HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 038_7504010373Full Screen Image Viewer Page 2 of l l G T;v„ Cr;€.€.torw €.L'.(;1t.;lf 3+.;q8: 4q: Si", .YiYy it :LaYnc54C�a.. cozpaa:ati-,�j4, toL Li ci,l of iAa«: ;ba1a• and oGias.r vx;.,�a' Lc co,asLdetati.ayn x.anveyu .nod q:i; izi fiJL1 �tL� S,, it,�C., z "ShinUt0a cnrgnration, tea tatlmri-n decsribed. real usLatc, :,it:rstetC in tits County of K:W, ;hate Of atas;a €tfiW", i:tciMdiZta .any IRZOrOit t tltrLIIL u'lich Gr.atat:or DR, ,i-rvaftCr Ac.,uirc: chase lortiitais Gf Goveruvat lot 10, 11, aoiattraes: i?uart�r os tl,, iorUIJaQst ;uartter and Che SruthrAa.t 1'3n.rtar of the ,r ['utweat ii tit tir VE Sw CLL*ft 25 T)WZit Lp 2: lio:Ch, n e w cast, '.it., ;a 1Ung iOU'a", .v hin Ccm, 1y �n� T a., tlz of s line parallel and. S$S,fi taet txa:rth, roasuted along the east 11ae of Said sauthveet xter tilorth alst `h-Tr^r and vie intcrractiarn of the IisL. �f aa'x3 ,action vfrii thu East Litw ai a-- SauLhves[...4,u,m..tftr .:fsrt:— =xtst 4CId xaMt of the £a:;aria;; dr;srrj:"act[ li4a: N--LLTsnizx, Pr a ,xo :it .: the eazt-Woe 4 ('carter i.ine of .-a6u ;r€t oast ss d at rla t aa; er from t 4 oast se of 3u_lin tan ';ortasr:t ri;ht of uay; t.cxae northerly i.1 foc.t parallet to sa ,; east ri, hL of :ray .1 Lw Cf Surl«srtm3 tla:rt mm to a point, t rue.: narciacrantarty^ to s "isat an eaxd east rt:;ht a =y M-w d;acent aJ.L$ feet BCnJLJ.. 31, 4n sa4J east r .i;ht oy us/ line From i ter-ecZ.,ni r? t:,a s44nrl ?eater Donation Land Claim and tixu raid east rl;;ar of of 3urlin,,tua Kcrt tux r, xn-d ead of t1x2t. port -Cott tlar2o .;triP;ad 44. 0 aaJ'.fe n..:;iirinir;; at .:eye xetarreCXL€Mt 01', fate+ swat% ?tne o, ileary Pi adrr 4anation La.n4 Claim Na. L - and the a:a�t li,,t* of uovernment Lot Itt; t�+rtcC souci;erly alota tl%n sadd cast lina m distance of 255.1i§ feet; t.Wr,rU •Jesttrrly t,n a U.'.4i,4t 11x0 CO Al R.oLnt. mt Oe e.esc line o- .;4rti€:ea^a Pacific ?si!Vry Ctrap4ay riY;h.t Of va} 26.12 £ea[ routbexr'ly. as tvuanced alotz €aid ri,.,,ht of way iioo JpDa Ode Laterse,ction a said r tr oi gray line and the ■outii line o; said 1344 Cl&€a; teen Syr a)rrsLrr:y 1. euist Casa .'i°te of liort:er3 .ch ; it RALluay Caagan rtznr aE way to the south line of laid .a_-d claim; r'h"ce easter ft p' said 9auCit line to t'1di 3oint o� Ire,^inning; anti the end of s esc,ipti.on. a k i.k�lsiCi aw`,a.j %UWCYCr, UntD -04i.d VVUM:COr, ItS. S€: teSsar_ asxi�nx , all of the Coax, 0;1, gas caf in.Leaal zas and all oral" -1L:ura1s of Etta d art ki s nat„te n ulrerLyitt,, the autitfaee at the rz rmSs�ts cwrein conveyed, to&e0wr vtth the full rizht, privila`e a:t ?itunse at ao;, aad all Amps to explote, or drill Eo_ and to protect, .:.tt,:i rVvc, riau, to rv, rennve and :-ari nt any ze7d alt weft praducts wn 2:15• LQ.1.;4ar ViLich mril.t .0t davftr— [ure8 .nor dist-arh tae surfacc itot Ls.rcrfera: Ult t:,a use of chi. pro3aiaoa iaorain canwyad. IN w-a ad;s WiW34W, saiti cotpareticm aaa caused this instruamnt to be ci�ecuteii by its prOper a*f!COM ALd its corporate weal to ba-he:reunto aff ix6d t :iw .-r = f! day a!A.utt. :9?t t: f rSL'�l LR ixt'.li;,`. l:iafz'k i -�"�' http:/lfast. firstam.netlimaging/pub/pages/preview.html?Repository=FASTREPOS.FIRSTAM.NET&... 3/21 /2005 Full Screen Image Viewer %01 Page 4 of I I DO, http://fast. firstam.netlimaging/publpageslpreview.html?Repository=FASTREPOS.FlRSTAM.NET&... 3/21 /2005 Full Screen Image Viewer Page 8ofII %V1'lrLAln D11%D11%Z Esc Grantor, C.Lr.C1YR 24AK CO"(FAN , a Ainnt.suta aorporuLiwL, ear an& aa ct>ax�ltlx,.s'+t- tion of Czt; l)aalLac and a€laver vrtluable coi.tslderatLon roeivtcys and rsuit.cLai=� to i3p.LKDAa:p..d, INN.. a dashtnrcon corporations On foiloaing described resl tgtsta:, riturted in the County of Kin{;., Mat* of a nss iingtoa,. iacludE ng Arty inrcra^sr macrcin uhi.eh Creator =y �roafter acqutrp, 11 tltosua "rtloa:: of C*Varvozelt 1,nt 10, 11, aoutaweaS c4wrtor wax zlir Staruwast *stiarter and tic Southeast Qaorter of the f`'etrtawtse-tuarttr of acr.tloa 2S. ioumship 23 North, Aatyge 4 ?-At, W.M., in XL—tx, CouAty. 'dash nutwit lylag am th of A 4ie parallel and 5.45.6 feet north. nonsuread along the east line of said Sautbuest Warwr ilcrt7nnaSt asrt.t and the Lautacccum a: r ie East -:Peat Quarters Line of as:d %;^Chan wt-.b tile, Zaat Lino of tha SnUtthWeSt f!utrter ilortltn.?<at `taarter .:ad oast of aw following dtscrfloed 11MB. Ut:-innLn4 at a ,paint .>. thrt LaaC-Vust'�;raxter Lima of se14 weetiutm 6 feet ciAst iraasure:d rtt rL°wPt: aq Las Lrc= tlae east. line Of Burl:ra;;ton Naartitrn rio/hz of tlrf; t'lanCe nogthemly 1,.100 f009. Ps"Ilel tb Ua Ld Bast- L;;YG of •.ray 2i:ta of °asizLi tort 117rtSaca'n to at Point; 6ab:dnCi5 aO.t tvasturly to z point orn sa:d mast rig=tt o +nay ILAc d' [ant 239.12 .:eet sorat3. a:anj said At tight Of Way 1140 l:rata intersei,t Oza :D. tic !Wnt'y *aalsr Dorsat£nn LAMB Clai= ant tiro said 103%t right of wry line of Burl.Lms;Lot Northern, and endof doscr-iptiQn.. =:rapt cleat purti:trti thercaf de crUbed as toll s: 3e;£rnj3v,; at cx -ictrseetiom cat ceae sout.ca liens of Aeory n3eader 4ciation Land Ciato 1:o. 4C and the cast lams of isovermaent Lot 10;. thanta southerly alvn cite xaid east Li.10 a dfstance of 255.0 fever; t:wnco v+esserly ea a serei4rtt Line to a p0llt On ttte east line of Northc n ftCLLic P.:x.1,:1a>:.:7 Caar-2Lqy rigtrt of way 234.11 €Eat 1; td3RriY. as teaaurtrl along, said tight of way Line from the Latersec.t£on of said ri,,ht of Way iiic anti zbo souch :east of zit►d land Claim. Vlenyo yojcl�trly alb &bid eaat `L:aa of 1.nrtlrern Pacific Railway Cosapart right of way to zhe south line of said toad clal.sa. thence water. aaloaz said swath ti4c to the.po^at of beginning And the end of s da ar rip t ion., .s:Yi.`C l-.D RfS:31V1.VC, Y.vueraer, u.to &aid Ctantor, its xccccesso. as:sig,ns, all of the coal, oil, gas caslrt ha $as and A1 1 ares� tzine.rals of c:vcry i i-W seed nature utt4ertyinS the suzfib of thct pr�er. sex herein conveyed, together pith the fall fight, pciv ieieS tLkonf.e a.t .tny card all bras to cxploTa, or drill for and to protsrt, canee"ea, aaina, Lalte, tcuovel and =rat any an4 all Aire L pto,duct-a to any .-cranes w?rLeh will not da+a;yl;e atructurur. ncrr disturb the suriare nar ir: rcgfort with Cte sae of the pre=Uies herein cattVeyed, IN HZ {i S WHMIMTt saLd corporation ass canted CAia Ln.Strutant to be QKecuted 'ay its ptoyKr oifieata -04A its corpdrara seal to be h9rewnto affixed Lh1.6 day of :lc r:i a1Ci .3l Iy Attest `-d•''� 3 ', http://fast.firstam.netlimaginglpub/pageslpreview.html?Repository=FASTREPOS.FIRSTAM.NET&... 3/21 /2005