HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 060_96041502637 ZWPW4m after recording return to: Virgil R. Fox 921 Middle Fork Road Onalaska, WA 98570 AGREEMENT I*k This agreement is made and entered into this J day of A? Rae_ , 1996, The parties to this agreement are Virgil R. Fox and Carol A. Fox, husband and wife, A. Bernard Conley and Ann Conley, husband and wife, doing business as Longacres Joint Venture, (collectively "LJV'), and, Longacres Park, Inc., a Washington corporation, ("LPT'). and RECITALS: LJV has title to a parcel of real estate identified on attached Exhibit A C `LJV" Property"), LPI has title to a parcel of real estate identified on attached Exhibit B ("LPI Property"). The LJV Property and The LPI Property are adjacent to each other such that the west line of the LJV progeny forms the east line of the LPI Property. The LPI Property was surveyed by Hugh G. Goldsmith and Associates dated June 24, 1979 and recorded under King County W Recording No_ 8003119002_ The LJV Property was surveyed by Pac-Tech Engineering, Inc., p dated December 14, 1994 and recorded under King County Recording No. 9412209001. There is LIS a conflict between these two surveys owing to confusion relating to the placement of an existing Qmonument on S.W. 16th Street, the benchmark for both surveys. O W. H. Pacific, Inc., was contracted by LPI to review the findings of Hugh G. Goldsmith and Associates and restake the common, boundary of the two parcels. A rendering of the work performed by W. H. Pacific, Inc., is attached as Exhibit C. it is the desire of UV and LPI to acknowledge this discrepancy and to agree to themselves the common boundary between the LJV Property and the LPI Property_ In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the folloiNirg is the agreement o. LJV and LPI. L The common bounden' beta= the LJV Property and the LPI Property is delineated on the W. H. Pacific. hic_ rendering, based on the surwy performed by Hugh G_ Goldsmith and Associates, and attached as Exhibit C_ 2. The location of chain -link fence. appurtenant to the I -PI Property is also ideniifiLxi on the attached Exhibit C. 3. In the event that said chain-Iink fence is either replaced or relocated, it shall be relocate on the beundary line as delineated on said W_ H_ Pacific rmxkring or Mthin the boundaries of the LPI Property. 4_ LPI hereby y.aives any riot. title and interest to that portion cf the UV Property lying xvcs:edy of said chain -link fence. 5_ UV hereby waivcs any right, title and interest to that por.Im of the LPI property -'ding e..Stcrlti ofsaid chain4ink fence. Pale I of 2 6\�,V l a d i i wiretrw [M AGREEMENT, continued: LJV/LPl This agreement is binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. By: Longacres Jointy'60ture Virgil W LONGACRES PARK, INC., a Washin on corporation y Its: Cara A. Fox Ann Conley cr STATE OF WASHINGTON } 5S- COUNTY OF I hereby venue that 1 know or have satisfactory csidcmce that VIRGII. R- FOX and CAROL A. FOX signed this tt>_ttwncnt and aclatowiedit-d it to be their free and voltuttar- act for the tors and ptirposrs mentioned in this instrument_ » Uatrd. 3 : z Y : Legibly i'rint Stamp N ata� Now- Public it r r Sea }1VR y Residing at _ ' _ V. My anwintment expires: STATE OF WA.SI L lGTO1 ) COUNHY OF ) I hereby cettiiv that I iw3w or have satisfactory evidence that A. BERNARD CONLEY and ANN CONLEY r ned r and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this iiWument_ (Legibly Print or Stamp Name of Notary) I'ttbtic in and for the State of Washington Residing at Qedn=A WA My appointment expires: W - 7 5 CA"fe: OF W&%HLNGT:)N ) SS. COUNTY OF AI -� ) I h=+v ccn ry that I know" or have c:tufactory evedcnce that (� LS is the person xho appeared before ine• aid vd person acl:noAWged 41at signLd this instrument, on oath stated that 'if a:nhori/A �o execute the insintment and acknowledged it as the .Le u j _ :a be the to ti su,d rnlnntary act of such rmrt • for the tires mid pumnsec tntrtticxwd in this i'inancri. (ably Print or Stamp Name of Notary) ti Notar, Puh;ic in and ar the State of Washington Residing at +►, My appointniciit expires ' 7 i Pagc 2 of 2 +.m • AGREEMENT - LJV/LPI EXHIBIT "A" UV Property PARCEL A: . ......................... Ali that portion of the following described property lying southerly of F.A.I. Highway No. 405, and southwesterly of an existing dr,.inage ditch right of way condemned by King County Drainage District No. 1, October 1902 under King County Superior Court Cause No. 32912, that portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter in Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of South 153rd Street, with the east line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter; thence westerly along said street 350 feet; thence Northerly at right angles to said street line. 800 feet, more or less, to the southerly fine of p Puget Sound Electric Railway Right of Way, A thence northerly along said right of way 360 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the east Q line of said southwest quarter of the northeast quarter; thence south 860 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINi`UNG; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to King County for Black; River ,function Renton Road; AND EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington for Primary State Highway No. 1. by deed recorded under Recording Number 5516657. PARCEL B: That portion of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying southerly ofF.A.I. Highway No. 405. north of Southwest 16th Street, and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner ofthe northeast quarter of said section; thence north 0'337'I8" east along, the east line thereof, a distance of 245.22 feet, to a point on the southerly right -of -kay lire of State Route 405, as per plan approved October 31, 1961; thence south 86'2127 west along said southerly line, a distance of 1,340.63 feet, to a point on the east line of said southwest quarter of the northeast quarter: thence continuing along said south line, a distance of 121.91 feet to the beginning of a non - circular curve: thence westerly along said non -circular curve parallel with and 100.00 feet perpendicularly distant from a spiral curve along the centerline of said State Route 405 to a point which bears south 85`53'08" west, a distance of 166.46 feet from the heeinning of said non -circular curve, said point being on the westerly ane of a 40.00 foot vide drainage ditch right-of-way as defined in King County Superior Court Cause Number 32912; and the point ofbegnirning the line herein described: thence south 44'W28" east. a distance of 92.16 feet. thence south 49°39:28" east, a distance of98 06 feet; thence south 33'09'28' east, a distance of 93 44 feet; thence south 12'24'28" zest, a distance of 50.21 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way lint- of Southwest i6th Sheet and the wrminus of the line herein. Paige 1 or 2 IT. A EXHIBIT "A" continued: UV Property EXCEPT that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said Section; thence north 003718" east along the east line thereof; a distance of 245,22 feet, to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of State Route 405. as per plan approved October 31, 1961; thence south 86021 `27" west along said southerly life, a distance of, 340.63 feet, to a point on the east line of said southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the point of begin. -kg; thence continuing along said south line, a distance of 99.96 feet; thence south 28°46'56" east, a distance of 145.84 feet to a point on the east line of :he northwest quarter of said southeast quarter; thence north 00"54'17' east along said east line, a distance of 78.4 feet; CO) thence north 00055'05" east along the east line of the southwest quarter of said northeast quarter C+t a distance of 104.29 feet to the point of beginning_ C tf� 94 C� t 1'rgc 2 of 2 A C AGREEMENT - LJV/LPI EXIJIHIT -B- LPI Property Parcel I of Boeing Survey filed in Volume 95 of Surveys, gage 27, and recorded under King County Recording Dumber 9201169002. being a portion of the southwest quarter of UX northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 Bast, W. M. m .:f1"`.m%,4d259(,88 tbdnro f � i -- - EXHIBIT C . . I - 1 r II 1 1 1 ' Mr�fKrww tw r Mew 1 f�r� •Y►Ia< • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0