HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-89-003 '� �,��r�''ber 2. 1989 Renton itv Council Minutes Pa e 273 : ,�� -- i j � � � �'W � ��� when the survey should be conducted, and a scope of work and timin for �. ``� the administration of the survey. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utillties Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented a report indicating Public Works: �us_t fson that the request for sewer connection in the vicinity of NE lOth Street and Sewer Connection Union Avenue NE by Arthur Gustafson, referred on 7/24/89, has been �� Request withdrawn. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. ;� CARRIED. '`� ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS � :� 1Vavs and Means ' Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report ; Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: ':f + Ordinance #4241 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located ; Rezone: Omni Group at 3016 Benson Road South from R-3, medium density multifamily zone, to , (?homas Hampton), B-1, business district zone, for the Omni Group, Inc. (Thomas Hampton). R-03?-89 MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4242 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located Rezone: Polygon at 901 Sunset Boulevard NE from R-I, single family residential zone, to R-3, Corporation (Sunset medium density multifamily zone, for the Polygon Corporation (Sunset Downs), R-019-89 Downs), R-019-89. MOVED $Y TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report recommending approval of the following resolution: Resolution #2769 A resolution was read adopting an interim traffic mitigation plan for the NE Streets: Transportation 3rd/NE 4th Transportation Benefit Zone, making that interim plan an interim Benefit Zone Fees, NE SEPA policy and adopting the CH2M Hill study as a factual document. 3rd/4th MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Police: Valley Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Communication Overtime recommending approval of payment in the amount of $5,524.20 to Valley Funds Communications for 1989 overtime expenses, subject to designation of funding source by Administration. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Zoning Code Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Development Planner recommending Council concurrence in the request o£ the Community Position Development Department for release of budgeted funds for the position of zoning code development planner. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Prior to the public hearing regarding the Fernwood Annexation to be held on Annexation: Fernwood 10/16/89, Council President Stredicke requested a report regarding the sewer ezpansion project in which the developer participated, and the effect of the proposed anneaation on the city's program for trunking sewage to Metro. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 9/25/89 - Mayor Clymer responded to Council inquiry pertaining to REPORT Talbot Road lane closure: WSDOT reports that the Talbot Road Streets: Talbot Road Lane undercrossing under I-405 should be completed and fully opened to traffic Closure within the next week. Only final cleanup and coordination of the traffic signal remain to be completed. Streets: Mt. Olivet Project Referred 9/25/89 - Mayor Clymer responded to Council inquiry regarding on N. 3rd Street traffic disruption from roadway project on N, 3rd Street: The project on N. 3rd Street is a "no-leak" sewer line extension from the Mt. Olivet landfiil site to collect and dispose of on-site contaminated ground water as ordered by the State Department of Ecology and the King County Health Department. When completed, the line will connect with the City's sewer line and then to the Metro interceptor at N. 4th and Logan. The contract requires that all work in N. 3rd Street be accomplished during non-peak traffic flow periods. . � `�r�'' ,� _ UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 2, 1989 GUSTAFSON SEWER CONNECTION REQUEST IN THE VICINITY OF NE IOTH AND UNION AVENUE NE (Referred 7/24/89) The Utilities Committee recommends no action be taken on this matter as Mr. Gustafson has withdrawn his request. �- o�-�u ��� ^ ���'/ n W�� Kathy Keo er-Wheeler, Chair � �—�� Toni Nelson, Member --�.� �`-��� G��lC'�'__ Richard M. Stredicke, Acting Member � v.r✓ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Abbreviated Meeting July 24, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 �.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, TONI NELSON, KATHY A. KEOLKER-WHEELER. (Position held by Councilman Hughes vacated on 7/3/89.) CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN J. PETERSEN, Deputy City Clerk; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; GARY NORRIS, Transportation Services Manager; JOHN ADAMSON, Program Development Coordinator; RUBEN NIETO, Personnel Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Hall, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY l7, 1989. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. WSDOT: Certification of City Clerk reported receipt of annual Washington State Department of State Highway Routes Transportation Certification of State Highway Routes. Information. Public Works: Gustafson City Clerk transmitted letter from Arthur Gustafson requesting connection of Sewer Connection property located in King County at 11654 132nd Avenue SE (Union Avenue Request NE) due to septic system failure. Refer to Utilities Committee. Finance: Title VIII City Clerk requested removal of outdated chapters from Title VIII of Renton Revisions City Code as part of recodification project. Refer to Wavs and Means Committee. Court Case: Northwest Court case filed by Northwest Landscape Industries vs. City of Renton for Landscape Industries breach of contract on Maplewood Golf Course Expansion and Remodel (Maplewood Golf Course project, CAG-040-87. Refer to Citv Attornev. Expansion Project, CAG- 040-87) Claim: Roof Doctors Claim for damages in the amount of $3,594.61 filed by Kay Fisher of Roof (Fisher), CL-35-89 Doctors, P.O. Box 68267, Seattle, for vehicle damage allegedly caused by failure of police vehicle to stop for red light at Mill and Houser Way (10/09/88). Refer to Citv Attornev and insurance service. Claim: Gooch, CL-36-89 Claim for damages in the amount of $762.00 filed by Bryan Gooch, 339 B Cedar Avenue S., Renton, for vehicle damage and possible back injuries sustained in accident allegedly caused by uncovered water valve in roadway at 2nd and Logan Street (7/13/89). Refer to �itv Attornev and insurance rvi Claim: Hiller, CL-37-89 Claim for damages in the amount of $2,200 filed by Kirk Hiller, 30527 6th Avenue SW, Federal Way, for motorcycle damage allegedly sustained as a result of failure of city to keep roadway clear of debris (04/08/89). Refer to Citv Attornev and insurance service. Rezone: Blake Property Hearing Examiner recommended approval of rezone from B-1, business, to Corporation (Earlington R-3, medium density multifamily, zone for Blake Property Corporation Apartments), R-005-89 (Earlington apartments), for property located at SW Sth Place between Maple SW and Hardie SW. Refer to Wavs and Means Committee. Court, Municipal: Municipal Court requested approval of contract with Renton Collections, Inc. Collection Contract for for collection of delinquent court fines at no cost to City since collection Delinquent Fines agency will add 30°r6 to principal balance. Refer to Wavs and Means Committee. "",�," �.✓ For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # T• �. AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING �s=s�=c=es=e=cc===cv===ev====e===cv�c===cc=cc==cc=� xsaa�==ec==o==�asa�as��a==cc-�x�x�s=��==_ SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. F i nance/C i ty C 1 erk For Agenda Of 7/24/89 Meeting Date Staff Contact Max i ne Motor Name Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Letter from Arthur Gustafson Consent request i ng hook-up for property i n Publ ic Hearing Correspondence Kinq Countv to Renton Sewer Line Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A• Letter from Arthur Gustafson Other B. � Approvai : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Refer to Ut i 1 i t i es Commi ttee Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect csf implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) Petitioner requests to hook-up to city sewer line for property located in King County at 11654 132nd Ave SE (Union Ave NE) . Sewer system is inoperable . PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. � � CITY OF RENTON ,1UE. 2 01989 RENTON, WA J ULY �t�, 1 g89 R��EIVED :. cirr c�ERK�s o�FICE fiEtdTQN C I TY GOUNC I L GITY HALL 200 MILL S. RENTON, WA SiJBJECT: PETITION TO HOOK-UP THE RESIDENCE AT 11654 132ND AVE S. E. tUN10N AVE. N. E. ) IN KING COUNTY TC1 THE C1TY OF RENTON SEWER L I NE AT THE S�l_17'H PROFERTY L I T�fE rF THE RESIDENGE. THE SEWER LihlE WAS INSTALLEn IN 1979 Tn �ERVIGE THE NRZP,RE�JE CHURC:H AND GUSTAFSON ADDITION. THE RESIDENCE HAS 1VEVER HAU AN ACGEPTABLE SEFTIC �YwTEM ANL� SINCE IT HAS EEEN VACANT FOk �OUR YEARS THE SEPTIC SYSTEM IS INOPERABLE. S1NCE I PAID FQR PART nF THE �EWE� LIPI�, I W�L�LD AFFREGIATE IT VERY ML1CH IF THIS PETITION GOULD BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT AN INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC �YSTEM BY fiHE COUNTY. � VERY TRULY YOURS, �;���- ������ -;.�t. ARTHUR L�. Gto�TAF:,�td , . � �, �Vashington: � � • The South 92 Peet af that portion of the South 2 of the North 2 of the Southwest 4 of the Northwest � oP Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W. M., deseribed as follows; Beginning at the Sauthwest corner of said subdivision; thence South 88�24'43" E�st alona the South line thereaf 2:38.19 feet; thence North 0°17�24" i��est 196.95 feet to the South line oY the tract of land conveyed to Ray L. Harrimana b�r deed recorded under Auditor� e File No, 3574788, records oP K��ng County; thence North 88 26�09'� West along the South line of said Harriman Tract 238.35 Yeet to thg T�fest line of said South 2i thence South 0°26'04" East along the said �Fle3t line 196.78 feet to the po8snt of beginning; EXCEPT the i�lest 30 feet for County Road; Situate in. the County of King, State of Washington de— — A ON" 4-- # IN. -Tf ` t4j to \J -2- Ala vC # 7-L-' 4,1-(- 6eW9=W44-1 7 3— e tt6 t `— 7— 4:: 7 57 -11 144) S'/4 C lo r" r.- 1101VCADD w ScHoo L io,4 1 "y. Q -N ISO— c4c, A-41 '79 --TT Cie!) PLATE I - PLAN - PROFILE-F.A.S. CL,FARPRINT PAPER CO., S. F. CAL. NO. 100OH-1