HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2022 - Minutes RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, August 2, 2022 – 6:00 pm (Special Meeting Location outside City Hall) Mindshare Cowork Lounge 241 Williams Ave S or via Zoom Members Present: Amelia Ossorio, Bill Huls, Brianna Burroughs, Caren Sumption, Evelyn Reingold, Kaie Wise, Kiley Thornton, Mary Clymer, Susan Jessick Staff Present: Jessie Kotarski, RMAC Staff liaison Guests Present: • Denise Waltz, Macadons • Philip Thompson, Macadons • Michael Huynh, Macadons • Bruce McIntyre, Renton resident Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by RMAC Chair, Mary Clymer at 6:04 pm. Introduction of Guests: The staff from Macadons presented a mural competition that they are hosting to identify an artist to install a mural on the eastside of their new location in downtown Renton (soft open is Friday, August 5) on the corner of S 3rd and Wells (under Erasmus the rooftop dragon). The staff are seeking support from the Commission to connect with local artists interested in submitting their designs for consideration. The Call for artists is scheduled to go out August 3. The community was asked for their feedback on the theme of the proposed mural with a poll during the weekend of Renton River Days (July 22 and 23). The Call will be open through August 24 with the goal to complete the mural installation before the end of October. The staff are interested in encouraging first-time muralists and student artists to submit their portfolios for consideration. Bruce McIntyre is a Renton resident. He has lived in South Renton for more than 15 years and is a dedicated artist and artist mentor to students with autism; offering classes and support to a group of students every Wednesday. Bruce has been personally involved in several public art projects in Renton, including multiple fire hydrant paintings and offering support for the creation of the Market Melody mural in the alley behind the businesses located on the corner of S 3rd and Smithers. Bruce recently applied to serve on the Commission. Correspondence & Announcements: • Ukraine: Carpathian Mountain Villages an exhibit by Anna Mia Davidson (2022 RMAC grant recipient) is open at the History Museum in the North Gallery through September 16. There is an artist talk scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 6:00-7:00pm • The City Communications team will be announcing an RFP for a photographer/videographer to help refresh the City’s digital assets (capturing images of Renton and events for marketing and use in social media and City newsletters). The RFP will be available at rentonwa.gov/bids and will close August 25. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and carried to approve the minutes from the July meeting. MSC (Bill/Evelyn) Budget Update: $32,499 remaining in the budget for the year; includes adjustments from a recent decline of an earmarked grant award. Cheryl D’Ambrosio announced her intent to withdraw her grant application for the plein air documentary previously approved for funding. Promotions Committee update: The Promotions Committee met to discuss the plan for the remainder of the year and compare financial commitments and activities from previous years. Based on historic participation in seasonal community events, including Summerfest, the Olde Fashioned Halloween event, Small Business Saturday and the Santa Houses, and sponsorships of fall productions by local arts organizations, the Committee is recommending funds from the remaining budget be earmarked to support the Commissions participation in these annual events and further build the brand, and awareness campaign, for the Commission. A motion was made and approved to reserve $4,700 from the remaining 2022 Arts & Culture project budget for fall events and activities, as recommended by the Promotions Committee, that will serve to promote the work of the Arts Commission and provide community engagement opportunities. MSC (Evelyn/Bill) Roadshow Update: • Final remaining Summer Concert in the series is scheduled for August 17 at Piazza Park, featuring Renton resident, blues artist, Cory Wilds. • The Summerfest stage (beginning at 4pm on Saturday, August 13, sponsored by the Roadshow, will feature three performances by local artists: o The Marshall Law Band - Funk-Hop band backed by a five-piece instrument toting groove machine o Seattle based singer, songwriter and guitarist, 11-year-old Nikhil Bagga. o MattLock and the Keys a blues, indie, jam, rock group Grants Committee Update: The Grants Committee will be meeting on Thursday, August 4 to discuss the structure and strategy for the 2023 grant program. Old Business: • Bylaws Update – revisions were made to the previously approved bylaws update. The Commission had an opportunity to review the revisions and discuss the changes that were made. A motion was made and approved to accept the revisions to the bylaws as approved to form by the City Attorney and proceed with the adoption of the bylaws through a Council resolution process. MSC (Mary/Kaie) • Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study – The Commission has been asked to compile a Comprehensive List of Eligible Arts and Culture Organizations that are in the City of Renton. A training will be provided by AEP on Thursday, August 4 at 12pm. • Film Frenzy – the registration for interested film teams is now open. Teams are encouraged to apply at rentonfilmfrenzy.com. Film teams will be paired with local businesses to create creative promotional videos to highlight the history, vibrancy, and diversity of Renton. o Kickoff party August 30 if anyone would like to attend to represent the Commission o September 2 through 4 o Premier night (all films will be viewed at this event) at the Renton Civic Theater on Sept 9 at 6:30pm o Awards will be announced at the Seattle Film Summit on Sept 11 o The request to Commission is for one volunteer judge to serve on a panel of judges for the event. • Downtown Arts & Culture Center – A series of public open houses will be planned to solicit feedback from the community on the direction of the future Arts & Culture Center in the City Center Parking Garage (entrance off Logan Ave S). These meetings will be hosted by the Arts Commission to engage the community, artists and arts organizations and solicit ideas and possible partnerships for future programming in the space. • Selection Committee – There is currently one vacancy on the Commission. The request to Commission is for a third individual to serve on the Committee with the existing two member • The operating norms were reviewed at the beginning of the meeting and a review of the meeting structure and adherence to the norms conducted at the end of the meeting. The following ten operating norms are under trial adoption through the end of August. A special meeting will be scheduled in before the September meeting to discuss the next steps in establishing the Group Norms for the Commission. o Raise your hand [icon in the virtual setting] to speak to avoid interrupting others. o Encourage expressions of different opinions and respect those differences o Don’t attack people who disagree with you and no put downs. o Don’t take things personally/don’t make things personal o Listening for understanding/actively listen to understand o Appreciate the use of “I” statements when communicating ideas and opinions o Encourage and embrace participation from everyone and make sure everyone has a chance to contribute or speak o Come to the meeting prepared; review documents and attachments before you come to the meeting o Be fully present in the moment (and in all meetings) o “Respectfully” challenge ideas not people Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:24pm.