HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-92-002 r h 1 2 n n n il 'n 124 , ,:. a out the Arlingdale addition and the Senescu five acres during the plat d permit processes. Councilwoman Mathews requested that the A ministration provide Council with an update on the Senescu nexation. OLD BUSINESS U ilities Committee Chairman Tanner presented the following Committee Utilities Committee re orts: CAG: 90-022, Water R ferred 3/2/92 - The Utilities Committee recommended concurrence in System Emergency th staff recommendation that Council approve the consultant contract Response Plan, RH2 w th RH2 Engineering in the amount of $33,292 to update the Water Engineering S tem Emergency Response Plan. e Committee further recommended that the Ivlavor and Citv Clerk be a thorized to execute the contract document. MOVED BY TANNER, S CONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE C MMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Special Utility R ferred 3/2/92 - The Utilities Committee recommended concurrence in Connection Charge th staff recommendation to approve the petition for a limited exemption Exemption, Spirit of fr m City Special Utility Connection Charges (SUCC) submitted by Spirit Washington of Washington, Inc., for their proposed dinner train project at the Renton de ot site at South 4th Street and Burnett Avenue. This exemption would al w the Spirit of Washington, Inc. to be assessed the sewer and water S CC fees against only that portion of the Burlington Northem right-of- w y that they would be using for the site of the dinner train operations, ra her than being assessed these fees against the entire Burlington N rthem right-of-way taa lot. T e Committee recommended that the following criteria be used to de ermine the segregation of the fees: a) The segregated area shall include, but not be limited to, all contiguous existing developed land for which the SUCC fees have not been paid; all proposed buildings, driveways and sidewalks, parking areas, grass and landscape areas, public access areas, storm drainage facilities, and detention ponds; and any improvements required for mitigation of environmental impacts under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). b) The boundary line for the segregation of SUCC fees shall b,e established by metes and bounds legal description, and shall not be closer than fifteen feet to any structure. A administrative fee of $750.00 will be assessed for preparation, pr cessing, and recording of the segregated fee by restrictive covenant. C ncurrence of Burlington Northern Railroad and the property owner will be required. M VED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL C NCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman St edicke's inquiry, City Attorney Warren noted that the ordinance go erning this process allows the City to charge an administrative fee. * OTION CARRIED. Utility: Aquifer R ferred 11/19/90 - Utilities Committee Chairman Tanner advised that Protection Ordinance th Committee met on 2/20/92 and 3/5/92 to review the proposed A uifer Protection Ordinance and to recommend changes. �,G��G�'��'��`���� �(� ,. UTILITIES COMMITTEE 2 COMMITTEE REPORT d���9� � March 9, 1992 SPIRIT OF WASHINGTON DINNER TRAIN PROJECT PETITION FOR A LIMITED EXEMPTION FROM CITY SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES (SUCC) (Referred 03/02/92 The Utilities Committee ecommends concurre�ce in the staff recommendation to approve the petition for a limited exemption from City Special Utility Connection Charges (SUCC) submitte by Spirit of Washington, Inc., for their proposed dinner train project at the Renton depot site at South 4th Street and Burnett Avenue. This exemption would a�low th Spirit of Washington, Inc. to be assessed the sewer and water SUCC fees against nly that portion of the Burlington Northern right-of-way that they would be using for he site of their dinner train operations, rather than being assessed these fees again t the entire Burlington Northern R-O-W tax lot. The Committee recomme ds that the following criteria be used to determine the segregation of the fees: a) The segregated are shall include, but not be limited to, all contiguous existing developed land for which the SUCC fees have not been paid; all proposed buildings; driveway and sidewalks, parking areas, grass and landscape areas, public access ar as; storm drainage facilities, detention ponds; and, improvements requi ed for mitigation of environmental impacts under the State Environmental Polic Act (SEPA). b) The boundary line or the segregation of SUCC fees shall be established by metes and bounds I gal description and shall not be closer than fifteen feet to any structure. An administrative fee of 5750 will be assessed for preparation, processing and recording of the segregated fee by Restrictive Covenant. Concurrence of Burlington Northern Railroad, the property owner, will be required. �---• ,�z_� _��.� � sse Tanner, Chair ,�..� .� , �r� / �y l, � C��=� -1-2-- Bob Edwards, . ic -Chair v v � ., Timothy J. chl' zer, Mem er �:s2-iao:cAz:�s CC: Jim Hanson Dick Anderson Ron Olsen Arlene Haight Lenora Blauman Dave Christensen Gregg Zimmermen A ril 2 1 2 R n i n il Minut � P 1 4 Growth Management: ouncilman Stredicke requested that the State and the City Attorney be Joint Development of ked to render an opinion regarding the legality of simultaneous Comprehensive Plan evelopment of zoning and Comprehensive Plan policies. Council & Zoning resident Keolker-Wheeler noted that information on this issue will be resented at the 5/4/92 Committee of the Whole meeting, and that the ity Attorney will be involved in the presentation and available for iscussion. Rezone: Senior n response to Councilman Stredicke's request, Executive Assistant Jay Housing Project, R- ovington stated that the Administration will report back to Council 020-91 egarding the status of the Senior Housing Project. Communitv Event_ ayor Clymer said that the Spirit of Washington train will arrive at the ' p�rit o Washington enton depot on Sunday, 4/26/92, at 5:00 p.m. He invited the Council Opening Ceremony nd public to attend the dedication ceremony, Public Works: Mt. n response to Councilman Stredicke's request for information on the Olivet Landfill ount Olivet landfill, Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes clarified hat in May, 1991, the court determined that any attempt to exceed an levation of 310 feet and/or use the four residential lots to the west of e existing site would be an expansion of the landfill. s a consequence of that ruling, Fiorello Northwest applied to the City to i crease the elevation to 335 feet and the geographical boundaries to i clude the four lots. The recent Hearing Examiner decision recommends t at the landfill not exceed 310 feet on the additional four lots and on t ose portions of the old site that have not yet been raised to 335 feet. ADMINISTRATIVE eferred 2/3/92: REPORT Finance: Senior 1) Councilman Stredicke requested a report regarding City non-voted Housing Bond Issue, debt capacity and whether it could be used for the 196 for Art 1% Allocation to Arts Program (2/3/92). ) Councilman Edwards requested information regarding the possibility of adding the 196 for the Arts Program omitted from the Senior Housing Bond Issue to a future bond issue. memorandum from Administrative Services Administrator Dan lements reported that the City's current non-voted debt capacity is proximately $12 million, and capital arts purchases are eligible e penditures. r. Clements also advised that 196 for the Arts would have been a valid e penditure if it had been stipulated in the Senior Housing Bond Issue allot title. Citizen Comment: eferred 2/24/92 - Letter and petition, signed by 16 residents of North Graves - Public 2 th Place, were submitted by Laverne Graves, 905 North 28th Place, Right-of-Way, N. enton, requesting City retain "land strip" between Burnett Avenue North 28th St. a d Park Avenue North (2/24/92). � emorandum from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Lynn uttmann stated that the land strip between Burnett Avenue North and rk Avenue North, formerly known as North 28th Street, is privately o ned and proposed to be included in a new development. She pointed o t that the property owners on the northeast end of North 28th Street h ve petitioned that the City close and barricade the land strip due to . • �„r "i,,,r�'' March 2. 1992 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 106 Lease: LAG-87-001, Transportation Division requested approval of lease assignment of Seaplane Beaching seaplane beaching ramp to Northwest Seaplanes for 10,000 square feet of Ramp, Northwest airport property at $030 per square foot (LAG-001-85), and annual rent Seaplanes credit of $6,666.00 to Northwest Seaplanes, effective upon conveyance of Boeing Employees Flying Association (BEFA) seaplane ramp leasehold interest (LAG-001-87). Refer to Tr�nsnortation (Aviation) Committee. WSDOT: Interlocal Transportation Division requested interlocal agreement with City of Agreement, Traffic Tukwila and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to Flow Study, I-405 & conduct traffic flow study to evaluate impacts on State routes and I-405; State Routes expenditure required $64,500 (reimbursed by WSDOT). Refer to Transoortation (Aviation) Committee. WSDOT: Interlocal Transportation Division submitted interlocal agreement with Washington Agreement, I-405 S- State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for I-405 S-Curve Project Curve Project, Mill Mill Avenue rebuild and SR-S 1 S channelization agreement; expenditure Ave. Rebuild & SR- required $536,138.85. Refer to Transnortation (Aviationl Committee. 515 Channelization Utility: Special Utility Utility Systems Division submitted petition by Spirit of Washington, Inc. �� Connection Charge for dinner train project to assess limited ezemption from special utility - Ezemption, Spirit of connection charges against a portion of Burlington Northern Railroad Washington right-of-way. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Utility Systems Division requested pnblic hearing be set on 3/23/92, to Comprehensive Water consider the proposed Comprehensive Water System Plan. Council concur. System Plan Utility: Water System Utility Systems Division submitted consultant agreement with RH2 Emergency Response Engineering, P.S., for Water System Emergency Response Plan update; Plan, RH2 required expenditure 533,292. Refer to IJtilities Committee. Engineering Plar Preliminary, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of 14-lot preliminary plat, 2400 NE 16th St. Stratford Place (CamWest Development, Inc.) located at 2400 NE 16th (PP,V-099-91) Street, to develop 13 new homes and retain one existing home (PP,V-099- 91). Council concur. INFORMATION ITEM Administrative Services submitted the Insurance Incident Report for Finance: Insurance 1/1/92 through 2/26/92, incident #92001 through 92034: Incident Report, 1/1- 2/26/92; #92001-92034 CL # Claimant Amount Claimant Alleges 92001 Cody Reich $5.00 License not returned 92002 City of Renton 1,693.33 Damage to fence 92003 City of Renton 549.12 Damage to vehicle 92004 Harry Patterson 1,217.75 Damage from sewer backup 92005 Daniel Duke 68.71 Damage from water leak 92006 City of Renton 733.67 Damage to Police motorcycle 92006.1 Tracy Merrill 1,500.00 Injury due to accident 92007 City of Renton 53.28 Damaged light pole 92008 Randy Fjeld 102.79 Damaged car window (City employee) 92009 SAFECO Insurance 683.59 Damage from overflowing sink 92010 Torkelson 76.25 Damaged window 92011 City of Renton 1,280.23 Street light damage .�' , ' � � CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI #: s�bm�cc��9 �eca: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Utlllty SySt@IIIS DIVISI011 March 2, 1992 staff co�te�t..... Gregg Zimmerman �x-si�s� Agenda Status Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing... Spirit of Washington Dinner Train Project Correspondence.. Petition for a Limited Exemption from City Special Ordinance........... Utility Connection Charges (SUCC) Resolution........... Old Business....... Exhibits: New Business...... Issue Paper Study Sessions.... Application from Spirit of Washington, IIIC. Information......... requesting limited exemption of City of Renton utility connection char es. Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Utilities Committee Legal Dept......... X Finance Dept..... Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated....... Summary of Action: Spirit of Washington, Inc. has submitted a petition for the City to approve a segregation of the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train site from the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way parcel for purposes of segregating City sewer and water Special Utility Connection Charges (SUCC). The applicant is requesting this segregation in order to be assessed a fee consistent with the size of the property they propose to use for the operations and departure site for the dinner train. Staff Recommendation: The Utility System staff recommends that the Council grant this petition to assess the SUCC charges against the portion of the B.N. Railroad right-of-way proposed for use for the subject project. D:92-148:GAZ:ps .S" • � '� '� CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: February 25, 1992 T0: City Council VIA: Mayor Earl Clymer FROM: L,�r�ii, uttmann STAFF CONTACT: Gregg Zimmerman SUBJECT: LIMITED EXEMPTION OF CITY OF RENTON SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES (SUCC) FOR THE SPIRIT OF WASHINGTON DINNER TRAIN PROJECT, LOCATED AT SOUTH 4TH STREET, BETWEEN SMITHERS AVENUE SOUTH AND BURNETT AVENUE SOUTH ISSUE: Spirit of Washington, Inc. is proposing to relocate the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train to Renton. The Spirit of Washington is proposing to use the existing Renton Depot at South 4th Street and Burnett Avenue as the base of their operations. The Renton Depot occupies a .635 acre portion of the railroad right-of-way which extends through the City. Improvements to the site will trigger application of the sewer and possibly the water Special Utility Connection Charges. Under the provisions of the current City code, the SUCC fees would be assessed against the entire parcel, which includes extensive railroad right-of-way through the City. City Ordinance #4321 allows Iimited exemptions (segregations) to be granted under specific conditions for the purpose of sub-dividing a tract to determine an appropriate Special Utility Connection Charge; however, the Spirit of Washington project does not qualify for a Iimited exemption from SUCC fees under this ordinance. This application requests that the City Council approve a segregation of the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train site from the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way parcel for purposes of segregating SUCC fees, so that the applicant will be assessed the fee which is consistent with the size of the property they will be using. �ity Council • 'Spirit of Washington �ier Train Project � Page 2 of 3 BACKGROUND: With regard to the City of Renton SUCC fees for water and sewer service, as they apply to proposed renovation of the Renton Depot railroad property and the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train project, we submit the following: 1) Water SUCC fee for Commercial Development is 50.126 per square feet of property. (Subject site .635 acres x 0.126 = 53,487.76.) Trigger mechanism: Any rebuilding, change in use or additions that require additional water usage such as the installation of one or more of these: fire hydrant, larger meter or an irrigation meter. 2) Sewer SUCC fee for Commercial Development is 50.063 per square feet of property. (Subject site .635 acres x .063 = 51 ,743.88.) Trigger mechanism: Remodel or additions made in excess of 525,000 that require a plumbing permit for first time addition(s) of a new water using unit, which may include, but not limited to toilets, sinks, etc. Any property redeveloped and the use intensified such that a 4" sanitary sewer stub is required to be replaced with a 6" sewers tub, or additional or a larger commercial stub is required to the sewer main. 3) The train depot is situated on a portion of railroad right-of-way that runs for miles. Because the depot renovation is occurring on 27,680.65 square feet of the railroad right-of-way, it is not feasible that we ask the developer to pay SUCC fees on the entire railroad length of right-of-way through the City of Renton. 4) City Ordinance #4321 allows large commercial tracts to be sub-divided for the purpose of determining an appropriate Special Utility Connection Charges for phases or partial development of a property. Under Ordinance #4321 Limited Exemptions (segregations) are granted to, for and by: o Municipal Corporations; for open space min. 100,000 square feet; o Plat - regardless of size; o Shot plat - regardless of size; and o Administrative Determination; minimum size of area segregated, shall be five (5) acres. . ,City Council � • 'Spirit of Washington b'�"�'ner Train Project Page 3 of 3 5) Because the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train project site does not qualify for a limited exemption of SUCC fees under existing Ordinance #4321 , due to either size or status, the developer/owner has applied for a segregation of SUCC fees for the specific portion of the property to be developed, to the Renton City Council. RECOMMENDATION: The Utility Systems staff recommends that the City Council grant this petition to assess the SUCC charges against the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way proposed for use for the subject project. The following criteria shall determine the segregation of fees: a) The segregated area shall include, but not be limited to, all contiguous existing developed land for which the SUCC fees have not been paid; all proposed buildings; driveways and sidewalks, parking areas, grass and landscape areas, public access areas; storm drainage facilities, detention ponds; and, improvements required for mitigation of environmental impacts under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). b) The boundary line for the segregation of SUCC fees shall be established by metes and bounds legal description and shall not be closer than fifteen feet to any structure. An administrative fee of 5750 will be assessed for preparation, processing and recording of the segregated fee by Restrictive Covenant. Concurrence of Burlington Northern Railroad, the property owner, will be required. D:92-148a:GZ:ps .�- .�` y� ,,�r,,' ,s�:., p�, "� F� ..: �',� yr �� <��. .,., �e.., t ��� s� � � � �i� � ,y39'§�� mg� � .i§'':r. ,t�a^� .. �?'�.€i D I N N E R T R A I N February 19, 1992 The Honorable Mayor Earl Clymer Members of the Renton City Council 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 SUBJECT: LIMITED EXEMPTION OF CITY OF RENTON SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES (SUCC FEES} PROJECT: SPIRIT OF WASHINGTON DINNER TRAIN DEPOT; S. 4TH STREET, BETWEEN SMITHERS AVE. S . AND BURNETT AVE. S . Gentlemen: The Spirit of Washington Dinner Train project is before your staff for land use review. In advance of the final review comments, we were informed certain development fees known as 5pecial Utility Connection Charges, will be triggered as a result of this project. Apparently these Special Utility Connection charges (SUCC fees) are triggered by various mechanisms on an entire parcel, unless a limited exemption is granted excusing the undeveloped portion from the SUCC fee. In our case the railroad depot development site is on a 512, 701 . 2 square foot portion of railroad right-of-way that runs for miles through the City of Renton. It is economically impossible for us to consider payment of development fees on any portion of land other than our 27, 680 . 65 square foot site. We understand City of Renton Ordinance No. 4321 allows large commercial tracts to be subdivided for the purpose of determining an appropriate Special Utilit.y Connection Charge for a nhase or gartial development of the property. The ordinance states, certain property classes are eligible for a reduction in fees created by segregation. They are: ( 1 ) municipal properties, having apen space areas at least 100, 000 square feet in area; and (2) platted or short platted properties and large tracts of privately owned property if the minimum size of the area to be segregated is five (5) acres. None of the above property classes apply to the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train project. Our project site is less than five (5) acres, non-platted, and privately owned. Therefore, we respectfully request the City Council consider a segregation of the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train site from the B.N. Railroad right-of-way parcel for purposes of segregating SUCC fees . In granting this exemption you will provide us with relief from 32 NORTH FRONT STREET, YAKIMA, WASHINGTON 98901 • 452-2336 • 1-800-876-RAII. .� .,, `�,r , � a substantial financial burden when undertaking a limited development of a large parcel of property. Attached please find a detailed plan showing a proposed boundary line for the SUCC fee determination, a legal description, and square footage figure for the specific portion of the property to be segregated, together with payment of the $750 . 00 administrative fee for preparation, processing, and recording the segregated fee by Restrictive Covenant. Very truly yours, !� � / \� �L:CLr-t.i< : /� Li.Gc-c���i_,: Nicholas B. Temple Chairman NBT/vt Enclosure -�� .` v�,r �✓ ��zsTm A LE��, i3ESCR1�TZQN ftENTC7 DEPO'!' R�NTO WA Tha�. partion of th� Sautheast Quarter of Section 1g, Township 23 North, ttange 5, E.W.M. , d�scribed as �ollows: Beginriing at th� I�c�rtheast cc�rner Q� said Southeast Quart�r; thenc� South a�.ong �h� Eas� line a� saic� South�;ast Quaz�t�r a distanc� of 925 fe�t to the North boundary Qf Bux�ling�on Northern Ra�lroad Camp�ny�s right af way; th�nce Sou�hw�sterly alang sa�d NortY� baundary a distanc� of 27p feet, more or 1�ss, tp the East baundary af Burnett Av�nue Sauth; �hez�ce I�orth 25 f�e�; thenCe southwes�erly along said north bound�ry 63. 25 fe��; therice North� 56.38 fe�t; thence S62 4pr 45"W, 287 fee� to the true point of beg�nning; ther,ce can��.nuing S62 40' 45"W, 41 .�3 feet; �hence West �3 .0? feet; ther�ae Sauth 47.03 ��et; �hence S39 10� 32"W, 75.b5 fe�t; th�r�ce Sauth 72. 75 feet; th�r�G� N2g 45► p1 "E, 21 2 . �� feet; then�e N22 10�59"E, 164. 2� fe��; thence North 25 . 43 feet; thenc� W�st 147 . 33 teet to �he true poin� a� b�ginnzng. Situatet� in King County, S�a�e of Washingtan, i � SYNBOLS � 0 0 �Ra,rm coveR i ax�es . �O DEGIDUW6 6H?D�'fRCE � I U � � Z � �O EvERGPEEN TREE-FIR BPpJGE � S� � �O cGMPAc7ED GR.4vEl � �' � Z �� ....__._ .,�._.O RIGHT-OF-LLMY LINE (� ( � � J �O 0N TWJXb ,�y1• Fa�rtx�ur Q 0 \ � � O Lk3H7 R)CTtlf�/ALL L DEBIGNED TO 8TA7 ON BITE � ��y� �, �`^ jQ� �{�� M�1a S°� W V 8 3� VA �— 21�Ml0! � � m FOURTH STREET �,µ, , ' kvs� sar-sn►• - ,ti• oasc nvp� .awe� ~ � � • � _ � .Vt' �. o� � ca❑ ,�.. °�en^ � � 1 ! 4 � i. t 1• • .• M�"� � W ti G. T ��� o�nr � � �� Eb5i1NG � � xr �� �EPOT I 2000SF No�.�woo � �` • asses� .�...� ,�,F.� "� a � �a � � � > �c p° :, z G� �� �� � � ei ,.�:' _.rss�s ro M +rza 3 ��� �� c+a`sr � ��� �� � '� • ►a'ecra+rtir PROJECT DATA z H 12 � •�� LPG71C7+[�DeflR Gn�e6 O DA81C8lTE.�lQEA �bj294F. Z a� ll reu,+e�u�,r O DER71'9TICJCTUI2� Y6m0CF �"1Y 81TE COvER.�YsH W t' � �R-Q'+wr O PI�RCIAYs AREA 109�0 BF 4'17t LOT COvER�YaE ncroe[v� r-Tr� O LA1�D9CAPItYa!DEPOT) 5]�5F ]39%LOT COv£R.dGE T ���=''� �PROJECT SITE PLAN ,.� 1 � � � ,,.�� • , ► .�.»,� o �.woecawr� o urnrn��.oc,nnorr ��w+ac scN.E .,c n.« ��JS�� ^�"°" ' Y SROJECT � LOCATION KEY � w;r.:.,Y � �� \ , �\i. � .s � CURB C�ETAi�. � NEW tUALK � � n � EXIBT.LANL�SCAPE STRIp �asx"ORiier A� r rna a.�rram oai o ars.o�n n�+��r . �6 r t ��� v r r r��i�oen c p, �` �T Mi�l � � a aR I� e.� n�r n.ao+oenp� SITE � nxaoies�aRw� � � � ' a�a7 W -�� n � a F� 1'AqT�9•� w sx= l`../ s•cwe.m wooc � � CURB DETAIL � NEW W,ALK �--� GUR� DETAIL a NEti1 WALK _ _ , I