HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 018_16039751173-127 Filod for record at request of Grantee Apr 59 1922 at 11 min past 9 X'. LS 1603975 Marius Madsen et ux • To Chicago, 1,alwaukoe E• St. Paul Railway Company Easement D.i.i�er­.uoan, County Auditor, EAS R:, iT Know all men by these presents that Marius Madsen and his wife, Minnie J. Madsen of the County of King„ and State of Washington, do for themselves and for their heirs, assigns, and legal represonta- • tives, hereby convey to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, a corporation of the State of Wisconsin, its successors and assigns, for the sum of Ten and 00/100 ($100_ Dollars, the right to erect and maintain an Electric Transmission System, over , along and across the following described real property, situated in King County, Washington, to -wit: Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter (NE,4y of SE01;) of Section twenty-four (24) Township twenty» three (23) North of Range four (4) East W. M, which is south of James Nelsen Road and west of White River Ditch No 1. The one "dead man" anchor lerein provided for to be set on west bank of said "rhite River Ditch No 1 and due east of pole two feet south of gate entering lane on west of grantor's land. Said system consisting of no poles and the necessary trolley and transmission wires, anchors and g11ys, and the -ISht to clear trees from endangering the line, there being one anchor. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this fourth day of April 1922 Marius fads on (Ji:;1) Minnie J, 1adson (SEAL) State of Washington) ss County of King ) On this fourth day of April in the year 1922, before ra Floyd H,Williams, a notary Public in and for Kin-7 County, State of Washington, personally appeared 1!ari::.s !adsen and his ^rife, Minnie J, Ladsvn known to me to be the persons Arose names are subscribed to the within lnstrument, arts aeknorlydged to me that they executed the same. ® 7itmess =y hand and official saal this fourth day of April 1922, F L Notarial seal; Floi3 3.jilliams ES ]In-- 5, 192Z) rotary b1io in zad for the State of yashington residing at Seattle, 7aaaing-tans iled for card at request cff C X TI 3t P'y CO -t_ E, 1922 at 22 -In TA-st 9 ". Rta2 :7 i aril :tsr. teat 36ts:e Camtraet nkrin G.E.ircey It is ba-ski _a7 sm '2etX%. m — ET -.'.." I?: , a wider', tct v-mom smt n Olm-34,.sp � t'..8 r-.-der. that tuna aid 't'snlDr v-Trn 3,21 to &sit -.ar-ataser, hu emirs fit► azS1=S, md tb&-t %a s. rr�c 3r T�1T p=-..hzsa -==- 'J.'_= :3y ?.. tTnr=& la , timsct crr w- T o' L?� aitt�tG�E in K �y L.?s� sna GAD 3=-T $a= @L'rD —z2=x :case 4ati M=v-Ez Xxvz UW kultf= tax t2w mttg ! 3n�tttkd, thersv=t z 31-_Ilargi3g9 stir' a feET mt-W : ® :. -,,eza of SzL.: Lv,,:. ix Yo=-,-;r-y'i� Vt -efi (,Uw. , 'Ai. a*' -&IIck 1,20 Cr ozaD 32LIWS 3atcs Chs deg 31-en- paJV 12a tirx'2 * 1.1 F 37g 1,T rt: 7=i= 3v11 tka r'.'=them sum (if �1u 2ri xnd7.":a' :$aPu tub 4& P&U 3'1 U tt13 i ztezext, sit the bq of =ft sM smu maniac uat tra c= vtt• u t; zn2r DOV& V: tfi't *fit. = %22 ja 1i-G7maaAm ti =1 alter bffasmf at ttiw asttre m' �Wam 1pPt' QEiTtt � : ttm � . Sa i i1 z• 'limos •:rn ems, ss ami fi" Zfi buz �s.+3 ncxszl3 �a i prTas�as1=,i, a• :i3a=: d acn' xCtMz T ea 1.� ..sth�L' Tines dry a i1ia�: "Ru. Tii .1J�i 1. wxfilm �3niY^ '� 3 i1�L s1£I& 't1D ��t��..:sa:mf laynnglll''Sri( 'gaw" mjw,% :iRoms- wBY� ''2p 3jv,L.1�3^a,�L*t��i Ass% 4aaZp 7x all, lira; _Rxdw ear. rrT srrlm=. 3. -Fi r$; _4!u?rhUL- jq;!4t?d. ..''.'1: ]m eE�:L= ^k I`_rw U* TL^DIr at dt'ti',�5 S� .1tiMT �-.er?�t��;� ...� _r"�11:•.=:.':Y= .I1• '`n'xa3'w7e (111& `uI>b.'.L 311i1t�.3Ch:. 3f>L��'.� 1`'x Wr 1,2 8 1173-128 vendor to require prompt payment of any subsequent installment of principal or intarest, or to declare a for"eiture for non-pa;anent thereof. Said purchaser agre:s to execute, aoimmledge and deliver at any ti•.e on demand of vendor a mortgage for balance unpaid on this contract, payable in installments as herein before specified, and to asai,rji insurance as security for payment thereof in a sum equal to the face of such mortgage. 5. Said land shall be c mveyed by a good ani sufficient warrantgy deed to said p.nrehaser, c:hen said purchase price shall be fully paid, or upon demand of vender for a mort,are covering the unpaid portion of purchase prlcoe 6. Time is of the essence of this contract, and in case of failure of the said purchaser to makn either of the payments or perform any of the covenants on his part, this contract shall be forfeitod and .oterrnined at the election of the said vendor; and the said purchaser shall forfeit all payments muse by him on '.his contract and all rights acquired hereandor, and such payments shall be retained by the said vendor as liquidated damag-3s and she shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of said land and prerAses ani every part thereof. It is hereby agreed by and bet7aean the vendor and purchaser, that when this contract shall be reduced to the sum of $2000, vendor at her option., shall be furnished mort;a;e covering balance on contract. Executed in duplicate t-is first day of April 1922. Yrs E.D. Chapin (Siiu) ',rs Eva D.Chapin (SEAL) State of Plashin Aon) as Couunty of VInr 1 This is to certify that on this first day of •Lpril A.D.1922, before me Halter R. Boos, a Notary Public in and for the State of 'lash. daly commissioned and sworn, personally came Eva D.Chapin, a widow, io me lenown to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and ae:rnowledged to• mo that she 31;ned and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and rurpos:s therein mentionod. Witness my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ( 71 R B Notarial. Seal) Walter R.Boos (Cum Ex July 25, 19w5) Notary Public in and for the State of gash. residing at Seattlo* Filed for record at request of Vendee Apr 5, 1922 at 57 min past 10 Ai'. D.-�.Per;sson, Ls. County Auditor. 1604033 Arthur A. SprinNr To Warranty Dead Pearl frupinsh7 The grantor Arthur A.Springer, a widower, of Seattle, i7ashin~ton, for an'i in consideration of $1.00 Ono Dollarj,in hand paid conveys and warrants to Pearl Psupinsky, of Riverton, Washington, the following described real estate: That part of tract sixty (60) Riverside Interurban Tracts, according to plat thereof rec(r &A in volume 10 of plats, page 74, records of said county, described as follows: Beginnin;; at a point in :he north line of said tract distant 180 feet west of the northeast corner thereof; thence gout, parallel ;rith the east lino of said tract; a distance of 217.65 feet; thence west parallel .Vith the south line of said tract, a distance of 196.54 feet, more or less, to tts rest line of said tract; thence north along said ;vest line a distance of 141.86 feet more or less, to the county road; thence northeasterly along the southerly rargin of said road 34.18 fe-3t more or loss, to an angle point distant 59.52 feet so.rth of the north line of said tract 60; thence north along the east mar- gin of said road 59.52 feet to the nortii'line of said tract 60; thence eat t along said north line 165.78 feat, more or less, to the place of bo innin.-3, Situated in the County of Kin-, State of Cla3hillgton. Jat:�d this 1st day of April 1922. Vitil .33e3: R,S. Teri-une Artnar A.Spr nger (S..AU) State >f idashington) 63 County of F.in4; 1 I, the mdersigneds a .'otary rublic do hereby certify that on this 1st day of April 1922, per- conally appeared before rla Arthur A.3pringer, a widower, to me known to be the individual described in and -:ilo executed the within instrument, and aolulo.:ledg+ed that he signed and sealed the sarie as his free nd voluntary act and deed for the uses and purros^.s therein mentioned. (#