HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_18_C_Advisory_NotesDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 2 LUA22-000357 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use action. Planning: (Contact: Jill Ding, 425-430-6598, jding@rentonwa.gov) 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant will be required to submit a Final Wetland Mitigation Report and Maintenance and Monitoring proposal. In addition, the applicant will be required to comply with all the code requirements of RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas. This includes, but is not limited to, placing the critical area within a Native Growth Protection Easement, providing fencing and signage, and providing the City with a site restoration surety device and, later, a maintenance and monitoring surety device. 6. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 7. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 8. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Development Engineering: (Contact: Nathan Janders, 425-430-7382, njanders@rentonwa.gov) 1. See Attached Development Engineering Memo dated October 26, 2022 Fire Authority: DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 2 of 2 LUA22-000357 (Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-276-9582, cthomas@rentonrfa.org) 1. The fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $0.15 per square foot of new building area for the proposed new field maintenance building. This fee is paid at building permit issuance. 2. The fire flow requirement for the proposed new field maintenance building is 1,500 gpm. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed building and one additional hydrant is required within 300-feet of the building for a total of two required fire hydrants. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adequate from existing fire lanes and all existing fire lanes shall be maintained as they exist. 4. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout the existing office building and shall be revised as needed for all proposed tenant improvements. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Technical Services: (Contact: Amanda Askren, 425-430-7369, aaskren@rentonwa.gov) 1. None at this time Community Services: (Contact: Erica Schmitz, 425-430-6614, eschmitz@rentonwa.gov) 1. None at this time Police: (Contact: Cyndie Parks, 425-430-7521, cparks@rentonwa.gov) 1. None at this time Building: (Contact: Rob Shuey, 425-430-7235, rshuey@rentonwa.gov) 1. None at this time DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 26, 2022 TO: Jill Ding, Senior Planner FROM: Nathan Janders, Development Engineer SUBJECT: Sounders FC at Longacres 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW LUA22-000357 I have reviewed the application for the Sounders FC at Longacres project located at 1901 Oakesdale Ave SW and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is comprised of existing parcels 0886700220, 0886700110, 0886700120, 0886700130, 0886700210, 0886700370 and 0886700140, is approximately 1,320,419 square feet in size and is rectangular in shape. The site currently contains a vacant office building formerly known as Boeing 25-20 and an existing parking. The site is fronted by Oakesdale Ave SW to the east and private property on all other sides. WATER: The proposed development is within the City’s water service area and in the Valley 196 Pressure Zone. There is an existing 12-inch water main looped around the existing building on parcel 0886700220 that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 5,600 GPM (see record project file WTR2702323 for as-built files). The existing water main is located within an easement, see King County recording number 9903231472, 8803161006 and 9501260432. There is an existing 4-inch domestic water service and meter with a 4-inch DCVA serving the existing building. There are two existing 10-inch fire service with a DCDA serving the existing building. The static water pressure is approximately 76 PSE at ground elevation of 20 feet. SEWER: The proposed development is within the City’s sewer service area. There is an existing private 8- inch gravity wastewater main located along the north and east side of the existing building discharging to a 10-inch City of Renton wastewater main within Oakesdale Ave SW (see record drawing S-23230A). There is an existing grease interceptor located on the east side of the building. There are multiple existing DI side sewers serving the existing building. STORM: There is an existing, private, on-site conveyance system and detention pond (see record project file TED4002323). STREETS: The proposed development fronts Oakesdale Ave SW to the east. Oakesdale Ave SW is classified as a Principal Arterial street with an existing right-of-way (ROW) width of approximately 90 feet. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 2 of 7 October 26, 2022 Existing improvements include a 66 foot paved road, a 0.5 foot curb, a 6.5 foot sidewalk and 5 foot clear space at the back of walk. WATER 1. Civil plans for the water main improvements are required and must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix K of the City’s 2019 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separations between the new water main and other utilities (storm sewer pipes and vaults, sanitary sewer, power, gas, electrical) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. Retaining walls, rockeries or similar structures cannot be installed over the water main unless the water main is installed inside a steel casing. a. The proposed plan depicts an extension of the water main from the existing 12-inch on site main to the new service building. Connections to the existing main shall be performed by City forces. See comment 8.a for additional information. b. A 15 foot wide public water easement is required for any public water main, hydrant and water meter located outside City right-of-way. A minimum 10-foot setback is required from the building foundation to the new water main. 2. The proposed plan does not depict any water utility improvements to the existing building. a. The sizing of the meter and private service line to the existing building shall be in accordance with the most recent edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. If the size required is 4-inch then the existing service line and meter may be re-used. If a new service line is to be installed a minimum 1-inch domestic water service is required for the building. Services and meters 3-inch and larger are installed by the developer, 2-inch and smaller are installed by City forces. If a new service is installed the exis ting service shall be cut, capped and abandoned by City Crews; a separate water permit is required. If a new service is installed a reduced-pressure backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) is required. The RPBA shall be installed inside an above ground heated enclosure per City standard plan 350.2. The RPBA may be located inside the building if a drainage outlet for the relief valve is provided and the location is pre-approved by the City Plan Reviewer and City Water Utility Department. 3. The proposed plan depicts a modification of a portion of the existing 12-inch water main on site. a. If the modification relocates the pipe such that it is no centered within the existing easement area, then, that portion of the easement no longer needed shall be relinquished and a new easement shall be provided (see comment 1.b for more information on easements). 4. The proposed plan depicts installation of a new meter to the service building. Meter sizing shall be based on Uniform Plumbing Code meter sizing criteria. Sizing calculations shall be provided to the City. Meters 3” or larger, shall be installed in a concrete vault located outside of the building per COR Standard Plan 320.4. By-pass piping, valves, and associated piping shall be purchased and installed by the developer / contractor under City observation for meters 3” or larger. The meter vault shall be located within public ROW or within an easement on private property. a. The proposed plan shows a 2-inch meter serving the new maintenance building but indicates size to be confirmed. Further, backflow prevention is not depicted, an RPBA DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 3 of 7 October 26, 2022 backflow prevention assembly shall be installed behind of the meter. Applicant shall confirm and indicate the meter size, along with show an RBPA on the utility plans submit with the civil construction permit. 5. The civil narrative indicates that one or more irrigation meters will be needed but that the exact count and location are being determined. a. Landscape irrigation meters shall have backflow prevention (minimum DCVA) and be shown on the utility plans submit with the civil construction permit. Landscape irrigation meters shall be installed as close to a water main as possible and an easement shall be provided as needed (see comment 1.b for more information on easements). 6. Per the Uniform Plumbing Code, a pressure reducing valve (PRV) is required downstream of the water meter when the water pressure exceeds 80 PSI. a. Water pressure is calculated at 76 PSI at a ground elevation of 20 feet. If PSI is found to exceed 80 PSI then a PRV is required and shall be shown on the utility plans submit with the civil construction permit. 7. If an alternative source of water is considered for use then approval of an agreement with the City and other regulatory agencies (such as King County) is required. 8. Based on the review of project information submitted, Renton Regional Fire Authority has determined that the fire flow demand for the proposed development is 1,500 GPM. a. The proposed 8-inch main extension must be increased to a 12-inch main to support the fire flow and domestic services depicted. 9. Installation of off-site and on-site fire hydrants. The location and number of hydrants will be determined by the RRFA based on the final fire flow demand and final site plan. a. The proposed plan shows a hydrant installed near the new maintenance building. The hydrant should be positioned at the end of line to serve as a blow off. 10. There are multiple existing fire hydrants within 300 feet of the existing building on the property within the easement area. There are no hydrants within 300 feet of the proposed maintenance building. 11. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the water meters. Current fees can be found in the 2022 Development Fees Document on the City’s website. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of Civil Construction Permit issuance. a. The SDC fee for water is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. The 2022 water fee is $4,500.00 per 1-inch meter, $22,500 per 1-1/2 inch meter, $36,000 per 2-inch meter, and $72,000 per 3-inch meter. b. Drop-in meter fee is $460.00 per 1-inch meter, $750 per 1-1/2 inch meter, and $950 per 2-inch meter. For meters larger than 2-inch, a $220 processing fee is applied and the applicant must provide materials and installs. c. The full fee schedule can be found at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/browse.aspx?id=8217302&dbid=1&repo=Cityo fRenton SEWER 1. The proposed plan does not depict any improvements to the existing building. a. The existing sewer stubs shall be CCTV’d and the video provided to the development engineering project manager for review. If found to be acceptable to the sewer department the stub may be re-used, else, if found unacceptable then the stub shall either be lined or a new stub shall be installed according to the standards in RMC 4-6- 040 and City of Renton Standard Details. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 4 of 7 October 26, 2022 b. The existing grease interceptor shall be verified for size per the latest edition of the UPC and if found acceptable may be re-used. 2. The proposed plan depicts installation of an 8-inch sewer main to the maintenance building connected directly to the King County Metro mainline. a. The sewer line extension shall be privately owned and operated, however, private utilities are not allowed to connect directly to the King County Metro mainline. A City of Renton sewer is required from the King County Metro line to the first manhole and the private sewer main would connecting to the City manhole. The proposed connection point to the King County Metro mainline must be approved by KC Metro b. Private sewer mains shall be designed and installed in accordance with RMC 4-6-040 and the City of Renton standard details. c. The building connection shall be made via a sewer stub. Sewer stubs from the sewer main and individual side sewers are required for the commercial use of the building. All new sewer stubs shall conform to the standards in RMC 4-6-040 and City of Renton Standard Details. 3. The development is subject to a wastewater system development charge (SDC) fee. SDC fee for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. Current fees can be found in the 2022 Development Fees Document on the City’s website. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of construction permit issuance. a. The current sewer fee is $3,500.00 per 1-inch meter, $17,500 per 1-1/2 inch meter, $28,000 per 2-inch meter, and $56,000 per 3-inch meter. b. The full fee schedule can be found at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/browse.aspx?id=8217302&dbid=1&repo=Cityo fRenton STORM DRAINAGE 1. A geotechnical report dated June 23, 2022, completed by GeoEngineers, was provided with the Land Use Application. The report discusses the soil and groundwater characteristics of the site and provides recommendations for project design and construction. The report relies on prior borings and test pits conducted at various times from 1991 to 2021 and does not make a specific recommendation for infiltration feasibility. a. While the soil logs do appear to indicate infiltration is not feasible, the Geotech report should be updated to include an assessment of infiltration in accordance with the 2022 RSWDM. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the Geotech report be updated as part of the civil construction permit to provide a soils analysis consistent with the 2022 RSWDM. 2. Coughlin Porter Lundeen (CPL), with the Land Use Application, submitted a Preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report (TIR), dated August, 2022. Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard Area matching Existing Site Conditions and is within the Black River Drainage Basin. The report is based on a Full drainage review and the nine Core Requirements and the six Special Requirements have been discussed in the Technical Information Report. a. General: The following general comments shall be addressed as part of the Civil Construction Permit Application: b. Discharge at the natural location, RSWDM Core Requirement #1: All proposed projects must discharge storm water runoff and surface water from a project at the natural discharge location so as not to divert onto or away from downstream properties in a way DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 5 of 7 October 26, 2022 that creates a significant adverse impact to downhill properties or drainage facilities. The drainage location is consistent with the current discharge location into the existing pond. c. Offsite Analysis, RSWDM Core Requirement #2: All proposed projects must submit an offsite analysis report that assesses potential offsite drainage and water quality impacts associated with development of the project site and the initial permit submittal shall include, at minimum, a Level 1 Downstream Analysis. A level 1 downstream analysis has been included. i. The downstream analysis should include a drainage system table as found in reference section 8-B of the RSWDM. d. Flow Control, RSWDM Core Requirement #3: Any proposed detention and/or water quality vault shall be designed in accordance with the RSWDM that is current at the time of civil construction permit application. The project is claiming to be exempt due to not increasing the 100-year event due to impervious coverage changes between the existing and proposed site conditions. i. While the exemption is logical, the applicant must demonstrate that there is less than a 0.15 CFS increase from the existing site conditions as compared to the proposed site conditions. The TIR discusses historical conditions of the site when it was a racetrack in addition to the site conditions as assumed under the prior Boeing Longacres Master Plan (master plan); existing site conditions must follow the RSWDM definition which states “existing site conditions means the conditions of drainage, vegetation, and impervious cover onsite that existed prior to May 1979…unless a drainage plan for land cover changes has been approved by the City of Renton since May 1979 as part of a City permit or approval…If so, existing site conditions are those created by the site improvements and drainage facilities constructed per the approved drainage plan”. The TIR submit with the civil construction permit application shall be updated to clearly reflect, and demonstrate (through inclusion of cited sources), the existing site conditions are those of the prior master plan and further that there is less than a 0.15 CFS increase between the proposed and existing site conditions. ii. The land use data shown in figure 7 and table 2 is used to justify the flow control exemption noted above by showing impervious coverage is equal between the master plan and proposed project. The calculation for coverage shows that the natural grass fields surface area is split 50-50 between Non-Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (NPGIS) and Pervious Surface. However, the natural grass fields have an underdrain system and the RSWDM definition of impervious surface states “for the purposes of flow control and water quality treatment modeling and applying the impervious surface thresholds and exemptions contained in this manual, permeable pavement, vegetated roofs, and pervious surfaces with underdrains designed to collect stormwater runoff are considered impervious surface.” As such, the TIR submit with the civil construction permit application must be updated to reflect impervious surface coverage consistent with the definition in the RSWDM; flow control exemption analysis must be updated. 1. The natural grass fields with underdrains might be eligible to treat as 50% impervious/50% grass for proving the 0.15 cfs increase exemption per the following excerpt from Table 3.2.2.B: “For purposes of runoff modeling, underdrained pervious areas may be modeled explicitly to DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 6 of 7 October 26, 2022 account for attenuation and infiltration, or may be modeled as 50% impervious/50% grass where either: (a) there is no added liner, (b) where the added liner is a treatment liner, or (c) where the added liner is one that does not restrict infiltration rates below the in situ soil infiltration rate. Other lined underdrained systems must be modeled explicitly or as 100% impervious.” e. Conveyance, RSWDM Core Requirement #4: All new conveyance systems constructed as part of the project must be sized to meet RSWDM standards for the total tributary area (onsite and offsite) that the storm systems serve. A conveyance capacity analysis is included in the preliminary TIR. f. Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention, Core Requirement #5: The proposal does not include a CSWPP and ESC plan. The preliminary TIR includes a CSWPP and the construction plans include an ESC plan. g. Maintenance and Operations, Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and operation of all drainage facilities is the responsibility of the applicant or property owner except those facilities for which the City assumes maintenance and operation. The preliminary TIR indicates that the facilities are to be privately maintained and includes a maintenance and operation manual. h. Financial Guarantees and Liability, RSWDM Core Requirement #7: All drainage facilities constructed or modified for projects must comply with the financial guarantee requirements and the liability requirements of the City. The preliminary TIR indicates that a bond quantity worksheet and all required documents will be provided at a future date. i. A bond quantity worksheet shall be included with the TIR as part of the civil construction permit. Financial guarantees and liability requirements shall be met prior to civil construction permit issuance. i. Water Quality, RSWDM Core Requirement #8: All projects that add more than 5,000 square feet of pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) that is not fully dispersed and less than 0.75 acre of pollution generating pervious surface that is not fully dispersed require water quality. The preliminary TIR indicates that a Filterra Bioscape open filtration system will be used to achieve enhanced basic water quality. i. The report includes preliminary sizing of the water quality facility and indicates that the facility has a GULD approval from the Department of Ecology. The applicant shall include the GULD rating in the TIR submit with the civil construction permit. ii. The report provides WWHM model showing the land use used to calculate the flow rate required to be treated. The area depicted in the WWHM model correlates to, but does not exactly match, figure 7. Further, the natural grass fields appear to be counted as 50% pervious and 50% NPGIS with all of the pervious surface being included in the WWHM model yet the turf fields, which are shown to be PGIS in figure 7, do not appear to be included in the WWHM model. The RSWDM definition of Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) states “…Lawns, landscaping, sports fields, golf courses, and other areas that have modified runoff characteristics resulting from the addition of underdrains that have the pollution generating characteristics describer under the “pollution-generating pervious surface” definition are also considered PGIS”. The Pollution-Generating Pervious Surface (PGPS) definition states “…surface considered to be a significant source of pollutants in surface and stormwater runoff. Such surfaces include those that are…subject to use of DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 7 of 7 October 26, 2022 pesticides and fertilizers... . Such surfaces include…sports fields (natural and artificial turf)…”. The TIR submit with the civil construction permit should be updated such that the entire natural grass field surface area is included as PGIS and that the turf fields are either included in the modeling as PGIS or that product data for the turf including a facility plan for how the turf is to be maintained, is provided demonstrating that the turf fields can be considered NPGIS. 1. The natural grass fields with underdrains might be eligible to treat as 50% impervious/50% grass for water quality facility sizing per the following excerpt from Table 3.2.2.B: “For purposes of runoff modeling, underdrained pervious areas may be modeled explicitly to account for attenuation and infiltration, or may be modeled as 50% impervious/50% grass where either: (a) there is no added liner, (b) where the added liner is a treatment liner, or (c) where the added liner is one that does not restrict infiltration rates below the in situ soil infiltration rate. Other lined underdrained systems must be modeled explicitly or as 100% impervious.” j. Onsite BMPs, RSWDM Core Requirement #9: Appropriate on-site BMPs will be required to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. The preliminary TIR provides an analysis of the large lot BMP’s concluding that none are feasible. i. The analysis includes some of, but not all, BMP’s indicated in section of the RSWDM. The TIR submit with the civil construction permit application shall include an assessment of each BMP and cite specific infeasibility criteria as applicable. k. Other adopted area specific requirements, Special Requirement #1: If a project is in an area included in an adopted drainage plan then the project shall comply with the drainage requirements of the plan. As previously discussed the project site was previously partially developed in accordance with the master plan. The preliminary TIR indicates that while the development agreement is no longer active, the master plan provides the basis for which the existing site conditions are defined. i. The preliminary TIR states that “this document [Boeing Longacres Masterplan] is provided”, however, the referenced document is not included in the preliminary TIR. The TIR submit with the civil construction permit application shall include all relevant stormwater design information contained within the Boeing Longacres Masterplan for reference. l. Flood hazard area delineation, Special Requirement #2: If a project contains or is adjacent to a flood hazard area then the 100 year floodplain shall be determined and delineated on the site improvement plans. The preliminary TIR includes a FEMA map however the civil plans do not depict the floodplain. i. The civil plans submit with the civil construction permit shall be updated to delineate the 100-year floodplain. m. Flood protection facilities, Special Requirement #3: If a proposed project will modify or construct a new flood protection facility then the applicant shall demonstrate that the facility conforms to all applicable standards including RMC 4-3-050 which requires compensatory storage for any fill within the floodplain. The proposal indicates that approximately 718,000 CF of fill within the floodplain will be added and that 850,000 CF of compensatory storage will be provided. It is noted that the excess storage volume is intended to bank storage for planned future development on the campus. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 8 of 7 October 26, 2022 i. The civil plans submit with the civil construction permit shall be updated to provide site specific details for proposed compensatory storage system and show how it meets the required, or proposed, volume. 2. The development is subject to a surface water system development charge (SDC) fees. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of construction permit issuance. a. The 2022 SDC fee is $0.84 per square foot of new impervious surface but not less than $2,100. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. Sites that generate 20 or more net new peak hour trips (either in the AM peak or PM peak) are required to do a traffic impact analysis. The trips should be calculated based on the guidelines of the current ITE Trip Generation Manual. Refer to the attached policy guidelines for traffic impact analysis for guidelines. If the site generates 20 or more new peak hour trips in either AM peak or PM peak, then applicant should contact the City to get information of the locations where traffic analysis is required. a. A Trip Generation Memo dated June 2022 was prepared by Transportation Engeineering Northwest (TENW) and submit with the land use application. The memo discusses the existing trip counts and project generated trip counts. Because the existing building has been vacant for less than three years, the existing buildings trips are deducted from the trips generated by the proposed project to determine the net new trip count. The calculations and analysis of trip counts show that the net new trips are less than 20. Because the standard for when a TIA is determined necessary is more than 20 net new trips, the memo concludes that no further analysis is warranted. 2. Frontage improvements are required for all new construction with valuation in excess of $175,000. The proposed development fronts Oakesdale Ave SW to the east. a. Both a modification and exemption were submit with the land use application. Staff does not support the exemption request, however, staff does support the modification. The modification requests to retain the existing improvements along Oakesdale Ave SW and defer design/installation of street frontage to that time of the master site plan being prepared by Unico. The applicant contends that it would be best suited to defer ROW dedication and improvements such that they can be designed to best conform with the intent and purpose of code as part of the ongoing master planning process else dedication and construction now may not match the desired outcome of the master plan. Staff concurs with the assessment and recommends approval of the proposed modification. Further, the portion of Oakesdale Ave SW fronting the proposed site falls within the City’s TIP (TIP 22-03) which will resurface the roadway, and replace sidewalks and curb ramps to be ADA compliant. 3. Street lighting improvements are required for projects consisting of more than five thousand (5,000) square feet of commercial space. See RMC 4-6-060 for street lighting requirements. a. The street modifications as noted above requests deferment of street improvements to the time of master site plan review, therefore compliance with the street lighting standard is not required. 4. Refer to City code 4-4-080 regarding driveway regulations. a. A minimum separation of 5 feet is required between driveway and the property line. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521 Sounders FC at Longacres – LUA22-000357 Page 9 of 7 October 26, 2022 b. Maximum driveway slopes shall not exceed 15%. Driveways exceeding 8% shall provide slotted drains. c. The width of any driveway shall not exceed 30 feet exclusive of the radii of the returns or the taper section. d. There shall be no more than one driveway for each 165 feet of street frontage. 5. Undergrounding of all existing and proposed utilities is required on all frontages per RMC 4-6-090. a. There are no existing overhead utilities along the property frontage. 6. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City’s Restoration and Overlay requirements. 7. The development is subject to transportation impact fees. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of building permit issuance. a. Unless otherwise noted on the fee schedule, the 2022 transportation impact fee is $7,145.85 per net new PM peak hour person vehicle trip. DocuSign Envelope ID: A56F3DC7-D564-4883-A9F5-21D84A1EE521