HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 100_5927062rr, 2 36 w !Aa gx&Vb . 46&AMM OO,OK CONY, a Kinneaota corporation, for valuable coneldWatisa, secelpt of which is hereby acknowledged, k coww" and auITC3asm to oLmwlc PIn Lne 00*8 w, a Delaware corporation, Grantee, the following described easements: A. A perpetual easement thirty feet (30') in width for the construction, operation and maintenance of_an.oil pipe linb'and appurtenant facilities over, across and underneath the surface of the following described land situated in King County, Washington: That portion of Government Lot-,9, Govexeugent Lot LU,� and Government Lot 14 all in Section 25,';Townsh4p=h3. !north, Range 4 East, W.M., being a'str p 4€ land 3U",, . feet in width, lying 15 feet on each side of the center- line described as follows: at a point on the easterly right of way i'inp_ of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company 15 feet southerly of the point of intersection of the south margin of Henry Meader Donation Claim No. 45 and said easterly right of way line; thence easterly and parallel to and 15 feet southerly from said Donation Claim margin to west line of Parcel "A" as co!IVC-cd to Olympic Pipe Line Company ty deed dated a�'L_1� E)=PTiNG the right of way of the Northern Pacific Rail- way compan-_­ B. A perpetual casement for the construction, operat_.,;n Win" 3intenance an �Dii pipe ?.inc and appurtenant facilities ever, i ' acrr;ss as underneath the surface and for the corstructien, operation a ' `' any �a_ntenance of an access road over trip surface of the folle•.rinc, jescriLec; Lan:: situated in hin•j County, washington: That portio:: of the MW 1/4 of the %?"1 1/4 (Government Lot 1) of Section 3- Township 23 North, Range �, East, described as follows: conowncinq at the 14E corr.or of said D1F: 1/1 WI 1/4, thcn.'o. south 1135'12" West along the east line oL' said N&,'t/4 aw 1/4 a ,istan * of 30.J feet "to the true poi:. of``Lu 3innini; thence sv•ath 1"30'12" west a distance of feet; thence North ad'24'48 West a distance of 70,0 :evt to a point on the east line of Parcel "B" as conveyed to ulympic Pipe Line Company by deed dated may¢ k)y __ I*thence :lurth 1'35'12" Last along said east line o the NL corner of said Parcel "B"; thence %;orth 69'SV UI"—i�e::t to a point 2DO feet westerly as measured along last`saiu course and as extended easterly from said east line-oi Na 4 Ai 1,14, thence North 1'35'll" Bast a distance of .' feet: thence South 89'52'U1" Bast a.distance of.. .,�_,, °set to the trae point of beginning. - s to tilt 910t of the Grantor to dedicate saki lanai loot lCaNt eias and to use and occupy said lands, fand to ooeetriact. epasete, use and maintain buildings, streets, sewer limes, water limas, railway tracks, drainage ditches and otter facilities over and across or underneath the surface of said lands. The rights herein reserved by the Grantor shall be paYamount and superior to the rights herein granted to the Grantee. In the event Grantor's use of said lands requires any charge, relocation, removal or modification of. Grantee's facilities installed on„&sic v ; lands, Grantee shall on demand of Grantor c"hange,-,relocate; remove or modify such facilities to accommodate Grantor's use at Grantee',s sole cost and expense, and Grantee does hereby indemnifv and hold Grantor harmless of and from any cost, expense or damage to Grantee's facilities located on said lands or the loss of ;se t,^.ereof b; Grantcc by r_aaon of the use of said lands by Grantor in the.exercise of the rights herein reserved. Provided, however, in the event Grantor shall require the removal of facilities installed on said lands b•, grantee, Grantor snail convey to Grantee an alternate iccation far such removed facilities of the same width as the rignt of way .herein granted; subject, however, to the reservat.ons and conditions hcrtii state-_. This easement sham be bin31n3 on the Successors ani: of tn< Parties. IN *iMZSS hiisRWF, the Grantor has caused t',tz; instrumcrt executeu by its proper cftiCials and its corpprate sea? tc, aILIXJ this day o.- " tf GLACIER PARK _� ma Attest;.. /�.►; : �' rary OD-y "some" % « On thhi�s��_ iay of A—t - , 19b5," before me' '�� p11Y asOea"d _+irr...i�i�01c_ and Gay- nlrr�rly to a• icaorn to be the vice ireeident and _ Secretary, respectively, of Glacier lark qpqP-y, the corporation that executed the within &Ad foregoing instrument, and ackdOwledged the said instrument to 'ae the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, £or the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath; stated that they were anthOrixed to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is tha corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITHMSS WH[RROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above ,written. Notary Public in ar for of -- o ' Minnesota, residing at u _ My Commission Expires ! A MIOlS L+uwY hrA��