HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 052_9210261063% i I wffma as=RPI"iQ IOex d,lk �6rk ., 2J�N3ilArmneSaMY Ywat,.•n WAWA HOLD nW na AM=Cnrf THIS HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT is made effective the id'd day _, 1992 by THE HOEING C9l�CIAL AIRPLANE GROW, a divibion of The Boeing Company, a Delaware corpora- tion (wBoeing"), in favor or the CITY OF REWPON, a Washington municipal corporation (•Cityb'). I. Acicnowledgmemt of rloodplaim. Boeing hereby ' ►= acknowledges that the City has informed Boeing that the prop- erty legally described on MCHIBIT A attached hereto and by N this reference made a part hereof (•Property■) is or may be located in an area that may be included in or adjacent to a 100-year floodpl= as of the date of this Agreement. z -tf Notwithstanding this information, Boeing has decided to pro- m O ceed with developomnt of the Property. N 2. H614 McWess. Boeing hereby releases and agrees to indemnify and bold the City harmless from any damage to the N Property, or to any property, improvements or persons located W lT on the Property, and from any liability, suit, action, judg- N mart or claim arising after the date of this agreement from —L" MC the location of the Property in a floodplain or resulting from permission to build on the Property pursuant to land use approvals issued by the City regarding Planning) Building/ f LL r Public Works Department file number ECr1 0A; SSMp V-006-92, ^ including any building permit(s) related thereto, S J 'v Dated as of the date first above written. rw F- F h- THE HOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP, a division of The Boeing f.WasCompany, a Delaware corporation N r Jobs,0. Ae man, iffirector of facilities and services PAM l jo7GaLoyiL�A92tfa0At4�1 74702 Description: King, WA Document -Year. Month. Day.DoclD 1992.1026.1063 Page: 1 of 8 Order.- wa Comment: r STATE OF WASHINGTON ; ) sa. Co[3M OF KIRG ) on this Lt-%& day of � , 1992, before ae, the uidexsignad, a Notary blia in and for the State of j washington, duly aoaaissioned and sworn, personally appeared saaes J. 11e1sm, to W lcnowa to be the person who signed as Director of Facilities aid Services of THE B0SI11G CQMIUWXM I, AIRPLM GROUP, a diviaion of The Bowing company, the corpora- tion that executed the within and foregoing instrumm t, and j acknarlsdged said instrvaent to be the from and volmtary act a and d...sd of said corporation for the uses and nnvme as therein i 2 aantioned, and on Oath stated that he vas duly elected, quali- i 4�_ Pied and acting as said officer of the corporation, that he 2 cues authorized to execute said instruaant and that the seal affirad, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF i have hereunto set ny hand and offi- 1 cial seal the day and year first above written. Cl) + v►La N C in and for the State ' ,• m p of wash residing at Ky -k ` _ w AFpoin t Expires-. Silt VFA1 r . S . W F q i Y d «, WW r M F r� r - .4 FAN I !fig £;. ., •_, . , '. Description: King, WA Document -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1992.1026.1063 Page: 2 of 8' Order. • wa Comment: a s F- -C Y Cr t ► d I m -a on" a on"1d6 PARCEL L AD mat c rudn rW pn*mty strum in &c City of Rom^ Ca mty of Xing. Stitt of Wa&WAS on. beW Gory wm La la, tad a port cn of Gwavmmt Lot 9, bo& In Sxuon 24, Township 23 Mork Raw 4 Eau, VLrUtwmta Maidim m d a portion of the N.W. 114 of the S.E 114 of said Stcfm 24. and a portion of dw N.E. 114 of the S.E. 114 of Aid Section 24, and Wing mm paucebtt dawraw a .',anus: BEGwmG at the smwmest am= dfra N.E im of the sm im of said Sexsioo 24; *mm km said POINT OF BB1NM. dM dw East life of sdd Goaaameta lat 14 800'SF17-W 69.% Fret fo dw N" life of Beaty & M adoes Dooafioo Laid Clain No. 46; duma *% idd Nw* Tut N97'13'S7'W 1462.3E feat; *mm b v* aid Norfa lice W - ?'ll'E 1D22 22 feet 10 the Kdhaty TOt-of-my dot of 1.40; iafaf skmg tail aovf dy si"-gf-wq on fed 6c wu& d&-Qf-wq bw of 5.W. lfib SWW Rom a I spe dw bears N6i'52WT_ aloe& the we of a carve a do rkk bwing a nd im of S43.14 fora ad a ore aL a k of26'45*(V, ore arc leafpdt of 253-M her, dr tangent ao tm pnsa 0 arcm NP'37'1TE 1079.63 feet; thence maim n the vmcKt s& Comte aiafa dw are of a CmvC so dae ldt bavm& a radt,a 1 of L940.0E fat fad a canal m9k of 02'52'W', w a k9Wk of 97.07 feet; Omma tanpm n do praaadiad cane NE6'4517B 4.56 fat; thaaaoe ampa ff fire paeoe K a+mese akog ire are of a cm a the ride hnie& a ra fm of 18S0.OE fezt and a omfni a�ade d01.32'SS'. a an: raf&fh of50_E± fees; tf ore ar:Wrret ooner `p Df ijlt paaal motielad a the Cfgr of Raarsef � A.F. N911G90610.1C1eE �i saoat+dt, t�eeKe Q almig dae bmmdwy of lut said pumd SM'M%'W 47.70 fat w d N79.1349'E SL77 feet a abe ssa ri&it of +ray Lie of the WrBe Riau Daiaa&a Diteb No. 1, ore oordeaamed Y SaFmior Cafe N Cane No. 32914 King Corm4 thaw aft am wen rw of ray life to ffamlm& 2 wanes SOD-25'33-E 47.35 tea, SDf'41M-W 44.2b tea. S '14 42-E 49-U ka S19'2sw E (V 66S0fook 320'05.3D'E40.14 ba, 33 V'30'E51.32 foes, ::)-53 54-E32.19 tea. S30'06'Ib'E J' 76A'tfeeCS27'i2'00'E34-%iWkS31.19SM4L0limkS36'p141-E74.1ifae4S31.5Wl2'E 42A2 fact, SWOME 47-71 iw, S40.19`57'i347.67 feat, S45'EM'E 99M fat, SS0'3T13'E 39.63 fen, S31-lV55'E 0.16 facet, SEl-36'3D"E EL75 fad, M6-59'20-E 94.92 bet, S5ST4'26'E9.26taet S4E'31''34'E45.E5beLS39'2S'2+4'E49-9400-S36'WIFE46.75feet, S44-Z-2L-E4lZF tea, SW3570-E3L416K =-4r41-E46.ff9 eta. SaVr49'E E5.72 tea, afd S24' lr59*E 61.77 fete a Ira Saatr be of ire m.E. lR of ere S.E. 11`i of afid SwAoa 24; fhmm along to Aid Soafh fats M7'26'4S'W 919M tea a fie POINT 4F BECr NNDFG. Camfin 47,669 Acm of had mote a IaR_ The Bubo( in if&s far raer deeetlprioo is dw Rotord of Savoy for &m dfaes be, is Boot 10 of Sa rwp a part 2. fndef Rowe R lff 7TQ12E900t, Zug Cam cappc¢s JLW/FWC 174"1 REVPARCI.LEG 3-2464.3106 _..............,.....- Description: King, WA Document -Year. Month, Day. DoclD 1992.1026.1063 Page: 3 of - Order. wa Comment: - !+!a 2 of 5 PARCEL] All dim arrtaia tea! ptoparV skwk in die City of Room. CA=q of 1Cai, State of W,:ti;ayxn. bekg ■ Pwdcu of 69 S.W.1/4 of de N.E.114. gad of the N.W. 114 of db S.E. 1-4 of Section 24. ToWM* 23 Nord, Imp 4 Erb. WMume Mtmidlan, aed bed rows pretiadarly desuibed ae fcaw-s~ L Cammarelei ao tqe Yaessetrioa attic Needt ww& ots.W.146 Sttaa 0001h ww bt.), Wir dw Vigo boredan of C.D. Riliaa'a Berliopon Gadear Add'riaa b doe My of Sex*, DWWw No. 1, a pa dr: Piiet eaaeded in Vpheoip 17 of 74. w �. � Rococda of K-bg COM , 1100M dwn laid POD] ' OF MOAM03Wff. w1ak* dug said Nd4 wwryfm ti t 350 feet to ore TRUE POINT OF DOOD904G of d* PAKM L Berne iron said 'RUE POINT OF BEGDWI iG, WEdI will Weaerly *US add Nor& nor* S19'37 37'W 237.00 ! s feet fens i au* acid Natrerbr mff* at mok aggk% NW'22'D3'W 214.06 fret bore Lr 1*84f wW be of SR 405. tuna dioti said Spoemij dow&wW gft ticoa a � _ trs�git dnt bat: N76'19'S3"!", alaaR ie ate ota Dens b doe tills lneiej a radix ats'a1 AD w 2 a. gad a oertai agile at 05'29'22'. as ale ieadi of 26D fiat; dace ii rft Bid . VIA � -- UW=17 -w ate SC 129M'F 233.41 he to do alB: PONT OF WMRN . CONTADG 1.39 Aura of kind asoee or leas. , Zo i N N Tre HOSis of B=bW for dds aeaulprion is &I Rained of SWW for Blrara1-1, ' Iac., _ recorded in 8aat 10 of Sw"P of Pip 2- aader Recofft No. 170T1190QZ,X119 0001W ^ � e raosrfe. W � i y L.S. FWC 1i 21-91 r PARCELLLFG i • 3-a464-M i Description: King, WA Document -Year. Month. Day.DoclD 1992.1026.1063 Page: 4 of 8 Order: wa Comment. r=" - IMur a Pew 3 of 6 PARCEI.3 Ali dat aeaaW real praperrr aiioare it drc Cq of Rrr M, Own of Kirk. Slrle of �+��. �p a Pottioo of de 5.tifr, rK of flre N.E_ 1r4, mad oidx N.W. l/4 of dre S.E. 114 of Ser;ioa 24. ?mu ft 23 Nord, Raapa 41jst Wpm WkrAjW and bcmg mote P�� dacribad a fo8ow� a i comMUN*S at to iraaordm of du N" xKfm of S.W, I" Street (Sand 153rd SQ, w 1h w fhe War barmdrrry Of CM. llWAM $ Falsgmr r. p AOW= n rie Ciq of Sartle, AMsim No. 1. ar pert lk I ft�r/elm/tadW ll0�1�iVa�iu�r.�e��117�of PkM Pape 74. Ra000nk of ng ' wd lye { (W Ni�YliL7a.i+�ci� wakdy *% No* y. MW niw W? foes ao to TRUE PORd'P Cr B=NKWQ of 06 PARCEL!; aeaor lrnm tad TRUE POINT OF BE[7NMNG, oea m ft Wa wly along said Norr6 asqpis Sag-nW-W _ 190.00 feed 60a karrrp mad Naraady SK& m rat Usk*. NWM G IW 187.07 ha fv dw KL ) Sm6ariy rwwq lie of SR 4w. dzwx dft WO rihl-af-wq In from a 11 do WdwbemsPClS•40'S6Z.aloapdwacetwamoied&bw*aramof2M.00 ,� deer. Ord a arnaa[ apple of 0an2ll', m we bVk of 12LM lxiK dram I aft mad " J o, Udal9 d&v&-+7 Kw S00`22WE 214.06 an ro h'Fl IM paNT OF NUMOW. • Mai CONTAINS 035 Aaaa of W d amoe or km � L . � n The Boris Of Hearing for Ob deactWn it Go Read of S" far Hroadaars. or . x ssoo[dads Book 10 of &nip it Pope 2. rrdrr Romcft No. TJ07�00Z. Rirp OooeT r W .5 ar IM i PAC ' 11�,21�l1 ( }Z454.M 1 Description: King, WA Document -Year. Month. Day. DocID 1992.1026,1063 Page: 5 of t Order., wa Comment: =r a i air a ry. 4 aE 4 t PARCEL K All dirt adtaie and p oWly sOft in the Ciq' of Reom, CmWy of Xft. State of t. lVathiop . beiat a potaiM of die N.N.114 of the S.L 114 oI Sactioa 24, Town * 23 Neel, 4 �. q►i0eoette Kri�an. sed beiK none putigdarly deaQibad as iolows: J Commeeriop se die idRaq� ofdie fta =qA dS_W.166 Sum 000h Lg d &). rW& the Wert bombttp of C.D. 8ilhom's Fae6opoa Gardena A tWo ao tie Cky of Seade, DivEsioe No. 1, 0 per dte PIK seaotded to Vskm 17 at Plus. PW 74. taomda at ig Cowry; dimes Blew slid P0WT 0V VW4ENCMaNT. W4 w* dNS add Noe& mrtdiel, 727 fxs w dte TK E POW OF XKDMW d *h PARCEL C dettoe Sw sW IiUB w POINT OF Hsi. comb K vow* *wg add Nam angia w37 rw SOD feet: *gm Iwft uM Kadwly mope a rW -g%e. N00`22'0l9►170.90 11er ao d+e SuWwjl fli t-0f walr am Of SR 405; 4aema dad b" Suniedy ri&V(-VW ie &M a # WOW 110 boon N74.21.1M alotry das arc da CKW rD dae r>jit k+iry a odaet d 27Ef fA0 fw. aed i oemai d01.193➢ . awe hs* of" igt; 6+ b"iS MW fotMwty u r%*Q(-wW NO 306 V310107M feet aD Se TRUE POINT OF B®GIi4lIl14f1. O 85 N GOrrt1' m ez Aetea d bard n w w, w O cu Ile smis of owls a far sh dnt:*ft d ft Raoatd at SKM for Beodaou, lbr-, } reco &d is Boot 10 of 1bwwp a Pop 2. a dw Reeoeft Na iJ0i�90pI, liaL (,bsnetj � ( I W = N r � � ir* ei. 27 iI '~La Go FWC S 11 21r91 = poCt:r r s 3-24"-W Description: r King, WA Document -Year. Month. Day. DoclD 1992.1026.1063 Page: 6 of Order: wa Comment I.A ` �sr a PARCEL L AN dig crrUm MH property WOM in Oe Ctty of Rtyt m Coumy of Kiot. Sttre of Waftgm be ft a paNsu of ie N.W.114 a(dte S.E. iM4 of SoW= 2d, Yow i* 23 V40. Rap 4 FAsk VYMwww liaidtt, aed btu none panintlk - b desef+bed w SAmm. 1 CaaaNtatdtt6 at tie i sen@Cd= die Novi MUSK Of S.W. 366 Saast ON* I39sd S4), With tie WM batatdsry of C.D. gipmWs gw imn (iar 1, AdOw a ie City of So&, Divi➢a Na 1, as per dw Tht soaaedsd h Vbk= 17 d!!d. Tqs 74, Rwonk of Kft • Cater. *ANce iras aid TOwNrOF . Wswhy dose aid Nmih awzik 789 feat to ie TRUE POINT OF OBODOGM of i8 PARCEL L, &= hm and TRUE f TOA1T Or HIwelWG, =Oft* wMM doai aid Nora ME* SNWIM 65.00 : fOO, 6u= N00'32"03'W 1SA0 foes dttmas S69'V7rW SO.W tact; Matte karh6 said r j Nasiwly awls at rids a t1w NOrU'a9'W 121.791wro dte Sotrimt t wi am ' o of Sit 405; tbmm shop aid Soadw# T%kv(IW Me tress a aWeat dr baan u = Q NT11'32'OM doN6 Me arc e< a am to On d * b wit6 a to do of 27(SA tuk sad a 1 N oa�arai a q& of C2'29'09•. as we b%* of 119.96 &W. OdM ho ti said SuvOody Oaltt-" o VW Sae SOOMIYE M 90 bet loft TRUE KWfT OF EEMO 4M =ECrIl COI+ MOM 0.39 Aaw of bed meta or bm dC moo. w 7be Haut of llariiox fw dds dnaipl= k to Rsw d of Sarwy for:tcaasawt. fac.. o tisw" is Hoot 10 of Smeys at Tire 2. der > Waft No. 77117ZSV W0 Kitt Comy ... W F— S N W. 3 4 f L.S. 27i93 + ` �- M _ TWC t l 11-I1a►i TAltcmj.Lw ' � r 3`2164.9106 ' ' . 1 Description: King,WA Document -Year. Month. Day.DoclD 1992.1026.1063 Page: 7 of 8�r,� Order: wa Comment: k b I PARCEL M M that certain real pmWq simm it fk Cky of Rcmwie Canary of Kral. Su to of Washin&n, bckgspartiao of da N.W. 114 of ds S.E. U4 m(Serms Z4, Towmbip 23 Huth, Ra:de 4 East, WHlamem NWW&sm. sod 6eiK acme partmlsriy deswftd as Mma: Cbmawaft at the boestaaion of rbo lionh aurae of S.W. 166 Sleaa aomb 153rd Ss.), with the Westba oftyo[C_D. Knows D&W= Nm. 1, as per the no rvo lydsE is vaime iT of PW Paso 74. ileoecdt of CMS Coomty: thesoe W $Om said POINT OF COMERCHMENT, Wesiody dwa dd Nordt coat& 04 W dsrot:e NW,22'03'W15.00ber;iie=M-5 SM50.MeettotbeTRUEPOINTOFBEOD0413C of this PARCEL. M; dwas tram said 7RUE POINT OF W OMIG, maces Son said Nardi martin S89'37'STW 65.00 tree: /Ems S44V SI'N 21.21 feet~ *Am SE9'3M-W � 124.11 feet; to me Easterly tier of a parcel conveyed m the State of Washroom by deed racarda I order AssdiWS Fla Net M494126. Met Con" ssoasdK lom bawlse acid liorsh 4 moiim of S.W.16L Street sin latsatd iw No PM'4M-W 56.60 feat b ft Samldaly x dsW-of way Hoe of 3z 40; theme doaB acid Sctdlr* d&%-of-ww En as s m*W chord S _ i --iof N66'40.4TE 68.54 few twom Gas a vo pot bat burr wrtr56'8, alums dw `cSo' art Of a tune to dw r%W haft a ndl o; of 2M.00 bar, d s astral atBle of 03'347r. as ate km& of 172.48 feet; Same learns acid Scaaimrly tW&4Gwq be SOD'2 V-S 121.79 Let to the TRUE POINT OF BIFSTi 10,05. oc O ti CONTAINS 0.46 Acres of had seosr or less. S J ibe Bass mf Bra tl ft ft derplpllem it the 110"d of Sandy for • inr..:carded In Book 10 at Surveys s hp 2. aador leou iss No. 71073B4002. r" Ceasstjr ssasrds. � C 0 LS. `�z 3 iWC ume I PARCEIAf.1Ec L i 34464.3006 I. Description: King, WA Document -Year. Month. Day. DociD 1992.1026.10653 Page: 8Nof8_jl"..... Order., wa Comment: