HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-86-001 1/5/87 "�' �+.�t TO : Files FROM : M. Petersen This matter referred to Utilities Committee on 10/6/86. Since the Stilwili's were unable to fund the amount, it will be held indefinitely, f 9�tober 13. 1986 "`� '""` Renton Citv Council Minutes Paee 4 NEW BUSINESS Council President Mathews announced requests from Seventh District Legislative Representative Don Davidson, the Association of Washington Cities, Suburban Recommendations Cities Association, and South Suburban Cities Legislative Committee for City recommendations on legislation proposed to the 1987 Legislature, and mentioned pending legislation regarding street ends abutting body of water, sent for Senator Garrett's sponsorship. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, LEGISLATIVE ITEMS BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION BACK TO COLTNrCIL. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch reported conversation with Senator Garrett iadicating Street Ends Bill had been endorsed by the Association of Washington Cities and v►Eould be presented to the Association of Washington Counties this week, Spill Correspondence Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed requested he receive copies of all correspondence received or sent regarding the petroleum spill matter discussed earlier by Fire Chief Wheeler. Honey Creek Councilman Stredicke questioned participation by the City Attorney in Honey Associates Creek Associates condemnation procedures. City Attorney Warren responded Annexation, A-01-84 that, at Council direction, efforts to further negotiations on this matter were Rezone R-014-84 and not to be at city expense. Agreement was reached between property owners PPUD-015-84 and the City Attorney's office for assistance in initial negotiations; report back to Council would occur after pending response from property owners. Parkland Addition Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding status of Parkland property addition to the Maplewood Golf Course. Administrative Assistant Parness responded the County Council has taken action on this matter, and it will be presented to Council after completion of County process. It was indicated this property had been purchased with Forward 'Thrust funds, restricting charging of lower fees to city residents. Councilman Stredicke requested copies of materials supporting this restriction. ADMINISTRATIVE In response to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch reported that, REPORT in October, 1985, Council directed all airport leases be charged at 14¢ per Airport Leases square foot, a common renewal date of 5/31/90 be established, and these directives apply to all tenants (Boeing Company excepted due to fire protection provided). Renton Village Place Mayor Shinpoch reported the Renton Village Place pipe upsizing to 24" was budgeted as part of the 1986 Budget. �Stil�will ,Sewer � Mayor Shinpoch explained variation between estimate of $3,400 and $13,000 Connection actual cost of connecting to City sewer system for the Stilwill family was due to original estimate being predicated on two factors: 1) More shallow depth of connecting pipe, and 2) Ability to connect during construction of the Union Avenue project. Victoria Hills FPUD Council President Mathews indicated the Victoria Hills Final Planned Unit 042-85, Phase II Development would be discussed at next Monday's Council meeting, a reminder to Council and interested parties. AUDIENCE COMMENT Robert Miller, 8218 South 124th Street, Seattle, indicated area involving Bryn Bryn Mawr Water Mawr area water customers recently transferred to City water has been served Service by only two water districts - Bryn Mawr Water District, formed in 1907, and Water District #14, which replaced it in 1924, although water may have been wholesaled to them from other districts. Unaware of a designated franchise area, Mr. Miller questioned whether all homes transferred were within that area and if franchising would involve water or only street usage. Mr. Miller stated pressure charts indicating 25 pounds of pressure had been taken at the fireplug on the City main, and did not guarantee consistent pressure at that level. Utilities Committee Chairman Clymer stated this matter was still in committee and would be on the agenda again at next week's meeting. EXECUTIVE MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL SESSION CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION ISSUES AND PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 9:50 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: I1:11 p.m. � �^-•?ili.�:v�,r�,`f�e%i�1� MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk �F R�� � `� � � � � �� � � THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUIIDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 � � o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR � MAXINE E.MOTOR, 9A `O� CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2501 O9�TE� SEP�E�O�P October 8, 1986 Steve and Trecia Stilwill 13052 5E 102nd . Renton, WA 98056 Re: Sewer Connection, Sierra Heights Area • Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stilwill: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of October 6, 1986, considered your letter requesting to maintain option of sewer hook up, and referred the subject to the Council's Utilities Committee. Please contact Council Secretary Billie Dunphy for time and place of � the meeting, in the event you desire to attend the committee meeting; .. Phone No. 235-2586 between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays. You will be advised of City Council action on this matter. Please contact this office if you have any further questions. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON i��r/y�s'%�L�-2� �' `O�G�` Maxine E. Motor, CMC City Clerk cc: Nancy Mathews, Council President Earl Clymer, Utilities Committee Chairman "�rr�' `�' October 6. 1986 Renton Citv Council Minutes pa�3 Pan Abode Street City Clerk requested resolution setting public hearing on 11/10/86 for Vacation proposed vacation of public right-of-way as filed by John Hubbard, Pan Abode Cedar Homes, 4350 Lake Washington Boulevard. Refer to Wavs and Means Committee. Final Approval of Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted CAG-012-86, Jefferson Avenue Jefferson Avenue riTE and NE 4th Street Signalization and Roadway Project; NE/NE 4th Street anei requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in Project, CAG-012-86 the amount of a51,55335, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of �4,909.56 to contractor, Signal Electric, Inc. if all required releases have been received. Council concur. LID 313 Final Public Works/Design Engineering Department submitted final assessment roll Assessment Roll, in the amount of $14,085.44 for Local Improvement District 3l 3, Talbot Talbot Road South Road South Improvements, and requested public hearing be set for I 1/3/86. Improvements Council set hearing. Ming-Lei Tseng Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Ming-Lei Tseng Rezone, R- Rezone, R-040-86 040-86, for 0.31 acres located at 219 Sunset Boulevard North, from L-I, light industry zone, to B-1, business zone. Refer to Wavs and Means Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Finance Director Dan Clements requesting LID 329, S. 43rd waiver of Local Improvement District No. 329 escrow letter of credit Street Improvements provisions for One Valley Place (Dr. Richard Lomas) in exchange for accelerated foreclosure provisions. The LID, street widening and signalization improvements on South 43rd Street from Talbot Road South to SR-167, is comprised of two equal participants: Vall�y Medical Center and One Valley Place. Since the LID is highly beneficial to the City and the Medical Center, waiver for One Valley Place is recommended in view of its precarious financial position. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER CORRESPONDENCE TO TRANSPORTATION .� �OMMITTEE WITH A RESPONSE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ALSO REFER 1"HIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ITY ATTORNEY FOR A REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Austin Company Appeal, Letter was read from John Keegan, attorney with the firm of Davis Wright & SP-078-86 Jones, 2600 Century Square, 1501 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, requesting the appeal filed by the Austin Company regarding special permit, SP-078-86, be declared moot in view of Council action on 9/22/86 to modify the Hearing Examiner's decision in response to an appeal by the City Attorney on behalf of the Administration. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION WITH APPEAL, WITH REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Fairfield Developments Correspondence was read from Richard Hathaway, Fairfield Developments, Latecomer Agreement Inc.,10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 900, Bellevue, requesting latecomers Request agreement for sewer main to be installed from NE 4th Street south through Fernwood and Heather powns residential plats. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MAT?ER TO �TILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Two Renton Place Water Correspondence was read from Everett Johnson, Construction Manager for Main Loop Renton Village Company, I S South Grady Way, Renton, reporting completion of water main loop system along 'Talbot Road from Renton Village Place to Grady Way with upsized 24-inch pipe as requested by the City; and requested reimbursement for extra costs in the amount of $78,537.61. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO II'TILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Stilwill Sewer Connection Correspondence was read from Steve and Trecia Stilwill, 13052 SE 102nd, Renton, advising Council that original estimate of $3,400 to connect to City sewer system has increased to $13,000 due to depth of connecting pipe. As a result, they have decided to repair existing drainfield awaiting installation of new sewer lines when Sierra Heights area annexes; and requested that the option to connect to existing pipe remain open in the event the drainfield does not function properly. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MAT"TER TO LTTILITIES COMMII"TEE. CARRIED. �a .- E -�� . � �¢ `�"' �' RECEIVED SEP 3 0 1986 CiiY OF RENT�3N CITY COUNCIL September 11, 1986 Renton City Council 200 Nii i 1 Ave. So. Renton, �JA 98055 Dear Madam Mayor and Council Members: Thank you so much for your time and your consideration concerning our approval to hook up to the sewer in the City of Renton. The cost originally was estimated at about $3,400.00. We looked into this and due to the depth of the connecting pipe, the cost will be about $13,000.00. As you know, the Sierra Heights area is going through annexation, so we have decided to try to fix our drain- field in hopes that it will work until the annexation goes through and new sewer lines are put in. In the event that our drain-field doesn't work, we would still like to keep open the option to hook up to the existing pipe. Sincerely, 1�.,�r,�-�2- ��%ti�-�_ ��•crc--�:� Steve and Trecia Stilwill 13�52 SE 102nd Renton, WA 98056 cc: Bob Bergstrom , ' � ������ � � RECEIVED S E P � 0 1986 CITY OF F�ENTON CITY COUNGfL September 11, 1986 Renton City Council 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, 4JA 98055 Dear Madam Mayor and Council 1�lembers : Thank you so much for your time and your consideration concerning our approval to hook up to the sewer in the City of Renton. The cost originally was estimated at about $3,400.00. We looked into this and due to the depth of the connecting pipe, the cost will be about $13,000.00. As you know, the Sierra Heights area is going through annexation, sa we have decided to try to fix our dra�n- field in hopes that it will work until the annexation goes through and new sewer lines are put in. In the event that our drain-field doesn't work, we would still like to keep open the option to hook up to the existing pipe. Sincerely, 1 Steve and Trecia Stilwi3i 13052 SE 102nd ! Renton, WA 98056 cc: Bob Bergstrom ; � ;; k �s � � i ' r. i �r" v,rr 9/10/86 To: Files From: M. Motor ' Talked with Trecia Stilwill re sewer connection and why they had not applied after 7/14/86 Council approval. Bergstrom had estimated their connection to cost $3,500. The contractor has advised them the cost will be $13,500 due to line being 20 feet underground and special equipment needed. They have only been in their house less than one year and feel they were deceived by FHA, Health Dept. , real estate approvals. No one takes responsibility and they are trying to figure out what to do. Itis their first house and they don't have a lot into it except their down payment. They thought it may be cheaper � to wait for sewer line with annexation. I advised her to talk to Arlene Haight as she may be able to see a better way. The Health Dept. advised they need to either connect to sewer or can try placing a new drainfield over their front and back yards which may not work and they would have to connect to sewer anyway. � • ���(c� ;--��. � , , l�� C �/' � �� ��� � w c��i-� `� �3�5-� ' S S �� �{�� ,��/ — ���'c�,. � C''.e�--�c�z�, ,� - . �`—�-�',� � � �. . ,� . �� �� ��� ��- � �- _ �� � � ���� � . , .� ,� . . ��-- ��x� C�1 .�,�__,_ �t�... � �� �.(�,�-�{J '., ,��,r,�.� �y _ ��-' � �.�tm�-L., �--'�-'�'�`- �'✓�' V�U`P . _._..r,� • . . � . lulY 14. 1984 Renton it,,v ('rn�nril Mim�ine � pa�� , � MATHEWS, COUNCIL REAFFIRM T�iEIR DECISION OF DECEMBER 9, 1985, TO APPROVE THE HEARING EXAMINER•S DECLSION� WTTH CONDITIONS� ON 'THIS PUD. It was clarified that passage of , this motion would, in effect, adopt the resolution, concur in the Hearing Examiner's recommendation of September 20, 1985� as modified by the Planning and Development Committee report of December 9, 1985 (modifications concerned recreational facilities, agreement regarding maintenance of the storm drainage facility, and exterior siding requirements)� nullifying all staff modifications. MOTION CARRIED. Upon inquiry from Wiliam Jenz, 1136 South 23rd, Renton, Sam Simone, and George Post, 1122 South 27th Place� Renton, it was noted that this Council action approved the Final Planned Unit Development as presented on December 9, 1985; that copies of the Hearing Eaaminer's report of � September 20, 1985, restrictive covenants, Planning and Development Committee report of December 9, 1985, and Council minutes of that date would be available to the public; and that the six-month time period regarding requirement for "substantial construction" would begin today. RECESS MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REC�SS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:45 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:57 p.m.; roll was called; all members except Clymer, previously excused, were present. AUDIENCE COMMENT - Contiaued � � • • Steven Stilwill, 13052 SW 102nd, Renton, addressed Council. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES� COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE � UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. UTILITTES COMMITTEE Utilities Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report Stilwill Re uest recommending the request from Mr. and Mrs. Stilwiil to connect to the for Connect�on to sanitary sewer be approved, based on the health hazard substantiated by Sanitary Sewer the King County Health Department. Committee further recommended, as a condition of the approval, the Stilwill's sign and record a covenant to annex to the City when an annexation is contiguous to their property. , MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR 1N THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Truck Speeding Norm Peterson, 3402 Park Avenue North, Renton, requested more .. diligent patrol by Renton Police Department of large trucks speeding on city streets. � CONSENT Items on the Conseat Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows AGENDA the listing: 1986 Official City Clerk transmitted official Renton 1986 population from the State Populat;on Office of Financial Management, to be used in the allocation of revenue beginning January, 1987. Renton's official April 1, 1986 population is 34,460, as compared to April 1, 1985 population of 34,030 and April l, .. 1984 population of 33,340. Information on file with the City Clerk's ' Office. . WSDOT Highway City Clerk transmitted certification of Washington State Department of Description Transportation description of State highway routes within Renton city Certification limits as of July 1, 1986. Refer to Public Works Denartm nt. Small Bridge City Clerk reported bid opening on June l0� 1986 for Small Bridge Guard Guard Rail Repair Rail Repair and New Installation, 1986; one bid received; Engineer's � and New estimate: Schedule A - a9,724; Schedule B - $13,525; Schedule C - Installation $2,000; Schedule D - a2,000; Schedule E - $2,000; Schedule F - �8,000; Bid Opening Schedule G - �135,531. Refer to Trans�ortation Committe�. Beaushaw Claim Claim for damages in the amount of �407 filed by Marjorie A. Beaushaw, for Damages 16819 SE Renton-Issaquah Road, for injuries sustained in a fall at Third CL 35-86 Street and Smithers Avenue� alleging improper placement and maintenance of traffic signal box (6/OS/86). Refer to �itv Attornev and insurance service. • � `'"� UTILITIES COI�WITTEE � COMMITTEE REPORT July 14, 1986 STILWILL REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO SANITARY SEMER (Ref. 7/1/86) The Utilities Committee recommends the request from Mr. & Mrs. Stilwill to connect to the sanitary sewer be approved based on the health hazard substantiated by �King County Health Department. Further the Committee recomnends as a condition of the approval that the Stilwills sign and record a covenant to annex to the City when an annexation is contiguous to their property. Earl Clymer, Chairman ,� G✓, i�� . o Reed L�'^' . / � —�� R ch d redicke Pw , �u! �,�„ �ulv 7. 1986 � Renton .;tv Council Minutes � PaQe � approval; S) inadequate information to public regarding PUDs; 6) development of multifamily attached housing in areas with single family zoning; and 7) unclear definition of purposes and public benefit of PUDs�. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER,�COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT, YICTORIA HILLS FPUD. CARRIED. 1�Vavs and Means Committee Ways and Means Committee Chairman Hughes presented the following resolution for reading and adoption: Victoria Hills Final Planned Unit Develonment FPUD-042-85 A resolution was read approving final planned unit development (FPUD-042-85) for Victoria Hills, Phase II, First City Development, located south of South Puget Drive, west of Benson Road South, and north of South 26th Street. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Speaking against the motion, Councilmen Reed and Stredicke expressed concern with time lapse since original approval of master plan in 1978 and felt applicant should meet current requirements. Ezpressing equal concern, Councilwoman Keolker asked for clarification of potential legal consequences should the application be denied. City Attorney speculated on courses of action the applicant may pursue if, at this point, Council denied the PUD. Following discussion, it was determined that speculation regarding threat of a lawsuit does not qualify as a subject for ex�cutive session. To give the City Attorney the opportunity to outline options in this matter to Council members in a confidential memorandum, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL TABLE 'THIS MATTER FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. tlUDIENCE COMMENT (continuedl Reauest for Sewer Connection Steven Stilwill, 13052 SW 102nd, Renton, described septic failure as confirmed by King County Health Department, and requested connection of his property, located in King County, to City sewer system. Due to emergency nature of the request, it was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE REQUEST IF ADMINISTRATION FINDS PAPER WORK IS CORRECT. Council policies regarding annexation and utility connections were discussed, and suggestions offered to investigate whether other residents in the immediate area are experiencing similar sewage problems and wish to annex to the City. Oral agreement to annex was provided by Mr. Stilwill. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, STILWILL SEWER CONNECTION REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE iTTILITIES COMMITTE . FOR REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Leo Zipp, 111 S S. 27th Place, Renton, Victoria Hills resident, asked that Council consider additional costs incurred by the City as a result of new development, i.e. traffic signals, and pointed out that residents have the same prerogative to sue the City as do developers. Mayor Shinpoch assured that Council members make their decisions based upon compliance with the law, and while costs of litigation are a consideration, threat of a lawsuit does not influence Council decisions. George Post, 1122 S. 27th Place, Renton, Victoria Hills resident, urged clarification of ordinances to avoid future conflicts in the development process wherein Council members feel obligated to approve an application when they may not wish to do so. He felt that Victoria Hills residents have made every effort to remedy problems with the PUD procedure, but have been disappointed in the outcome of the Victoria Hills Phase II decision. �ONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Plaid Pantrv Markets Tnc tree+ Vacation VAC-005-86 City Clerk submitted Plaid Pantry Markets, Inc. petition for vacation of street right-of-way at intersection of Sunset Boulevard NE and NE lOth Street; Public Works Department has verified petition as representing 100°rb of abutting property owners. Refer to W�y� and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing for 8/l1/86; and refer to Board of Public Works for recommendation. " E rlin�ton Avenue SW Street Vacation VAC-001-86 City Clerk reported receipt of appraisal fee from Ticor Title Insurance Company for portion of Earlington Avenue SW and portion of adjacent alleyway in the amount of $1,008.75. Refer to Wavs �nd Me�ns Committee for ordinance. (See later action.) Vallev Transnr�rtation Imnrovement Program (VTIP) Environmental Review Committee submitted report from consultants, CH2M Hill, regarding Valley Transportation Improvement Program, proposed to mitigate impacts from locally generated traffic from new developments in ihe Valley industrial area. Council set Qublic hearina on 7/21/86 for presentation� by consultant. ' Bartel & Associatec Rezone R-Ol9 86 Hearing Examiner recommended approvai with restrictive covenants of Bartel & Associates rezone from