HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 085_2006081700070020060817000700.LL 4' RETURNADDRESS. Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Attn: ROW Department, EST-06W PO Box 90868 Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 ATTN: K. MCGILL ORIGINAL EASEMENT REFERENCE #: GRANTOR: THE BOEING COMPANY LONGACRES PARK, INC. GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. SHORT LEGAL: TRACT E, BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL:0866700400 For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration in hand paid, THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation and Longacres Park, Inc., a Washington corporation, (together, the "Grantor" herein), hereby conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington corporation, ("Grantee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive perpetual easement over, under, along across and through the following described real property ("Property" herein) in King County, Washington: TRACT E, BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20040108000164, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property ("Easement Area" herein) described as follows: THE NORTH 35 FEET OF THE EAST 25 FEET OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY, LESS ANY PORTION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THAT CERTAIN EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20020301000547, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PROVIDED, that the foregoing conveyance is subject to all liens, encumbrances, leases, easements, and right of others of record with respect to said Property and said Easement Area. 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, improve, remove, enlarge and use the easement area for one or more underground utility systems for purposes of transmission, distribution and sale of electricity. Such systems may include, but are not limited to: Underground facilities. Conduits, lines, cables, vaults, switches and transformers for electricity; fiber optic cable and other lines, cables and facilities for communications; semi -buried or ground -mounted facilities and pads, manholes, meters, fixtures, attachments and any and all other facilities or appurtenances necessary or convenient to any or all of the foregoing. UG Electric 1Ili 998 WO# 105037045/ OFN 56486 KCM Page 1 of 7 200608170007nn_ Following the initial construction of all or a portion of its systems, Grantee may, from time to time, construct such additional underground facilities as it may require for such systems. Grantee shall have the right of access to the Easement Area over and across the Property to enable Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder. Grantee shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the Property caused by the exercise of such right of access by Grantee. 2. Easement Area Clearing and Maintenance. Grantee shall have the right to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Grantee shall also have the right to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. 3. Grantor's Use of Easement Area. Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, however, Grantor shall not construct or maintain any buildings, structures or other objects on the Easement Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior written consent. 4. Relocation. In the event that Grantor requires use of the Easement Area for development of permanent structure(s), within 120 days of Grantor's written notice, Grantee agrees to relocate or reconfigure Grantee's facilities to accommodate Grantor's requested use of the Easement Area, provided that Grantor agrees to pay all actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in its uniform system of accounts. The Easement Area will be amended to provide the rights for the relocated or reconfigured facilities and the Amendment will be signed by both Grantor and Grantee prior to the commencement of any work. Any relocation of Grantee's facilities must be compatible with Grantee's system requirements and standards. 5. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such time as Grantee ceases to use the Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years, in which event, this easement shall terminate and all rights hereunder, and any improvements remaining in the Easement Area, shall revert to or otherwise become the property of Grantor; provided, however, that no abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to initially install its underground systems on the Easement Area within any period of time from the date hereof 6. Successors and Assigns. Grantee shall have the right to assign, apportion or otherwise transfer any or all of its rights, benefits, privileges and interests arising in and under this easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 7. Removal of Fill Material. In the event that Grantee encounters, or suspects that it has encountered any hazardous substances in the Easement Area in furtherance of its rights set forth in Paragraph 1, Grantee shall cease all operations and notify Grantor. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are not the result of the acts or omissions of Grantee, Grantor shall, at its own expense, determine if the material is hazardous, as determined by applicable law. If the material should prove to be hazardous, then the Grantor shall, at its own expense, remove, dispose, or otherwise handle such hazardous substances, as necessary, in accordance with applicable law, or reroute the Easement Area, if possible. If hazardous substances are removed, Grantor also shall provide substitute nonhazardous material to replace the removed material for Grantee to use in its operation, if necessary. Should the encountered or suspected material prove not to be hazardous, Grantee shall proceed with the operations at its own cost, with no recourse against the Grantor for the cost of schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. If the encountered or suspected hazardous substances are the result of the acts or omissions of Grantee, Grantor's characterization of the substances involved and any removal, disposal or other handling costs incurred in connection with the removal, disposal or handling of the hazardous substances will be at Grantee's expense, and Grantee shall.have no recourse against Grantor for UG Electric 11/1998 WO# 105037045 / OFN 56486 KC M Page 2 of 7 200608170007nn_ the cost of schedule delays incurred due to the delay in operation. Any environmental mitigation requirements imposed as a result of the exercise of any right or obligation of Grantee hereunder shall be the sole responsibility and expense of Grantee. 8. Indemnity and Insurance. 8.1 Grantee agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, The Boeing Company (the parent corporation of Grantor), their respective corporate affiliates, and Grantor's successors or assigns in title to the Property, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives, (the "Indemnified Parties") from any and all actions, liabilities, demands, claims, suits, judgments, liens, awards, and damages of any kind or character whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as "Claims"), including claims for injury to or death of any person, loss of or damage to any property,_and costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in connection therewith (including costs in connection with establishing the right to indemnification hereunder), asserted or arising directly or indirectly from, on account of, or in connection with operation, maintenance, use, or control of the Easement Area (and improvements thereon) or presence on the Property in connection therewith of Grantee, or any agent, employee of Grantee or any contractor providing goods or services to Grantee ("Contractor") or any Contractor's personnel. The foregoing is not intended to require the Grantee to indemnify the Indemnified Parties with respect to any Claim to the extent that it was caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties or any party other than Grantee, its employees, agents, and contractors. With respect to all or any portion of the foregoing obligation which may be held to be within the purview of RCW 4.24.115, such obligation shall apply only to the maximum extent permitted. by RCW 4.24.115. Grantee expressly waives any immunity under industrial insurance whether arising from any statute or other source, to the extent of the indemnity set forth in this paragraph. Provided however, that this provision is intended to be applicable to the parties to this agreement and is not intended to grant any rights as a third party beneficiary to any employee of Grantee and shall not be interpreted to allow an employee of Grantee to have a claim or cause of action against Grantee. In the event that Grantee is successful in proving that the foregoing indemnity is limited by applicable law, Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnitees to the full extent allowed by applicable law. In no event shall Grantee's obligations hereunder be limited to the extent of any insurance available to or provided by Grantee. 8.2 Grantee shall carry and maintain, and shall ensure that any Contractor carries and maintains, Commercial General liability insurance with available limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and property damage combined, One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) general aggregate. Such insurance shall be in a form and with insurers acceptable to Grantor and shall contain coverage for all premises and operations, broad form property damage and contractual liability (including without limitation, that specifically assumed herein). Any policy which provides the insurance required under this paragraph shall: (a) be endorsed to name "Longacres Park, Inc., The Boeing Company and its subsidiaries and their respective directors; officers, employees, agents, attorneys and assigns" as additional insureds (hereinafter "Additional Insured") with respect to any liability arising out of Grantee's presence on the Property (or such Contractor's presence as the case may be), (b) be endorsed to be primary to any insurance maintained by The Boeing Company or Longacres Park, Inc., (c) contain a severability of interest provision in favor of the Additional Insured and (d) contain a waiver of any rights of subrogation against the Additional Insured. If licensed vehicles will be used in connection with this Easement, Grantee shall carry and maintain, and shall ensure that any Contractor who uses licensed vehicles in connection with this Easement carries and maintains, Automobile Liability insurance covering all vehicles, whether owned, hired, rented, borrowed or otherwise, with limits of liability of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. UG Electric 11/1998 WO# 105037045/ OFN 56486 KCM Page 3 of 7 20060817000700.== Grantee shall cover or maintain, and shall ensure that any Contractor covers or maintains, insurance in accordance with the applicable laws relating to workers' compensation, with respect to all of their respective employees working on or about the Property, regardless of whether such coverage of insurance is mandatory or merely elective under the law. Grantee shall not access the Property unless Grantee shall have first provided for Grantor's review and approval, a certificate of insurance reflecting full compliance with the requirements set forth herein. Such certificate shall list Longacres Park, Inc. as certificate holder and shall be kept current and in compliance throughout the period of this Easement and shall provide for thirty (30) days advance written notice to Grantor in the event of cancellation. The insurance provisions in this Section 8.2 may be substituted with self-insurance by the original Grantee and, with the agreement of Grantor, by any assignee or grantee of Puget Sound Energy. 9. Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Easement shall be personally served or sent by U.S. mail. Any notice given by mail shall be deemed to have been received when three days have elapsed from the time such notice was deposited in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, address as follows: To Grantor: The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, M/C 6R6-10 Seattle, WA. 98124-2207 Attn: Development Manager Phone: 425-373-2100 With a Copy To: Gerald Bresslour The Law Department The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MIC 11-XT Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone: 206-655-2405 To Grantee: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. ROW Department, EST-06W PO Box 90868 Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 Attn: Jennifer Mai Phone: (425) 462-3054 Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. 10. Choice of Law. This Easement shall be governed by the laws of the Sate of Washington, exclusive of its choice of law rules. 11. Complete Agreement. This Easement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to this subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous writings or discussions relating to the easement provided for herein. This Easement may not be amended except by a written document executed after the date hereof by the duly authorized representatives of Grantor and Grantee. This Easement includes Exhibit A, which by this reference is incorporated into this Easement. 12. Covenants Running with the Land; Successors and Assigns. The terms and conditions of this Easement shall be covenants running with the land, and shall burden and benefit the Grantor, the Grantee, and their respective successors and assigns in interest as owners of the Property (in the case of the Grantor and its successors and assigns) or as grantees of the rights hereunder (in the case of the Grantee'and its successors and assigns). Upon transfer of title to the Property by Grantor or assignment of its rights hereunder as UG Electric 11/1998 WO# 105037045/ OFN 56486 KCM Page 4 of 7 200608170007nn_ _- __- grantee by Grantee, the benefits and burdens of this Agreement shall pass to the transferee, and the transferor shall be liable only for those matters that arose during the period of such transferor's ownership of the Property or of the rights of the Grantee, as the case may be, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. DATED this day of /-\.,v Ij (&.S -� 2006. GRANTOR: THE BOEING COMPANY. Stephen I Barker TITLE: Vice President LONGACRES PARK, INC. M Stephen J. Barker TITLE: Authorized Signatory UG Electric 11/1998 WO# 105037045/ OFN 56486 KCM Page 5 of 7 GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. B TITLE:>( 200608170007nn_ _ _-- State of California ) �n County of ORAHC-t- ) SS ) On 4yWC- 167{ 2&to before me, ol"J1 S personally appeared _ \m_P#e-4j eAAJ�f ey�' ® personally known tome ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacities, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. TONI RAM WITNESS my hand and official seal. + COMM. # 1605622 z •� Notary Public • Calitomia o Orange County M Comm. Expires Se P. 10, 2009� (Signature of No ary Pub Vc Notary seal, text and all notations trust be inside 1" margins State of California ) County of Of_A-N Ge, SS _ 1 On.CuST_�<?r'loe(, before me, ?mil RG�LY�GrS' personally appeared -_�epge-tJ� ►��>� ® personally known tome ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacities, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. TOM RAAGAS WITNESS my hand and official seal. COMM. #1605622 z a s Notary Public - California o Z '" Orange County Mx Comm. Expires Sep, 10, 2009 (Signature of Notary Public) Notary seal, text and all notations must be inside 3" margins UG Electric 1111998 WOO 105037045 / OFN 56486 KCM Page 6 of 7 200608170007nn_=,-• STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF 40l4j } On this IA ! }V day of 2006, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared MQ�LIggZ MAI , to me known to be the person who signed as &,A L- �,q.{{F. qgg* ,,��,Ft�f Puget Sound Energy, Inc., the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged' instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and on oath stated that he 1 she was authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said Puget Sound Energy, Inc. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official se e day and year first above written. Il +�,� G• �'�C#i11 e of Notary) s !• 01 A.�iy1 {Print or stamp name of Notary} ZZ so o % NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State ~ _� of f-Fta� ?J , residing at ��i��►�_�'ayp 4°�?�`.� My Appointment expires{ UG Electric 11/1998 WO# 105037045/ OFN 56486 KCM Page 7 of 7