HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-93-001 INHEN KtCV!<UtU h:hl UK1V tv: Office of:he c;ty clerk . xt�,r��n �r�,.�,+�,�<>>�u��a�,g � COV° TO A�NNEX TO TI� CITY OF� ON 200 Alill��v�nue South '���� i"�1�'`� UC-93-001 w Kenton,W A 9SO�i a I, John W. Peterson, hereinafter referred to as "owner, their successors, heirs and � assigns" hereby covenant and agree to sign the necessary petitions for annexation to the City � Limits of the Ciry of Renton, Washington, for the property herein described and on the terms � � more fully set forth below. W � � 1. Lega1 Description The property to which this covenant shall apply is King � County Tax Assessor's#298880-0015 legally described as follows: Y ,-: x � Lot 3, Block 1 Haddock RL Add to EArlington S. 180 feet � � .� -� � m hereinafter referred to as "the premises." p A CYJ 2. Basis for Covenant This covenant to annex is given as a condition to being g �.. permitted to hook up to sewer and/or water service from the City of Renton to serve the � �, premises. -- 3. Parties Bound This agreement and the covenant to annex shall be binding on the owner and all persons subsequently acquiring any right, title or interest in or to said �' � r� properly referred to as the premises, and shall be a covenant running with the land. '� Q� 4. Time for Performance The owners, their heirs, successors or assigns, agree and covenant to sign a petition to annex the above-described premises unto the City of � Renton at such time as the assessed valuation of the subject premises is sufficient to qualify � under the 75% method pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, together with such other adjoining or a contiguous area as the Ciry of other petitioners may determine. The owners further agree, r« when so notified by the Ciry, to promptly circulate and execute such Petition and to comply Q'y` with all the requirements of law regarding such annexation. If the owners, their successors or assigns fail to do so, the City reserves the right to terminate such utility services. 5. F� These covenants shall be filed with the King County Auditor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the owners of the premises have signed these covenants this 7 �i dayof , 19 �f`� . y :�. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) c�{ �-' `` c,� c> � ) SS. 'r:c;a - v: COUNTY OF KING ) -`�'-�- "` �` On this day personally appeared before me �'� � •�7 R��h%1�''� � �^ to me known to be the iridividuals�described in and who executed trxe within and foregoi:�g instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and dee�i, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. � GI`�N under my hand and official seal this � � day of , 19�. ,/�.�--� �q�--DOf�� Notary Public in and r the State of Washington, residing at 93-550/bh �-�yD�aoO�g,535, o20��Fq, /Lf' WI IEN RECORDED RENRiJ TO: Office of the city clerk �� � Cj,j,Y�F�N,I,�N �� Renton i�funi�ipal E3uilding . UC-93—��1 zoo Mill/�venue South ' SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION AGREEMENT � Renton,WA 98U55 _......_ � 4 DATE ��� 7 �L�� � � � ti ,� I,John ViT. Peters�n owner of Address 13518 80th South � �, King County Tax Account# 298880-00151egally described as follows: � � � �: Lot 3, Block 1 Haddock RL Add to EArlington S. 180 feet � � .� for and in consideration of the Renton Sanitary Sewer Department granting a permit to � connect to a sanitary sewer main, for the above property, in the short plat known as South m � Knoll utilizing a private easement. � ,_.� "The owner(s) of the above-described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby � agree and covenant: �, _, � 1. To participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any Local Improvement District(LID), 2. To participate in or sign a petition in support of any other Ciry-initiated proposal, other � than an LID, and pay their fair share thereof, 3. Other�vise fmancially or physically participate in any proposal, City-initiated or � otherwise, � � for the purpose of e�rtension of the sanitary sewer main in the street now known as 80th � Ave. S. when required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance or as directed by the (�j Administrator of Public Works. Despite the language in City Code Section 8-5-2(d) the t�l undersigned will connect to a sanitary sewer, even if such sewer is installed by a � developer for the purpose of ineeting platting requirements and the undersigned is not � an owner within the confines of said plat." IN WITNESS WHEREOF I (we) have hereunto set my/our hand(s� and seal the day and year first above written. `----_�`. (Seal) " (Seal) .�: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ���p ` `� �-�� < ►� � ) SS. _"''—,`�' c� � COUNTY OF KING ) -�=` -_ - -- � �: � I, �-«Jb�a C�Fc2�rr�(6S►�Y�� , a Notary Public in and for the State of VGas�ing�'on, � residing at �o� , do hereby certify that on this � day of���� `t 19 �`� personally appeared before me �'�t{,� 1�• ��T�/2 SDI�I , to m known o be the individua�described herein and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that /�f� signed and sealed the same as I�h� free and voluntary act and deed for uses and purposes therein mentioned. ��w'i'I:�I�S:i n;.y hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above v�ritten. ��.,��,r-�.. . �!�e��ol�o�o�g',53,5, �,���e.� � � , �, 4,c� � �/�, Notary Public in a d or t_he _State of � Washington, residing �t 93-549//bh 1► ` `' '= CIZ� OF RENTON � � City Clerk Earl Clymer, Mayor Marilyn J. Petersen November 8, ]993 Mr. John W. Peterson 13518 - 80th Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98178 Subject: Sewer Connection Request, Lot 3, R. L. Hancock Addition Dear Mr. Peterson: At the regular Council meeting of November 1, 1993, the Renton City Council approved your request to connect to the City of Renton sanitary sewer system subject to the following conditions: 1. Sign and execute a covenant agreeing to support any annexation that includes the subject parcel; 2. Sign and execute a temporary service covenant agreeing to participate in an pay your fair share of the future sewers located in the street adjacent to the subject parcel, now known as 80th Avenue S.; 3. Comply with City codes, standards and policies when you connect; 4. Obtain and pay for all required permits, including but not limited to City side sewer permit and the City's sewer connection fee; 5. Acknowledge as a non-City resident, you are required to pay the utility rate set by the City Council for non-residents (currently one and one-half the standard rate). 6. Supply the City with copies of all private easements necessary to provide a connection to the existing City sewers. If you have questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, / , � Marilyn , e rsen, CMC City Clerk cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President Bob Edwards Gregg Zimmerman, Utility Systems Manager 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2501 T7i1S PAPER CONTAINS�RECYCLED MATERIAL,10%POST CONSUMER November 1. 1993 � Renton Citv Council Minu�+ PaQe 487 Utility: Emergency Sewer Referred 10/25/93 - Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Hook-up, Peterson_ recommending concurrence in staff's recommendation that John W. Peterson, 13518 - 80th Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, be allowed to connect to Renton's sanitary sewer system with the following conditions: 1. Mr. Peterson sign and have executed a covenant agreeing to support axd ae��rotest any annexation that includes his parcel;* 2. Sign and have executed a temporary service covenant agreeing to participate in and pay his fair share of the future sewers located in the street adjacent to his parcel, now known as 80th Ave. S.; 3. Make connection to City sewers consistent with City codes, standards and policies; 4. Obtain and pay for all required permits, including but not limited to a City side sewer permit and the City's sewer connection fee; 5. Acknowledge that, as a non-city resident, he is required to pay the utility rate set by the City Council for non-residents (currently one and one-half the standard rate); 6. Supply the City with copies of all private easements necessary to provide a connection to the existing City sewers. *Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, suggested that Council strike the words "and not protest" in the first condition as they represent a potential infringement of free speech rights. He emphasized that, regardless of whether the property owner spoke for or against a future annexation, the property itself would be pledged to the annexation and could be counted toward meeting the statutory requirements for such. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED TO STRIKE THE WORDS "AND NOT PROTEST" IN THE FIRST CONDITION.* Councilman Stredicke noted his opposition to extending utility lines outside of the City limits, unless, as in this case, a compelling health reason has been demonstrated. *CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 11/08/93 Council meeting for final reading and adoption: Rezone: Dalpay, Ordinance amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the zoning Comprehensive Plan classification of 3.2 acres within the City of Renton, located at approximately Errata (#E-21) 3955 NE Sunset Boulevard, from Mixed Residential (MR) to Neighborhood Commercial (CN) (James Dalpay, #E-21). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHE�LER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/08/93. CARRIED. Rezone: Bryant Ordinance amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the zoning Motors/Bitney classification of lots 9 and 10 off of N. 2nd on the west side of Meadow Ave. N., and lots 1, 2, 8 and 9 bounded by Meadow on the west, N. 2nd on the north and Factory on the east from Arterial Commercial (CA) to Mixed Residential (MR) (Bryant Motors). � � �a����o��o lf��� 93 -�-'� UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT November 1 , 1993 JOHN W. PETERSEN REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE RENTON'S CITY LIMITS RE: LOT 3, R.L. HANCOCK ADDITION (Referred October 25, 1993) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in staff's recommendation that Mr. Petersen be aliowed to connect to Renton's sanitary sewer system with the following conditions: 1 ) Mr. Petersen sign and have executed a covenant agreeing to support a�—�-� -�etcst-any annexation that includes his parcel; 2) Mr. Petersen sign and have executed a temporary service covenant agreeing to participate in and pay his fair share of the future sewers located in the street adjacent to his parcel, now known as 80th Ave. S.; 3) Mr. Petersen make connection to City sewers consistent with City codes, standards and policies; 4) Mr. Petersen obtain and pay for all required permits, including but not limited to a City side sewer permit and the City's sewer connection fee. 5) Mr. Petersen acknowledge as a non-city resident, he is required to pay the utility rate set by the City Council for non-residents (currently one and one-half the standard rate); 6) Mr. Petersen supply the City with copies of all private easements necessary to provide a connection to the existing City sewers. � t Timothy J. S h � zer, Chair ,�''''`yi,i /f( ���Tit�3�4ac" Richard Stredicke, Vice Chair t�L��U ��%�''� — Kathy K olker-Wheeler, Member UCRPTRSN/MAB:If cc: Gregg Zimmerman Mike Benoit October 25. 1993 �rr° Renton Citv Council Minute� Pa�e 470 same year; taken together, these adjustments matched the 6.7°rb increase provided to non-management staff in January of 1992. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke reiterated CounciPs request that staff return with options for reinstating the full-time position for the Parks Department's special populations program as well as alternatives for providing lifeguard services at Kennydale Beach. He noted that Council had also asked staff to analyze the effects of increasing utility rates by a lower percentage than has been recommended. MOVED BY STREDICKE, S£CONDED BY TANNER, REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE PROPOSED 1994 BUDGET BACK TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT June McGatlin, 1300 S. Puget Dr., Renton, 98057, spoke as the manager of Citizen Comment: the Abitare, a multi-family complex on Puget Drive. Commenting on the McGatlin - Abitare fence proliferation of crimes and vandalism incidents in the area, she requested a variance variance to construct an eight-foot high fence behind the complex to help prevent such occurrences. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY.SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE ADMINISTRATION WITH THE INSTRUCTIQN THAT IF IT REQUIRES COUNCIL ACTION, AN AGENDA BILL BE PREPARED. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Peterson John W. Peterson, 13518 - 80th Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, requested an =,4ewer connecti�n emergency hook-up to the City's sewer system as his private septic system has reauest completely failed. He provided a letter from the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, which confirmed the failure of the system and stated that single family residences shall be connected to public sewers if any boundary of the land is within 330 feet of a public sewer. Renton staff have recommended that Mr. Peterson be allowed to connect to the City's sewer system, with conditions. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR DISCUSSION AT THE 10/26/93 MEETING. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Bryant Bill Bryant, 1300 Bronson Way N., Renton, 98055, requested that Council - Rezone of property reconsider its action last week regarding a rezone of property in the vicinity of N. 2nd St. He specifically asked that the property located between Meadow and Garden be zoned Commercial Arterial (CA), not Mixed Residential (MR). CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. • Court Case: CRT-93-006, Court case in the amount of $19,525.98 for special damages and an Dobson v. City of Renton undetermined amount of general damages filed by Howard P. Pruzan, attorney, 1000 Second Ave., Seattle, 98104, on behalf of Wyman K. Dobson for injuries allegedly inflicted by Renton police (9/14/92). Refer to Citv Attornev and Insurance Service. 9, 4 �" � � CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: October 21, 1993 T0: Tim Schlitzer, Chair Members of Utilities Committee VIA: Mayor Clymer � � fROM: 1,� ',�� y�ttmann, Administrator by �1"'�` Planning/Building/Public Works Department . STAFF CONTACT: Mike Benoit, Wastewater Utility SUBJECT: Request for Sewer Service Outside Renton's City Limits RE: Lot 3 R.L. Hancock Addition , ISSUE: Mr. John W. Petersen has requested permission from the City to connect to our sanitary sewer system as a non-resident. His existing septic system is failing and he does not have sufficient land to repair or replace it. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Mr. Petersen be allowed to connect to Renton's sanitary sewer system with the following conditions: 1 ) Mr. Petersen sign and have executed a covenant agreeing to support and not protest any annexation that includes his parcel; 2) Mr. Petersen sign and have executed a temporary service covenant agreeing to participate in and pay his fair share of the future sewers located in the street adjacent to his parcel, now known as 80th Ave. So.; 3) Mr. Petersen make connection to City sewers consistent with City codes, standards and policies, 4) Mr. Petersen obtain and pay for all required permits, including but not limited to a City side sewer permit; r. � • t � � � � � � � October 21, 1993 Page 2 5) Mr. Petersen acknowledge as a non-city resident, he is required to pay the utility rate set by fhe. City Council for non-residents (currently one and one- half the standard rate); 6) Mr. Petersen supply the City with copies of all private easements necessary to provide a connection to the existing City sewers. DISCUSSION: Mr. Petersen owns the house at 13518 - 80th Ave. S. He has been having problems with his existing septic system. Upon inspection the Seattle-King County Health Department found the property to be in non-compliance with the regulations. The septic system is failing and has sewage surfacing. Under the Health Department's regulations, the property must be connected to public sewers if within 330 feet, provided the sewer utility permits the connection. If we do not allow connection, his alternative is to replace the system. The topography of the parcel and the lack of sufficient land make it difficult to install a standard system meeting Health Department regulations. H:UTIL/IP-PTRSN/MAB:If - -���� � z��:�� �� ,�.�-o �°�� ' 93 � _ �.;� . .... .:...: � L l.: il ; � � C!-��j";'� �iF.'r=!'.;E October 20, 1993 Cit�� Council City of Renton 200 riill Avenue South Renton, WA. 98055 Re: Side Sewer Connection for Iv'on-Citv Residence Dear TIe.mk�ers of the City Council: I would like to rec�uest connection to the City of Renton's sewer system. My address is 1351£ 80th Avenue South. My property is not within the cit�� limits of Renton. r4y prorertl� is just to the north of_ and adjacent to the Kohl Park Add.ition (off of Sunset Blvd. S.t^7.) , which is in the city limits of_ Renton. My southern property line and driveway form the boundary line bettiveen the City of Renton's r?aches Street S.W., and Kinq County's 80th Avenue South. At present, I am on a septic systert which was built in the 1°40s. The Seattle- King County Health Department has detennined that my system has totally failed. Sewage is surfacing due to this failed system. I possess insufficient land to repair or replace the septic system c�rainfields (to meet code specs.) , and even if I did, the cost to replace the septic system would be prohibitive. I can, hawever, afford the costs associated with a side sewer connection, includinq fees anc� pernLits. My hc�me is less than 220 feet fram a sewer main and manhole. I have obtained a written private easement from the awner of Kohl Park Addition Lot 3, which will provide me access to the sewer main to which I �aish to connect. A utility easem�it in favor of the City of Renton surrounds this same main. I�Iy proposed side sewer connection plan is in ccxr�liartce with the reauirements of the Renton Public t��orks Departme-nt. In addition, I am willing, as an adjacent landowwner, to annex into the City of Renton if such is necessary, and actree to pay my tair share when the sewer main comes up 80th Avenue South,in the future. My family's need for this sewer line is vital. Please grant this renuest. I than)c you for your consideration ir. this matter. If you have further need of me, I can be reached at (206) 226-1272. Sincere�y, 1�� 1 -- '1-�-----__� CJOI}A7 tn�. PETERSON _Y3518 80th Avenue South Seattle, YIA. 98178 � � ���L��ncl����� / :� . � _ � �r�,\` �� �, / ��� ��)II� � 1� , 3j) .._. - -;;J �1., .. i; ''GU': ;._ ._, City of Scalllc Kin�;Couut�• Nurmvi B.liir.c,Mrn'or "fim Ilili.F:.recutice . ,. _,�.;.1��.; ,�-;, C1 FRK'S nF=r-;r� SeaLtle-Kinr Co��nLy DeparL�nent of Public Ilealih 'E Uavi�l \�1. Luric, Direclur October 18, 1993 John W. Peterson 13518 80th Avenue South Seattle, WA 98178 Dear Mr. Peterson: RE: Septic System Failure at 13518 80th Avenue South An inspection of the property was made on October 13, 1993, and was found to be in non-compliance with the King County Board of Healtl; Rules & Regulatians No. 3 (Title 13). Sewage is surfacing due to a failing septic system. Under provisions of Title 13 (Section 13.04.050 Connect+on to Public Sewer), the single family residence shall be connected to public sewer if any boundary of the land is within 330 feet of a public sewer, provided the sewer utility permits such connection. If you have questions, please call Ernesto A. Navarro at 296-4708, Tuesday through Friday between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. Sincerely, '% - Gale Yuen, MSPH, R.S. Supervisor Environrnent��l t-ic��lth Services GY:eh .VdeC$quare �nvironmCninl IIC:�Ith ScrviCes 1<10�1 Ccntral��ve. S..Suit�� 101 Fr�nt.R'ashin�ton J803'_' 1'_'Ob129(�-1�08��r 29fi-4h6G F,�..A('�06)396-016:i . "Prin(ed on ReCyded P�per' .