HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/06/2022 - Minutes RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, September 6, 2022 – 6:00 pm Renton City Hall – Conferencing Room (726) or via Zoom Members Present: Bill Huls, Caren Sumption, Evelyn Reingold, Kaie Wise, Marsha Rollinger, Mary Clymer Staff Present: Jessie Kotarski, RMAC Staff liaison Guests Present: • Trenise Williams, Artist • Heather Cole, Renton resident • Benita Horn, City of Renton Equity, Housing and Human Services • Jeff Dineen, Renton resident; South Renton Neighborhood Association Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by RMAC Chair, Mary Clymer at 6:04 pm. Introduction of Guests: Artist, Trenise “Tree” Williams provided an update on the BLM mural currently being installed on the south facing wall of the Vigor gym facing S 4th Street. Tree explained her reasons for the alterations to the original mural design [previously approved by the Commission and outlined in the grant contract]. The Commission has requested a final design be submitted for review and approval. The Commission would like to request that the project include a plaque that defines the meaning behind the elements selected for the design to enhance the viewer’s experience. Jeff Dineen is a resident of the South Renton community. He has been actively involved with the work of the South Renton Arts Committee and was instrumental in the creation of the Hydrant art program. Benita conducted a review of the Group Norms discussion that was launched in April. A motion was made and approved to adopt the ten operating norms as written and put into practice the observance of the norms at future meetings. MSC (Evelyn/Kaie) Correspondence & Announcements: • Ukraine: Carpathian Mountain Villages an exhibit by Anna Mia Davidson (2022 RMAC grant recipient) is open at the History Museum in the North Gallery through September 16. There is an artist talk scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 6:00-7:00pm • A Celebration of Life will be held for Meena Merchant, the founder of the Owl Project on Saturday, September 10 at 1pm at the Carco Theatre. • Kiley Thornton has resigned for her position on the Commission effective immediately. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and carried to approve the minutes from the August meeting. MSC (Caren/Evelyn) Budget Update: $27,799 remains uncommitted in the budget for the year; includes the funds recently earmarked for fall events supported by the Promotions Committee. Promotions Committee update: The Promotions Committee is making plans for the fall season and working more proactively to identify key events that engage the community and illustrate that the City’s Arts & Culture budget is funding for the community. The goal of the Arts Commission’s participation in community events is to connect with the residents and promote awareness of funding opportunities and support for activities that create opportunities for residents and visitors to participate in the creation of, and appreciation for, the arts. Roadshow Update: • Janna will be joining the Roadshow Committee and assisting Bill and Dave in identifying and working with local performing artists to highlight on the Roadshow stage. • The Roadshow Committee is seeking artists currently to perform at the Olde Fashioned Halloween event and the stage at Small Business Saturday. Grants Committee Update: The 2023 grant application is now open. The grant program will offer 4 opportunities to apply for funding for projects in the 2023 calendar year. The application will remain open and available online and submitted applications will be reviewed in the quarter in which they are received. The guidelines and deadlines are published on the City’s website at rentonwa.gov/RMAC. Selection Committee Update: • Caren has joined the Selection Committee and will be participating in future interview discussions for new applicants to the Commission along with Mary and Bill. • There are currently two vacant positions on the Commission. A campaign has been launched to solicit applications for potential members through the end of September. Applicants will be invited to attend the meeting in October and interviews will be conducted in mid-October. Old Business: • Film Frenzy – The Film Frenzy event has been postponed to Oct 6-9 to allow for more film teams and student groups to participate. The premier of the produced films will be held on Friday, October 14 at the Renton Civic Theatre. • Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study – The Commission continues to work to identify nonprofit art organizations operating in Renton. The survey count is currently 111. • Arts & Culture Center – The Commission had an opportunity to tour the future site of the Arts & Culture center located in the City Center Parking Garage. An RFP will be drafted to seek proposals from community organizations and artists with ideas on how to partner with the Arts Commission to create a space that will provide art programming for the community, fill a need that is prevalent in the arts community, or otherwise offer a creative collaborative use of the space. The goal is to make the RFP public in October and solicit responses and a possible selection of partners before the end of the year. • Notner – the utility box design created by Marsha has been sent to TrafficWrapz. The box will be wrapped within the next few weeks and a community celebration/unveiling planned in mid to late October or early November. New Business: • Creative Economy Communication Plan – Economic Development along with partners in the Renton Community Marketing Campaign are developing a communications plan and materials to promote Renton’s creative economy designed to draw more artists and related businesses to the city. The goal of the project is to make it easy for people to get involved in the Renton arts community by sharing the names of programs and organizations, plus links and contact information to help people connect. The plan was shared with the Commissioners and feedback requested on the content. The request was also made to the Commission to identify artists and arts organizations in Renton to highlight and collect testimonials to captures stories from creations about working with the city of Renton and why they choose to make/show/sell their art here. • Sound Transit is seeking an artist for an installation on the construction fencing at the Rainier/Grady TOD project (former location of Sound Ford). The request has been made to the Commission for a volunteer to participate on the selection panel and review art proposals in late September/early October. Kaie and Marsha expressed an interest in serving on the panel. • Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:52pm.