HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-86-003 t } O (�1 L t'Ca,�j"C� �r,,r��'r 2�'�"�r��+. �� �, � � i�� :�C,_;' ' �dFlifion 1D Ufs spscid�rn�t+t distriCC� LECaAL OESCRIP7'10N y►s follovvirp addRionsl fees: Tax Lot 1�6: � ;� 5EE EXHIBtT"A"(or{xopeAy descrip- WLY 100 FT OF FOI.Ci:BEt3 AT NW OOR � tions and assessments) OF C3L 4 TH S 718.72 FT TH S 88-03-48 E AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLI� „�,��"'�'�°niB��m,�i 276.BFTTHNOTI-�48-��0.�8��+ � days after publication. S 89-05-OB E 101.23 FT TH N 00-38-28 E Audre De Jo ie ,' ����B�TM��UNCIL this S o�a�19 W��-�To���+ 3' , being first duly sworn�. he/she is the Chief Clerk of the Maxine E.Motor,cny c,�er� ACCESSABLE FOOTAC3E 105 z.f.f. APPROVEO BY THE MAYOR tttis 24th ADDITIONAL CHARGE 52,236.53 < day ot November, 1986. - 1,118.26 + Interest 53,354.79 Total Barbara Y.Shinpor.h.Mayor VALLEY NEWSPAP "°p�"�°��f°'"'� T��'�: Lawrence J.Warren,City Attomey W�i4 OF E�fz OF S 340.18 FT OF GL 4 EXHIBIT"A" LESS C b M RGTS. Daily News JOurnal, Daily Record Chronicle, D NOTICE OF ADDmONAL,WATER OR ACCESSABLE FOOTAGE 330�z.i.f. - SEWER FACILITY TAP OR . ADDITIONAL CHARl3E i7,029.09 Daily newspapers published six(6)times a week. �NEcnoni Cw►RGes s,s�a.sa + imerese S�o,�.� RECtUTAED BY RCW 85.08.17(3) are legal newspapers and are now and have be �Rcw�.92.o2s) 'rax t.oc�a�: months prior to the date of publication referred to, MUNciPn�mr —cmr oF Ret�rrau, BAAP N 88-13-48 W 548.580 FT FR PT in the English language continually as daily news� �NNECTIQN �DITIONAL TAP OR 04t E6�FR NE ICOR MyEAS G SD E County, Washington. Valley Newspapers have be cwnR�e PeR:Adams v�sca�.�.�.t�o. �N n�s oo-aa-2s w 22 Fr�s o�-4e-2s newspapers by order of the Superior Court of the St �5 �^"0B �8 (S.E. 99th Street bet- W 153.97 FTTOTPOBTHCONTS01-48- ween 132nd Avenue S.E. and 136th 23 W 130 FT M/L TO N LN OF S 340.18 FT King County. /�venue S.E.) � OF SD(iL TH S 88-03-14 E/80.145 FT PROJECT NO.&178 ALG SD N LN TH N Ot-40-27 E TAP S 88- ; RECIPIENT:City of ReMon 03-41 E OF TPOB TH N 88-03-41 W TO The notice in the exact form attached,was publish . BRiEF PROJECT OESCRIPTION: In- TPOB. JournaL—, Dall Record Chronicle_X., D8i1 G ��a�of 1000 feet ot 8"aewer main in ACCESSABLE FOOTAGE/80.15 z.f.f. y Y easemeMareaknownasextensionofS.E. ADDITIONAL CHARQE i3,837.24, not in supplement form) which was regularl �+�e����A�enue s.e. �,eie.s2 + �Meresc ss,�ss.es To� subscribers durin the below stated eriod. T� TOTA L AS^�E S S M E N T C O S T: g p s35,3s�.eo Tax t.ot tee: 0 r d i n a n c e N o. J�O 2$ TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE: BAAP N 89-i 3-49 W 320.290 FT FR PT � (Front Footage,Square Footege, ON E W OF GL 41N NW Yi S 01-40-27 W on November 28+ 1986 R19�8 � a �+e FroM Footage) 1,660.44 zone 4a1.16 FT MEAS ALG SD E LN FR NE ; }ront footage(z.f.f.) COR lli COIVT N 89-13-49 W 160.145 FT � TOTAL COST PER FRONT OR THS01-40-27W309.139FTTONLNOF ' SGIUARE FOOT: 521.300259996 plus S 301.48 FT OF SD GL TH S 88-03-41 E interest(')Ca?7%per a�num not to exceed ALG SD N LN 160.145 FT TH N 01-40-27 E The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoi: ���ot orqinei aasessmeM. a�2.3os Fr To seo tFss cnN RGTs sum of$ 12 7•71 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON pe d o�r eu�pafd stet�ua of ��lowing NW COR OFS C TH S 88-29-35 E AL(i N ORDINANCE NO.4028 aasessmeMs, please call the City of lN 1317.81 FT TO TH� NE COR SD AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Renton,Utility Engineering DepaRment at SUBD TH S 1-40-27 W ALG TH E W RENTON,WASHINCiTON, 235-263L 441.16 FT TH N 89-13-49 W 480.435 FT ESTABLISHING A SPECIAI ASSESS- LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO THE TPOB TH S 1-40-27 W 129.39 FT MENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY ALL PROPERTIES IN SECTION 3, TH S 89-13-48 E 50 FT TH N 1-40-27E SEWER SERVICE IN THE ADAMS VISTA 7WP 23 N.,RNG 5 E.,W.M. 129.39 FT TH N 89-13-48 W 50 FT TO L.I.D.NO.295 SERVICE Taz Lot 43: TPOB• - Subscribed and swc �REA AND ESTABLISHING THE BAAP N 89-13-49 W 160.145 FT FR PT ACCESSABLE FOOTA(iE 160.14 z.f.f. AMOUNT OF THE CHAR(3E UPON CON- ON E LN OF Cil41N NW+/s S 01-40-7I W ADDITIONAL CHARGE 53,411.02 NECTION 441.160 FT FR NE COR TH CONT N 89- 1,705,51 + Interest 55,178.53 Total . TO THE FACIUTIES. 13-49 W 1 B0.145 FT TH S 01-40-27 W THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 312.31 FT TH S 88-02-41 E 160.00 FT M/L' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' RENTON, WASHINOTON, DO ORDAIN TAP S 01-40-27 W OF BEG TH N 01-40-27 Tax Lot 204: AS FOLLOWS: E 315.473 FT TO BEG. BAAP ON E LN OIF GL 4 IN NW Yi S 01- SECTION I:There is hereby created a ACCESSABLE FOOTAGE 160 a.f.f. 40-27 W 441-16 FT FR NE COR TH N 89- sanitarysewerservicespecialassessmeM ADDITIONAL CHARGE 53,408.04, 13-49 W 160.145 FT TH S Ot-40-27 W district for the Adams Vista L.I.D.No.295 i1,704.02 + Irrterest,55,112.06 Total 315.473 FT TH S 88-03-41 E 160.145 FT service area,which erea is more particular- TH N Ot-40-27 E 318.84 FT TO TPOB �y described es follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LESS C/M RGTS. •See Exhibit "A" atteched hereto and Tax Lot 53: ACCESSABLE FOOTAC3E 160.15 z.f.f. vN,ra�R.vaed�ae+ made a p8rt � W 7�z of W Sh of GL 3 LY S OF CO RD. ADDITIONAL CHARGE 53,411.23 hereoi es ff fully set forth herein. ACCESSABLE FOOTAGE 370 z.f.i. 1,705.61 + h►terest 55,116.84 Totel SECTIONII:Personsconnectingtothe ADDITIONAL CHARCaE 57.881•10, 'Interestratececulatedat7%perannum sanitary serrer facilities in this SpeCial 3,940.55 + Interest,511,821.65 Total from 1975 to date,not to exoeed 150%of Aseessmern DisMct which properties have Tax Lot 72: the original assessment cost per SeCtion 8- not been charqed or asaessed withthe cost E Ys of 3A0.18,FT MEAS ALG E lN OF GL 717-C of Renton Muniapal Code,pertain- pf a trunk sankary sswer maln shail pay in 4. ing to properties not previously assessed. addftion to the payment of the connection ACCESSABLE FOOTAGE 300 z.f.f. Exhibit"B"on file in City Ge�ic's oifice• permit fee and in addhion to the yeneral ADDITIONAL CHARGE 56,390.08, Pubiished in the Valley Daily,News tacility and trunk connection charoe,and ir► 9,195.04 + Interest 59,585.12 Total November 28, 1986 R1958 � � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , . rwrr►' � � _ � 4�2 O "�C'�.�' 1 a._:"I..�,;: ��CL ..'��t�:it.�. ._ OROINANCE N0. .•_ , r. _;n +�:,.. �:;::::;:c: .. ;�+`:`j�;�-±=::�_.. ;....::.�:-+:,:_:: i-i�_r , , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, �� ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE IN THE ADAMS VISTA L. I.D. N0. 295 SERVICE AREA AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CON- NECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCI� OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOL�LOWS: SECTION I: There is hereby created a sanitary sewer service � special assessment district for the Adams Vista L. I.D. No. 295 service area, � which area is more particularly described as follows: .� � r��j See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part � hereof as if fully set forth herein. c � A map of the benefited area is attached hereto as Exhibit B" and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. SECTION II: Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District which properties have not been charged or assessed with the cost of a trunk sanitary sewer main shall pay in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the general facility and trunk connection charge, and in addition to the special assessment district, the following additional fees: ' SEE EXHIBIT "A° (for property descriptions and assessments) SECTION III: This Ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCI� this 24th day of November , 1986. �, Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 24th day of November , 1986. � ...::� � � �p :;, � � � (.Lv n� Approved as to form: earbara Y. hinpoch, Mayor - .. ,., � �� t_. • , :� �'' . . � ' o CZrtN/�'v�'4� ►�'�--t-r'�'Y'� _ ., �n _ , ._.;. t7 Lawrence J. Warren, City Atforney � -. :� ' '� �n � Date of Publication: November 28, 1986 CERTIFICATE I, the Ut1d@Biglltd� Maxine E. Mdtor (,`Il1k Of thA .,�:,,�,� T � „� -,�,A�„�,, � City of Renton� Washington, certtty.�h�t�thls is a t�ue ���'�'� ��" ������ ��� ���V�J� `�� and COITeCt Copy Of Ordinance No. 4028 : �t-t�;G rF�������� Subscrihed and Sealed this 2nd daX'of Decembe�986. R���i01d�4UNICIPAL BIDG. � s1�P�i�t Atl'E.s0. �7�`�z-1�-�;-'� : a�� fcENTON,VYA 88055 �it,�Clark ' ORDINANCE N0. 4028 � E X H I B I T "A" • ■rr' � NOTICE OF ADOITIONAL WATER OR SEWER FACILITY TAP OR CONNECTION CHARGES REQUIRED BY RCW 65.08.17 (3) (RCW 35.92.025) MUNICIPALITY - CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ADDITIONAL TAP OR CONNECTION CHARGE PER: Adams Vista L. I.D. No. 295 Service Area (S.E. 99th Street between 132nd Avenue S.E. and 136th Avenue S.E. ) tlj 11� PROJECT NO. : S-178 � � RECIPIENT: City of Renton C'� C� � BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Installation of 1000 feet of 8" sewer main in �� easement area known as extension of S.E. 99th Street and 136th Avenue S.E. � TOTAL ASSESSMENT COST: $ 35,367.80 TOTAL ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE: 1,660.44 zone front footage (z.P.f. ) (Front Footage, Square Footage, or Zone Front Footage) TOTAL COST PER FRONT FOOT OR SQUARE FOOT: $ 21.300259998 plus interest (*) � 7% per annum not to exceed 150� of original assessment. If there is any question regarding the paid or unpaid status of the following assessments, please call the City of Renton, Utility Engineering Department at 235-2631. ASSESSABLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOOTAGE AODITIONAL CHARGE ALL PROPERTIES IN SECTION 3, TWP 23 N. , RNG 5 E. , W.M. Tax lot 43: 160 z.f. f. $ 3�408.04 BAAP N 89-13-49 W 160.145 FT FR 1.704.02 + Interest PT ON E LN OF GL 4 IN NW 1/4 S $ 5�112.06 Total 01-40-27 W 441 .160 FT FR NE COR TH CONT N 89-13-49 W 160.145 FT TH S 01-40-27 W 312.31 FT TH S 88-03-41 E 160.00 FT M/l. TAP S 01-40-27 W OF BEG TH N 01-40-27 E 315.473 FT TO BEG. Tax Lot 53: 370 z. f. f. $ 7,881.10 W 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF GL 3 �Y S OF 3,940.55 + Interest CO RD. $11,821.65 Total Tax Lot 72: 300 z. f.f. $ 6,390.08 E 1/4 OF 340.18 FT MEAS ALG E 3,195.04 + Interest LN OF G� 4. E 9,585.12 • ORDINANCE N0. 4028 � � = ASSESSABLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOOTAGE ADDITIONAL CHARGE Tax Lot 166: 105 z.f.f. $ 2,236.53 WLY 100 FT OF FOLG: 1,118.26 + Interest BEG AT NW COR OF GL 4 TH S $ 3,354.79 Total 719.72 FT TH S 88-03-48 E 211.50 FT TO TPOB TH S 88-03-48 E 276.78 FT TH N 01-48-23 E 250.89 FT TH S 89-OS-08 E 10,1.23 FT TH N 00-38-28 E 207.47 FT TH N 88-29-33 W 372.73 FT TH S 01-56-19 W 457.31 FT TO TP08. CO iI7 Tax Lot 176: 330 z. f.f. $ 7,029.09 � W 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF S 340.18 FT. OF 3,514.54 + Interest � � GL 4 LESS C & M RGTS. $10,543.63 r� � Tax Lot 187: 180.15 z. f.f. S 3,837.24 � BAAP N 89-13-49 W 548.580 FT 1,918.62 + Interest G1J FR PT ON E LN OF GL 4 IN $ 5,755.86 Total NW 1/4 S 01-40-27 W 441.16 FT FR NE COR MEAS ALG SD E LN TH S 00-38-28 W 22 FT TH N 89-OS-08 W 113.67 FT TH S 01-48-23 W 153.97 FT TO TPOB TH CONT S 01-48-23 W 130 FT M/L TO N LN OF S 340.18 FT OF SD GL TH S 88-03-14 E 180.145 FT ALG SD N LN TH N 01-40-27 E TAP S 88-03-41 E OF TPOB TH N 88-03-41 W TO TPOB. Tax lot 188: 160.14 z. f. f. $ 3,411.02 BAAP N 89-13-49 W 320.290 FT 1,705.51 + Interest FR PT ON E LN OF GL 4 IN NW 1/4 $ 5,116.53 Total S 01-40-27 W 441 .16 FT MEAS ALG SD E LN FR NE COR TH CONT N 89-13-49 W 160.145 FT TH S 01-40-27 W 309.139 FT TO N LN OF S 301.48 FT OF SD GL TH S 88-03-41 E ALG SD N LN 160.145 FT TH N 01-40-27 E 312.306 FT TO BEG LESS C/M RGTS ALSO LESS POR NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 BEG AT NW COR OF SEC TH S 88-29-33 E ALG N LN 1317.81 FT TO THE NE COR SD SUBD TH S 1-40-27 W ALG TH E �N 441.16 FT TH N 89-13-49 W 480.435 FT TO THE TPOB TH S 1-40-27 W 129.39 FT TH S 89-13-49 E 50 FT TH N 1-40-27 E 129.39 FT TH N 89-13-49 W 50 FT TO TPOB. � ORDINANCE N0. 4028 � � r ASSESSABLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOOTAGE ADDITIONAL CHARGE Tax Lot 204: 160.15 z.f.f. S 3,411.23 BAAP ON E LN OIF GL 4 IN NW 1/4 S 1,705.61 + Interest 01-40-27 W 441-16 FT FR NE COR TH $ 5,116.84 Total N 89-13-49 W 160.145 FT TH S O1-40-27 W 315.473 FT TH S 88-03-41 E 160.145 FT TH N �� 01-40-27 E 318.64 FT TO TPOB LESS �^� C/M, RGTS. �?' �-i C7 � * Interest rate calculated at 79G per annum from 1975 to date, not to exceed �2 150% of the original assessment cost per Section 8-717-C of. the Renton �� Municipal Code� pertaining to properties not previously assessed. �� . GO � ��Z � . „�,,. �:_ � � . ���� ���� , � - . il �l C� ,4-� ��� � �.�- �- ��d--�� � � - �'�-°`�,`�" - _ � _ , � /' �F R�� �' � e� ,� � � � �� ,,� ° PUBLIC W�RKS DEPARTMENT � RICNARD C. HOUGNTON • DIRECTOR � � �°�' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 90 P� 206 235-2569 9�TF� SEP�E��� BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH September 16, 1986 MAYOR MEMORANDUM T0: Arlene FROM: Dick Houghton 9SUBJECT: Padgett Request for Sewer Connection The above request was approved by Council last night. Larry Warren wrote the Committee Report and I have not received a copy as yet to define details. From the file we determined that only the easterly 176.78 feet had been assessed. The other 100 feet to the west would have 105 Z.F.F. Therefore, (105)(21 .300259998) _ $2236.53 and would be the assessment. I am not sure if we can charge interest. Better check the Ordinance. They will have to pay this at time of hookup plus interest if any. (Monies to go to Utility Fund. ) ��.�� �• RCH:pmp ����� . �, ��.-, - %.�,.� �- �<��. � � �F R�� �' �r � � `� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � " ° Ci �- z DESIGN/UTILITY ENGINEERING � 235-2631 p � � MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 9,0 �• o9�rE� SEPSE���P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH September 18, ]986 MAYOR Mr. and Mrs. Alan & Angela Padgett 13304 S.E. 99th St. Renton WA 98056 Subject Property: That portion of GL4 in STR 3-32-5 (TL166) described as follows: Beginning at NW Corner of G1 4, Thence S 719.72 feet Thence S 88-03-48 E 211 .50 feet to TPOB: Thence S 88-03-48 E 276.78 feet; Thence N 01-48-23 E 250.89 feet; Thence S 89-05-08 E 101 .23 feet; Thence N 00-38-28 E 207.47 feet; Thence N 88-29-33 W 327.73 feet; Thence S 01-56-19 W 457.31 feet to TPOB Re: Charges for Sewer Hook-up Dear Mr, and Mrs. Padgett: City Council has approved sewer connection for your property as described above, subject to the following conditions: 1 . Signing a Covenant to Annex. 2. Paying a latecomer fee for Westerly 100 feet ± of subject property which was not previously assessed. Plus paying all other applicable permit, development and inspection fees, upon connection. It is the intent of this letter to tabulate the various fees for your information: . Each single family sewer permit fee $ 20.00 ea. . Each right-of-way permit fee 25.00 ea. . Special Utility Connection Charqe (Development Fee) for each single family dwelling. 300.00 ea. . Latecomer fee for W�sterly 100'± of subject property plus 7q interest per annum not to exceed 150q of original assessment. 3,354.79 � September 18, 1986 `"�' �►�' Page 2 Enclosed please find a copy of the Renton Municipal Code pertaining to interest rates for "properties not previously assessed", which includes latecomer fees, for your easy reference. Please feelfree to contact this office if you have any questions. Very truly yours, ���i��'�- � �11��./ Ronald L. Olsen `��� � Utility Engineer �/71� � AMH Enclosure � • � � PADGETT SEWER FEE Due at time of Connection $ 20.00 per each single family residence $ 25.00 per each right-of-way permit fee $300.00 per single family residence - System Development Fee $3,354.79 for Latecomer Fee Westerly 100± (150q x $2,236.53) Latecomer Breakdown: YEAR ASSESSMENT INTEREST 1975 $ 2,236.53 $156.55 @ 7� 1976 2,393.08 167.51 @ 7q 1977 2,560.59 179.24 @ 7� 1978 2,739.83 191 .78 @ 7� 1979 2,931 .61 205.21 @ 7% 1980 3,137.22 219.60 @ 7q 1981 3,356.82 (over maximum) , l�Ch.,C�t.�t_L ��c �� r ene aig . � � � ` 8-716 8-717 � � If no timely payment is made as herein set fortt� and tl�e account thus becomes delinquent, tl�e Director of Finance, or lier duly authorized representative shall mail to the user a notice in writing, postaye �repaid and mailed to the last known address of such user, that if such delinquent sewer charyes are not paid forthwitl�, ihe Utilities Engineer shall be directed to cut off the water service to the premises and to enforce the lien upon the property to which such service has been rendered and sucl� lien sf�all be superior to all otl�er liens or encumbrances except those for general taxes and special assessments. Such liens may be foreclosed by the City inthemanner provided by law for tlie enforcement of tl�e same, and for delinquent sewer cl�aryes, in addition to all other remedies permittecl. There will be an additional sum of ten dollars ($10.00) charged for the expense of turning the water off and on. Any such water service cut oif shall remain disconnected until all cliarges to the City plus penalties, together with tt�e additional sum of ten dollars ($10.00) for turning the water on, shall have been paid. In lieu of any notice by mail, tf�e Utilities Engineer or tl�e Director of Finance, or their duly authorized representatives, may cause a delinquent sewer charge notice to be servecl personally upon such user or occupant. Failure to receive mail properly addressed to such user or occupant sfiall not be a valid defense for failure to pay any such delinquent charges. Any change in ownership of property or change in mailing address must be properly filed in writing witl� the office of the Director of Finance within fifteen (151 days after such cfiange of status.�(Ord. 2847, 5-6-74) 8-717: CHARGES FOR PROPERTY NOT PREVIOUSIY ASSESSED: .� 1A) In addition to sewer connection permit fees as rec�uired by ordinance and the rules and regulations promulgateci the�eunder, there is hereby imposed upon, and the owners of properties wfiici� I�ave not previously been assessed or charged or bome an equitable share of the cost of the City's sewer distribution system shall pay, prior to any connection to a City sewer main, a special connection cliarge in an arnount cornputeci in tlie following manner and as set forth in the immediately succeeding paragraph. However, whenever a developer provides a sewer line to an area tlie costs of which were entirely borne by tl�e developer, and tl�e developer does not enter into a latecomer agreement witt� ti�e City, ti�en tfiose abutting property owners tl�at would have Ueen affected had a latecomer's agreement been entereci into sf�all be considered as liaving been previously assessed for tf�e purposes of this Section. (Ord. 3260, 10-23-78) (B) The special connection charge imposed sfiall be paid into tf�e Utility Fund and shall be computed in the following manner: The number of units of property frontage to be served by the sewer distribution systern, determined in tlie manner prescribed in RCW 35.44.030 and 040 for determining "assessable units of frontage" shall be multiplied by the actual local improvement assessment per unit of frontage for such facility for the year in which the sewer main to which the property is to be connected wa�constructed and accepted as complete by tlie City. ,, (C) In addition to the aforespecified cost of "assessme�t" there shall be a charye of seven percent (7%) per annum added to such cost, but in no event shall such surcharge be in excess of one hundred fifty percent 1150%► of the origina) assessment cost as hereinabove specified. s,,i , � ;� i�: 762;364;564;1164;865;867;769,�69;470;1270;774;876;1178 .�e , • � pr R�� � � . . . . . � � THE CITY OF RENTON � ,► o � �, �-;-. z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. S0. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o � � BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, 9'O `O CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2501 O9�TF4 SEPT��O�P . . September 16, 1986 Alan and Angela Padgett .. 13304 SE 99th Street • Renton, WA 98056 ' " . Re: Sewer Hook Up Dear Mr. and Mrs. Padgett: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of September 15, 1986, concurred in the recommendation of the Utilities Committee report . . that because the Padgett property was included within Lcical Improvement � � " District No. 295, this property be permitted to hook up to the City sewer system conditioned upon: (1) Signing a covenant to annex the property to be served to the city; (2) Paying a fair share of the costs of the line in proportion to the properties assessed in the LID, payable to the Waterworks Utility. The committee report stated that the front portion of your property was included within the boundaries of LID No. 295; that 2/3 of the frontage was assessed. That the remaining 1/3 was within the LID boundaries but not assessed because the property was thought to be below the elevation for service. This was in error; therefore, the committee recommended the property be permitted to hook up to the sewers. Please contact Bob Bergstrom, Public Works Department, Phone No. 235-2631, to facilitate the sewer connection. Also, feel free to contact this office if you have any further questions. .. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON . . � „¢-.J � Li�4�'�"�`r Maxine E. Motor, CMC City Clerk cc: Robert Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor ' ' Nancy Mathews, Council President Se�tember I5. 1986 �"` Renton Citv Council Minu es Paae 4 Springtree Utilities Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report concurring in the Condominiums recommendation of the Public Works Department that Springtree Irrigation Meter Fee Condominiums be relieved of the S 175/per unit special utility connection fee for installation of irrigation meter, and instead be assessed $5,643.26, which would have been the amount at the time of construction. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. , Pad�ett ReQuest for Utilities Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report regarding the _Sewer Connection Padgett request for sewer connection. Upon review of the matter, it was determined that due to an error, only two-thirds of the frontage of the Padgett property was assessed for LID 295. However, because the Padgetts had participated in costs of LID 295, the Committee recommends that connection of the property to existing sewers be approved subject to the following conditions: 1) execution of a restrictive covenant by the property owner agreeing to annex to the City; and 2) payment of a fair share of the cost of the sewer line in proportion to LID assessments, payable to the Waterworks Utility. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Chairman Clymer clarified the intent of condition #1 to require the property owner join any future annexation in the area. MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Complaints Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mayor Shinpoch reported that the owner of pigeons in the Highlands refuses to comply despite citation, and the City must enforce the matter through court action. Secondly, the owner of property on Duvall Avenue NE cited for trash in yard has pleaded not guilty and the matter is scheduled to be heard in court later in September. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Wavs and Means -_ Ways and Means Committee member Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for first reading, and advancement to second and final reading: LID 326/331 Bond An ordinance was read relating to local improvement districts; establishing Ordinance Consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 326/331; fixing the amount, form, date, interest rates, maturity and denominations of the Consotidated Local Improvement District No. 326/331 Bonds; providing for the sale and delivery thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation in Seattle, Washington; and fixing the interest rate on local improvement district assessment installments. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE FOR SECOND & FINAL READING. CARRIED. Qrdinance #4017 Following second & final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was LID 326/331 Bond MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Ordinance ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee member Trimm presented a report recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4018 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 4.19 acres of Springbrook property located on the south side of SE Carr Road at the 500 block from Associates Rezone Multifamily Residential District (R-3) to Office Park District (O-P) for R-073-85 Springbrook Associates, File No. R-073-85. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, LETTER Mt. Rainier Kidney REQUESTING FUNDING FROM MT. RAINIER KIDNEY FOUNDATION Foundation Request BE REFERRED TO �OMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Driveway Requirements Councilman Stredicke entered two letters into the record from George Post, 1122 S. 27th Place, Renton (Victoria Hills), dated 8/28/86 and 9/11/86 regarding City code reyuirements for number of driveways per residential lot. He explained Mr. Post's claim that he has recently received conflicting information from two City employees, with the latest interpretation being that two driveways are allowed next door at 1116 S. 27th Place. Mr. Post questioned '� � UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 PADGETT REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION (Referred 9/8/86) The front portion of the Padgett's property was included within the boundaries of LID 295. Two-thirds of the frontage was assessed. The remaining one-third was within the LID boundaries but not assessed because the property was thought to be below the elevation for service. That was in error. Because the praperty was included within the LID, the Committee recommends that the Padgett property be permitted to hook up to the sewers conditioned upon: 1 . A covenant to annex for the property to be served. 2. Payment of a fair share of the costs of the line in proportion to the properties assessed in the LID, payable to the waterworks utility. �' ' Ear C ymer, C a�r d'i<-`�f/� i� __" John Reed , ,' 1 ��r�t�s" . Richard Stredicke � � �. Seatember 8. 1986 � Renton Citv Council Minul�' Pa�e 5 CORRESPONDENCE Letter from John L. Hendrickson, attorney for Honey Creek Associates, Honey Creek requested assistance by the City Council in meeting right-of-way Associates Rezone condition imposed on Honey Creek Associates Rezone, R-014-84, and & PPUD Preliminary Planned Unit Development, PPUD-015-84, approved Conditions 4/14/86. (Rezone ordinance held awaiting approval of concurrent annexation by King County Boundary Review Board.) The letter noted difficulties incurred by applicant in acquiring right-of-way from owner at 2216 Harrington Place NE to enable construction of full 40-foot road aligned with NE 23rd Street between Harrington Avenue NE and the applicanYs property. The administrative staff, including the City Attorney, was requested to initiate condemnation proceedings, if necessary, with the understanding that the City would be reimbursed for all costs. City Attorney Warren reported that although the matter had been discussed in Committee, the requirement for full-width right-of-way had been approved by the Council without clarification of whether the City would aid in condemnation procedures, if determined necessary. He noted that if the Council wishes to concur in the applicant's request, the City would have to determine whether or not the amount requested is unreasonable before it would assist in the matter, and an agreement " reached for reimbursement of attorney's fees to ensure that the City is not expending public funds to aid a developer. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE �ITY ATTORNEY TO PROVIDE PRELIMINARY ASSISTANCE AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL IF FURTHER COUNCIL ACTION IS REQUIRED. City Attorney Warren clarified that he would obtain square footage calculations to determine appropriate value, discuss attorney's fees with Mr. Hendrickson, and then report back to Council before any further action is taken. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his "no" vote be recorded, noting that if applicant cannot meet required conditions, he should resubmit plans. Finance City Clerk/Finance Department requested the City Council to declare Department: certain City equipment surplus (obsolete, damaged or no longer used) to Surplus allow disposal at public auction to be held October 4, 1986, by the City Equipment of Bellevue for the annual Joint Government Disposal Auction. Upon Auction inquiry, Administrative Assistant Parness reported that obsolete IBM personal computer keyboards are being surplused because they are incompatible with the City's data processing system. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL DECLARE LISTED ITEMS SURPLUS. CARRIED. Rivoli Estate Quit Letter from Robert L. Anderson, attorney for the Estate of William O. Claim.Deed Rivoli, requested City officials to execute Quit Claim Deed to remove City of Renton's cloud on the title to Lot 19 in Block 5 of the Renton Real Estate Company's First Addition to Renton, allegedly purchased from the City by Moreno and Adina Rivoli in 1935 although the deed cannot be located. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COLJNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND ADMINISTRATION TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Following further explanation by City Attorney Warren that the property had come into the City's hands through an LID foreclosure in 1934 and was purchased in 1935 by the owners who have occupied and paid taxes on Lot 19 for 51 years, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN QUIT CLAIM DEED ON THE PROPERTY. CARRIED. Padgett Waive.� Letter from King County residents Alan and Angela Padgett, 13304 SE �eauest for Sewer 99th Street, Renton, requested waiver of requirements of Resolution No. Con,ne,ct��io,n 2162, adopted in February of 1978, which prohibits sewer connection by residents outside the City limits unless specific conditions are met. The letter noted participation by the Padgetts in LID 295, 1975 sewer project in Union Avenue NE north of the City limits of Renton, to assure future approval of connection by the City. Mr. Padgett advised that King County recently denied his short plat request due to unavailability of letter from the City authorizing future sewer hookups. He noted that prior to his participation in LID 295, he had an approved septic system, but he joined the project to assure future connection to City sewers when he subdivided his property. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council President Mathews requested notif'cation of all committee meetings regarding this matter. � OF R�� �,,,�,, . . � � � � � ;� ,� � THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o � rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, 9'O � CITY CLERK � (206) 235-2501 O9�TF� SEP��MO�P September 9, 1986 Alan and Angela Padgett 13304 SE 99th Street Renton, WA 98056 RE: Sewer Hook up Dear Mr. and Mrs. Padgett: Your letter of August 26, 1986, requesting waiver of Resolution No. 2162 for sewer connection outside the City limits due to prior participation in LID 295, was considered by the Renton City Council at their regular meeting of September 8, 1986. The matter was referred to the Council's Utilities Committee for review and report back. In the event you care to attend the Utilities Committee meeting, please contact the Council's Secretary, Ms. Billie Dunphy, at phone 235-2586 between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. weekdays for the meeting schedule. Also, please feel free to contact this office if you have any further questions. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON ., ' ' Maxine E. Motor, CMC City Clerk cc: Nancy Mathews, Council President Earl Clymer, Chairman, Utilities Committee � � September 3, 1986 Renton City Council 200 Mill Street South Renton, WA 98055 ATTN: Ms Nancy Matthews Dear Nancy, Enclosed is a letter and some copies of the L.J .D. information that we have. We are hoping to get on the agen�a for Monday September 8, 1986 council meet- ing. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at home or work. We appreciate your time in getting some of the material to us. I hope that. the council will talk to the Departments heads so that they will know what we are up against. When we made this investment we put a lot of time and effort into it. This is more important to us than you' ll ever know. Again thanks for your help. Sincerely An 'e Pa�gett 255-2_538 Home 255-�414 bJork , , ' ` � . � � August 26, 1986 Alan & Angela Padgett 13304 S.E. 99th Street Renton, WA 98056 Renton City Council 200 Mill Street South Renton, WA 98055 ATTN: Ms. Nancy Matthews RE: Sewer Hook-up. .Tax lot 166 Dear Council Members; In 1975 we purchased our property as an investment with the intent of sub-dividing when our Daughter was ready for college. We agreeded to participate in the L: J.D. for that reason and also they needed a certain percentage of property owners to agree to it. We had an approved septic system at the time we were building our home, but, we agreed to pay for the entire front footage of our property with the understanding that we could sub-divide later. There would have been no other re� ason for us to participate in the L.I.D. We have met with and had many phone conversations with Mr. Ron Nelson, Director of Building, Mr. Steve Munson, Policy Development and Mr. Ron Olsen of the Engineer- ing Department. They are in agreement with us that we should be allowed to hook- up to the City Sewer and they encouraged us to appeal to the Council for a waiver. We have enclosed a copy of the L.I .D. , a map showing our L.I.D. boundary and a copy of the resolution for your convience. We hereby request the Council to waive Resolution N0. 2162 which prohibits us from further sewer hook-up. We also ask that this matter be on the agenda for the Councils next meeting on Monday September 8, 1986. Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely ; �_ -�' , c _ i C.���.��' Alan & Angela Padgett (206) 255 2538 Home (206) 255 8414 Angie Work . T,c��s �s rHE s�-w�2. ���v� i3vc.,uv�� - � , p�o Er r , TA� I� j_ � L.�T �� _,._ ; . �, . , . ;, , �' " ! `,�- �% c. c� , • ; ; � _ , •:�lthH-6 MN-5 4 � H-�4 MH� a = - -- - - - - - - � � S .E. 99 TH. S �- , -- - _. ' ai 5 5 Q 5 L1.D. BOU C�ARY - MH-9 . .-. ..� .,, •.. ,2 , t'. �. . . ' H 8M _ � ' EX/ST. �ITY LlM/TS, ' f' .. ... .. �• �r t. _ .• ? . '� . • • � � N. E. 24 TH. ST. 1, 1 1 . �..»�--�''' � � � ,� , cz��Y oF xr.r�7�ura, cansHZNCTara RESOLUTION N0. 2162 WHEREAS it is advisable to provide and establish definite guidelines and standards concerning the furnishing of sanitary sewer _ services to property owners residi�g outside the present or future City Limits of the City of Renton, anci WHEREf1S the City Council does hereby set forth such appropriate guidelines for the benefit of the various departments of the City� NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED EY THF. CITY COUPICIL OF THf: CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTUN, AS F'OLLOWS: SECTIOtd I: The following standards and guidelines are hereby established and shall be generalZy adhered to by the various with City Departnents in dealing/and considering applications by property owners for connection to sanitary sewer lines whenever such property owners are residing outside the present and future City Limits, to-wit S. A, Hookups to sanitary sewer lines owned by the City ` may be permitted uFon payment of ttie agpropriate fee set forth by ordinance; together with latecome: che�r�es, if any, �ahen such sanitary sewer line is located outside�in�ide the City limits and the nroperty of the petitioning oarner is located adjacent to or adj�ining such existin� sanitary sewer Iine; AND FROVIDED FURTHEft that the followin�; add�iona] conditic�ns are met; l . Prior to any permit for hookup, an up to date determination �hall be made by the City and/or Kin�* ('c>unty llc�alth I����artment Yo determine that a seri��ur' an,.l inuninnni thr�at to ��ublic healt}i r�xints on �uch adjoinirif•, vr adjace,nt pi�op�r•ty or proPerty witl�in t;ie City caurcd hy such adjoininy�, or acljacent pr�u��erty T•e�luirin� immecliate remedial action, i,e. connection to an exir.ting sanitary sewe�r�. 2. That tt�er<� ir� n�,t �va�lable tz�anv �i;ch arij�c��-�rit or r��7jc,ininp, owner any rPnsonahle �lt��rr�ritr m,��9nc tc r�mr_�ly �ur�l� �;itua�tic�n� re<Zr�.�nah7c� a!t eri��i;��; n�ay iric J ucl� f oi�mat ioii of a L,oca l Ini�t�ovF— m��r�t Ui,^,lri.rt. fc�r� ^aJiit��ry ��wcrs or a�reemF�nt wiih any ot l�cr �;overnmen t�l ap,ency to sc�r�ve such ��ropert y owner. ��, 11�,��1 u�,^ to >rit:iiary sewer:; hy owners out�ide tLr, City ] �mits �h�ll 1>e (�er�miticcl only t�V thoce in•1ivi�)ii•'il•� h3vit?r, struc-ture^ Axisting F�rior to Uecember 197b with private sc��+er systems (septic tanks) and shall not: he p?rmitted for any new construction. -1- � � � . � `� i;. F'or a �howin� t hat a >criou^ anci/or immi��ent threat to puhlic healtli exists, determined bv the City andlor the Seattle Y.in�* Co��nty Health Department, the City Counci] , uPon re�ommendation of the City Engineeri.ng D�partment, may waive or modify any of the foregoing conditions. , - SECTIO�J II: These guidelines and standards shall be and remain in full force and effect unti] modified or amended hy the City Council. PASSEll BY THE C11'Y COUNCIL this 6th day of February,1978, Delores��e�, Ci y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of Februarp,197H. " ', ' , �1 — 'f�'t:�i'J l ��C •- �u..� 1 ar es e aurenti, ayor i Approved as to form; �i��� . Lawrence . a en, ity ttorney i `� f a r � �� ' j•J-�.�. � . . ` � � ORpINANCE N0. 2956 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION ANO INSTA�.LATION QF SANITARY SEWERS AND TRUNK LINES AND APUURTENANCES THERETO IN THE VICINITY OFIN AND NEAR UNION AV�NUE N.E. NORTH OF THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS . MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ALL IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH RESOLUTION N0. 1993 pF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON; ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 295 PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT PAYMENT FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT BE MA.DE BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS UPON PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT, PAYABLE BY THE MODE OF "PAYMENT OF BONDS" , OR "NOTES" IN LIEU THEREOF AS DETERMINED HY THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WARRANTS REDEEMABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS OR NOTES. WHEREAS by Resolution No. 1993 passed and approved on June 16,1975 , �he City Council of the City of Renton � � declared its inkention tp constxuct and install certain sanitary sewers and truck lines and appurtenances wa.thin certain territory in the vicinity of Union Avenue N.E. , North of the City Limits of the City of Renton, King County, Washington as hereinafter more particulatly described, and fixed the l�+th day ot July , 1975 in the City Council Chambers �n the � Municipal Huilding, Renton, Washing�on, as the time and place - �or hearing all matters relating to said improvements and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment for said improvementS, and said Regc�lution being in support of a peti'tion filed on or about June 2, 1975 bearing the approvang s�.gnatures of 78. 30$ of the owners tY�eof; and WHEREAS the Director of Public Works has caused an est�.- mate to be made of the cost and expense of the proposed improve- ment and has certified said estimate to the City Council, , to- gether with all papers, data, and information in his possession relating to� the proposed improvement� description of the boundaries of the District, a statement of what portion of the cost and expense should be borne by the properties within the proposed District, a statement in detail of the Local Improvement assess- ment outstanding or unpaid against, the property in the proposed District, and a statement of the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 25$ of the actual valuation of the . _ 1 _ , �, i . � improvements in the p posed District, according to the valua- tion last placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation; and WHEREAS said estimate is accompanied by a diagram of the ; proposed improvement showing thereon the lots, tracts, parcels of land, and other property which will be specially benefited by the proposed improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot, tract and parcel af land or other property within said D�.strict; and WHEREAS due notice of the hearing upon said Resolution No. 1993 was given in the manner provided by law, and said hearing was duly held by the City Council at its regular meeting on July 14 , 1975 at the hour of 8 :00 P .M. and the following protests having been filed and duly considered, to-wit: Name of Protestant Address � - Mr. David Viet 13404 S.E. 99th St. Mr. Stanley Banek 9814 - 132nd Ave. S.E. Ms. Dorris Catlin 9904 - 132nd Ave. S�E. and 'said total protests not exceeding 13 . 569 $ percent of the total cost bearing owners within said District; and WHEREAS at said hearing the City Council has given due consideration to the special benefits to be received from such proposed iitiprovement by all of the properties to be included within the proposed Local Improvement District; and WHEREAS the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City and of the owners of the property within the proposed Local Improvement District that said improvement as hereinafter described be carried out, and that a Local Improvement District be created in connection therewith; NOW THEREFORE _ 2 _ � BE IT ORDAI�'D HY THE MAYOR AND 'PHE CITY COUNCIL OF T�iE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following Sanitary Sewers and trunk lines and appurtenances thereto � " shall be constructed and installed in the vicinity of Union AVenue N.E . , North of City Lir�sts of the City of Renton, King County, Washington, as more particularly described hereinbelow, to-wit: See attached exhibit "A" and there shall be included in the foregoing the acquisition and installation of all necessary pipe, manholes , valves , fittings , couplings, connection equipment and appurtenances , together with the acquisition of any easements, rights of way and land that may be required; and there shall be included the performance of such work as may be incidental and necessary to the foregoing construc- tion and installation. The City Council may modify the details of the foregoing described improvement where, in its judgment, it appears advisable, � prn��:.a:.0 ���.,,; ,..- ..._. :. : .�.-�� ,n:�� -? . :u:. .. .:��u::�ially a=►.ter the plan • O� S:. _:: _.:t:�::��'vcii'.°'.:` . n�... v�: i.i:t.: liif�::�:...._c� Sil:ill be .in accordatzce with the plans and specification therefor to be prepared by the Director of Public Warks. SECTION II : There is hereby established and created a Local Improvement District to be called "Local Improvement District No. 295 of the City of Renton, Washington" , the boundaries of �� such LocG! Improvement District being described as follows : See attached exhihit "B" . � _ 3 - � . u�. . � SECTION II� The estimated cost and expen�e of said . ,. improvement is hereby declared to be approximately $ 57 , 395 . 63 . The entire cost and expense of sai.d improvement, including the ' cost and expense of all enginE��ring, legal, inspection, adver- tising, publication of notices and other expenses incidental thereto, shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such in�provement included in the Local Improvement District No. 295 established, embracing, as near as ;r�ay be, all property spec�ally Z>er�atited by such improvement. SECTION IV: The nature of the improvement provided for ' herein is such that the special benefit� conferred upon the property are fairly reflected by the use of the ' ��zone and termini method�� of assessment, and it is hereby provided and ordered that the assessment shall be made against the prop- ��the_�strict in accordance with said methods.l All property included within the limits of the Local Improvement District above created shall be considered ta be the property specially benefited by such Local Improvement and shall be the property to be assessed to pay the cost and expense thereof as h ove specified. - �.� SECTION V: Local Improvement District warrants shall be is�ued in payn►ent of the cast and expense of the improve- ment herein ordered. Such warrants shall be payable out of said "Local Improvement I'und, District No. 295 " , to bear interest from the date thereof at a rate to be fixed hereafter, but not to exceed 8 � $ per annum and to be redeemed in cash, and/or by Local� Ymprovement District bonds herein authorized to be issued, said interest-bearing warrants to be hereafter referred to as "revenue warrants" . Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be hereafter fixed but not exceeding 8� $ per annum; shall be payable on or before twelve (12)years from the date of issuance, the life of the improvement ordered being not less than ten (10) years, and shall be issued in exchange for and in .. _ q _ j •; ' - redemption of any an�all revenue warrants issued hereunder and not redeemed in cash within a period not to exceed sixty days after the first publication by the Director of Finance of notice that the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 2g5 is in his hands for collection. The bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the property within said District, payable in ten (10) equal installments, with interest at a rate to be fixed hereafter but not exceeding 8� $ per annum, and a penalty of 9 8 which shall also be collected. The exact form, amount, date, interest rate and denomination of said warrants and bonds shall be here- after fixed by Ordinance of the City Council. SECTION VI : All the work necessary to be done in connec- tion with the making of said improvements shall be done by and , made by contract upon competitive bids and the City shall have and reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The call for bids for work authorized pursuant to this Ordinance shall include a statement that payment for said work will be made in cash warrants drawn upon the "Local Improvement Fund, District � No. 295 " . SECTION VII: There is hereby created and established in tlie Finance Director' s Office of the City of Renton, for Local Improvement District No. 295 , a special fund to be known and designated as "Local Improvement Fund, District No. 2g5" ► into which fund shall be deposited the proceeds from the sale of reve- nue warrants drawn against said fund which may be issued and sold by the City and collections pertaining to assessment, and against which fund shall be issued cast► warrants for the contractor or contractors in payment for the work to be done by them in connec- tion with said improvement, and against which fund cash warrants shall be issued in payment of all other items of expense in connec- tion with said improvement. _ 5 _ .. ' , ' ' y � � SECTION VIII : The Director of P�blic Works is hereby authorized and directed to call for bids , in tlie manner provided by law, for the construction ar�d installation of the irnprovements authorized herein. SECTION IX: The City reserves the right to issue, in lieu of bands and warrants in payment of the cost and expense of the aforesaid Local Improvement District, installment note or notes payable out of the Local Improvement District Fund, pur- suant tc RCW 35. 45 .i50 , whenev�r such iiote or notes are sold exclusively to anottler fund of the City as an investment thereof, and as further pro�zded by law. Such installment note or nates may be i ssued ar�y L i�cne after a thirty-day period allowed by law �:.�c `h� payment of assessment� ot said Di.strict without penalty � � or interest, and s���r.h note or notes may i�e of any denornination or denominatians , the aggregal:c� of which sh�,il represt�.t tl��e balance of the cost and expense of the Local Improvement District wr�icti is to be borne by the pr:.�erty owners therein, and as further provided by law. PASSED BY THE CI'rY COUNCIL this llth day of August ,1975 .. � � - Maxine E . Motor, Deputy City Clerk � � , APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this llthday of Au.qust , 1975 � :c- � � � ery Gai�ett, Mayor Approved as to form: � j•�C ��a.�, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 8-15-75 • - 6 -