HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 10CAG-19-269 ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. 10 (Renewal #) City of Renton ON-CALL TREE MAINTENANCE, PLANTING AND REMOVAL SERVICES Name: Ian Gray Date:11/22/2022 This ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. 10 is made and entered in to on November 22, 2022, between the City of Renton, (City) and Davey Tree Expert Company (Contractor) collectively (Parties) pursuant to and in compliance with the MASTER AGREEMENT FOR ON-CALL TREE MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL SERVICES CAG-19-269 dated 16 September, 2019 following bid proposal process. The Parties agree as follows: Each and every provision of the MASTER AGREEMENT FOR ON-CALL TREE MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL SERVICES CAG-19-269 dated 16 September, 2019 (Agreement) shall remain in full force and effect and the CAG-19-269 ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. 10 (R2) is as follows: 1.Project Name: On-Call Tree Maintenance, Planting and Removal Services 2.City Division: ComServ/PPNR - Forestry City Project Manager or Contact for WORK ORDER Addendum: Ian Gray – Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 igray@rentonwa.gov (425-430-6601) 3.Scope of Services: As set forth in CAG-19-269 4.Technical Approach: 2 Large Cottonwood trees to be pruned to reduce the risk of branch failure over right-of- way which might pose a threat road users and pedestrians on 28th St. 5.Deliverables: Canopy clean and branch reduction of 2 trees and as detailed in invoice from Contractor. 6.Schedule Work completed over the course of two (2) days in October 2022. 7.Cost/Hour Estimates Contractor agrees to perform the services as described above for the amount not to exceed $7,610.11 unless modified by the City in a signed written subsequent CAG-19-269 (R2) ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM. CAG-19-269, Adden #10-22 8.DueDateorCompletionDate:October19,20229.TotalAmountPayabletotheContractorundertheMaserOn-CallAgreementissummarizedasfollows:OriginalNon-ExclusiveMASTERAGREEMENTFORON-CALLTREEMAINTENANCEANDREMOVALSERVICESCAG-19-269fR2)authorizedamountnottoexceedperthedurationoftheAgreement:$35,000.00—CAG-19-269fR2)ON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMNO.9$16,388.93—ON-CAllWORKORDERADDENDUMNO.10$7,610.11randjojaIQfAG-12k91R21_ON-CALLWORKORDERSTODATE23,999.O4ADDENDUMBalanceremainingunderMASTERAGREEMENTFORON-CALLFORTREESERVICESCAG-19-269(R2)$11,000.96INWITNESSWHEREOF,thePartieshavevoluntarilyenteredintothisON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMasofthedatelastsignedbythePartiesbelow.CITYOFRENTONCONTRACTORBy:_JI(By)LW—KellyBeymer,TysonGeidsethParksandRecreationAdministratorDaveyTreeExpertCompany—I-—--________________DateDateApprovedastoform:ShaneMoloneyCityAttorney0PAGE2rn3(approved by Cheryl Beyer via email on 11/29/2022) PAGE 3 OF 3 Non-standard 10/24/19 clb (644) CAG-19-269 ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. 10 Exhibit 1. Contractor Invoicess OK - I.Gray 11/22/2022 Vendor #020112 CAG-19-269 (R2)