HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 3Public Works Facilities Division CONTRACT NO:CAGͲ21Ͳ180 CO NO. 3 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CO)PROJECT TITLE:FAMILY FIRST COMMUNITY CENTER TO: COMER GC, Inc. (CONTRACTOR) Description Amount CCD 04ͲRedbuilt Truss Modification 16,073.00$ CCD 18ͲAdditional Cleanouts 6,068.00$ CCD 29ͲSidewalk Demo/Replacement 3,969.00$ Ͳ$ Ͳ$ Ͳ$ Subtotal 26,110.00$ WSST 2,637.11$ TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 28,747.11$ CONTRACT SUM: 28,747.11$ (WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX INCLUDED) CONTRACT TIME: 0 CALENDAR DAYS CONTRACT SUMMARY (Internal Use Only) ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM w/ WSST 12,474,330.00$ PREVIOUS ADDITIONS/DELETIONS 49,079.28$ PREVIOUS TOTAL 12,523,409.28$ CHANGE AMOUNT THIS CHANGE ORDER 28,747.11$ REVISED CONTRACT TOTAL 12,552,156.39$ PERCENT TOTAL CHANGE FROM ORIGINAL 0.62% NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE February 25, 2022 PREVIOUS CONTRACT CALENDAR DAYS 0 PREVIOUS SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE February 25, 2023 REVISED CONTRACT CALENDAR DAYS THIS CHANGE ORDER 0 CURRENT SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE February 25, 2023 Architect AcknowledgementDate Contractor AcknowledgementDate AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE The following mutually agreed to and Owner approved Contract Change Directive(s) are hereby incorporated by reference into the contract. The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. The City of Renton hereby accepts the foregoing changes. This formal acceptance constitutes a Change to the contract only when authorizing signature is affixed. Invoices incorporating this Change Order constitute acceptance by the Contractor as total reimbursement due in connection with this Change Order. TwentyͲEight Thousand SevenͲHundred FortyͲSeven $.11 OF: CONTRACT Description CCD 04ͲRedb CCD 18ͲAddi CCD 29ͲSidew The following m CONTRAC TO: NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE 10/5/202210/4/2022              CAG-21-180, CO #3-22 PUBLIC WORKS Facilities Division Project No:CCD # 4 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE Project Name: (CCD) (CONTRACTOR) You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachment referred to: SOURCE OF CHANGE: DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED:9/22/22 CHANGE ORIGINATED BY: Contractor (14 days from Request Date, unless other date agreed to) PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY: Contractor ARCHITECTCOR PM WE AGREE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGE IN THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: CONTRACT SUM: (WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX EXCLUDED) In accordance with the general condition, Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s) are attached hereto. CONTRACT TIME: OF 0 CALENDAR DAYS BY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE We have carefully examined this proposal and find the cost to be reasonable.Therefore, we recommend acceptance. ARCHITECT DATE HEALTHPOINT DATE City of Renton Authorized Signature To be utilized for changes requested by HealthPoint CITY OF RENTON DATE CAG 21Ͳ180 Family First Community Center TO: Comer GC, Inc. The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that this proposal does not constitute authorization to proceed with the specified changes in the work until incorporation of this COP into a Change Order by the City of Renton. Additional structural member added to gym trusses to allow for panelization of trusses which prohibited typical staggering of plywood sheeting. 09/22/22Proposal Request Date: EXPLANATION: Truss manufacturer required additional structural members to be added to each truss. TO: Meredith Everist TO:Russ Woodruff of Sixteen Thousand and Seventy Three Dollars 16,073.00$ WE AGREE CONTRACT TO:Mered DATE PROP (14 days from You are direct SOURCE OF C CONSTRUC TO:Comer Additional typical sta EXPLANATIO NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE Design Contractor Owner Code/AHJUnknown Conditions HealthPoint Other 10/4/2022COMER GC, Luke Comer 10/4/2022                                               !"#   !" !    $    % $$ &     '  '   $   & $ %  $    '  $(  $   $   ) ' ' (  $%     $    %   $  & *)  +*    &  ,$$ * %    $ '  $  '-    $#   (      (   ' (   %    *)  +*    &      %  (  ($           %   %  '-  ).  /.  *)0 122 3  ). .) *)0 4 * ). 56/" 7 *)0 4 &  0 122 3 * )8 9 : 7: ");/ <=>?0  !!! 6).#$%&'$( 9* : 6*)7* *)0 4 )) 04)) 04)) 04)) &   0 4  )8 9 : 7: ");/ )7 6*)7* *) <>?0 4 6).# ; )7: <+* )7.@? 0 2!1!2 + +. /767* 0 1=1!2 9 6 .. /767* 0 AAA / 6/.: B /C /767* 0 21 6).#*%*(* +,-. #$&/0( *)7* / :D6 71   22", ,  &3( *)7*)7 7: /. 45''5'''.- *( "# % :               *)" 7 678,  &3("#  !" !3  9:  , ;! 1   <1 ,:   <,: <=, 1 ,: <=, ,: ;1 1 ,: ;1  ,: , <,:     ! "#" !$%&'()!*+      ,-  !../$012-/+ ./3$!3+ #!   4!!!!!*.4!/!5    , <,:              REQUEST FORM Distribution: File A/E, Owner Representative Contractor Project: _________________________RF #: Contractor: ______________________________ DATE: ___________ Subject: __________________________________________________ ☐ Architectural ☒ Structural ☐Landscape ☐ Civil ☐ Electrical ☐Mechanical Reference Specification: ________________________ Drawing: __________________________ DESCRIPTION: Response Necessary By: ________________________________________________________________ Requested by: _______________________COMER GC Representative: ____________________ RESPONSE: When the response requires modification of the contract documents, written authorization required for work to proceed. By: _______________________ Firm: ______________________ Date: ____________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ Please see below and following pages related to Redbuilt top cap plate as Rebuilt engineers have deemed necessary to transfer diaphragm forces. Please review for confirmation. 0060000666 _______________________Redbuilt Luke Comer ______________________________COMER GC, Inc.___________3/17/2022 ________________________Family First Community Center __________________________________________________Redbuilt Top Cap Plate RequestRReeqquueessttt Type:TTyTyppeee::☐ Information ☐ Clarification ☒ Confirmation ☐ Field Condition ☒ Modification ☒ Approval ☐ Other ________________________wing: __________________________S301, S302 COSTCCOOSSTT ///TIMTTIIMMEEE AFFECTEDAADFFFFEECCTTEEDD >>>Additional costs for top cap plate ________________________________________________________________3/21/22 No structural exceptions taken to continuous sheathing layup & installation of top cap plate. Roof sheathing and nailing per Roof Framing Note 1 S003, blocked diaphragm per Roof Framing Note 5 of S003. Kelly Lowe No exceptions architecturally. Meredith Everist, Baylis Architects 3/23/2022            RedBuilt LLC Mailing Address: 200 E Mallard Dr PO Box 60 Boise ID 83706 Boise ID 83707 To From Phone Phone Email Email Project Location Date Number 1 Attachment Attachment 3/7/22 To allow for timely delivery of the RedBuilt™ drawing package, please respond to the following requests by: Renton WA Ph: (208) 395-2400 Fx: (208) 395-2443 Request for Information Brent Lawrence Family First Community Center blawrence@redbuilt.com (503) 840-0460 127096 Comer GC, Inc. (425) 765-4118 luke@comergc.com Reference: Signature: Date: The RedBuilt submittal package addressed staggered vs. continuous seam for sheathing layout over gym. Staggered layout complicates modular installation and is not encouraged. Continuous seams are structurally acceptable per EOR. This will require a 2x top cap plate to transfer diaphragm forces, as otherwise only the truss pins would hold the DBL top chords together with the continuous seam breaking between the DBL truss chords. This 2x top cap plate will increase the height of the gym trusses by 1.5". As this was not shown on contract drawings, please confirm the top cap material & the additional 1.5" in height on gym trusses is acceptable. Request for Information, RedBUILT LLC 3/7/2022 Page 1 of 1 0LANTNAILSBY2ED"UILT X-32CAPBY2ED"UILTnot suitable in strap applicationsBECAUSETHE COMBINATIONOFDECK STRAP ANDPLANT NAILINGWILLSPLITTHE-32CAP D"X¼" DECKNAILSMAXIMUM ROWSAT"ON CENTERINEACHPANEL Sawn Lumber Cap Plate Deck nails            1011AE.21011ABCDEE.2E.3APPROVED FOR PRODUCTIONNSCALE 18"=1'-0"GYM ROOF FRAMINGPLACEMENT PLAN29S602218GENERAL NOTES & LEGENDDESIGN CONSIDERATIONSADDITIONAL LOADINGOPEN-WEB NOTES & LEGEND#.#_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _PRODUCT TYPE CHARTCALLOUTMEMBERSEE MATERIAL LIST FOR MORE INFORMATIONHLRA42" RED-H TRUSS24" RED-L TRUSS1¾"x11⅞" REDLAM BEAM_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _22818"12"2x4 TOP CAP ON TRUSSTOP CHORDSWHERE PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING ON TRUSSCHORD IS 10dx3" AT 4" OC, USE (2) ROWS OF10dx3" NAILS AT 8" OC, OFFSET 12" AND STAGGEREDPLYWOOD DIAPHRAGM JOINT11117/8:1218819819819829S60222871'-11"98'-0"71'-11"914"914"15'-6"8'-8"34'-4"12'-0"26'-612"16'-512"70'-412" CLEAR SPAN2'-8" ±2'-8" ±2'-8" ±START LAYOUT @ 32" OC2'-4"2'-4"PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS- ALL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (SPRINKLER LINES, SOFFITS, DUCTWORK, ELECTRICALCONDUITS, ETC.) ARE ASSUMED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIFORM DESIGNDEAD LOAD SHOWN, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THESESHOP DRAWINGS.- ALL OPENINGS (HATCHES, DUCTWORK, SKYLIGHTS, ETC.) ARE ASSUMED TO FITBETWEEN REGULAR ON-CENTER SPACING AS SHOWN, UNLESS SPECIFICALLYSHOWN OTHERWISE ON THESE SHOP DRAWINGS.H1RED END OF TRUSSCHORD HERE5⅛" GLBSIMTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPBUILDING CODE: 2015 IBCROOF DESIGNSNOW LOAD (@ 115%): 28 PSFDEAD LOAD: 17 PSFNET WIND PRESSURE (ASD @ 160%): -15 PSF- INDICATES BASKETBALL HOOP W/ APPROX LOCATION OFSUSPENSION PIPES (6 PLACES). ATTACHMENT TO ROOF TRUSSES& LOADING TO BE COORDINATED W/ PRODUCT SUPPLIER ORINSTALLER, REF DETAIL 21/8 & 22/8- TRUSSES TO BE INSTALLED IN MODULES, SEE INSTALLATION SHEET, PAGE 6.- INTERMITTENT ROW(S) OF METAL CROSS BRACING BY RB. FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE SHEET 6 AND MATERIAL LIST."#.#" - METAL BRACE LENGTH FROM TIP TO TIP- APPROX LOCATION OF 2x6 BRIDGING BY RB, SEE MODULAR INSTALLATIONSHEET, PAGE 6.KEY NOTES1. INDICATES GYM DIVIDER WITH 5 PLF DL ADDED TO ADJACENT TRUSSTOP CHORDS, REF DETAIL 13/A605.2. SEE SHEET 6 OF 8 FOR TRUSS INSTALLATION GUIDELINES.3. TYPE H2 AND H3 TRUSSES HAVE THE SAME PANEL LAYOUT AS THE H1TRUSSES, BUT HAVE GRADUALLY REDUCED CAMBER TO AID ININSTALLATION AT THE ENDWALLS, REF DETAIL 29/S6024. FOR AREAS WITH HIGH DIAPHRAGM NAILING (10D @ 4" OC ONRED-H TRUSSES WITH 2x4 TOP CAP) SEE DETAIL BELOW5. ADDITIONAL RED-H TRUSSES REQUIRED FOR BB HOOP LOADING ANDATTACHMENT TO BOTTOM CHORDS. INSTALL AT SPACINGS SHOWN.SEE RB DETAILS AND COORDINATE WITH GYM EQUIPMENT INSTALLER#1H1H432"32"20"12"20"12"32"32"20"12"20"12"218TYPADD'LADD'LADD'LADD'L55REVISIONS123#by Description Date4567JL BB Hoop Coordination, added top caps 3/30/22SHEET #SHEET NAME:REDBUILT PROJECT #CHK'D BY:DRAWN BY: DATE:DATE:PROJECTLOCATIONDO NOT SCALETHINK SAFETY - READ INSTALLATION INFORMATION BEFORE PROCEEDINGRed-I ™, Red-I45 ™, Red-I45L ™, Red-I58 ™, Red-I65 ™, Red-I90 ™, Red-I90H ™, Red-I90HS ™, Red-L ™, Red-W ™, Red-S ™, Red-M ™, Red-H ™, RedLam ™ are trademarks of RedBuilt, LLC.(QJLQHHUHG:RRG3URGXFWV™200 E. Mallard Drive Boise, Idaho 83706 | Phone: (866) 859-6757 | www.RedBuilt.comOFFAMILY FIRSTCOMMUNITY CENTERRenton, WAJL 1/20/22PMI2/2/2022127096GYM ROOF5803/30/202271'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"                                             ! "#   !" !    $    % $$ &     '  '   $   & $ %  $    '  $(  $   $   ) ' ' (  $%     $    %   $  & *)  +*    &  ,$$ * %    $ '  $  '-    $#   (      (   ' (   %    *)  +*    &      %  (  ($           %   %  '-  ).  /.  *) 0 122 3  ). .) *) 0 4 * ). 56/" 7 *) 0 4 &  0 122 3 * )8 9 : 7: ");/ <=>? 0  !!! 6).# $%&'$( 9 * : 6*)7* *) 0 4 )) 04)) 04)) 04)) &   0 4  )8 9 : 7: ");/ )7 6*)7* *) <>? 0 4 6).# ; )7: <+* )7.@? 0 2!1!2 + +. /767* 0 1=1!2 9 6 .. /767* 0 AAA / 6/.: B /C /767* 0 21 6).# *%*(* +,-. # $&/0( *)7* / :D6 71   22", ,  &3( *)7*) 7 7: /. 45''5'''.- *( "# % :               *)" 7 678,  &3("#  !" !3  9:  , ;! 1   <1 ,:   <,: <=, 1 ,: <=, ,: ;1 1 ,: ;1  ,: , <,:     ! "#" !$%&'()!*+      ,-  !../$012-/+ ./3$!3+ #!   4!!!!!*.4!/!5    , <,:              REQUEST FORM Distribution: File A/E, Owner Representative Contractor Project: _________________________RF #: Contractor: ______________________________ DATE: ___________ Subject: __________________________________________________ ☐ Architectural ☒ Structural ☐Landscape ☐ Civil ☐ Electrical ☐Mechanical Reference Specification: ________________________ Drawing: __________________________ DESCRIPTION: Response Necessary By: ________________________________________________________________ Requested by: _______________________COMER GC Representative: ____________________ RESPONSE: When the response requires modification of the contract documents, written authorization required for work to proceed. By: _______________________ Firm: ______________________ Date: ____________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ Please see below and following pages related to Redbuilt top cap plate as Rebuilt engineers have deemed necessary to transfer diaphragm forces. Please review for confirmation. 0060000666 _______________________Redbuilt Luke Comer ______________________________COMER GC, Inc.___________3/17/2022 ________________________Family First Community Center __________________________________________________Redbuilt Top Cap Plate RequestRReeqquueessttt Type:TTyTyppeee::☐ Information ☐ Clarification ☒ Confirmation ☐ Field Condition ☒ Modification ☒ Approval ☐ Other ________________________wing: __________________________S301, S302 COSTCCOOSSTT ///TIMTTIIMMEEE AFFECTEDAADFFFFEECCTTEEDD >>>Additional costs for top cap plate ________________________________________________________________3/21/22 No structural exceptions taken to continuous sheathing layup & installation of top cap plate. Roof sheathing and nailing per Roof Framing Note 1 S003, blocked diaphragm per Roof Framing Note 5 of S003. Kelly Lowe No exceptions architecturally. Meredith Everist, Baylis Architects 3/23/2022            RedBuilt LLC Mailing Address: 200 E Mallard Dr PO Box 60 Boise ID 83706 Boise ID 83707 To From Phone Phone Email Email Project Location Date Number 1 Attachment Attachment 3/7/22 To allow for timely delivery of the RedBuilt™ drawing package, please respond to the following requests by: Renton WA Ph: (208) 395-2400 Fx: (208) 395-2443 Request for Information Brent Lawrence Family First Community Center blawrence@redbuilt.com (503) 840-0460 127096 Comer GC, Inc. (425) 765-4118 luke@comergc.com Reference: Signature: Date: The RedBuilt submittal package addressed staggered vs. continuous seam for sheathing layout over gym. Staggered layout complicates modular installation and is not encouraged. Continuous seams are structurally acceptable per EOR. This will require a 2x top cap plate to transfer diaphragm forces, as otherwise only the truss pins would hold the DBL top chords together with the continuous seam breaking between the DBL truss chords. This 2x top cap plate will increase the height of the gym trusses by 1.5". As this was not shown on contract drawings, please confirm the top cap material & the additional 1.5" in height on gym trusses is acceptable. Request for Information, RedBUILT LLC 3/7/2022 Page 1 of 1 0LANTNAILSBY2ED"UILT X-32CAPBY2ED"UILTnot suitable in strap applicationsBECAUSETHE COMBINATIONOFDECK STRAP ANDPLANT NAILINGWILLSPLITTHE-32CAP D"X¼" DECKNAILSMAXIMUM ROWSAT"ON CENTERINEACHPANEL Sawn Lumber Cap Plate Deck nails            1011AE.21011ABCDEE.2E.3APPROVED FOR PRODUCTIONNSCALE 18"=1'-0"GYM ROOF FRAMINGPLACEMENT PLAN29S602218GENERAL NOTES & LEGENDDESIGN CONSIDERATIONSADDITIONAL LOADINGOPEN-WEB NOTES & LEGEND#.#_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _PRODUCT TYPE CHARTCALLOUTMEMBERSEE MATERIAL LIST FOR MORE INFORMATIONHLRA42" RED-H TRUSS24" RED-L TRUSS1¾"x11⅞" REDLAM BEAM_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _22818"12"2x4 TOP CAP ON TRUSSTOP CHORDSWHERE PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING ON TRUSSCHORD IS 10dx3" AT 4" OC, USE (2) ROWS OF10dx3" NAILS AT 8" OC, OFFSET 12" AND STAGGEREDPLYWOOD DIAPHRAGM JOINT11117/8:1218819819819829S60222871'-11"98'-0"71'-11"914"914"15'-6"8'-8"34'-4"12'-0"26'-612"16'-512"70'-412" CLEAR SPAN2'-8" ±2'-8" ±2'-8" ±START LAYOUT @ 32" OC2'-4"2'-4"PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS- ALL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (SPRINKLER LINES, SOFFITS, DUCTWORK, ELECTRICALCONDUITS, ETC.) ARE ASSUMED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIFORM DESIGNDEAD LOAD SHOWN, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THESESHOP DRAWINGS.- ALL OPENINGS (HATCHES, DUCTWORK, SKYLIGHTS, ETC.) ARE ASSUMED TO FITBETWEEN REGULAR ON-CENTER SPACING AS SHOWN, UNLESS SPECIFICALLYSHOWN OTHERWISE ON THESE SHOP DRAWINGS.H1RED END OF TRUSSCHORD HERE5⅛" GLBSIMTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPTYPBUILDING CODE: 2015 IBCROOF DESIGNSNOW LOAD (@ 115%): 28 PSFDEAD LOAD: 17 PSFNET WIND PRESSURE (ASD @ 160%): -15 PSF- INDICATES BASKETBALL HOOP W/ APPROX LOCATION OFSUSPENSION PIPES (6 PLACES). ATTACHMENT TO ROOF TRUSSES& LOADING TO BE COORDINATED W/ PRODUCT SUPPLIER ORINSTALLER, REF DETAIL 21/8 & 22/8- TRUSSES TO BE INSTALLED IN MODULES, SEE INSTALLATION SHEET, PAGE 6.- INTERMITTENT ROW(S) OF METAL CROSS BRACING BY RB. FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE SHEET 6 AND MATERIAL LIST."#.#" - METAL BRACE LENGTH FROM TIP TO TIP- APPROX LOCATION OF 2x6 BRIDGING BY RB, SEE MODULAR INSTALLATIONSHEET, PAGE 6.KEY NOTES1. INDICATES GYM DIVIDER WITH 5 PLF DL ADDED TO ADJACENT TRUSSTOP CHORDS, REF DETAIL 13/A605.2. SEE SHEET 6 OF 8 FOR TRUSS INSTALLATION GUIDELINES.3. TYPE H2 AND H3 TRUSSES HAVE THE SAME PANEL LAYOUT AS THE H1TRUSSES, BUT HAVE GRADUALLY REDUCED CAMBER TO AID ININSTALLATION AT THE ENDWALLS, REF DETAIL 29/S6024. FOR AREAS WITH HIGH DIAPHRAGM NAILING (10D @ 4" OC ONRED-H TRUSSES WITH 2x4 TOP CAP) SEE DETAIL BELOW5. ADDITIONAL RED-H TRUSSES REQUIRED FOR BB HOOP LOADING ANDATTACHMENT TO BOTTOM CHORDS. INSTALL AT SPACINGS SHOWN.SEE RB DETAILS AND COORDINATE WITH GYM EQUIPMENT INSTALLER#1H1H432"32"20"12"20"12"32"32"20"12"20"12"218TYPADD'LADD'LADD'LADD'L55REVISIONS123#by Description Date4567JL BB Hoop Coordination, added top caps 3/30/22SHEET #SHEET NAME:REDBUILT PROJECT #CHK'D BY:DRAWN BY: DATE:DATE:PROJECTLOCATIONDO NOT SCALETHINK SAFETY - READ INSTALLATION INFORMATION BEFORE PROCEEDINGRed-I ™, Red-I45 ™, Red-I45L ™, Red-I58 ™, Red-I65 ™, Red-I90 ™, Red-I90H ™, Red-I90HS ™, Red-L ™, Red-W ™, Red-S ™, Red-M ™, Red-H ™, RedLam ™ are trademarks of RedBuilt, LLC.(QJLQHHUHG:RRG3URGXFWV™200 E. Mallard Drive Boise, Idaho 83706 | Phone: (866) 859-6757 | www.RedBuilt.comOFFAMILY FIRSTCOMMUNITY CENTERRenton, WAJL 1/20/22PMI2/2/2022127096GYM ROOF5803/30/202271'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"71'-11"           1 Russ Woodruff From:Meredith Everist <everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Sent:Thursday, September 29, 2022 5:22 PM To:Russ Woodruff Cc:16-0996 Family First Community Center Subject:FW: FFCC - CI-004 - RFI-006 - Redbuilt Top Cap Plate - Engineer Required Attachments:FFCC - CI-004 - RFI-006 - Redbuilt Top Cap Plate - Engineer Required.pdf HIRuss,pleaseseeKelly’scommentbelow.IdoublecheckedthechangeitempreparedbyComerandthecostdoes includefabricationandinstall,notjustmaterials.  Wetakenoexceptionstothischangeitem.  Thanks,Meredith  Meredith Everist | AIA | NOMA | LEED AP BD+C Principal Pronouns: she | her 10801 Main Street, # 110 | Bellevue, WA 98004 O: 425.454.0566 D: 425.679.5205 F: 425.453.8013 everistm@baylisarchitects.com | BaylisArchitects.com Facebook | LinkedIn | Houzz  From:KellyLowe<kellyl@cplinc.com> Sent:Thursday,September29,20225:01PM To:MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Cc:16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ0996@baylisarchitects.com>;BenBarlow<BenB@cplinc.com> Subject:RE:FFCCͲCIͲ004ͲRFIͲ006ͲRedbuiltTopCapPlateͲEngineerRequired  HiMeredith,  Thanksforproviding,ouronlycommentisthatcostofmaterialsmightbealittlehigh.Thiscouldincludecostof materials,install,andattachmentwhichwouldmakesenseitjustwasn’tabundantlyclear.  Greattoseeyoutoday!  Kelly Lowe (she/her) COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN  From:MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Sent:Thursday,September29,20229:15AM To:KellyLowe<kellyl@cplinc.com> CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.             2 Cc:16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ0996@baylisarchitects.com> Subject:RE:FFCCͲCIͲ004ͲRFIͲ006ͲRedbuiltTopCapPlateͲEngineerRequired  HiKelly,willyouhaveachancetoreviewthisonethismorning?Russwouldliketocloseitoutassoonaspossible.  Thanks,Meredith  Meredith Everist | AIA | NOMA | LEED AP BD+C Principal Pronouns: she | her 10801 Main Street, # 110 | Bellevue, WA 98004 O: 425.454.0566 D: 425.679.5205 F: 425.453.8013 everistm@baylisarchitects.com | BaylisArchitects.com Facebook | LinkedIn | Houzz  From:MeredithEverist Sent:Monday,September26,202211:48AM To:KellyLowe<kellyl@cplinc.com> Cc:16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ0996@baylisarchitects.com> Subject:FW:FFCCͲCIͲ004ͲRFIͲ006ͲRedbuiltTopCapPlateͲEngineerRequired  HiKelly,willyoupleasereviewtheattachedcostsandcommentifthereareanyconcerns?  Thanks,Meredith  Meredith Everist | AIA | NOMA | LEED AP BD+C Principal Pronouns: she | her 10801 Main Street, # 110 | Bellevue, WA 98004 O: 425.454.0566 D: 425.679.5205 F: 425.453.8013 everistm@baylisarchitects.com | BaylisArchitects.com Facebook | LinkedIn | Houzz  From:LukeComer<luke@comergc.com> Sent:Thursday,September22,202210:18AM To:'RussWoodruffͲCityofRenton'<rwoodruff@rentonwa.gov>;MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Cc:'TimComer'<tim@comergc.com>;JonScofield<jon@comergc.com> Subject:FFCCͲCIͲ004ͲRFIͲ006ͲRedbuiltTopCapPlateͲEngineerRequired  Team– Attachedispricingfor:FFCCͲCIͲ004ͲRFIͲ006ͲRedbuiltTopCapPlateͲEngineerRequired,whichrelatesto theaddedtopcapplateontheRedbuiltgymtrussesasrequiredbyengineering,perRFIͲ006.  Thank you,  Luke Comer            3 C:425Ͳ765Ͳ4118IP:425Ͳ636Ͳ8934IF:425Ͳ285Ͳ9785             PUBLIC WORKS Facilities Division Project No:CCD # 18 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE Project Name: (CCD) (CONTRACTOR) You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachment referred to: SOURCE OF CHANGE: DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED:7/7/22 CHANGE ORIGINATED BY: Contractor (14 days from Request Date, unless other date agreed to) PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY: Contractor ARCHITECTCOR PM WE AGREE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGE IN THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: CONTRACT SUM: (WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX EXCLUDED) In accordance with the general condition, Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s) are attached hereto. CONTRACT TIME: OF 0 CALENDAR DAYS BY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE We have carefully examined this proposal and find the cost to be reasonable.Therefore, we recommend acceptance. ARCHITECT DATE HEALTHPOINT DATE City of Renton Authorized Signature To be utilized for changes requested by HealthPoint CITY OF RENTON DATE 6,068.00$ CAG 21Ͳ180 Family First Community Center TO: Comer GC, Inc. The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that this proposal does not constitute authorization to proceed with the specified changes in the work until incorporation of this COP into a Change Order by the City of Renton. Add cleanͲ0outs as directed by inspector. 04/22/22Proposal Request Date: EXPLANATION: AHJ requested additional code required cleanͲouts TO: Meredith Everist TO:Russ Woodruff of Six thousand and sixty eight dollars WE AGREE CONTRAC TO:Mered DATE PROP (14 days from You are direct SOURCE OF CONSTRU TO:Come Add clean EXPLANATI NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE Design Contractor Owner Code/AHJUnknown Conditions HealthPoint Other COMER GC, Luke Comer 9/6/2022 9/1/2022                                                                              1 Russ Woodruff From:Meredith Everist <everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 9, 2022 4:20 PM To:Russ Woodruff Cc:16-0996 Family First Community Center Subject:FW: FFCC - change Item #018 Attachments:FFCC - CI-018 - Added Plumbing Cleanouts per AHJ.pdf HiRuss,pleaseseeNathan’scommentbelowregardingthisChangeItem.IhavenoexceptionstoNathan’scomments ortheChangeproposal.  Thanks,Meredith  Meredith Everist | AIA | NOMA | LEED AP BD+C Principal Pronouns: she | her 10801 Main Street, # 110 | Bellevue, WA 98004 O: 425.454.0566 D: 425.679.5205 F: 425.453.8013 everistm@baylisarchitects.com | BaylisArchitects.com Facebook | LinkedIn | Houzz  From:NathanByers<Nathan@siderbyers.com> Sent:Tuesday,August9,202211:00AM To:MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Cc:16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ0996@baylisarchitects.com> Subject:FFCCͲchangeItem#018  Hi,Meredith.  Interestingstuff.Wethinkthiscostisreasonable;withoutdrillingtoodeeplyintotheinspectioncomments,let’sjust saythatthisseemslikestuffthecontractorhadtodotoproceed.  Althoughthecontractorisrequiredtoprovidecleanoutsinthespec,itseemsfairtosaythattheseareunexpected changes.  Bestregards,  Nathan     CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.             2 From:MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Sent:Tuesday,August09,20229:40AM To:NathanByers<Nathan@siderbyers.com> Cc:16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ0996@baylisarchitects.com> Subject:FW:FFCCͲchangeItem#018  HINathan,willyoupleasereviewtheattachedChangeproposalandcommentifyouhaveanyconcernsaboutthe pricingorthework?  Thanks,Meredith  Meredith Everist | AIA | NOMA | LEED AP BD+C Principal Pronouns: she | her 10801 Main Street, # 110 | Bellevue, WA 98004 O: 425.454.0566 D: 425.679.5205 F: 425.453.8013 everistm@baylisarchitects.com | BaylisArchitects.com Facebook | LinkedIn | Houzz  From:LukeComer<luke@comergc.com> Sent:Monday,August8,20225:06PM To:MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Cc:'RussWoodruffͲCityofRenton'<rwoodruff@rentonwa.gov>;'TimComer'<tim@comergc.com>;'JonScofield' <jon@comergc.com>;16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ0996@baylisarchitects.com> Subject:RE:FFCCͲchangeItem#018  Imayhavemissedsendingthis,hereyougo!  Thank you,  Luke Comer C:425Ͳ765Ͳ4118IP:425Ͳ636Ͳ8934IF:425Ͳ285Ͳ9785   From:MeredithEverist<everistm@baylisarchitects.com> Sent:Monday,August8,20224:13PM To:LukeComer<luke@comergc.com> Cc:RussWoodruffͲCityofRenton(RWoodruff@Rentonwa.gov)<rwoodruff@rentonwa.gov>;'TimComer' <tim@comergc.com>;JonScofield<jon@comergc.com>;16Ͳ0996FamilyFirstCommunityCenter<16Ͳ 0996@baylisarchitects.com> Subject:FFCCͲchangeItem#018  HiLuke,Reviewingthechangeitemlog,pleasesendinformationforCI#018.Idon’trecallthisoneandcan’tfindany relatedemails.  Thanks,Meredith             3 Meredith Everist | AIA | NOMA | LEED AP BD+C Principal Pronouns: she | her 10801 Main Street, # 110 | Bellevue, WA 98004 O: 425.454.0566 D: 425.679.5205 F: 425.453.8013 everistm@baylisarchitects.com | BaylisArchitects.com Facebook | LinkedIn | Houzz             PUBLIC WORKS Facilities Division Project No:CCD # 29 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE Project Name: (CCD) (CONTRACTOR) You are directed to prepare a cost proposal for the work described below and/or detailed on the attachment referred to: SOURCE OF CHANGE: DATE PROPOSAL REQUIRED:7/8/22 CHANGE ORIGINATED BY: Owner (14 days from Request Date, unless other date agreed to) PROPOSAL REQUESTED BY: Cowner ARCHITECTCOR PM WE AGREE TO PERFORM ALL CHANGE IN THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR: CONTRACT SUM: (WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX EXCLUDED) In accordance with the general condition, Cost Estimate Detail Sheet(s) are attached hereto. CONTRACT TIME: OF 0 CALENDAR DAYS BY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE We have carefully examined this proposal and find the cost to be reasonable.Therefore, we recommend acceptance. ARCHITECT DATE HEALTHPOINT DATE City of Renton Authorized Signature To be utilized for changes requested by HealthPoint CITY OF RENTON DATE Family First Community Center TO: Comer GC, Inc. The foregoing amount covers everything required in connection with the change. All other provisions of the contract remain in full force and effect. We understand that this proposal does not constitute authorization to proceed with the specified changes in the work until incorporation of this COP into a Change Order by the City of Renton. Increase extent of sidewalk demo/replacement to provide uniform appearance. 07/06/22Proposal Request Date: EXPLANATION: Owner requested additional sidewalk be removed to allow for more uniform appearance TO: Meredith Everist TO:Russ Woodruff 3,969.00 CAG 21Ͳ180 WE AGREE CONTRAC TO:Mered DATE PROP (14 days from You are direct SOURCE OF CONSTRU TO:Come Increase e EXPLANATI NO CHANGE INCREASE of Three Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars $ DECREASE NO CHANGE INCREASE DECREASE Design Contractor Owner Code/AHJUnknown Conditions HealthPoint Other 9/1/2022 9/6/2022COMER GC, Luke Comer