitant No payrnent. shaH be rnade by
the City for any expenses incurred or worir done foiilowing the effective date of
termination uNess authorized in advance in writing by the Oty
WarrainfieS And
.1111----- ...... 1—j hl,, Consuitant represents and warrants that
Consuitant wiii perforim aii Work Wentified m this Agreement Gn as professionai and
2 cur aI
workir wamwpike Imyrwamwmwer acid 4-1 am:a:on°darice wfth aH n°eawsomwabe acid profewssiorW wstamwdards
aril paws, p:omyrwpppamwce Mth p rofewsMorW wstaridards pmichides, as appppm:ab: e, perforimpng the
Work iri comyrwpppu ace Mth appiicab: e Cpty wstaridu ads or &deHries (e.g. deMg°w m:n° feria aril
Standard Mamwws for Road, Mdge aril Muncm p au Coristrum:p:pomw). ff rofewsMu nai erigh,w ers wsp" aH
m:erdffy eri&eeririg piariwss wspecificafloris, ppats, arid reports, as apppicabie, purwsuarit to
RCW 1.4 aCyC. Coa°wsuftarit further represents arid wan°w aritws that aH 6paiM work product
created for arid deUvered to the Cpty pu rsuarit to p:p" s Agreenwrit wsp" aH be the orig ,-iai work
of the Coa°mAtarit arid free from amwy 4-Aeppem:pua� property erty ericulmyrwbrarice which wmAd
restrict the Cpty from a sw n the work product. Cw risuRarit grarits to the Cpty a a°iori..
exciuwMve, p erpetuap right arid ppw:eaise to use, reproduce, dpstn°ibijte, adapt, Imyrwu dffy, arid
d sp pay aH 6pa°W work product produced pun°wsuarit to p:p" s Agreeimerit, The Cpty's or other's
adaptap: ori, Imyrwu dw ficaflomw or use of the 6Oa°W workproducts cts other tp ari for the purposes of
p:p" s Agreeimerit wsp" aH be Mthou t flue dity to the Coa°mAtarit. The provw sw a ris of this wsecfiomw
wsp afl survive the exp0rafpon or teriyrmpnation of tp" s Agreenwnt.
F 2m ......!M .. nt ....n..: The Corisupp:ant wsp" aH ImyrwaOmwta n am:a:ourits and records, wp"tipch
p rop edy reflect aH direct and pmw&ect costs expea°wded and Work pn°oMed irl the
p erfori mania of this Agreement arid retapa°w such records for as porig as Imay be n°eq&ed by
appppm:abe awsp" h"igtori State records rete wp:pomw paws, but 4-1 amwy event rio pess tp ari Mx
years after the teri rmpuwap:pomw of this Agreeimerit, The Coa°mAtarit agrees to provide access
to arid copes of amwy records related to tp" s Agreeimerit as regi pred by the Cpty to audpt
exp eriditu res arid charges arid/or to m:mmpg y wfth the awshh'-igto w State Pujbflc Records Act
(Chapter 42,,56 RC ), The provw sw a ris of p:p" s wsecfiomw wsp ail wsuMve the exppraflorl or
terimyrwpmwap:pomw of tp" s Agreeimerit.
Public Records Comp wpp l„m ,pm.ce to the fu H extent the Gty mffeperrywpmwes necessary to coirwwp" y
w, th the Wass pmwgton State PuwbUc Records Act, Co nsuwitanp: shall Irw aka a due dftent search
of all records pmw its p"mossesspo w or Q:omwp:rM r0appmwg to ppwps Agreeirnent and the Work,
prOuwmffp ig, but riot iirnited to, e-irw' ad, correspondence, notes, saved t0ephone IY1i'wQ"ssages,
rem:ormffpmwgs, photos, or draw pmwgs and p"mroOde pheirww to the Oty for p"mroduwcUomw pn the event
ff'om suftant beppeves sM records need to be p"mm"wwtem:ted froirw'w &4:poskjre, pt: Irnaya at
ff onsuwpp:ant's own expense, seek juwmffpm:W p"mrop:em:p: on, ff onsuwpp:ant shaip um deirwwmwpffy, defend,
and hold pwarlrwwpess the City for afl costs, pnciuwm ing attorneys' Fees, attendant to any m:pu rn
or ppppgapion rrwpu fed to a PuwbUc Records Act request for wpw ch ff onsuwppant has rrwsp"mwwrwspvrw
records and for w Nch Consuwpparwphas w pphhOci records or drwfforinapion corwp:aprwed pher6rw,
or riot p"mrrwOmffrwmff theirww to the Gty prw a pplrnOy Irnarwrwrwrff onsuwp ant shall produce for
d strubuwpporw any and all records responsive nsive to the Puwbiic Records Act request prw a bunny
rnarwrwrwrp wwlrwpess those records are ,"mrm��:Q"m:�'ed b court order. I pwr. ,"mrm�vis. ons o
p y � p w"� p:pwms sem:ppomw
shaH survive the expiraflorw or prwrlrnnuwp: on of t1fls Agreeirnent.
Ind endentContractorRelationsh*
A, he ConmOta wit �s reta�vied by the City offlyforthe p I rposes and to the extent set forth
Wvitlhisftveeriwnevit 1"he viat ure of the re atkmslhvp between the Crmsu Rant ail d the Oty
durhig the perk)d of the Work slhaH be that of an vvidepevidevit contractor, vlot
empk)yee, 1"he Covisukawit, not the Crty, M4have the power, to crmtrrA and dkect the
detads, rinavivier or rineavis of Work, Spec ffvcappy, but not by rineavis of hniftatkni, the
Covisuftavit slhaH have vir) obhgatkm to work any parikWar 1hou.urs r�xparflodar
scile(fifle, uffless otherMse vn(ficated Wn the Scope of Work or where scheduMig of
attendance or perforrinavice vs riwnutuai�y arranged due to the viature of the Work,
Ca visuftavit M4retavvi the dght to desgnate the nneavis of performbig the Work
covered by thvs agreement, and the Covisuitavit slh aid be evififled to empk)y other
workers at such corinpensaflon and such other comfifirms as ft rinay deem proper,
provided, however, that any contract sr�) rinade by the Cowimfltavit is to be paki by ft
akme, and that empir)yhig mich workers, ft vs acting indivv(hWy and not as an agent
for the City,
B1, The Oty shaiii mA be respmiMbie ft)r wOOvA&ig a:)r a��)therMse deducthig federaV
hiumine tax a)r 5a�)cW Securfty a)r u�mtdbutivig h) the State hidustdal himiravice,
Pn)grarrw, a,)r aAheww'me assurnhig the dutWes a)f an errwpk)yerwith respect U) Ommitant
a)r any erwipk)yee aA the Onisuitavit.
C V Ow Consultant @s as soie propu wtr)Nrup or ff flrds AgreEnient is MflrV an mdMdRana i, flrw
Consuitavit agwees to notffy flrw Oty and corripiete any recpAred fou win ff flrw Covisuitavit
wetired under as State of Was�r�ivigtoiI i wetirernewit systerriv and agrees to indernwiffy any
iosses flrw Oty rriway susta�n flru ou&� wlrw Consuitavit's faHure to do so,
10. 'HoW HWITIIaWa55-rhf� C(MlSuitavit agrees U) iflease, vidernviffy, defevid, avid hAd harmiess
the Oty, eiected a�)fficWs, erwipk)yees, a�)fficers, represevitatrves, and wflunteers fnuiwi any
avid aH cWrrivs, dernavids, actkms, sufts, causes a)f actkni, arbftratknis, rrwed�atkms,
pn�) ceed i wigs, pudgrrwents, awards, hi,pudes, darnages, habflifles, taxes, knses, fivies, fees,
penaifies, expevises, atU)rviey's ���)r att(MrWYS' ff:M�S, U)Sts, avid/���)r i�tigatkm expevises U) am
by any avid aH pemms a��)r evitibes, arWvig fn:)rrw, resuiting fn' )raw, a��)r reiated U) the vieghgevit
acts, ern�)rs am auimsmmis P)f the Omsuitavit in its peiftmnavice P)f this Agreervient a��)r as
breach a)f thvs Agreernewit by Onisuitavit, except fim that pmtkm a)f the ciakns caused by
the Oty's mfle fleghgence"
9v�wid as u�mwt cl(:A(:�rrr'Ovu!' that this agr(M:!Fim:mt vs sub,p(:!ct URCW
4,24 13 5, (Vaivdfty a:ff agw (M:!rrw(:mt Uhid(:!'rnmfy agahist HaWhty fimn(Thg(:mu!' r(:Iatiw!' U�
u�mstrucftkm, aiteratkm, vnipnwerrivent, etc,, a�ff structur(:!' attached ureap
(:'ustat(::!'. ) th(:m, Wn the (:m:mt aA habday fim' daginag(:!s ansvig amt aA b�Wdiiy hi,puwy Up(:!rm;ms
daginag(:!s U pn�p::Mty caus(:A by aWa r(:umjifivig fnrrw the u�mcurr(:mt vi(:!gWg(:mu. th(''
Ummiftavit avid th(:!' Otyo its a�Wiu!rs, aWffibais, (:!'Finpk�y(:N:s avid wAuvit(N:n, Ummitarit's
habiRy shaH Wa�miy u'W the (!:xt(:mt aA Ummiftavit's n(THg(:mc(1.,
N'uv m 11,
R is further spe&icafly and expressiy understood that the indern nification provided in
this Agreement constitute ('onsuitant's rather of irmnunity under the �ndustriai
�nsurance Act, R('W litie 51, soi(fly for the purposes of this indern nrficatron, "The Pat -ties
have rnutuafly negotiated and agreed to this waiver, "The provis�ons of this secdon shaii
survive the expkatkm or terrninatron of this Agreernent,
1.1., Gifts and Confliqtsw "The ('rty's ('ode of Ethics and Washington State is w prohibit ('rty
........ . . . . —
ernpioyees from soficiting, accepting, or receiving any gitt, graturty or favor from any
person, firrn or corporation invoived in a contract or transaction. To ensure cornphance
with the ('ity's ('ode of Ethics and state iaw, the ('onsuitant shaH not give a gift of any kM
to ('rty ernpioyees or officiais, ('onsuitant Mso confirims that ('onsuitant do es not have a
business interest or a ck)se farnfly r0aflonship with any (Jty officer or ernpioyee who was,
is, or wHi be Rnvoived in seiecting the ('(msuRant, negodating or adrninistering this
Agreernent, or evahiatrng the ('(msuRant's perforrnance of the Work,
12. Cijy of Renton Business Ucenser Uniess exernpted by the Renton Munrcipand ('ode,
('onsuitant shah obtain a ('rty of Renton Bus�ness I icense prior to perforrning any Work
and rnarntan the business ircense in good standing throughout the Reran of this
agreernent with the ('rty,
9nforrnation regarding acquirrng a city busrness Face nse can be found at:
Worrnatron regardrng State business ficensing requkernents can be found at:
Vu S e n g! t r m business
... ...... .......... . ......... ...... ............. Y .......................................................
13, hisuranct ('onsuitant shah secure and rnaintarn,
A, Cowymwrciai generai fiabiky insurance in the rnink-nurn arnounts of 51,000,000 for,
each occurrence/52,000,000 aggregate for thel"errrt of this Agreernent
B. Rn the event that Work defivered pursuant to this Agreernent either directiy or
indirectiy invoive or requre Professionai Serwces, Prof essionai Liabifity, Errors and
Ornissions coverage shaH be provided with rrflnirnurn firnits of 1$A1,000,000 per
occurrence, "Professkmai Services", for the purpose of this sectron, shaii rnean any
Work pr(Mded by a ficensed professionai or Work that requires a professionai
standard of care,
Workers compensation coverage, as required by the Industr4l insurance iaws of the
State of Washington, shaii aiso be secured,
D, Com.mmm°mmem°m isMmtmma°mmmmbRe p. abilhtyfmmm mmwo-ed, Ilueased, tl°mo -ed or mmmmmm mmwoued Illeased, tl°mu-ed
h mmutr, au they ' e Ml be any mm e of Const0tant's veh0esn the t rlmnses by or on
habMty pohcy mu a o,.um, cont6butor puo°kmar Q;mas� s IIhe Oty's unsurance pohcc haH
any �nsurance reqt90'ed by flds Agreement be construed to hrnit the habMty of
onstifta t to the coverage p''mmopded by such umm mmmammmmmm or mmfitl°mmmmmwse Ilurnft the duty's
recourse to any rer'nedy avaHab�e at biw or �n equity,
proper a"mu dory gin"°muent , tl.maHl be delluva"mred to the 0ty before perforrn�ng the Work
. mmmmmmu a °m pmm'°m°.mu mm'°amm umufl °mmm ummmu a ummu mm u.0 p'°mmm a u mm mmummmm,mufl °mup,.0
two (..
14. days.; Consuftant as not mespo-u 6u e ummm° dMays caused by factors beyond the
mmm'm mm�t mmtr, mmm mmmm« bu e como to,-ollWtl,me°ustgctl,mdeaysbeyooudttl,meCoo stmllt o°utr's o,-eas mo°°uabIVl m
cmmmmtmo°m l mmm;cm,mm'° ttl,me ut auraee ttl,me mmmm mmpt m'mt a mmmmtr mesm !mmmo s° bm e fom' dam.iage , u.om N°apll ttl,me
mmmm mmpt mmtr be dmmema ied to Hamm uo° defatmpt of ttl, me m mamma„miem ut.
35, Successors mm .. ssians,,, Nefflwmthe Oty nor the Const0tant ShMll 'ugn' transfer gym.
encumber any oughts, dufles w hiterests am`m`m"mmuo'ug fio mm Uds Agreement wMmut the
wItten Consent of the other
ap'mp rop''mmm ate party at the address M°mummlh appears ummm@mm w (as m"mmmmdffied umm wrffing ummmm rn rturne
to firnmm by such party), and goven personafly, by regg stered or mfified m"naH, mmmmfiurn mmmmmmmmup t
Aaron u:mm11by
1055 South Grady Way
Phone, (425) 430 6715
P��se'Cfatds m.Z
Unda Mounts
20419 SE 287th St
Kent, WA 98042
17. Disculmination Prohibite& Except to the extent permAted by a bona fide occupafior4l
quaHficiffion, the Consuftant agrees as fofllows:
A, Consuftant, and Consuftant's agents, eqnp�loyees, representafives, and vohinteeirs
Mth regard to the Work performed or to be performed under tNs Agreement, shafll
not dscidvnmnate on the bas�s of itace, c6lor, sex, reH&m, nafionaHty, creed, maidtal
status, sem4l oidentaflon or pref eire rice, age (except vn�n4nuqn age and refirement
pvcMs�ons), honorably duscharged veteran or nfflrtary status, or the presence of army
sensory, vnentifl or gm hysucall handucap, urfless based upon a bona fide occupafior4l
quaHficafion mn r0afionsNp to Miring and mmmn pq loyvnent, mn evnpq loyqnent or appHcafion
for evnpq loyvnent, the adnflnMrafion of the deHvevy of Work or any other berlefits
under tNs Agreement, or procurement of vnateidifls or suppHes,
B, The Consuftant MH take affirmaUve acfion to unsure that. appHcants are evnpq loyed and
that evnpq loyees are treated dudrig evnpq loyvnent Mthout iregaird to th61r itace, creed,
c6lor, naUor4l oid&i, sex, age, sem4l oidentaflon, physucall, sensovy or mental
handucaps, or vnaid4l status. Such acUon shafll unchjde, but not be Ilmmmmf ed to the
fofl1oMng employment, upgra&ig, demofion or transfer, recruftment. or recruftment
adverUsng, Ilayoff or tem&iafion, crates of pay or other forms of compensafion and
s0ecfion for tramnng.
C. of the Consuftant faHs to covnpq ly Mth any of Ofis Agreement's norv-dscidqTWiaflorl
prcMs�ons, the Oty shall have the right, at rts opUon, to cancO the Agreement �rl
wh6le or un pavl,
Do The Consuftant us irmmsponsilmlle to be aware of and un compHance wrth afll fedev4l, state
and local �aws and regUlafions that may affect the saUsfactory covnp�lefion of the
project, wNch undludes but us not Ilummmf ed to farr Ilm bor haws, worker's compensafion,
and llfle Va of the Fedev4l OW1 ffights Act of 3,964, and MH coqnpg ly w4h Oty of IRenton
CouncH ResohjUon Number 4085,
M Miscell-ane'2yl� The parfies hereby acknoMedge:
---------- ----- - .
A. The Oty ms not respon0fle to tram m or proMe tramnung for ConsuRant,
B, Consuftant MH not be irmmmmmmbuirsed for job irmmllm ted expenses except to the extent
specfficaflly agreed MtNri the attached eAflbits.
C, Consuftant shafll furnWi aH tocfls and/or qnatediOs necessary to perform the Work
except to the extent specfficaflly agreed wftNri the attached exhRAts.
D, �n the event spec�ifl tra�n�ng, bcens�ng, or cerUficafion �s requ�red for Consultant to
proMe Work he/she wHI m:qua re or vna�nta�n such at Ns/her own expense arid, of
PAGC ? OF !11
Consuitarit eiinpioys, sub contracts, or otherwise assigns the resporisibdity to perforin
the Work, said eii,y°upl�)oyee/suib-co�itractor/assag�iee wiii acquire arid or inahitahi such
uaining, keriMng, or certification,
I'his is a rion-exchisive agreeiment and Consuitant is free to provide his/her Work to
other enUfles, so �orig as there us no interruption or kiterference with the proviMon of
Work caHed for in this Agreeirnent,
F, Consuitant ms responsiWe for his/her own kisurance, kiciuding, but riot hirnited to
heaith insurance,
Ck Consuitant is responsitfle for his/her own Worker's Cornperisaflon coverage as weii as
that for any persons eirnpioyed try the Consuftant.
19 Other Provision&
k AEM�qyg! 8!�!bgu mN L, Each individuai executing 00s Agu eeirnerit on behaif of the City
and Consuftant represents and warrants that such individuais are duiy authodzed to
execute and dehver Ofls Agreeirnent on behAf of the Oty or Consuitant,
B, Geriera� AdiininistratJorl arid,MariagtE&rijr: The City's project Iinariager is Aaron Coiby,
Recreation Coordhiator, hi proMing Work, Consuitarit M'W'I: com&iate with the Oily's
contrast inariager or his/her des;griee
C, Aiineridiinerit arid Modification Ths Agreeiinerit urnsy be aiinerided oriby an
instrument m wribrig, duTy executed by both Parties,
D, Corifficts, ki the event of any inconsistencmes between Consuitant proposas and fleets
Agreeirnent, the ter,irns of this Agreeirnent shah prevaiL Any exNWB/attachirnents to
U* Agreeirnent are kicorporated by reference onTy to the extent of the purpose for
wNch they are referenced within this Agreeirnent, To the extent a Consuitant
prepared exhibit corifficts with the terirns in the body of this Agreeirnent or, contains
ter,irns that are extraneous to the purpose for whch wt is referenced, the terirns ki the
body of thrs Agreeirnent shAi prevad and the extraneous terirns shah riot be
kicorporated herein.
C�overriirijg LEA, lhis Agreeirnerit shaii be rnade in and shAi kre governed try and
viterpreted in accordance wrth the Haws of the State of WaOirigtori and the City of
Renton, Consuftant and A of the Consuitant's eimpioyees shaH perforirn the Work in
accordance with Mi apphcakpie federM, state, courity and cRy �aws' codes and
F Noirit raf ir Eff r 1 his Agreeirnerit shaii be considered for ai purposes as prepared
........ .... j2 ! �z 9 :1
by the jowit efforts of the Parties and shAi riot kre construed agwrist one party or the
lllp'ml:a olV.V.
other as a resuh: of the preparaflon, substiWtion, subi nission or other event of
negodaflon, drafting or execution,
G, Ju6schction and Venue, Any uawsuit or uega6 acflon brought by any party to enforce or
interpret thisAgrees nen t or any of its teri ris or covermnts shaH be brought in the i0ng
County Superior Court for the State of Washington at the Maleng Regiomfl Justice
Center Vn Kent, King County, WasNngton, or ks reph3cei nent or successor, Consukant
hereby expressy consents to the persorufl and eWusive ju6sdicflon and venue of
such court even ff ConsuRant is a foreign corporation not reg'Nstered Mai the State of
11. SeverabMty, A court of coi ripetent judsdicflon's deteri nirmflon that any provision or
part of this Agreei nent us fflegaor unenforceaWe shaH not cancO or kwakNAe the
rei naunder of this Agreei nent, whkh shaH rei nan un fuH force and effect.
1, So�e a-nL�,!-Endre Ameerrwnt.' Ilds Agreei nent contains the entire agreei nent of the
Parties and any representations or understandings, whether ora: or w6tten, not
kmorporated are exchAed,
JTh ne is of the Essence, Tk ne us of the essence of fts Agreei nent and each and aH of
its prov'NsVons Vn w1dch perfori nance is a factor, Adherence to coi npWJon dates set
fora i in the descripfion of the Work Vs esserdja� to the ConsuRant's perfori nance of
this Agreernent.
iC Third Partly � ej'Wficiades, INapaUpVng in this Agreeanent is kAended to, nor shaH be
construed to give any Hghls or benefits Nn ffie Agreei nent to anyone offier than the
Para: es, and aH dufies and responsNhties undertaken pursw3nt to this Agreel nent wM
be for the s0e and exchmNe benefit of the Pw ties and no one eke,
L. ffin6ag, Effggj, The Parfles each bind thei nsOves, their partners, successors, assigns,
and aegM representatives to the other pasty to this Agreei nent, and to the partners,
successors, assigns, and �egM representatives of such other party wfth respect to aH
covenants of the Agreei n e n t.
M, Waivers, AU waWers sluA be sn writing and signed by the waMng party, Uther party's
fadure to enforce any provusion of Ws Agreei nent shaU not be a waiver and shaU not
prevent either the ity or Consukant froi n enforcing that provision or any other
provusion of d0s Agreei nent un the future, Waiver of breach of any pmvisW on of this
Agreei nent shaH not be deei ned to be a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach
uMess it Vs expressy waived in wrking.
P"m 9 a','' I �
N. Countprj�. The Parties may execute tNs Agreement in any number of
counterparts, each of wHch shall constitute an oNgif-W, and ail of wlddh wM together
constitute t1his of -we Agreement.
IN WITNESS W-WREOF, the Parties Piave voiurwtaray entered irsto this Agreement as of the date
oast signed by the Pairfies beiow,
Kelly eyr B ner
Parks and Recreaflon Adrnir0strator
Aijproved as to Legan Form
Linda Mounts
H., (approved by Alex Tuttle via email on 8/12/2022)
. ... . .............. .. ............................
Seiflor Assistant My Attorney
Cowart Tempfahe Updated 512112021
ExNbit A - � Scopg �If Work
F8"110"T ms kxated on the grounds of the North 11,figWands N6ghborhood ("enter, 300 NE 161"
Street, Renton WA 98056,
The AtLot Outdoor Rtness Park was thoughtfuRy des�gned for aH ages and aWbfies to use 0i a
couninunfty setfing unakOig the benefits of an Oick)(w facdRy free and accessUe to everyone
The 'Instructor" wfll �ead couninunfty dasses OmAOng 45-60 unOuites of drcuft tra�nhig
g hndn �tkm nd dtin othe unt dndtjcfinqWnand exerdses,
Instructors" wM be pa kl $35 for each dass Wnstrtjcted, regarifless for the nurnber of
parfldpants, fhese courses wiH be offered to the counumnifty at no charge.
I fie dates and tunes of each dass wM be deterundned between the Instructor and the ("Ity of
Renton Nograrn ("oorchnator, Oasses wRi operate any day of the week chinng hours of dayhght
H:IaIIupw�m eam;vopoi, Pa H s I ee'jfl;�VTIeMWe
F0 W V� Cu � Tr,* n ng V,BS1:!S 4� a w mve a�ea ins�nimu>njo Nem,,g
fRtLot Method Mtmducbm Clasimm F R m sluggesm I 1115, Ismind an moacooq oass trcioie eg nveoqud,!p
Im an nnI 8 F U W I' Wlloa r f o.d 4 V I arn'N Sesilcq I, o r ad lop In
"a I I, B Pat I Is de"6"WP A rOIJW I a praO€ c I' gvyo6 a c I I,, ly vrlftf u)("
qv: a: ame 01 a Tmrlas'5 and akmg5jOe, a cmrim"hed rpoup W
rlftmt Mai hod O-Week Seulas uxnawn.y rileirAu'rS "ano so "voHI't I g 10 lIch'Ove "'I IMXI�ICVIel' W#tykm
I ncmmoge PaOcipaills, fo zofenri N11'1 a I Ule , QtY�C"' � I 01"d 2wv c 'a cr'O'
11) 1 Me 0 "q0* Seful's B S lWOMMIK"f%WMCA I Pri a In sim I ml Q I
00 a U1 fi flOWIF I M IvQOIOW MO)DW h,'hVIq W Wq� it W W1
find, vxirrzfrmnt w a, I ree-0a 5es or nasse5
FM Ot Malivad 11)ropin Masses