HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 146XSSOHPHQWDO$JUHHPHQW 1XPEHU 2UJDQL]DWLRQDQG$GGUHVV 3KRQH 2ULJLQDO$JUHHPHQW1XPEHU 3URMHFW1XPEHU([HFXWLRQ'DWH&RPSOHWLRQ'DWH 3URMHFW7LWOH1HZ0D[LPXP$PRXQW3D\DEOH 7KH/RFDO$JHQF\RI GHVLUHVWRVXSSOHPHQWWKHDJUHHPHQWHQWHUHGLQWRZLWK DQGH[HFXWHGRQDQGLGHQWL¿HGDV$JUHHPHQW1R $OOSURYLVLRQVLQWKHEDVLFDJUHHPHQWUHPDLQLQHႇHFWH[FHSWDVH[SUHVVO\PRGL¿HGE\WKLVVXSSOHPHQW 7KHFKDQJHVWRWKHDJUHHPHQWDUHGHVFULEHGDVIROORZV , 6HFWLRQ6&23(2):25.LVKHUHE\FKDQJHGWRUHDG ,, 6HFWLRQ,97,0()25%(*,11,1*$1'&203/(7,21LVDPHQGHGWRFKDQJHWKHQXPEHURIFDOHQGDUGD\V IRUFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHZRUNWRUHDG ,,, 6HFWLRQ93$<0(17VKDOOEHDPHQGHGDVIROORZV DVVHWIRUWKLQWKHDWWDFKHG([KLELW$DQGE\WKLVUHIHUHQFHPDGHDSDUWRIWKLVVXSSOHPHQW ,I\RXFRQFXUZLWKWKLVVXSSOHPHQWDQGDJUHHWRWKHFKDQJHVDVVWDWHGDERYHSOHDVHVLJQLQWKH$SSURSULDWH VSDFHVEHORZDQGUHWXUQWRWKLVRႈFHIRU¿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dden #14-22 Attest: Jason A. Seth, City Clerk 9/30/2022 DOT Form 140-063 ER Revised 10/97 Exhibit “A” Summary of Payments Basic Agreement *Supplement #14**Total Direct Salary Cost 402,793.08 28,4431,268.68 Overhead (Including Payroll Additives)733,331.37 578 Direct Non-Salary Costs ***107,510.39 107,510.39 Fixed Fee (Profit) 147,.16 9,3156,567.11 Removal of Construction Assistance **** -14,767.86 -14,767.86 Total 1,376,037.14 1,46 *Basic Agreement figures include Supplemental Agreement Nos. 1 through 13. **See attached Exhibit A-1. ***Direct Non-Salary costs include Management Reserve. ****Removal of Construction Assistance          214-1779-045 1 August 2022 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements Supplement 1ϰ EXHIBIT A-1 SCOPE OF WORK SUPPLEMENT NO. 14 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Renton Transportation Systems Division (AGENCY), as part of its Capital Improvement Program, has identified improvements on Duvall Avenue NE, NE 7th Place to Sunset Boulevard to restore the paved surface, and fill in missing non-motorized facilities, such as pervious sidewalks and bicycle lanes, illumination, and channelization. The AGENCY has hired Parametrix (CONSULTANT) to provide ĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ services. Since the time of the AGREEMENT, signed June 21, 2016, several key scope items have changed. SUPPLEMENT NOs. 1, through 12 include these changes to the scope and schedule. SUPPLEMENT NO. 13 included assistance during construction. At the time of the preparation of this SUPPLEMENT, the project is well into construction, but the effort to help assist during construction has required more involvement from the CONSULTANT and has gone beyond the SUPPLEMENT NO. 13 scope assumptions. This supplement includes additional attendance at meetings, ĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ work, and continued assistance as needed for the duration of the project construction. SUPPLEMENT NO. 14 will be tracked under Phase 3, 3.8 (Construction Assistance). Assumption(s) x The overall completion date of this AGREEMENT remains at December 31, 2025, however all scope elements are assumed to be complete by March 31, 2023, which is a 10 month extension from the assumption in SUPPLEMENT NO. 13. Although an additional 10 months have been added, the existing Project Management budget is adequate to account for this additional project duration so no additional budget is requested. PHASE 3 –(1*,1((5,1*6833257'85,1*&216758&7,21 NEW Task 3.8–Construction Assistance (NTP through May 2022) Goal(s) To assist the City during the early stages of construction through the following efforts: x attending meetings from May 31, 2022 through December 31, 2022 x reviewing materials submittals for approval x perform minor alterations due to changed field conditions          SCOPE OF WORK (continued) 214-1779-045 2 August 2022 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements Supplement 1ϰ Assumption(s) x The project manager and lead civil engineer will attend up to ten (32) additional virtualmeetings between Jume 1 and December 31, 2022. Meeting agendas and minutes will be preparedby the AGENCY. x The lead civil engineer will also attend up to six (6) additional field meetings duringconstruction. Meeting agendas and minutes will be prepared by the AGENCY. x Materials submittals will be pre-vetted by Gray & Osbourne (G&O) who is the AGENCY’s CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT and sent to the CONSULTANT for final approval. x Previously, field conditions have dictated several changes to ŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐ, which went beyond the SUPPLEMENT 13 placeholder budget of 80 hours of engineering time, 4 hours of QC time, and 8 hours of project manager time. These included new walls, modifications to water and drainage system due to field conditions, additional landscaping and other field changes as documented in correspondence throughout 2022. Therefore, this SUPPLEMENT will account for these extra ĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐefforts, and add an additional placeholder of 80 hours of engineering time, 4 hours of QC time, and 8hours of project manager time.          Client: City of RentonProject: Duvall Avenue NE, 10th to 12th StreetBUDGET ESTIMATEExhibit$Prime Consultant Cost ComputationsCindy ClarkChuck SchottMarc KendallDmitri SuslikovLauren JonesBecky TaylorSarah CrackenburgerProject ManagerSr EngineerQA/QCSr EngineerSignal Design EngineerLeadEngineerProject CoordinatorWord ProcessingProject Accountant$97.26 $80.68 $63.40 $64.49 $35.73 $32.41 $36.63$305.86 $253.72 $199.38 $202.81 $112.36 $101.92$115.19Phase Task Description Labor Dollars Labor Hours 127 16 0 230 0 0 0NON DOE ELEMENTS $89,550.073 8 Construction Assistance $89,550.07 373 127 16 0 230 0 00Respond to RFIs $47,278.42 193 75 8 11032 additional virtual meetings $9,787.62 32 32Additional(QJLQHHULQJAlteration $32,484.02 148 20 8 120$0.00 0$0.00 0$0.00 0$0.00 0Labor Totals: $89,550.07 373 $38,844.63 $4,059.56 $0.00 $46,645.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00TOTAL89,550.07$ -$ -$ $89,550.073Project Total:LABORLabor TotalDuvall AvenueEXHIBIT$SUPPLEMENT 14 - FEE ESTIMATESalaried Rates: Project Rates: EXPENSESSubconsultant TotalExpenses TotalMileageSUBCONSULTANTConformed Set Scanning & Delivery - By ARC Page 1 of 18/12/2022