HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_13_TR_Aborist_Report_220812_v1 11415 NE 128th St., Suite 110, Kirkland, WA 98034 | Phone: 425.820.3420 | Fax: 425.820.3437 | americanforestmanagement.com Arborist Report Unico Properties Sounders FC Longacres Office Park August 1st, 2022 RECEIVED 10/12/2022 JDing PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 2 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3  2. Description ............................................................................................................................ 4  3. Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 6  4. Observations ......................................................................................................................... 7  5. Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 16  6. Tree Protection Measures ................................................................................................... 17  7. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 17  Limiting Conditions .................................................................................................................. 18  Appendix Tree Summary Table – attached DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 3 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 1. Introduction American Forest Management was contacted by Julia Reeve, Development Manager of Unico Properties LLC and asked to compile an Arborist Report for a development project located at the site known as the Boeing Longacres Industrial Park. The study area encompasses the following King County Parcels in the City of Renton: A: 088670-0360 (7.47 Ac) B: 088670-0370 (2.08 Ac) 11: 088670-0110 (3.27 Ac) 12: 088670-0120 (4.6 Ac) 13: 088670-0130 (4.22 Ac) 14: 088670-0140 (5.19 Ac) 21: 088670-0210 (6.42 Ac) 22: 088670-0220 (4.19 Ac) The first phase of the proposed project involves construction of approximately 10 acres of natural grass and artificial turf training fields, locker rooms, and maintenance facilities for Seattle Sounders FC. Our assignment is to prepare a report on the current condition of all significant trees present in the developable areas of subject parcels and identify their potential for retention in the proposed layout. Additionally, we will provide recommendations for tree retention and a discussion of tree protection measures. Proposed Retention Table Total Number of Significant Trees in Developable Area 581 2 Landmark Trees Total Number of Significant Trees to be Removed Under Proposed Site Plan 377 1 Landmark Tree Retention Percentage 35% (30% Required) 50% of Landmark Trees Tree Credits 1131 Credits Retained / 37.44 Acres 30.2 Credits / Acre DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 4 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 2. Description The gross site area of the eight parcels totals 37.44 acres. The property was redeveloped in the mid 1990’s and features commercial buildings, parking lots, landscaped areas, and restored woodlands and wetlands. The Site is zoned Commercial Office (CO). Adjacent properties within the Longacres Office Park (LOP) share the same CO zoning designation. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the Site is Employment Area (EA). The Site includes an existing office building (building 25-20) at Longacres Office Park. The Site is currently vacant since Boeing moved its commercial airplane services employees to other locations. The site includes several vacant parcels to the west and south of building 25-20 and surface parking lots. The Sounders development site comprises lots 11,12,13,14, 21, and 22 of the Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Building Site Plan (BSP) recorded at King County Recording No. 2005050400673, City of Renton, King County, WA. The site includes Tract A of the BSP where Wetland A is located, and Tract B of the BSP which includes Pond B, a stormwater detention and water quality pond that serves the existing improvements at the site. A mix of ornamental and native trees were planted or regenerated throughout the site. Trees found in the landscaped areas closer to the commercial building and parking lots have been regularly irrigated, pruned, and kept free of competitive species. Trees found in the restored wooded areas are mostly black cottonwood with lesser components of red alder and Scouler’s willow. Many of the trees are black cottonwood or red alder below the size threshold to be considered ‘Significant’ trees (eight inches DBH). Trees located within the wetland buffers are considered outside of the developable area and are not included in this study. The proposed development plan shows some construction activity will take place on each of the subject Parcels. Most of the trees in parcels 11, 12, and 13 will need to be removed as well as some trees in the northern portions of Parcels B and 14. The western portion of the parking lot on Parcel 21 is planned for reconfiguration and will require some trees in that area to be removed. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 5 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 6 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 3. Methodology ‘Significant Trees’ are defined in the Renton Municipal Code 4-11-200 DEFINITIONS as “A tree with a caliper of at least six inches, or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches.” ‘Landmark Trees’ are defined as "A tree with a caliper of thirty inches or greater”. All Significant and Landmark trees growing in the developable area of the subject property were assessed. A numbered aluminum tag was attached to the lower trunk of dominant trees to locate them in the field. These numbers correspond with the Tree Summary Table and their locations are shown on the attached tree locator layer of the survey. If necessary, adjacent smaller trees can be located in the field using the dominant tree location and Tree Locator Map. Tree diameters were measured by tape at 4.5 feet above grade for caliper (also known as DBH.) Each tree was visually examined for defects and vigor. The tree assessment procedure involves the examination of many factors: • The crown of the tree is examined for current vigor. This is comprised of inspecting the crown (foliage, buds and branches) for color, density, form, and annual shoot growth, limb dieback and disease. The percentage of live crown is estimated for coniferous species only and scored appropriately. • The bole or main stem of the tree is inspected for decay, which includes cavities, wounds, fruiting bodies of decay (conks or mushrooms), seams, insects, bleeding, callus development, broken or dead tops, structural defects and unnatural leans. Structural defects include crooks, forks with V-shaped crotches, multiple attachments, and excessive sweep. • The root collar and roots are inspected for the presence of decay, insects and/or damage, as well as if they have been injured, undermined or exposed, or original grade has been altered. Based on these factors a determination of condition is made. The four condition categories are described below based on the species traits assessed: Excellent – free of structural defects, no disease or pest problems, no root issues, excellent structure/form with uniform crown or canopy, foliage of normal color and density, above average vigor, it will be wind firm if isolated, suitable for its location. Good – free of significant structural defects, no disease concerns, minor pest issues, no significant root issues, good structure/form with uniform crown or canopy, foliage of normal color and density, average or normal vigor, will be wind firm if isolated or left as part of a grouping or grove of trees, suitable for its location. Fair – minor structural defects not expected to contribute to a failure in near future, no disease concerns, moderate pest issues, no significant root issues, asymmetric or unbalanced crown or DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 7 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. canopy, average or normal vigor, foliage of normal color, moderate foliage density, will be wind firm if left as part of a grouping or grove of trees, cannot be isolated, suitable for its location. Poor – major structural defects expected to fail in near future, disease, or significant pest concerns, decline due to old age, significant root issues, asymmetric or unbalanced crown or canopy, sparse or abnormally small foliage, poor vigor, not suitable for its location. A ‘viable’ tree is a significant tree that a qualified professional has determined to be in good health, with a low risk of failure due to structural defects, is wind firm if isolated or remains as part of a grove and is a species that is suitable for its location. Trees considered ‘non-viable’ are trees that are in poor condition due to disease, age related decline, have significant decay issues and/or cumulative structural defects which exacerbate failure potential. 4. Observations All trees larger than six inches DBH found in the study area of the subject parcels were observed and recorded on the Tree Summary Table and numbered on the survey. A total of 706 trees were identified and assessed in the study area. Of these, 125 were found to not qualify as Significant trees due to their size or condition. Of the 581 Significant trees in the study area, two cottonwood trees were documented that qualify as ‘Landmark trees’, the largest of which had a DBH of 52 inches. Parcel A (7.47 Ac) is located on the western side of the study area. Ponds and their associated wetland buffers cover the majority of this parcel. Significant trees found here include native tree restoration plantings in and around the wetland buffer zone. Twenty-three Significant trees were documented in the developable area of Parcel A. The plan shows no trees are likely to be removed from this parcel. A DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 8 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel B (2.08 Ac) is located in the southwestern portion of the study area. It is bordered to the south by a pipeline easement. Significant trees found here include native tree restoration plantings of black cottonwood and red alder. The proposal shows the northern half of this parcel is planned to be developed with a synthetic turf field and a restoration zone to the south. Twenty-eight Significant trees were documented in the developable area of Parcel B. The plan shows all significant trees are likely to be removed from this parcel. B DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 9 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel 11 (3.27 Ac) is located west of building 25-20. A wetland buffer associated with ‘Pond A’ is found on the western side of this parcel. Significant trees found here include well maintained ornamental species planted in a lawn area west of Building 25-20 and native tree restoration plantings in and around the wetland buffer zone. The proposal shows the majority of this parcel is planned to be developed with a natural grass soccer field and associated utility space with a restoration zone to the north. One hundred twenty-five Significant trees were documented in the developable area of Parcel 11. The plan shows 119 Significant trees are likely to be removed from this parcel. 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 10 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel 12 (4.6 Ac) is located west of the parking lot south of building 25-20. A wetland buffer associated with a pond covers the northwest corner of this parcel. Significant trees found here are primarily black cottonwood with a lesser component of red alder and Scouler’s willow planted during the site restoration project in the mid-1990’s. The eastern half of the parcel is mostly grassy with a large area dominated by invasive Himalayan blackberry. A paved heli-pad is found in the northeast corner. The proposal shows the majority of this parcel is planned to be developed with a synthetic turf field and associated utility space with a restoration zone to the west. One hundred five Significant trees were documented in the developable area of Parcel 12. The plan shows 98 Significant trees are likely to be removed from this parcel. 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 11 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel 13 (4.22 Ac) is mostly covered by the western parking lot south of building 25-20. Significant trees found here are primarily Norway maple planted in the landscape strips between parking rows. A row of blue sequoia are found on the eastern and western edges of the parking lot. The proposal shows this parcel is planned to be developed with a natural grass field and maintenance building. Fifty-eight Significant trees (including one Landmark tree) were documented in the developable area of Parcel 13. The plan shows all trees are likely to be removed from this parcel. 13 Norway maples and blue sequoia growing in the planting strips of the parking lot on Parcel 13 DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 12 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel 14 (5.19 Ac) is located in the southern portion of the study area. It is bordered to the south by a pipeline easement. Trees found here include native tree restoration plantings of black cottonwood and red alder. Some large ornamental trees dating to the Longacres Racetrack period (Est. 1933) were found in the woodland. A row of large poplars were planted along the southeast arc of the Longacres Racetrack and have remained. The proposal shows the northern half of this parcel is planned to be developed with a synthetic turf field with a restoration zone to the south. Of the 178 trees assessed, the majority were below the size threshold to be considered ‘Significant’. Eighty-three Significant trees (including one Landmark tree) were documented in the developable area of Parcel 14. The plan shows 58 trees are likely to be removed from this parcel (Landmark tree to be retained.) 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 13 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel 21 (6.42 Ac) is mostly covered by the main parking lot south of building 25-20. Significant trees found here are all flowering pear planted in the landscape strips between parking rows. The proposal shows a secure parking zone will be built in the northwest portion of this parcel which will require the removal of several trees will be required in this area and all other trees unlikely to be impacted by the development. One hundred twenty Significant trees were documented in the developable area of Parcel 21. The plan shows 15 trees are likely to be removed from this parcel. 21 Southern parking row of Parcel 21. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 14 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Parcel 22 (4.19 Ac) is mostly covered by building 25-20. Significant trees found here are mostly deodar cedar planted in the landscape beds southeast of the building, and several Japanese maples in the landscape areas to the north and south of the building. The proposal shows a secure parking zone will be built in the parcel to the south which will require the removal of one tree to the south of the building. All other trees are unlikely to be impacted by the development. Thirty-nine Significant trees were documented in the developable area of Parcel 22. The plan shows one of these trees is likely to be removed from this parcel. Grove of deodar cedar southwest of Building 25-20 22 DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 15 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Aerial view of Longacres racetrack and Kent Valley, 1939. HistoryLink.org Essay 7349 Longacres racetrack 1970. HistoryLink.org Essay 7349 DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 16 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 5. Discussion The extent of driplines (farthest reaching branches) for the subject trees can be found on the Tree Summary Table. These can be delineated on a copy of the site survey for trees planned to be retained and transferred to a final tree retention/protection plan to meet City of Renton submittal requirements. The trees that are to be removed must be shown crossed out with an ‘X’ on the final plan. The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) definition of ‘Critical Root Zone’ (CRZ) is an area equal to a one-foot radius from the base of the tree trunk for each one-inch of tree diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (DBH). Example: A 24-inch DBH tree has a CRZ radius of 24 feet. In this example, the total CRZ including trunk, would be 50 feet in diameter. This is a good baseline for determining appropriate ‘Tree Protection Zones’ (TPZ) for retained trees, but the ‘Limit of Disturbance’ (LOD) may vary from the CRZ. The LOD measurement is the distance from the trunk face that impacts might occur without compromising health or structural stability. This measurement may be larger or smaller than the CRZ, and is based on species, age, condition, existing improvements, and the anticipated overall impact to the subject tree. The proposed construction layout shows approximately 377 Significant trees are likely to be removed in this plan. Some additional Significant trees are found in the proposed landscape restoration area around the construction zone which may be able to be retained as part of the restoration. Once finalized site plans have been developed and retained trees identified, LOD measurements can be provided for retained trees near proposed improvements. The LOD is the maximum limit of encroachment into the tree’s root zone. These measurements shall be referenced when determining whether a tree can be successfully retained given the necessary TPZ. Few of the trees located on the property are suitable for retention as single trees if adjacent trees are removed. Trees will have a better likelihood of long-term safe life expectancy if they are retained in groups or groves. Many small trees below six inches DBH were observed in the woodlands throughout the site. These trees may survive for decades as suppressed interior trees, but their stability and vigor may become compromised due to clearing and grading practices. The frequency of failure for trees along a new forest edge is high for the first few years after clearing. This is due to exposure to wind in combination with poorly tapered trunks, low live crown ratios and small root systems. Live crown ratio (LCR) is the ratio of the length of the live crown to the height of the tree, expressed as a percent. Trees growing in a forested environment are protected from the elements and do not need to develop large anchoring root systems or high LCR’s. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 17 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. 6. Tree Protection Measures The following guidelines are recommended to ensure that the designated space set aside for the retained trees are protected and construction impacts are kept to a minimum. • Tree protection fencing (TPF) shall be initially erected at the edge of the CRZ of trees to be retained prior to moving any heavy equipment on site. • Tree protection fencing may be moved where necessary to install improvements, but only as close as the CRZ or Limits of Disturbance, as indicated on the tree retention plan. • Excavation limits should be laid out in paint on the ground to avoid over excavating. • Excavations within the driplines shall be monitored by a qualified tree professional so necessary precautions can be taken to decrease impacts to tree parts. A qualified tree professional shall monitor excavations when work is required and allowed up to the Limits of Disturbance. • To establish sub grade for foundations, curbs and pavement sections near the trees, soil should be removed perpendicular to the root flare extending from the tree to avoid breaking and shredding roots that lead back to the trunk within the dripline. Any roots damaged during these excavations should be exposed to sound tissue and cut cleanly with a saw. • Retained trees with excavation within their CRZs should be thoroughly irrigated weekly during dry periods. • Preparations for final landscaping shall be accomplished by hand within the driplines of retained trees. Plantings within the driplines shall be limited. Large equipment shall be kept outside of the tree protection zones at all times. 7. Recommendations  Many young trees around the parking lot in Parcel 13 are in good condition and of high value which could potentially be successfully transplanted to other areas of the site.  Avoid changing the grade within the CRZ of retained trees. If this is unavoidable, follow all tree protection measures outlined above. It is possible to work within the CRZ, up to the LOD with written provisions specific to the site.  Obtain all necessary permits from the City of Renton prior to carrying out work that may impact the site trees.  Have retained trees near improvements re-assessed for health and structure once development work has been completed.  Adhere to tree protection measures outlined in this report for all retained trees.  Any disturbance within the driplines of retained trees should be monitored by the project arborist.  When excavating must occur within the dripline of retained trees, a hand shovel should be used when roots larger than 1-inch are encountered. Mechanical excavation equipment could rip and shatter roots causing unnecessary damage. Cutting roots greater than 2 to 3 inches in diameter can potentially increase the likelihood of tree failure. If root cuts are required, roots should be exposed by hand then cleanly cut with a sharp tool to promote occlusion of the wound and encourage re-growth. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 August 2, 2022 Longacres Office Park Page 18 AMERICAN FOREST MANAGEMENT, INC. Limiting Conditions There is no warranty suggested for any of the trees subject to this report. Weather, latent tree conditions, and future human-caused activities could cause physiologic changes and deteriorating tree condition. Over time, deteriorating tree conditions may appear and there may be conditions not currently visible which could cause tree failure. This report or the verbal comments made at the site in no way warrant the structural stability or long-term condition of any tree, but represent my opinion based on the observations made. Nearly all trees in any condition standing within reach of improvements or human use areas represent hazards that could lead to damage or injury. Please call if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Benjamin Mark ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6976A ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal21450 River birchBetula nigra16 718 18 18 16 Good 11 YES Retain Northernmost on parcel21451 River birchBetula nigra10 510 10 12 8 Good 11 YES Retain21446 River birchBetula nigra10 510 10 8 8 Good 11 YES Retain Broken leaders. Wet ground 21445 River birchBetula nigra12 58 10 8 8 Good 11 YES Retain21444 River birchBetula nigra14 68 13 10 13 Good 11 YES Retain21443 River birchBetula nigra13 68 12 8 8 Good 11 YES Retain12836 Red alder Alnus rubra14 620 12 11 15 Good 11 YES REMOVE Large dead lower limbs 12837 Red alder Alnus rubra15 621 22 19 17 Good 11 YES REMOVE Full crown12838 Red alder Alnus rubra15 619 19 15 18 Good 11 YES REMOVE12839 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana13 610 12 10 11 Fair 11 YES REMOVE12840 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana11, 12, 11: 19 820 18 11 10 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Lower branches dead, decay12841 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana8, 6, 8, 8: 15 614 20 10 25 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Leans west12842 Western red cedarThuja plicata9410 12 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE12843 Western red cedarThuja plicata6410 9 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21442 River birchBetula nigra10 58 8 20 0 Good 11 YES REMOVE Leans east21441 River birchBetula nigra15 612 12 20 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21440 River birchBetula nigra13 616 12 20 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21435 Autumn blaze mapleAcer x. freemanii6412 12 11 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE Northernmost outside wetland buffer21430 Western red cedarThuja plicata649 9 9 9 Good 11 YES REMOVE21436 Autumn blaze mapleAcer x. freemanii6410 8 8 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21431 Western red cedarThuja plicata648 8 8 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21437 Autumn blaze mapleAcer x. freemanii649 11 10 9 Good 11 YES REMOVE21432 Western red cedarThuja plicata6411 11 8 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21438 Autumn blaze mapleAcer x. freemanii6410 8 9 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21433 Western red cedarThuja plicata6410 11 10 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21439 Autumn blaze mapleAcer x. freemanii649 9 9 9 Good 11 YES REMOVE Southernmost of alternating row. 21414 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa21 815 22 26 25 Good 11 YES REMOVE Dominant in area21415 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana11,11: 16 79 24 26 9 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Codominant leans east21416 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana8,8,9,9: 17 79 18 20 10 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Blackberry at base21383 Western red cedar Thuja plicata749 9 9 9 Good 11 YES REMOVE 21384 Western red cedar Thuja plicata12510 10 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21385 Western red cedar Thuja plicata14611 11 11 11 Good 11 YES REMOVE21387 Western red cedar Thuja plicata14611 12 12 11 Good 11 YES REMOVE21386 Western red cedar Thuja plicata13610 10 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21389 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16720 20 14 14 Good 11 YES REMOVE21413 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana12,11: 16710 10 16 10 Fair 11 YES REMOVE21388 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17718 10 10 15 Good 11 YES REMOVE21390 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa20,17: 26108 20 18 18 Good 11 YES REMOVE21391 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa24920 8 8 15 Good 11 YES REMOVE21379 Red alder Alnus rubra18712 18 20 12 Fair 11 YES REMOVEIn decline21380 Red alder Alnus rubra18710 25 10 12 Fair 11 YES REMOVEIn decline 21381 Stump0DEAD11 NO21382 Stump0DEAD11 NO21407 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa2298 20 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21406 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14, 12: 18720 8 15 15 Good 11 YES REMOVE21410 Western red cedar Thuja plicata13610 9 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21425 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19825 26 20 20 Good 11 YES REMOVE21426 Red alder Alnus rubra15610 10 20 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21409 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa22925 26 20 20 Good 11 YES REMOVE21408 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13618 12 18 18 Good 11 YES REMOVE21411 Red alder Alnus rubra11511 8 23 0 Fair 11 YES REMOVESevere lean east67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition1DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21412 Red alder Alnus rubra13618 9 10 9 Good 11 YES REMOVE21405 Western red cedar Thuja plicata14614 14 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21402 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17718 14 10 18 Good 11 YES REMOVE21401 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15615 8 17 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21403 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17720 8 20 20 Good 11 YES REMOVEJoined at base with 2140421404 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1678 20 20 20 Good 11 YES REMOVE21427 Red alder Alnus rubra14612 6 8 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21424 Red alder Alnus rubra16710 10 20 10 Fair 11 YES REMOVEThinning21423 Red alder Alnus rubra1468 15 20 8 Good 11 YES REMOVE21422 Red alder Alnus rubra16716 16 20 8 Fair 11 YES REMOVELarge wound to lower trunk. 21420 Red alder Alnus rubra18715 14 20 8 Fair 11 YES REMOVEThinning crown21366 Red alder Alnus rubra19012 18 12 10 Poor 11 NODead top21367 Red alder Alnus rubra17710 15 12 10 Fair 11 YES REMOVEIn decline21368 Red alder Alnus rubra18710 12 18 15 Fair 11 YES REMOVEIn decline21364 Red alder Alnus rubra15011 10 6 8 Poor 11 NOMostly dead21365 Red alder Alnus rubra16715 18 18 15 Fair 11 YES REMOVEIn decline21350 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa251018 20 16 16 Good 11 YES REMOVEDominant21349 Western red cedar Thuja plicata11510 10 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE21358 Red alder Alnus rubra1778 17 10 20 Fair 11 YES REMOVEIn decline. East side mostly dead21356 Red alder Alnus rubra8,10: 13615 15 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVEAdjacent to windthrown alder21357Red alder Alnus rubra14, 878161616Fair 11 YES REMOVELower codominant leader. Decay in leader101Japanese maple Acer palmatum7,6,5,5: 12 56101414Fair11YESREMOVENorth of carport. 5 more in row to east. .Codominant broken low. ADDED TO MAP102 Black pinePinus nigra8410 10 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVEWEST OF CARPORT ADDED TO MAP103 Black pine Pinus nigra6410 10 10 10 Good 11 YES REMOVEADDED TO MAP21327Red alder Alnus rubra15618 15 19 19Fair 11 YES REMOVEThinning21328Red alder Alnus rubra19822 23 9 19Fair 11 YES REMOVEThinning on east side21329Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa20, 21: 291118 20 16 12Good 11 YES REMOVE Codominant, joined at base21330Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16716 12 10 12Good 11 YES REMOVE Leans north21331Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1678201012Fair 11 YES REMOVEThin21332Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa23914 14 9 9Good 11 YES REMOVE Joined closely with adjacent tree21333Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa20816 16 15 20Good 11 YES REMOVE Joined closely with adjacent tree21334Red alder Alnus rubra20822 18 19 20Good 11 YES REMOVE Corner of path21335Red alder Alnus rubra19818 26 12 19Fair 11 YES REMOVE In decline, Thinning21336Red alder Alnus rubra15610 10 20 23Fair 11 YES REMOVE Thinning21337Red alder Alnus rubra20830 18 20 22Good 11 YES REMOVE Edge of path284Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19822 15 15 20Good 11 YES REMOVEADDED TO MAP21338Red alder Alnus rubra2100232610Poor 11 NO Mostly dead21339Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa23924 15 21 24Good 11 YES REMOVE Dominant21340Red alder Alnus rubra13613 20 20 15Fair 11 YES REMOVE Suppressed, crooked trunk21341Red alder Alnus rubra1561051818Fair 11 YES REMOVE Suppressed21342Red alder Alnus rubra17710 23 22 15Fair 11 YES REMOVE Thinning21343Red alder Alnus rubra18712 18 23 12Fair 11 YES REMOVE In decline21344Red alder Alnus rubra20819 10 20 15Fair 11 YES REMOVE Codominant joined at 3 feet21345Western red cedar Thuja plicata12515 10 8 10Fair 11 YES REMOVE Large vertical wound on trunk21346Western red cedar Thuja plicata19815 14 14 18Good 11 YES REMOVE21347Western red cedar Thuja plicata13613 13 13 13Good 11 YES REMOVE Damaged by adjacent falling tree21348Western red cedar Thuja plicata18713 13 13 13Good 11 YES REMOVE21351Stump0Dead 11 NO Black cottonwood - tipped over21352 Red alderAlnus rubra1469 12 15 12 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Multiple leaders joined a 3 feet21353 Red alder Alnus rubra8, 6, 6: 12610 11 10 16 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Multiple leaders joined low2DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21354 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa23920 20 18 20 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Broken leader21355 Red alder Alnus rubra16710 15 8 20 Fair 11 YES REMOVE Broken top21359Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana11, 8: 14615 15 15 15Good 11 YES REMOVE21360Red alder Alnus rubra261023 25 21 27Good 11 YES REMOVE Multiple large leaders joined at 3 feet21361Red alder Alnus rubra22926 20 24 22Fair 11 YES REMOVE Multiple leaders joined at 4 feet. Off balance to north21362Red alder Alnus rubra15620 18 12 22Fair 11 YES REMOVE Mature21363Red alder Alnus rubra10520 10 8 20Fair 11 YES REMOVELeans west21369Red alder Alnus rubra14615 15 16 20Fair 11 YES REMOVE Overmature21370Red alder Alnus rubra17718 15 20 24Good 11 YES REMOVE21371Red alder Alnus rubra10, 15: 18720 10 20 20Fair 11 YES REMOVE Codominant joined low, broken at 4 feet, multiple leaders21372Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa251025 25 18 18Good 11 YES REMOVE Dominant, on trail21373Red alder Alnus rubra12515 15 11 12Fair 11 YES REMOVE Overmature21374Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana10513 13 8 8Fair 11 YES REMOVE Overmature21375Red alderAlnus rubra15622 12 14 14Fair 11 YES REMOVEOver mature off balance to north21376Red alderAlnus rubra14614 14 16 16Fair 11 YES REMOVE Declining condition21377Red alder Alnus rubra14016 10 18 15Poor 11 NO Mostly dead21378Red alder Alnus rubra14610 10 10 10Fair 11 YES REMOVE Retrenchment21400Western red cedar Thuja plicata11511 11 11 11Good 11 YES REMOVE21399Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa23918 15 10 15Good 11 YES REMOVEDominant21394Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8, 6, 6: 12613 0 8 8Fair 11 YES REMOVESuppressed21393Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa261015 16 15 18Good 11 YES REMOVEDominant21392Western red cedar Thuja plicata13, 6, 5, 4: 16713 13 13 13Good 11 YES REMOVEMultistemmed joined low21395Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19817 13 15 14Good 11 YES REMOVESweeps west21396Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1361801210Good 11 YES REMOVESweeps north21397Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa251023 10 15 11Good 11 YES REMOVEDominant21398Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9481213 8Fair 11 YES REMOVESuppressed21417Red alderAlnus rubra16719 12 24 17Good 11 YES REMOVEMature21418Red alder0Dead 11 NO21419 Red alder Alnus rubra17714 12 20 10 Good 11 YES REMOVE Canopy off balance to east21428 Western red cedar Thuja plicata1058 8 8 8 Good 11 YES REMOVENorthernmost of grove21434 Autumn blaze mapleAcer x. freemanii8413 14 12 12 Good 11 YES REMOVE21429Western red cedar Thuja plicata7, 4: 84898 9Good 11 YES REMOVE Codominant joined low21864Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11581314 8Good 12 YES REMOVE21865Western red cedar Thuja plicata1461081414Good 12 YES REMOVE21866Red alder Alnus rubra6, 6: 8414 14 10 10Good 12 YES REMOVE21867Red alder Alnus rubra0Dead 12 NO21868Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16, 15, 12, 10: 271022 25 24 20Good 12 YES REMOVEMultiple stumps joined at base. Dominant tree21869 Red alder Alnus rubra10512 12 8 9 Good 12 YES REMOVEEdge of wetland buffer21870 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14616 8 8 8 Good 12 YES REMOVE21871 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1368 8 13 8 Good 12 YES REMOVE21872 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 10 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21873 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa70888 8Fair12NO21874 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17720 20 18 18 Good 12 YES REMOVEDominates area21875 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa708103 10Fair12NONear trail 21876 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa948 8 8 7 Good 12 YES REMOVESweeps east21877 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1258 8 12 12 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21878 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6012 NO21879 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11518 15 10 15 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21880 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa949 9 6 6 Fair 12 YES REMOVEDead top21881 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 11 11 11 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21882 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 11 11 11 Fair 12 YES REMOVEOn trail 3DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21883 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6012 6 8 12 Fair 12 NOCodominant leans north21884 Red alder Alnus rubra846 6 8 6 Fair 12 YES REMOVEBroken, Codominant 21885 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6012 NO21886 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana7,6,5: 10 510 11 11 9 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21887 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1058 8 8 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21888 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12512 6 8 8 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21889 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa18720 10 12 15 Fair 12 YES REMOVECodominant included bark at 3’21890 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9411 10 9 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21893 Red alder Alnus rubra1051291011Fair12YESREMOVE21894 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14618 12 12 18 Good 12 YES REMOVE21895 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11520 12 9 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVEBends west21896 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpaNS 012 NO21897 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12518 12 0 20 Fair 12 YES REMOVEBends west 21898 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15619 10 10 18 Good 12 YES REMOVE21899 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10,6: 12 512 12 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21900 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13611 12 15 9 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21901 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana11512 9 13 0 Fair 12 YES REMOVELeans north 21902 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11512 12 10 12 Good 12 YES Retain21903 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12512 12 10 10 Good 12 YES Retain21904 Red alder Alnus rubra949 9 6 9 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21905 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13610 10 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21910 Shore pine Pinus contorta11512 15 14 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21911 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12511 13 11 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21906 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13611 12 11 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21907 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1251761011Fair12YESREMOVELeans north 21908 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1251 8 13 8 Fair 12 YES REMOVELeans east 21909 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1059 9 0 12 Good 12 YES REMOVE21916 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14612 12 12 12 Good 12 YES REMOVE21917 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa846 6 12 0 Fair 12 YES REMOVELeans east 21915 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14616 8 10 8 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21914 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1369 10 10 0 Fair 12 YES REMOVELeans east 21913 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa23920 15 15 15 Good 12 YES REMOVEDominant21918 Red alder Alnus rubra80Poor 12 NOMostly dead21912 Red alder Alnus rubraNS012 NO21919 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13,13,8: 20812 10 15 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVECodominant joined low21920 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1368 9 8 9 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21921 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11,10: 1569109 8Fair12YESREMOVE21922 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1159 9 9 9 Fair 12 YES REMOVELeans east 21936 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12515 10 8 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21944 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1050 9 12 0 Fair 12 YES REMOVELeans east21941 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpaNS012 NO21943 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1057 7 14 0 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21938 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16720 12 20 9 Good 12 YES REMOVE21939 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13,12: 18710 10 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21940 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13610 12 11 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21942 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1159 8 7 9 Good 12 YES REMOVE21934 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12510 11 10 9 Good 12 YES REMOVE12167 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa18718 18 12 10 Good 12 YES Retain21923 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 10 10 10 Good 12 YES Retain21925 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17,11: 20820 20 15 12 Good 12 YES REMOVEDominant21926 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15615 10 8 9 Fair 12 YES REMOVE4DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21931 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12510 10 4 12 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21937 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8412 0 8 8 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21932 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11510 16 10 8 Good 12 YES REMOVE21927 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14610 10 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21928 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15610 12 11 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21929 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1369 8 7 9 Good 12 YES REMOVE21930 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13610 11 10 9 Good 12 YES REMOVE21931 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14618 18 12 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21932 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15610 10 10 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21933 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14610 10 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21934 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16710 12 11 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21935 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15610 10 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE 21924 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19812 12 12 12 Good 12 YES Retain'Excellent form open area21949 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14615 18 10 8 Good 12 YES REMOVE21945 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1159 9 6 9 Good 12 YES REMOVE21950 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12510 10 10 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21951 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13612 15 14 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21952 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12511 13 11 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21953 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14611 12 11 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21954 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1361761011Fair12YESREMOVE21959 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1561 8 13 8 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21948 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa909 9 0 9 Poor 12 NODead top21958 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9411 10 9 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21960 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 11 11 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21961 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14615 15 13 12 Good 12 YES REMOVE21962 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13614 13 12 12 Good 12 YES REMOVE21957 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10510 12 12 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21955 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14611 13 14 12 Good 12 YES REMOVE21946 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12515 18 14 14 Good 12 YES REMOVE21947 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14618 20 12 15 Good 12 YES REMOVE21969 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10510 14 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21970 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa1368117 8Good12YESREMOVE21971Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19814 14 10 18Good 12 YES REMOVE21967 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16710 15 15 18 Fair 12 YES REMOVEBroken top21964 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9412 10 10 10 Good 12 YES Retain21965 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11510 10 12 10 Good 12 YES Retain21963 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa18714 13 12 14 Good 12 YES REMOVE21973 Black cottonwood -Populus trichocarpa708 8 5 5 Good 12 NO21972 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana7410 5 10 11 Good 12 YES REMOVE21974 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana9415 15 10 10 Good 12 YES REMOVE21975 Red alder Alnus rubra6,6: 8 410 13 10 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVEMultiple leaders21966 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana746 6 8 5 Good 12 YES REMOVE21976 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana1058 8 15 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVEJoined at base 21977 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana1056 8 12 10 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21978 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana7,6: 908 8 10 8 Poor 12 NOBroken21979 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010610 5Fair12NO21980 Red alder Alnus rubra13617 15 15 14 Fair 12 YES REMOVE21981 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13618 15 15 15 Good 12 YES REMOVE21982 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa15,14: 21815 15 12 18 Good 12 YES REMOVECodominant joined low21983 Scoulers willowSalix scoulerianaNS012 NO21984 Scoulers willowSalix scoulerianaNS012 NO5DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21985 Red alder Alnus rubra13010 10 6 10 Poor 12 NOMostly dead12186 Red alder Alnus rubra16720 8 15 18 Good B YES REMOVE12185 Red alderAlnus rubra16718 10 15 18 Fair B YES REMOVECodominant joined at 18’12184 Red alderAlnus rubra17715 10 19 15 Fair B YES REMOVE12183 Red alderAlnus rubra16710 17 17 17 Good B YES REMOVE12182 Red alderAlnus rubra18710 20 10 15 Good B YES REMOVE12181 Red alderAlnus rubra17715 12 10 15 Good B YES REMOVE12178 Red alderAlnus rubra16711 12 15 18 Good B YES REMOVE12210 Sitka sprucePicea sitchensis18711 12 12 12 Good B YES REMOVE12211 Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis17710 10 10 10 Good B YES REMOVE12209 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17712 12 10 15 Good B YES REMOVE12207 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa18715 15 15 15 Good B YES REMOVE12204 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa90Poor B NODead12205 Red alder Alnus rubra12510 10 15 15 Fair B YES REMOVE12206 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13616 18 16 18 Fair B YES REMOVE12208 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana6,6,8,6,6: 1466126 12FairB YESREMOVE12196 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa21810 8 10 12 Fair B YES REMOVEThin crown12193 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa24918 15 18 18 Fair B YES REMOVE12192 Red alder Alnus rubra14610 18 15 6 Fair B YES REMOVE12194 Red alder Alnus rubra80Poor B NOBroken, large column of decay12197 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa18710 10 12 12 Fair B YES REMOVE12199 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana846 6 10 4 Fair B YES REMOVEMostly fallen over to the east. 12200 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana10510 10 15 0 Fair B YES REMOVE12201 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa20818 18 18 5 Fair B YES REMOVECodominant joined at 3’12198 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana948 8 12 0 Fair B YES REMOVE12202 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa16711 8 12 6 Good B YES REMOVE12203 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa2188 16 12 10 Good B YES REMOVE12190 Red alder Alnus rubra1876 6 18 11 Fair B YES REMOVE12189 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana9,10: 1367 8 11 8 Fair B YES REMOVE12187 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa22918 16 10 8 Good B YES REMOVE12188Red alder Alnus rubra15661015 3Fair B YES REMOVE104 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE105 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE106 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE107 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE108 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE109 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE110 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE111 Norway mapleAcer platanoides946 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE112 Norway mapleAcer platanoides946 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE113 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE114 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE115 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE116 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE117 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE118 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE119 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE120 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE121 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE122 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE123 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE6DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition124 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE125 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE126 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE127 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE128 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE129 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE130 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE131 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE132 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE133 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE134 Norway mapleAcer platanoides746 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE135 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE136 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE137 Norway mapleAcer platanoides646 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE138 Norway mapleAcer platanoides846 6 6 6 Good 13 YES REMOVE139 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE140 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1157 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE141 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1157 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE142 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE143 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE144 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE145 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’947 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE146 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE147 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1157 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE148 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE149 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1157 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE150 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE151 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1157 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE152 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1057 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE153 Blue sequoiaSequoiadendron giganteum ‘Glaucum’1157 7 7 7 Good 13 YES REMOVE21013 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa2396 15 15 15 Good 13 YES REMOVE21015 Black locustRobinia pseudoacacia1100 2 0 17 Poor 13 NOHooked to west. 30434 Black locustRobinia pseudoacacia8413 0 0 10 Fair 13 YES REMOVE History of excessive pruning20944Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa521320 22 15 15 Good 13 YES REMOVELANDMARK TREE. Large Codominant stems joined at 5 feet. included bark. Surface roots lifting pavement on trail20945 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana13, 6, 8: 16718 18 18 18 Fair 13 YES REMOVE20946 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa281020 19 19 20 Good 13 YES REMOVE20947 Scoulers willowSalix scouleriana6, 6, 6: 10518 12 12 12 Fair 13 YES REMOVEMany smaller stems20948Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa21, 20: 291119 19 19 19 Good 13 YES REMOVELarge Codominant stems joined at base. included bark. Surface roots lifting pavement on traila20949 Black cottonwoodPopulus trichocarpa9414 13 14 12 Good 13 YES REMOVE154 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain155 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain156 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain157 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain158 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain159 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain160 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain161 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain162 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain163 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain7DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition164 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain165 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE166 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE167 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE168 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana13610 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE169 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE170 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE171 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE172 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE173 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE174 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE175 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE176 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE177 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE178 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana14610 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE179 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana14610 10 15 15 Good 21 YES REMOVE180 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain181 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain182 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain183 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain184 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain185 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain186 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain187 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain188 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain189 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain190 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain191 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain192 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain193 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain194 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain195 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain196 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain197 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain198 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain199 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain200 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain201 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain202 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain203 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain204 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain205 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain206 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain207 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain208 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain209 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain210 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain211 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain212 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain213 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain214 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain8DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition215 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain216 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain217 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain218 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain219 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain220 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain221 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain222 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain223 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain224 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain225 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain226 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain227 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana14610 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain228 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain229 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain230 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana13610 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain231 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain232 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain233 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain234 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain235 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain236 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain237 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain238 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain239 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain240 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain241 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain242 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain243 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain244 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain245 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain246 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain247 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain248 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain249 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain250 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain251 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana8410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain252 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain253 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain254 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain255 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain256 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain257 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain258 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain259 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain260 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana9410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain261 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain262 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain263 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana13610 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain264 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain265 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain9DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition266 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain267 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana12510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain268 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain269 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana11510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain270 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana3021 NONS- 3” DBH271 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain272 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana10510 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain273 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana7410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain274 Callery flowering pearPyrus calleryana6410 10 15 15 Good 21 YES Retain21456 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa218Fair 14 YES RetainOn path. Trunk Covered n bb 21459Oregon ashFraxinus latifolia10, 11, 10: 18715 16 18 15Fair 14 YES REMOVE21460 Oregon ashFraxinus latifolia12, 15: 19818 18 17 16 Good 14 YES REMOVE21466 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21470 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21471 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 11 11 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21472 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8415 15 13 12 Good 14 YES REMOVE21473 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011911 9Good14NO21001 Oregon ashFraxinus latifolia12, 7, 6: 15618 16 14 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21005 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO21004 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21003 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21002 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21006 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO21000 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 11 11 10 Good 14 NO20999 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO20998 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8415 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE20997 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE20996 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO20995 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO20994 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO20993 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE20992 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE20991 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO20990 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 11 11 10 Good 14 NO20989 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO20988 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO20987 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO20986 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10515 18 14 14 Good 14 YES Retain20985 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO20984 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO20983 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO20982 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO20981 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO20980 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO20979 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO20978 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa17715 15 13 12 Good 14 YES Retain21009 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8415 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE21008 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21007 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE20967 Stump 0DEAD 14 NO20968 Stump 0DEAD 14 NO10DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition20969 Stump 0DEAD 14 NO20975 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa708 8 8 8 Good 14 NO20976 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa70888 8Fair14NO20977 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa70888 8Fair14NO20971 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14610 10 10 10 Good 14 YES Retain20972 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11510 14 10 10 Fair 14 YES Retain20973 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10511 10 9 10 Good 14 YES Retain20974 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 11 11 10 Good 14 NO20970 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa708 9 8 9 Good 14 NO20964 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa461319 18 19 18 Fair 14 YES RetainLANDMARK TREE. Multiple leaders attached low 20965 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16715 15 14 14 Good 14 YES Retain20966 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19811 18 15 15 Good 14 YES Retain20960 Stump 0DEAD 14 NO20961 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10520 10 9 9 Good 14 YES Retain20962 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10520 10 9 9 Good 14 YES Retain20963 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8, 9: 12520 10 9 9 Good 14 YES RetainCodominant joined at 3’12980 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 14 10 10 Fair 14 YES Retain12981 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10, 11: 15615 10 12 12 Fair 14 YES RetainWeakly attached Codominant. Included bark12982 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8, 8: 11511 10 10 10 Fair 14 YES Retain12983 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 10 11 10 Fair 14 YES Retain12984 Pacific madroneArbutus menziesii8415 0 10 10 Good 14 YES RetainLeans north12985 Pacific madroneArbutus menziesii8415 0 10 10 Good 14 YES Retain12986 Stump 0DEAD 14 NOCottonwood snag12987 Stump 0DEAD 14 NOCottonwood snag12956 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8414 14 12 15 Fair 14 YES Retain12957 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10510 14 10 10 Good 14 YES Retain12958 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011 10 9 10 Fair 14 NO12959 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 11 11 10 Good 14 NO12960 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO12961 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO12962 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13614 14 12 15 Fair 14 YES Retain12963 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13610 14 10 10 Good 14 YES Retain12964 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 10 9 10 Fair 14 YES Retain12965 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO12966 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO12967 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO12968 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 10 9 10 Fair 14 YES Retain12969 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16710 11 11 10 Good 14 YES Retain12970 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Fair 14 NO12971 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO12972 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO12973 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8415 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE12974 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Fair 14 YES REMOVE12975 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO12976 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Fair 14 NO12977 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10511 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE12978 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8415 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE12979 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21017 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14610 14 10 10 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21018 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO21019 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Fair 14 NO11DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21020 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21021 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21022 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21023 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 14 10 10 Fair 14 NO21024 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO21025 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 11 11 10 Fair 14 NO21026 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO21027 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21028 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21058 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 14 10 10 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21057 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10511 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21056 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11515 18 14 14 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21055 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21054 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21053 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO21052 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10510 11 11 10 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21051 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21050 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12514 13 12 12 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21049 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO21048 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11515 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE21047 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21046 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Fair 14 NO21059 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21060 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 10 9 10 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21061 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9415 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE21062 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21063 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21064 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 15 13 12 Fair 14 NO21065 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8415 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE21066 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21067 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21068 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21069 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21070 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6011 10 9 10 Fair 14 NO21071 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 11 11 10 Good 14 NO21072 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO21073 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21074 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21075 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21076 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9411 10 9 10 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21077 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21078 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13614 14 12 15 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21079 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21080 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa10511 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21081 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa11510 11 11 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21082 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9415 18 14 14 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21083 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12514 13 12 12 Good 14 YES REMOVE21084Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 13 12 12Fair 14 YES REMOVE21085 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12515 18 14 14 Good 14 YES REMOVE21086 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE12DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition21087 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21088 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21089 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21090 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21091 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21092 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21093 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9415 15 13 12 Good 14 YES REMOVE21094 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21095 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa9414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21096 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Fair 14 NO21097 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21098 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21040 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa12511 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21041 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16710 11 11 10 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21042 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 15 13 12 Good 14 NO21043 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Fair 14 NO21044 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21045 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21016 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7011 10 9 10 Good 14 NO21029 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa13615 18 14 14 Fair 14 YES REMOVE21030 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8414 14 12 15 Good 14 YES REMOVE21031 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8410 14 10 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21032 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa8411 10 9 10 Good 14 YES REMOVE21033 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6010 11 11 10 Good 14 NO21034 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Good 14 NO21035 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO21036 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 13 12 12 Good 14 NO21037 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6015 18 14 14 Fair 14 NO21038 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21039 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa6014 14 12 15 Good 14 NO21010 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa7010 14 10 10 Good 14 NO21011 Oregon ash Fraxinus latifolia848 8 15 8 Good 14 YES REMOVE21012 Oregon ash Fraxinus latifolia848 8 15 8 Good 14 YES REMOVE21014 LocustRobinia pseudoacacia1258 12 0 15 Fair 14 YES REMOVE30433 LocustRobinia pseudoacacia13010 18 15 15 Poor 14 NONear corner of path. 12212 Red alderAlnus rubra12518 18 15 15 Good A YES Retain12213 Sitka sprucePicea sitchensis 18719 18 18 17 Good A YES RetainTrimmed for trail12214 Sitka sprucePicea sitchensis 648 6 6 6 Fair A YES RetainSouthern tip of lake12215 Red alderAlnus rubra18720 15 10 15 Good A YES Retain12217 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19812 12 12 15 Fair A YES Retain12220 Red alderAlnus rubra15610 10 12 12 Fair A YES Retain12221 Red alderAlnus rubra18710 10 25 22 Fair A YES Retain12225 Red alderAlnus rubra18715 15 15 20 Fair A YES Retain12228 Red alderAlnus rubra17720 18 15 18 Fair A YES Retain12236 Red alderAlnus rubra15610 10 12 12 Fair A YES Retain12237 Red alderAlnus rubra18710 10 25 22 Fair A YES Retain12238 Red alderAlnus rubra18725 10 25 25 Good A YES Retain12242 Red alderAlnus rubra1368 10 10 15 Fair A YES RetainIn water. In decline. 12244 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa19820 20 20 24 Good A YES Retain12247 Red alderAlnus rubra16719 18 18 17 Good A YES Retain12257 Red alderAlnus rubra1678 10 10 18 Fair A YES RetainDead top13DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition12256 Red alderAlnus rubra19812 8 12 20 Fair A YES Retain12059 Red alderAlnus rubra12510 10 10 10 Good A YES Retain12060 Red alderAlnus rubra10510 14 10 10 Good A YES Retain12061 Red alderAlnus rubra10511 10 9 10 Good A YES Retain12062 Oregon ash Fraxinus latifolia948 8 15 8 Fair A YES RetainIn water12063 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa14615 18 12 12 Good A YES Retain12064Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa16715 18 12 12Good A YES RetainWetland buffer edge21994 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 24916 12 15 12 Good 22 YES RetainCorner of grove near building entry. 21995 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 18716 20 15 12 Fair 22 YES Retain21996 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 22910 20 15 18 Good 22 YES Retain21997 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 23924 15 18 18 Good 22 YES Retain21998 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 22922 16 18 15 Good 22 YES Retain21999 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 23920 15 18 18 Good 22 YES Retain22000 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 20815 22 18 15 Good 22 YES Retain22001 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 15611 9 9 10 Fair 22 YES RetainThin22002 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 19815 15 13 13 Good 22 YES Retain22003 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 21829 13 25 15 Good 22 YES Retain22004 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 23913 24 24 15 Good 22 YES RetainCorner of grove access gate in south drip line 22005 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 21816 17 20 15 Good 22 YES RetainCorner of grove parking lot access in south drip line 22006 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 22918 15 15 15 Good 22 YES Retain22007 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 22915 14 18 20 Good 22 YES Retain Multiple leaders joined at 15 feet22008 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 21825 18 18 16 Good 22 YES RetainCorner of grove access gate in north drip line 22009 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 23920 12 20 18 Good 22 YES Retain22010 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 20819 18 19 12 Good 22 YES Retain22011 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 19821 15 12 20 Good 22 YES Retain22012 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 18720 22 18 18 Good 22 YES Retain22013 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 19819 20 12 18 Good 22 YES Retain22014 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 21819 18 15 18 Good 22 YES Retain22015 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 15610 18 10 18 Good 22 YES Retain22016 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 251019 12 19 19 Good 22 YES Retain22017 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 18718 12 20 18 Good 22 YES Retain22018 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 10515 15 15 8 Fair 22 YES RetainSuppressed22019 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 21821 18 22 15 Good 22 YES RetainCorner by loading dock22020 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 20818 19 22 11 Good 22 YES Retain22021 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 19816 18 22 18 Good 22 YES Retain22022 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 22912 18 25 18 Good 22 YES Retain22023 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 251018 18 18 18 Good 22 YES Retain22024 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 23915 18 18 18 Good 22 YES Retain22025 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 1876 15 20 10 Fair 22 YES Retain Broken at 20 feet lateral branch new leader22026 Deodar cedarCedrus deodara 23915 18 20 20 Good 22 YES RetainCodominant leaders285 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'7412 12 9 12 Good 22 YES RetainAdded to map288 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'7412 10 12 12 Good 22 YES Retain289 Japanese maple Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'8010 10 9 12 Poor 22 NOVerticillium wilt. Half of tree is dead290 Japanese maple Acer palmatum8, 6, 6: 1258 12 20 18 Good 22 YES RetainAdded to map291 Japanese mapleAcer palmatum9, 9, 7, 7: 1679 11 20 12 Good 22 YES Retain292 Japanese mapleAcer palmatum11, 5, 5: 1366 12 15 20 Good 22 YES Retain293 Japanese mapleAcer palmatum6, 6, 6: 10510 15 15 20 Fair 22 YES REMOVEThinning crown14DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Tree Summary TableAmerican Forest Management, Inc.For: Unico PropertiesDate: 7/15/2022 Sounders Longacres ProjectInspector: Benjamin MarkOf 706 trees assessed, 125 were found to be Non-significant trees due to size or condition.2 Landmark trees (30"+ DBH)377 Significant trees to be removedTree Credits(Draft Ordinance)N S E W Significant? Proposal67 Sigificant trees to be removed from wetland buffer1131 Credits retained in 37.44 acre development area (30.2 Credits/Acre)ParcelGenus speciesNotesID # Common Name DBH in inches Dripline average in feetCondition‘Significant Trees’ are defined in the Renton Municipal Code 4-11-200 DEFINITIONS as “A tree with a caliper of at least six inches, or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches.” ‘Landmark Trees’ are defined as "A tree with a caliper of thirty inches or greater”TREE RETENTION STANDARDS APPLY TO DEVELOPABLE AREA OF PROPERTY. TREES ON KC WEED LIST DO NOT APPLY15DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521