HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 2AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR RAINIER/GRADY JUNCTION PLANNED ACTION THIS AMENDMENT, dated for reference purposes only as August 31, 2022, is by and between the City of Renton (the “City”), a Washington municipal corporation, and BERK Consulting, Inc. (“Consultant”), a Washington Corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-22-058, dated March 3, 2022, to provide necessary services for the Rainier/Grady Junction Planned Action (referred to herein as the “Agreement”); Whereas, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to change the scope of work and increase budget related to the change for the Renton Travel Demand Model Update in order to ensure a more thorough transportation analysis as well as to provide a more accurate and updated travel demand model. NOW THEREFORE, It is mutually agreed upon that CAG-22-058, as amended, is further amended as follows: 1.Scope of Work: Section 1, Scope of Work, is amended to replace Exhibit A-1 of CAG 22- 058 in its entirety with Exhibit A-2 which is attached and incorporated herein. 2. Compensation: Section 4, Compensation, is amended so that the maximum amount of compensation payable to Consultant is increased by $97,600 from $262,444 to $360,044, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. The additional compensation shall be paid based upon Work actually performed according to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit B-2 , replacing Exhibit B-1 in its entirety, and which is attached and incorporated herein. 3.All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. CAG-22-058, Adden #2-22 PAGE 2 OF 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Amendment as of the date last signed by the Parties below. CITY OF RENTON By:_____________________________ CONSULTANT By:____________________________ Armondo Pavone City Mayor Lisa Grueter Principal _____________________________ Date _____________________________ Date Attest _____________________________ Jason A. Seth City Clerk Approved as to Legal Form By: __________________________ M. Patrice Kent Senior Assistant City Attorney Contract Template Updated 06/17/2021 Legal References: 1859 (CAG 22-058), 1960 (Amend 1), and 2184 (Amend 2) 09/01/20229-5-2022 Approved by Patrice Kent via 8/31/2022 email August 29, 2022 EXHIBIT A-2 (Amendment 2 to CAG 22-058) 1 Rainier/Grady Junction Subarea Planned Action Part 1. Team Scope Project Understanding Through the voter-approved Sound Transit-3 package, Sound Transit will build a new transit center at Rainier Ave S and S Grady Way to serve expanded bus rapid transit (BRT) service along I-405, two King County Metro Rapid Ride routes, and several other Metro bus routes. The new transit center and park-and- ride facility construction (expected 2025) will support Sound Transit’s planned I-405 BRT service to this area (expected 2024). By 2040, Sound Transit predicts the transit center will have up to 3,000 daily boardings. In anticipation of levels of new development surrounding the significant public investments in the area, the city facilitated an 18-month subarea planning process to create a vision for the area within a half mile of the transit center. The overall concept of the Rainer/Grady Junction Subarea Plan (RGJ) is to create a vibrant commercial and residential district oriented around transit, with potential for light rail service in the long term. As the city continues to advocate for light rail system expansion, development surrounding the planned transit center can make future expansion more viable by increasing potential ridership. With the subarea plan complete, the City has secured a Transit-Oriented Development Implementation (TODI) Grant. With the grant, the City intends to develop municipal code amendments to implement the land use vision of the subarea plan and increase mixed use opportunities and alter density and development standards as appropriate including parking. The code is anticipated to be completed in 2022. Renton also wishes to establish a planned action and complete an environmental impact statement (EIS). Renton has requested a scope of services to help prepare the Planned Action EIS and ordinance. The proposals reviewed will consist of evaluating phased conceptual developments that match the subarea plan and regulations including different mixes of allowed uses and development heights, and other infrastructure and place investments identified in the subarea plan. (WAC 197-11-164 (b)(ii) or (c)) BERK Consulting, Inc. will serve as prime for the Planned Action and Perteet will serve as a subconsultant leading transportation and utilities. The Transpo Group will provide transportation modeling. Collectively, BERK, Perteet, and Transpo are called the Consultant in this scope. The City will lead the development of the code implementation that will help form th e basis of proposals and alternatives evaluated in the Planned Action. August 29, 2022 2 A-2: Scope of Work Based on the grant application actions and steps, a scope identifying methods and level of effort has been prepared. Action 1 Assessment of RGJ Subarea Plan and HAP The City of Renton will lead the deliverables for this task including: ▪ Step 1.1 Scoping of proposed Renton Municipal Code amendments affecting subarea. ▪ Step 1.3 Drafting of code amendments The City will complete Deliverable 1. The Consultant will review it as part of Step 3.1. ▪ Deliverable 1 Draft Code Amendments Action 2 Technical Analyses Step 2.0 Kickoff and Ongoing Coordination The Consultant will develop a coordinated kick-off meeting agenda designed to share project objectives and environmental review strategies, points of public engagement, approach to alternatives, key technical methods, and critical path schedules. The Consultant will develop a regular check in with the City Project Manager assumed to be approximately twice per month via virtual technology. The Consultant will develop a template for the EIS that the technical analysis can fit within. For Deliverable 2, the technical analysis will summarize exiting conditions (affected environment) and trends and best practices. Following the definition of alternatives, the team will provide impact analysis of the alternatives that will be folded into the Preliminary Draft EIS in Step 3.4. Step 2.1 Prepare Land Use and Socioeconomic Analysis (BERK) The Consultant will document current conditions and trends regarding present land use, growth capacity, and key policies. The Consultant will consider current activity levels, scale and views, and other land use patterns. Demographics of the study area will be updated with Census data to support the evaluation. The Land Use Analysis will consider compatibility of current development regarding air quality and noise using the Environmental Health Disparities Map and WSDOT evaluations from the I-405 program. The limitations and allowances of the power line easements will also be considered using current information and policies. The Consultant will adapt information from the Subarea Plan and Deliverable 1 in conducting the analysis. Meetings with staff will be coordinated with Task 2.0. Step 2.2 Prepare Transportation Analysis (Perteet) The Consultant will update the context of the existing transportation system and future planned improvements based on the City’s current Transportation Comprehensive Plan, 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Trails and Bicycle Master Plan, other more recent transportation impact studies completed for Study area projects, and adopted transportation plans/programs for Renton, Sound Transit, August 29, 2022 3 King County Metro, and WSDOT. These recent studies, along with a site visit, will be used as the basis to document vehicle, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle existing conditions within the Study Area. No new transportation data collection is assumed as part of this task. Up to three (3) meetings will be held with City transportation staff via Microsoft Teams (or another virtual platform). Step 2.3 Prepare Stormwater Analysis (Perteet) The Consultant will review the City’s current Stormwater Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvement Program, Phase II National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Stormwater Permit, current Stormwater Manual, FEMA Floodplain Maps, City of Renton GIS Maps (COR Maps), and assess improvements or new studies that have occurred since plans were published. We assume all documentation will be provided by the City. This work includes email and telephone communication with CED Development Engineering and Public Works staff. Up to two (2) meetings will be held with City utility staff via Microsoft Teams (or another virtual platform). Step 2.4 Prepare Water and Wastewater Utilities Analysis (Perteet) The Consultant will review the City’s current Water System Plan, current and future draft Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan, Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Program, Aquifer Protection Maps, City of Renton GIS Maps (COR Maps), and assess improvements or new studies that have occurred since plans were published. We assume all documentation will be provided by the City. This work includes email and telephone communication with CED Development Engineering and Public Works staff. Up to two (2) meetings will be held with City utility staff via Microsoft Teams (or another virtual platform). Step 2.5 Prepare Natural Environment Analysis (Perteet) Based on the subarea plan, , the Consultant will peer review and compile a summary of the existing natural environment within the identified study area in a format that supports the Planned Action. The focus will identifying natural areas deserving of protection and/or provide opportunities for recreation. For natural areas deserving of protection mitigation, options will be identified for implantation if they become impacted. Opportunities for recreation within natural areas will also be identified. Step 2.6 Prepare Public Services Analysis (BERK) The Consultant will peer review the City’s summary of existing system plans and contact City departments and districts providing police protection, fire and emergency medical services, parks, and schools. The current services available to the study area will be documented in a format that supports the Planned Action. Meetings with staff will be coordinated with Task 2.0. ▪ Deliverable 2 Summary of Technical Analyses in an Existing Conditions Report, a portion of the future EIS (affected environment) Action 3 Perform alternative analysis and Draft EIS Step 3.1 Develop alternatives for environmental impact statement (EIS) (3 Alternatives) The Consultant will review the Subarea Plan and results of Deliverable 1 related to code options, and provide recommendations on alternatives to be discussed during scoping; following scoping, the Consultant will advise on adjustments to the alternatives to be studied in the Draft EIS. Alternatives are anticipated to include one no action alternative (current comprehensive plan) and two action alternatives. Alternatives may vary the level, type, and location of growth and associated infrastructure investments. Following scoping, the Consultant will write an alternatives chapter of the Draft EIS for City review, and eventually August 29, 2022 4 to advance the Draft EIS impact analysis. The alternatives will be developed at a level of detail to support the planned action ordinance mitigation measures. Step 3.2 Refine preferred alternative for Planned Action EIS After the Draft EIS comment period, a preferred alternative will be developed. The Preferred Alternative will be in the range of the Draft EIS alternatives. A description of the Preferred Alternative will be developed for the Final EIS. Step 3.3 Determination of Significance/Scoping Notice The Consultant will prepare a draft determination of significance and scoping notice prepared together with a supporting document (scoping document or SEPA checklist) indicating what topics are identified for inclusion in the scoping process. The scoping notice will initiate a minimum 21-day comment period, which can be coordinated with code engagement efforts of the City and the Consultant. The Consultant will attend one virtual public meeting or 2-4 virtual interviews with stakeholders consistent with task resources. ▪ Deliverable 3a SEPA Scoping Notice and Alternatives Description Step 3.4 Assess environmental impacts of alternatives For each topic addressed in Deliverable 2, and confirmed as a scoping topic in Step 3.3, the Consultant will prepare an impact analysis. Prepare Land Use Analysis (BERK) The Consultant will evaluate growth alternatives on compatibility and consistency with state GMA goals, VISION 2050, the Renton Comprehensive Plan, and the Rainier/Grady Junction Subarea Plan. The Consultant will review the contribution of alternatives towards supporting the City’s growth allocations. The Consultant will also analyze the relative effects of growth alternatives on affordable housing conditions and economic development strategies and job mix. The Consultant will adapt information from the Subarea Plan and Deliverable 1 in conducting the analysis. The land use compatibility evaluation will consider best management practices for location of residential development in proximity to high-volume roadways and incorporate by reference air quality and noise evaluations from the I-405 Program EIS1 and VISION 20502 EIS. The evaluation will also consider current heat island effects and how the proposed code amendments and growth alternatives would affect current conditions using the CAPA Strategies/King County mapping effort or other readily available data sets.3 The evaluation will adapt the 3-D model and other subarea plan character/aesthetics concepts developed for the subarea plan or the Consultant can use ArcGIS Pro or Sketchup to develop rough building mass and review the potential for height or shadow impacts of different business types considering City regulations (e.g. stepbacks, footprint, etc.). Prepare Transportation Analysis (Perteet, Transpo) The Consultant will explore the transportation implications of each alternative providing input on a relative comparison based on existing conditions, an understanding of the potential land use density and types as well as the analysis conducted in Step 2.2. This exercise will include a detailed evaluation of traffic 1 See: https://www.doh.wa.gov/DataandStatisticalReports/WashingtonTrackingNetworkWTN/Informationb yLocation/Washington EnvironmentalHealthDisparitiesMap. 2 See: https://www.psrc.org/our-work/regional-planning/vision-2050/environmental-review. 3 See: https://kingcounty.gov/elected/executive/constantine/news/release/2021/June/23 -heat-mapping-results.aspx. August 29, 2022 5 operations and will leverage previous work completed for the Study area that will be provided by the City. The transportation analysis will consider up to two (2) Alternatives including No Action and one new land use scenario. The transportation analysis will rely on transportation modeling developed in accordance with Attachment A-2 Scope of Work, Renton Travel Demand Model Update, August 12, 2022, prepared by The Transpo Group. Traffic operations analysis using Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology will be conducted at up to six (6) study intersections for the AM4 and PM Peak period using model volumes. Based on the results of the analysis, specific potential mitigation measures will be identified that the City can use to develop mitigation fees. Access and circulation will be evaluated for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles with a focus on connectivity for pedestrians and bikes. The Consultant will also consider in a qualitative fashion how improvements to the transit system may influence transportation in the Study area. Based on the potential impacts, Perteet will identify mitigation measures and significant unavoidable adverse impacts. Prepare Stormwater Analysis (Perteet) Consultant will analyze impacts and mitigation requirements for surface water and water resource improvements under each alternative while ensuring that public and private stormwater systems are planned, developed, and maintained to prevent flooding, protect water quality, and preserve natural stormwater systems. The potential for a regional stormwater facility will be considered as one of the potential options. Prepare Utilities Analysis (Perteet) The Consultant will coordinate with public and private utility providers of electrical power and natural gas (Puget Sound Energy) to identify planned capacities for the study area. The planned improvements will be compared to growth projections under each alternative to identify capacity shortfalls and possible improvements needed to accommodate future planned growth. The Consultant will analyze each alternative for impacts, mitigation requirements, and public-private funding options for utility improvements for each alternative. The Consultant will consider anticipated or needed improvements to accommodate growth and development projections. Prepare Natural Environment Analysis (Perteet) The Consultant will provide a review of potential impacts and opportunities related to the natural environment within the identified study area(s). The Consultant will focus identification of mitigation opportunities to those that best serve the ecological functions affected by the phased conceptual development. The Consultant will also explore ways to streamline mitigation activities, through development of an advanced mitigation program, for example. The Consultant will also note ways to strengthen the community’s connection to the natural environment through interpretive or other educational or recreational opportunities. Prepare Public Services Analysis (BERK) The Consultant will evaluate each alternative with regard to the level of demand anticipated for each of these public services based on available system plan and service delivery studies and adopted level of 4 If the City model is capable of providing AM peak hour volumes Perteet will rely on that. If the model is not capable of AM volumes, Perteet will compare available AM and PM intersection numbers, and then pro-rate the City's PM peak hour model volumes to project AM peak hour volumes for the study intersections. August 29, 2022 6 service standards. Mitigation measures (e.g., capital facilities or impact fees or other) will be developed based on City policies and the EIS evaluation. Step 3.5 Prepare Draft EIS and solicit comments The Consultant will prepare the Preliminary Draft EIS, which will contain the following elements required in WAC 197-11: ▪ Cover Letter ▪ Fact Sheet ▪ Table of Contents ▪ Chapter 1–Environmental Summary ▪ Chapter 2–Proposal and Alternatives ▪ Chapter 3–Affected Environment, Significant Impacts, and Mitigation Measures ▪ Chapter 4–References ▪ Chapter 5–Distribution List ▪ Appendices The Consultant will prepare a preliminary draft EIS for City review and comment. Natural and built environment scope topics and approaches are included in Step 3.4. Based on two rounds of consolidated City comments on the Preliminary Draft EIS, the Consultant will prepare a print-check document and a Draft EIS for posting and public review. The Consultant will prepare the notice of availability for City publication. The City will publish the Draft EIS. ▪ Deliverable 3b Draft EIS Action 4 Select preferred alternative and schedule adoption of planned action EIS and ordinance Step 4.1 Prepare Final EIS in conjunction with preferred alternative The Consultant will prepare the final EIS including a fact sheet, table of contents, draft EIS analysis corrections as needed, description of the preferred alternative, and responses to comments (approximately 100 unique comments are anticipated). The Consultant will prepare a preliminary final EIS for City review and comment. Based on City comments, the Consultant will prepare a final EIS for public issuance. Two round of comments is anticipated. The Consultant will prepare the notice of availability for City publication. Step 4.2 Prepare Planned Action Ordinance The Consultant will prepare the ordinance that designates the Planned Action. The ordinance will address all legal requirements as outlined in WAC 197-11-168 and RCW 43.21c.440. The Consultant will prepare a preliminary draft and public draft. The mitigation measures will be written by the Consultant with clarity and ease of implementation in mind, building off of the detail of the alternatives and the City’s adoption of zoning regulations; revisions will be made following City review. The Consultant will attend the SEPA- required community meeting (this can be accomplished during scoping or the Draft EIS comment period prior to the public hearing) and two other public meetings/hearings regarding the planned action ordinance. These hearings could occur with the Draft EIS comment period or later (after the community meeting). August 29, 2022 7 ▪ Deliverable 4 Final Draft Ordinance and Schedule for Adoption of Planned Action EIS August 29, 2022 8 Part 2. The Transpo Group Scope of Work August 29, 2022 9 August 29, 2022 10 Part 3. The Transpo Group Time of Performance August 29, 2022 11 Exhibit B-2. Compensation An estimate of time by major step is provided below. Action Consultant Action 2 Technical Analyses $62,000 Action 3 Alternatives $18,000 Action 3 Draft EIS: BERK and Perteet $119,000 Transportation Modeling Fee: The Transpo Group $97,600 Action 4 Select preferred alternative and schedule adoption of planned action EIS and ordinance $64,000 Total $360,600 A budget detail by step is attached. August 29, 2022 12