HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 2City of Renton Gray & Osborne, Inc. November 26, 2019 CAG-19-333 The Scope of Work described in the original agreement is amended to add the additional work and costs as set forth in Supplement Agreement 2 Exhibit B attached and incorporated by reference. No Change. As set forth in Supplement Agreement 2, Exhibit A attached and incorporated by reference adding $36,196.25. Basic Agreement $23,565.16 + Supplement Agreement 1 $54,790.29 + Supplement Agreement 2 $36,196.25 = $114,551.70. 2 CAG-19-333 Gray & Osborne, Inc. 1130 Rainier Avenue South, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98144 (206) 284-0860 CAG-19-333 11/26/2019 December 31, 2023 2020 Street Patch and Overlay $114,551.70 In continuation of the City of Renton annual Street Overlay Program, this project will resurface and repair local streets, collector streets, and alleyways at various locations in the City. The 2019-2020 Curb Ramps for Overlay project is under a separate agreement. Michael B. Johnson, P.E., President         CAG-19-333, Adden #2-22 Armondo Pavone, City of Renton Mayor ATTEST: Jason A. Seth, City Clerk 10-24-2022 Basic Agreement Supplement No. 1 Supplement No. 2 Total Direct Salary Cost $7,412.80 $16,981.55 $9,570.50 $33,964.85 Overhead (Including Payroll Additives)$13,939.03 $31,932.11 $17,996.37 $63,867.51 Direct Non-Salary Costs $137.75 $1,121.80 $5,949.64 $7,209.19 Fixed Fee $2,075.58 $4,754.83 $2,679.74 $9,510.15 Total $23,565.16 $54,790.29 $36,196.25 $114,551.70 Summary of Payments EXHIBIT A         Task Description hrs hrs $ hrs $ hrs $ hrs $ hrs $ hrs $ hrs $10 3.f Conformed Construction Docs0.5$32.630.5$22.254$127.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $181.885.011 3.g. ROM0.5$32.634$178.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $210.634.512 3.h. Non-Material Submittal List0.5$32.638$356.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $388.638.513 3.i. Bid Analysis0.5$32.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32.630.514 3.k. Pre Award Meeting1$65.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $65.251.015 3.q. Materials (assumes 39 RAMs)18$1,174.5038.50$1,713.25 $0.0039$1,482.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,369.7595.516 3.v. Preconstruction Meeting2$130.502$89.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $219.504.0173.cc. Weekly construction meeting(assumes 8 meetings)8$522.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $522.008.0183.ii Testing ***4$261.0012$534.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $795.0016.0193.jj. Permanent Monuments1$65.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.004$219.002$90.008$328.008$284.00 $986.2523.0203.tt. RFI's (assumes 8)4$261.008$356.00 $0.008$304.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $921.0020.021 3.bbb Change Orders (assumes 8)8$522.008$356.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $878.0016.048 $3,132.00 81 $3,604.50 4 $127.00 47 $1,786.00 4 $219.00 2 $90.00 8 $328.00 8 $284.00 $9,570.50 202.048 $3,132.00 81 $3,604.50 4 $127.00 47 $1,786.00 4 $219.00 2 $90.00 8 $328.00 8 $284.00 $9,570.50Direct Labor $9,570.50Fee0.28 $2,679.74Overhead 1.8804$17,996.37Expenses$64.64Subconsultants ***MTC$5,885.00Total Supplement No 2 $36,196.25Supplement NO 1 $54,790.29Original Contract $23,565.16TOTAL$114,551.70Exhibit A-1ContractHoursProject Name:Budget EstimateBernie HaydenContractTotalsHourly Totals$35.50$65.25$44.50 $31.75Zack LiebowitzProf Licensed Surveyor SurveyorHourly Subtotals$45.00Ron AlbrechtSurveyor$38.00 $41.00$54.75Rick BondPrincipal/PMFunction/TitleMichael BallardEmployee Tani StaffordBrian BollenEmployee Rate 2022 Overlay - Supplement No 2 - CMCivil Engr Technician Engineer in TrainingBrian SchulkinSurveyor        Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT B SCOPE OF WORK City of Renton 2020 Street Patch and Overlay Agreement No: CAG-19-333 (Supplemental Agreement No. 2) SCOPE OF WORK: Additional services include: Engineer of Record’s Role, material Testing Laboratory, overall Project Management, coordination with the City, monthly report and invoicing. This Supplement No. 2 assumes that there are 40 working days in the construction contract and time to complete/close-out the project. 10.0 – Preparation of Conformed Plans and Special Provisions After bid opening, the CONSULTANT shall conform Special Provisions and/or Engineering Plans and deliver to CITY for incorporation into the final construction contract documents. Addenda modifications to Special Provisions shall be incorporated into final conformed Special Provisions. Addenda modifications to individual sheets of the Engineering Plans shall be shown without clouds in the final conformed Engineering Plans. 11.0 Prepare preliminary Record of Materials (ROM) The CONSULTANT will prepare a preliminary Record of Materials (ROM) based on the construction contract specifications. The primary purpose of the ROM is for tracking the approval and acceptance requirements for materials permanently incorporated into the project. At a minimum, the ROM will include the bid item number, quantity, unit of measurement, description, specification reference (note if standard spec. (SS) or special provision (SP)) and conditions of engineer approval. 12.0 Master List of Submittals The CONSULTANT will prepare a preliminary Master List of Submittals based on the construction contract specifications. The primary purpose of the Master List of Submittals is for tracking the approval of submittals (e.g. shop drawings, SWPPP, critical path schedule, etc.) the Contractor is required to provide. At a minimum, the list will include the specification reference (note if standard spec. (SS) or special provision (SP)), documents required for submission, and when the submittal is required. 13.0 – Bid Analysis The CONSULTANT will support the City in the Bid Review phase in accordance with the construction contract specifications. 14.0- Pre- Award Meeting The CITY and Consultant will hold the official Pre-award Meeting for the project. Typically, the Contractor, and Design Engineering Support Team attend this meeting. The primary purpose is to discuss award date, preliminary schedule, and settle preliminary matters, Contract execution process and requirements, submittals plus any other topic deemed important for construction. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this         Page 2 of 3 meeting was typically held in person at Renton City Hall. Since COVID-19, these meetings have been conduction on-line. For this project, it may be either or some combination thereof. 15.0- Materials The construction contract has requirements for the Contractor to submit various documents for review. These documents include but are not limited to the following: 9 Requests for Approval of Materials (RAM’s) 9 Shop Drawings The Consultant will be tasked with providing an initial review of submittals with recommendations for approval or rejection. The CITY may provide additional review comments. 16.0- Preconstruction Meeting The CITY and consultant will hold the official Preconstruction Meeting for the project. Typically, the Contractor, and Design Engineering Support Team attend this meeting. The primary purpose is to discuss and settle preliminary matters, project schedule, weekly meeting schedule, invoice cutoff date, submittals plus any other topic deemed important for construction. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was typically held in person at Renton City Hall. Since COVID-19, these meetings have been conduction on-line. For this project, it may be either or some combination thereof. 17- Weekly Construction Meetings – The CITY and Contractor will hold weekly meetings for the duration of construction. The Consultant is anticipated to routinely attend these meetings. Estimate 8 weekly meetings. 18.0 –Testing The Consultant will support the City with materials inspection, material testing and compaction testing to measure compliance with Project Contract Provisions. Material testing services will be provided by MTC. 19.0- Permanent Monuments The CONSULTANT will prepare a support the City in protecting permanent monuments found in the construction zone. Currently none are shown on the plans. 20.0- Requests for Information (RFI’s) x The Contractor will be instructed to submit all Requests for Information (RFI’s) to the CITY. x The CITY will provide copies of all RFI’s to the CONSULTANT. x The CITY will either provide suggested draft responses to the CONSULTANT for review or request responses from the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall provide written responses to RFI’s to the CITY, when requested by the CITY to do so. x The CITY will provide the RFI response to the Contractor. 21.0 – Change Orders x The Consultant will initiate and prepare draft change orders for review and comment by the CITY. Once finalized, the CONSULTANT and CITY will sign the change order, prior to issuance to the Contractor.         Page 3 of 3 x For change orders requiring revisions to plan sheets and/or specifications, the CONSULANT shall prepare and deliver revised plan sheets and/or specifications to the CITY for incorporation into the change order, when requested by the CITY to do so. DELIVERABLES The following deliverables shall be provided. x Conformed Construction Documents – electronic copy only x Draft and Final ROM x Draft and Final Non Materials Submittal List x Meeting minutes (Preaward, Preconstruction, and weekly) x Materials Testing Reports (by MTC) x Draft and final responses to RFIs x Change orders