HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-90-009 �% � �` CITY '`'�F RENTON � -- Finance Department Earl Clymer, Mayor " December 6, 1990 Mr. Eric Cheung Cheung Construction, Inc. 2815 2nd Avenue, Suite 280 Seattle, WA 98121 Re: Request for Sewer Moratorium Exemption, Union Plaza Project Dear Mr. Cheung: At the regular Council meeting of December 3, 1990, the Renton City Council granted an exemption for the Union Plaza Project from the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Moratorium (Resolution 2764) with the following requirements: 1. The developer participate, to extent of benefit (as dtermined by the City of Renton Wastewater Utility), in the improvements as conceptually approved by Council for the Crown Point II exemption (June 4, 1990). Participation may be by one of the following methods: a. The developer may construct, at his cost, the approximately 935 lineal feet of improvements (the 880 lineal feet on NE 6th Place that would be upstream from Union Plaza would not be required), as detailed in the April, 1990, report prepared by RH2 Engineering and approved by Council. A latecomers agreement may be requested. b. The developer may wait until Crown Point II, Wonio, Pettet, or RVTI make the approved improvements and participate by means of a latecomers charge. c. The developer may participate with one or more of the other developers in the installation of said improvements. 2. The developer agrees, by recorded Sanitary Sewer Extension Agreement, to particpate in the cost and/or construction of the East Renton Interceptor to the extent it benefits his property (as determined by the Wastewater Utility). The developer may be credited for those improvements made that the Wastewater Utility determines are of a permanent nature and to the benefit of the system. The Council further noted that these requirements are proposed in response to the request for exemption only and do not relieve Union Plaza from any requirements that have been or will be specified by any division of the City. For additional information, please contact Mike Benoit, Wastewater Utility Division, at 277-6206. Sincerely, L%i� Marily . P tersen, CM City Cler 235-2502 cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President Nancy Mathews Dick Anderson, Utility Systems Manager Randall Parsons, Storm & Wastewater Utility Supervisor Mike Benoit, Senior Engineering Specialist 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ^ i December 3. 1990 +.� Renton Citv Council Minutes �.rt Page 374 CAG: 90-070, Bronson & Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report on the Bronson and Houser Storm Houser storm sewer rehabilitation project bid award stating that the Rehabilitation Project Committee recommended that the construction contract for the City of Renton and Washington State Department of Ecology Bronson and Houser storm sewer rehabilitation project (referred 10/22/90) be awarded to the contractor Gelco Insituform, Inc., in the amount of $283,667.94, subject to the following condition: The Washington State Department of Ecology authorizes award of construction contract. The Committee also recommended that the Mavor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary construction contract documents. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Sewer Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report on a request from Moratorium Exemption, Eric Cheung, Cheung Construction, Inc. (Union Plaza) for sewer moratorium Cheung Construction Inc., exemption (referred 11/26/90) stating that the Committee recommended that Union Plaza an exemption from the East Renton sanitary sewer moratorium (Resolution 2764) be granted with the following requirements. 1) The developer participate, to extent of benefit (as determined by the City Wastewater Utility), in the improvements as conceptually approved by Council for the Crown Point II exemption (June 4, 1990). Participation may be by one of the following methods: a) The developer may construct, at his cost, the approximately 935 � lineal feet of improvements (the 880 lineal feet on NE 6th Place , that would be upstream from Union Plaza would not be required), � as detailed in the April, 1990, report prepared by RH2 Engineering � (Facility Improvements for the South Highland Sanitary Sewer � Basin) and approved by Council. A latecomers agreement may be � � requested. � b) The developer may wait until Crown Point II, Wonio, Pettet, or ! RVTI make the approved improvements and participate by means of a latecomer charge. ; c) The developer may participate with one or more of the other developers in the installation of such improvements. � � 2) The developer agrees, by recorded sanitary sewer extension agreement, to ; participate in the cost and/or construction of the East Renton interceptor i to the extent it benefits his property (as determined by the Wastewater i Utility). The developer may be credited for those improvements made ; that the Wastewater Utility determines are of a permanent nature and to the benefit of the system. � ; The Committee further noted that these requirements are in response to the "; request for exemption only and do not relieve Union Plaza from any ': requirements that have been or will be specified by any division of the City. i MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN ' THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired about: i 1) Moratorium expiration date; I 2) East Renton sewer interceptor 1991 funding; ! 3) Whether these sewer moratorium exemption requests are included in precommitted connections; and ' 4) Whether these sites are dry-lined without connection or required to ; install sewer line. � I Ms. Guttmann said the moratorium expires on January 31, 1992, and that the ; draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS) will be presented to Council at the ; end of January or beginning of February, 1991. She said the 1991 Budget �' includes funding for the EIS and preliminary engineering reports for the East ' Renton sewer interceptor. Councilwoman Nelson explained that Union Plaza " is a precommitted connection, but RVTI is not. RVTI had to start the '� building process in order to receive State funding for this project, but � connection cannot be made until the improvements are completed. Mr. � Benoit noted that nine developments were listed in the moratorium as possible s exemptions based on the remaining 125 PDU's or development improvements required to provide capacity for a site (including Crown Pointe II, Union Plaza, Wonio, Pettit). All exemptions passed by Council have been sub ject to the condition that improvements are made before connection of service. He explained further that the existing sewer must be replaced or new connections installed prior to the provision of sewer service to the site. - � December 3 1990 � Renton Citv Council Minutes � PaQe 375 •MOTION CARRIED. Release of Easement: Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report on Derus Derus Company, Harries Development Company's request for release of two sanitary sewer easements, Garden Home Tracts, Lots 6 and 7, of Harries Garden Home Tracts, 901 Sunset Boulevard NE RE-002-90 (referred 10/15/90), stating that the Committee recommended that Council release a certain City easement recorded under AF #770906081 and 7709060798. The Committee noted that the Waste Water Utility would like to have an additional five feet on the northerly side of the property to rectify the inadequate conditions of ten feet. The Committee also recommended that Council determine the classification of the subject easement as Class B. Class B - All City of Renton easements for which no public funds have been expended in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance of same or easements originally dedicated or otherwise conveyed to the City by the present petitioner for the release of said easement for which no public expenditures have been made in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance thereof. Therefore, if the easement is designated as Class B, the City shall receive no further compensation other than the easement release filing fee which has been paid and the processing fee which is now due and payable. The Committee further recommended Council authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the release of easement document and that the City Clerk record the document with King County. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. � Release of Easement: Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report on the request of Lowe Enterprises, SW 7th Jeffrey R. Sweeney, Lowe Enterprises Northwest, Inc., for release of Street & Powell Avenue watermain easement, Buildings 16, 17, 18, and 19, Washington Technical SW, RE-003-90 Center, SW 7th Street and Power Avenue SW (referred 11/26/90), stating that the Committee had considered the release of easement and recommended that City of Renton easement recorded under AF #840409617 be released and the subject easement be designated Class B, which states: See Class B above. If the Council designates the subject easement as Class B, the City shall receive no further compensation. The easement release filing and processing fees have been waived by previous Council action, The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the release of easement document and the City Clerk record the document with King County. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Wavs & Means Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Edwards presented the following Committee ordinances for second and final reading: Fire: Fireworks An ordinance was read amending Subsection 7-1-4.N of Chapter 1, Uniform Ordinance Fire Code, of Title VII (Fire Regulations), of the City Code relating to adoption of the Uniform Fire Code by reference and amendments thereto. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Edwards presented a Committee report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Finance: 1991 Property An ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of tax levies necessary to Tax Ordinance raise the amount of estimated expenditures for the year 1991 as required by RCW 84.52.020; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City. Total assessed valuation $3,031,467,775 General 1991 Levy Rate $3.09203 Excess 1991 Levy Rate $0.50609 Total General and Excess Levies $10,954,866 � UTILITIES COMMITTEE � COMMITTEE REPORT �pp�a��D December 3, 1990 UNION PLAZA - REQUEST FOR SEWER MORATORIUM EXEMPTION (Referred November 26, 1990) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's recommendation that Union Plaza be granted an exemption from the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Moratorium (Resolution 2764) with the following requirements: 1) The developer participate, to extent of benefit (as determined by the City of Renton Wastewater Utility), in the improvements as conceptually approved by Council for the Crown Point II exemption (June 4, 1990). Participation may be by one of the following methods: A) The developer may construct, at his cost, the approximately 935 lineal feet of improvements (the 880 lineal feet on N.E. 6th Pl. that would be upstream from Union Plaza would not be required), as detailed in the April, 1990 report prepared by RH2 Engineering (Facility Improvements for the South Highland Sanitary Sewer Basin) and approved by Council. A latecomers agreement may be requested. B) The developer may wait until Crown Point II, Wonio, Pettet, or RVTI make the approved improvements and participate by means of a latecomers charge. C) The developer may participate with one or more of the other developers in the installation of said improvements. 2) The developer agrees, by recorded Sanitary Sewer Extension Agreement, to participate in the cost and/or construction of the East Renton Interceptor to the extent it benefits his property (as determined by the Wastewater Utility). The developer may be credited for those improvements made that the Wastewater Utility determines are of a permanent nature and to the benefit of the system. The Committee further notes that these requirements are proposed in response to the request for exemption only and do not relieve Union Plaza from any requirements that have been or will be specified by any division of the City. ��u� `� _ Toni Nelson, Chair G��%.����c� ��`r/ /�aY-c� Ka�thy Ke er- heeler, Vice Chair esse Tanner, ember Cop i es : D i ck Anderson Mike Benoit UCR-UNPL/MAB:If M j November 26. 1990 � � - Renton Citv Council Minutes Paae 359 Lease: BEFA LAG-001- Airport Division submitted request from Clyde Carlson, d/b/a Seaplanes 87 & LAG-001-85 Northwest, to assume a portion of Boeing Employee Flying Association Assumption (Seaplanes (BEFA) leases, LAG-001-87, pertaining to the seaplane parking ramp, and Northwest) LAG-001-85, 71,320.98 square feet of partially paved property located • between the Lake Union air service hangar and south boundary of the seaplane motor vehicle parking area. Refer to Transoortation (Aviation) Committee. Lease: BEFA LAG-001- Airport Division submitted request from William O. Wiles, President of 87 & LAG-001-85 Action Aviation, Inc., to assume a portion of BEFA lease LAG-001-87 and Assumption (Action all of BEFA lease LAG-001-85 and a sublease of same. Refer to Aviation) Transnortation (Aviationl Committee Public Works: Se�wer� City Clerk submitted request from Eric Cheung, Cheung Construction, Inc., Moratorium Exemoti.�,� 2815-2nd Avenue, Seattle, for exemption from sewer moratorium. Mr. Cheung Construction Inc. Cheung agrees to participate in cost of sewer line improvement in the South basin area. Refer to iTtilities Committee. CAG: 90-099, Monroe City Clerk reported bid opening on I1/16/90 for Monroe Avenue Pump Avenue Pump Station & Station (#W-1048) and Well No. 8 (#W-1020) electrical rehabilitation; two Well No. 8 Electrical bids; engineer's estimate $98,000.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Rehabilitation Latecomer Agreement: Hearing Examiner submitted recommendation on appeal filed by George Ury Ury, Windsor Place (Windsor Place latecomer agreement) of proposed assessment for water and Apartments, Bremerton sanitary sewer agreements #W-953 and #S-474, Bremerton Avenue NE, north Avenue NE, LA-002-90 of NE 4th Street (File No. LA-002-90). Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Item S.f. Utilities Division submitted CAG-074-89, underground fuel storage tank CAG: 89-074, removal at Castaway Restaurant on City airport lease property, and the City Underground Storage Parks Maintenance and Facilities building at North lst and Williams Avenue; Tank Removal and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $39,984.27, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $1,849.41, to Coastal Tank Cleaning, Inc., contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. In response to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the difference between the final contract cost of $125,000 and the initial estimated cost of $81,000, Utility Systems Manager Richard Anderson explained that the additional cost was incurred when contaminated soil was discovered upon removal of the tanks at both sites, and was moved to a reservoir site on City property where it was stored and aerated. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler requested a report on the procedure used for this project and the reason for recent denial of a similar request by the Renton School District for clean up of contaminated soil. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN UTILITIES DIVISION'S REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF FINAL PAY AND RELEASE OF RETAINED AMOUNT ON CAG-074-89. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Councilman Edwards entered correspondence from the Neighbors for May Citizen Comment: Valley, 9605 143rd Avenue SE, Renton, dated November 19, 1990, regarding Neighbors of May Creek the possible feasibility study of a sewer interceptor for the May Creek area - Sewer Interceptor from Lake Washington to 148th Avenue SE. The letter stated that residents Feasibility Study of the area oppose the installation of sewers in the area for the following reasons: l) Most residents have safe septic systems. 2) Installation costs, monthly fees, and taxes would be imposed on area residents. 3) Sewers would increase development pressure in the environmentally sensitive May Valley basin. 4) The Newcastle Community Plan states that boundary adjustments and amendments to sewer local service areas are not anticipated during the life of the Plan. 5) The City Council passed a motion on 12/18/89 to proceed with some kind of interlocal planning process, and requested that the Administration make recommendations for the preservation of the May Valley as a scenic and recreational area. 6) Erosion and deterioration are at crisis level in May Creek. 7) Anything less than a full basin study would be inadequate. 8) The City's shortage of Planning staff may prevent adequate consideration of all probable impacts. . ' � �w.w� CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI #: �, � " SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: 11�26�90 uePt��i��aoard.. Admin. Svc./City Clerk Staff contact.. Marilyn Petersen AGENDA STATUS: Consent......... XX sua�Ecr: Cheung Construction, Inc. Pub�ic Hearing.. request for exemption from Correspondence.. sewer moratorium Ordinance....... Resolution...... Old Business.... EXHIBITS: Neu Business.... Letter from Eric Cheung, 11/14/90 Study Session... Other........... RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Refer to Utilities Committee Legal Dept...... Finance Dept.... Other........... FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment.. Amount Budgeted........ Revenue Generated... SUMMARY OF ACTION: Eric Cheung, Cheung Construction, Inc., requests exemption from sewer moratorium, and agrees to participate in cost of sewer line improvement in the South basin area. .++ " __ __.._�.___ ...._ . � �� 1,�,�``�� ,�. '1+� 7 _ �CHEUN� CONSTRUCTION Il��. : -�- 2815-2nd AVE. SUITE 280 , SEATTLE, WA 98121 - . . . (206) 728-8828 . �.. . ... CONT.LIC.#CHEUNCI 135 OT ___ . . . . . _ � ,. -, _ _ _ _.�, ; : " ,� ..- � _ - - _.- � J i. � ; 6 .,,�,. . . - _ � __---� ,'-!-�-'"""��._-------�-