HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project Narrative_Verizon COW_220810_v1.pdf Project Narrative for Temporary Use Permit for a Temporary Wireless Facility Request Date: August 10, 2022 Jurisdiction: City of Renton Departments: Community & Economic Development Site Address: 1300 Bronson Way N, Renton, WA (Parcel ID: 1352300071). Verizon Wireless Contact: Paul Slotemaker, ACIP Tilson 503-421-2258 pslotemaker@tilsontech.com The applicant, Paul Slotemaker of Tilson on behalf of Verizon Wireless, is requesting a Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit, pursuant to Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-20, to allow for continued use of a temporary wireless facility (“cell on wheels” or “COW”) by relocating the existing COW from 111 Meadow Ave N (Parcel ID: 1352300060) to the neighboring property immediately to the south at 1300 Bronson Way N (Parcel ID: 1352300071). Verizon is requesting a new Temporary Use Permit ("TUP") following the expiration of LUA19- 000314. The permanent wireless site for the existing temporary facility is planned at Liberty Park across Bronson Way N at 1101 Bronson Way N (Parcel Number 1723059038). The previously planned permanent wireless site on the planned roof of the Bryant Motors building hasn’t worked out because the building hasn’t been built. As a result, Verizon is forced to extend the use of a COW while they work on a new permanent proposal with the City of Renton at Liberty Park. The new TUP is needed to allow additional time to finalize this permanent solution for this site so that Verizon customers served by this temporary site won't lose the service they depend upon in their daily lives. With the continuing pandemic, robust and reliable wireless networks are more important than ever to families and businesses that find themselves working from home and relying on the wireless network for virtual meetings, online learning, telemedicine and ordering goods and services. First responders rely on the wireless network to process calls and transmit data in real time. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 8,659 square foot property is located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. The COW would relocate from is existing location on (Parcel ID: 1352300060) to the NE corner of the vacant neighboring property immediately to the south (Parcel ID: 1352300071). Similar to the previously approved COW, the base of the temporary structure is approximately 6' x 14' in size. The total leased area is approximately 30' x 40'. The COW mast holds three panel antennas and a microwave antenna, with a total maximum height of 35 feet. Three ecology blocks are attached to the COW using guy lines to increase stability. A copy of the zoning drawings and site photographs are attached. Vegetative screening was required as a condition of the previously approved Temporary Use Permit approved for the structure, is now required by code, will be replanted and maintained going forward. The applicant is proposing the use of a generator only for emergency situations or events. See Photos. The site is located within the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 1 and High Seismic Hazard Area. No other critical areas are located on site and no ground disturbance activity is proposed. The COW project is on property located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The adjacent zoning is CA to the North, South, East, and West. There are several taller power poles with equipment and transformers and taller trees in the area, and ballfield light standards at Liberty Park ballfield across Bronson Way which are the approximate height or taller than the COW mast. See Photos. DECISION CRITERIA 4-4-140 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES K. TEMPORARY WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES STANDARDS: The proposed COW is subject to the Temporary Wireless Communications Facilities Standards in RMC 4-4-140 K. 1. Location: a. Temporary wireless communication facilities shall be located no closer than seventy five feet (75') from the property line of a property that is adjacent, abutting, or diagonal to a property with a residential use. b. No space or spaces needed to meet the required parking standards for a development site shall be taken by the placement of temporary wireless communication facilities. c. Temporary wireless communication facilities shall not be located in the R-1, R-4, R-6, R-8, or R-10 zone. Response: The site of the proposed COW is not abutting, adjacent, or diagonal to a property with a residential use. The COW is not located in a parking space needed to meet the parking standards for the site and is located on a parcel in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Therefore, the facility complies with the location requirements for Temporary Wireless Communication Facilities. See enclosed Site Plan & Elevation Drawings. 2. Size: Temporary wireless communication facilities are permitted on tandem axel utility trailers with a maximum width of ten feet (10') and length of twenty four feet (24'), or other support structure as approved by the Administrator. Response: The COW support structure is approximately 6 feet by 14 feet and is therefore compliant with the size requirement for Temporary Wireless Communications Facilities. See enclosed Site Plan & Elevation Drawings. 3. Screening: A six-foot (6') high sight- obscuring fence, vegetative screen, or alternative visual buffer approved by the Administrator shall be constructed around the perimeter of the utility trailer and/ or any other ground equipment associated with the temporary wireless communication facility. Response: As illustrated in the enclosed site plan and elevation drawings, a minimum 6-foot tall arborvitae vegetative screen similar to the existing screening will be located around the three sides of the COW visible from surrounding streets and offsite locations. The vegetation will be planted in planters with an automatic watering system. Additionally, a sight-obscuring fence will be installed around the entire perimeter of the facility between the vegetative buffer and the base. The COW will comply with the screening requirement for Temporary Wireless Communication Facility. 4. Power Source: a. Use of on-site utility services is required for primary power. b. In the event of an emergency or power outage, a whisper quiet generator or other utility source may be used that emits an average noise level, measured at the property line, that does not exceed fifty five (55) decibels day-night level when measured on an “ a weighted” sound level meter, according to the procedures of the Environmental Protection Agency, unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. Response: Similar to the existing COW, the proposed COW will receive power from an overhead connection to a PSE electric pole in the Meadow Ave N right-of-way. A generator will be located near the COW for use only during emergency events. The COW is compliant with the power source requirements for Temporary Wireless Communication Facilities. A copy of the RF Justification and Noise Study are attached. 5. Permits: An approved Tier 2 temporary use permit is required for all temporary wireless communications facilities. Response: Acknowledged. 6. WCF Installation/ Repairs: A temporary use permit issued for the use of a temporary wireless communication facility during the installation of a new WCF or while repairs are being done on an existing WCF shall comply with the standards contained above and with the following: a. The approval shall not exceed a length of one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days excluding installation and removal). b. There shall be no more than one temporary use permit issued for the use of a temporary wireless communication facility per site each calendar year. c. Two (2) extensions of the original temporary use permit of up to one hundred eighty 180) consecutive days (excluding installation and removal) per extension may be approved by the Administrator upon a showing that the proposed installation or repairs are actively progressing. Response: Acknowledged. CONCLUSION Verizon has met all the criteria for a temporary use and has justified its request for new temporary use permit to continue providing the existing wireless coverage until the permanent wireless facility can be built at Liberty Park. The site is in compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Installing a Temporary COW at this location will allow Verizon to maintain adequate wireless services to the community on a temporary basis while Verizon completes a permanent site solution to improve the Verizon Network performance long term within the City of Renton. The demand on the network has only increased as Renton continues to grow and the pandemic has dramatically changed the way people work, access school environments and services. The COW is adding vitally needed capacity to the existing Verizon service area which historically has suffered enormous congestion problems, especially in the peak periods. Denial of the requested temporary use permit would result in this facility being taken off air, which will result in a diminished level of service for residents, businesses and first responders. Verizon acknowledges that the existing COW has been in place much longer than originally anticipated because the planned Bryant Motors building which would have hosted a permanent rooftop wireless facility hasn’t been built. Verizon has since moved forward with a proposed permanent facility with the City of Renton at Liberty Park to replace the COW. The COW is not out of character with other utility infrastructure in the neighborhood and will be landscaped and maintained to minimize its visual impact. Finally, the longer presence of this temporary use is not inconsistent with 5 year extensions for other types of temporary uses allowed under the code. See Renton Municipal Code 4-9-240(3). Extension Requests for all Other Uses. Verizon respectfully requests that the Administrator grant the request for a temporary use permit.