HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_PROJECT NARRATIVE_220919_V123020 Edmonds Way, #113, Edmonds, WA 98020 | p. 206.542.3734 | e. heidi@h2darchitects.com | w. h2darchitects.com September 19, 2022 Prepared by: H2D Architecture + Design 23020 Edmonds Way #211 Edmonds, WA 98020 Project Narrative Property Owners: Steve and Lisa Leighton 3307 Mountain View Ave N Renton, WA 98056 The subject property is located at 3307 Mountain View Ave N; King County Tax Assessor No. 3124059077. There is an existing single-family residence constructed in 1993. The site is 29,236SF and has the following known critical area: Shoreline. The subject property and adjacent properties are zoned as R-8. The East property line is adjacent to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and Lake Washington Blvd. The existing single-family residence on the site, proposed for demolition, is non-conforming to current code requirements for Shoreline Setback and Shoreline Vegetation. Existing site orientation and setbacks limit the buildable area on the site. The existing deck structure is 15’-10” into the shoreline setback at its most non-conforming point. The existing house is 7 ½”+/- into the existing East side yard setback at its most non-conforming point. The proposed project on the property located at 3307 Mountain View Ave N includes demolition of an existing single-family residence and construction of a new single-family residence. The new single-family residence over a portion of the existing footprint, with additions to the North and East. 1438.2 SF of the new structure will be over the existing footprint with 1,937 SF of construction outside of the existing footprint. Construction over the existing footprint is limited within existing eave heights, which is problematic for the design goals of increasing the existing low interior ceiling heights and meeting the clients’ program needs. The existing ceiling heights are 6’-8 ½” at the lower floor and 6’-11” at the main floor; both below the current code minimum ceiling height requirement of 7’-0”. H2D’s design process took into careful consideration the site and building restrictions to develop a proposal that reduces the structure’s non-conformity into the Shoreline setback, is within the existing heights of non-conforming structures, keeps all new construction outside of the 25ft shoreline setback, creates more habitable ceiling heights, and meets the program needs of the home. Initial designs explored construction only over the existing SFR footprint, but in order to meet the ceiling height and programmatic needs of the home; it was not possible to stay within the existing structure height which we are limited to per code section 4-10-050.A.3. The proposed structure is a two story, 3-bedroom Single Family Residence with (qty 2) full baths, (qty 1) ¾ bath and (qty 2) ½ baths. The home has 4,102.9 SF of conditioned space, a 486.4 sf unconditioned garage, 272.3 sf deck, and 658.8sf of terraced on-grade patio. No portion of the proposed conditioned space is within the Shoreline setback. Only a portion of the proposed deck, over the existing footprint, is proposed in the Shoreline setback. At its most non-conforming point, the deck is 8’-2” into the setback (a reduction in non-conformity by 7’-8”). In order to meet the code requirements of the Shoreline setback, the proposed structure is at 5’- 0 1/8” on the side yard property line to meet setback requirements. The eaves within this side yard will be fire-rated to meet current code standards and have no openings. The adjacent property to this side yard is the Burlington Northern Railroad and Lake Washington Blvd. The 23020 Edmonds Way, #113, Edmonds, WA 98020 | p. 206.542.3734 | e. heidi@h2darchitects.com | w. h2darchitects.com project site sits at an elevation 10ft lower than the railroad (per the property survey), 14ft lower than the street (per the property survey), and approximately 28ft lower than the nearest SFR (per City of Renton GIS Mapping). The basis for this exemption request per the City of Renton’s list of eligible activities is “Construction of a single-family residence or associated structures for use by the owner or owner’s family”. The anticipated dates of work will be dependent upon approval of a Shoreline Exemption and Building Permit for the proposed project. Current and proposed use of the site is for a single-family residence. The West property line is a Shoreline along Lake Washington. City of Renton GIS mapping indicates there is a Landslide hazard area along the East property line. A Geotech report for the property dated March 2,2020 prepared by Geotech Consultants, Inc states “We saw no indications of instability on this short slope…” (report page 2) and “no buffer or setback from the steep slope is necessary to protect the planned development from potential slope instability or to prevent adverse impacts to the stability of the slope” (report page 3). The Geotech Report has been submitted along with this application. Refer to the Geotech Report submitted along with this applicated for soil type and drainage conditions. The total estimated construction cost for this project is $1,200,000 with a fair market value of the proposed project at $1,500,000. The proposed construction will include concrete foundations and slab-on-grade per a structural engineer as well as timber framing with various finish materials (including but not limited to fiber cement siding, cedar siding, metal roofing, and asphalt composite roofing). Excavation will be limited to the required area for the new addition and foundations. Excavation quantities will be calculated and submitted by civil engineers as part of the building permit application. The following trees are proposed for removal (please refer to the arborist report including with this application for more information): 11.6” Honey Locust; 14.2” Maple, 20.2” Hornbeam, 14.4” Sweetgum The closest area of work from the Ordinary High Water Mark of the shoreline will be at the main floor deck. This deck will be built over the existing building footprint, further away from the OHWN than the existing structure. The proposed distance from the OHWM at the deck’s most non-conforming point is 16’-10”. By comparison, the existing structure is 9’-2 ¼” from the OHWM at its most non-conforming point. The West property line is along the Lake Washington Shoreline. The lake shoreline is a low-bank shoreline with rockeries and a narrow mud/sand beach that gets rockier as you move further landward. Rockeries line the shoreline with two small docks on the property. Approximately 2061SF of Shoreline will be mitigated and planted with native vegetations within the 10ft Shoreline Vegetation Buffer at the Northern and Southern ends of the property. This mitigation area will be further developed and designed as part of the Building Permit application for this property.