HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/2022 - Minutes MINUTES HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3:00 PM - Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Virtual Zoom Meeting 1. Call to Order The Human Services Advisory Committee meeting for May 17, 2022 was called to order at 3:09 p.m. by Guy Williams, Human Services Manager. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Amy Koehl Gary Barquet Jessie Friedmann Julie Dubravetz Leslie Anderson Margarita Villarreal Committee Members Absent: Adair Hasty (Vice-Chair) Joseph Scovel (Chair) Staff Members Present: Guy Williams, Human Services Manager Lori Fleming, Human Services Coordinator Hannah Bahnmiller, Housing Programs Manager Benita Horn, Equity and Diversity Consultant 2. Approval of Agenda The meeting agenda was approved by the Committee. 3. Approval of Minutes The March 15, 2022 minutes were not available for approval. Member Jessie Friedmann moved to approve the April 19, 2022 Human Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes, seconded by Member Julie Dubravetz. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Application Process Update An update on the 2023-2024 Human Services application process was provided by Lori Fleming, Human Services Coordinator. There were 91 applications submitted to Renton requesting approximately $2.0 million, with only $562,000 available. The applications have been divided into the City’s six priority areas and Committee members have been divided into two Reading/Review Groups. Applications will be printed next week and put into binders that will be available for pickup at Renton City Hall in early June. At the next meeting will review the six priority areas and do a sample application review. May 17, 2022 Human Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 5. Human Services Needs Assessment Update An update on the Human Services Needs Assessment Plan was provided by Hannah Bahnmiller, Housing Programs Manager. Phase 1 of the Plan included a review of human services opportunities, gaps, and needs, and Phase 2 will develop an implementation plan. The Consultant is finishing the rapid assessment of equity and human services. The next item is a Providers Survey to approximately 100 human services providers in the Renton area. 6. Equity Lens Training A Renton Equity Lens Training was provided to the Committee by Benita Horn, Equity and Diversity Consultant. The Renton Equity Lens is a tool to do a systematic examination of how different groups will be affected by proposed actions or decisions. It is used to eliminate and prevent adverse consequences and it vital for remedying social injustices. The Committee was asked to use an equity lens when reviewing the upcoming human services applications. 7. Adjournment Member Amy Koehl moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:12 pm, seconded by Member Gary Barquet. MOTION CARRIED. The next Human Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 3:00 pm. Staff Liaison: Guy Williams, Human Services Manager, Phone 425-656-6652, e-mail: gwilliams@rentonwa.gov .