HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 099a_5417049I J� 31ho t1w 4 (4-00) ixia ow 3k*"td C-=Tey " low &,-A author'. electric - P02", vit-h bm dlstribu,ion at, cr c=venievt N siuut 2L"; :Sri ion Of Government Lot —t lot 11 anc. the '00= =9- 25? �,=V 23 Worth, Range s�3-_ 4.x., described as follow: &-gizw,ing at the point at inter"MeA.44 at the is t"hinry Meader jcuuUor. Claim No. 46 and the O"t 'Tacit -ftilway Eight -hen- DMURr4 along tbis to --point L, south, aw"Am"NA44 r Henry Meade - feet ihnat; = - Claim; tbm" e"t, ,from said lonation C-air:. maxZi- a distaxice of 10 to and 10 feet :--O: the wxrZ1» -f my a distance of e5 feet 1 said -so4t� feet -Utliwrlyl from - her2q marg! n rietxy header Dawition %boom -"At is, to mud 15 beet South of zall". �xj_atioa Clam margin to the -east Use of 11itnt lot 10 in the * of -�.n Township 23 North, R&ASe 4 Jh4t, W-Mtl th"ce,south along the east of 25 feet;thence raft at right angless—t GDwrnm;-,t Lot 10 a d1star= , li--& of aDvernment L01, 10 a distaxce,,of *0 feet; thence nort1. ana- 1-0 feet easterly Zrum Said cast line of Ouverament Lot 1� a feet to said south. margin of :ienry Meader DDaution Claim; soutn =ar3i is of 3e�.:Y licauer a,n&, sai� :Yr�ati3n Claim a di6tunce of lc f� then, !.on Cluiz. line t3 naz ly from- said �o !��"Iuccion of east:nine of said Goverraient i.A, 'J' - rly production t�, al,a feet easterly from the riorthe the south -,e of the RowPipe Ldne lld6" westarly r-g LIS south line of r..-d ii, Line 9e of tbOnCC SUUtt-] -e *&at lio. C�oVerraMIJL Let 10; of th, east line cf 06vernveat L-)t 1v tG the 6" -,Ir.; tnczc, westerly along t.-ve south -ne Of ,uic the lands &nc :,-verameu, Lot !1 an.: 6aia 11, 6L�e of the centerlinede ne kk--r t :4-rsecti� r •the BOUT 'Ic cf Government Lot 10 it: the Nk Of Section 2" 4 hart, W.M., thm� westerly alcng Said south 1i,;'o., :4 Dauer iUNti f. CIS,= to the teat Jjxw of,thc Nbrthern Mcific Railway westerly 610&g s&jdt8RArV IkDA*,r D=Stim;n Claim --xsaid MortbeA Pacific F4%ilvty Fight of --fty f t4sinaing, then" lmitt*- TU on an angle to the right of f Secondary State gl*"y No. 5K, MMtPTjM the right pmcl,ic Aftilway, the chicag*4 Milwaukee, St. Paul sr n...i of way. _jc Puget Sound Zlectric righ Aov-rnmen. Lot 11 and said Do"tiun Claim strir �A of IL centerline. ,Z feet on each slue It—, a 96SOMOt is OVOMAO 994T00% "'VIRUCie that Certain jOAVAP** A*ted the 26th 4" or wvemk-r, 1961, lbssee *WtMV, to, tto most named. ZVewer vine the. rift. ,at *4 ttW9 to UA &ftt", its "C"Bar's and assigns, :xZ imWess to N14 ogre" rriim SW lm� Scrow mivaftat Iftwo to ihe arm atcrr or the WrPo" of camunatim, r.-I-6, aluting, C patrallIAS mad oper.-tirs *&M lima *rA the rISM, at any time to remove said towers -zlea, wires axed Zrow said lauds. ;asc the _Iu_­'c-Cr right to clear said right of way and kM,,�he saime clear of t4,er and ul fire hazard® and the right to remove dangerfrees, if any, locatea t4� ilmit* of said easement area which by falling would endffiAor the.transmissic;ri a_uLi distrihuUon lines. he 'I.y Du Seattle agrees..ro revise and alter its facilitteea on tfii,.Aercrirea zreLd aea its own cost and expense should, railroad track corlstryctiqn irx.;the. future i cif e Lic'n revision and &1uration as deteridned by the Chief Beer, IO gir. of C$re�,e, -ear: . jini!,4ay Coal_tny, or its successors or assigrs. event tnat the Grantee shall be required to relocate its power line, Cr -,-e for the construction of sucL railroad c tra R, the Grantcr ".ereb, - rz ad'; iticnal cost to the 17antee, such adat tcnal e r equired for the relocation of the Grante*'s .power 'line _11v from available adjacent land ther, owned by Granter. z):;ers,o-c- and agree: the City of Seattle, Beyartcer t oZ' rig:t anivilege to occupy ema use Jointly the said trans- n- as zrevi—ec by law, for Eu*y ze- :_z:_ LIC:rLSs �he I 1'6ru�_ _106­✓eB W.__ :. L. ,;tan er d­��.arge any eX*­ --.,e _v- _e notice the Ora. , '­.e 3raz'�­, i:�, ruccts,cr_. .r as,­.,ns, shall 1,err'ane,a'y —urtenan.e., lands, or mall otnel­ W:Ael; tiaK all .ucs. rigntc' title, 7 L Z: h L 1!• ZN 4121M W-Y , (ki; bee:, :;k .-awe wriV691mo �LAOMW rtee. bow (corpora" CDtlfFYY OF RNMY O t-i d.3-- of 1;., 1962, before me- ---Latt R. to afe krwwn to be the L to 'known to be the AX. cOrPQra:'Ii(Iz the- e the withJU and fokegoiag tastr=ent, aLno each caid instrument to*='free end 'Voiumtary act and deed of said corio- se, a,jI purposes therein gantiovoed, and ,eacK on oath stated thatthey we-- said I-.,.z;trument, and that the seal affixed. is the corporate cxecute sh� a etu�tc set vW hand anci affixed official s�a, t ::ve hel no :Iay Notary Public in Znd for t B b'tatef MiDmootA residing in 6 A.Paul. v LINOW. *w. ftm. ftig.e r" mk. mv c4.mwwm 6,04" hm.) Uk IML