HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-92-001 \% �-_- � CITY�UF RENTON ..� "' Administrative Services Earl Clymer, Mayor Dan Clements, Director June 17, 1992 Mr. Louis J. Haff, P.E. County Road Engineer King County Division of Roads and Engineering 500 Fourth Avenue, Room 900 Seattle, WA 98104-2339 Re: Sewer Moratorium Exemption Dear Mr. Haff: At the regular Council meeting of June 15, ]992, the Renton City Council granted your request for exemption from the sewer moratorium for Phase I of the King County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility. Approval was based on the fact that the total proposed capacity, after development of Phase I, will not exceed the 40 EDU's assigned to the site by Renton's sewer model. In approving the referenced request, the Council stipulated that the exemption is restricted solely to this facility and would not apply to any regional justice center or jail facility. If I can provide additional information or assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Marilyn ersen, CMC City Clerk 235-2502 cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Michael Benoit, Engineering Specialist 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 s � �ti June 15. 1992 Renton Citv Council Minutes � PaQe 263 Utility: Sierra Heights Referred 6/1/92 - Utilities CommitteE Chairman Tanner presented a Sewer Project, Public report �tating that the Committee recommends concurrence in the staff Works Trust Fund recommendation that the Mavor an�! Citv Clerk be authorized to execute Loan the agreements for the Public Works Trust Fund loan for Sierra Heights sanitary sewer. The Committee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. Responding to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Engineering Specialist Mike Benoit stated that the amount of the loan agreement is $987,180.00. Ms. Guttmann clarified that the PL+blic Works Trust Fund is a State source of money for low interest laans and grants administered by the State Department of Community Ihsvelopment. Mr. Benoit said the interest on the loan varies on the amount of match money contributed by the City, and that the 2096 match would warrant an interest rate of 296. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION AS SUBMITTED. CARRIED. (See Page 264 for Resolution #2904.) Utility: Sewer Referred 4/13/92 - Utilities Committee Chairman Tanner presented a Moratorium Exemption, report stating that the Committee recommends concurrence in the staff King County, 155 recommendation that Phase I of the King County Consolidated Office and Monroe Ave. NE Repair Facility (CORF) be granted an exemption from the East Renton � �, sanitary sewer moratorium (Resolutions #2764 and #2879). This 0 �( - recommendation is based on the fact that the total proposed capacity, �� after development of Phase I, will not exceed the 40 EDU's assigned to the site by Renton's sewer model. This recommendation is for Phase I only and shall in no way be considered an endorsement for any other phases or proposed development of the site. All other proposals will be considered by Council on their own merits. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT WITH THE CONDITION THAT APPROVAL IS ONLY GOOD FOR THIS PARTICULAR FACILITY AND WOULD NOT APPLY SHOULD THE COUNTY CHOOSE TO BUILD A REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER OR JAIL FACILITY ON THE SITE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for second ansi final reading (lst reading 6/1/92): . Ordinance #4355 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Subsection 8- Utility: Surface Water 2-3.E and adding Section 8-2-7 to Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Utility Rate Increase Drainage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of the City Code, relating to increasing surface water utility fees and implementing a surface water special utility connection charge. Proposed monthly charges for Surface Water Utility services are: 1) Single-family dwelling a 5.00 per unit 2) Low intensity 24.78 per acre - � I^'��G°�G��� (� � -��-y� -� UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT June 15, 1992 KING COUNTY CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND REPAIR FACILITY (CORF), PHASE I REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM SEWER MORATORIUM (Referred 4/13/92) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation that Phase I of the King Co nty Consolidated Office and Repair Facility be granted an exemption from the East Renton Sanitary Sewer Moratorium (Resolutions 2764 and 2879). This recommendation is based on the fact that the total proposed capacity, after development of Phase I, ill not exceed the 40 EDU's assigned to the site by Renton's sewer model. This recommendation is fo Phase I only and shall in no way be considered an endorsement for any other phases or roposed development of the site. All other proposals will be considered by Council on t eir own merits. ���� Jesse Tanner, Chair ` � ,� ��� "� '`�,`, Bob Edwards, Vice Chair o � Timothy J. S I' er, Mem er UCR•CORF/MAB:It cc: Gregg Zimmerman Mike Benoit �iII1M►` ''i�' ` • . �% '�- CITY�F RENTON � Administrative Services Earl Clymer, Mayor Dan Clements, Director � April 14, 1992 Mr. Louis J. Haff, P.E. King County Division of Roads and Engineering King County Administra ion Building 500 Fourth Avenue - Ro m 900 Seattle, WA 98104-2339 Re: Sewer Moratorium xemption, Phase I, Master Development Site Plan Dear Mr. Haff: Your letter requesting ex mption to the East Renton Sewer Moratorium was read at the Renton City Council me ting of April 13, 1992, and referred to the Council's Utilities Committee for review. For information regardin the time and date of the committee meeting, please contact the Council secretary at 35-2586 any weekday (except Friday) after 1:00 p.m. Sincerely, �i/�%� ` Marilyn J. te en, CM City Clerk 235-2502 cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President K thy Keolker-Wheeler Mike Benoit, Engine ring Specialist 200 Mi 1 Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 � A ril l 1 92 Ren n ' n il Min Pa 167 OVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, UNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT OF JOY POFF TO THE B ARD OF ETHICS. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE C rrespondence was read from Louis J. Haff, P.E., County Road Utility: Sewer E gineer, King County Division of Roads & Engineering, 500 4th Moratorium Exemption, venue, Seattle, 98104-2339, requesting an exemption from the East King County, 155 nton sewer moratorium for the County's Consolidated Office & Repair Monroe Ave. NE F cility (CORF) site located at 1 SS Monroe Avenue Northeast. MOVED �� B KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL � R FER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE LT'TILITIES COMMITTEE. Appeal: Highlands C rrespondence was entered from Betty Cowan, 905 Lynnwood Avenue Community Church N , Renton, 98056; Penny Eskenazi, 951 Lynnwood Avenue NE, Renton, Rezone, CU;R-048-90 9 056; and Milma E. Nelson, 839 Kirkland Avenue NE, Renton, 98056; s pporting the Hearing Examiner's decision denying rezone of the H ghlands Commnnity Church property, 2.9 acres, located at 3031 NE 1 th Street, from R-1 (Single-Family Residential) to P-1 (Public Zone). C rrespondence was also entered from Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland A enue NE, Renton, 98056; supporting the appeal (Gevers) of the H aring Examiner's decision on the conditional use permit for the H ghlands Community Church site. VED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL R FER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND D VEL PMENT M ITT E. CARRIED. Planning: Wetlands C rrespondence was read from Del Rowan, Corporate Public Affairs, The Ordinance B eing Company, P. O. Box 3707, Seattle, 98124-2207, commending the Ci of Renton for its efforts in insuring that input from all interested p ties was considered throughout the development process for the In erim Wetlands Ordinance. M . Rowan also commented that the Planning Commission displayed an o n attitude during the proceedings, offering suggestions to the process an making judgments based on fact rather than conjecture. He further co mended the Council Planning and Development Committee for its th ughtful discussion of the issues and subsequent recommendations. He sa d that the Interim Wetlands Ordinance strikes a balance between pr perty development and wetlands protection interests. H&HS: Meals-On- C rrespondence was read from William R. Moyer, Director, Nutrition Wheels Program Pr jects, King County Senior Services, 1601 2nd Avenue, Suite 800, Se ttle, 98101-1579, thanking the City for its assistance and financial su port for the Renton Meals-On-Wheels program which enables senior re idents to maintain an independent lifestyle in their own homes. Mr. M yer also reported that during the first quarter of 1992 the program has se ved 3,523 meals to 78 homebound Renton residents, and noted that this is he largest program in King County outside of Seattle. Public Works: Local Co respondence was read from Governor Booth Gardner regarding Senate Control of Pesticides, Bil 6273, entitled "An Act relating to clarifying the Department of SB 6273 A iculture's authority to regulate pesticides" G ernor Gardner said that the proposed legislation sought to limit the au hority of local governments to control pesticide use within their , � „ ' . � ` �.;��_i71�'`�:f='C`�-1�,c'�C'�!,�.(� � �. � -�_: . , ��Y .� King County ���C'��� Division of Roads and Eng'neering C Department of Public Works �0�� �� ����� King County Administration Bld . s �nnq 500 Fourth Avenue-Room 900 JJL Seattle,WA 98104-2339 �a '�' �� ' , RENIU�V�1�Y CUUfuCll� a<��,.o���:����������: April 2, 1992 i�is. Ka�ny f�. neo-iker- °heeler, Fresideni Renton City Councilme ber 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Sewer Moratorium Exem tion Now that the County h s secured a permit for conditional use of its Consolidated Office a d Repair Facility (CORF) site located at 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast, the Roads and Engineering Division would like to proceed with the construction of Phase I of the Master Development Site Plan. The Environmental Impact tatement for this Master Development Site Plan was accepted and approved by the City on September 18, 1991. The Division is in ' the process of updati g the Phase I drawings to conform with current codes and any mitigation re uired by the Renton Hearing Examiner. I anticipate that the County will be prepared to apply for a building permit for Phase I construct on from the City in July or August of this year. Prior to this applica ion process the County would like to obtain an exemption to the exis ing East Renton Sewer Moratorium from the City Council . I understan there is enough capacity in the existing sanitary sewer system to accom odate the impact of the additional equivalent residential dwelling nits (EDU's) associated with our Phase I project. Page 3 of the Mitigat on Docum�nt for Phase I states, "City Council has indicated that it wou d entertain a request from the applicant for an exemption in the even that the proposed development is approved by the City prior to the terminat on of the moratorium. " I would like this letter to be considered the County s formal request for an exemption to the East Renton Sewer Moratorium. I I BT/dskl.ab/t1U14 CC: l`��Ke.. �� �"_n V.v�.,� D� J � � ��� ' , r . , r �'` � . r "ir��, Ms. Kathy A. Keolker Wheeler April 2, 1992 Page 2 Thank you for your c reful and expeditious consideration of this exemption request. My staff and I are available to answer questions you or other Councilmembers may have regarding this request. Please feel free to contact me at 296-6590. Sincerely, . � �ouis J. HafT, f%.t. County Road Engineer LJH/BT/ab cc: Karleen Sakumot , Assistant Manager, Roads and Engineering Division ATTN: Bern e Thompson, Special Projects Coordinator ' Lynn Guttman, A ministrator of Planning/Building/Public Works BT/dskl.ab/t1014 i � �