HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-89-006 , November 6. 1989 �r Renton Citv Council Minutes �'�'" Paee 301 The Public Safety Committee recommended that Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire department that work hours for battalion chiefs be reduced to 46.6, effective January 1, 1990. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Communitv Services Community Services Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report Committee regarding the Falcon Ridge residential plat (Sea Van Properties), File No. FP- Plat: Final, Falcon Ridge 082-84, FPUD-083-84 (referred 10/16/89). The Committee concurred in the (Sea Van Properties), recommendatian of the Board of Public Works regarding the issues of FP-082-84 sidewalks, storm water drainage, parking and the outstanding bond amount: 1. Sidewalk sections which have unacceptable cross slopes will be replaced. Because an acceptable alternative for sidewalk design in the vicinity of the Man�ing home eannot be determined, the sidewalk will be installed per the FP'UD plans. 2. Drainage system has been installed per plans and specifications and is operating satisfactorily. Maintenance is the responsibility of homeowners association. 3. An off-street visitor parking plan has been developed by staff and accepted by the homeowners association. The area for 55 off-street stalls will be paved and striped by the builder, and should alleviate the problem of illegal on-street parking. The homeowners association has selected an option for fire lane signage to be installed by the builder. 4. Tt�e existing bond in the amount of $13,500 is sufficient to complete the work and satisfy City requirements. It was also noted that the applicant has agreed to extend the bond currently held by the City until the end of May, 1990. Note: The City has not yet received this bond. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Release of Easement: request for release of easement by Leitzke Architects, located at NE 4th Leitzke Architects, NE Street and Union Avenue NE. The Committee concurred in the 4th and Union Avenue recommendation of the Board of Public Works to approve the request NE, Waterline and conditioned upon provision of a new easement and placement of waterlines Hydrant before the release is granted. The Board also recommended that Class "B" be assigned to the release of easement since the City did not spend public funds in acquiring or in maintaining said easement. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Latecomer Agreement: Utilities Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Polygon Corporation, Polygon Corporation request for latecomer agreement for waterline in Sunset Sunpointe III Boulevard SW (Sunpointe III), referred 9/12/88. The Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept the withdrawal of the request submitted in a letter from Gary Young, senior vice president of Polygon 2000, Inc., dated October 20, 1989. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilitv: Miller Water Utilities Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Service Connection request by David and Katrina Miller for water service connection at proposed Request residence at 10403 147th Avenue SE, Renton, in King County, referred 5/1/89. The Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept withdrawal of the request by the Millers as outlined in correspondence dated October 19, 1989. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:37 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:45 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Wavs and Means Committee Ways and Means Committee Acting Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: ,.---- � � � UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER 6, 1989 MILLER REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION EAST OF RENTON (Referred 5/1/89) The Utilities Committee recommends Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to withdraw David and Katrina Miller's request to hook up to Summerwind utilities per their letter (attached). Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair . G..,. � . � Toni Nelson, Member /, �- _ , — e` �'r''�'�' �'� ���G'�lllG'�^- Richard M. Str dicke, Acting Member Attachment . .. � '�.r � �� '_- � CITY OF RENTON � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Director October 30, 1989 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair Members of the Utitities Committee S�ject: MILLER Request to Hook Up to Summerwind Utilities The Pubtic Works Department has received a letter from David and Katrina Milter to withdraw their request to hook up to Summerwind utifities. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Pubtic Works Department to withdraw said request and to remove this item from the active list of City Council Committee Referra I s. Very truly yours, _-- Lynn A G ttmann, Pubiic o s Director RL f Attachment: Letter from M/M Miller dated 10/19/89 7(1(1 Mill 4vPnnP C�nth - RPntnn W�chinatnn qQn�s - r�n�� ��c_���o r . .� � 'i� Renton City Counsil October 19, 1989 200 Mill Avenue South R enton, WA 98055 Atter.tion� Ron Olsen, U-tility Department Regarding� Request to hook up to Summe� Wind utilities dating April 24th i989• Deax Councilmembers� At present time we are removing our request to hook up to the Summer Wind utilities. We are currently trying to annex our property into the City of Renton with the May Valley Co-Op project. If this annexa-tion goes through we will be serviced by city utilities. Thank you for your time and consideration of our past request. S incere ly, '`�`�. �.�"�`�°�' � ��,��-�., /�a�n�2� . David and Katrina Miller ,`i�� ,;�;_ --_� - f�'!�3� �a�: - �� � Y .'J ��>i �- , r� - _ �. . , _ i.. .... �i�`'( C°� �-�. . ., _.�a; ._. . . _ _ ��..