HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-Exceptions 101_6255262435 GUMS GLACIER BARK COMPANY, • Minnesota corporation, one Grantor, "owner,") for and in consideration of the ,? (aeretnafter called the Hundred Dollars (12,500.00) to it in hand 6u,a of Pwc iacusand Five is hereby acknowledge d, sub}ect'to. the a aic, receipt wnereof to and conditions nerein set forth does hereby grant �rvativns Rc,p0LITAN SEATTLE, a municipal corporation t.,c ,__jjZiPALIry uF :,jE, thereinafter called "Metro"), Grantee, f tre Mate of tivasnington of for the construction,.malnte[itnCei and Operation an easenert following property situated ac seFer line under and across the ienc r, fing County, Washington, to -wit: of _ne Henry Meader Donation_ Claim NO • 4b, also a the NE 1/4 =' P°r==cn also a portion of Or Government Lot 9, y3 North, Range 4 Township 23 pz,rtion arc the Nti%, 1/4, all in section 2d, the NW 1/ 30, also a portion of 5 E.W.M., all in King County, rcwns:;ip 23 north, Range fellows: described as nazninycon, being more particularly permanent easement on a scrip of land 15 feet in wi6tn ied following descinpof 7-1/2 feet on each side cf.t.he the a on the south margindistant �tnterline: beginning at -point w Lake pipeline right of ay of seactle's Bow at right angles from the i� feet easterly, as measured 1, fe in a straight line of the west line of +• gA Fxy r_y extension 25;'tnence south 01°01'04" Irv-'nmenc Lot 4 of said erection west line of Government Lat y and r� c rara11e1 wit: said west line of the soutneast qua rier of the northeast southerly of :c .;.tarter Of said election 25 to a point 414.43' NE 1/4�.of election 2i as measured cam ncrtn Line of said 6E-1/4 'the last described point being nerein- ions saiu centerline. "A''- also afccr referred to as Point etl 1, oaraianenc easement on a strip of landd10 feet in center - coized .,alcy feet on each side of the feet po. .thence the above described Within Eeginning ac the propose- (said course being 03" east lb5tn 'Oreet) a distance of 3b07 fcet Clint f way for �oetn also west Line of 92nd Avenue any p�rticn Vrt logs ce ore v-i,iary Mace highway No. �, except ditch be- n n as lyln witnih tii: limits of the drainage -, )rainage District NO- 1; also of land 10 feet in width xr.aanea. easement cn a strip E'ne following described centerline: fcet on cacn side of line of the at a point on the aeotiso; this descsiPttionnt beginning easement described in ParagrWh ve described Point "A" of the- d"cl, e7022'12" + 949.24 feet northerly north Measured along ■aid eanterliaet with „ , as west 2.273.13 feet, MDf tks egaa! r ght ofnw yalilneeof and 12 feet easterly thence southerly Parallel the C. M. St. p. i P_ R.R. CO. 7 with said east right of vay line 567.31 and concentric vwaft to nictteiiea withinf twhence soot feet; y2pprtion theses way line. excep s right of way. Pacific 2ailway COMpanY� the t;ortieern square feet or approximately containing in all 86,870 2 acres. green on All as more particularly shown outlinea':Lh Made a•P'a=t hereof r'7,cnibir A attached hereto and easement is made subject to the terms and conditions finis entered into between the Owner and cf chat certain agreement 1967, and -- day of O'wi.•_r xeer,. dared the - _rE following express conditions: _ reserves the 1• Tne owner. its successors and assigns and all tae property nereinbefore described for any rlyat to use hereby granted, in - purposes not ircansistenc with cne easement repair, limited to the right to construct, Maintain., ,.. cluding bur rot operate railroad cracks and other renew, reccnstruzrt replace, and and ° they facilities which related facilities, streets, utilities. reserved shall Pre owner may sexpedient. Rights eam necessary or the sewer tine ed as nor co damage or interfere with cermay _ c may, be provided nercin. r any pars caezeuf, except as otherwise to existing interest in the his easement I., subject and and any and all extensions pze.nisa.> „_ .rausoever nature re;,._wals t5ereof. ranted by this ease- the property 9 yrali not use and shall not grant, to any other `her puzposes 2 persona or orseniaationa whatsoever, including public and private utilities and transportation meanies, permission to raintaln any facilities on any poition of the premises described in this ease- ment. The right to grant such permits is reserved to the Owners as prcvidad such permits shall not be granted where to do so would of the premises by Metro as herein provided. interfere with the use A. In event of vacatlo^ or abar..donnent or termination of tale easement by good cause shown, the owner shall thenceforth mold title to its property free and clear of tA8 easement herepy.:r,: s option, re-enter, retake and hold said granted and may, at it land and premises as the present estate, without compensation to Metro, the public or any other person whomsoever for improvements ;,r property removed, taken or destroyed or liability for loss of or damage to any premises or the improvements thereon abutting said sewer line or any part thereof. 5 Metro agrees to indemnify and save harmless the owner of and from any and all loss, liability, cost or expense in connection with the construction, maintenance end operation of v l the sewer pipeline for which this easement is granted. I3 nITPiEaa HizRnOF, the Grantor causes this instrument to Gated by its proper officers and its corporate seal to to j!yy! n . 1967. '¢t;fixed this the day of ;PORA)f : +' ; GLACIER PARK COMPANY By AtteEt. OF ?SI iS :: �C. 2A ) ss n_y 1967, c,ils - day of — .. .. and befcre me perso..ally appeared to me known to be the F. at— President and _.Met, +secretary respectively, of Glacier Park Company, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknawledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and dead of said corporation, for the.uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they,wera authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal'the;:day and year:,ATr-this certificate first above written. if o, Py y t, Notary cin nd forte State o Minneso at St. Paul •' '{ .` My Commission Expires January 13, 1973 4