HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-90-004 � .. Mav 21, 1990 ';r.rf�enton Citv Council Minutes ''+•� PaQe 153 CAG: 88-043, W-722 Public Works/Water Utility Engineering Division submitted CAG-043-88, W- South Talbot Hill 722, South Talbot Hill Reservoir Schedule B - Steel Reservo�r project; and Reservoir Schedule B - requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, Steel Reservoir Project commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of $I4,116.08 retained amount to contractor, Pitt-Des Moines, Inc., if all required releases have been received. Council concur. CAG: 90-031, 1990 City Clerk reported bid opening 5/16/90 for 1990 Slurry Seal; 1 bid; Slurry Seal engineer's estimate $83,675.50. Refer to Transportation Committee. (See later action.) CAG: 90-032, 1990 Street City Clerk reported bid opening 5/16/90 for 1990 Street Overlay; 3 bids; Overlay engineer's estimate $765,805.80. Refer to Transnortation Committee. (See later action.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:15 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:20 p.m.; roll was called; all members present, except Mathews, previously excused. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from Mayor Clymer was presented reporting the 1990 financial Finance: 1990 Financial outlook without the major construction at Boeing and PACCAR; and Outlook indicating the completion of an economic analysis for the years 1991 through 1995. The letter further reported that a formal administrative recommendation on budget alternatives will be presented to the Council in mid-June. Mayor Clymer stated that the letter was for information regarding the financial position at this time, and he had requested each department reduce their 1990 budget 2.4% of the remaining balance. When that material is ready and the second quarter revenue reports are in, a presentation will be made in June. He added that the City is still negotiating with PACCAR and Boeing. Upon inquiry from Councilman Tanner, Finance Director Clements explained revenue projections from Boeing and PACCAR projects contained in the 1990 preliminary budget. He indicated that the 8% reserve was lowered to fund projects added mid-year 1989 and 1990, but the projected increase in 1992-1994 property taxes would offset the dip. Upon further inquiry, Mr. Clements advised that excluding the shortfall from Boeing and PACCAR, the City has experienced a strong economy which has increased its financial base. The Administration is currently reviewing budget reductions to offset financial impacts from possible cancellation of the two major projects in order to meet shortfalls of approximately $600,000 for the remainder of ]990, and $1.3 million for 1991. Councilman Stredicke inquired how much money had been spent on the North Soos Creek annexation study. Mayor Clymer answered approximately $200,000 - 250,000 has been spent so far, which leaves a balance of approximately $70,000 - 75,000. Upon additional Council inquiry as to why the City has spent so much money without a 10% petition from the people who would be a part of the annexation, Mayor Clymer recalled the mid-year budget meeting when the question was raised whether the City should continue vyith the study for the annexation, and it was der,ided to continue the study, ;�lus add an additional $100,000 to the budget for that project. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Utility: Ryan Exemption From Sewer Moratorium Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented the report stating that Mary Ryan, in behalf of the property owners Wonio-Pettit, requested exemption from the moratorium and use of the available Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU). The Utilities Committee recommended concurrence with the Public Works Department's recommendation that the subject properties be allowed to participate with Polygon 2000, Inc. in the interim sewer system improvements Mav 2l. 1990 �..r�tenton Citv Council Minutes 'r•�++� Paae l54 outlined in the report prepared by RH2 Engineering titled "Facility Improvements for the South Highlands Sanitary Sewer Basin". The Committee further recommended concurrence with the Public Works Department's recommendation that the following be required: (1) temporary service agreement be recorded against the properties. By this Agreement, the property owners will be bound to participate in the East Renton Sewer Interceptor Project, and (2) participation in their fair share of the study and interim improvements Polygon provides. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Communitv Services Committee Services Committee Chairman Zimmerman reported that the Committee Committee met last week on the North Soos Creek Annexation and did not Annexation: North Soos have an official report at this time. She requested additional input from Creek (Fairwood) Council regarding the annexation since there seems to be clear evidence of opposition and unclear evidence of support. Council discussion was held expressing the following concerns: absence of a 10% petition or some firm commitment from the annexation area; amount of money expended and additional cost if the study continues; why the study has continued so long and no decision made. Preference was expressed for the study to continue because of the financial investment expended and suggestion made that fact cards be distributed on individual issues such as police protection, sewer, library, etc. for interested parties who have received misinformation. Another suggestion was made to petition the three areas, Cascade Vista, Fairwood, and Petrovisky separately, or hold a public meeting in the subject area to discuss pros and cons with staff and the area residents. Council expressed the need for a basic plan with specifics in order to resolve the issue for those undecided citizens. Also, the possibility of an elected community council with veto power over land use decisions in the subject area was suggested. Upon Council inquiry regarding annexation without the 10% petition, Mayor Clymer responded that the situation is unique. Annexations normally are the result of developers who wish to annex for the services the City offers such as sewer, water, etc. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that Administration give a presentation on how the annexation fits into the Growth Management Act in order to receive additional funding from the State since this is a growth issue and the decision should be based on the good for the City. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REQUEST ADMINISTRATION REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL IN TWO WEEKS (6/4/90) WITH A PLAN FOR GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND THE NORTH SOOS CREEK AREA, AND SOME BASIC INFORMATION ON THE PROS AND CONS AS TO WHETHER THIS IS A GOOD MOVE FOR THE CITY OF RENTON BASED ON THE INFORMATION AT PRESENT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Zimmerman questioned why the North Soos Creek issue was in Community Services Committee rather than Planning and Development since it is a land use item. Moved by Zimmerman, seconded by Edwards, Council refer this matter to the Planning and Development Committee. Roll call: 3 Ayes: Zimmerman, Keolker-Wheeler, Edwards. 3 Nays: Nelson, Tanner, Stredicke. Motion failed. Councilman Tanner stated that he opposed the North Soos Creek study being referred to Planning and Development Committee because, in his opinion, a subcommittee is not the proper place for such an issue. He noted that when a decision must be made in that area, staff usually sets up a meeting with full Council. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL REMOVE NORTH SOOS CREEK ANNEXATION FROM COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND REFER IT TO COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AT A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND THE MOTION TO REFER THE NORTH SOOS CREEK ANNEXATION TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER, STREDICKE, EDWARDS. 2 NAYS: ZIMMERMAN, TANNER. CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. � ADOPTED 5/21/90 +�"�' ,�,►�' UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT (May 21, 1990) MARY RYAN REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE IN MORATORIUM AREA (Referred (3/19/90) The proponent, Mary Ryan, in behalf of the property owners Wonio-Pettit, has requested exemption from the moratorium and use of the available EDU's. The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence with the Public Works Department's recommendation that the subject properties be allowed to participate with Polygon 2000, Inc. in the interim sewer system improvements outlined in the report prepared by RH2 Engineering titled "Facility Improvements for the South Highlands Sanitary Sewer Basin". The Committee further recommends concurrence with the Public Works Department's recommendation that the following be required: 1. Temporary Service Agreement be recorded against the properties. By this Agreement, the property owners will be bound to participate in the East Renton Sewer Interceptor Project, and 2. Participation in their fair share of the study and interim improvements Polygon provides. �N.�, /.(.��%� ;,_.,t Toni Nelson, Chair � �� ��-�-�� - r�.��, Kathy Ke ker-Wheeler, Vice Chair ;(�� �.�i-v V�-- _. �Jesse Tanner, Member MARYRYAN/MAB:If � ; / .-f �� �� !�,t�i(t �/ ,* :.l� .%t'( ��� P C�'t �- ��ir���_ �/'f , .A``.�_ . �� _� `' '= � CITY�F RENTON ..�� ,. —" Finance Department Earl Clymer, Mayor May 23, 1990 Ms. Mary Ryan Ryan Properties, Inc. 757 Rainier Avenue S., Suite #9 Renton, WA 98055 Re: Exemption from East Renton Sewer Moratorium Dear Ms. Ryan: At its regular meeting of May 21, 1990, the Renton City Council approved the recommendation of the Utilities Committee to approve the referenced request for sewer service in the moratorium area. The subject property will be allowed to participate with Polygon 2000, Inc. in the interim sewer system improvements outlined in the report prepared by RH2 Engineering, titled "Facility Improvements for the South Highlands Sanitary Sewer Basin." Approval is conditioned upon: I. Execution of a temporary service agreement for the property. The agreement will bind the property owners to participate in the East Renton Sewer Interceptor project; 2. Participation in your fair share of the study and interim improvements provided by Polygon. If further information is desired, please contact Mike Benoit, Senior Engineering Specialist, at 277-6206. Sincerely, �C/ �' ' ` ��a-�,.� Marilyn . etersen, CMC City Clerk 235-2502 cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President Nancy Mathews Public Works Director Lynn Guttmann Mike Benoit 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055