HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx26_Public_Comment_EmailsEXHIBIT 26 Public Comment Emails from L. Baker, T. Baker, Brown, Frisvold, Krupp, Long, Natha and Vira, Nugent, Olson, Reymann, Servais, Smith, and Thorp DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from L. Baker DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Lindabak baker <lindabak@hotmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, June 28, 2022 7:28 PM To:Tom Baker; Margarette Bravo; lori@hlrinc.net Cc:Clark Close; Jennifer Cisneros; prmiller@comcast.net; culturalpreservation@duwamishtribe.org; kesh461@ECY.WA.GOV; info@news.wabikes.org Subject:Re: City of Renton: On Hold Letter-LUA22-000011,SA-M,SA-H,SSDP, ECF, MOD- Kennydale Gateway Dear Margarette, I live on N 35th St and often bicycle on Lake WA Blvd, as do numerous others. It seems that whomever reported that very few bicycles use the Blvd chose a day when it was wet and cold to come to their conclusion. I ask you to check the Blvd for bike traffic on a nice weekend and see how many use it. Besides the expense of making roundabouts, and the land it would take to build them, they are entirely unnecessary and the city could use the money in far better ways. If the issue is complaints from those going in and out of the Barbee Mill development , simple 4 way stops as were placed on Park Ave would serve the purpose in a far better way. The stops would also help to slow the traffic on the Blvd as many speed well above the 25MPH posted signs. I fear that roundabouts would add to speeding and make the Blvd more dangerous for bicycles. Please do a more thorough examination of this before deciding what to do. Thank you, Linda Baker CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from T. Baker DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Tom Baker <tommbaker@hotmail.com> Sent:Friday, June 17, 2022 4:55 PM To:Margarette Bravo; lori@hlrinc.net Cc:Clark Close; Jennifer Cisneros; prmiller@comcast.net; lindabak@hotmail.com; culturalpreservation@duwamishtribe.org; kesh461@ECY.WA.GOV; info@news.wabikes.org Subject:Re: City of Renton: On Hold Letter-LUA22-000011,SA-M,SA-H,SSDP, ECF, MOD- Kennydale Gateway For your consideration My concern continues to be how pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be made safe with the changes. The traffic volume data was taken March 1st and certainly is not remotely representative of pedestrian and bicycle traffic in days that are dry and warm. Many of the north bound cyclist currently turn left onto Seahawks Way and with this proposal they would have to "U" turn in a roundabout that includes a freeway onramp and offramp not to mention traffic just crossing I-405. How can that possibly be safe???? 5 roundabouts to navigate driving our pedaling from lower Kennydale to drive north on I-405 or pedal north on Lk Wa Blvd. Wow! Thank you Tom Baker CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Brown DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:MIKE BROWN <alkibrown@aol.com> Sent:Thursday, September 15, 2022 2:29 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Re: City of Renton: Kennydale Gateway Dear Mr. Close I do have some comments that I would like included as part of the above noted meeting/record this September 19, 2022. at PM. They are: “1. Please discuss any and all current traffic studies available to the public on this section of Lake Washington Blvd. North,(LWBN), 2. Please address increased traffic estimates for both the Gateway project and the Quendall Terminals future project on LWBN. They should be separate reports because Gateway has already submitted a proposed 404 parking spaces “Plan” estimate while the much larger Quendall project is not as far along in submitting any parking estimates, 3. Discuss any financial estimates or plans to widen LWBN that the City of Renton has considered or proposed for this project”. Thank you. Mike Brown 3703 LWBN Renton, WA. 98056 alkibrown@aol.com 206-240-0133 Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Frisvold DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:cbfrisvold@comcast.net Sent:Friday, January 14, 2022 7:16 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Kenneydale Gateway Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Please add my email cbfrisvold @comcast.net. As a party of record. As a Kenneydale resident for 30 years increasing traffic on Lake Washington Blvd is of great concern to our family. Sent from my iPad. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Krupp DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Zachary Krupp <zkrupp@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, January 13, 2022 5:57 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Kennydale Gateway Project CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Greetings, Please add me to the project mailing list or any communications outlets focused on this development. The March 15, 11am meeting is hardly “open to the public.” Most in this neighborhood still work and will be unable to attend. Please consider an evening when others may have the opportunity to participate. Respectfully, Zack Krupp Sent from my iPhone DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Emails from Long DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Monday, January 24, 2022 9:51 AM To:Clark Close Cc:Dawn Lower Subject:Fwd: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Attachments:May Creek Acquisition.pdf; NOA_Project_Acceptance_220113.pdf Hello Clark Thank you for making the LUA Acceptance available to the Barbee Mill community. First, I would ask that you update the records of our property management company to Dawn Lower with VIS Group. We are no longer with Morris Management / Cole Allen. Second, I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss impacts to our community. We understand the project however we believe there are collateral impacts that are not properly addressed. Specifically, we are concerned about increased foot traffic along the May Creek Trail system and into the Barbee Mill community. Per our platt record, Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) owns this property (within Barbee Mill) and is responsible for its maintenance, including the May Creek trail. This property is designated Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) and departures off the trail is considered trespassing and a violation of the NGPA. To date we have had numerous incidents of people going off trail, and even picknicing on the these grounds. Homeowners have reported these events to City Police with marginal success. My reason for contacting you is that I believe we have a uniques situation that will significantly degrade with this new project. Our community would be most interested in discussing solutions that will protect the NGPA areas and offer security to homeowners as the trail passes adjacent to many of our homeowners. Solutions will likely involve a combination of City action as well as developer. Please let me know your availability to meet with our community for a discussion. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Regards Geary Long BMCO President CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Monday, February 7, 2022 7:21 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Re: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Attachments:BMCO Comments.pdf; Declaration of Covenants.pdf Hello Clark I would like to offer the attachment as comments from Barbee Mill for inclusion into the record. Regarding the NGPA/Open Space Tracts I have attached the Covenants per your request. I concur with your citing the current code which is the topic of concern: responsibility of the HOA to maintain and protective NGPA tracts. This is exactly the issue of concern due to the anticipated increase in traffic. Working with Angelea Weihs, we updated the sign at the trail-head with stronger wording and placed a second sign at the end of the trail - the lake viewing point. I have attached photos of these two signs for reference. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 3 Even though we have this signage we still have people trespassing onto the NGPA areas. I have attached the following photo which exhibits the type of activity that happens. Even though we have signage, and a chip trail, people wander off and will picnic, strolling around on the NGPA grounds. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 4 Clark, we are really struggling as to what can be done to keep people off the NGPA property, keep them from altering/disturbing the vegetation. Our concern is that we have these transgression now. With a large apartment dwelling adjacent to the May Creek Greenbelt, this will only become worse, I suspect substantially worse. I do not see how our HOA can maintain these grounds, ensuring no alteration or disturbance, when we have no way to keep people on the soft trail and off the surrounding grounds. Please find a cop of our Covenants as requested. I understand the COVID restrictions preventing a face to face meeting and would ask if you could provide a date/time for a zoom call, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss this situation in more detail. Regards Geary Long DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The site is currently used for light industrial purposes and storage. Surrounding land uses include: • North–the N 44th Street/Lake Washington Boulevard and I-405 intersection, and beyond the intersection is the Quendall Terminals development site. To the north of Quendall Terminals is the Seattle Seahawks practice facility (Virginia Mason Athletic Center); • East–I-405; • South–the May Creek Greenway and May Creek Trail. • West–The Barbee Mill residential development is located to the west, on the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard N. The proposed Kennydale Gateway project will result in an intensification of on-site development, and the introduction of a residential population associated with the proposed project uses. This would result in increased activity levels on-site and within the surrounding neighborhood. The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties. (Pages 13 & 14) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not concur with the evaluation described in the SEPA Checklist, Section 8. Land and Shoreline Use. Specifically: “The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties.” The May Creek Trail that the new site plans on accessing will likely result in increased foot traffic along the entire trail, leading to Lake Washington, not just the immediate section adjacent to the development. This trail meanders through the Barbee Mill residential development transiting through Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA). In accordance with the Barbee Mill Plat: “The Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) shall manage and protect the vegetation within these tracts. Public access within Tracts “A” and “B” is limited to use of a soft surface trail to be constructed by the declarant in accordance with the plans approved by the City of Renton. Development, alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City of Renton and any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity.” Currently there have been incidents of non-residents parking in and around the Barbee Mill community, accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage to the vegetation and shoreline. Further, this will increase the foot traffic on the trail, which is adjacent to Barbee Mill homes, compromising the privacy and security of the homes along the trail. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Critical Areas Report MPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION REQUIRED: There will be no direct impacts to any critical areas (May Creek or the offsite wetland) resulting from the proposed development. The proposed development within the Shoreline overlay is consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline Management Program (RMC 4-3-090). It will be necessary to reduce the 100-ft vegetation conservation buffer so that it terminates at the Site’s southern boundary. This is allowed under the City of Renton’s Shoreline Management Program since there will be no loss of ecological function (that portion of the vegetation conservation buffer on the subject property is currently unvegetated and covered with impervious surfaces and the total reduction of buffer width is less than 50% of the standard width). No mitigation is being proposed. However, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development (or designee), may request that the non-native, invasive blackberry currently growing within the May Creek Trail Park along the Site’s southern boundary be removed and replaced with native trees and shrubs. (Pages i and ii) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not support the position: “No mitigation is being proposed.” While there may not be direct impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately adjacent to the development (Figure 1), it can be anticipated that there will be collateral impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately to the west of the development (Figure 2). The May Creek Greenway, with the Lake Washington Viewing Trail located to the west in the Barbee Mill site, is part of the Urban Conservancy Overlay District (4-3-090C) and contains tracts that are designated as Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA) (4-3-050G) and Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) is responsible for maintaining and protecting these tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. Currently there have been incidents of non-residents accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. This trespassing results in alteration/disturbance of vegetation in the NGPA tracts. Barbee Mill residents, with the help of the Renton Police, have intervened in these trespassing incidents. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage of the vegetation and shoreline. Potential impact will be increased cost to BMCO to repair altered/damage lands and increased cost to Renton Police due to increased trespassing reports. Based on this potential for alteration/damage of the NGPA a mitigation is appropriate. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Critical Areas Report – Kennydale Gateway. Figure 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 City of Renton – Parks and Trails Figure 2 May Creek Greenway The greenway serves several functions including providing habitat for endangered salmon species, providing a continuous wildlife and habitat corridor, protecting steep and sensitive slopes, providing surface water storage capacity and serves as an urban separator between more developed areas. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:07 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Re: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Hi Clark Your assumption about non Barbee Mill residents trespassing onto the NGPA areas is correct. We have worked with Renton Police Department in the past and they have informed us that there is little they can do about the trespassing. I have a follow up meeting next week to verify our understanding, and assuming this is correct, we do not have a good way to enforce the no-trespassing onto the NGPA areas. I fear we are in a position where these grounds will be trampled due to the increased number of residents in close proximity. Are there any repercussions to Barbee Mill, from the City, should this be the case? It needs to be recognized that this is a situation beyond our control. Regards Geary CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:54 PM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:54:05 PM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:54 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 2/10/2022 4:54:00 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011 Gender Mr. Name Geary Long Address:1020 N 41st Pl Renton, Wa. 98056 Email geary.long@gmail.com Phone Party of Record Only Comments SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The site is currently used for light industrial purposes and storage. Surrounding land uses include: • North–the N 44th Street/Lake Washington Boulevard and I-405 intersection, and beyond the intersection is the Quendall Terminals development site. To the north of Quendall Terminals is the Seattle Seahawks practice facility (Virginia Mason Athletic Center); • East–I-405; • South–the May Creek Greenway and May Creek Trail. • West–The Barbee Mill residential development is located to the west, on the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard N. The proposed Kennydale Gateway project will result in an intensification of on-site development, and the introduction of a residential population associated with the proposed project uses. This would result in increased activity levels on-site and within the surrounding neighborhood. The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties. (Pages 13 & 14) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not concur with the evaluation described in the SEPA Checklist, Section 8. Land and Shoreline Use. Specifically: “The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties.” The May Creek Trail that the new site plans on accessing will likely result in increased foot traffic along the entire trail, leading to Lake Washington, not just the immediate section adjacent to the development. This trail meanders through the Barbee Mill residential development transiting through Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA). In accordance with the Barbee Mill Plat: “The Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) shall manage and protect the vegetation within these tracts. Public access within Tracts “A” and “B” is limited to use of a soft surface trail to be constructed by the DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 declarant in accordance with the plans approved by the City of Renton. Development, alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City of Renton and any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity.” Currently there have been incidents of non-residents parking in and around the Barbee Mill community, accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage to the vegetation and shoreline. Further, this will increase the foot traffic on the trail, which is adjacent to Barbee Mill homes, compromising the privacy and security of the homes along the trail. A meeting with the City of Renton and Vulcan Real Estate seems appropriate to explore solutions to protect the NGPA tracts from alteration/disturbance due to anticipated incursions resulting from the increased density. Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18334750&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:57 PM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:57:38 PM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:57 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 2/10/2022 4:57:33 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011 Gender Mr. Name Geary Long Address:1020 N 41st Pl Renton, Wa 98056 Email Geary.long@gmail.com Phone Party of Record Only Comments Critical Areas Report MPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION REQUIRED: There will be no direct impacts to any critical areas (May Creek or the offsite wetland) resulting from the proposed development. The proposed development within the Shoreline overlay is consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline Management Program (RMC 4-3-090). It will be necessary to reduce the 100-ft vegetation conservation buffer so that it terminates at the Site’s southern boundary. This is allowed under the City of Renton’s Shoreline Management Program since there will be no loss of ecological function (that portion of the vegetation conservation buffer on the subject property is currently unvegetated and covered with impervious surfaces and the total reduction of buffer width is less than 50% of the standard width). No mitigation is being proposed. However, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development (or designee), may request that the non- native, invasive blackberry currently growing within the May Creek Trail Park along the Site’s southern boundary be removed and replaced with native trees and shrubs. (Pages i and ii) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not support the position: “No mitigation is being proposed.” While there may not be direct impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately adjacent to the development (Figure 1), it can be anticipated that there will be collateral impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately to the west of the development (Figure 2). The May Creek Greenway, with the Lake Washington Viewing Trail located to the west in the Barbee Mill site, is part of the Urban Conservancy Overlay District (4-3-090C) and contains tracts that are designated as Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA) (4-3-050G) and Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) is responsible for maintaining and protecting these tracts. Maintenance includes DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. Currently there have been incidents of non-residents accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. This trespassing results in alteration/disturbance of vegetation in the NGPA tracts. Barbee Mill residents, with the help of the Renton Police, have intervened in these trespassing incidents. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage of the vegetation and shoreline. Potential impact will be increased cost to BMCO to repair altered/damage lands and increased cost to Renton Police due to increased trespassing reports. Based on this potential for alteration/damage of the NGPA a mitigation is appropriate. A meeting with the City of Renton and Vulcan Real Estate seems appropriate to explore solutions to protect the NGPA tracts from alteration/disturbance due to anticipated incursions resulting from the increased density. Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18334769&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 3 From: Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 5:03 PM To: Margarette Bravo <MBravo@rentonwa.gov>; Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: dawn.lower@vismanagement.com; jill Servais <jillservais@gmail.com>; JIM@THORPPROPERTIES.NET; AliciaS@vulcan.com Subject: Re: City of Renton-LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD: Kennydale Gateway Off Hold Notice Clark/Margarette I do not recall seeing a response to comments I had provided for Barbee Mill. As I recall the Hold Notice, there was a requirement to address these comments. I would like the responses to our comments to be provided for our review. Thank You Geary Long Barbee Mill HOA President CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 From:Cyndie Morris CMorris@Rentonwa.gov Subject:Follow-Up re: Site Visit Today Date:February 21, 2022 at 1:49 PM To :Geary Long presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com Good Afternoon Geary – thanks for meeting me out a Barbee Mill today to discuss the Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) and discussing your concerns.    As you surmised before our meeting, providing (what would amount to) security services for this area would not be an appropriate use of police services.  Having a ‘soft walking trail’, surrounded by private property, with both public and private right-of-way, will be almost impossible to secure.  The Barbee Mill HOA would be better served by working with the City to provide reasonable alternatives to protect and preserve this space.  The following are some suggestions:   1. Installation of natural barriers that could deter unwanted foot traffic from crossing over into private and protected spaces.  This could come in the form of thorny, spiky, dense bushes or hedging that can create an effective barrier to deter intruders without compromising the aesthetics of the area.  Many ornamental shrubs have thorns or spiny foliage that, with careful placement, could add a layer of security without resorting to unattractive or expensive fencing.  This type of defensible space planning is associated with the CPTED principal:  Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design; a multi-disciplinary approach to crime prevention that uses urban and architectural design and the management of built and natural environments.  2. You could request the installation of a gate at the trailhead off of N 40th that could be locked at sundown.  Although Barbee Mill may be required to provide this space for public use, I can think of no positive activity that would be drawn to this area during the hours of darkness. 3. You may want to research if obtaining a variance to close this small section to public use is an option (which, if approved, would most likely necessitate the installation of a gate at the trailhead).  In my opinion, the provision that dictates this area of protected marshland be accessible to the public, conflicts with the desire to maintain the integrity of the protected lands it lies within.  It’s unrealistic to expect anybody to ‘police’ this area 24/7.   I agree with you, in regards to the uptick in foot traffic that will probably be introduced to the area once the multi-use/multi-housing project is completed just north/northeast of the Barbee Mill property.  I suspect some of that population will bleed over onto this trail, which in turn could cause more damage to the protected marshland – hence supporting the desire to close it to public access.   I hope this information was helpful to you; please let me know if you have any questions,     Cyndie Morris, PIO Renton Police Department Communications and Engagement Coord. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 cmorris@rentonwa.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Monday, May 30, 2022 6:39 PM To:Clark Close Cc:dawn.lower@vismanagement.com; peter grimes; Martha Dawson; ELLEN KAUFFMAN; Dinesh Keskar Subject:Re: City of Renton-LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD: Kennydale Gateway Off Hold Notice Attachments:FollowUp re Site Visit Today.pdf Clark - I would like to request your help/guidance for a path forward regarding the NGPA grounds along the May Creek Delta, Tract A. To recap, Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) has a requirement to “Manage and protect the vegetation within this tract” and that “alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited” as documented in our plat map. In reviewing the Kennydale Gateway SEPA Environmental Checklist it was noted: · Land and Shoreline Use: The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties. · Critical Areas Report: No mitigation is being proposed. Both of these items Barbee Mill Community Organiztion expressed disagreement. In response to the BMCO comments, HLR Architects are proposing a signage on the development to remind residents to be mindful and compliant. The proposed signage is assessed to be inadequate to address the noted issues. This assessment is based on actual experience on the tract. The attached photo exhibits that we have had instances of people (and dogs) trespassing onto the NGPA grounds to which residents have personally confronted, and/or sought the aide of the Renton Police, in an effort to protect and prohibit disturbance of the grounds. With the increased population associated with a 385 unit dwelling across from this property, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it can be reasonably expected that there will be substantially increased instances of disturbance of the NGPA grounds such as illustrated in the attached photo. It should also be noted that there is existing signage at the head and end of the trail. I have met with Cyndie Morris of the Renton Police Department to discuss actions that could be taken to protect the NGPA area. She re-affirmed my understanding that the police would not be able to address trespassing of the NGPA grounds. She suggested three options that might address the trespassing on the NGPA grounds (see attached): 1. Installation of a barrier; either natural or fencing. 2. Installation of a gate at the head of the peninsula/NGPA property. 3. A variance to close this section of property to the public. It is unreasonable to expect Barbee Mill residents to protect this NGPA area against visiting trespassers who alter or disturb the grounds as we do not have tools/process to enforce no trespassing. With the size of Kennydale Gateway CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 2 development, we can reasonably predict that the trespassing onto the grounds will substantially increase. As the trespassing continues to increase, it is reasonable to foresee increasing damage to the vegetation. Barbee Mill is vulnerable to a Violation issued by the City for the damaged vegetation by others. Barbee Mill has already addressed a Warning of Violation, issued in 2016, due to unauthorized tree cutting by a BMCO homeowner. This has resulted in the BMCO appropriately bearing the cost of implementing mitigation effort along with a three year monitoring and reporting plan. It would seem inappropriate for BMCO to bear the risk/burden of on-going violations, and associated cost, due to a situation which is not in the control of BMCO. I therefore would like to request that the City of Renton consider a variance to close off this property to the public. This seems the best path forward to ensure compliance with the Washington State Shoreline Management Act. Geary Long Barbee Mill President DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Natha and Vira DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Hassan Natha <hnatha@outlook.com> Sent:Friday, February 11, 2022 4:39 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Kennydale Gateway Project Attachments:BMCO Comments.pdf To: PROJECT PLANNER: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner My wife and I (Nasima Vira and Hassan Natha) live at 4029 Williams Ave North, Renton. We wanted to provide our comments on the Kennydale Gateway project. This is a summary of our comments. We have also added comments from our HOA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Kennydale Gateway project. I appreciate the thoughtful consideration of all stakeholders' concerns, and I look for equitable solutions, not impediments to progress. I live in the southern section of the Barbee Mill community, directly across from the small bridge that connects Williams Avenue North to Wells Avenue North. I am deeply concerned about the Kennydale Gateway projects' impact on a current issue in my section of Barbee Mill; At the southeast corner of the small bridge is a trail that grants public access to lake Washington. The Summer weather brings many visitors to the path and May Creek's delta. There can be as many as fifteen vehicles parked on the bridge and neighborhood streets on weekends. Visitors can be seen loading and unloading personal watercraft from their cars, then portaging them down the trail for launch in the shallow water. Many visitors swim there even though swimming is prohibited. The area is now a defacto off-leash dog park that further stresses the wildlife, not to mention the dog poop. Sometimes, teenage visitors will socialize in the area after dark, disturbing the peace. This section of Barbee Mill also suffers from package theft at alarming rates. It appears that this small public lake access point will be the only place residents of Kennydale Gateway will be able to access the lake. I believe this will significantly negatively impact the Barbee Mill community. The increased activity will disturb the natural environment, possibly affecting the Bald Eagle nest and the Salmon spawning. Where will all these people park as they unload their watercraft? Our neighborhood streets have limited capacity for parking. Our designated guest parking spots are not for visitors who are not actual guests of residents. The increased utilization of the access trail may increase the homeowners association costs to maintain and secure the area. That is an unfair burden for those who live in Barbee Mill. The increased traffic may also negatively impact the quality of life of Barbee Mill residents, making it a less desirable place to live, thereby lowering home equity. I believe you can not consider the Kennydale Gateway project without considering the impact on the lake access point in Barbee Mill. With that, I offer some possible solutions: 1) The cessation of the project. 2) Permit Barbee Mill to gate the community. 3) Prohibit public access. 4) Limit access to the area to Barbee Mill residents only by installing a locked gate at the trailhead similar to the one at the clubhouse. 5) "no parking" signs on the bridge and adjacent streets with strict towing enforcement authorized by residents. 6) Prohibit the launching of personal watercraft from the area. At a minimum, please strongly consider #5 and #6. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 2 Hassan N. Natha CPA Cell: 206 419 3470 Email: hnatha@outlook.com DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The site is currently used for light industrial purposes and storage. Surrounding land uses include: • North–the N 44th Street/Lake Washington Boulevard and I-405 intersection, and beyond the intersection is the Quendall Terminals development site. To the north of Quendall Terminals is the Seattle Seahawks practice facility (Virginia Mason Athletic Center); • East–I-405; • South–the May Creek Greenway and May Creek Trail. • West–The Barbee Mill residential development is located to the west, on the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard N. The proposed Kennydale Gateway project will result in an intensification of on-site development, and the introduction of a residential population associated with the proposed project uses. This would result in increased activity levels on-site and within the surrounding neighborhood. The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties. (Pages 13 & 14) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not concur with the evaluation described in the SEPA Checklist, Section 8. Land and Shoreline Use. Specifically: “The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties.” The May Creek Trail that the new site plans on accessing will likely result in increased foot traffic along the entire trail, leading to Lake Washington, not just the immediate section adjacent to the development. This trail meanders through the Barbee Mill residential development transiting through Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA). In accordance with the Barbee Mill Plat: “The Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) shall manage and protect the vegetation within these tracts. Public access within Tracts “A” and “B” is limited to use of a soft surface trail to be constructed by the declarant in accordance with the plans approved by the City of Renton. Development, alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City of Renton and any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity.” Currently there have been incidents of non-residents parking in and around the Barbee Mill community, accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage to the vegetation and shoreline. Further, this will increase the foot traffic on the trail, which is adjacent to Barbee Mill homes, compromising the privacy and security of the homes along the trail. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Critical Areas Report MPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION REQUIRED: There will be no direct impacts to any critical areas (May Creek or the offsite wetland) resulting from the proposed development. The proposed development within the Shoreline overlay is consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline Management Program (RMC 4-3-090). It will be necessary to reduce the 100-ft vegetation conservation buffer so that it terminates at the Site’s southern boundary. This is allowed under the City of Renton’s Shoreline Management Program since there will be no loss of ecological function (that portion of the vegetation conservation buffer on the subject property is currently unvegetated and covered with impervious surfaces and the total reduction of buffer width is less than 50% of the standard width). No mitigation is being proposed. However, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development (or designee), may request that the non-native, invasive blackberry currently growing within the May Creek Trail Park along the Site’s southern boundary be removed and replaced with native trees and shrubs. (Pages i and ii) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not support the position: “No mitigation is being proposed.” While there may not be direct impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately adjacent to the development (Figure 1), it can be anticipated that there will be collateral impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately to the west of the development (Figure 2). The May Creek Greenway, with the Lake Washington Viewing Trail located to the west in the Barbee Mill site, is part of the Urban Conservancy Overlay District (4-3-090C) and contains tracts that are designated as Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA) (4-3-050G) and Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) is responsible for maintaining and protecting these tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. Currently there have been incidents of non-residents accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. This trespassing results in alteration/disturbance of vegetation in the NGPA tracts. Barbee Mill residents, with the help of the Renton Police, have intervened in these trespassing incidents. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage of the vegetation and shoreline. Potential impact will be increased cost to BMCO to repair altered/damage lands and increased cost to Renton Police due to increased trespassing reports. Based on this potential for alteration/damage of the NGPA a mitigation is appropriate. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Critical Areas Report – Kennydale Gateway. Figure 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 City of Renton – Parks and Trails Figure 2 May Creek Greenway The greenway serves several functions including providing habitat for endangered salmon species, providing a continuous wildlife and habitat corridor, protecting steep and sensitive slopes, providing surface water storage capacity and serves as an urban separator between more developed areas. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Nugent DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Jennifer Cisneros Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-01-24 07:23 AM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Monday, January 24, 2022 7:23:15 AM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-01-24 07:23 AM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 1/24/2022 10:23:11 AM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:PR22-000019 Kennydale Gateway / LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SS Gender Mr. Name Jeff Nugent Address:4051 WILLIAMS AVE, N. RENTON, WA 98056 Email JEFF@TREPANIER-NUGENT.COM Phone 9548296640 Party of Record Only Comments Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Kennydale Gateway project. I appreciate the thoughtful consideration of all stakeholders' concerns, and I look for equitable solutions, not impediments to progress. I live in the southern section of the Barbee Mill community, directly across from the small bridge that connects Williams Avenue North to Wells Avenue North. I am deeply concerned about the Kennydale Gateway projects' impact on a current issue in my section of Barbee Mill; At the southeast corner of the small bridge is a trail that grants public access to lake Washington. The Summer weather brings many visitors to the path and May Creek's delta. There can be as many as fifteen vehicles parked on the bridge and neighborhood streets on weekends. Visitors can be seen loading and unloading personal watercraft from their cars, then portaging them down the trail for launch in the shallow water. Many visitors swim there even though swimming is prohibited. The area is now a defacto off-leash dog park that further stresses the wildlife, not to mention the dog poop. Sometimes, teenage visitors will socialize in the area after dark, disturbing the peace. This section of Barbee Mill also suffers from package theft at alarming rates. It appears that this small public lake access point will be the only place residents of Kennydale Gateway will be able to access the lake. I believe this will significantly negatively impact the Barbee Mill community. The increased activity will disturb the natural environment, possibly affecting the Bald Eagle nest and the Salmone spawning. Where will all these people park as they unload their watercraft? Our neighborhood streets have limited capacity for parking. Our designated guest parking spots are not for visitors who are not actual guests of residents. The increased utilization of the access trail may increase the homeowners association costs to maintain and secure the DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 area. That is an unfair burden for those who live in Barbee Mill. The increased traffic may also negatively impact the quality of life of Barbee Mill residents, making it a less desirable place to live, thereby lowering home equity. I believe you can not consider the Kennydale Gateway project without considering the impact on the lake access point in Barbee Mill. With that, I offer some possible solutions: 1) The cessation of the project. 2) Permit Barbee Mill to gate the community. 3) Prohibit public access. 4) Limit access to the area to Barbee Mill residents only by installing a locked gate at the trailhead similar to the one at the clubhouse. 5) no parking signs on the bridge and adjacent streets with strict towing enforcement authorized by residents. 6) Prohit the launching of personal watercraft from the area. At a minimum, please strongly consider #5 and #6. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment. Prefer US Mail US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18294269&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Olson DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Robert Olson <robertleeolson@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, February 11, 2022 4:52 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Kennydale Gateway Project — LUA 22-000011 Mr. Close - Thank you taking time to provide information and the location of documents for this proposed project. You were very helpful. Please add me as a party of record. I and my wife Lynda live in Barbee Mill at 1033 N. 41st Pl., Renton, WA 98056 adjacent to this proposed project. My phone number 206-795-0402. We are very concerned about the impact this project will have on traffic in the area, access to our community, likely degradation of the May Creek area and surrounding Native Growth Protection Area and other environmental impacts. I wish to support and endorse the email comments already submitted by Geary Long, President of the Barbee Mill Community Organization, especially those in his email of 2/10/22 at 1:57 pm contesting the City’s statements that no mitigation is required for SEPA compliance. I also want to reiterate and support the thoughtful comments of Jeff Nugent contained in his email of 1/24/22 at 10:23 am. I look forward to commenting further as I learn more about this proposed development and to participating in the legal process of review. Robert Olson CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Reymann DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:Larry Reymann <fulmen8@hotmail.com> Sent:Friday, January 14, 2022 4:31 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Vulcan Kennydale Gateway Project Dear Mr. Close, Please add me to the Parties Of Record for this project at the old Pan Abode site near the 44th St./I405 interchange. We understand we will have an opportunity to meet and learn from the Vulcan Executives working on this, and look forward to doing that. Where will the meeting take place? Please confirm my status as it becomes official. I have hiked May Creek for over four decades and am very active in support of the salmon runs that rely on this habitat to survive. We work educationally, locally, tribally and politically with many groups dedicated to preserving this priceless heritage for generations to come. We hope to work with Vulcan toward these goals since we trust that many of our sensibilities are in alignment with each other. Thank you for your time and consideration connecting our communities. Sincerely, Lawrence L. Reymann and Family CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Servais DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-07 03:04 PM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Monday, February 7, 2022 3:04:46 PM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-07 03:04 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 2/7/2022 6:04:40 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:PR22-000019 Gender Ms. Name Jill Servais Address:4017 Williams ave n Renton, Wa 98056 Email jillservais@gmail.com Phone 3032467552 Party of Record Only Comments I am writing with the hope that a conversation can be commenced regarding the expected access of Lake Washington by new apartment residents. We live in Barbee Mill and our home looks out onto the peninsula that many people have decided is an off leash dog park. I want to say that you will probably not find a bigger dog lover than I am; but this area is not conducive to this type of usage. There are often families of deer, often with young fawns, trying to access the May Creek for water. Many dogs like to bark when they are happily sprinting around the area, causing a noise disturbance to many who live near there. Some owners- not all- have decided that their dog's dropping do not have to be picked up when they deposit them in rougher vegetative areas. Another reason we need to discuss Lake Wash access is in the summer this area becomes a hotbed of boat/kayak launching and teen hang out. The increase in population in our area, with no other close access point, is going to increase the usage of this delicate area. I don't know if there will be any Lake Wash access when the Quandrell project is completed; but this is something that needs to be addressed. Thank you. Jill Servais Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18326223&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Smith DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 1 Clark Close From:LBoogie Smith <lboogie.smith@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, March 7, 2022 12:59 AM To:Clark Close Subject:Party of Record for Vulcan Properties project @ I-405 & 44th Hello Clark, I would like to be considered a party of record for the Vulcan Properties project at I-405 & N44th St please. I'd also like to share several concerns about the notification process for this project. The first is several years ago there was a meeting scheduled for this property on a Thursday that curiously coincided with a Thursday home football game for the Seahawks and the time may have been about 6pm. Additionally, I learned at that time, notifications were only sent to residents/businesses that were within 100ft of the property? For such a large development, the notification radius is rather limited as it's impact on the neighborhood is going to be very great. Lastly, I have learned there is a meeting on March 15 at 11am at a time where many of the residents are still at work. All of these scheduled notifications seems to satisfy I'm sure some law of executing the required notifications, but this seems to favor the developer who's going to develop the property and move on to the next project and disadvantage the tax- paying resident who is going to have to live with whatever the developer left and have next to no input on the project. I would hope the City of Renton would hold their citizens in higher regard and do a better job of providing them with more adequate opportunities to provide input to such a large project that is going to have a great impact on our community. Thank you for your time and attention, Lezley Smith 1103 N 29th St. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 Public Comment Email from Thorp DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-11 10:55 AM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Friday, February 11, 2022 10:55:39 AM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-11 10:55 AM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 2/11/2022 1:55:35 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD Gender Mr. Name James Thorp Address:4023 Williams Avenue North Email JIM@THORPPROPERTIES.NET Phone 2064590674 Party of Record Only Comments My Wife and I live in the southern section of the Barbee Mill community, directly across from the small bridge that connects Williams Avenue North to Wells Avenue North. I am deeply concerned about the Kennydale Gateway projects' impact on a current issue in my section of Barbee Mill; At the southeast corner of the small bridge is a trail that grants public access to lake Washington. This is only supposed to be a walking trail but has grown beyond this. The Summer weather brings many visitors to the path and May Creek's delta. There can be as many as fifteen vehicles parked on the bridge and neighborhood streets on weekends. Visitors can be seen loading and unloading personal watercraft from their cars, then portaging them down the trail for launch in the shallow water. Many visitors swim there even though swimming is prohibited. The area is now a defacto off-leash dog park that further stresses the wildlife, not to mention the dog poop. Sometimes, teenage visitors will socialize in the area after dark, disturbing the peace. This section of Barbee Mill also suffers from package theft at alarming rates. It appears that this small public lake access point will be the only place residents of Kennydale Gateway will be able to access the lake. I believe this will significantly negatively impact the Barbee Mill community, our peace and property value. The increased activity will disturb the natural environment, possibly affecting the Bald Eagle nest and the Salmon spawning. You need to consider the environmental impact of all these people in the water at the confluence of May Creek and Lake Washington. This is a extremally sensitive ecosystem that will be damaged if action is not taken. Where will all these people park as they unload their watercraft? Our neighborhood streets have limited capacity for parking. Our designated guest parking spots are not for visitors who are not actual guests of residents. The increased utilization of the access trail will most likely increase the DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899 homeowners association costs to maintain and secure the area. That is an unfair burden for those who live in Barbee Mill. The increased traffic may also negatively impact the quality of life of Barbee Mill residents, making it a less desirable place to live, thereby lowering home equity. I believe you can not consider the Kennydale Gateway project without considering the negative impact on the lake access point in Barbee Mill. With that, I offer some possible solutions: 1) The cessation of the project. 2) Permit Barbee Mill to gate the community. 3) Prohibit public access to the trail. 4) Limit access to the area to Barbee Mill residents only by installing a locked gate at the trailhead similar to the one at the clubhouse. 5) "no parking" signs on the bridge and adjacent streets with strict towing enforcement authorized by residents. 6) Prohibit the launching of personal watercraft from the area along with fencing to stay on trail and out of the water that. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment. James & Maryann Thorp 4023 Williams Ave. N. Renton, WA 98056 Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18339421&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions DocuSign Envelope ID: AB259DAD-E1F4-4927-9B6D-D48F19435899